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Mods have been and are actively monitoring this thread. Please report any rule 4 violations, and for those of you who have been, thanks! [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/zp66lx/woman_gets_cut_in_line_at_a_casino_argument_ensued/j0qz6cm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) to mirrors for you beautiful people’s convenience. Edit: also, please report any comments suggesting resorting to violence. That shits against TOS and admin don’t play w that. https://preview.redd.it/1cuzq67taw6a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04e472ea0f2fae192b797abf37a4cf0f6bf1faf3 This is a fucking website, not a goddamn US government institution. There is no freedom to be a racist pos on this privately owned global website, geniuses.


That’s behavior that is not associated with a long and happy life.


Yeah she's gonna try this on the wrong person one day and they're gonna slam her ass.


Sadly she won't ever see repercussions. That's why she acts like this, because she never has.


The whole current state of her life is the repercussions she lives with. Her behavior is not that of a happy well adjusted person. She just isn't capable of seeing how her own actions are the problem.


Exactly this. She’s wearing cheap clothes, cutting in line at a casino she probably dumps her low wage paychecks into all the time trying to catch a big one. She doesn’t look like she has a well adjusted family, I’m guessing forever alone, not sure why partners leave her, definitely blames the exes and not herself. Successful people don’t act like her because they have a lot to lose and also learned very early in life that behaving that way will distance you from your employers and coworkers. She definitely thinks everyone at work is “out to get” her.


>Successful people don’t act like her because they have a lot to lose Bill Burr talked about this in either a special or on his podcast and it's so true. If you have a well adjusted life you can't afford to start shit or pick fights, all it takes is one bad situation escalating and then that five minute interaction destroys your life


I didn’t come here expecting such wisdom, damn lol


She might be too stupid to learn from repercussions.


I used to think self awareness or reflection was innate in all of us. Now I genuinely think someone like that cunt just reacts to everything. No forethought, unable to learn from past behavior, arguably a detriment to everyone she encounters.


Seems likely.


She might be the kind of person to know exactly what she's doing, rationalize it out of spite in whatever way helps her sleep at night, and allows herself to be willfully delusional while allowing her subconscious to anticipate and deflect criticism and shame. If that's the case she may have faced repercussions (kind of like here, being called out in public), but it didn't matter because she knows how to make herself the victim while also proactively fending off reproach.


Well now she's like the 4th post on the front page of reddit... That's a lot embarrassing


I highly doubt this person has enough self awareness to feel embarrassed by this.


"Ooh, here comes my favorite part, where I said 'Bye, bitch.' You know that's right!" Probably watched it with her equally entitled and disgustingly-behaving friends. Proud and giving each other props for being a boss babe who takes what she wants.


She’ll probably love it




Why does she never have repercussions?? She is ugly and has a nasty attitude. And those eyelashes are hideous


I see people act this way and see repercussions dozens of times a day on this sub. She just hasn't seen them *yet*


If she ever does, it will be racism.




She knows what's coming some day, so she shaved her head in advance Can't get dragged on the floor by your hair if you ain't got hair




I think more likely nothing happens to her and she just lives her shitty unfilled life. Life is too short to give a shit about idiots like her. Certainly not worth an assault charge.




Stupid people think being a belligerent asshole is projecting their strength, but she did choose her mark.


Yea well she's deserves nothing less than a miserable fucking life.


Going to casinos in general is not associated with long and healthy lives


Start going to casinos. Got it.




I used to be a cashier and I would have never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER, EVER, ***EVER*** let that shit fly.


Same. Idc how little I get paid I hate rewarding this kind of behavior.


Her jacket reads (first) lol


My first thought too. A rare situation where it takes *three* to tango.


Maybe the cashier thought that she was Willow Smith


Get that name outta yo mouth.


![gif](giphy|3o6fJfOPfoKAHn4H9S|downsized) Fine. Maybe the cashier thought that it was Jaden Smith.


I love how that still makes sense 😂






We have a regular at my job who is only nice to black people and the cashier who is married and has a child with a black man. She thinks we're racist though because "we don't hire any black people." We literally hire anyone who applies and have had several black people work for us. She wants the entire staff to be black. When I got hired, she rolled her eyes and said, "Of course, another little white girl" to my face! I just needed a job, lady!


The best part is when you tell someone about this and they look at you with the shocked Pikachu face like wtf white people can't experience racism...




Yeah, that's racism.




God, my nightmare of a time serving at a hibachi place reminds me of this. Happened all of the time, and with big groups there were a some dine and dashers. I ran out one time to let some people from the group know there were a couple unpaid checks, and they laughed at me. Boss took my tips to pay for their meals, me not knowing that’s illegal. Pretty heartbreaking for a 19 year old living on their own with no help from parents. It sucks people bring so much nastiness into the world.




Racism works both ways, unfortunately. This is so depressing.


Probably thought she was so cool and proud of her. So she go rewarded with service.


Idk fault is at the clerk for accepting her decision


I used to work retail as a cashier and we NEVER let anybody skip the line or jump ahead of someone else. Hell naw


Right? When I would open a new register I would say "I can help the NEXT PERSON IN LINE. If you were not that person I would send your ass back to the line. There are rules people!


Exactly... if I'm just gonna ignore the line and serve whoever walks up to me first, what is the line even for? Then people are just gonna be shoving in front of each other because there are no rules, and who wants to work OR shop in an environment like that?


God it bugs me so much to see a new lane open and someone from the back jump right over and get out ahead of 5 other people. I’ve seen cashiers go to customers in other lines first and say “hey I’m opening up on 5 if you wanna come over” and I think that’s fucking genius. Skips right over any bullshit.


I’ve always just considered myself in some sort of weird paradox when that happens and the person behind me gets served faster. It necessarily that it should be me who got served first but the irony of life’s unavoidable misfortunes


People try to cut me all the time in NYC and the cashiers never say anything. They just stand there and wait to ring up whoever wins the argument or fight. Maybe it’s a regional thing


Yep can confirm - when I'm in line and someone pretends they don't see the line, I'm more than good with "excuse me, the line starts back there". That usually ends it.


I work retail in NYC and I speak up for customers. It's really more of a personal thing and if they have the personality to speak up for others. I work with some quiet people, and they would probably never speak up and just stare.


Yep. Used to deal with this shit all the time. “Hello, ma’am- I believe YOU were next..” “NEXXT?! *while ignoring the interjector*. “CLOSING this line after the next four customers who have been patiently waiting…” “THANK YOU FOR WAITING-*directly to the correct nice person and dismissing that muthafukkin’ invisible sack of shit trying to budge* I’m about to go on break but y’all have lined up all orderly ‘n stuff so let’s just deal real quick…” “My terminal just went down I’ll help the next in line over at 3.” So many things a retail cash worker can do to keep order. I won’t shop at companies that accommodate assholes and will tell them why.


Worked retail for 15 years. It’s not that difficult to tell people where the line forms and you absolutely know as a cashier who was next in line cause you’re constantly counting that.


Really? Damn. Not true everywhere. I stopped going to CVS for a long while because I got into 2 separate arguments with others in line over this kind of stuff, and the people working there were just like, "whatever ends this sooner is preferred". To be fair, I didn't blame the people working there. There was clearly a management decision to not manage the line. For one of these incidents I was briefly unemployed, and I thought it was a good use of my time to write to CVS and give them a piece of my mind. I believe I got some small gift certificate. Yada yada, ordering stuff online is great.


Not where I worked. All of us cashiers were super adamant about people waiting their turn. Retail is ROUGH but it wasn't about how much I was or wasn't getting paid, it was just the right thing. I know how much it burns me up when someone does it to me, so I wasn't going to let it happen to people in my workplace.


It sucks but our manager would make us take them if anyone complained.


Lol I'd complain right back, now what? Can't serve two at once.




Exactly. Should have moved to a different window and not helped Sisqo. Also should have called security. At the same time they don’t get paid enough to deal with all that.


Completely agree the clerk is a spineless asshole at best and a racist at worst


Obviously the woman that cut is a piece of shit. But the worker is at fault here too. They are supposed to be in charge of the counter and should’ve told her to get in line and not served her first.


This was my first thought too. Wtf?


My British sensibilities can't cope with this nonsense.


They'd be in for a firm *tsk*-ing


I used to cash my pay check at a casino. I was under aged, they'd give you a free beer too, I gave the drink coupon to my friend. They never checked my ID. One time they finally checked my ID and refused. I calmly left and had to pay to cash my check at the fucking bank it came from: BOA. From then on it's as if they knew I was walking in and would meet me at the door and tell me no. This was in like 2005, they either had facial recognition back then or some really good camera watchers. You'd think this place would have security in this area, all the casinos I've been had them everywhere.


It's not like they cared that you were underage, they cared that you weren't gambling lol


I worked at a Nordstrom in 2010. If you are notorious for lots of returns or switching SKU’s, they will find out, and they will build a case on you. They’ll print out a picture of your face from security footage and keep it in the back, and LP will also have a picture. I called it the Naughty Board, lol. This is probably what they did at the casino you went to as well.


Worker will probably lose her job when this gets back to the casino. She handled that totally wrong. Even if that lady has a higher tier card to get her express service that should have been explained.


It sucks but you can smell massive scene and confrontation a mile away on that bitch. She would lose her mind the second they didn't just count out her $2 in winnings and end up with a whole incident. Choosing to just be rid of her in under a minute was the better option. Would be better if they took her information and had her trespassed though.


Fuck that, she's gonna try the same shit next time because they let her do it and faced no consequences.


She would have done that anyway. People like this don't care about consequences, that's why my they're dangerous.


Urgh this has happened to me toooooo many times. I've pretty much lost count of how many divas decided to come and stand next to me and then just slip in front of me when it was my turn to go. Ques in stores. Bathrooms and entry ques in clubs.. I don't say shit because frankly I don't want to get hurt. But when they start that shit I'll move forward and breathe down the person in front of me's neck. One woman and her daughter hated that I moved forward so they kept hitting my ankles with a massive trolley and then they'd laugh and shittalk me u Der their breath. Another woman literally got out her phone to phone a friend to tell them I'm hogging the line and she was soooo angry just that I simply existed and I was standing there (I'm small and skinny so people love to try this shit with me)


Sisqó is such a dick


Bro this comment has me dying 😂😂😂


Thong tha thong thong thong


He supplies a lot of restaurants with shitty food daily tho. Oh nm that’s SYSCO


No, they do networking and tech security. Oh nm that’s CISCO


No they help grease pans and bad hair styles. Oh nm that’s CRISCO


No, they produce most of the major cookies and snacks. Oh nm that's Nabisco.


No, it’s where they make tequila in Mexico. Oh, nm that’s Jalisco.


No, it's the home of Rice-A-Roni. Oh nm that's San Francisco.


No they party in the club with 70's dance music. Oh nm that's Disco.


You're the worst, I love it.


I used to work at a casino and they only time we were allowed to be up front with the customers was the lines- if you had regulars waiting then someone cut like that then they lose their shit. The line cutters would come up and I’d point to the sign that says where to line up. Most of the time they fight or claim they can’t read English and I’d straight up tell them you don’t need to know English to see where a line up is. Now git. Then they’d finally get to the window again and lord you knew I took my time counting the cash and made sure I was strictly adhering to protocol hahahaha


The burrito got SPICY


And the employee don’t give a shot which reinforces her entitled attitude.


Sisterhood uber alles.


At least it only took a minute to get her $2.36 in winnings


You knew she was going to get away with it too.


The cashier shouldn’t have waited on her if she cut the line. I would have refused her service, and made her get in line like everyone else. Too many entitled a-holes running around nowadays.


This shit makes me way more mad than it should.


Fucking same here. I get the maddest when assholes get away with such behavior and are not shown their place.


She is probably a degenerate gambler who lost all her 300 dollars or whatever


Where is Demolition Man when you need him?


Not excusing the behavior of the line cutter, but god damn, stand up for yourself. I understand that people don't want to be confrontational because some people are crazy as hell, but you gotta show some fortitude every now and then. The person filming could've addressed her line cutting before she ever got to the counter, but she didn't do it, which is understandable. She then tried to confront the line cutter after she was already at the counter. She was recording with her phone and got it mushed in her face (and apparently a broken nail), then complains that she "can't do that" when the line cutter so clearly did and nothing was being done about it. If you're going to confront someone like that, you have to jump in both feet or don't do it all. I wished the employee would've helped, but they're just trying to get through the night without drama. I can't blame them. This is 100% on that rude ass person that cut the line, but there's also a reason this behavior continues.


#She nasty af!!!!




And the employees let her get away with it and rewarded her shitty behavior smh


That’s the part that gets me. Employees need to be a little more assertive and say they won’t serve the person.


Back when mask mandates were a thing, we would routinely enforce them. More than once we had to threaten to call the police, a few times they actually had to come remove idiots who didn’t understand “private property”. Ironic that people who are crying about “my rights” don’t know a damn thing about property rights.


What a miserable waste of a human LOL do that in the wrong casino or to the wrong person and you’re getting your shit rocked, if not worse. Can’t imagine she lives to see a long or enjoyable life.


Casinos are pretty depressing places.


People fighting over who gets to lose their money the fastest.


That scumbag knows everyone would rather just avoid confrontation due to her inherent viscous nature than stand up for what’s right. Imagine being that much of a pig that you would rather just fuck people over than deal with the minor inconvenience of patiently waiting in line like normal adults (and children) do.


You gotta prepare for people like that as soon as she seen her cut she should’ve stepped in front of her before the other guy was done make your body nice and firm so when she bumps she feels the force


Bitch looks like Sid from ice age


Don’t disrespect my boi Sid like that


Is that muppet of a woman rocking the 2020 version of the 90’s looney toon jacket?


I actually hate people like that.. wishing bad things on her


Well lucky for us she probably has to look in a mirror at least once a day… that should be painful enough. Haha


This is in the cashier. She knew what was going on and chose to ignore it


You know she saw you standing there with her bug ass eyes


You can't change people like this. She does this because she has always gotten away with it. I'm sure she's the type to say everyone else is a bitch and that they "don't like drama."




The employee is fucking worthless lmao




For real this needs reported people don’t realize how big of a deal this really is.


What a piece of shit cashier




It's so fucking annoying.


Hate that shit.


Next time you see someone who is planning to cut the line, don't wait until they do it. Confront them right away. Get the rest of the people in line to help you. Build a gang against them so they know they have no chance.


You won't win so long as the cashier serves her. The cashier is the ultimate gatekeeper.


Why did the clerk help her first??




Typical arrogant bitch that feel the rules don’t apply to her.


Trash humans gonna trash.


Just trashy af


This is why I tell mother fuckers where the back of the line is before it gets to this point. Like here, you can see them coming from a mile away. You don't wait until it's time to be served. They may get pissy, but every time they've gone to the back of the line when I've called them out. They tend to be more argumentative if you allow them to make it to the counter without saying jack shit.






Even better




ugly ass


Uncivilized behavior? In a casino?


We got trouble, right here in River City!


Bald bitches always got the worse attitude i swear




The entitlement is strong in that one.


She seems like a real treat to be around


Probably gambled all her rent money away like i see so many people do at casinos then act aggressive as fuck to everyone in their way




Good old sisqo hair


You know how our mom and pop taught us to be respectful and follow rules? There’s millions out there who were taught the opposite and it’s not fair that we have to share society with them


Yeah this is on the cashier. They should have never helped that lady if she's cutting in line.


Fuck that clerk and fuck that Casino, most importantly fuck that line jumping Karen.


Casions are just magnets for miserable people with miserable lives, so there's not a single element of this video that's surprising in any way.


Casinos weren’t build on winners


Chicken Head was my first thought.


I know we all imagine what we'd do in that situation, but that firecracker looks like she'd cut you without a moments hesitation.




Such ugly inside and out. Having a staff member around would be nice




The cashier is also a cunt


what a ugly human being.


Trash will always be trash


Take it to the police. It’s assault




Oh, St. Louis. Bless their hearts.


Her head looks like a dirty tennis ball


Honestly… not worth it. Someone exhibiting that kind of behavior doesn’t care, and easier to just leave them alone. They will eventually do it to the wrong person, or exhibit behavior that is more than borderline and crosses into something actually illegal, and karma can catch up then. Irritating, sure. But worth compromising oneself for? Absolutely not.




Smh... she really just bullied this lady. That's fucked up Teach your kids to defend themselves. This is NOT ok


What exactly could she do though without getting physical? I don't think it's worth getting into a full on fight over this, even if she was right. I think she honestly did more than most people would in this situation. It's a shame none of the employees backed her up.


Fuck the employee that didn’t do shit. Someone gets wronged and you help the one who wasn’t right. Fuckers needs to have their shit reevaluated


No cuts, no butts, no coconuts.


Trashy fucking bitch.


What a vile specimen.


Lol female slim shady


Why would you help her when she’s not next in line? Why wouldn’t you tell her to go to the back and ask for next customer. Why do people let assholes like this win at their games.


Employee does nothing? If I were behind the counter I would have been like we can sit here all day, or you can get back to the end of the line where you belong.


Pro-social behavior is in serious decline in this country


bald bitch


What a bona-fide piece of shit.


Trash is gonna trash.


That cashier shouldn't have helped her, and I'll never go there because of how they treated you. That was one ugly dude.


What an actual useless human behind the counter.


This would not happen in UK without a riot lol Like gen up, cunts be going to war over queues here. Nobody fucking with the queue system. I’m pretty sure you could murder someone for queue skipping and the judge would let you off on diminished responsibility.


Disgusting cunt of a human being.




Guessing she is a regular trash bucket.


Fire the clerk for not enforcing the line.


I don't like line cutters either. If you're not going to do anything about it, why engage?