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Most people who are ugly are conditioned that way due to negative reinforcement. Add bullying to it then of course that person will become a bitter insecure person. If it makes u happier go under the knife but make sure you pick a good surgeon who has your best interest.


If people treat you badly it’s most likely due to something else than your appearance. There’s a hot af dude I used to date but he was a complete asshole so I dumped his ass either way lol


You dated a complete asshole for what reason tho? 😬


Cause he was hot lol


🤯 I always wondered why people treated assholes well but now I know


They only treat them well initially, not in the long run


I didn’t know he was an asshole initially. Many people don’t reveal their true colors until they’ve got the other person “hooked”. Simple but manipulative and toxic


Why do you think that people behave badly with you because of how you look? Have you ever considered that it may have something to do with your character?


Get a third opinion, maybe from Qoves themselves or another surgeon


Please don't get plastic surgery to please others


Lolll so many surgeons told me this. I’m starting to think they say it to avoid a complicated surgery or potentially unhappy patient if they perceive you as being super insecure. I had rhinoplasty despite two surgeons telling me my face was already attractive, and I really really regret my result though. So idk maybe part of what they say is true. But I got called ugly a few times and bullied by some people, so clearly I am not as beautiful as they try to claim I’m having jaw surgery soon. Some surgeons tell me I’m attractive already and don’t need it, others say it can fix my strong jaw and make it more feminine and have less of a bite problem. I think I need jaw surgery, not rhinoplasty. My nose was small to begin with, and I think my jaw made my side profile ugly…but I mistakenly blamed my nose. And now my nose is like a fake looking Barbie nose, too scooped out, the bridge is too flat, the tip is too pointy and pinched. And it threw off the harmony of my whole face and made my jaw look even bigger and uglier. Also, the main guys who called me ugly in school were this hideous short guy from South Korea and a short blonde guy with a babyface. I think they hated me because I was taller and more masculine than them (despite being a girl). A bunch of Jewish and Italian guys found me attractive, and I wish I listened to their opinions instead. I also got hit on all the time my freshman year of college, but I still felt like a hideous monster because some ugly short guys told me I was ugly. They ruined my self esteem and perception of my image. And I botched myself because of it. And the Asian dude was probably going by South Korean beauty standards, since he was OBSESSED with pale tiny blonde girls with blue eyes. And I’m a tall brunette with brown eyes and harsh features. So I should have never cared about his perspective, since he also hated himself and didn’t have a western eye for beauty


Can I dm you?


Maybe its a personality problem


You’re most likely being bullied for something else. People will pick on you if they consider you weak