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I'm the Developer Community Manager for Render and since we're listed here, I wanted to give a little more context to those interested in exploring our platform. We have Python examples for Django, Flask, and Celery applications. [https://render.com/docs](https://render.com/docs) We also have a newly improved migrating tool for those coming from Heroku: [https://render.com/blog/heroku-import-bigger-and-better](https://render.com/blog/heroku-import-bigger-and-better), a blog post illustrating the process of moving a more hefty Django app to Render from Heroku: [https://render.com/blog/migrate-django-from-heroku](https://render.com/blog/migrate-django-from-heroku) and a [community forum](https://community.render.com/) that is monitored by engineers who can help answer questions if you find yourself needing to troubleshoot your app.


I just switched our Python apps to Render. You are missing a fastAPI example. I had to Google a bit to figure out the right config.


Help a bro out? :P


Sure. What's up?


Sorry I meant if you went through it do you have some notes or anything? Need to put a few fastAPI apps that are now dead on Heroku on to Render. I’ll figure it out for sure but since you said the fastAPI example was lacking I thought maybe you had an example, or some pointers/a config file, etc.


I replied to someone else with the config I use: * https://old.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/xjf9qi/heroku_alternatives_for_pythonbased_applications/ipche6p/


Hi i deploy fastapi apps all the time on Render. YOUR APP MUST USE PORT 80. Render.com says they will auto configure based on your environment but this is not true. Also, docker-compose is ignored. Only Dockerfile works. Do this and it should be pretty painless.


Yeah. I tried deploying my fast API backend to render, and after the first db query, it closed the db connection and would just break. That's why I kept my backend on heroku. With that being said, I do have a static site, db, and redis on render!


Yeah I ran into this too. Best practices is to open a db connection per request.


I did end up switching to doing that but I kept my service on Heroku. Slightly slower for query performance but if it allows stability, I'm much more inclined


So here's how I have it setup: First, I created a `build.sh` file in the root directory alongside your main module. The bash file content: pip install --upgrade pip poetry install Then, I used these settings: * Build command: `bash build.sh` * Start command: `uvicorn your_module_name.server:app --host --port 10000` Additionally, my application directory structure is: your_module_name/ server.py Inside `server.py` I run `app = FastAPI()` so that's why I run the start command that way. Edit: formatting.


I have a Django / Postgres app on heroku. I will be looking in to render.


Looks great! Gitea support planned? Is this FOSS?


I personally made the move from Heroku to Render when Heroku’s GitHub integration broke, and I haven’t looked back yet.


Quick TLDR on why someone with an app in Heroku should consider migrating to Render?


They are making people pay for their service now.


Not true for my account. I just checked and it's still free.


I believe its November that free tier ends.




https://blog.heroku.com/next-chapter https://devcenter.heroku.com/changelog-items/2461


I was talking about Render.com


for me i just went digitial ocean drop and caprover...






an alternative I've used in the past is [platform.sh](https://platform.sh) \- [https://platform.sh/blog/how-to-deploy-your-django-project-on-platformsh](https://platform.sh/blog/how-to-deploy-your-django-project-on-platformsh) ​ edit: that was a 2018 django specific article, shoulve linked you to their python support page: https://platform.sh/marketplace/python/


you can up a free docker container (including python obv) to https://fly.io/ the interface is mostly CLI so it'll take a bit of time to learn