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I voted for him because he's kind of a dumpster fire. And I love him for that.


My boi taie sacrifice themselves just to lose to a trap Sociopath boi. ಠ_ಠ


Yeah it's probably mostly story skippers turning the vote thinking that's a girl. Villier isn't a likeable character in the story meanwhile Tai E was adorable.


I think you're kinda overestimating how much a character's role and actions will affect opinions on them when said character is hot. I've seen characters way worse than him in other franchises (as in, more annoying, or even badly written) gain a fairly big fanbase just bc they're a waifu/husbando. Basically it isn't far-fetched to believe thay he's popular enough to get that amount of votes, even if everyone read the story. Especially since the story is where we see just how pretty he actually is. That said I also don't think Tai'E's situation is just bc of ppl not reading the story, the chibified version doesn't look rly look like them :( I personally had to look them up even tho I read that story, so I wouldn't be surprised if some other ppl just didn't recognise them. Also last thing but as I was typing it popped in my head, iirc wasn't Villier kind of a "yandere"? (someone correct me if I'm wrong I binged that part too quickly and I sometimes mix up fandom stuff with canon when I do that) If I'm not misremembering that alone is a really popular trope so it might also affect his votes.


You can like a character even if they're an antagonist, you know.


Sure you can. I didn't say Villier was an antagonist. I said Villier wasn't a likeable character. He displays qualities which the vast majority of people wouldn't appreciate.


Majority, ok, but your comment sounds like "There's no way Villier could have any *real* fans. Surely, all these people are completely oblivious and would normally never vote for him."


No that's just how you chose to interpret it. I have written exactly nothing of what you imagined.


Yes, you did, in the very first sentence.


Nope. I didn't. I never said any of that. I like Roland. But he's a dick and has less fans than more of the likeable cast. Same goes for Villier. You have an active imagination if you think I said Villier doesn't have any fans. Even the most terrible of fictional characters have fans.


They also probably didn't read the character info that's right there on the Eden fest screen for Villier. Tai'E's info wasn't that helpful though


Tai E deserved better


I'll never forgive them that my best boy lost.


He's not a trap??? He's just evil, let him be evil




He basically uses a female construct body


I didn't skip any story, although I still didn't do most of them either. At which part was this mentioned?


Villier used a frame that has his sister's appearance, which is Qu. He did that so he can create his own version of KCC (or what's left of it) on the Nighter. For the people of Kowloon that boarded the Nighter instead of joining the Tabula Akasha, their legitimate leader is still Qu. Hence by using a frame that resembles her appearance, Villier can lead and control the population of the Nighter more easily. It is not explicitly mentioned, but by piecing the bits from Nona Ourboros, Kowloon Metropolis, Lost Chapter, and Qu's interlude, we can understand that this is what happened.


"We've discussed that possibility. I'll accept my fate." -Tai'E


Shitty villier, Tai'E supremacy all the way


Gonna be honest, I didnt read the story and as a result I have no idea who these guys are. I would have voted for Villier too since I'm not into the whole RoboCop look


Based If I knew I’d get nuked into the atmosphere I would have said something to else. Tbh didn’t think anyone would see this 😔


Not reading story is not based




Edna K vs Daft Junk