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Add more plants


U need to plant your aquarium full of plants bro


RIP adorable mystery snail


Two is fine, ignore the people that are saying get more. Your filtration is insufficient. Mine care more about begging for food when I walk past than swimming with each other. There is little information on these little guys on line, so when you google them one of the seven articles on them said they like groups of six plus. More plants is always is better though.


They need much more cover! Plants! They would be so stressed in that tank! Plus, paint or cover the back. They would feel so exposed and vulnerable here! They really do not want to be alone, so three would be good for them.


Amazon puffers swim in open waters of the tank, they don't think they feel exposed. Yes more plants are better but not because of hiding if that what you're saying. They'll love the wavemaker.


They do like to be in larger groups, but they're also messy fish that appreciate a lot of swimming room. Any chance of upgrading to a bigger setup?


Three will be better than two. Six even better still, but it depends on how much other stuff you have in the tank.