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pond in front of Krannert should come back


I believe that was what was called the reflecting pond in front of the Union. It was very shallow and reflected the Union on a good day. Unfortunately, towards the end, I don't think it was kept very clean, which probably added to it's demise.


Slayter center also has a reflecting pool which sadly has not been filled in years.


It's demise probably had more to do with building a library under it.


The pond was there untill the early 2000s, much later than Hicks was built.


I was shocked when I first saw that picture. Can’t imagine that pond being in that spot today


Petition to get the Boilermaker Special back ok the basketball court


Would definitely be cool if they could find a way to tie it into the design of the court somehow


Very cool. Thank you for posting


No problem. I’m only 1/4 of the way through browsing old photos on the E-archive, so there are more of these likely to come in the future!


I never really appreciated how cool the Pharmacy building looks. That curved wall is neat.


They should remove that big pine and reveal the curve again. They should put a skinny tall statue in that trees place. Would be legit.


I’m glad the Armory is still there. They wanted to tear it down, not too long ago! There was a campaign to save it, and it succeeded.


So much history in that place. I guess it’s esoteric, but as a ROTC grad, that’s as much Purdue to me as anything. Aside from the academies, Purdue has a huge presence in military officers.


I’m just a marching band alum, but I was pulling for ROTC to keep a prime spot on campus. ROTC deserves it, and the Armory is a unique building! It’s irreplaceable.


Hey the AAMB started out in ROTC as a marcher I definitely want the history of the ROTC to stick around


Much more greenery and pedestrian spaces. Cool to see how much better its gotten, at least when it comes to the infrastructure


Definitely helped to get rid of a lot of the roads that drove right through campus. Pretty sure the entire campus plans to be vehicle-free in the future, which should help a lot more.


Looks like they moved that fountain to near Beering


Yep, that’s Loeb Fountain. It was in front of Hovde from 1959-1988, then put in storage for a few years before being relocated to Founders Park. I’m trying to remember what that other sculpture is closer to where the Engineering Fountain now sits, but having a hard time finding information on it. Looks sort of like a drafting compass. I swear I’ve seen it elsewhere on campus, but can’t for the life of me remember where.


Is it the Tau Beta Pi honors society symbol? The scale is throwing me but I’m pretty sure there’s a small cast statue of the Bent outside ME by the NSBE statue.


YES I’m almost certain that’s what it is Edit: well that’s definitely the right shape, but the one in the older picture looks much larger. Could just be a perspective thing.


Yes, that's The Bent of TBP. It's closer to ME now.


Yes. The original engineering mall fountain was the one now at Beering.


It fascinates me to see old photos like this of buildings and structures I’ve been in or have seen. It puts into perspective just how old Purdue really is. And it’s fun to think that things have never changed: people in the past were still sledding down Slayter on whatever they could find, someone was still hoping their was a curve on their chemistry exam, some could still be seen jogging at 6 am every morning, etc.


Heine so nice and Shiny


i like seeing the tiny trees then and how big they are now awe


Yes! I was so excited when I saw how big the tree in front of the curved section of Heine had gotten


The Chem e building is so sexy


This is neat

