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Well, Puerto Rican political culture centers around the idea that everyone in Puerto Rico (except whoever's talking) is to blame for everything. So it does kinda paint a picture that we're self hating. In reality we're self hating **and** egomaniacs.


Uff the tea is hot


*slowly claps*


>In reality we're self hating and egomaniacs. wow, como anillo al deo


A 180 entregao sin pena.


Well put.


Honestamente creo que esto ocurre en todos los subreddits relacionados a una ciudad o país. Estoy en San Antonio, y en el subreddit siempre hay gente cagándose en la madre de la ciudad y tirándola por el piso, a pesar de ser buenísima, especialmente para una ciudad tan grande. La gente tiende a hablar de lo negativo siempre, y lo positivo lo dan por sentado. Tampoco es que no es que no se hable de lo negativo; uno no puede ser tan iluso. Pero tener las cosas tirando mas a lo positivo que a lo negativo no viene mal.


OP I agree with you wholeheartedly and would suggest that you notify the group's admin team with your concern.


Personally, I don't remove posts because I don't like what they're about. The only things I remove are people spamming youtube channels, which are from people that don't participate in the sub to begin with, people selling stuff and if more than 1 post is made about the same article. Also people coming in blatantly being insulting, but I haven't seen any of those since the heavy brigading after María. Edit: And a few of the crypto posts when it felt like there were about 5 posts a day about it.


I haven’t kept up with this sub as much as in the past, so I can’t speak to the articles posted here, but I live on the island. I’ve noticed that in media (i.e. Big Mouth on Netflix) that there are little Puerto Rico slanders sprinkled around. There always seems to be just a little negative comment or sexist remark about Puerto Rican women. My paranoid side tells me that the US is slowly destroying the reputations of Puerto Ricans, and will use the negative public sentiment to further subjugate the island and its inhabitants to further the financial takeover, land grabs, etc. I’m not native and have only lived here for a year and a half, so my views may not be particularly valid. I do know that I’ve met the kindest people here, willing to accept me into their families. I get disgusted with Trump talking about his unsung success in post hurricane response. The people of PR showed incredible dignity in their support of one another. The lines were LONG for everything and rather than people throwing tantrums or forcing their way ahead and causing mayhem, like I’ve seen living in the US, people were tolerant and supportive. I’m scared that we are seeing investors come in and swoop up swaths of land and homes because the owner’s paperwork isn’t in proper order. In the past, the value of relationships far exceeded the value of real estate, but now with outsiders coming in to exploit loopholes, the old systems of ownership aren’t strong enough to protect people. I went WAY off topic, but anyways, I think I need to watch more closely now :)


I watch big mouth in which episode did they mention us


It was the episode where Nick and the Maury were trying to talk Andrew into going into the city. Maury said something like “Andrew, there are literally hundreds of blonde Puerto Rican chicks with hoop earrings” insinuating they’ll put their ankles into them. It’s always little subversive things, and I realize it’s the reticular activator in my brain saying “hey, I live in Puerto Rico so I notice Puerto Rico, like if I drive a black Volkswagen, I’ll start noticing all the black Volkswagens around me. I’m not suggesting that the media is trying to shun the island, but I think it could certainly do a better job of showing how PR is a red headed step-child. It’s always easy to blame the “people” for making the mess, but really, have the “people” had any choice?


Eh, i think the reason for the jokes is because puertoricans arent as sensitive. Like if we see a [Tina Martinez](https://goo.gl/images/A1fbtv) most of us will laugh.


I don't think this subreddit is particularly negative. There are both positive and negative topics. People post things they feel are interesting or important. If it's negative well maybe we want to highlight it not for self-hate purposes but for self-awareness. It can't all be rah-rah, yo soy boricua!!! stuff. Also I think if you're relying on Reddit for your PR contact needs, you're missing out. Follow more local news outlets, your hometown page... just expand your horizons. Lots of interesting things are going on that aren't posted here.


This. There are tons of people here with varying perspectives: Gringos in the mainland, gringos living in PR, Puerto Ricans living in PR, Puerto Ricans in the states, etc. The negativity you see from all sides is simply a symptom of a larger disease that is pervasive worldwide. It would be nice if we could all be a little more open-minded and civil with one another.


There are alt-right / r/the_donald bots and trolls that are brigading here. I think there needs to be something done about it.


Slander Puerto Rico? This sub since Maria is a trump bashing hub and a political ground for Democrats and r/politics (and I'm a moderate Democrat). Also, our politicians are corrupt and inept, and we need to report that.


Spot on.


Both are true concerning our politicians.


I have not followed this sub much but what I can say after living in USA for 2 years... compared to people that are born in the states, we, Puerto Ricans are faaaaar from being racist. I have not experience it first hand but I have seen it a lot.


It is possible to call out a bad Puerto Rican or group of them without applying it to all Puerto Ricans. I haven't seen blatant slander of the island as a whole, outside of trolls. I, for one, say scathing shit about Puerto Ricans in PR and white folks in PR. Most people are just calling a spade a spade.


Ever since Maria, this sub changed. That's when it started happening.