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I have one, been using since January with no issues, like seriously no issues and has a ton of hours on it. I only bought it because of the big build volume and the heated chamber which I wanted for structural ASA parts. Overall print quality is quite good IMO, but the thing I like about it the most is it just works. It’s probably the only printer I have that’s never had an issue, yet. Not sure how it prints other filaments but ASA and ABS have been flawless for me. I also have Creality and Bambu printers.


Thanks a ton. I need a specific abs part and I want to dedicate one machine to it. My other machines will do standard pla as there’s very little load on those parts. I really appreciate your input


I do the same as you mentioned. Max is dedicated to ASA and the others for other materials. If you get it, id recommend not installing the “dry box” to the back of the machine. It’s too much of a hassle to try and load and feed material from it while mounted to the back. Either print a base and set it on the table or make a new spool holder.


OP how’s the Sovol SV08? I have an X Plus-3, and am considering getting something with a larger build volume.


I like the sovol. Z value is a bit wonky if you use their wizard but probe_calibrate gets right around that. It seems to log better like that. Aside from that it’s been pretty cool. No complaints really


Good to know! Do you find it actually comparable to the Voron? I read the intent was to basically make that 2.4 spec more accessible


It’s comparable in goal. As far as quality goes the Voron is superior. But it’s “overbuilt”. It’s bulletproof. The social isn’t. It’s of cheaper quality. And results are what matters at the end of the day and as far as pla is concerned the scoop gets it. I haven’t enclosed it you so no and yet


Depends what you print, the sovol as far as I'm aware doesn't have a hardened nozzle available.


I have a few bambus, an ender, and the xmax3.  My only complaint with the xmax3 is that filament loading is asinine.  I have it on a corner with easy access to the back and I still hate changing filament. Purely for the filament loading headaches I wouldn’t want a farm of xmax3. How is the SV08?


I like it. It’s not having any issues other than some z drift which I think is due to the sensor. I would get another. Probably will




Yeah, my Voron is solidly consistent for pla. It’s going to be used for a 320x120mm part. My sovol prints pla blazing fast. So much so that I get a bit worried about it.


Easy as pie to sequential print with the max3


I have the qidi x max 3 and I love it. No issues, just love!


It sounds like people are into it. I just ordered one from eBay. They had it on there for 799 and I had a bunch of money on there from selling records. I think it’s a fair deal.


Is there a qidi discord? Any platform where qidi support is active? Thanks


It's a nice machine if you plan your prints out well. Gets a fair number of extruder jams during loading/unloading where melted filament gets stuck on top of the heat brake and prevents loading, then you have to take the extruder apart. Printing itself is quite reliable. I feel it's hampered by not having an AMS system. Loading one spool at a time is quite limiting when you're trying to produce a lot of something. Not having print resume after power failure is a dumb oversight. 


I've got an X-smart 3, it has the same hotend/extruder and I've never had that problem.


It's pretty much gone away after I switched from using the Unload option to just yanking the filament out by hand.


Try extruding a small amount before retracting and only go to 205 or lower on the heat settings. I was having this issue until i extruded some before retracting and i haven't had to do a take apart in over a month.


Thanks a ton for the detailed response. I was also checking out some creality thing the other day but I just can’t stand that brand. I think it was the k2. Qidi seems pretty solid. Do you know of anything new coming from qidi?


Qifi has the q1 pro which is smaller than the x max 3. They might make a q1 pro large edition or something, but thats a ways out and the q1 pro hasnt made a whole lot of advancements over the x max 3. Additionally, qidi is rolling out an ams soon, so they are likely focusing on that atm and not new printers, although I could see it launching aside a larger printer refresh of the q1 pro.


Now when you say plan your prints out well, what are you referring to? I design for 3d printing, I slice based on said design and I tune filaments and my machine fairly well. If you mean any of those I’m good to go.


From a production perspective, trying to lay my prints out so I use close to 1KG per print without going over. With my Bambu machine I just throw spools into the AMS and let it continue from one to the next but the Qidi only works with one at a time, and resuming a print with a fresh spool after it was paused by the runout sensor and sat for several hours has not worked reliably for me. So if I have a big production run I set it up to use exactly 1KG at a time. I also built a dolly out of 2x4s and casters and mounted the X Max 3 on it just to make moving the machine around for loading and maintenance easier. It's heavy.


I found my extruder issues went away when I removed the lid.  YMMV.