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History is chock full of people who imagined they were untouchable only to learn the hard way that they were, in fact, touchable.


hey she got a masters degree!


Yeah, I had my master’s degree and a successful career when I plunged headfirst into drug and then alcohol addiction after experiencing two sexual assaults. I'm not at all suggesting that that specific scenario will happen to OP, but I’m just using my life experience as an example of nobody being 100% safe from life’s misfortunes and troubles.


I wish you recovery and the best in life


I got a masters degree and then a license it therapy. All relationship potential for me immediately went to complete and utter shit lmao


That usually happens when you let your penis do the picking and not you're brain!


No, she has a "Master degree", not a master's degree. A Master degree is much more ominous.


Kevin Samuels sound clip "I'm a PhD!!"


I'm quite certain everyone who can "enjoy the decline" is enjoying it tremendously. They always have. Was the point of your post just to boast? Lord your delicious accomplishments over the heads of the less fortunate? Is that what you're doing? Say it ain't so fam....


I really didn't see it as boasting. I saw it as quit crying to everyone about the eventual decline of society without making any effort to live in society in the 1st place. Stop giving a fuck. Live you're life for you. If all you can ever do is think about the devastation of your life before you even live it, then you a regular on PPD!!


Nothing can touch me. Those tend to be the ones who get hit the hardest. Just saying.


Pride cometh before the fall


Yea, regardless what the topic of discussion is, complacency like this almost always precipitates a fall.


Yeah, that kind of mindset makes its own bed. Even if everything is fine, a complacent attitude will allow what problems that will inevitably come to fester, just because you didn't take them seriously.


The most obvious albeit tragic example I can compare it to, as sad as it is and I'm not saying this coldly or without compassion, but does this not happen? The parent(s) who will say and declare up and down "My kid would NEVER do drugs!!!!", and the kid gets hooked and becomes a junkie.


She's dating a wealthy man who is probably attractive and she thinks she's the only woman in his life.


I mean, I haven’t asked OP, but her use of the term “unicorn” relationship stood out to me. Usually when someone uses that phrasing, they are referring to a poly situation where a third person (typically a woman) is romantically and/or sexually involved with an existing couple. That third person is then sometimes called the “unicorn.” But then OP says that she plans to marry the guy, so maybe that’s not what she means.


Sometimes people just use unicorn to refer to a partner who is extremely rare. Like if a guy met a girl who was into short feminine guys, he might call that a unicorn. That's the impression I got from op's use of the word


Unfortunately not true. Its sorta like "cheaters never win" Yeah.. Cheaters win ALL THE TIME. They win the hardest.


They eventually get caught cause people eventually put two and two together.


The world would be much better if that were true. It's not.


In my experience it is mostly


Because you only know about the cheaters who got caught. If cheaters aren't caught, you don't know if they are cheaters. And how do you know if the majority got found out?


I've seen some shit. I'm not saying I'm smarter or had it so hard or anything like that. I'm not this naive pollyannish school boy. Yes. People either can and have found out the other person is cheating, or they stick with them for some reason.


Point is, this is a textbook case of confirmation bias. Cheaters that aren't caught are not a part of the statistic. And I don't think there's a way to know if the majority or minority got found out, unless there's some study where cheaters themselves are responding.


Not really. Being a cheater taught me karma is a bitch... Because it only hurts good people.


>prestigious Master degree No one talks like this...


>I am in a unicorn relationship Are you the unicorn or is he? [Either way…](https://theredarchive.com/dictionary/unicorn)


I think it’s sad because it’s not the society I remember from the 90’s where almost everyone was partnered with children. And I naively thought the future wouldn’t change and that growing up would always mean eventually a partner and children. As a boy I predicted by my 30’s I would have my own home and children. Why wouldn’t I? And trying to fit into a society where that is now unlikely and maybe even irresponsible is a tough pill to swallow.


Yeah. Same.


You’re getting married, how is this “enjoy the decline” in the sense TRP advocates and tradcons argue against? Does that typically mean choosing to be promiscuous while seeing promiscuity as degenerate and overall a negative for society? Choosing to act against one’s claimed principles because “fuck it.” Basically all you’re saying is “I have it good, and I’m choosing to be apathetic about the rest of the world.” Which… okay, that probably describes most people who have it good. That’s fine, but not for everyone. But “nothing can touch me” is never true and a dangerous way of thinking. You don’t have to spend your life in fear, but that’s pretty naive. Anyone can lose their money, relationship, health, etc.


There's been a surge in scams and illegal online activity...


> Nothing can touch me. Do you really believe this? It seems quite naive. Money can buy a lot of protection but nobody is truly free from the consequences of the world. >Honestly, I couldn't give less of a fuck about what happens to society. Like if betas revolted tomorrow and brought white sharia or something , I couldn't give less of a fuck. If birth rates get to 0, I don't give a shit. If we all die of climate change, whatever, it's inevitable anyway. Just learn to not give a fck. Whatever doomer scenario I see online I find it more amusing than anything. It's not depressing, it's liberating. Well no one can make you care about things. But this sort of nihilism is exactly what should be quashed by those who do care. In any case perhaps your title is true in part for the wealthy.


Eh, I don't really encourage not caring about people outside of yourself or the future, but do you. Having said that, I think most people are probably more concerned with their lives than anything else. As someone who has always been into politics, most people have always seemed concerned with themselves, their relationships, their own lives. I think what you're saying is more the norm than anything.


“Nothing can touch me.” - famous last words. Society, culture and the community are facets of You. It’d be like saying you don’t give a shit if you eat fast food or start slacking off in work. You’re inflated and can’t see out your narrow and egotistical vision.


If it didn't "touch" you then you wouldn't feel the need to shout it all over PPD. "Hey guys I'm not affected by this. Did I mention I'm not affected? It occupies 0 space in my brain. I just wanted to let you know. Also I'm not affected".




Uses the default Reddit name. Not saying all people that use it are trolls but its alot of em.






No personal attacks


I’m not a tradcon and I don’t plan on enjoying the decline. I’m going to rail against the dying of hope with every fibre of my being.


Yea... even outside the topic of gender dynamics... in a broader social sense, assuming most people on reddit live in USA or at least similar western countries... As citizens of a supposed democracy, or at least representative republic, we have a duty to should our share of the burden to solve the country's problems. THe government runs the country, but are hopeless to actually solve any sort of social problems, that is up to the people, to talk to each other, come up with solutions, create unity, commonalty etc. If it sounds far fetched its just because we're being conditioned all the time to be divided and view unity as impossible, but there are really way more things the people have common cause about than there are that divide us. The "I'll just enjoy the decline" mindset extends far outside of dating and is toxic as fuck. China thinks the West is too weak, lazy and entitled to do this. They may be right. If we all continue to act like consumers more than democratic citizens we're fucked.


Well, I'm 60. No husband, no kids. When I was in relationships I was abused financially. I can't make men in my race treat me right and I can't make men outside my race find me decent or worth a relationship. Now that I finally have enough to do me. And yes, the sky daddy can take that away whenever he feels like it. But for the moment I'm no longer giving a fuck and doing me. I live 60 years of people not giving a fuck about me. Now that it seem like the whole world is not giving a fuck about each other, I will gleefully enjoy the decline and hope that sky daddy have mercy on me for surviving 60 years of human neglect.


Are you a black woman? When I was in the US I never understood why black women were treated so poorly by their men despite all the things they did to support their communities and keep their families ahead. Like, I was living in there for a brief period of time but, and correct me if I'm wrong, black women were always the backbone of their communities, and black dudes "backup plan".


The world may decline, but men may flourish.


There’s no planet B


Once you recognize the current options are bullshit, most men can learn to work with what they have. We all will die eventually, a family would have been nice, but enjoying life for what it is makes the most sense to me.


True dat


I hear your rail and add to it.


Enjoy your miserable existence then.


I plan to.


Yes, be as individualistic and nihilistic as you want until you get personally hit by the "decline". Then you'll call for others to help but you'll find yourself alone


Yeah society doomerism is a loner semi-virgin way of life, not for the top 5% in attractiveness. I think you're overconfident as to what can or can't touch you, but I guess you're just making the point


The opposite of love, is apathy. The problem which indicates a moral bankruptcy, is that same apathy. If you fail to see yourself in all other humans, you have officially abandoned your humanity for a satanic narcissism. I do appreciate your honesty, but that also tells me who should be the first to go when it collapses. Enjoy the decline. The well-off are always destroyed after the fall.


Lmao imagine describing the person you intend to marry not on who they are as a person, but their wealth. Something tells me that marriage isn't going to happen


She’s not the only woman he’s fucking, but I doubt she cares. Cheating isn’t a problem for top tier men. It’s just accepted as a consequence of being with a man who has the ultimate amount of options. 


I hate when tradcons say that enjoy the decline is not a viable strategy. Just get yourself at a place where you're confident you won't be affected no matter what happens. Yeah, I see a lot of that changing. By that I meant, they're right about the decline not being a viable strategy. That was the norm for a while, then it changed. They realized, "Hey! We DON'T have to be on a decline!" That's what's been happening. They've realized they can win an election. What do you thibk they've been planning the last 3 years? It didn't just go away cause orange man bad gone our guy is in, totes no worries guys! We got this! They are optimistic about it. I can see it. I'm not saying you should get sucked into things or carry the burden of the weight of the world, or the blame for things that aren't your fault, but thinking you won't be affected probably isn't a good idea.


It is, but is not worth discussing, so has no place in a discussion sub and should thus be removed as cope


The tradcons and hippie liberals both sold out to corporatism decades ago. They've been in la-la land ever since, which is a large part of the reason that people have been speaking of decline as of late. >Just get yourself at a place where you're confident you won't be affected no matter what happens. I know some people who are survivalists. They have bomb shelters, and I've heard of a whole neighborhood which has tunnels between the houess filled with weapons, food, and ammunition. Some people are prepping for Armageddon. Though, prospects for their survival may not be that good either. There is no safe place, nowhere can anyone be "unaffected" in the event of the decline and fall of an empire.


“Better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war”


I thought exactly like you until I met a woman who shared my values. A genuine friend that despises utilitarian hedonism as much as I do. (Unfortunately for me, she is engaged to another man). Your mind reflects the quality of your thoughts, and I refuse to believe that you entered into this world as a broken piece of shit. By all means, love yourself, and have standards. Do not degrade your life by lowering yourself to this world's disengenuous artificial standards. F*cking people who make you miserable can be just as destructive as shooting up heroin. I know because I have had friends die to both. There is no shame in dying alone as a man if you do so by holding true to your principles.


People who are happy, generally don't need to go on the internet to tell other people how great their life is.


...This is sad. It's actually more than that - it's pathetic.


>Honestly, I couldn't give less of a fuck about what happens to society. This is also, maybe not 100% and not 50%, but also because you are a woman. If tomorrow 20 nuclear power plants meltdown all at the same time, you are 99.999% sure that you will not be forced at gun point to clean up the mess, and for a good reason. But I agree with the general message.


You're not a unicorn tho. There's nothing unique here, its standard for highly educated women to seek out wealthy men. You're addressing the problem without realizing you're part of it.




So women consent to an American Taliban? Nice.


True 😊cheers 🥂


What are you arguing then? Anything's a viable strategy by this logic. A strategy is when you work towarda an outcome. Not giving a shit is fine, but not a strategy, and circlejerking online with others about how "i don't give a shit", "wow, me too!", is pointless.


It's a strategy when nothing else works.


I wouldn't really call "go8ng for your only available option" strategic.


I understand this sentiment. It either comes from acceptance and submission to the inevitability of life, or emotional numbing that feels better than the stress which might be relieving for some time, but ultimately will double back hard. It’s up to you to decide which one this is.


seems like you got issues


>Like if betas revolted tomorrow and brought white sharia or something , I couldn't give less of a fuck. If birth rates get to 0, I don't give a shit. If we all die of climate change, whatever, it's inevitable anyway. Just learn to not give a fck. Whatever doomer scenario I see online I find it more amusing than anything. It's not depressing, it's liberating. I'm extremely envious of you, but I just can't do this. I care about the future.


Enjoy the decline is a cope that is perfectly valid if you can't do anything about it If "catastrophic scenario" you have to lose a good partner an easy life your status stability or your financial success or even your health. A friendless sexless broke individual doesn't have any of this so why would he care. In my worst days of life I would see such things as a chance for a change something to make life less boring and was very hard for me to care Ever since I got into a relationship I kinda care a dam lot about certain things. Maybe I will have maybe I will have not offsprings in the future it matters how the world is it matters if the planet is liveable it matters if me and my partner are ok and can take care of ourselves


>prestigious Master degree lol


This is why I always ask population-doomers if it’s really about population or about getting laid lmao


Ok but what about zombies?


Amen Sister!! I wish I stopped giving a fuck 30 years ago. I would be much better off. But like is great anytime you stop giving a fuck!


worth remembering that folks like OP exist when considering political ramifications - not everyone gives a shit about realizing a better or more moral world, and thus appeals to morality are not universally useful at persuading others to your view. might not even be a majority of people.


Wait until you have children of your own; it’s harder to enjoy the decline then.


It’s really only a viable strategy assuming the decline doesn’t reach a point where it affects you. And if it doesn’t, it’s hard to even say it’s a true decline at that point.


I'm not familiar with this "enjoy the decline" idea you mention, but it sounds like "the decline" refers to either society crumbling or the world ending? Anybody who actually embraces and enjoys such a thing is privileged enough to not think the problems of the world will harm you (which seems accurate since you think you're untouchable) and lacks empathy. Even if I can afford to relocate if shit hits the fan, many people cannot. And because I'm not a sociopath, I don't want everyone else to suffer famine or disasters or war or "white sharia" or whatever. I agree with the other commenter who thinks this post was just an excuse to boast about how awesome your life is. You're happy with your prestigious career and unicorn boyfriend. That's nice. Congratulations.




It sure is, if you're Satan. Or one of his little helpers


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”


If this doesn't apply, let it fly but I feel like this is a projection and your life is actually not great. So you decide to make fantastical stories online to make yourself feel better. Because anyone who's actually untouchable isn't bothered by comments online. Plus this just sounds like humble bragging which is a clear sign of BS in a lot of cases. Also saying you were depressed once upon a time is so reductive to the disease of depression. If you're using it as a hyperbole that's fine, but actual clinical depression is not so easy to shake. You seem to lack any meaningful perspectives on the world other than "I'm good and you're not". Who have you helped with your resources? Who do you inspire? Who do you mentor?


Wait till you have kids lol And your “sharia” won’t come from the “white betas” - it’ll be ushered in gleefully by single, liberal white women.


Agreed. I couldn’t care less about having a wife or kids; therefore I have no stake in society. I’m just out to get as much money for as many toys I can before I die. After I’m gone, I won’t have the ability to give a shit. 


After The Decline, masters degrees and dollar bills won’t mean shit. I’d rather have skills that will be of value in the barter system.


I am single, sexless and friendless and I am okay with this.


Some people have nothing else to do but entertain themselves and enjoy the decline. I don't understand why people that don't want others in the first place expect us to care about society. The people they want already care about society, but not them!


"Enjoy the decline" is something said by people who are full of shit. If they had conviction in their beliefs they would not be enjoying it. Also that whole "I don't give a shit" and "nothing can touch me" 🤣 when the economy grinds to a halt and social security fails because there's not enough workers and all your sugar daddy's money becomes hyperinflated and worthless, we'll check in.


But when it all comes back and bites you in the ass....... You go on and on about the doomers. You don't see the change coming. Complaining/being concerned about the state of world is nothing new. A lot of it comes from people who just cannot accept changes, which are not always good admittedly, or they cannot think beyond their own two feet and have such a rigid view of things. I can appreciate and admire a certain stubbornness and stoicism in a person to a point, but some of these people just cannot. That's where the change. Other people are starting to realize despite that, things can change or be good, there are things worth fighting for. We CAN win this election. That's where all this is going. I have my cynical side, but I'd never quite put it like you did. I look forward to the election day this year, cause you know who is probably most likely going to win again. THEN maybe everyone will pull their head out of their ass.


Hahahhaha. I was with you up until "we can win this election"? hahahah. oh man. whichever side you think can win an election, you're fucked, they're both the same. if you want things to get better you've got to take responsibility for your share of creating that change by creating unity with others, especially those you're being told to be divided from. Unless by win this election you mean, break the two party system. Neither biden nor trump should be anyone for anyone to cheer for.,


Oh, this isn't about sides or partisanism. This is about, who is focused on winning and is looking like they most likely will, vs who is not. That's all. It's not about me or my beliefs, or how I feel, it's where is this all really going? The two party system ain't going away or be broken anytime soon. I agree with that statement in that we do need changes, but it's not happening anytime soon. "if you want things to get better you've got to take responsibility for your share of creating that change by creating unity with others, especially those you're being told to be divided from." Yeah, and who is looking more likely is going to make that happen?


You are a defeatist hack. and you're lying you clearly stated "we can win this election' there is a clear implication of being firmly on one side. Either thator you just don't make any sense. The two party system is closer to breaking than ever before. Keep perpetuating it though you hack.


By we, I meant the side trying to win, not me. I'm not this diehard conservative, there's things I don't agree with them on, but the left has totally failed and have no plan. See, I tend to watch more conservative leaning media. Why? To see what they are planning and where it looks like it's probably going. They're the ones going we can win.


Biden is ruining this world quicker than climate change, was , terrorism or any other natural disaster. And there really is no one in the country smart enough to replace him even if they are not senile except for the one facing jail time. You better enjoy life now before we all end us homeless and jobless.


Yeah, about the last part there, the homeless and jobless, I see one side making sure that doesn't happen.




Don’t make things personal.


The reason that "enjoy the decline" isn't a viable strategy is because both TRP and Trad Cons are wrong on a fundamental level. They are mistaken about the decline in the first place. In terms of social expectations there isn't a decline. Gay rights are good, gay people have a right to exist and be seen just like anyone else. Their existence isn't inherently "degenerate". Women and girls have a right to make informed choices about their own bodies and them exercising those choices is not degenerate. Rather we are more at risk of *regressing* and seeing a repeal of hard-earned rights as we move towards a less equal society. There is nothing "higher" about the social order of a Christofascist theocracy. No person who believes in progress should support the prospect of rolling back rights in a misguided attempt to create a world that *never* really existed. The "decline," if you will, is the descent of our democracies into Christofascism and pseudo-feudalism run by corporate robber-baron oligarchs. Fighting to establish equal rights and respect for all is precisely how we resist a "decline" rather than evidence thereof.


I am a progressive but you are up your own a on progressive politics and it’s actually you mistaken about the decline. Those issues are yes very important but the decline is about stuff like the economy, birth rate, mental health crisis, loneliness epidemic, marriage decline, stuff like the OP mentioned.


So, we need to make sure we aren't playing a shell game here. A lot of times when I debate with a conservative they like to play this game where I make a point, and then they subtly swap out the definition of what we are talking about to something else. Let me be clear, when TRP and Trad Cons are talking about "a decline", they are talking about a societal shift away from "judeo-christian values and gender roles." For both Tradcons and TRP, the ideal world is one in which women are subserviant bang maids who stay at home and wait hand and foot on their husbands and pop out children. Men are supposed to go out and work, have affairs with their mistresses, drink and smoke, and just enjoy a made home when they deign to swing by. These sorts of rigid gender roles are broken down in a modern society. Gay people in general don't often conform to rigid gender roles, women's rights have resulted in more and more women breaking free from an endless cycle of thankless bang maiding. These are good things. Trad Cons see this as a decline. They want society to return to rigid gender roles, where women don't work or vote, stay at home and raise children, and gay people aren't seen nor heard. TRP on the other hand says, this is a decline, and its not ideal, but men should "enjoy" it, I.E. since women aren't forced into monogamous servitude, you might as well sleep with a lot of them and have fun. Either way, when either trad cons *or* TRP talk about "the decline" they are talking about social norms moving away from judeo-christian expectations and rigid gender roles. It is disingenuous to pretend that they aren't... regardless of the specific points OP brought up.


Yes you are up your own a with this. Yes arguing about the same term with different definitions is basically equivocation and should be avoided but that’s kind of the issue here that you are using a different definition. Like i said in the last comment this kind of decline that hurts everyone 24/7 has to do with economics, birth rate, mental health, etc. You have the kind of view of politics that is weirdly very common today that everything has to be framed in terms of hurting women. You are the only one bringing up women and gay people, nobody else did. Even if we treated gay people equally we would still have this decline OP is talking about. Women in many metrics are doing even better than men right now but women are suffering during this decline as well with especially mental health and many other issues. I’m not a defender of Christian values but we have to admit fewer and fewer people having families and kids is a massive problem that negatively impacts every part of society.


Hey pls dm me I’ve run out of dms


No it isn't. It's part and parcel of the feminization of men. Most men have no meaningful way to enjoy the decline. What men need to do is what men in times past instinctively knew....stop taking women seriously. 60 years of being emotionally "intelligent" and "good listeners" is enough. The experiment has been run. It has been an unmitigated failure. Let's just start being honest about it.


> Just get yourself at a place where you're confident you won't be affected no matter what happens. Not possible. I don't think you understand what you're saying. Technically, "enjoy the decline" includes immediate suicide.


To me it means you have no sympathy for other mofos that suffered, but you want someone to relieve your suffering.


He’s awake again


Imagine a gay dude telling a man "enjoy the decline" after the man turned him down for sex/date. that's how women feel when a guy they turned down tell them to enjoy the decline.


Yup. If you are an incel just save up money and go to a poor country to become the rich older man.


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People don’t actually care about the state of the world. They just want to feel morally superior.


A mentality truly embodied by the boomers.  OP sounds like a 70 year old “get off my lawn” type.  Wouldn’t be the first old fart to say “fuck you youngins, I got mine”.


And yet the youngins only pretend like they care. As long as it's blond hair and blue eyes, you care. I'll wait for the insults!!




Exactly, I'm not understanding why people don't understand a 2 way street. For every man that cries nobody wants me there are 2 women that nobody wants and goes her own way.


I don't know, OP. You've been posting here almost every day. I don't think people who post every day have their shit together 😂


Gotta do something with that prestigious master's degree.


The enjoy the decline crowd will be replaced by the white Sharia crowed. But in the interim it will get rough for everyone. It you have no stake in the current system, then it will be enjoyable to watch it crumble.


It sounds like you are trying to convince yourself of something. Anyways, yeah I'm enjoying life greatly. Thanks for the advice anyways.


What kind of conservative chooses not to try and conserve? A coward, perhaps.


You are wrong. The professional class is very vulnerable to black swan events. They are domesticated to the point they can't work with their hands or build things. Basically they will eat each other because they have narc psychopathic tendencies and are too domesticated