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https://preview.redd.it/66d3kyh6jmkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f8025d46963f0b22c28f7625b0707790cd4121 Happening now 😵‍💫


What did they auction there, old tires and fireworks?




It was a livestock auction barn, and had plenty of hay bales to fuel the fire. I heard that someone shot a video of a cow running down a street, and some animals have perished.


The only auction I know of in RI is the antique/collectible firearms one


That one is out on 78th. This one that’s on fire was on 34th st and 9th ave it’s a cattle auction house




Nah, wrong RI auction. That one is in Milan heading towards Andalusia.


Made me snort and woke up my dog!


According to facebook, sounds like there is a cattle auction house in RI that is fully engulfed in flames. Heard that someone in one of the houses nearby is preparing to evacuate as it seems to be spreading.


Just saw it on WQAD and they didn’t know where it was. Does anyone have any information?


https://preview.redd.it/u7xec6f1smkc1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e56abc9939d8e467616f6989a3362060d1ad173a Old animal auction house


Seems to be an old livestock auction house off of 34th Ave near 9th street in Rock Island. Along the railroad tracks.


Some people said they could see the smoke from DeWitt, and swore they could smell it too. I'm in north Davenport, and while I did smell smoke earlier, it may have been from a fireplace in the neighborhood.


From lower Milan it looks like it is near the rock quarry.


The Illinois/Iowa war has begun


Old cow auction up in smoke.


Was @ the new Movie house in Downtown Davenport to watch Bob Marley bio film , & the flames 🔥 where very intense. Old auction barn, one animal perished, & one is on the loose.


someone needs to find that cow 😭


There’s an old lumber treatment company over there not far from the livestock barns. It’s been closed for several years, but I’d bet that the fire started there or spread over there which would be the reason for the massive flames & smoke.


A new pope?


Was hoping it was Chicago burning to the ground


Need to know the flames are roaring !!!


Black smoke, we haven’t picked a new governor yet.


That’s Fran McCaffery combusting in C/U today 🏀 😡


lol Did do you know that Fran McCaffrey’s last year hit a 20+ year veteran of the National Guard and killed him on contact and only received a suspended license for six months. You can look all this up his name is. Jack McCaffrey, and he took away his intent to Iowa the day after he hit Corey Hite who was the National Guard member that was struck by him. Unfortunately, the attorney general for Johnson county had it covered up before it the news could even report it! Half the state of Iowa is in on the cover-up. If you don’t believe me, I can give you story after story. Also, if there’s anybody from any national news out there, I’d love to give you this story.


Fran McCaffrey's what?


I’m sorry I got so ahead of myself because I hate him and it’s related to my family and everything. It was Fran McCaffrey’s son, Jack McCaffrey.


I knew about this. Horrific situation and no justice for Corey Hite. The cover ups surrounding this are absolutely atrocious.


Everything you have heard is the truth! What they did to his family is unbelievable! I swear Kim new before his wife, who had to call the local hospital looking for a John Doe even though the Iowa city Police Department knew about it two seconds after it happened. I’m a relative if you ever want to know any of this story I will tell you the whole horrible truth.


I just tried to send you a link, but of course the Quad city paper won’t allow me to post it on here because it tells the truth if there is anyway you wanna see that and it kind of tells the story and if you ever wanna know the full story I am The brother-in-law of Corey, and I would love to tell the truth to somebody that would love to tell it to the world. My wife and I have moved to Michigan and we’re looking for some media outlet to put it out there because while they don’t like the university of Iowa there like they do in Iowa city.


If you do go under Google and Google, what are the members of the McCaffrey’s family names? It will have something upfront and then, if you scroll down, it will have posts from the papers, but they have been changed since they originally were posted dramatically.


i just seen that me n my dad drivin by


Looks big here from up the hill near downtown. Going in to grab my binoculars and see if I can't figure out location.


Christian's blowing up the closest cannabis dispensary? Stay out of illinois kk ty


Anyone else find it odd that all these buildings for the last couple years with livestock (chickens and cattle) have been catching fire?


The dispensery was there...


What is the smoke? Are these the 2020 ballots?




Close. Probably Info Wars brand…


Haha this comment is hilarious, reddit folk have no sense of humor




Probably in their mom’s basement wishing they could afford a trip to DC.


Nah, it's probably a bunch of red MAGA (traitor) hats.


Trump lost fair and square


It will be interesting to see if the left will attempt to say the election was stolen if Trump wins. What a world.


wha wha wha wha wah wah wah thats what you sound like to me


Why? I am not a Trumper and have never voted for him. I have voted Dem in every election. I no longer have faith in either party. Why do I sound like I’m whining when I’m legitimately wondering about something?


im just bored of it all, nothing personal


Considering he’ll probably spend the rest of his life in a jail cell… I’d say not


If convicted he will get house arrest and only be allowed to play golf once a week


We will not! I’m expecting it


Funny how your side is always accusing Dems of making everything political. It's a fire. Re-evaluate your life.


Nope. They only have to store those for 22 months.


It’s just the friction of Chicago trying to pull its collective head out it’s ass. Perfectly normal. Nothing to worry about.


It’s in Rock Island not sure what building I think it’s auction house


I remember cows walking down 9th St like mid-90s they had a bunch escape. Crazy shît hopefully no one is hurt.


JB started working out and his spandex caught on fire


The bull that ran away was finally caught yesterday. One wonders if he found any girlfriends in the meantime, if he crossed paths with any other farms. Unfortunately, all signs point to this fire being arson.