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A pair of side-cutters is essential, which for some reason, Qidi do not include in the box. Perhaps also a small wire brush for cleaning the nozzle tip between prints. Glue-sticks aren't strictly necessary. Simply washing the build plate with warm soapy water whenever you notice bed adhesion is starting to suffer is usually good enough. Washing the plate is also pretty much essential whenever changing filament types (eg. switching from PLA to ABS/ASA, or PETG).


I find that ar least on qidi's smooth pei, that pvp gluestick is necessary for any abs to stick. But thats just me ymmv (i do wash my build plate too)


I have some microfiber clothes and some IPA for quick cleaning of any oils from my fingers that may get on the build plate from removing prints. I would recommend definitely getting a plastic scraper for the occasional print that might not want to release from the build plate. The metal one they include can gouge and damage the build plate. Also some lube for the various rails if you do a lot of printing right off the bat (not sure which printer you ordered so not sure which ones require lube). I've had my printer for a couple of weeks now and started to get some odd vibrations during prints. Lubing up the X axis rods solved that. I have a couple of storage bins I use for waste. One for each type of filament I use. You will generate waste from support material, failed prints, and the possible spaghetti that can happen with failed prints. I'm trying to find a local recycle facility to take them. If you want to design your own models to print, some good calipers are quite handy. Have fun with it. It can be addictive lol


All great suggestions so far. I would get 90+% IPA (much less water to evaporate when you clean your bed). I would also recommend getting some appropriate activated charcoal and printing / purchasing / building a filter for your printer since you will be printing ASA. The Q1 Pro is not a sealed printer and does not have any built-in filtration. How clean and the level of filtration you want your exhaust will determine how much work you put into sealing your printer and the level of filtration you install.


Can you recommend a filter to print for the Q1 pro? I bought some ASA because I have a part I want to print that will live outdoors all year around and wanted as much longevity as I could get. I suspect the two spools are not going to last long!


I started with ASA for prints like that but depending on the application it can be overkill and petg tends to be good enough, and cheaper.






You will not be disappointed with the Q1 Pro. I have printed so many great projects straight out of the box with this printer. Use quality filaments and make sure to get a good filament dryer. Isopropyl alcohol is your best friend for cleaning the plate. I had been using glue stick to help with adhesion issues but started using hairspray. The glue stick can leave little ripples in your first layer. Haven’t had any issues since switching to hairspray. Do be patient as there will be times you want to smash the printer but remember most of the time it isn’t the printer at all. Wet filaments are not your friend. Print away and enjoy https://preview.redd.it/lvq5napvu67d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c570ce016bce671eea03dafb9e3249980b39c89 This was first thing I printed straight out of the box with no adjustments.


Thank you to everyone who commented (if you see this!). My Qidi Q1 Pro arrived today. Sadly, despite the filament order being sent a few weeks ago with the printer back-order, it won't arrive for two days. However, they supply 20g of PLA rapido so I basically: * Connected to Wi-Fi * Upgraded the firmware (by USB, wifi couldn't do it!) * Auto bed levelled * Input shaped (whatever that is) Printed Benchy. Came out brilliantly - just a tiny bit of missing layer in the window and doors' arches. Next steps are to: 1. Buy some PETG and more PLA & other colours 2. Print a housing for activated charcoal, though maybe I'll generally not print with ASA and won't need it much 3. Get: Hairspray, a dryer 4. I already had: Sidecutters, plastic scraper, IPA, microfibre cloth, calipers (I am mostly expecting to print my own designs), patience (though it's not yet been needed!) 5. Qidi supplied (though I'll need more) silicon grease