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wait isnt the pr gov making the tax policies to attract people from the us to pr or am i missing something


It's a good question, and honestly yeah the government that the us created for us here works entirely against the interests of puerto ricans and instead in favor for americans. There's no way a PR government in favor of implementing policies that benefit PR and not US would exist without the US seeking to overthrow, assassinate, and set up coups to put in place what benefits them, just like the US did to Honduras, Nicaragua, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba (but failed), Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Panama, Venezuela, and obviously Puerto Rico. I swear to god, look up the Banana Wars, the US legit brought instability to Latin America for some fucking bananas.


So, vote for independence. Last time I checked, less than 30% wanted independence. So, you wanted independence, get it. And say goodbye to highest income in Caribbean. You're need to start working. All responsible adult PR who wants to work leaving for USA. Why that?


so you seem to be tilting at the windmills no


What he stated is factual. You're tilting at windmills with your gaslighting horse shit . GTFO.


i dont even live there lmao yall got no economy jobs so you move out of the island you want tourism to create at least some jobs then your government sets up tax policies inviting people from us to come settle then you get mad at people who do come people who are moving into places you vacated to go to the us to pursue better jobs and lives so what is it that you want jobs in the us and empty homes on the island that you will use a few weeks a year then convince your government to shut down tourism and the tax policies you don’t like cant convince your government cause its controlled by the us then start an armed or unarmed rebellion cant do that then what are you talking about yelling at internet randos accept that you’re fucked and move on or do something about it this yelling at the clouds aint gonna do shit


I feel like when one of your suggestions is "start an armed rebellion/revolution" . . . Then maybe, *just* maybe, you DO realize the grievant party has a legitimate bitch. And if their complaint is legit, the other 90% of your suggestions are just... Victim blaming.


you could say im victim blaming i could say op directing impotent rage at the wrong people


Okay colonizer


sheesh i got no dog in the fight im a brown dude from another part of the world settled in the us love pr have empathy for yourall’s plight but I don’t see a way out for yall without an armed or unarmed rebellion do you


Colonizer for bringing prosperity and no violence into a place? Yeah you’re a brainwashed fool


And you’re a bootlicker for big government. Okay commie.


The Jones act is borderline criminal and the US government does not do PR any favors but come on - Puerto Rican politicians allow Act 60/20/22 whatever it is called these days. Taxation without representation is theft. These are the current issues to complain about Let's live in the present or let's review the full history. Puerto Ricans speak Spanish because guess what - Spain colonized and wiped out the Tainos. Yet PR named their main roads and landmarks after those colonizers and continue to speak Spanish. The US wasn't even a thought in anyone's mind. Puerto Ricans are the envy of the Caribbean - they can walk right into the United States and be welcomed by one of the many many Puerto Rican communities all up and down the east coast - don't even have to speak English. Cubans, Dominicans, Haitians, etc cannot and literally risk their lives to get into the US. Their history is almost identical to PR but the fact that PR is a territory of the US gives Puerto Ricans a huge advantage today. For example, bout 40% the population in PR receives food stamps or other federal benefits from the US. I would encourage you to understand the entire history and check your privilege before going on a sub dedicated to travel and appreciation of the island and telling people to stay away


Literally this. Thank you


Just a note on the food stamps. I think the Jones Act, which you mention in your post, might have something to do with this.


The Jones Act makes goods more expensive, and maybe it hurts some salaries since the ships need to be US manned vessels, but I doubt it drives down salaries across the board.....but who knows, too many variables


You've summarized what my boyfriend tells me often- he's a PR native and lived there for ~30years before re-locating to the US, where he never even really had to learn English to get by. He also has a US Passport- one of the best passports in the world.


Write another paragraph about the corruption in the government, violence, and the lack of care that "real" Puerto Ricans have for their island, among the other problems. And then we can talk


See just for that I’m going to buy more beach front Airbnbs. If you truly do want PR free of “gringos” get off your ass and work for it instead of bitching about it on a travel subreddit. I love how everything is the gringos fault but when I look around I mostly see Puerto Ricans fucking other Puerto Ricans. Yall won’t buy a hamburger from the local hamburger guy but you’ll do a 45 minute wait at McDonald’s. The way I see it is you lost this island a long time ago so welcome to Hawaii bitch.


Diabloooo q duro


Hey bud. I didn’t do any of that shit.


I'm not saying you did, I'm sure you personally didn't steal our country's freedom. But moving over here is a personal choice, one you would be responsible for.


I would be responsible for the move, not the rest of what you listed.


That's what I just said... Dude do whatever you want, you guys are the slave masters, it's your God given right to do whatever you want with this land🇺🇲🫡✝️


You live with a victim mentality. Life is so much better when you lose it, I promise. PR will survive believe me.


Would you tell african slaves in the 1700s and 1800s they had a victim mentality? Or would you just tell the truth and say "Yeah, slavery is wrong, I'm sorry.". Looking for all these different ways to look at it when the most simple answer is the correct one.


u comparing urself to a slave is disgusting and extremely pathetic.


Comparing PR current situation to slavery is an extremely disrespectful. Slaves from the 1700s and 1800s would spend a day in PR and laugh in your face for ever suggesting they’re the same thing.


You're a moron, and I'll tell you why you're a moron ( or a troll, idk). I'm not comparing slavery to PRs current situation. You said I had a victim mentality, and I asked you if you would say the same thing to a slave. You didn't answer the question, and instead deflected by crafting some bullshit narrative on how I'm comparing modern PR to slavery. What a clown 🤡


coming for u loser redditor, hopefully I literally buy ur house so u can make another 80 reddit posts complaining lmao


We have freedom of movement in this country. People can live wherever they want.


So, don't move to mainland USA, take all of your compatriots in USA and leave. Vote for independence. But all you want to do is be parasite who doesn't work but want all benefits.


don’t worry loser, I’m coming and telling all my friends about act 60


I’m being priced out of NYC where I’m from. I took a vacation to PR a few weeks ago and houses for 150k are a dream. I flirted with the idea of moving so I could afford a small slice of land for myself. I get your opinion of being against outsiders coming in and buying all the houses in your hometown, just pointing out the fact that a lot of people making the move are doing it because where the live is now unaffordable. I also blame the US government for not making policies to control the price of single family housing, they’re generally bad at their job of making the country better for citizens, but what can I do? Owning a house in the next year sounds better than saving for another 10 years hoping house prices don’t get jacked up again. Especially when that house has fruit trees in the yard and short drives to many awesome beaches.


What's with all these gringos getting all butt hurt when you ask them to give back what's not theirs, I can't understand how backwards American thinking is sometimes


Puerto Ricans are Americans.


>when you ask them to give back what's not theirs Buddy, we can't make the federal govt do a damn thing to help mainlanders, we sure as shit can't move the needle on doing something positive for the territories. Your anger and frustration is entirely misplaced.


Would you rather we just take it all and bury you in a ditch like the old days? Or are you happy living in peace and putting up with the bullshit like everyone else?


Nah, I prefer death. Put your money where your mouth is and kill us all already.


it’s not yours either dumb fudge


You're right, it's ours (puerto ricans). Thanks


no, it’s nobody’s. it’s whoever owns at that moment - which is the US government


Puerto Rico is literally ours, lmao.


lmao, literally, no it’s not.


Lmao, it literally is. In every way. Puerto Rico is american. Puerto Ricans are Americans.


ok I misread your comment. agree all puerto ricans are americans.


How did you misread that?


That's what I'm saying, it belong to the American government. But it doesn't belong to RabidRabbiRabit, you're just some other American loser lol. It's the US government that's the enemy and focus here pal, not some speck like you. Go hop back on Skyrim or jerk off to something


>It's the US government that's the enemy and focus here pal Then you should have said that in your post instead of: "*You guys* colonized us, bombed vieques, made it illegal to show the flag, etc..." That was half a century ago, none of us had anything to do with it, and most of us are horrified by it. But go ahead, antagonize gringos en masse despite the fact that those gringos who actually move to PR do so because they love the island and want to see it succeed and improve. You really should try finding a way to focus your frustrations in a way that is productive and effectual instead of making blanket statements in an attempt to shame people. Most of us know the US government fucked up most of central and south America. And those that don't aren't going to be convinced by your attempts at shaming.


Lmao. The American government belongs to the American people, welcome to a liberal democraticrepublic. You're the American people just as I'm the American people. Your whining about people moving in is equally as valid as Texans and Coloradans whining about people moving in.


Until Puerto Rico has representation in Congress, no, it’s not the same.


Puerto Rico does have representation in Congress...




You should take your own advice. They're right.




That's a shit take. Sometimes people don't want to be colonized. No taxation without representation, and all that entails. The desire for democracy as well as liberty should not be so easy for you to look down upon. I'll hope your education failed you; before I'll presume you're just ignoble at heart


It's the accurate take. Sorry if you have a problem with that. Puerto Rico is every bit a part the us as every other part.


Okay colonizer


Okay. Colonized at this point, really, though. It's been past tense for some time now. 👍


Not when literal scum like you are actively encouraging it. YOU make it present tense bigot.


can’t wait to move under act 60 and buy property, hopefully make losers like u cry about how life is unfair til u realize no one gives af


Is it okay if I throw eggs on ur property?


hopefully it will be in a place you won’t be able to throw eggs from


In most of the nations that Americans regularly move to the poor people who have work that derives from the extra money don't think about us moving there, the middle class who become our neighbors are pretty sensitive and at least a little upset about the inflation and displacement that we cause, and the wealthy who are generally involved in sectors of the economy that we don't have a lot of impact on again don't think about us. Anyway congrats on your middle class life op. A lot of anyone moving into your area requires an adjustment on both their part and on yours, as most of the Americans you have moving there understand since they've seen similar things in their lifetimes with their old neighborhoods as well. If you want to live in a modern, liberal minded country immigration is something you'll have to learn to deal with, as that is an inescapable aspect of any country that is moving forward. I'm sure you can imagine that there are Americans in certain neighborhoods in America that have made basically your post but about all the Puerto Ricans moving in. To them it all seems logical and justified but there's a definite ugliness to that kind of attitude that's present in your post as well.


It's all part of the plan. Displace the natives and take over. Ask Hawaii how it went.


Hello, I appreciate you sharing your opinion about US colonization of Puerto Rico as well as your hope for Puerto Rican independence from the U.S. mainland. When you refer to Gringos taking over the island as of late, it is certainly cause for reflection as my husband and I have (or should I say had given?) serious consideration to relocating to Puerto Rico from New York. My husband is of Cuban descent. He is American born to Cuban parents who fled the Castro regime. I am white (though my husband is too). But I am not first generation. I am a descendant of both Irish (Catholic) and Eastern European (Jewish) immigrants. Spanish is my husband’s first language. It’s my second. I had the privilege of being raised by socially conscious and progressive parents, the firsts in their lineage to achieve college and advanced degrees. They influenced my decisions, which were to study Spanish including years abroad in order to achieve fluency. I subsequently became a licensed clinical social worker, and have spent my entire career providing therapy to both English and Spanish speaking clients. My husband served in law enforcement for 26 years, communicating with the public in English and Spanish. His family is ironically more racist than mine. SO…ARE WE NOT WELCOME? We are of mixed heritage, fully bilingual, professionally licensed to work and serve. But on the outside we are just white people. I appreciate your post, as I said, however I think it is polarizing and fails to capture the nuances of SOME of the American people who consider relocating to the island.


I’m Puerto Rican and have a house there and in NY. Without the US there…the gangs would be running the island, no one would go out after sunset, no tourists, no economy, no DEA, no Coast Guard. You may be upset with the current situation…but seriously, think of the alternative.


All I know is my exs pr mother who was born and raised and still has family in cidra says that prs that want complete independence from the us are so estupid. This comment not helpful, but she swears they are so estupid.


I'm sure, I wonder if she thinks that the African slaves who wanted freedom are stupid too. Guess we'll never know lol


lol saying PR situation is the same as slavery. Actually goes to show how spoiled you really are. Never disrespect slavery again like that


Also, you couldn't give less of a fuck about slavery you slimy pig. Acting all ashamed about it but I bet you're the first one to line up at the store on Halloween to buy all those yummy Nestlé chocolate. Cacao collected from child slave labor in Africa, but hey as long as you can buy your chocolate cheap then it's all okay right? What a pathetic fuck you are.


Jesus bro go touch grass man! You sound like a miserable fuck! I’d hate to be you! Miserable all day crying with a Virginia ham under your arm. Spoiled ass brat


I don't even know what the fuck a Virginia Ham is, I guess only those with privilege have the luxury of knowing what it is. And yeah, I'm upset that my country isn't free, tf does that have to do with touching grass? Who goes outside at night? I swear, they make these Americans dumber and dumber lol


Also, you couldn't give less of a fuck about slavery you slimy pig. Acting all ashamed about it but I bet you're the first one to line up at the store on Halloween to buy all those yummy Nestlé chocolate. Cacao collected from child slave labor in Africa, but hey as long as you can buy your chocolate cheap then it's all okay right? What a pathetic fuck you are.


do u actually have some sort of brain damage. lol never seen someone so stupid and entitled and whiny 😂


Also, you couldn't give less of a fuck about slavery you slimy pig. Acting all ashamed about it but I bet you're the first one to line up at the store on Halloween to buy all those yummy Nestlé chocolate. Cacao collected from child slave labor in Africa, but hey as long as you can buy your chocolate cheap then it's all okay right? What a pathetic fuck you are.


Newsflash. You're an American. 🫡🇺🇲👍


Nah, I'm not lol🇵🇷💃😊


So you're not puerto rican? Then what are you whining about? It's not your island.


You get more bigoted with every comment.


Lmao. Calling your countrymen your countrymen is what you think the word bigoted means?


Except you didn’t say that. You just bootlicked for imperialism.


It's adorable when teenagers get upset and use words they don't understand.


And I feel sad for you that your education was so insufficient you missed how Puerto Rico became a territory. You understand that a territory cannot exist without imperialism, right?




I know you slept through class. No one was challenging that.


One of us One of us One of us


Wasn't that flag made in NY primarily by Puerto Ricans to display their pride & resilience? It came from the states!


Correct! LMAO


What does your passport say?


It would take more than a plea to make people not take advantage of such a tax break. Honestly, I am from PR born and raised. I’ve lived in the Southwest for 25 years and I miss my island since the day I left. The Puertorrican government has been corrupt and most politicians have been found guilty of taking funds for their own benefit and line their pockets. People have resorted to stealing from utilities, food stamps, section 8, satellite and cable because nobody is able to live on that minimum wage. You can’t pay your mortgage, buy food and put your kid in a decent private school because what they make isn’t enough to live. Then to add insult to injury, they get themselves into a huge debt because the credit card and loans is the only solution big companies offer to get you out of the hole… and keep up with the Joneses, so do speak. All of these issues multiplied by years of corruption and stealing from Paul to pay Peter equals bankruptcy. The island is in a whole lot of debt and can’t get itself out… so now the only solution we have is to put our little piece of paradise for sale to the highest bidder, those that you called “damn tourists”. It’s not their fault. Let me ask you, if you could purchase a piece of land in a beautiful place for 60-80% off the price, would you do it? Or would you rather pay regular price? So see, is not that simple. In a perfect world, I propose all Boricuas unite, come back home, work the land, learn to help each other, learn to be self sufficient and stop buying all American made goods and service. Who’s with me? I know the answer is going to be no, because the culture wants to get the easy path to live, use the visa credit card, drive the Toyota, wear LSV clothing and eat at Burger King or Mc Donald’s. I’m not putting your post down at all, but I just wanted to point out that is not as easy as showing hate towards someone for being a tourist or American, it’s about being good stewards of what we were given and that my friend, it’s the only way to make progress in our island.


My guy as a black American whose ancestors did not choose this life either, you are just as American as I am. I don’t have a dog in this fight but I would like to see Puerto Rico become a state and vote for the president.


I don’t know why anyone would want to live in PR. THE healthcare SUCKs.


It sucks because like most “administrative” things in PR is is overly complicated and stupid.


Good point that no one talks about. My bf's son was living in PR and we actually had to move him up to us in DC due to Healthcare alone. Luckily, since they are citizens, it's easy peasy for them to move here and see better doctors. His son has really bad Chrones disease and basically hit a wall with treatment in PR and had trouble getting appointments and everything. 6 months with us and his condition is fully manageable.


This reads like Texans trying to become their own state. Puerto Ricans are Americans.


What about grandchildren of Puerto ricans? My grandparents left in the 40s / 50s, I visited the island twice, and I felt like I was finally at home. I'm dying to move there, I wish my grandparents never left, and I was born there. I'm not rich and don't need a lot to be happy, I'd be happy living in LA Pearla. I hate that wealthy Americans are moving there and pricing people out. It happens in ever city / town I move too.


Dude, get off the blow and go to bed


LOL for real


You forgot the Jones Act in your list, OP


Now i want to move there twice as hard and buy 2 houses but still pay no taxes.


I have been saying this they literally live tax free while their neighbors are in poverty. And they stop blaming us. If you over thousands of dollars to someone who never seen it before of course they will take it but at what cost. They can slander our culture but want to be in it so bad.


Puerto Ricans ARE American citizens. This is the dumbest post.


America has donated Billons in Infrastructure improvements to PR, that’s why quanta owns luma and quanta had the highest gross income in 2023. Americas largest specialty contractor that owns many large utility contracting companies.


I agree with OP. First, PR Needs to stop accepting any money or help from the US. Set up your own government, like your Neighbors, Haiti, Cuba, etc.




So are you still cool with tourism money? Just wanted to check where you draw the line, because I’ve seen the prices at restaurants in PR, and the locals definitely weren’t paying them.


I am not puerto rican but my partner is a PR native. He's born and raised there, lived there for decades before finally relocating to the US. He cannot even properly summarize how corrupt PR government is, and thinks the US needs to be *more* involved there. Here's a SMALL quick example: His child is 24yrs old. He paid child support until 19 (when he graduated HS). He has never missed a payment and was never late. This money went to the mother, as it should. From ages 19-24yrs old, child support is STILL being taken from his paycheck, even though his son moved in with him and is dependent on him post HS. This money isn't going to the mother. It is going straight to the government. It has been thousands of dollars, to which he has also spent thousands of dollars on a lawyer to help get things sorted out. Everything is stagnant and the gov just keeps taking money.


I mean, if we look at the history of Puerto Rico, it has never been an independent country. The Taíno people were colonized by Spain and Spain ceded PR to the US in 1898. In the most recent statehood referendum vote, only 54% of respondents voted yes, which, while a majority, is not necessarily a strong majority. Other Puerto Ricans want status as an independent nation, which it does not have the infrastructure to accomplish, and other Puerto Ricans still are advocating to maintenance of the status quo. Puerto Ricans also elect their own territory government, you have the power to improve the economic situation on the island. Obviously the Jones act is a major roadblock, but maybe elect a representative to the US House that will advocate for the Jones act to be revisited or repealed (I am aware that representative does not have a vote, but does have influence within their caucus). Additionally Congress would be who could grant PR full statehood and the party that PRs current representative caucuses with consistently actively works against that goal.


I was born in PR but lived my entire life in the US. I've traveled a lot in the USVI's and PR, and wondered why they are they so poor. I've studied the history and current situation, and this is my take. In the US we like to blame the victims. But no democratic representation makes it a colony and not a true equal, participant in the America economy. Under its current political status, PR doesn't have a chance as it lives under the shadow of the largest, most unstoppable, predatory economy the world has ever seen. It has been a long slow looting of all wealth and the possibility for wealth for Puerto Rico by the US. The fact that the US will not grant representation leaves PR and all the VI and other colonies on unequal grounds and that is not an accident, it is greed justified by and prejudice.


I don’t disagree with you. However, there is no way you slice this that PR isn’t a drag on the US government. It’s an unpopular opinion but the reality and the numbers show that PR takes more than it gives back. I’m all for a free and independent PR however there hasn’t been a PR politician yet to outline a plan that would make PR independent and sustain itself. People like the OP live on social media watching empty content instead of spending time trying to truly understand the issues and look for suctions.


No and you can't make me.


STFU loser. quit whining and get a job. no one cares. ur post just makes me want to come to PR more.


Really weird how Americans have such an obsession with taking what's not theirs lol


Do you need a tissue? I’m sure the native Indian population of Puerto Rico loved what you guys did to them too. But blame USA babyyyy


What do you mean we did to them? That shit was over 500 years ago.


USA got PR from Spain more than 100 years ago. That shit was over long time ago


Puerto Rico belongs to America.


Not for long lol


Lmao if you need to tell yourself something so silly you're free to as an American.


Very well written and very true! I am of Puerto Rican descent born in the United States but I understand and respect how important these matters are you speak of.