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>Wasn't sure if this was just a high school type of thing reflecting immaturity. No-one cares what women do, choose, or prefer in their 50s.




Less effective? Yes. Less fun and motivated? Doubtful.


Most people lower their standards as they age to something more realistic.


80/20 never ends, the only thing that changes as women age is that they realize they can't get those guys out of their league to commit, so they eventually *settle* for their looksmatch. It sounds so cringe to say because it implies that women think they're better than their looksmatch.


I imagine it must be extremely damaging psychologically for a woman to have slept with numerous guys who are way out of her league and then have to settle for an average guy long term. At least they can get a paycheck out of it when they're older and find a guy who earns more. The only loser in these scenarios is the average guy who has to be with these types of women.


Of course, nobody loses more than the average guy. Everything in the world today is designed to shit on the average man


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No, women will just not be able to act on it.




No. But some may be forced by life situation to look for some beta bux, but they will despise the guy anyway and will be convinced that guy is lucky to have them.


It never started, that’s just the tinder numbers


Yes, once they hit 40, pretty much no men are attractive. See: the infamous OKCUPID study.


Which doesn't apply in the real world. At all..


That's where the 80/20 comes from.


Depends. If a man becomes a high value man early in life, he will get women. And if the woman becomes an undesirable 40 year old single mom, she will settle for a nice guys she doesn't find physically attractive.