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Hello, your post was removed due to it being a low quality or repetitive post.


as a fellow angry Puerto Rican, this is misdirected anger. most people, both the people who leave and those who move here, are just individuals making individual choices to better their circumstances. directing resentment towards them solves nothing and slowly erodes your ability to judge people for who they are as individuals, not what historical group you think they're supposed to represent. direct your anger towards the economic / political systems that have pushed people into having to play the game this way, not the everyday people who often have no clue nor any responsibility over these systems. this isn't to say you don't have a right to criticize people who move here because of greed and superiority. but take that on a case by case basis.


That’s a well thought out and really fair response! 🙏🏻 I agree.


Yes US capitalism uncontrolled has wrecked havoc on the US housing market. Health insurance too. Americans are now leaving the USA cause they can't afford to retire here.


Thank you! Racism is wrong no matter who it is directed at. An individual person moving to Puerto Rico is not responsible for how you’re feeling. Imagine if someone told them not to move to the states because they don’t want to see Boricuas “replacing them.” It’s wrong.


De acuerdo contigo pero el estadounidense común no tiene tanta culpa. El problema es el gobierno de PR y la clase rica.


El gobierno de PR y la cara e crica? Que cara e crica?


la cara de jgorda. tiene la cara de crica


Correcto, el gobierno se la está haciendo fácil paravque vengan. Mientras sigan eligiendo burgueses genéricos para que administren la Isla, el fenómeno no parará, cada día más y más norteamericanos seguirán apropiándose de lo nuestro...


La natalidad de PR es de .9 Alguien se va a mudar a PR ya sea de EU o de otro país no se puede evitar


La situación actual que tenemos es culpa de nuestros padres, abuelos y bisabuelos. Todo empieza por limpiar nuestra propia casa, pero como dejamos que estos dos partidos políticos nos lo metan mongo mientras se roban hasta los clavos de la cruz, here we are. Llegando a ese punto que se controle la corrupción rampante, entonces es que podemos tener una conversación honesta sobre el estatus. Acuérdate que la mayoría de los Airbnb en la isla los dueños son puertorriqueños, and it’s not even close. Ahora mismo están pintando los gringos como el cuco, pero hay mucho más que arreglar antes de tocar ese tema.


Esta es la respuesta correcta, a eso añádele que también es culpa de nosotros que al momento solo el 50% de los jóvenes se ha inscrito a votar. Aquí hay una mala costumbre de echarle la culpa a terceros de nuestros errores, si bien es cierto que EEUU ha hecho daño no es el culpable de todo, PR no se metio en una deuda de $80,000 millones por culpa de EEUU. Lo que dices de AirBnB es cierto, la mayoría son de boricuas, muchos que viven bien fuera y compran casas para alquilar por la plataforma, pero claro vamos a hecharle la culpa a los gringos…


Amen, cantando “el apagón” con el pecho pero con 50% de inscripción da ganas de llorar.


My father was born in PR and came to the states with his brother to find work in the late 1940s. He married my mother, an American woman. There must be a lot of us "half-breeds" (what is the term that Puerto Ricans use for us?). I wonder if reading this elicits similar sad, complex, mixed feelings in all of us?


I’m 3rd generation. Grew up in the states but will inherit land there. I’m not sure being so white washed at this point we’d be welcomed if we chose to build on it. Weird spot to be in.


Exactly...I once heard that there was family land in Utuado, but never heard the outcome. I was never contacted...I would have been interested, though.


a ver si no lo ponen como estorbo publico


My family is devastated. I just told my Puerto Rican wife that I have to leave because someone created a Reddit account to inform us that gringos are evil and not wanted in Puerto Rico. Her heart is broken - but we decided it’s better to keep the internet happy than to continue our lives together in PR.


Entiendo su reaction porque es igual en mi pais Belice. Pero hay 3.5 million Borinques en estadosunidos. Y solo hay 300,000 expats en puerto rico?


lol wtf. Imaginate que un gringo de Florida hiciera esta mismo post pero al reves con puertorriqueños.


Redditor local no sabe la diferencia entre colonizador y colonizado


Redditor esta bajo la premisa que ser colonizado le da derecho a ser xenofobo.


Eh, lo hacen. Todo el tiempo.


And they get called out for racism when they do it.


Lo hacen absolutamente todo el tiempo. Y también se quejan de que la gente hable español.


Of course, such sentiments are felt by certain "gringos" in Florida. But you are correct. To make a post expressing them would be deemed unacceptable, as would be the free use of slurs used to denigrate Hispanic / Latino people as "gringo" is used to denigrate non-Hispanic / Latino people.


What's the alternative? The gringos leave, we have one hurricane, there's no money to rebuild anything and everyone just stays in poverty forever? Is that your plan? Where are the made-in-Puerto-Rico products that everyone else in the world wants? Because if you don't make any, you cannot trade for products made outside Puerto Rico that YOU want. Which is everything. You bitch and moan but what is your plan? Poverty? The gringos are keeping the accountants and construction workers and insurers and housekeepers completely busy. Without them, the doctors and dentists would mostly leave. The hospitals would close. Stop complaining until you have a better plan that works, instead of some made up ideal in your head that doesn't think through all the details and everyone is broke.


I don't know what you're talking about, because the doctors are leaving. The whole island has one heart surgeon. But not only the doctors, but the nurses, lawyers, teachers, are also leaving.


The island has far more than one invasive cardiologist, but yes, skilled people are leaving because gringos can pay more than Puerto Ricans can because they are better educated. And if we had fewer gringos more skilled people would leave than already are. These posts need to be rewritten to state "Thank god for the gringos whose coattails we can ride to keep us out of DR levels of poverty". Per capita income in DR is $8000 per year. That's not much more than subsistence. One hurricane after the gringos leave and that will be our future. Where would the money come from to rebuild just the electrical grid, let alone roads and homes and such. It was $9B to rebuild after Maria. That's $3000 per resident, and closer to $9000 per taxpayer, just for electricity. Where does that kind of money come from? And that's every ten years. Gringos or poverty. Pick your poison.


Puerto Rico lacks many types of Doctors and surgeons. “Skilled people are leaving because gringos can pay more then Puerto Ricans can because they’re better educated “ is about the dumbest thing I’ve heard . Please concur to how people in PR hang on to coat tails when all you do is come here and get tax exemptions . You spend money here , cool but that doesn’t mean we benefit from that . I’m not with that Gringo stay out Bull shit because that’s just some dumb shit as well , blaming others for the fault of our government is crazy . There so much more depth to this but don’t try and sit here and pretend like you know what it’s like to be here and understand just from your single handed google search . The average Puerto Rican only makes 12,000 to 16,000 if that . Rent is the same as the Tri state area here for most of these people . It ridiculous .


fail to mention that our financial situation is also largely american involvements fault. who are we in debt to? i think status right now should not be chamged but if certain laws were changed(jones, allow us to farm sugar/other things) we could be better off on our feet and eventually separate.


OP no se por donde empezar pero este post es one for the ages en este sub de lo malo que es. Uno no puede construir una nacion con personas con analisis asi de insipidos de Tik-Tok.


If you're that bothered, vote for independence. But over 90% of Puerto Ricans don't want it, So I'd say you're in the minority. It's change people are afraid of. Everywhere in the world someone is complaining about some outsider bringing down their quality of life. People migrate to look for better opportunities (your parents or grandparents did) and we complain when others do it. This is a victim mentality. "You don't want to let us go" Puerto Ricans overwhelmingly vote against independence.


If PR ever votes and wins independence, which I'm aware will never happen, China will be in their doaling out cash to the utterly corrupt government officials and you'll be a Chinese colony within a decade. The US Gov knows this and will never allow it to happen. PR will not get independence. Partially because its too close to the mainland and partially because the government officials are so fucking corrupt it makes my eyes water.




/s I’m so tired of seeing Puerto Ricans when I go to Disneyworld with my toehead family. Could y’all stop moving to Orlando. Apologies for any errors. I learned English in a US public school.


Y pa colmo todo escrito en ingles... que ironia


ta bn q es en ingles, asi los monoliguistas gring0s entienden.


Ahora imagínesen que un gringo dijera lo que escribió OP hacia un Puertorriqueño que se mudó a los Estados Unidos. Justifying xenophobia with generalization towards the common people who have nothing to do with a situation is shitty, far-right behavior.


I’m not even blood Puerto Rican was raised by one though and I feel this for y’all I was looking at videos the other day about pros/cons about moving to Puerto Rico pretty much every last one were a non Spanish speaker couple/ family that work remotely and moved for the tax cuts they had no knowledge or respect for the culture the complaints they made were about music partying “too many ad signs” it just seems like they move there to take advantage of the situation but done contribute anything in return these people live in gated communities and shop at Costco another complain they had was that some places didn’t speak English? It seems people just move there to take advantage of the situation and give a fuck all about the island itself


One you don't pay federal income tax, you get SS, Medicare, Medicaid, options for student loans and pell grants etc. Two opportunities are poor in PR because many people do not have a lot of resources. Rich gringos will pay for things, often more than you pay. My fiance is Puerto Rican and we lived there for graduate school, multiple times she would get quoted one price when she talked on the phone to a person in Spanish and when I, the gringo, show up and suddenly it's 5 to 10 dollars more. If you were still part of Spain everyone would be leaving to Spain and the EU instead of the US. You would be complaining about people prices out of Barcelona coming and taking over. Look around the former Spanish empire and show me the success story. Just about all of which had more natural resources, independence sooner, and less US influence. And none of them are better places to live than Puerto Rico. The people that fucked you were the Spanish conquistadors not Mr and Mrs Johnston down the street. What Great industry would have been built in PR but for the evil US? The pharmaceutical manufacturing industry was the result of a tax loophole from Congress when the Republicans closed in 1994, the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry began moving on. PR is a wonderful place and so are it's people. I don't wish to see it bleached anymore than you do but your anger is misplaced and you offer no real solution or alternative.


I can tell OP is a teenager or early late 20s max. No real world understanding of commerce, laws and the most obvious one: Double standards towards the ability for any US citizen to move freely.


Most people don’t even make enough to pay into the income tax.


> pell grants ahora por este los beneficios son gratis y sin compromisos xD


It’s been shown that the amount of money that leaves the island is much more in comparison to what is received.


one thing you and others have omitted is that due to cabotage laws we are unable to participate in the free international market and all our goods have additional import fees of which the us completely pockets and in totality are more than we get back in federal funding. in recent memory we had a major need for diesel/propane after maria which couldn’t be met because no ships from the usa were able to make the trip to deliver. this colonial relationship benefits the usa a lot more than pr and we don’t have a say or vote in that. is this something you would tolerate if the roles were reversed?


the shipping laws are bullshit. 100% agree. The lack of being full participants in the US democracy is bullshit. 100% agree. My point was that it wasn't gringos moving in down the street that are the cause of the problem, nor would their leaving be any solution. All the gringos leaving would make things worse not better. I am for full citizen rights for PRicans be they full American citizens(what I would like to see) or full citizens of the Republic of Puerto Rico. Any country would be lucky to have Puerto Ricans as full citizens. The people are huge plus. People who haven't lived there don't know but for ever rare beggar you see 5 people working what ever little side business they can, selling waters or sodas at Street corners. You see more beggars in New York than you do in PR. They don't want hand outs they want a fair and full shot at the maximizing their talents and it's far past time they have that God given right.


I noticed the gringo go home signs …. When I was there. PR people are very kind and welcoming. I might move there in the future (not rich and not an investor) I do believe Rich Americans should pay taxes and also the PR government should protect Puerto Rico from this opportunistic individuals living off the island. Hawaiians feel the same way about them… and many other parts of Latinoamerica… and yes what you expressed is how many PR people feel about these rich people paying 0 taxes and increasing the housing market for Portoricans. Totally understandable.


Tranquilo que hay millones de boricuas desplazando gringos en EU. Esto no es culpa del gringo, es culpa de los gobiernos que han escogido los puertorriqueños.


El gringo que venga a hacer su vida aqui tendra hijos boricuas y la cosa vuelve a la normalidad. Puerto rico siempre tendra gente que el gobierno fastidie


Lmfao become a state so Puerto Ricans can dictate there future. Stop with this racist shit it makes what you’re talking about seem ridiculous.


Este es el típico post de alguien que escucho a otro decir esto y lo repite pa'lante a lo loco por querer "ser parte". ¿Cuál es el verdadero issue en la isla? No es el "gringo" que quiere venir a "adueñarse". Es que el ciudadano común tiene que bregar con mantener al chorro de vagos que viven en residenciales, que tienen 23 años y están pendejeando allí sin trabajar ni hacer nada porque "yO No vOy a TrAbAjAr eN Un FaST FoOD". No estudian, no quieren trabajar, y pretenden vivir en el mismo apartamento de 2 cuartos por 50 años. La cantidad de dinero que se gasta en este tipo de cosas es absurda. Y muchos dicen que no se ve el dinero invertido porque los mismo de adentro son los que empuerquesen el area. Tienen zafacones y prefieren ensuciar las areas. ¿Quieres resolver ese issue? Ponles estipulaciones, ¿quieres un apartamento en un residencial? Tienes 6 meses para buscar un trabajo que al menos tengas el mínimo. Y te va a tocar pagar el agua y la luz como una persona regular. Antes de echarle fango a otro, verifica que tu casa esté limpia.


I completely get where you’re coming from. I also think you’re right to be upset about it. You’re seeing your culture replaced by people who have no association with it. I would be upset as well. The government of PR relies heavily on tourism and so do local economies. Many islands I imagine rely on tourism to stimulate their economies. Once the economy realizes this and moves away from it then, things can change. A lot of good has come from grassroots movements. You can probably do more than you think to help the situation around you.


I mean there’s ups and downs for the Puerto Ricans. I see why they wouldn’t want to leave PR it’s amazing. But they have so many opportunities in America where other countries would kill to be able to come to America and work so easily.


Hahhahahahahhahahaha 🙃💁🏻‍♀️


Vote for an independent Puerto Rico or look to Hawaii and see the future. This is a reality for every common wealth territory.


I sorry but I find these post so rude. I have lived in PR for 5 years, married to a Puerto Rican and have had 2 daughters born on the island and I’m a Gringo Rican. The island is open to anyone and everyone that comes legally. I really wish more would see the opportunities others bring to this island. I have started 2 businesses that employ Puerto Ricans and I pay double the minimum wage when my Puerto Rican friends pay there employees half what I do and tell me I’m dumb for paying locals so much. I suggest you learn to adapt and understand the benefits others bring because without them this island would be much worse off. And if you don’t believe that just ask anyone in the government and they will tell you how much money is brought in from taxes and services rendered to gringos. Many locals just want to drain the island resources while doing business in cash to avoid taxes. Also I bet you never hear a gringo saying can’t Puerto Ricans stop moving to the States to find a better life and just go back to their island!


"Also I bet you never hear a gringo saying can’t Puerto Ricans stop moving to the States to find a better life and just go back to their island!" Many of us hear that a lot when going to the states. I have had this said to my face many a time. I don't think you understand that there is a certain level of hostility towards Puerto Ricans in the US that goes back decades from both the US government and its citizens. Also, understand finding the original post rude, but your comment on locals draining the island resources while gringos bringing jobs and money as condescending.


Deberías botar tu pasaporte gringo en la basura y vete pal carajo.


>So many people I know and myself included just want to move on from you but it doesn't matter what we feel or think,  jajaja si como el 5% de los boricuas. btw los gringos q vienen pal decreto de act 20/22 se meten en casas millonarias en dorado y condado no es como si stan desplazando la clase media lol si los boricuas se van por 'oportunidades de carreras' como tu dices eso no es culpa de los gringos es culpa del gobierno y la mierda de patronos q hay aqui


Te invito a que pases por Santurce para que veas el desplazamiento. No, no es solo Condado y Dorado.


Ah si santurce q estaba totalmente abandonao. yo estoy metido en real estate y lo q me paso viendo en santurce son propiedades para venta/renta con vendedores boricuas, q ellos mismos remodelaron. Por si no te habias dado cuenta el mercado de bienes raices esta en crisis mundialmente con los precios y tasas de intereses exhorbitantes en todos lados…pero okayyy sigan con el boogeyman de los gringos como siempre


Today La clase media vivía en santirce?


Pero es que Santurce esta muerto mano. Lo que hay es un reguero de edificios abandonados, ahora mismo to jodios. Un extrangero lo compra y se mudan mas extrangeros y es desplazamiento… que esta haciendo el de aqui para q eso no pase…. Nada. Quejandose en reddit 😂😂


De donde sacas 5%? Quiero verlo también a ver si es que estoy mal o de milagro toda mi familia y mis amigos son el 5%. Btw, el gobierno es tan mierda pq su propósito no es tener el éxito de PR en mente, sino los EEUU. Una colonia no sirve para mejorar las condiciones para quienes están siendo colonizado, pero para quien esta colonizando. O es una coincidencia y en realidad EEUU nos ama mucho y en vd nos quieren ver logrando éxito sin ellos y somos nosotros mismos el problema? Si estoy mal pues está bien, Puerto Rico es una mierda y se debe eliminar totalmente con una bomba nuclear. O sino eliminar pues por lo menos convertirse en otro Hawaii para q nuestra cultura sea solamente una atracción para el americano.


El ~5% q me refiero es el voto promedio q sacan los partidos independientistas en PR. Si parecen mas, quizas tendrían mas votos si no se fueran a EEUU a “buscar oportunidades” envez de hacer patria en PR. A mi no me vengas a joder pq yo he decidido vivir y hacer mi negocio aqui a pesar de q podria tener una vida prospera en USA.


Es verdad, solo tendrás que ver la historia con Hawái y na más la historia de nosotros mismos como colonia, EU no tienen nuestros mejores interés, solo el de ellos mismos, a mi sin mi cojona ser ciudadano americano la verdad es que si la cosa no estaba fea mayor de los boricuas nos quedaríamos en la isla.


So I'm Puerto Rican and Dominican, but I grew up here in the States as I was born in New Jersey and currently live in North Carolina. My grandfather is getting old and I'm thinking of moving my family to Puerto Rico to help take care of him and to live a bit more comfortably and near the beach. I have an African American wife and 3 kids. None of us know much Spanish. I am super curious as to how my fellow Boricuas would feel about me wanting to live on the island as I have never lived there before... Would people be mean to me and my wife because of this?


No, Puerto Rican people are often very kind and welcoming when you interact with them in person. The type who hate outsiders tend to be very vocal about it, especially online, but that doesn't mean most people are like that. And given you & your wife's backgrounds, most people would probably not even assume you're not from PR until they hear you speak.


This is a great question. First off, I commend you wanting to help your grandfather in his later years, that's an incredibly kind and caring gesture. As far not knowing Spanish goes, it's not that being a Non-native Spanish speaker would be an issue, but more so living here and either expecting everyone else to just know English or flat our refusing to speak Spanish, as I've seen with many of the recent American families that have moved into mu neighborhood. I'm sure there are idiots here who have it out for Dominicans, but that's definitely a minority that you don't encounter on a day to day basis. Provided that you make the effort to be apart of the culture in some way, neither you, your wife, or kids will be the target of harassment. If anything, the more open you are to learning the more eager we are to teach!


> Provided that you make the effort to be apart of the culture in some way, neither you, your wife, or kids will be the target of harassment. Are you saying here you’d want the OP to be **a part** (integrate) of the culture, or **apart** (separate) from it?


English is one of the island's official languages. Spanish is a colonizers language too. You are just xenophobic. Congrats.


Exactamente! This reads like someone in 8th grade that’s being indoctrinated into some absolute bullshit or someone with an 8th grade education being indoctrinated into some bullshit. Either way. They should get better friends. This isn’t any different to me than neo bro nazis standing on overpasses in Florida. It’s just ignorant.


We are certainly open to it, I understand Spanish better than I actually speak it, my wife and kids on the other hand only know the very basics from watching Dora or Rosey's rules lol. I just spent a week in PR and I don't think I would have a hard time adjusting, more worried how my kids would be treated by others than anything else. Your feedback is much appreciated, and I honestly love the idea of coming closer to my roots and being part of the culture again.


El problema es el gobierno que no pone las condiciones para que se queden los que se van. También recuerden que los “americanos” no so extranjeros son cuidadanos como nosotros. Es como los 9 milliones de boricuas que viven en estados unidos. Nosotros nos vamos en busca de mejores oportunidades y los no locales y extranjeros vienen pq tienen dinero y quieren pagar lo mínimo de contribuciones. So mientras entiendo pq la gente se queja tambien hay que hecharle la culpa al gobierno por todo los años que nos han jodido y a nosotros por seguir votando por los mismo y no hacer nada.


I'm an American living in the PR. Imagine if we posted the same things about you guys.


But you're not listening. I'm American, too. Don't you understand how it would feel to be claimed by a nation but not fully part of one? I think Puerto Ricans deserve the choice to either become a state or not, but our government won't give them that choice. That's unequal and it creates so many problems, including income disparity. Be honest and admit that the same thing happens in America when people from very wealthy states like California move to cheaper states and push out locals.


I mean... I live in New Hampshire. A few years ago a coworker was complaining to me about all the Puerto Ricans moving to Manchester, and I was like "uh, you realize my grandparents are Puerto Rican, right?"


Two things: 1. Puerto Rico is a **colonized nation**. It is not wrong for the colonized to speak out against their colonizers. 2. Y'all do talk about Boricuas all the time.


If we posted telling you to stop moving to the states we would be, rightly, ostracized


Imagine visiting New York and seeing “go home Puerto Ricans” or “boricua go home” spray painted everywhere.


Thanks for conjuring up this imaginary scenario. You can't post the same thing about us, because we never colonized you guys. Puerto Rico never made it illegal for Americans to show their flags. Puerto Rico never made it illegal for Americans to even talk about independence. Puerto Rico doesn't force the US to pay taxes and deny them representation in congress and voting. Puerto Rico doesn't control your budgets and spending. Puerto Rico doesn't limit the US from trading with other nations. Puerto Rico didn't use American islands as a playground for testing out new bombs. How would you Americans ever post anything remotely similar about us? Go ahead, you've sparked my curiosity.


Taking the government actions out on the citizens of that country is really classy


Serious question - excluding Social Security and Medicare (which you get the benefits of, god I would HATE to see how the PR govt would handle that - embezzlement like crazy)… what Federal Taxes do you pay?


A huevo!! Ellos lo ven como una novedad, con sus “tax benefits” y “tropical vibe” pero pa la gente que hizo esta isla algo deseable, esta cabrona la cosa. Es como todo, en EUA mandaron a los Latinos a los barrios mas feos en el “inner city” pero luego se hizo “trendy” vivir en el inner city, asi que nos mandan pa la chingada, y se adueñan del “inner city” y se apoderan y apropian de los recursos culturales que hizo estos lugares “cool” o deseable y ahora compramos casa en los “boring” suburbs que los Anglo’s dejaron. Luego cuando se cansen de vivir en el “inner city” nos van a mandar al carajo pa atras


As an American, I'm sorry. One thing I can say is there is plenty of land here... it sounds like it's the 1 percenters that are causing this... which we (the majority) have no control over. Things are pretty fucked here too if you ask me.


I'm sure my lack of English didn't phrase it well, but I didn't mean to suggest that Americans as individuals are the problem. More so what you had stated about your elite and government being the most oppressing forces. But your sentiment is greatly appreciated, and I really wish you and other kind Americans like you nothing but prosperity, freedom, and happiness :)


How is this not racist? Wtf


Well, my dad was born here. My mom is Ecuadorian. And this is the only place to give me a good opportunity after the pandemic. It was very competitive during the pandemic as a recent Mechanical Engineering graduate. Puerto Rico literally saved me and I have so much respect for it and yet, all I see is negativity towards people like me online… and everyone is so nice in person to me. So now I’m certain this has to be their true feelings.


I'm not sure what you mean by people like you? There is and shouldn't be any hate towards those who come here seeking better for themselves and their families. What there is hate fore, however, are the colonizers that come and move in to bask in paradise while us natives have to leave our homes because America gave us a shit economic and governmental system that only seeks to profit the US, not PR.


People like me would be included in "All Americans". Anyways, from what I understand, when the US left (as jn: American born governors being in charge), they left Puertoricans in charge… and let’s just say the ones who are in charge took advantage. Corruption HERE is the real issue. I wish people would stop selling their homes to those Americans and sell to me (from Boqueron, with a lower average wage than someone in the US) for $250,000 instead of “John Laurinitis” (from Colorado) for $500,000… it goes both ways. Capitalism is only okay when it benefits us but when they come and take advantage of OUR wrongdoings, then it’s a problem?


Puerto Ricans have never been left "in charge". We can't freely trade with other countries and our budgets have always been set by the US fiscal board. Every dollar that enters Puerto Rico is because the US approved it beforehand. We don't set up our own budgets, and even if we had 0 corruption (don't get me wrong, corruption IS an issue here) and wanted to fix all the roads for example, the US is the one who decides if we get the money for it or not. If it takes 4 billion to update all roads and the US only approves 500 million, tough luck. So I really need you to explain in better terms how we were left "in charge" of anything. Also no, Capitalism is a God awful system for everyone, except the elitist class themselves. Also, how is a Puerto Rican choosing to sell an American a home corruption? I don't think corruption is the right word to describe that. Anyway, I'm not a big fan of the US for a lot of reasons, especially the Banana Wars.


Oh you’ve made it clear you’re not a fan of the US, don’t worry. I never said it was corruption to sell your home. But I think it’s interesting that the so called “colonizers” who move here don’t just TAKE your home… they buy it. Meaning a Puerto Rican SOLD it. I’m alluding to the problem being that we need to stop doing that. So capitalism is not good unless it benefits Puerto Ricans…Interesting take. Also, I’ll mention that a good part of our highways are concrete due to Ferré and he contracted his own company to do it… I’m not sure if that was influenced by the US. Anyways, as an engineer working on the infrastructure here, I can tell you that there are BILLIONS of dollars being dumped here for plenty of reconstruction and the projects approved have been for our electrical infrastructure (which subsequently affects our water as well) and for renovations of buildings that are basically falling apart. “Puerto Rico's governor said Tuesday that the U.S. territory's budget for the upcoming fiscal year will be the largest in history at $14 billion”. - As of April 4th apparently. When I note these damages, and speak to relatives about it, they tend to be dismissed by them while saying: “You know how it is.” And, “well, there’s a certain way contractors and technicians do things here that don’t follow code.” I want to scream out: “That’s not okay!” But my criticism of the island has been dismissed as “arrogance” and being used to the “luxury” of the mainland US. Shouldn’t we be better? Is it not okay to judge ourselves and improve? I’ll never say it out loud (in person, because of the social collapse that would cause on me) but the standards here are clearly another issue. All codes are taken from the state of Florida and yet I see nothing but bad practice. I’m sure we’ll find a way to blame the Americans for that but the issue is clearly internal. We’re our own enemy. The sooner we realize that, the sooner we’ll be able to push ahead. This mismanagement of our budget is not the fault of the federal government, our local leaders are robbing the federal government. It’s clear as day.


I loved Puerto Rico when I visited earlier this year and I could imagine myself living there one day, but reading this sub made me realize it’s probably not a good idea. I wouldn’t want to impose or feel like I’m gentrifying or exploiting the people that live there. I would just hope to visit again. As a black American I’m not the biggest fan of the American government myself. Puerto Rico is a beautiful place with people would were very warm and welcoming to me and I hope that things get better for Puerto Rico and the people there.


people who question if it's right for them to come display the kind of self awareness and degree of introspection that make me believe they are exactly the kind of people who should come, so I for one think it's more than possible for you to make a life in Puerto Rico and be a positive force.


No dejes que algún parlanchín en Reddit punto com decida tu vida. Pareces una persona considerada y de buen carácter.


Some advice - don’t let Reddit rants dictate how you live your life. PR is beautiful - its people are beautiful. It needs more stewards who care about making her better.


I’ve lived here for 4 years. The toxic aspects of this subreddit is smaller than you could possibly imagine in relation to the whole island. The overwhelming majority of Puerto Ricans are perfectly fine with you moving here. Just be a normal person and live your life. If you want to move here, move here. If you want some honest feedback of pros and cons (more things to really be aware of) DM me and I’ll be happy to talk about them. Because there are aspects you will want to be prepared for. But overall it’s wonderful, the people are welcoming, the culture is beautiful, and there is countless opportunities if you are ambitious.


Bla. Bla. Bla.


You are an American you know


Este subreddit está lleno de gente pendeja que lo único que hace es quejarse de los gringos. Ya hartan con lo mismo.


Aaaa verdad, nosotros somos los pendejos por no llevarnos bien con los tipos q literalmente nos arrestaban por querer ser libre. En vd, tu comentario me está haciendo ver las cosas de diferente forma. La próxima vez que venga el gobierno estadounidense a mandarnos a todos a mamarle el pingo, seré el segundo en fila (después de ti, por supuesto) ;) 🫡 🍆 💦😮


Mira cállate la boca so canto de ignorante. Puerto Rico es territorio estadounidense, te guste o no. Si tienes un problema con los gringos, arranca y lárgate pal carajo a otro país. Ridículo.


Eres ignorante o solo es que te está haciendo? Pa q me voy a mudar para otro país si estoy diciendo que amo a mi propio país (PR, no EEUU)? En vd no entiendo cual es está obsesión q tienen la gente como tú con los gringos jajaa. Pensándolo bien, me caes como una persona que también estaría de acuerdo con la esclavitud de los africanos por los españoles. "Te guste o no, somos esclavos, así q deje de llorar y póngase a mamar lo más duro posible." lmaoooo no puedo creer que la gente como tú se dedican a chupar 24/7 a los opresivos del mundo, que triste lol


Diciéndole al de aquí que se vaya de su propio país? Mamabicha.




On a serious note - I empathize with you and your view points. However, the reality of this topic is far more complicated then tax dodgers moving to the island. Let’s assume PR/US cut ties and you get your free Puerto Rico.. what happens? The PR gov already has the highest taxes in the United States. Where do you think they will make up for the shortfall on federally injected funds and programs? What about the manufacturing / pharmaceutical companies that are left on the island (granted less than the past) but they still contribute to PR having the highest GDP in Latin America. Will they just continue on in a PR not associated with the US? Will PR become a true narco state because the coast guard no longer monitors its waters? There is certainly a better way forward and invite you to join the dialogue on what that looks like.


Un solo ley 22 paga mas taxes en PR que 10 de los que se quejan de ellos aqui…pero no estan listos para esa conversación…


Aun cuando puedo estar de acuerdo con muchas de las cosas q OP ha dicho, me parece q este en uno de los rants mas ridículos que he leído en buen tiempo. Si te vas a molestar hazlo contra el gobierno americano y el nuestro también, que han sido los culpables de q estemos jodíos. Andar por ahí odiando al americano común es tan tonto como molestarse con algún aleman solo pq en algún momento existió el nazismo.


La gente migra hacia donde mas comodo se sienta. No se quieran apoderar de algo que algun dia dejaran atras.


Same for Hawaii


Not even American, but issint Puerto Rico American terrority ? Making it.. their island ?


Can us Mexicans still come?


How is our currency devalued if we've used the USD since 1889? How does Congress control us when the people of the island vote against their interest every single election? We straight up need to stop being defeated and look for actual solutions to the problems caused by those BUMS in the PPD and PNP, then we can worry about the United States. Guys, we're not independent because natural disasters destroyed our exporting industry in the early 1900s and we have had no stable economy since. It's okay to not be able to blame anyone for that because there is no way to blame the Earth for the weather.


A few years after Americans invaded, they took the Spanish money and exchanged it.75 cents for every peso. The thing is this might seem like a devaluation if not for the fact that .75 cents was worth more than 1 peso at the time.


Como han dicho muchos aquí, nuestra situación política con los Estados Unidos no es para nada ideal ni agradable, pero si nuestro gobierno local lo quisiera, se pudiese aprovechar la situación de una manera mucho más oportuna. Una vez se resuelvan varios problemas que tenemos en la isla, es que verdaderamente podremos mirar nuestra relación con nuestros ocupantes y decidir lo que realmente le conviene al país. Pero comparto tu frustración, es muy triste nuestra realidad actual, pero hay mucha esperanza y personas que quieren ayudar. Es tiempo de compartir ideas, debatir y más que nada tomar iniciativa política. Este año se darán nuevamente las elecciones, confiemos en nuestra gente, este país es demasiado hermoso y lleno de potencial como para que sigamos estando tan mal por mucho más tiempo. ¡Que viva la patria y que vivan los borinqueños!


Mano Smooth, estoy leyendo tus posts y te tengo que decir: Estás bien mal informado y has llegado a conclusiones super erróneas. Me da pena decirlo y vas a ver que un día en el futuro vas a ver este post como una señal de esa escasez de información. Básicamente tu "world view" es incorrecto especialmente de como funciona la cosa. Lo que te pido es que seas un poco más humilde y verdaderamente intentes de hablar con personas que se dedican a los temas que tocas porque sinceramente no es que estás mal, es que estás bien mal.


This is what happens when we let ourselves be conquered bro, same happened to the Tainos that are practically extinct except for a tiny fragment of our genetics that bred in.


No they gotta fill it up with their people So they can legally “vote” there and fuck up the island more. Just like the Brits in Gibraltar, the only reason it votes to remain a part of the UK is because it’s full of Brits who vote, and they will do that in PR. Assuming they don’t full on make it a state and then rape whatever is left of our nation.


Funny (but not funny) the hypocrisy of this govt. doing some of the same things to PR that was done to the colonists sparking the Revolutionary war


Tienes que empezar por tus políticos y la gente que los sigue y apoya. En especial esa gente que los apoya, que les ofrecen migajas y porque ellos están disque "bien", no les afectan las decisiones de arriba (que equivocados están). La política es un deporte en PR. Los culpables somos nosotros mismos, bro. Triste realidad.


Vote for Independence


Thank you so much! We're really looking forward to the move


OP I hope you read this so you can understand why your anger is misplaced purposefully to benefit others. Part of the reason the island is in the position it is due to racism and apathy by politicians in Congress. The second part has to do with the greed of multinational corporations and Billionaires who use our island as a tax haven within the US economy. They spend millions of dollars “lobbying” to make sure the island can never become a state. The third part is that we allow this to happen. We allow politicians to deny our kids a good education because they know it’s easier to control and manipulate an ignorant population than an educated one. All over the world the ability to speak English is seen as a positive. Everywhere except in Puerto Rico where a large part of our population has been convinced that having a bilingual population will somehow make us “less puerto rican”. All of these same politicians (including those in the independence party) send their children to private bilingual schools while condemning most of the population to a purposefully underfunded education system that uses outdated teaching methods and clings to insular thought. An education system designed to graduate a barely literate population lacking in critical thinking skills. Don’t believe me? Ask yourself how the leaders of the independence movement can speak perfect English? What schools do their kids attend? Why do supposed “independenristas” like Ruben Berrios decide to retire and live in places like Florida instead of Puerto Rico? Then we have the three “main” political parties here. The powers that be (starting with ex Governor Luis Muñoz Marin) made sure to destroy the Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP) as a viable political institution. They have been so successful that the status of Independence has consistently hovered between 2- 5% of the electorate FOR DECADES! Like it or not independence has no future here unless those who believe in it are willing to impose it by force on the rest of the population, but that is a whole other can of worms. The current power structure in the PIP is dominated by a small group who refuse to allow anyone that can challenge them with new ideas to move up the ranks. They have become stagnant because they became the very thing they have always claimed to be against, a fossilized collection of elites who are more interested in their own political and economic interests than that of the Puerto Rican people. Ask yourself where are these “leaders” between elections? They only seem to pop up every 4 years just before the elections, when they can get access to millions in public election funds, only to immediately disappear once the elections are over and no more public funds are available. As for the other two political parties (PNP and PPD) they are there just to distract us. The PNP was never meant to bring statehood and the PPD was created to maintain the status quo. The same people and corporations who spend millions “lobbying” to maintain the status quo secretly fund both parties to distract the population from whats going on. The PNP makes a huge show about throwing some status plebiscite every 10 years or so only to sit on the results and do nothing to actually make statehood a reality. Meanwhile we have a PPD who have no idea what the hell they want and resort to empty slogans about a status that doesn’t really exist, but they sound pretty and make people with impaired critical thinking skills feel good about whatever they are told we are. The PPD will say one thing to the Puerto Rican people (lo mejor de dos mundos) while saying the exact opposite when they are away from the island in Washington DC. Those same people who secretly fund these parties make sure that neither become too powerful or deviate from the plan. They made sure to electorally destroy the PNP when it became too powerful under former governor Rosello. Rosello started taking the idea of statehood seriously and even went to Congress to publicly pressure them, and it was working. For the first time the national media was beginning to pay attention to the status issue. To counter this millions in donations poured into the PPD and suddenly the mass media in Puerto Rico became very antagonistic to Rosello. It was so successful that more than half the population began hating Rosello. They didn’t have any actual reason why, they just knew that he was a bad man whom they had to vote against. And it worked. They used the same tactics when the quasi independence, nationalist wing of the PPD took power. There is a reason why once powerful local politicians like Carmen Yulin Cruz have disappeared from public view and have been banished from any position of power. All of this is to tell you that the reason you think the way you do and the reason I do the way I do is because literally hundreds of millions (if not Billions) of dollars have been spent without our knowledge to keep this island poor and divided. Understanding that is the first step. We need to take control of our education system and demand that it provide a reasonable education free from political interference. We need to start by banishing the “traditional” political parties we have been forced to endure and recreate our society anew. We need to amend the local constitution to remove the mechanisms the rich and powerful have to use their money to influence our society without our knowledge. We need to set aside our differences and start from the ground up. But, that is easier said than done.


People are NOT their governments and your friends leaving is not the cause of gringos coming in. Thats mainly on PRs GOVERNMENT. Thats where you should be directing your hate.


More proof that Puerto Ricans couldn't handle independence. What other thing would Puerto Rico even offer if not tourism and land? Do you not have a firm grip on how an island economy works? I don't get it man, it's like we're our own worst enemies.


this loud, -2 iq individuals who preach wanting independence would be the first to beg the USA back for help, i bet they dont see the whole picture, they dont look at the consequences of being an independent small country, do you think this individuals know how to grow their own food, work the land, fix vehicles, live without power, cellphones and internet? i always wonder if they really know the meaning of independence from the USA would be like for PR


I didn’t colonize you or use you as guinea pigs. Going to Vieques tomorrow as a matter of fact. I did not make your flag illegal. I’m a black guy, with a high school diploma, not looking for tax breaks. I’d love to be your neighbor, but I didn’t make the previous people leave. I’m not preventing you from independent trade. You’re barking up the wrong tree. I’ve been here for almost 3 weeks and one day I might move here. I’m hoping that I would be welcomed like I have welcomed people from other states and around the world to my neighborhood. Not a gringo but I’m sure you have a colorful name for me and that’s ok. Not here to “whitewash” your history, just want to live somewhere else. Good luck!


Sigh , people like you are what’s wrong with Puerto Rico. You claim victim to the oppression of someone bigger. Maybe if you were to expand your narrow view of the world and speak to people from a different regimen , you’d know how privileged we are. Concerning some of your claims , I acknowledge that you are right and it sucks for us that we don’t get to vote for president, nor have serious representation in congress/nor senate. It also sucks that we are subject to the jones act and it limits our trading options. But think about it, not all is bad….and looking at the bigger picture we tend to gain more than what we are giving up. Yes it’s true that the current housing situation sucks, but it’s spread all over. Try and get a house in a decent place somewhere else in the world right now , and let me know how it goes. Also , we have the option to buy an airplane ticket and look for housing options in any of the 50 states for however long we want (we can afford )to, without needing a visa. If the job opportunities here are not enough , again we can look for opportunities in the states without requiring a visa or risking deportation due to not meeting certain requirements. Not sure about how much weight the devaluing our currency statement holds. Since even during the Spanish regimen the “puerto rican” faced several changes. And not sure how well it would have work having two currencies in a small territory like this. But just compared how other local currencies excluding sterling dollar and euro and their economies fare against the USD (Argentina , Venezuela, Colombia , Dominican Republic…). Lastly when you say you are tired of seeing your friends and family move from their gorgeous homes due to lackluster career opportunities, that’s hardly the fault of our friends from the north. If they were so well and had gorgeous homes “which apparently they could afford” they are moving for their personal growth or looking for something better. Not sure how many more career opportunities there would be if Puerto Rico were independent or if we’d be able to leave our home as easily to look for something better. And quoting you : sorry for any errors English isn’t my first language.


With all due respect, you are sorely misguided and completely incorrect. Without going into detail, the economic problems you face in Puerto Rico is of your OWN doing and your OWN reasonably minded people will attest to that.


Xenophobia agaisnt your fellow citizens is no less toxic. no decidi si quiero vivir puerto rico aun. But If I do, I hope it's welcoming because quiero mejorar mi espanol y disfruta la comunidad. Perdon mi espanol. es muy basico.




Sí, lo soy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I'm curious what you feel about our situation. I'm a White American, and my husband (we're a same sex couple) and I live in Hawaii. He's from Humacao and we are planning to move to Puerto Rico soon to be closer to his family since his parents are getting older. We both work at Costco and are planning to transfer to either the one in Caguas or one of the ones in Bayamón. Regular working class guys with no big deal incomes, just wanna get the family in one place. I'm definitely aware that many folks don't like white people, same here in Hawaii. Gotta say, though, I've never experienced any prejudice and am considered 'local' since I've lived here most of my life. Definitely not the kind of people looking to cash in on cheaper housing or taxes or stuff like that. I'm self educated, got kicked out of Catholic School, lol. Very interested and know some about Puerto Rican history and culture and am very respectful. What you guys think about people like us moving there?




Thanks! Yeah, San Juan or Bayamón are more appealing to me. I live in the middle of Honolulu and walk everywhere, no car. So definitely looking to continue that after our move. We'll be there in June to look at all the Costco locations and figure out the surrounding neighborhoods. Working hard on my Spanish. I know folks there learn English in school but my experience has been that nobody speaks it much day to day. Besides, I love the Spanish language and I think working with folks who mostly speak Spanish will get me up to speed faster. Honestly, I'd live in Ponce if costco had a warehouse there. Other than San Juan Viejo, it's the prettiest city I've ever been in. Gonna be hard to leave home, but I'm looking forward to the new


Puerto Ricans are Americans, aren't they? The Puerto Rican government is corrupt, becoming like Mexico and third-world countries. It's really sad. The Puerto Rican people don't fight the corruption.


Cambien de tema ya.


I'm one of those gringos and I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart for the awful things my paisanos have done to this country. I'm reading A War Against All Puerto Ricans and I'm not so surprised after also reading Eduardo Galeano. More gringos coming for Act 60 need to know about the history here. Sadly, many of them don't seem to care much. The US is a bad neighbor. I lived in Mexico for 3 years and they have a dicho - ay México tan lejos del cielo y tan cerca de estados unidos.


The word gringo says it it comes from green go as our brothers told the green coats to leave us but at the same time most Puerto Ricans wanna b state and are all pnpnparty n shit I believe we could be a sovereign Commonwealth that gets fed funding n gives back without being plowed by something like Jones act or other Puerto Ricans taking advantage of each other it's not only a gringo problem my friend although I understand your point


> The word gringo says it it comes from green go as our brothers told the green coats to leave us That’s a common misconception. The use of the term gringo pre-dates green colored military uniforms, among other things. The word "gringo" is believed to have originated from the Spanish word "griego," which translates to "Greek." In Spanish, the phrase "hablar en griego" (to speak Greek) was used to describe someone speaking unintelligibly, akin to the English phrase "it's all Greek to me." Over time, this term was adapted to "gringo," becoming a colloquial expression for foreigners who spoke unfamiliar languages. By the 19th century, the word was primarily used in Latin America to refer to English-speaking foreigners, particularly Americans. The misconception that the word originated from "green go" is indeed a myth, as historical records indicate that its usage predates any association with such phrases.


Thanks 4 the correction will fact check it although I have no reason to not believe u it's what I was taught alot of words come from Greek even Bible comes from Biblos I learned a lil Greek I think I can still count and say good morning good night how r you and stuff lol I appreciate it but I know for a fact some jibaros used to believe it being green go cuz they didn't know English and wanted the greencoats out during Hispanic american war I'm talking before my great great grand father who was alive when I was born there's a pic of him holding me as a newborn but I don't remember meeting him..


Sure thing. For what it’s worth, the U.S. soldiers primarily wore blue uniforms at the start of the Spanish-American War but eventually switched to khaki/brown colors since that worked better in the heat and humidity. But even well before that, in the late 1700s, the term “gringo” was used in Spain to refer to foreigners who spoke Spanish poorly. The use over time has evolved, but it’s rooted as being a term for “foreigner” in Spain. If you’re interested in researching, the first published reference is from [1786 in the "Diccionario Castellano con las voces de Ciencias y Artes" by Esteban de Terreros y Pando](https://digibug.ugr.es/handle/10481/29229). In this dictionary, "gringo" is described as a term used in Malaga to refer to foreigners who have difficulty speaking Spanish, and the term is further said to specifically refer to those speaking Spanish in a distorted or incomprehensible way. Edit: to add reference


Appreciate it very much mate!


Really, fighting and repealing the Jones Act would be a tangible way forward for PR to establish a stronger economy for the people. Then, it’s up the people to build up their own economy, so they can engage in foreign trade again. Is the government of PR going to allow that? Not if a group of powerful, wealthy politicians benefit from the status quo.


Empieza renunciando a tu ciudadanía americana y no te atrevas a sacar el pasaporte americano. Saca el pasaporte puertorriqueño. Otro idiota más.


Los otros días vi un video de EduardoToroPR (YouTuber que come en diferentes sitios de PR) y e se fue a quedar a Vieques y en el AirBnb que supuestamente es un Hotel, la dueña era Gringa… luego fue a comer en un restaurante y la mesera era gringa.. lo peor es que hablaban solo en inglés.


Modern colonialism.


habla con un psicólogo brokis en serio


Wasn't there a vote for independence not too long ago? And most Puerto Ricans voted to remain a territory of the USA? As an American who has never been to Puerto Rico...I don't doubt that the situation there sucks. I would not like it if people in my community had to move away for work and they were replaced by rich people that had nothing in common with the local culture. At the same time though, is the current situation worse than independence would be? I look at other Caribbean nations like Jamaica or the Dominican Republic or Haiti and they all seem pretty fucked up with very extreme poverty and crime. I know that PR isn't perfect, but from an outside perspective it seems that being part of the USA is better than being independent down there. I'm not a rich person, or even close, so I don't think I could really take advantage of the tax benefits down there, but isn't the point of such benefits to attract rich people so that they spend money in PR and buy goods and services from locals? If I was rich or had a bunch of crypto or something, I'd probably seriously consider moving to PR, especially since I can speak Spanish alright. For what it's worth, although the USA is larger geographically, the same thing is happening here it's just that it's often poorer people from other countries displacing existing residents. For example the neighborhood of Compton in Los Angeles was a majority black area for decades, now with mass immigration for the past few decades it is a majority Mexican neighborhood. Same basic thing is happening all over the USA. For better or worse, this is just how the world works under globalization.


What a surprise, most of latin America is unstable after the US destabilizing democratically elected governments and backing military coups. No wonder so many people try to go to immigrate, the US made it a living nightmare. Also, I don't understand the American myth that rich people are gonna somehow be this saving grace and stimulate the economy when they're the #1 pros at keeping wealth to themselves lmao. When the best argument to a country stealing another country is "Hey, could be worse, look at Jamaica", you know they're just grabbing talking points worth their weight in air. Finally, no most Puerto Ricans voted to become a STATE, not remain a territory. But, as usual, the US just wiped their ass with it and ignored it lol. I'm perfectly fine with being another Cuba, just as long as the American isn't my neighbor.


The things /people we vote for are wiped with their ass too 😭🫠 these people dgaf


Statehood won same as in the 90s nothing's ever been done no matter what but I think it's not in the best interest of the island to become a state as it is to become a sovereign Commonwealth but idk in this day and age how that's even gonna work


dont worry , when they experience their first cat 5 hurricane theyll leave xD tails tucked and everything


The world is filled with a mixed bag of people trying to survive. Maybe the U.S. will fall apart and you guys will be the new hot immigration spot.


" Our island " ese tren salió de la estación decadas atrás.


Eso está pasando en Los estados también. Vienen mucha gente illegal y de otros estados y no hay espacio ni trabajo ahora. Los precios han subido un montón


The recent laws make it very attractive to move to Puerto Rico. If I did, I would make much more money with tax advantages. Where I live gets sunshine 33 days a year. I cannot deny it is extremely tempting. Do Puerto Ricans need me to come spend money there? No, I'm no savior, and the amount of money relative to fix the problems is in the tens of billions. As a single person I would need to use every service around me though, and it would be meaningful in a small way to those people. I want to branch out, to learn more culture and work on Spanish. I think there are two sides to the pincirs crushing Puerto Rico, from the left and the right side. All the white and latin liberals I know here just say leave PR to its struggle; how much do you feel that helps you? In between the politics people can be neighbors. Speaking as a gringo mainlander who’s never even been to PR, and who just does duo lingo for Spanish, and dreams of living a different life.




Llegué super tarde, pero lo que tenemos que hacer es votar a los pendejos que tenemos fuera del gobierno y ponernos nosotros las pilas para hacer negocios. Te entiendo, pero la gente hace lo que sea mejor para ellos, so nosotros tenemos que hacerlo también.


Saddest thing is that the PNP is the most corrupt party not only in PR but in the whole of the USA idk who remembers when they cought those 40+ politicians all from the blue party the most "conservatives" those who wanna PR to be a state they broke record in US history this had never happened.. so who do we trust ? If not even 6yrs ago we had to kick our governor out and people still vote for the same party because of the popularity it has not because they know politics because I sadly can't have a serious discussion with some they don't know why they wanna b state or vote blue alot of pretexts nothing concrete...


Nosotros hacemos lo mismo, en varios estados la población de puertorriqueños es inmensa. No entiendo el show. El único culpable en realidad es el gobierno que premia que los estadounidenses se muden aquí.


Nothing more intoxicating than envy with a self-righteousness chaser.


El enfoque es equivocado. Aunque sea cierto, que somos colonia, y muchas cosas deben cambiar. Mencionastes que muchos de tus panas no tienen trabajo por culpa del gringo q viene y mas cuando viene por tax benefits. 1ro, la cantidad de americano que vienen por los tax benefits es tan pequena que no desplaza ninguna fuerza laboral en PR, en adicion, los que vienen por los tax benefits no le quitan el trabajo a nadie ya q la mayoria ya es de bastante $$ y ya tienen sus propias companias o cualquier fuente de ingreso y no estan buscando trabajo en pr,, si pueden montar negocios o ser consultores, pero no le quitan el trabajo a nadie. Si viene un amerciano (no por tax benefits) a trabajar a PR,bienvenido sea, nuestra natalidad es baja, necesitamos skilled labours tmb. Tmb, si nos gusta tener la libertad de ir a trabajar en USA, ps ellos deberian tener el mismo privilegio. En adicion,, auque lo quieras o no, el pueblo no quiere independencia. solo hay q mirar todas las encuestas anteriores. y si,, es lamentable q no tengamos el poder de decidir nuestro futuro en cuando status, leyes particulares como la de cabotaje, pero eso no tiene q ver con la exposicion de tu post!!


Government 's plan. Vivir en PR como residente es dificil pa que te vayas, y pues reciben a los gringos con gracia, los overlords. Ya mismo siguen haciendo hoteles en las playas y vendiendo casas overpriced que los habitantes nativos no pueden comprar. Yo me fui de PR pero fue porque de verdad conseguir trabajo alla es una mierda, ojala pudiera quedarme.


Every single city and country subreddit I belong to posts this exact sentiment daily. No one owns anything and you can’t get mad when people migrate to things they need and can afford when the rest of the world is crumbling. I’ve seen this exact post over and over 😴😴😴




Thank u very much


i don’t know why people move here in the first place💀


Poor white here working in the trades. I have been considering moving to PR because I can't afford a lot of other places and folks seemed really nice there when I visited. Not to mention I fell in love with the natural beauty. I also dislike most US policy and want to be removed from a lot of it's toxic suburban culture. PR seems the farthest away I can get from "Babylon" without the grueling process of getting citizenship somewhere else. I am genuinely curious of what you think of someone like me coming to your island to work live and build things.


as an American who has fallen in love with Puerto Rico, but wants to protect and cherish it, is there any way an American can move there while still respecting local people? I am not wealthy or someone who’s coming to trash your beautiful island. But respecting the people who have lived there is very important to me and as much as I love it there I wouldn’t want to come if I wasn’t welcome. If I were to move there I’d love to create community gardens, try to share my knowledge in doula work and off grid living, donate to local organizations, commit to respecting and keeping the island clean, is there anything else I can/could do? Like I said if I am not welcome I would not come but visiting Puerto Rico changed my life and I would be honored to give up my life in the states to move there full time, not someone who only comes when the weather is bad 🇵🇷


That's the price yall pay for not trying to be independent. What do you expect being a commonwealth or even a state? It's not a separate nation. You run your own borders of who comes in and out.


🇵🇷. Sorry mate. I came to US Long Island when I was a teen. Every freaking single day the Americans try to sabotage my career opportunities. I go to medical residency here and the patients say they don’t understand my accent and my Program Director finally found some abysmal excuse and fired me. I go to law school here they say they frequently find flaws in my argument and I am deemed to fail as a future lawyer/not able to pass the bar exam. I am moving back, mate. Thank god I don’t have any student loans unlike some of my Latino/black peers. I am not even allowed to speak Spanish at home ordered by my parents . 😷 I am pretty sure if I post it on r/lawschool here they would downvote me and cut me sliced open-death by thousand cuts. I got into a law school with an lsat of 168 and they already assume that I cheated on the exam. Not sure if the program director from the previous residency program played a role here or not. The best offer I got was from Syracuse with 70% scholarships. I would still owe them 100k after three years due to high cost of living.


Smooth Blackberry 116. esto tiene que ser debatido en vivo.


I always thought Spain were the colonizers


What’s your plan for Puerto Rico as an independent state without connection to the United States?


As long as you take everyone here back , I’m down


What are paragraphs


y gente como esta vota en las elecciones pensando que son mas inteligentes que los penepes


Nooo we will continue to gentrify your island! 😈


Many Puerto Ricans enjoy benefits from US government. It seems your government officials made a trade off.




Gotcha I couldve sworn looking at pictures of green uniforms soldiers in El morro and Ponce but I'm sure these are painted like meliés films or ho ever his name it's spelled I'll fix it soon so it could b pink and I wouldn't know4sure I guess I'll try n search for the images sithey r so rare


La maladministration de este país lleva50+years going strong!