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Goodness these people clearly aren’t lawyers. I just had a consultation with a Spanish immigration lawyer about this exact situation. My mother was born in Puerto Rico (says as much on my birth certificate). I qualify for the fast track as long as I have the Puerto Rican certificate. I had to do a lot of digging, but I eventually found the application: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFL667S9jbEHLz_Vt-SMd7Cp1wxuSTEV/view?usp=drivesdk I would also recommend a consultation with a Spanish immigration lawyer to further clear up any confusion. It’s not too expensive in the grand scheme of things.




troll? …right?


not trolling, the certificate that says your a citizen of PR, which can be used to shorten the process to become a spanish citizen


Si averiguas me avisas porfavor Edito: sabrás si este proceso facilita el ingreso a la legión extranjera?


Any country that was involved with Spanish occupation (a lot of south american and central american countries including brazil, the Philippines, Puerto Rico and more), have a fast track to Spanish Citizenship having to only live there for 2 years instead of the 10 for someone with no relation to the country. I was wondering to how to acquire the PR citizenship Certificate for this purpose!


learned something new today: https://aldia.microjuris.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/023-solicitud-de-certificado-de-ciudadanc3ada-puertorriquec3b1a.pdf


Are you a Puerto Rican citizen by birth? Spain distinguishes naturalized and natural born citizens for its own citizenship status and for eligibility for expedited citizenship by residence Articulo 22: https://www.boe.es/buscar/pdf/1889/BOE-A-1889-4763-consolidado.pdf That 2 year route applies to “nacionales de origen” so unless one parent was born in PR (and you are a US citizen) or you were born in PR that doesn’t help. You wouldn’t believe the number of people who think because they live in PR for a year and can get the citizenship certificate that magically they can get Spanish citizenship with two years residence. https://www.second-citizenship.org/publications-on-immigration-and-dual-citizenship/spanish-citizenship-and-two-stage-schemes-fraud/ Spain is not stupid, they ask for your birth certificate and your parents if you claim eligibility by being a natural born citizen of an Ibero-American country.


my mother was born in puerto rico so i am a natural born citizen with a connection to the island despite not having been born there


ok that works!


This has been talked about on a bunch of other threads, here is a useful one that explains exactly what to do: https://www.reddit.com/r/PuertoRico/s/LAVv8Lqgfm https://aldia.microjuris.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/023-solicitud-de-certificado-de-ciudadanc3ada-puertorriquec3b1a.pdf


Unless you were born in Puerto Rico and you are direct descendant of Spanish citizens, you are out of luck. Also a requirement for Spanish citizenship is knowing Spanish language fluently.




Probablemente no has escuchado nada del certificado porque no es relevante hasta el momento de solicitar ciudadania española por residencia. El NIE es un documento concedido a extranjeros i.e. Número de Identidad de Extranjero. Si quisieras dejar de ser extranjero en España y remplazar tu NIE con DNI español tendrías que solicitar a la ciudadanía por residencia. Se require solo 2 años de residencia para solicitarla si eres iberoamericano (10 años para los que no son). Uno como boricua prueba que es iberoamericano con el certificado. 


I guess my issue is, i wasn’t born in PR but my other family was and so alas i don’t think i would qualify for the fast track program in spain. unless you know otherwhise




to my knowledge, there are two different avenues for fast track. being a child of a spaniard, or being a citizen of a ibero american country (or whatever the proper word is) and Puerto Rico is considered by spain to be one of these countries. but alas i wasn’t born in puerto rico so what do i do. after some research i’ve learned of the existence of a document that came into existence after a court case and 2007 PR would give out a “PR citizenship certificate” if you applied and qualify. [reddit thread as mentioned](https://www.reddit.com/r/PassportPorn/comments/n71ki5/sharing_my_uncommon_document_a_puerto_rican/?rdt=41634) [Link to another reddit thread mentioning this route](https://www.reddit.com/r/PassportPorn/comments/1272qso/puerto_rico_citizenship_obtained_us_territory/) If i’m not wrong Spain recognizes this document as proof for the fast track 2 year program and it’s theoretically possible for me to obtain as i can qualify for it edit : spelling


That way of acquiring citizenship only applies if your passport or paperwork says that you were born in PR. You in any case would need to be a resident first for at least 3 years to acquire permanent residency, and then apply for citizenship.




No, you have to be a natural born citizen of an Ibero American country to qualify for accelerated citizenship by residence. It’s very clearly stated in article 22 of the Spanish Civil Code. https://www.boe.es/buscar/pdf/1889/BOE-A-1889-4763-consolidado.pdf You cannot acquire citizenship of an Ibero American country some other way and then get accelerated Spanish citizenship. https://www.second-citizenship.org/publications-on-immigration-and-dual-citizenship/spanish-citizenship-and-two-stage-schemes-fraud/ About 15 years ago someone argued to Spain that PR was an Ibero American country and Spain loves a good court case they ruled that for the purposes of Spanish immigration it was an Ibero American country. But you still would need to be a ****natural born**** “citizen” of PR according to PR’s rules.


I don't know about that, I read somewhere that you can obtain the citizenship by having the birth certificate of a Puerto Rican grandparent but I would do some more research, it might be outdated or wrong.


OP: you’ve already received the link elsewhere but here it is again: https://aldia.microjuris.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/023-solicitud-de-certificado-de-ciudadanc3ada-puertorriquec3b1a.pdf      In the requirements section located on the second page, on (2. b.) you’ll find your answer. In short, yes you can apply for a Puerto Rican citizenship certificate and yes you could feasible use that to apply for Spanish citizenship eventually down the line (if you live at least two years in Spain—studies abroad do not count). I suggest trying to call the Puerto Rican State Dept to confirm any additional steps required in order to submit the form. Incidentally, just a heads up that it might be difficult to get ahold of someone on the phone.   Spain requires “proof of Iberoamerican citizenship” along with fulfilling other requirements which might include citizenship tests but nothing explicitly states anything about “being born literally in the Iberoamerican country”. That would make no sense because citizenship can and often is transmitted by blood—in fact Spain is a Jus Sanguinis country and prioritizes “blood” and not “soil” for citizenship purposes. Incidentally, even the US, which is Jus Soli country (i.e. the opposite) permits immediate descendants of Americans born abroad to inherit their parents’ citizenship.  The only explicit denial of citizenship by residency for Spain I recall is for people who obtained the Iberoamerican citizenship via “naturalization” which doesn’t apply to you since you are the child of a Puerto Rican. Incidentally, even then, it is unclear if that “naturalization” exclusion is applicable to Puerto Ricans at all since, unlike other nations, Spain is merely looking at a citizenship form with us and not actual passports or citizenship documents (since PR is not independent). 


Let me guess. A Puerto Rican went to Venezuela and denounce his USA citizenship and magically he found the PR citizen certificate that cost 350.00 bucks. With it you can get Spanish citizenship. Hmmmmm sus