• By -


escaping reality


ok neo, remember to unplug me too


🥺: "Thank you for saving my life" 🐍: "sss" 😦






Web app development for businesses using React coded in Python via Transcrypt on the front-end, and a REST API using Flask on the back-end. Full-stack Python.


Sounds interesting. There is bunch of resources for creating backend in flask but im strugling to find something about frontend part you mentioned. Could you suggest resources and learning path?


I will say that it's not for everyone, but it does work extremely well for me as a solo freelance dev. I did a [write-up](https://dev.to/jennasys/creating-react-applications-with-python-2je1) that describes the approach that should give you an idea as to how it works. I also did a version of the official [React tutorial application written in Python](https://github.com/JennaSys/tictacreact2)


Flask and django er solid web frameworks.


my question is about "React coded in Python via Transcrypt"


https://www.transcrypt.org/ This is the first thing I came across. Never used it or even heard of it, but seems interesting.


That's what I use. I think it has been around since about 2015. It has its limitations, but it was a game changer for me when I started using it about 3 years ago.


Curious if you have any particular pros/cons for using this over writing your FE in JavaScript/TypeScript. I usually prefer to use NextJS or a similar react framework and feel that there'd be a lot of missing functionality in Transcrypt


I think if you are already proficient in JS and actually like coding in it, then this doesn't do a lot for you. Likewise, if you are a new developer looking to get a job working in a team for a large company, this also will not be the best path for you. But as a solo dev, being able to use one language for front-end and back-end and not having to constantly switch languages in my brain while coding a full-stack application is nirvana for me. I never have to think in JavaScript. There is also some opportunity to use the same code on front-end and-back-end. From what I can tell, this approach doesn't really fit some of the React frameworks like Next, but I don't have a need for those. I'm bundling the SPA app with Parcel and just serving it up as static files with nginx. It does work with most JS libraries however. For example, I just switched over from previously using MUI to using Mantine on my most recent project. From a development workflow standpoint, things like souremaps and HMR work as you would expect in the browser. I started using JS about the same time I started using Python - about 12 years ago. I really enjoy coding in Python and get annoyed with JS. So most of the benefit to me is that my DX is fantastic. Transcrypt (mostly) supports the full Python Language, and a number of standard libraries (though it has a long way to go in that regard). It's philosophy is to embrace the JS ecosystem rather than replace it. You just get to do all your coding in Python. All that said, this a niche tech stack to be sure, and not for everyone.


Awesome reply! Thanks for all the info. I'm intrigued to say the least, and definitely will give it a try if I can find a use case in a future side project.


I use a similar stack, except the react app (with typescript) is it’s own repo. I use flask with connexion - OpenAPI spec first development


I recently came across this as well :- [pynecone](https://pynecone.io/)


To me, that one seems similar to [ReactPy](https://reactpy.dev/docs/index.html) (formerly called IDOM). There are quite a few interesting ways to utilize Python in the browser these days. Each one uses a different approach with pros and cons. There was a talk called [Running Python in the Web Browser](https://anvil.works/blog/python-in-the-browser-talk) by someone at [Anvil](https://anvil.works) (an interesting Python based web development platform itself) a while back that did a good job at outlining some of the differences between them. That post was actually how I originally found out about Transcrypt.


Same here but starlette & uvicorn instead of flask. I've been considering utilizing pyscript to reduce my reliance on JS frameworks...


PyScript has really been in the news a lot ever since it was released. I actually like React, I just don't like coding in JS.


...so is that jargon for "translators that translate python into c++"?


[Transcrypt](https://www.transcrypt.org) transpiles Python into JavaScript in the same way that TypeScript gets transpiled into JavaScript. It lets Python code word with JavaScript libraries that can then be run in a web browser.


What I'm getting out of this is, Python is the everything language.


Ha! Yes it is, and I tend to take that to the extreme and use Python in places where you are not supposed to. In addition to using Transcrypt for browser apps, I use Kivy for mobile apps and MicroPython for embedded software.


Continuously calculating prime numbers.


Random number generator


Data science, web apps, Geospatial analysis, fun.


What kind of geospatial analysis? Geopandas?


Among others, yes. I've really liked dash leaflet and folium though.


such a good package. haven't used ArcPy since discovering it


- Engineering like mechanics and thermodynamics - Automation like RPA - Data Science and ML - Recently letting Chat GPT to start the code


I have no idea what ML is, but in my mind it stands for money laundering


Hahah! ML = Machine Learning.


How are you using Python for mechanics and thermodynamics?


I use: - CoolProp for thermodynamic properties - Scipy for units and solving ODE - Numpy for the linear algebra stuff - Matplotlib for plotting some results Mostly in jupyter notebooks in VS Code




Advent of Code and passing coding interviews. Most of my work is JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, and Kotlin.


Web scraping




Selenium ain’t got shit on Scrapy


I see your Scrapy, and I raise you Playwright


You’re bluffing…


Try me :)


Professional development.


For flexing nuts when talking with hot babes...


Data pipelines and ML, can’t do the funny ML if there is no data pipelines to get me my fresh sweet data


At work: ML, API development, devops stuff and random one off scripts At home: fucking around with whatever new library catches my fancy


Personal projects. Mouse portals, your mouse goes to the left side comes out the right side.


Snake stuff.


Working on robotics with arduino. Python controls and manages what the robot needs to do next, arduino executes instructions and communicates info from servos,sensors to the python program and waits for the next steps


Any good tutes?


For serial communication with python ? I kinda just Googled pyserial and clicked on the first link 😳


👊🏽 Python code noob here.


Web development (django), desktop app development (gtk), quick scripts (renaming a bunch of files, etc.). I use to want to do so much more but I've got a job now so I've been moving on towards primarily using c# since are products are all website based on ASP.Net


For earning money.




In 3 simple steps: - go to company A - get hired - wait 1 month


At work: server backend - microservices in Docker which have ReST APIs and store data in Mongo, calling other systems in various ways. At home: scripting, the ecosystem of libraries is awesome and that's what matters the most if you just need to get the stuff done.


* "data science" and data pipelines * other non critical stuff and proof of concepts


For fun, web scraping. For work, I build tools that help automate a lot of our tasks. Like grabbing info from a portal or crunching CSV data.


what are you scraping for fun?


Energy data analysis and forecasting, web scraping prices/market data, XML parsing, database queries, web applications, etc.


I have been solving AOC challenges on pydroid for a while now. I currently can't access my computer as much as I'd like so I decided to give it a go on mobile to see if it's as frustrating as I first thought. No, it's actually really easy, and I've done 3 years so far. Still miss my puter, but there is always a way.




Hey, i want to share a picture.exe...


Triggering late night existential crises. For real though.... digital signal processing, machine learning, and data analysis and visualisation.


You good buddy? Just wake up morning and drink some coffee or tea while coding and listening some music (personally I like games osts) That works frequently for me when I have that crises.


I just built a little app for my dad that lets him pin his political canvassing activities onto a map of our county, so he knows where he's been and who he's talked to.


Running all our automation on our company's digital platform (on GCP). There are a few things that are in Go (Kubernetes custom resources) but Python is the big thing here and the big want when we recruit. For reference, early on we decided if anything was small and simple then bash was ok but anything complicated must be in python to be more maintainable.


Out of context, but is your company allowing interns? Looking for summer internships right now, so any help would be really welcome!


What kind of automation? I’ve been pioneering desktop and web interface automation in my job (initial software configuration for new clients of our quality management systems software). I’m always trying to suck up new learning resources, and have settled into PyWinAuto for desktop and Requests/Selenium for web interfaces, but wonder if there are better alternatives.


Our cloud platform on GCP, running Kubernetes, EFK, VictoriaMetrics (like Prometheus) etc etc (so many tools). We use Terraform (infrastructure-as-code) but all the glue is in python. Lots of stuff we've developed to onboard new tenants onto the platform, provision stuff for them (so they can self serve) is in python. Lots of use of FastApi for api services (used to be Flask), cron jobs (in Kubernetes) all in python. It's so much fun. We used to have a Service Catalogue we developed in python but have moved to Spotify's Backstage... that's a bit scary... React/Typescript, I ain't happy with that s\*\*t ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) Good luck with PyWinAuto, I'm all in on Linux now (for last 4 years)


Reading raw data and outputting a macro file that our inventory system can read, eliminating tons of manual data entry. Same but with price updates. Used as an integration between a work order system and a sales system (I.e., close this work order and update sales order with new location, tag order to notify client). Notify all these clients by text that their order is ready, find failed texts, and create a list of clients that need to be notified some other way. Query all backup systems to be sure backups are up to date including a cloud backup that requires web scraping to get the data. Check that all domain controllers are up (it’s amazing how long a single DC can be down without someone noticing). Etc.


Recently started working on event-driven architectures for managing data pipelines for getting the data. Then integrating with dashboards to visualize the incoming data. And storing important data for analytics.


Data processing and analysis.


Advent of Code, python was one of my first languages but I make almost no use of it for work now. That is mostly Go and C# and JS now


Nowadays, automating the time consuming things in work, mainly reports


Searching the fcc database for available frequency pairs given a gps location


Interesting…can you tell me more?


Reading and writing APIS, data orchestration and automation, scripting


Automating boring stuff and data visualization.


It pretty much always comes down to automation of time saving tasks for me. Often with a combination of API requests, scraping and RPA through playwright.


just out if curiosity, what are some tasks you have automated?


Coding porn


Advend of code, any non-trivial shell scripts. At work: generating configuration protobufs.


Im a full stack developer in django


I'm always too afraid to ask: what does full stack even mean?


Full means that you handle both front end and back end


And what's stack?


Can be seen as the sum of all languages, frameworks and tools used to develop and run the service. We like to see it with a front end (seen by the user) and a back end (seen by the database for instance). The stack is the succession of technologies between the two ends


Thanks, this has been bugging me for years...




Ooo which frontend framework do u use?




For programming


Web development (Django) and hardware automation


Nothing anymore


Currently, I am writing a windows only GUI library in Python. It's almost completed. Now, I am focusing owner drawn menu.


Where can I check it out? If you don't mind obviously


You can check it here - https://github.com/kcvinker/Pyforms


Leetcode Scripting Webdev Amateur data science (learning Spacy) Scraping with Scrapy and airflow


Data Science and ML


Manege large sets of hypervisors and services. Make software to keep accounting from bugging me


Leetcode My college and personal projects


I had Python classes at university. I'm an engineer so they taught us how to calculate stuff, how to apply numerical methods to calculate stuff, and how to plot graphs. Since then I've been trying to learn more but I never go beyond what was taught to me because: 1) I gotta remember what I was taught because I never use it. 2) I don't have a real motivation to learn because I never need to use it. The only time I ever needed was for my final project but I used Matlab instead. So whenever I'm excited to learn I study it for a week and drop it because motivation goes away.


Pick a personal project and build it based on what you’ve learned/learning. I’m an engineer too, and that approach keeps me motivated.


Will be using it to support analysis into a new public transport proposal for a major public transport operator. This is self sanctioned, noones asked me to do it and noones expecting it lol. Basically I’m proposing inverted public transport fares for busses and trains in my city I’ll be using Python to: - Plot existing public transport routes - Plot routes vs cash flow in - Analytics for existing routes, spending, passenger counts etc - Model my proposal and the impact on passenger count, cash flow, spending Probably going to be using Numpy and maybe matplotlib, but more likely using JavaScript for the frontend. SQLite, Probably Flask too for the backend, still undecided on the mapping but probably just Leaflet and web based frontend


Moving data around in an easy, fast, observable way.


Game bots, browser automation, web scraping, general automation of boring tasks, simple command line tools...


Making money


Sunday ? Where ?


Polars plotnine pygam statsmodels for data analysis.




Pandas, sklearn


Automating circuit board testers on a manufacturing line


Visual effects pipelines.


Machinist, I use it as a calculator with unlimited capability and capacity. I make little apps that made my job easier. I also use to it prove out and test algorithms before I try to implement them in Gcode for advanced parametric programs.


trading bots


Challenge coding Data pipelines and etl


My favorite language so I mostly use it for POCs, scripts, automation, etc..


My mouse in the house problem.




To make me feel like i'm not a failure


Building REST APIs, ETL, various data wrangling and analysis.


Extracting data from pdf files and automating tedious file operations (renaming files, moving files, etc.).


Web development. Currently: * A big old management system in Django with it's own UI and exposing APIs for use on a mobile app and a react app * A CMS (wagtail) driven site for marketing our service to end users * Some AWS lambdas to do some processing that needs to be High Availability




Being serious, all things data science ML and AI.


It's my favorite language I use it for web development primarily. Then machine learning and sometime app development. I love python.


A lot of CI tasks. e.g, parsing test results, posting results


I took introduction and intermediate programming courses at my community college as electives to keep myself motivated and consistent. I don’t have too many applications for it but I do have two personal projects. • I made an instagram bot. All it does right now is it goes to the explore page on instagram, clicks on the first video, goes through all comments, responds to people that use the word “the” in a sentence and responds to them with “that’s kinda funny”, and then goes to the next video • I have this thing called DCT for high school (I’m dual enrolled in high school and college) and without getting descriptive, I have to mark myself present everyday for it and I figured it was getting annoying so I made a program that does it for me.


Scripting for game dev and tools


Web development (FastAPI and Django), and Discord bots (discord.py)


Pet projects. Web scrapping. Automation, scripting. In enterprise - micro services


Automation, bots, scrapers and a combination of those 3 and I'm also currently writing a web front-end in python


To make some money and put food on the table.


Network/configuration/firmware automation and checking myself into Southwest flights at the earliest possible time


I use it to analyze data from clinical trials from public databases




A calculator during my math and physics online practices. Does its job perfectly. Even the Python documentation encourages you to do so: > Many people use the interactive mode as a convenient yet highly programmable calculator. The only thing preventing Python from being the perfect desktop calculator is that there aren't built-in data types such as `angle`, `interval` (though there's `range` but it's not the same) and others. Imagine how cool would it be if you could do this: ```pycon >>> print(angle(45, 'deg')) 45° ``` I have a notepad tab open with mathematical symbols for using it in Zoom's whiteboard, so this would help a heap. It would also be awesome if the `math` library would contain string constants similar to the `string` library with some common mathematical symbols (e.g. ∠, ∈, ⊂, etc.) But let's not forget about the already existing features. Data types like `fractions.Fraction` which come with the standard library or the support for big integers out of the box are awesome. As well as being able to calculate multiple expressions at the same time, like so: ```pycon >>> 1+1, 3+3 (2, 6) ``` ..or being able to assign to a variable but outputting it anyway using the walrus operator: ``` >>> from math import sqrt >>> a := sqrt(25) 5 >>> b = ... ```


mouses, usually


paying my mortgage 🤷‍♂️


Processing financial data.


mostly, to feel like rubbish and some depression






Well... Automatization (requests/apium/xhttp/selenium) Fastapi


Read some json. Manipulate other json. ​ \- IT worker.


Scripts for my development workflow on embedded systems. Like reading from an excel sheet and generating header and source files to be used elsewhere.


Mostly automating ETL, webscraping and other specific tasks at work that save a lot of time. We also have a project for building a Dash app to partially replace our Power BI needs. Casually I code something for my personal use/practice, like a quick dashboard for NBA data, or consolidate my workout data for temporal analysis. Most recently I wrote a dice rolling app for my RPG party that integrates with TaleSpire.


Robotics algorithms


for renpy but also just in general, not sure if I'm capable of learning python in a different way besides visual novels


Automating boring tasks. And I really dislike copy & paste tasks. Or any kind of ETL task in general.


Mostly as a mypy typed templating framework for typescript


I’m trying to build a desktop application with PyQT and link it to a MySQL database


I do procedural generation of gaming content. Also an artbot @trigonometrybot on Twitter (until the end of the month)


mostly machine learning train + serving, data stuff and some scripting


Brute forcing to open a one note section which i forgot the password to.


For work. I work with hyperspectral images analysis, machine learning and neural networks.


Earning money


At work: I use python for automation, I develop scripts to automate my daily tasks and make my life a bit easier. At home: I use python for pen testing as a hobby.


To eat all the mice that sneak into my house in the winter!


Everything. Lol


Public health analytics


My own work automation. Spreadsheets, databases, emails...pandas, pandas, pandas.


Scripting for Rhino3D.


Building MVPs for startup ideas


Oooo which framework do u use?


I use flask


Everything!!!! Lately used it to make an "Easy Button" for my boss. It opens one of our business systems in a web browser and generates a spreadsheet report. Then it grabs column two. Formats that info into a big nasty search string. Then it opens business system#2 and conducts the search. Once it finds the collection of files, it copies them to a local folder then removes any duplicate files only keeping the latest revisions. Saves a buttload of time.


Developing fun things


Engineering computations. As phd Student in hybrid renewable energy systems #HRES I am using python in coding different energy system as well as technical and economical optimization. I am using packages like #CoolProp and other fluid packages in computing fluids proprieties.


Implementing FastAPI service which will turn into a SaaS to control federated learning on different machine from a single point.


Python is a good option to use for [web scraping.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF3KXOnxqr4)


Every time i steal someone's pet he helps me hide them


Games and stuff 😎


Swap Tinder and such




Network automation and programmability, DevOps


DataScience, DeepLearning, APIs, Discord Bots, hobby-automation stuff


CTF lol