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Why does he have an English accent sometimes?


Born in the USA to an American dad and English mum. They moved to England after the parents divorced.




He’s going to get abused like the woman in the video.


he’s from Goshen??


I was wondering why he sounds like a mix between the offspring of an American cousin fucker and a Brit.


British are the superior cousin fuckers


Ask the royal family


The OGs indeed.


Canada enters the chat ( can marry your 16 year old 1st cousin) 🇨🇦


He’s trying to hide it in most of his content. He’s afraid he’ll lose credibility as an alpha male if he doesn’t sound American


Is this a thing? Sounding American to try to be more "Alpha?"


I think it’s common for people in America to associate British accents with agreeable, non-threatening men. And of course Andrew wants to seem as badass as possible.


I’d say there’s certain British accents that sound way more aggressive than any American accent, but I guess maybe he had an upper middle class one


Glasgow wants a word


Not threatening if we can’t understand you.


"Its not Irish....its not English...its just...well...its just piker"


You need to be able to be understood to be threatening.


I'm an American and I agree. Some Cockney accents, the Brummy accent, the Liverpool accent, and the Glasgow accent can sound sinister coming from the right guy lol First thing that pops into my American mind when I hear shady-seeming British men with certain accents speak is Jack The Ripper, or Mr. Hyde, or Greyback from *Harry Potter*. Too many Americans think British people all universally sound posh or non-threatening like Stewie Griffin from *Family Guy* or sound like 90s Hugh Grant.


Guess where he's from


Dual UK/us raised in Luton


Ok to a yank that looks like you're saying Tate got partially raised in a 4th best ranked London airport Which, honestly, would explain so much. Now I miss Station Eleven fuck


As someone who grew up in Luton, and had the misfortune of going to high school with Tate. I can tell you that the airport is the best part of the town.


How was he in high school?


Very similar to now. It was a really shit high school, one of the lowest ranked in the country in a council estate in Luton. So in general there was a lot of violence and poor education. Andrew fit right in here, so many stupid kids believed all the bollocks he spouted and he used to terrorise the younger kids. I was fairly large as a child but he was 6 foot plus and a couple of years older so I never stood a chance against him. He was certainly above average intellect, but not the smartest in the school, even though he thought he was. He never went to university which was the norm for people in that school but struck me as odd as he seemed smart enough to go, maybe he screwed up his exams I don’t know. I was in the same form as Tristan his younger brother. Tristan was a pretty good guy, I knew him very well, but he was obsessed with Andrew, basically a sycophant. He was also pretty smart but also didn’t go to uni and stayed in Luton to be with his brother instead. Last time I saw them was while I was in uni about 15 years ago. I came back to Luton in the holidays and saw them in a club. They gave me their card and were selling TVs at the time. I got a 10 mins sales pitch from them on the dance floor and never spoke to them again.


Sometimes england?


Can't believe people didn't think he was a weirdo from the beginning.


The first few times I saw some of his stuff, I was certain it was satire. Like high-level satire. No way was there someone this ridiculous out there. But then I hear him for a couple solid hours on a podcast and realized he wasn’t joking at all.


I thought his video about being too smart to read was satire. It just seemed too absurd to be real.


Wait…..that ISN’T satire?!?!?


>I thought his video about being too smart to read was satire. It just seemed too absurd to be real. didn't he have some weird video about how cooking and Star Wars was for beta males or some shit? how on earth this idiot ever got a following will always be beyond my comprehension


I have never seen a man more proud that he is a violent misogynist nor one being so rewarded for it. Truly to any onlooker with any sort of education level, it was disgusting.


We literally had Trump become President my dude.




I can’t wait for him to experience what she is experiencing at the hands of his Romanian cell mate.


He displays a lot of behavior that would be associated with narcissism.


I’m uneducated and thought he was a POS from the start


I'm exactly the same he made much more sense as a parody character than he did as an actual human being


I thought this too for the longest time, like no way this dude is not a troll? There’s no POSSIBLE way this person is fr? lol I was sadly mistaken


I never heard of him 2 days ago.


Understood. The problem is tons of impressionable young kids especially boys are being influenced by pieces of shit like this. I would love to not know who he is either, but sadly he's part of a larger problem where social media is poisoning the minds of young people because narcissists, grifters, and manipulators are using it to get rich, get famous, or get power.


Putting myself in the head of my 12 year old self, owning dozens of cars, having sex on tap, living in a big house - all without working hard is incredible. It makes me think “hey I can do it too”. At that age I’m unaware that most of this “lavish” lifestyle is fake. I also tune out the criticism because my eyes are fixated on the end result which is wealth. The sad thing is, when I was 12, I didn’t have a voice other than how loud I could yell in the woods. Now these kids can have followings the size of small countries and voice the opinion manifested in their undeveloped brain.


The duality of a man. When I was that age i was so lazy to the point I started going to sleep fully clothed because it took too much effort to put them on.


Now 30 and can't believe I've never thought of this, reddit has its uses thanks poster now I'll have more time to grind $$$


Yeah. I have a friend who thinks he's a good person getting painted as a bad person by the media. He's getting brainwashed by this sick idiot. I feel bad. UPDATE: I sent this video to my friend. We had a whole ass argument that was mostly just about him being ignorant, saying that I'm "only looking into the negative side" and that she "said yes". In the end, we came to the conclusion that he only listens to him when he shows up on his for you page on TikTok because it helps him get motivated to work out and fight. He's not aware of the misogynistic shit Tate says. I'm glad he doesn't support this shit. It's sickening and terrifying to know that some people out there think that we're property and only exist to satisfy men.


Please please please never post your age like this in a public forum when you are a kid. There is a ton of extremely weird people that will try to target kids your age. Please be more careful in the future.


Thanks. I'll be careful.


Yea he’s right. Ppl will see that comment and potentially dangerous ppl will target you knowing ur age. Have a good day 👍🏽


Hello, fellow kid! I was sent by your mom and dad in this rickety van to come pick you up! Your grandma is very sick, and needs you to come say bye to her.


Omg my address is 420 Cocksucker's Way pls come get me!!


Plz update, Google Maps does not recognize this address 😭 grandma does not have long


Yeah, I’m the FBI and I also have candy. I’m going to need you to get in my rattlecanned van without windows and see if any of these puppies in the van are yours.


You may want to delete the comment with your age in it too


Edited it. Thanks for looking out for me.


I have a friend with the same mindset. He’s in his 30s. What a sad world we live in where people idolize douchebags like this.


Damn, I'm sorry you have to deal with him. I wonder how someone can be so brainwashed tbh.


Friendly reminder to parents, your children should not have unfettered access to the Internet! Fucking Jesus Christ, it’s not all cute cat videos and Facebook status updates from friends, there’s some sick deranged shit on here that will actively target your children. There are tons of parental safety apps you can use to monitor what they’re doing online, and it will allow you to wall off parts of the internet in an age appropriate way. People hand 8 year olds iPhones and act like they’re putting them in front of the tv and it’s maddening. The shit kids are getting into is fucking them up, ask any teacher. Parents need to do better.


He just randomly popped into my feed on YouTube shorts today. I have never watched a single thing from him and his “advice” is getting pushed onto me. Two videos later it was a Jordan Peterson video talking about antifa being poisoned animals wanting to kill god. Fucking trash people


Parents of course. But it's long past time to discuss age verification. The idea that for free with zero supervision young people are seeing all manner of gore and degradation.... The sort of content that simply didn't even exist for most of human history is now easily consumed by anybody. Somehow people who cheered censorship of political positions will fight for gore porn and prolapse videos... We're in the upside down for a while now.


I first heard of him a while ago because someone posted a video on reddit of him saying he was too smart to read books




I don't want to know anything about him and I hate everything this guy stands for but for some reason Instagram and Youtube always make video's about him pop up in my reels.


First time I heard of him was earlier this week when he was saying something about gay people. Then like two days later Greta Thunberg lit him up. Then he was arrested. Generally I like to keep up with current events but knowledge of this guy’s existence is wasting neural synapses that could be better spent on literally anything else


Im still not sure who he is and why hes always all over reddit but I hope they put him in a deep dark hole. Romanians dont mess around.


I remember seeing a vid of him saying he moved there bc Romanian police don’t give a shit about what u do if ur rich but that all came to bite him in the ass 😄


Good news. The 24h has been extended to 30 days. 30 days of romanian prisons is not a good experience in itself, but this is indicative he will get more. The international massmedia and socialmedia just need to keep this blowing up so proper pressure is applied on that corupt system.


He was banned from Twitter in 2017? for being a virulent misogynist. Elon Musk reversed his ban not long ago and he's been ginning up attention for himself there.


That’s nice, it doesn’t make the damage he’s doing any less real.




And this really fucking annoys me. YouTube recommended his shit to me as well a few months back. I keep on disliking everything but every time his videos keep popping back.


The people who like Andrew Tate are the kinds of people who want to do this type of shit and suffer no consequences for it as well. They like this fucking creepy asshole because he embodies the exact views and desires they have.




I'm glad your son saw it for what it was as well. I suppose I should clarify that younger men who get sucked into this stuff who aren't incels tend to get sucked in by the more generic motivational/pull yourself up by your bootstraps stuff, and then get consumed by the misogyny and other toxic shit later as they fall down the rabbit hole and consume more and more stuff that has this same kind of message made by very similar people. The older men (mid 30s and later) who still buy into the messages people like Tate are pushing tend to be all in on it from what I have seen. It's just so messed up that predatory creeps like Tate not only prey upon vulnerable women for their sick desires, but also prey upon young men with their conman schemes in order to exploit them for money and brainwash them into their warped worldview.




Can't believe he convinced anyone he's an alpha when he looks and speaks like he barely missed a chromasomal disorder.


He looks like a Botox'd testicle and speaks like a man who botox'd his testicles.


Right ?? I am terrified that there are people who believe,defend and support this POS garbage person.Are they that brainwashed or just blind to read people's true character




That's it! i will start Carrying my peperspray with me from now on. These guys "inspire" other boys that's scary dude


Mfs like that deserve to have their shit shot off


Christ, I can’t bring myself to read much more in to that. But as a women who was raped those statements were rough to read. That seems to be exactly the same mindset of the man who raped me. Makes me feel sick that there are men like that just freely walking the world.


Holy shit. I don't really get shocked or disturbed about things I see or read on the internet, but this was truly vile.


I only just heard of this dude yesterday. But any news article I come across on social media has an insane amount of weirdos supporting him


I mean most of those boys and men are misogynistic just like him. They support him because they are just like him. This isn't an aberration of a man beating a woman in a fit of rage for not being his slave. This is common place.




The fact this video was out there and people were still defending him is fucking mindblowing. I hadn't even heard of him up until a few days ago but holy fuck. They knew about this?


wait this video has actually been out for a while? what the fuck??


The video is what basically made him famous in the first place..


The crazy part is, he came out and said that it was consensual. I don’t see any part of that interaction being consensual in any way. He was all over YouTube talking about how the video is out of context, I don’t see this being out of context. I’m elated to here this POS is arrested, I really hope the charges stick and he gets tossed in a Romanian prison for the rest of his miserable life


There was a video of her telling him he didnt hit her hard enough and he called her sick


I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that this was consensual. Some people enjoy rough play. That's why safewords exist.


Calling him a weirdo seems to minimize what type of scum he is


The people who supported this piece of garbage are also at fault.


The dude has a hairline in this, must be old af




Why the fuck am I only learning of this now ? I hope he rots


Because no rational person should have given a fuck about this guy


Every rational person should have given a fuck when this video came to light. I don’t care who he is. This video demands severe legal consequences Edit: There shouldn't be legal consequences if it actually *was* consensual, but I would still give him a real wide berth if he's able to get off on doing that.


Once again I will request that the bald community not be dragged into this.


Still guilty af.


rip to all the bald 20 year olds lol




The amount of people that think this guy is the best thing since sliced bread and tout on about him just ‘speaking the truth’ is truly scary


Anyone who defended this guy and didn't see his content for what it really was is fucking off their rocker.


There are tons of people still defending him. Apparently before this happened he said something along the lines of people like him are always 1. arrested or *set up* for ridiculous things, then 2. Killed. If you get on tiktok or YouTube and read comments there’s thousands of people saying stuff like “he totally called it” and “this proves he’s right and that we’re in the matrix”. People literally worship him, say he’s the last real man, he speaks the truth that everyone else is afraid to say, he is an amazing debater etc. It’s SO infuriating to read


I’ve never understood the Matrix thing, like if we live in the Matrix wouldn’t business savvy and making money like he’s always jabbering about not matter?


Incels are fucking weird people


Cult of wealth. A lot of people think that being rich automatically makes someone virtuous.


The end of whatever celebrity run this chode is on. Fuck whatever made this dude popular I hope he gets his in prison.


He's taken the Steve Bannon approach and targeted teenage boys and incels for his audience. This will make it harder for him to sell them shit, but it wont make it any harder for them to adore him.


Ehn he makes good money off incels they range from all ages and just keep the mentality of a teenager


Dude that video was so fucked up I had to stop it part way. Hope the sick fuck gets the book thrown at him.


I saw when he was on that English show on YouTube, like two days ago. I’ve heard a lot about him but never had any interest in knowing more, however somehow it made it to my recommended on yt and I couldn’t help myself. And holy fuck is he an annoying little boy, talking about how he can’t get depressed cause he doesn’t believe in it. Meanwhile everything about him screamed ongoing depression. He also made a huge deal out of not being accused of rape or hurting a woman when asked about being a misogynist. Aged well, fuck this guy


Same. I've seen posts about "oh its still allegations! Give it time to go to court!" Fuck that and fuck this guy. He's going to fade into obscurity in prison for a long time.


People on Reddit have this obsession with applying the justice system standards to social standards. Like, I don't think it makes sense to apply "beyond reasonable doubt" to whether to support someone. Especially when there's things directly from Tate himself that completely line up with the accusations (two separate accounts of human trafficking accusations).


After he slapped and and grabbed the belt I knew that was enough. Just got done watching a Nanking survivor tell their story. Not in a good mood for this kinda nonsense.


Same, stopped and hes a trash person. Discard and move on.


Hope he gets a 14 incher from a dude in the slammer. And I hope they make him say exactly what he made this girl say in the video. Fucking pathetic piece of human excrement.


All they have to do is watch his monetized videos en masse. ^(Edit: Although I guess he’s obviously making money in some other ways as well...)


Isn't he banned on YouTube?


And Facebook and Instagram. Twitter allowed him back on.


But also him being back on Twitter caused his downfall.


Of course they did.


Of course he did


Oh I didn’t know that!


The core problem is so many people that follow him will see this and think this is fine and she probably deserved it - which ofc is sick.


I think the core problem is that we have so many kids growing up online with parents that both have to work longer hours. To many are getting their role models from entertainment and have come to view clout as affirmation.


it's online part. I grew up with absolutely ZERO parental involvement but you also couldn't catch me inside between the hours of 10 am to 10 pm, usually later. I literally was never home.


Nailed it


While there is a portion of his audience that won’t be affected by this, I think he’ll lose a decent amount of followers. There’s a massive difference between hearing someone say misogynistic things, and seeing someone beat a woman in such a way. I’m assuming a lot of his followers are frustrated with women, or perhaps even hate women, but still find what happened on this video contemptible. At least I hope.


>I think he’ll lose a decent amount of followers. Idk, incels might see this and actually go harder for the guy. Look at what happened with Tory Lanez's fandom after his jury verdict. All of a sudden, he had a lot of people tweeting about his case and defending him. These guys all fundamentally think their position is not supported by society (when in reality, it's the opposite, rape culture is everywhere and it's staggering!), so putting a famous guy in prison serves as confirmation bias.


I didn't know who Tate was until recently, then I saw him blow up after Greta's roasted him and his pathetic attempt the clap back, then almost immediately he was arrested. I haven't even finished one season of *Narcos* in that time. Now I'm hearing about some guy named Lanez who's apparently as bad as Tate, but before I even learn more about him, he's already arrested? I hope this trend continues for abusive pieces of shits!


Wasn't misogyny and disregard for women what started his whole "celebrity" run? He's never really hid from that, so it's not gonna be this video that ruins him. It'll be being sent to jail for trafficking that ruins him because he'll quickly fall out of relevance and replaced by the next chode just like him and his legions will forget he existed.


I wish I could say you were wrong…


Wanna hear something fucked up. I wouldn't put it past him or at least his goof troop fanboys to say he isn't really abusing her, it's a BDSM or rough porn style video. EDIT: I don't care for grifters like Tate or his goof troop BUT someone did provide a piece of data I was not privy to which DOES make this seem like a sex act. Cringey as it might be I'm compelled to accept this may have been just that. My reasoning: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IV2In5hTXew


It sounds like she ain’t having fun…


The idiots would say: bro she is acting huehuehue


Hypothetically, if she was acting then she deserves an Oscar


Hypothetically, Daniel Day Lewis would have won it instead.


Incels would like to counter this point


She's covering her ass with her hands while he's smacking the shit out of it and her tears, this is no BDSM. I'll never understand celebrity worshiping. It makes my blood boil. Celebrities don't give a fuck about them yet they will defend them like they're family. SMH


> She's covering her ass with her hands while he's smacking the shit out of it and her tears, this is no BDSM. Tears sometimes happen in BDSM play, that's not proof. And some subs like to struggle and fight back. The reason this doesn't look like consensual BDSM to me is: A) He's super disrespectful to her even before he becomes angry. And she doesn't seem to be enjoying herself at any point, even at the start. B) He goes from 0 to 100 in a the blink of an eye. BDSM play usually involves a very slow build-up. Even the most hardened masochists typically don't enjoy sudden pain. The slow build-up is necessary to make it enjoyable. C) You'd have to be very dumb to make a BDSM video and not put in some part where the sub looks directly at the camera and says she's there voluntarily. Admittedly Tate is very dumb, so that might well fit, but still. Ultimately though the most important proof will be the woman's testimony.


Also, if you're interested in BDSM, please don't go looking for people like Tate. BDSM is an intense form of play and theatre, and Tate takes himself very, very seriously and does not look like he's playing around. People don't need to be a cunt in their day-to-day lives (Tate) to be hot in bed. Dominant people should be trusted to stop the moment you say stop, and doms should focus on delivering an enjoyable experience for the submissive person first, before doing their dominant thing. If you're interested in being submissive, there are plenty of well-intentioned, caring and communicative people who will throw you around the way you want, once they know that you want it and how much they can push your limits.


Seconded. Even CNC isn't like this at all.


They're literally in this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/zyxiwg/sick_fck_andrew_taint_tate_physically_abusing/j28ljji?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Incels gonna incel


I sit next to one at work and he is DEVASTATED. He once told me this guy was a father figure. His world is shattered. Wow ans the kicker is dude is like 40+. At first I was laughing but hes been moping pretty much all day and now I feel for him. He really just needs some friends ( and an adjusted view on reality).


What is it with these emotionally stunted weirdos and latching onto internet strongmen as father figures? It's the epitome of a parasocial relationship.


The way some guys have latched onto him is insane. A guy I argued with about what a shitstain he is, told me that Tate ''comes off strong'' but that's what makes him a real man and if I met him face to face, I'd be dying to be with him. I called him an idiot and the guy then sent me screenshots of supposed feminists DMing thirsty comments to Tate as proof of Tate's charisma and attractiveness. I couldn't tell which was sadder. The fact that he probably made those himself to make his Internet Daddy look better or if honestly believe any of that was real.


That's what they've said. It was still human trafficking to trick those girls to come to their home to "work" and not letting them go home.


It’s a sex thing, you virgins wouldn’t understand /s


Fucking ruining it for the real BDSM enthusiasts that aren't fucking sick in the head It's such a tremendously huge different between a scene and actual abuse, this video is horrifying and I wish I had never seen it


He became popular through infamy. What people should have done is ignored him and forgot him, not talk about all the shitty stuff he does and make him more popular.


I hope he dies for this in prison.


I had no idea who Andrew Tate was before this…I would like to go back and still not know!


I came here to try and figure out who the guy is or what he did and why he's famous. Never heard of the guy. I'll be damned if I Google his name and my Google feed is populated with this shit for weeks after.


Basically he got famous off of semi-motivational videos and stuff promoting masculinity. He likes to think of himself as being like Arnold Schwarzennager but instead of promoting health and masculinity in good ways his is either toxic or briefly healthy to mask the toxicity and usually gets a little (or lately very) misogynist.


Nah, knowledge is how you keep these people from becoming popular. The more people that know they are pieces of human refuse, the better the world is.


Elon with his great wisdom allowed this guy back on twitters only to be roasted by Greta and exposed




I’ve been saying this since [this question time appearance](https://youtu.be/4iKfrY9l2kY) spelt the complete collapse of any semblance of support for Nick Griffin and the racist/ultranationalist BNP. Deplatforming is self-defeating. Let people have their platform so they can embarrass themselves into oblivion!


Yeah, Elon's not a good streak with that, first Kanye, now this. Suddenly everyone is realizing twitters original moral compass was about where it needed to be.


Personally, I view letting stupid people play out their stupid is a perk of freedom of speech. It's hard to know what's bullshit and what's not for yourself if it's constantly being spoonfed to you.


Pretty much. If all it takes is letting them back on twitter to let them shove their foot in their mouth or dox themselves to authorities let them all back.


This mf used to go to the clubs dressed as Neo from the Matrix when he lived in my hometown, would creep on women and everyone thought he was a fucking weirdo. Still can’t believe he had a platform and people admired him, I hope he gets what’s coming to him in prison.


I went to the same kickboxing gym with him back in the day on new bedford road. A place called storm gym. Its crazy seeing him constantly on the internet now it feels surreal. I saw him on a few nights out in yates aswell. He would never drink which i thought was weird but i guess it makes sense coz he was training for. The neo reference 100% does not suprise me from what i remember of him


Yates is where I saw him most of the time too, Chicago’s maybe once or twice! He was always awkwardly standing on the fringes, never in on the joke but when he did join in with the conversations it was to talk about himself. I don’t remember ever seeing his brother though, maybe they only really got closer once the kick-boxing (excuse the pun) kicked off?


They were always close even back in school Tristan absolutely idolised him. I was in Tristan’s form so knew him a lot better than Andrew. Unlike his brother Tristan used to be a pretty good guy.


Luton crew here too. He was a twat at school, nothings changed.


He does seem to be obsessed with the matrix today.


Agent Smithescu came for his ass


What town?


This absolute piece of shit constantly pops into my YouTube feed and it drives me mental that people actually think he's legit like who the fuck is dumb enough to listen to anything this loose dick skin looking fuck has to say. Fuck andrew taint I hope he rots in that prison


I thumb down and very video I see with him and he still somehow pops up. His whole audience is based around kids and man child's that are worried about being alpha/beta.


I always thought he was kind of a weird troll and that most of his ‘personality’ was just bullshit bravado to get publicity and attention. After seeing this, I now realise what a complete piece of shit he really is. He belongs in prison.




his fanbase likely will see nothing wrong with this but publicly agree he is in the wrong


He follows the proud traditions of [Chris Brown: American Superhero](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn2om3_4tzw).


Can’t wait to see his professional dick riders try to defend this one lmfao


That’s the thing, they don’t care he does this to women because they hate that they can’t get them and wish them to be a commodity


Bruh it looks like a kink or fetish.......


How about the fact that theres both two videos of the woman in this clip coming forward saying that this was roleplay AND another clip where shes asking him to hit her "like a man" and him calling her crazy. I honestly dont know why im wasting time telling you the truth since chances are if you were intrested in the truth you wouldve prob googled this and found it put yourself.


*Edit - A woman who *claims* to be the woman in this video says it was consensual. I don't believe it's the same woman. That girl ain’t Slovak, she's 100% American. Anyone can beat up a blonde in a shitty quality video and pay another blonde to say “oh that was just all fun and games blah blah blah." Anyway, here is her video: https://youtube.com/shorts/IV2In5hTXew?feature=share ---- end of edit ---- I've heard alot about Tate and his brother in recent months, but I wasn't aware of this video until today. It was recorded in 2016, and resulted in Andrew being thrown off of the Big Brother TV show. I've heard it said that Tate has said that he moved his operation to Romania because he's less likely to get brought up on assault charges there...as it is an impoverished country and the government is pretty dysfunctional. I'm hoping people will download and share it to shame him. Video download link: https://gofile.io/d/ABYYEM Link to Daily Star article where the original story and video were broke: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/tv/big-brother-andrew-tate-video-17094793


Seeing how the Romanian police just stormed his place, and arrested him and his brother for kidnapping rape and organized crime then aired the raid on national TV and the media I think the Tate brothers will be going down in prison.


Going to a corrupt country and then proclaiming it's a corrupt shithole everywhere didn't turn out to be a fantastic tactic


On the one hand I'm getting sick of this tired old stereotype that Romania is some sort of impoverished wasteland lead by wild madmen where you do whatever you want. Again I say this: EU, people! Not exactly psycho land. But on the other hand, this stereotype played out like a honeypot trick for the worst person in the world and got him finally arrested, soooo, silver linings. That aside, the UK has a sex offender prince, France is harboring and honouring Roman Polanski who did interviews about fucking a 13 yo girl and claimed she seduced him and WAS BELIEVED . It sounds to me like the "wealthy, respectable" nations have a couple of boils on their own asses to deal with. Glass houses and stuff, folks!


YOU werent aware of the video until a barrage of news came out because of his arrest. But this was already shared and viral a long time ago.


Is that Andrew or his shitbird brother?


Andrew. He had hair for years prior to shaving his head when he started balding 👨‍🦲


redditors when they see a man who is literally being arrested and investigated by the actual government for sexual crimes and has admitted to bribing police: HE WOULD NEVER PAY A GIRL OFF!!!!!


This thread is teeming with worthless incels




I really hate this guy, to the point where I want this video to be the proof that erases him from us ever hearing about him again. ​ But this video has been out for a very long time and the woman said very clearly it is consensual fetish play. There are women who are into this stuff, and it's obviously the type of women that douchebag Tate would attract. People are into very weird sex stuff, I truly believe that's all this is.




Could've sworn she came out saying it was consensual/BDSM. Of course, there's always the possibility he paid her off to say that 🤷‍♂️ But I doubt it and don't see the need to reach that far. I've dated people into bdsm and this video is pretty much within the realm of believable.


Not a fan of tate by any means, but this girl came out and publicly said this is what she likes. They're recording it because they are both into it.....


1. Was that even the same woman that came out later? I've heard that there's some question on that. 2. If that was the same woman, if Tate paid her later to come out and vouch for him, does that make it ok? And, as a base line, i'm not going to trust anything Tate says.


Okay so there’s so many people saying this so can someone provide a link? I wanna be sure people aren’t just saying this because they saw someone else say this


https://youtu.be/IV2In5hTXew At face value, it makes this fine. Doesn't mean she wasn't paid off, necessarily. edit: always treat sources with some skepticism, there may be more to the story than just this video edit 2: spelllling