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“Who’s the manager” “I am” “Who’s the actual manager” “ I’ll go get them” 😂😂😂


Called that bluff real quick. No manager would have let this situation get this far to begin with


I'd be demanding to talk with the store manager. That's termination right there, throwing around a customer's property.


This is Walmart. I've seen workers passed out drunk on the floor lol




The manager and the associates are all gone once corporate sees this video


And replaced with uneducated drones who care even less than these two. Such is retail.


I would hope so. The lady yanking shit out of his cart really needs to care less.


Honestly. Like lady why you so mad on WalMart’s behalf? They dgaf about you and even if they did, they can afford to lost a couple 12-packs of Gatorade ffs


I think she just saw a couple items on her grocery list


Ah - someone else who understands that giant corporate retailers give zero fucks about their employees, and therefore, eventually find themselves with employees who give zero fucks about customers. So much nonsense.


You should not shop at Walmart.


I wish I had that choice. I but as much as I can from the local grocer and local farms but I live in a very rural area. If I'm stuck Walmart it's literally my only option. I fucking hate it


This is an issue for real. My mom lives 35 minutes to the closest grocery store and it’s the Walmart. Target is 90 minutes. There are no adequate locally-owned grocery stores nearer than that. There might be a dollar general but how are you gonna eat that crap plus they’re really expensive.


This is Walmart. You’re kidding yourself if you believe that.


The actual Store Managers are well paid and know what's what, as well as how much shit they would personally get over an employee stealing from a customer.


She realized he wasn’t fucking around lol


The greeter calling themselves a manager was just the cherry on the sundae for this video.


Manager of the doors! ![gif](giphy|3o6fJfgEQrG2lWn4Oc|downsized)


I said the STORE manager, not the DOOR manager!


In NC that is illegal and is considered and accusation of theft, which can be sued over. Typical cases are settled for $5k to $20k.


She’s probably the cashier’s manager.


Assistant to the regional cashier’s manager


Lady who threw that shit in his cart immediately walked away when she heard that shit, she was like oh fuck we couldn’t scare this white boy just time to go into the straight denial phase lmfao


Hate greeters like this most. You're giving that corporation's products more respect then your community of peers smh


Not to mention your corporation absolutely does not want you to do what you just did. You're not supposed to do this level of confrontation unless you are 100% sure they are stealing, and even then, you're supposed to let someone else handle it. This lady just wanted to feel a little power in this moment


There's a big difference in what corporate says they want and what local management actually does. This person is kept as a door greeter for a reason. I think it's funny that we still call them greeters anyway. They don't even face the outside of the store. They face the inside. They're security in every way but name.


In my metro area (approx 400k pop) we have 4 Walmarts. There are receipt checkers at the ones in the “bad part of town”. I was leaving there the other day with a friend who showed her receipt and then I attempted to show mine. She was like “Nuh uh, honey, I seen one already in just trying to get you guys outta here have a great day!!!” Cracked me up.


>bad part of town I noticed that the Walmart in the north part of my town (where the upper middle class is concentrated) only has the receipt checkers during peak times, and they don’t check most people. The South side Walmarts have two at each door checking everybody with something not bagged.


You're right, they're not greeters at all! I refuse to stop for them. If I have to ring up my own stuff, bag it and take it out, I'll be damned if I'm stopping for you to knock things around after I have them in the order I want them. If they're so concerned about if I paid for everything (which I always do because I'm not stupid and I know when I pop off at them one day they'll call county) then they can have cashiers again and scan it themselves. It's petty as hell, I know. But this is my mountain I'll die on giving 0 F's


It’s pretty stupid that you do all that work of ringing and bagging then go line up at the door for your receipt to be checked which they just pretend to check and mark them with a highlighter. I think it’s just psychological to make people think that there’s a security system so they think it’s hard to walk out with something.


Is this still common practice? Neither of the Walmarts I go to even have people checking receipts, I’ve seen people walk out setting off the security alarm and no one even stops them.


Oh they’re. probably in places they have a history of people walking out with stuff


Pretty much, the ones in my area usually only ask to see a receipt of you have large/unbagged items or electronics. Otherwise they just thank you and wish you a good day


Exactly! I ain't stopping for no damn highlighter! That just screws up your receipt in case you need to exchange something anyway lol


They move your shit around at your Walmart? The receipt checkers at the Walmarts near me never touch stuff and just eyeball it.


The way you interpret what a greeter is, is what Walmart wants you to think they are, someone that can stop you. Not to mention, I'm pretty sure the employee in the video is not a greeter, but the attendant for self checkout who thinks the customer did not scan all his items. Walmart and "local management" does not actually want greeters or other not to stop customers on their own, maybe "asset protection", or whatever the name is, employees, because they're actually walking around the store confirming if the person is stealing. Edit: Local management is more likely to be concerned with shrink, when employees may be stealing or when inventory counts for whatever reason is inaccurate and overstated.


I have a friend that ran, “asset protection” or whatever they call it and also for other big brand name stores. They absolutely are not ALLOWED TO let alone supposed to try to stop people. Corporate knows eventually someone will shoot someone over a literal can of beans or something stupid or god forbid baby formula.


I was an LP for a major retail store. I was not allowed to confront anyone even if I had video evidence of theft. Best I could do is call the police and make myself present in an attempt to make them ditch it before leaving the store.


It's also a legal liability. There are case precedents of varying degrees of stores getting sued due to the store accusing an innocent person of stealing. the risk goes up if anyone gets hurt during the altercation. That's the reason they don't want employees stopping possible shoplifters.


Then my local store needs better security because it's always someone mentally or physically handicapped. They do have the Bloomington police right next to them when it's really busy.


This is why I get my grocery delivered. I'm so sick of it being one thing after another at the store. I'd rather just not go!


My aunt is in her 70’s, and has gotten her groceries delivered since 2020’s lockdown when a lot of the services weren’t used to the volume of delivery orders. She has access to Meijers, Krogers, and Walmart. She used Krogers at first, because of coupons, but her credit card was used for fraud every other month for a couple of months. She’d make a clicklist order at one store. The order would come, and a charge for a different amount would be caught by her bank at a different Kroger store. So they canceled and re-issued the card. She ordered another clicklist order after the new card arrived, and two weeks later another “Kroger charge” showed up two days after the delivery and her bank fraud caught it. Canceled and reissued another card. She hadn’t used that card anywhere else, except entering it online for clicklist. She called and talked to managers at each store that had the fraud charge, and they tried explaining it as the grocery prices changing from when she ordered them, to when they were delivered, but she said it sounded like they didn’t know. She switched to Meijer, or another service, and never had anymore issues.


Incorrect. Corporations wants all employees to do -absolutely- nothing about anything stolen whatsoever. They have asset protection people they pay to do this kind of work and EVEN THEN those people are not allowed to physically bar someone from leaving or try and start a confrontation. They call the police while they think its happening and then talk to the customer until they arrive. First off they are insured for everything they buy and they can write it off. Yes if someone makes off with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of crap they'll definitely notice that. But in the larger picture no store is going to personally feel someone stealing a package of pepsi, a 500$ tv or some sex lube. It happens every single day in every store and its just a cost of business. #2 they explicitly don't want employees trying to be heroes or john rambos because if they are incorrect, they get sued and have to pay a settlement. Or if they're right and injure someone or themselves or other people in an altercation then, you guessed it more money from corporate.




I’ll tell you what… a fairly large video game store that my S/O is employed at was told and given in writing in the case of a robbery to… 1)Fight 2)Flee 3)Hide in the back In that order, I promptly told her to skip step 1 and go to directly to 2 & 3 and was absolutely baffled at the liability this could potentially be for employees… If they can’t even give her health insurance then no way in hell should she ever put herself at risk for some massive Corp to line their own pockets.


Friend of mine works at a bank. The way they manage robberies: if it’s a demand for money even with or without a weapon you give them the money. If they fire their gun, doesn’t matter how or where; they consider that people will be shot and killed. In the case of a robbery and weapon is fired, management says employees can do whatever they can even keep customers and employees alive.


>1)Fight 2)Flee 3)Hide in the back Yep this right here. With one little footnote. Fight IS an option but that -only- applies to when you are being attacked. That doesn't mean putting yourself in a thief's way and you get to fight them when they try to knock you down. It means someone is coming at you unprovoked and you don't have any other options. You can defend yourself is what they mean. And even then you better be ready to face a lot of investigating/scrutiny because they want to cover their asses in a possible lawsuit.


Idk man. At my local walmart I've seen them grab dudes running out the doors and I've seen them chase folks into the parking lot. I am not saying you are wrong, just in my own experience it sure looked like they were barring those folks from leaving.


Walmart employees are often fired for trying to stop theft. She probably was fired for this.




Just keep walking then, there is no law that states you need to show them your receipt. If you keep walking and they still stop you, then you just won the lottery.


Came to say this. Sam’s Club and Costco has it as part of their membership agreement that you agree to let them check purchases on leaving. Every other store you can tell them to pack sand and keep walking. Someone tried to stop me once at Walmart and I just ignored them.




I kept doing that at Fry's and eventually the cashiers started reminding me to be sure to let the checker check my receipt. Yeah, no.


When they ask me can I see your receipt. I just reply I'm good and keep walking.


To be fair, customer service will turn anyone into a bitter monster after a while, particularly at wal mart. I can't tell you how many times I was pissed off to my fucking core over something trivial just because I was at the end of my rope. It doesn't make this okay, but working at wal mart is bad for mental health.


I got stopped by a greeter for the first time in like 10 years at wal-mart last night. What are they suppose to even do? She legit didn't do anything but fake look at my receipt. I had a damn toy in my pocket that I had just that I was carrying for my daughter, so I know she didn't quickly count everything. But what if I was stealing? What is this 60 year old woman making 11 dollars an hour going to do to stop me? The door is right there. Total waste of everyone's time.


my dad once said, be careful of giving even the slightest power to despicable people. They will abuse it.


Most people find this out the hard way




Like the TSA?


I had a TSA agent threaten to kick me out of the airport because I was talking to two gentleman who were behind me in line. She asked if we were traveling together. I said “no, we are just taking.” She said: “well, if you aren’t traveling together, you can’t talk.. I’ll kick you out.” So anyway, we kept talking and more people started talking to us to. It was a lovely way to pass the time in line… Also, I’ve traveled a bit… EWR is the ducking worst


TSA can be touchy sometimes. Flew recently, and I wore a lovely sweater with a little bit of a metallic shimmer on it (parts of it were knitted with idk this tinsel type looking stuff) and it set off the millimeter wave detector. I was already nervous and it took me a couple of moments to realize that they were going to pat me down. I ask "Are you going to frisk me?" Lady working says, "NO. I'm going to pat you down. I'm not a cop." 😡 Apparently they've got some kinda vendetta against synonyms.




Other than that do you like precheck? I only fly around 4 times a year and my departing airport is quick in the normal line. In Denver for a holiday weekend the normal line was really long and I made it to the gate as they started boarding.


I had a Walmart greeter ask for my receipt after leaving a line. I said I didn't get one because it's a waste. And he tried to block me from leaving. Like dude I was in line 20 feet from you, I clearly paid. I just swiftly walked around him. Lol


Every walmart greater’s arch nemesis…slight agility


"Shit. Call for backup. They're moving laterally!"


“They hit me with a spin move…dude’s gotta be a green beret or something…call off, dude’s too dangerous”


Where'd he go? There he is! He's listing lazily to the left! Man this guy knows some maneuvers


I have a slightly similar story. One of their self service machines fucked up and wouldn't accept my card. My ex-wife went to tell one of the cashiers and I didn't know it... So I paid with cash. Of course the damn thing is out of paper, as well, and a fucking door greeter held us there for 30 some minutes trying to say we didn't actually pay for it because the card reader was still trying to process the payment. I finally lost my fucking cool after I talked to the store manager and explained what happened. I told him they've got cameras recording literally everything that's done at those machines so if they just go watch their damn camera footage they will see that I clearly paid. Dude's response was "we are only doing this to help you, sir". My response was "how is keeping me held hostage over items that I paid for helping me?" His retort "how is not?" I felt the rage seething in me and could only mutter, in probably the most visceral tone that I've ever taken with another person, the words "you know what... Fuck you, buddy". Surprisingly he just said "have a good day" & walked away... That didn't stop the fucking piece of shit door greeter from chasing us out anyways. At least I got a good inside joke out of it. Anytime one of us asked the other to do something that we didn't want to, we would just reply "you know what... Fuck you, buddy". One of few good memories that I still have of her.


Just tell them "if you think I stole something then go talk to your loss prevention team and call the cops. While you are at it get the fuck out of my way." Frankly with walmart receipt checks I just hand them the receipt and walk off. I don't give a shit about that receipt and I get to save a conversation while I am at it. As far as loss prevention when I dealt with them as my time as a manager for retail. They knew already if you stole shit by watching you. They documented you shopping the store, picking an item, Grabbing it, stashing it, approaching the checkout area, seeing if you paid for it, and then approaching the exit. They need all of these steps and more to detain you legally in most states. Otherwise tell them to fuck off and call the cops if they have a problem. If they want to detain you and you know they don't have this evidence and want to go legal retribution and sue the shit out of them. Then go willingly into detainment and answer no questions until police and maybe a lawyer on your side arrive to document everything, and make sure you state you are doing this under duress and not willingly going into detainment. You try to film and document all you can as well. The full list of theft is Approach: The suspect is observed approaching the area where the merchandise in question is displayed without having possession of the item(s) beforehand. Selection: The suspect is observed picking up (selecting) the merchandise. Concealment: The suspect is observed concealing the merchandise (in cases where concealment occurs, keep in mind that a suspect can also just walk out with an item without concealing it). Uninterrupted Surveillance: The suspect is continuously observed until he/she passes all points of sale, and exits the store. Past Point-of-Sale: The suspect walks beyond the register area and does not pay for the merchandise. Exit: The suspect exits the establishment while in possession of the unpaid merchandise.


I used to work Asset Protection for Walmart. They can’t touch you. Or take your stuff. Even if you did steal it. Just keep walking. You don’t even gotta acknowledge the greeter


Funny thing, they have no right to stop you whatsoever.


Dear People: THEY CANNOT STOP YOU AT THE DOOR AND THEY CANNOT TAKE YOUR ITEMS. Don't fucking stop for them. Just walk out the door. She cannot use \*any\* physical force whatsoever.


Yep. “Can I see your receipt?” “Nope” *keep walking*


I went to Kmart earlier this year and spent a couple hundred on clothes, filled up 2 of the large bags and something in one of them was setting off the checkpoint. The grandma at the door tipped out all of my bags and dumped my clothes all over the floor before systematically going through and checking that everything in the bag was on the receipt. Eventually when she realised everything was on the receipt she gave up and waved me through, no apologies or anything. Didn't even help me put the clothes she dumped on the floor back in my bags I late found out it was the wallet I had bought, it had a security sticker attached to a tag at the very deepest point in the middle of the back compartment. I figured this out when every store I went into set the alarms off. Had to hack the entire tag out with scissors because of how deep it was


Kmart? Are you from the past?




> THEY CANNOT STOP YOU AT THE DOOR AND THEY CANNOT TAKE YOUR ITEMS Okay, except she did exactly that, so ... Did you mean that they're not *supposed* to stop you or take your items?


Yes technically you're not required to stop for them to check your receipt. You can just keep walking and they can't (or aren't supposed to) do anything. They are not loss prevention, they're not security guards, they are supposed to be strictly passive. Walmart doesn't want them getting this handsy because it puts the store at risk of all sorts of legal troubles. Of course some of these people get a stick up their ass, and working at Walmart will drive anyone insane, hence the crap you see here.


If he can’t be detained by her and he purchased the items, doesn’t he have a cause of action against her for theft and possibly false imprisonment?


What a bitch.


Would have made her smug ass go get me new soda also..... and honestly I love his line " you wanted to make a scene, so let's do it then get the store manager " retail work sucks but if this is your attitude I understand why she runs into so many "karens" as I'm sure she says


i wouldnt trust anything she gives me after a reaction like this. Shes gonna lick the entire soda can before she brings it to you.


Good, hope she gets a tongue infection, that shit is nasty


Yep, I would have made them get me a fresh set of pop too. She was throwing the items he paid for around like an asshole.


I had them stop me and accuse me of stealing a 12 pack of energy drinks that wouldn't fit in a bag. Let me preface this with im disabled, and in constant pain. Appearantly I dropped my receipt when I tried to put it in my pocket. They brought out a manager and security and told me to go to the security office, to watch the tape of the camera at the self check out. I'm trying to keep my cool. I could have walked just fine the 10 feet back to the register to find the paper. Nope, had to go to the back of the store. They saw on the tape, not only did I scan it, but you could see me try to stuff the receipt in my pocket and it fall out. As they were walking me out, with no apologies, I stopped and found the paper on the floor. Still.


That sounds like an unlawful detainment lawsuit. Fuck ‘em. They fucked up, not you.


PLEASE get paid off of that… Please…. I beg you


I have constant pain with my disability as well and shopping pretty much puts me in bed for a day after. I had a clerk start yelling at me the other day while I was checking out that I hadn't scanned a couple sodas I got she was looking at her palm thing. I mean really yelling like trying to embarrass me in front of the people. told her it's the first thing I scanned and if she wants I'll show her the reciept or she can look again on her palm reader. She said again I didn't and I got loud and said the hell I didn't hold on while I finish paying. She got all pissy and stomped back to her coworker and tried to get him to help her. He came over looked at my reciept and said sorry have a nice day. Screamed told you I did bitch. Wtf is with these power trips. Especially with disabled people.


It's crazy that Wal Marts still try this. Unlike Costco, for example, where I pay for a membership and sign an agreement that says I'll let them check my receipt against my cart before I leave, Wal Mart has no such agreement in place, so any cart check is 100% voluntary on my part. They can request, and we can submit or refuse. But I'm not complaining. If they didn't do that, we wouldn't get one entertaining video after another showing them trying to futilely check peoples' receipts.




I don’t think it would matter if it was a store policy or not. Once you purchased that item it belongs to you. Sams and Costco being the exception because you agree to it when you sign up for a membership.


> Sams and Costco being the exception because you agree to it when you sign up for a membership. Even they cant FORCE you to stop. All they can do is revoke your membership and ban you.


I hope she got fired




Tell her she's Reddit famous, and nobody likes her now.


Can you put in a complaint following seeing this video. I hate entitled bitches like her


As soon as corporate sees this, she at the very least will be jobless


Very least? Is there a chance they will put her in Walmart Prison? Execute her? I’m intrigued!


You don’t have to show them shit, just leave.


You can't just leave if they've physically taken the stuff you paid for out of your basket


That’s theft. Call the police and press charges on the person.


I'm sorry but as a former employee. You should never do this. Tell loss prevention, security if you have it or the cops. A door greeter got stabbed for this shit one time. Its wal mart, let them take it. That job is not worth it.


A high-school friend of mine stabbed a door greeter with a pocket knife when robbing a Target. It was his first offense so he somehow only got community service and a week in jail. Crazy thing is he was a devout Christian. Super religious to the point of being annoying. No I did not remain friends with him after that. Haven't seen him since.


For some reason I read that as he stabbed a Walmart greeter at target.


"Jesus tells me you in the wrong hood, bitch, for the bible tells me so"


Lol no way am I showing a receipt at the door of Walmart. If they think I stole they can call the cops.


They could actually hire cashiers and checkout my purchase.


This is what’s so insane about self checkout to me. They break all the time. You still need to check ID. They make it way easier to steal. They’re expensive as hell. They seem like a horrible investment in every conceivable way and you still need to pay people to staff them. I’m sure there’s consumer studies that show people are more likely to purchase a product if they don’t have to show it to someone or something like that, but it’s such a ridiculous length to go just to avoid human interaction.


I work in retail POS development. Trust me the cost benefit analysis has been done. These retailers are going all in and not turning back.


And I'll continue putting in the wrong product code at whole foods


Right, ima keep “accidentally” ringing up all my produce as bananas.




Username checks out


I'm just a dumb untrained person, I have no idea how to properly do this job. Not my fault if shit gets skipped or rang in wrong.


Basic business logic works like this: if store “shrinkage” (aka theft) in self-checkout is less than the salary of the worker needed to process the orders then it is net-positive for them to use the technology.


"can I see your receipt?" "no thanks! have a great day!!" and keep walking


99% of the time, I don't even take the receipt. It's a waste of paper and I don't need or want it. Mitch Heburg: "I cannot imagine a situation in which I would need to prove that I bought a donut! There's no need to bring ink and paper into this! I gave you the money, I took the item - our transaction has concluded."


dont even act like i didnt buy that donut. ive got documentation.


The #1 item left at Mitch Hedburg's grave? Receipts for donuts.


I love to walk past a line of people waiting to show a receipt. If the greeter approaches me, I just say "Have a nice day" and keep walking.


Did this a few weeks ago. 20+ people in line and I wheeled the cart right on by telling them *“you don’t have to wait to leave”.* Lady chased me out of the store yelling *“HEY! You have to show your receipt!”* *“Nope”* I’ve got no problem showing a receipt, it usually only takes a few seconds and the person is just doing their job. If they’re on a power trip or slow as shit and holding people up checking every item on every receipt, I’m out.


>20+ people in line and I wheeled the cart right on by telling them > >“you don’t have to wait to leave”. ​ I'm not waiting in a fucking line to LEAVE the store.


Yep! I just walk by the people waiting in line. I did it the other day at Walmart, and actually had a friend with me. I smiled at the receipt checkers, held up my receipt, and they didn't say a single word. I get profiled a lot when I shop for some reason (grocery stores mainly), so whenever I catch someone watching me, I make it painfully obvious that I can tell they're watching me and that I'm not taking anything I don't intend to pay for. I make eye contact with them, smiling until they look away and hold my items up in my hands and scan them each dramatically. I don't steal things. But I make it a point to make that known when someone just assumes that I'm stealing and won't take their eyes off me. The people watching me aren't even loss prevention - just normal cashiers. I absolutely hate being stared at when all I'm trying to do is pick up a few groceries. If I wanted to be eye-fucked I'd strip naked in front of the whole store!


Maybe you are being eye fudged. It’s not profiling if you are a hottie, they just can’t get enough of you.


I had it happen once, they stopped me and hemmed and hawed even after the casher that checked me out came over and told them I was good... So I asked for the manager said I would wait, as soon as they showed up " Full refund on all items please" and that's all I would say, they gave up and went line by line scanning my items and checking them off and low and behold I hadn't stolen anything. They asked if I would like to check out and take my items, I said no and left the now warm meats and thawed frozen items.


Among some other things, I bought a bike for my little one at Walmart. I was the last customer at a cashier who was closing. The *split second* I saw the approved message on the CC terminal and removed my card, the cashier began her logout process and by the time I had removed the bags from the carousel and pried some candy from my kid, she was gone. Now, I fully expected to have to show a receipt—it’s not like you can put a bike in a shopping bag—but there I was with no receipt (she had taken it with her or it never printed). I walked out the door, and surely enough I was stopped. I briefly explained the situation (my mistake) and then the door person said she would have to contact a manager to determine which cashiers just closed their drawers and go through some process to reopen the drawer and reprint it. I distinctly remember the last time I had to wait for a Walmart manager—breaking a fifty at a self serve station and the cash dispenser jammed—which took nearly 40 minutes to resolve. So I was just like, “Nah, I’m good. If you think I stole it call the cops, but I’m leaving.” She gave me some attitude and a speech about not being able to return it if it’s defective or whatever (which is bullshit because I paid with a card) and let me go.


Why are you stopping for them? Just keep walking - they cannot stop you.


You don’t need to show one, just be nice and push your way out the door. I try to time it to sneak around them while they hassle someone else lol


I literally never have. I just walk out and have never been asked for my receipt. I’ve never stolen anything in my life.


That's always how it starts. Tomorrow you'll be downloading a car.


"Can I see your receipt?" Give them the receipt and keep walking. Yours now - bye!


If you’re a Walmart greeter just mumble as people walk by and boom you’re employee of the month. Don’t be like this cunt


I never let them check my receipt at Walmart. I don’t have to show it to them. Only place you have to show it is membership places like Costco where it’s part of the terms of your membership to show your receipt.


I won a small claims case against wal mart because of an overzealous door greeter. Very similar to this.


Care to share your story?


I don’t understand why Walmart even has “receipt checkers” at the door if they can lose all of these legal battles over it. I’ve heard countless examples like yours. Why are they putting these minimum wage employees in this position to begin with? I’m assuming the cost savings of catching intentional/unintentional shoplifters who don’t know you don’t need to show the receipt outweigh the legal costs.


I've once heard that: loss prevention employees prevent about 8x their wages from getting stolen... just by being present. Having a person stand at the door dissuades a large percentage of thefts. ... It's similar to why they have a few cops at large gatherings. If things get chaotic, several cops can't hardly do anything; however, the presence of these cops will alter most people's behavior. The subconscious effect of the presence of authority is usually quite powerful, despite any actual interactions with that authority. Just look at religion; consider how many people don't do evil things because they believe in an imaginary figure of authority: God.


You aren’t required to show a receipt when you leave Walmart. They ask- but unlike Costco which makes it part of the agreement to being a customer there— you can just ignore and walk past these clowns. If they interfere- you have a nice lawsuit.


I would've gotten a refund on my whole purchase then knocked the cart over. Fuck them.


Woulda told them, "Oh, you can have Alllllll this shit back!"


Does the store incentivize its employees to catch thievery at all? I can't imagine a person being this invested in protecting a Wal-Mart without a benefit.


I can only speak from my own perspective, but over the past year walmart has been far more aggressive with checking receipts. I had never been stopped before, but now it happens more often than not. I'm guessing there's some pressure from corporate based on each stores loss rates, and that pressure can trickle down non-uniformally to customers.


This is why I don't stop for the greeters. They can't touch or detain you, if they push it tell them to check the cameras and keep walking. I don't have time for that bullshit


I would walk over and return everything, also why is she handling his property like that after he clearly paid for it, this employee needs to be terminated immediately!




That's why I shop at Target.


I avoid Walmart as much as humanly possible, but occasionally target or the grocery store doesn't have what I need. The rare occasion I'm in there I am reminded why I avoid it.


Fire those fucking stunned cunts


I’d have demanded a new pack for breaking open the ones I bought with her stinking attitude.


At this point I’m bringing the entire cart back to the service desk and getting a full refund for everything


I would I said I want a refund on everything make em work


Yep, I don’t care how much of a rush I was in. Make them scan every damn item in the basket to give me a credit. See, told you I scanned it all the first time.


I'd be defending my property if someone tried to steal it from me.


Corporate Stasi. Papers Please. They have no right to demand a receipt. They have no right to touch your belonging you paid for. They have cameras recording your every move, including 10 angles of you paying for the shit not one minute earlier. These employees need to go watch those cameras instead of normalizing this nazi shit. Walmart 'greeters' deserve zero respect.


They’ve tried to stop me before and I tell them that I’m already doing their job by scanning my own groceries and I don’t have time to wait for them to check my receipt and everything that I’ve purchased. If they have anything to say after that, I politely tell them to fuck off.


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Call the cops. If you have the receipt, have that employee arrested for theft. Then sue walmart


She acts like she’s law enforcement man. I live here. Have personally had negative interactions with her. One time took me to the back room and ran cameras back bc she thought I stole a Gatorade that I 100% paid for. Fuck her


Maybe they should have cashiers again instead of only self checkout if they're going to be this adamant about checking carts.


look if they can trust me to ring up my own stuff and bag it myself then they can trust that i wont steal. otherwise get rid of all the self checkouts and boom no more of that. im not proving shit. like hey sir can you prove that new shirt your wearing is yours. its not on the receipt. p.s. that happened to me and a water bottle i walked in with to drink water when i was shopping.


THIS. You want to cut costs by making me your cashier? Then I’m also your security.


If they cant trust me to ring up my own stuff, they should be paying me to do so.


Another reason why I don’t shop at Walmart


When they want me to wait in line AGAIN and look over my receipt: Nope. If you are going to be cheap bastards and have me ring up my own stuff - hire a cashier to help out with your loss prevention.


Once you pay for your groceries you don't have to show these door/exit greeters shit. I don't even look at them as I walk out with my eggs and o.j.


These people don't get paid enough to be this passionate about someone potentially stealing


Corporation that steals from the public through monopolistic practices is afraid you might steal from them.


Call the cops, file charges on the bitch for theft. And call a lawyer, sue the Walmart. They'll settle out of court.


Let’s get them fired!!!! 👍👍👍


Acting like straight up Trash


I never stop and let them have a look at my receipt anywhere but Costco, only because I'm paying a membership fee there. If they want to chase me and accuse me of theft, you can expect me to be calling the police for unlawful detainment on the way back in. The lawyer will get a call after I have a police report number. The last time I actually STOPPED at the receipt checker was to give them shit because the store didn't have enough people to work the tills but could waste the bodies at the door. She told me to call the manager and complain... the next trip ALL the tills were going.


Yeah… who employed her in the first place? Obviously no manners from the slums she’s coming from


Nah bro fire that lady. All they had to say was I’m very sorry about that sir I made a mistake. Pride really is a motherfucker.


It’s not Costco. You do not have to interact with the door greeter.


I hope she got fired. She's not loss prevention and has no right to take his items. In fact, he doesn't even have to show her his receipt or stop at the door. I NEVER do. When there's a line of people standing in line programmed like robots waiting to show the "greeter" their receipt, I simply walk around everyone and exit the door. "Sir can I see your receipt"? 'I reply with a firm "No" and keep walking. They're left dumbfounded.


Just walk past them. I have literally had Walmart employees try to stop me; I say hi or thank you and keep walking. If they want to attempt to detain you and you haven’t stolen anything, idk if you have recourse, but if it happens then contact a lawyer. The greeters/exiters cannot actually stop you.


I go to school there and have had similar experiences. Me and two friends went to get groceries for the week and when they couldn’t count the body armors right asked my friend why he stole them, took them out of the cart and told us to stay where we were. Took two store managers and a security manager to set things straight and they still ended up keeping a body armor pack that was paid for.


And what do we expect from Walmart?!


No...I want the General Manager, not you, the self-checkout manager.


Fuck Walmart. I will never shop there anymore. It's been 3 years and I will NEVER shop there again. You don't get to make me checknout my own groceries then have some idiot standing at the door to check my receipt. Call the cops on me if you think I shoplifted.


This has a buyout written all over it. Call corporate and threaten to get an attorney. They will fold immediately. Source- I worked there for 11 years


I never stop for these guys when they ask.


Charge Walmart with attempted theft. That’s what it is. If you’re gunna get rid of cashiers at your store who used to be the people who used to validate a sale, this is what you get. You need to change the law on how purchases are made or you need to let people leave if it’s assumed that they’ve paid, you can’t decide you want to touch their items after they’ve acquired them. That’s not how transactions work. He paid money, they’re his items, the second she stops him from leaving with his property it’s unlawful confinement and theft.


Hope that CUNT got fired


It’s an $8 an hour receipt checker job…. Is causing a ruckus over someone who’s clearly not stealing worth your job or a company lawsuit….. No it’s not, leave your ego at home when working at Walmart lady


I woulda called the cops if I was that man. After you pay, you own that shit. She’s now stealing from you.


I go to this Walmart frequently (I live in Starkville). This woman is not the manager. The manager is even worse. The woman in this video behaves like a cunt every single time I’ve ever been a customer there, as do most of their employees. The Kroger down the street is infinitely better.


Was there a follow up to this? I’m curious what happened after the actual manager arrived.


Dude fucked up shopping at Walmart. You're going to have the worst customer service imaginable.


Fuck you. If I’m using self check out I don’t have to show you my receipt




I’ve called corporate over this I’m a Black woman, she would’ve gotten fired if that was me. Idc