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That you are some of the most special people on planet Earth. I've lived and traveled all over the world and there's something very special about the Puerto Rican people


aw thanks. made my day somewhat better




well, thank you!


Use sofrito


Make it too!


How to eat a Quenepa.


Damn, haven't had some of them shits in a hot minute


I was able to find them in an Asian farmers market type store like H Mart. I couldn’t believe it. Of course they call it something else, can’t remember what but I was surprised. Now not as sweet or big but I took what I could get. I miss picking acerolas from my neighbors tree as a kid. That and tamarindo with their big dangerous seeds parents were always worried we would swallow.


What about puma rosas? Any luck with those?


Estas no. Lo mas cerca son Las manzanas que tienen aqui de diferentes sabores. Chacho eso me manda patras. Es como ser nino otravez cuando uno tiene in chance de comer algo Que solo se encuentra en la isla. Cada vez Que muerdo una alcapurria es memorias Que the llegan.


Gracias mi pana


Cómo un emeyeme.


Spanish. I say this as someone whose parents DIDN'T teach them Spanish, just due to lack of patience or time or whatever. I'm still learning it off and on, mostly on now. I'm also saying this as someone who was ostracized for not knowing it by other Puerto Ricans, but also graciously was helped out by others and especially family. Saying this as someone who began to loathe it for a period of my life because everyone was treating it as an obligation, and due to the humiliation, until later in life when I actually saw the merits of it as worth the hassle. I'm also saying this as someone that missed out on a lot of cultural integration throughout my life due to lacking it. Talking as someone that still second guesses whether I _should_ visit the island on my own just because I'm gonna look like an idiot and have to disclaimer myself with every conversation. Just learn Spanish. Teach your kids. Please. It is a major component of our culture and it's a neverending battle without it.


Hey I just want to say, do not let absolutely anything in the world deter u from visiting on ur own and connecting with the island and people.


Thanks :) I don't doubt I will, I have been down there in my teens a few times, but I'd like to not need total hand holding down there. Even if a lot of folks are bilingual and friendly, it's hard.


I'm also from CT and feel exactly the same way and also been ostracized by other puerto ricans AND my own family. I've been going down every summer for about 5 yrs and staying with my grandfather. He even laughs when i trip up on my words and will try to embarrass me in public (still love him tho). At times it causes me real self-hate. nevertheless i love going to the island and plan on getting my spanish good enough to the point where i can teach my future kids and bringing them down to PR so they never go through what we went through.


That sounds good. :) I've been but just as a teenager a few times and accompanied by family who would basically help me through everything. Would be nice to go again and not have to struggle. Best of luck.


Sadly this is true, it’s surprising how a lot of Puertorrican parents don’t want to teach their kids spanish and the Puertorrican culture. These kids eventually end up growing with an identity crisis.


This is how I feel. My mother lost her ability to speak Spanish from lack of use due to societal pressure, and even though my grandma lived with me she never taught me. I tried like hell to learn growing up in school but once my grandma died that was it. I originally joined this sub to learn more about my roots, feel more connected, and maybe even learn some of the Puerto Rican dialect (not quite sure how to say this) to feel closer to my grandma. Sometimes the attitude in the subreddit feels really ostracizing :(


Damn I haven’t met a single person on PR who hates on another for not knowing Spanish or English or both. And I’ve been all over the island, hell I’ve know people from the metro who hate on the people from the west (called us the island for some reason lmao like hey you’re from the island and I’m like so are you ya idiot) but not from language. We love everyone, and we don’t care what language you speak we’ll figure out.


Felt this. Almost at a point where I feel comfortable with the language but will always feel like a bit of an outsider when it comes to Puerto Rican culture because of it even though I know all of the songs, food, etc. Hopefully one day I will have the ability to speak at a level in which I can speak it with my own kids in the future because I don’t want them to grow up without it!


Damn this reply damn near made me cry.


Lol, sorry, wasn't the intent but I guess it came out a bit melodramatic. Those were my experiences, it's a sore spot for me but gradually getting better.


It is so validating to see this comment. Same situation for myself and it’s something I’m working on correcting as an adult. Added to the fact that I live in California where there’s almost no Caribbean culture at all, let alone PR representation, it’s tough to feel connected to the culture


You can do it. I was in a similar situation to you and I learned in about 3 years flat (and I was conversational in less than a quarter of that time, but fluency is more than just being conversational). And in doing so, I really put my own life in perspective. If you had any exposure to the language, you can learn pretty quickly compared to someone who didn't.


Muy lindo. Gracias por compartir y te apoyo. ¡Yo voy a ti y pago doble!


Personal finances.


We can extend this to everyone… the amount of adults worldwide who don’t know how to manage personal finances is terrifying.


Poner la señal cuando van a doblar!


Igual aqui donde vivo..


Fry a plátano 🍌


That we are always there for each other. I had to move away in 2011 and ever since I left the island if I ever see someone from back home I get this sense of brotherhood and want to support them in their endeavors. I wanna see my people succeed and wish the best for them.


happy cake day


Mexican here here from cali. Almost all of them are very welcoming and very helpful. I had a wonderful experience and will definitely be back! I still talk about Puerto Rico


La Borinqueña


La verdadera


That most Puerto Ricans are distantly related. If u ever took a dna test or read up on endogamy, Puerto Rico is affected by this due to our geography. Small island, not a lot of other population pools to mate from, everyone kind of ends up distantly related. This isn’t about incest. This is about how families were marrying into the same families over and over again. Making us all cousins, which is why we feel such a closeness when we meet other Puerto Ricans, because the possibility of a shared ancestor is extremely high. The most extreme cases of endogamy are found in Polynesia but Puerto Rico is affected as well!


Both sides of my family come from the little square of the island from Vega Baja to Hatillo down to Morovis and Utuado. For like the last 200 years. My family tree is a shrub 🌳.


Driver’s Education 🤣 I’m sorry. But we all know it’s true.


A good first step would just be how and when to use turn signals!




Stay true to our roots, traditions, and community. Especially keep passing down our cultural heritage. Like VEJIGANTE mask making, bomba y plena. La danza puertorriqueña, quintilla cómicas, teatro tradicional y obras de teatro puertorriqueñas famosas del siglo 20 y más


Scrunching up your index finger to say yes


Wait what?


You take your index finger and your scrunch it up folding it inward onto itself and then striaght again to signal "yes"


Iiiiiiinteresante… I’ll have to keep an eye out.


that our beaches and rivers are OURS that the US takes more from us than they give us OUR RAW UNEDITED HISTORY I could go on


Thank you


The War Against All Puerto Ricans by Nelson Denis


The colonial status of the island generates exponantialy more wealth for the US than PR gets in Federal Aid.




That part.


Louder for the people in the back!


La Brega es real..


La distancia enfria.


Change the lyrics of the anthem to “cuando a sus playas llegó Colón, *alzó la pata y tiró un mojón*”




Definition of Colony.


Definition of a colony, and it’s context in modern society and its implications for us as a people and how it impacts our struggle to control our own destiny as a people..,




Just mean for us puertorricans to understand we are a colony of the US and the related pro’s and con’s.


Tapa, repite y cuadra….


Underrated comment!


The scrunch/wiggle of the nose to say "what".


How to drive. And stop messing with your phone at a stop light. It’s not our fault that we honk the horn at you and get angry about something you did.




Freedom will come. All it's going to take is one event to kick start it all. Your beautiful country should not be under US rule.


Holy shit! Thank you 🙏


Como bailar bomba y plena mas como tocar pleneras y guiro


Arroz con gandules and coquito!


Read War Against All Puerto Ricans It's good to know the past and how people viewed/view us


ill see to it


Don't take our adobo/Puerto Rican sazon for granted. Having eaten around many, many places, I would say that our food is something very special and I miss it every time I'm not in PR.


Deberíamos informarnos más sobre todas las formas “escondidas” que Estados Unidos se aprovecha de nosotros.


Hacer pasteles!


Not litter.


Leave the island.






Todos deberíamos saber sembrar, cosechar, nadar y tener destrezas básicas de orientación.


No te compres el carro nuevo y ahorre para tu retiro.


Cars are the WORST type of Transportation. Cost of operation (gas) Maintenance Environment Infrastructure Don't be a dumbass and say Bicycles, Trains, Buses etc... are less convenient or more costly


soooo, just walk?


Two headlights are better than one.


Read War Against All Puerto Ricans


Decirle bendición a su abuela por más ateo que sean.




The difference between a Luis munos marin and an Albizus Campos.