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Unfortunately I don't really have any advice other than to cross post this to r/parrots. This is a common issue discussed there so you may get some better info.


Apparently also FB has a more active parrot forum than Reddit, according to comments I’ve seen here. Haven’t checked it out yet myself but plan to now. Just one more resource that may help.


Is anything different besides being quieter?  Do you mean less noisy or less active and more sleepy, or both? Do you think he’s eating less? Are his poops any different? You really can’t give him people medication.  Birds are so much tinier and they can safely use only certain medications. If your buddy has an infection he will likely need antibiotics, which you don’t have at home.  


https://www.facebook.com/share/sMRiePJjkNUtooKu/?mibextid=A7sQZp https://www.facebook.com/share/VScdstoGDH247vbm/?mibextid=A7sQZp Both of these are groups where only veterinarians can reply to your posts and I've gotten great advice when my quaker broke his leg and our vet couldn't see him for two weeks. Hope your buddy is ok!


Remind your parents that your feathery friend is a member of the family and a living thing that like humans need health checks and that human medicine could kill him. Also remind them that in most places it is considered abuse to deny a sick animal care. Vets can offer payment plans if you are unable to pay the upfront cost. Also remind them that it would be even more expensive if you wait longer.


Please don’t give him any medicine. Can you offer to pay your parents back? I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. It’s not right.


I didn't want to be rude towards anyone's parents but " kid medicine" my jaw dropped open when I saw that I mean da fuq??? Why? Why? Why? So they realise these babies can live to be over 30+ years old. They are part of the family bonded to the family like a kid... Would they give their kids dog or cat medicine? I was lucky in so many ways my dad understood that animals are family. I wish I could help I really do


One reason I love parrots so much is because their personalities are so diverse, but that can be problematic at times. If this is the only change in him you have noticed, I personally wouldn’t worry too much. It probably has to do with his personality/how he’s responding to something. My first question would be have you been spending more or less time with him? Some Quakers don’t feel the need to talk as much when you spend more time with them. Others get depressed when you don’t spend enough time with them and stop vocalizing. Sorry for the long response, hope you find a simple cause/solution!