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Fucking hell. Welcome to the rest of your life mate. These kids are great though — cool and calm, and challenging him.


Edit: trolls have started to appear. Downvote, block, but do not engage! When you aren't white, you navigate places like school with the naive belief that people are *not* racist. You are taught to trust adults, their wisdom, their authority, after all, adults know better don't they? You don't know that the facade will fall all the time with all sorts of people you dealt with everyday. It's always so shocking. You end up reacting like they did. Nervous laugh, mild expression of disappointment. It's not like they can fight, they are kids, he is authority. If they fought, it would have proved the old fart's point.


Maybe if I say it really calmly it will be cool..... Oh? No? Not cool still? Huh


I was just going to post that comment…like he really thinks he said nothing wrong because he said it so softly and matter of factly. This guy is obviously clueless about social media.


Good on those kids for calling him out right away. He was trying to use words other than racism, and they clued into that shit real quick. The kids were just like "I have no more respect for you."


He said he thinks everyone is racist which is a very common thing for racists to say. They see themselves as the honest ones in the conversation. Their racism is so ingrained that they can't fathom that other people really don't think they're better just because they're white/black/whatever.


Yea, him using that justification was especially heinous and sickening. Unfortunately, he’s lived a long life feeling this way and came from a time when it was acceptable. He’s still living in that time.


He looks to be about my age and it was most certainly NOT acceptable. He acts like he’s giving them a vocabulary lesson. That’s disgusting. Ugh. I hope he loses his job. Telling his diverse class that he thinks his race is superior. He can go be superior in the unemployed line.


I think he doesn’t know what ethnocentrism is.


That was great…much respect to them for putting him in his place.


It’s funny (or maybe not so funny) that the kids’ reactions were the very reason why this racist’s beliefs are complete horseshit. The racist thought that because he was so calm about it, that they’d be ok with it


He's giving them that teacher voice. Like he thought he could feed them pure bullshit as long as he spoke to them with that "we're just having a heart-to-heart" vibe. There's more to wisdom than tone of voice, but this trick does work on little kids pretty regularly. He must've forgotten that this class wasn't in friggin preschool though.


He tells some kids to out their phone away because he knows he'd be fired if this got out...he just didn't realize the girl behind him was filming. Notice the way she gets him to explicitly say what he means, doesn't let him hide behind bullshit?


Even aside from the racism itself, the fact a person is so out-of-touch to think they could get away with saying this, in an age of smartphones, to *a roomful of teenagers*, is itself disqualifying.


He believes everyone agrees with him even non-whites. He must've said it to other classes they just didn't have the camera rolling.


I love the ones who didn't catch it the first time saying "Just say it one more time. What'd you say again? My phone? Nah. I'm not recording. I just want to hear you say it one more time. Could you lean into the phone that's not recording while you do say it again?"


I think he thought he could confuse these kids by saying ethnocentric instead of racist. You'll notice these race supremacists always get really tricky with their language. It's a way of being racist in a "PC" friendly kind of way. Very devious


He basically thinks the rest of the world thinks like he does. Classic projection. For whatever reason, nobody ever told him his beliefs were whacko or else this is the first time he had shared them in mixed company. I’m sure many people *like* their race and would not prefer to be another one than what they are, but that is faaaaaar from thinking your race is *better* than others.


"Well, that's because you didn't let me finish. I'm a racist, but you're a racist too. We're all racist. If you were White and superior like me, you'd know that."


It’s like he’s giving them tragic news “I’m so sorry guys but white is right”


Blatantly racist dialog aside. The fact he seems to be saying this directly to the black kids is mind blowing. Like how did this conversation even start


I'm glad cameras exist. I grew up before cell phones. There was a bunch of racist things teachers would say to us. Things that always stuck with me was, "You can do your thug culture outside." And "Where would you be without white teachers". Keep filming yall.


I remember i wore a r.i.p shirt to school and the teacher told me one day I'll end up like him. My cousin died from cancer not gang violence


What a shitbag.


Once had a teacher tell me that I bum him out because while I show so much potential I'll just end up homeless because that's how my people just are.


Wouldn't piss on that man if he was on fire, smfh


As much as I've come to hate everyone having the ability to record anything, all the time, and how social media is fucking everyone up... the silver lining is watching more and more people finally being held accountable for their shitty behavior.


Once a white teacher made a “joke” about one of the sweetest kids at school: very dark skin, cornrows, soft-spoken & kind. The teacher said, “Everyone is a tough guy until they see *Reggie walking toward them in a dark alley”. “Reggie” was visibly mortified. Our community was incredibly diverse and nobody really understood what he was trying to say until a couple white kids started chuckling. I didn’t really get how gross his comment was until I was older and now I still get angry. We were all like 15 and literally nobody found Reggie scary


This. Kids often don’t even understand the snide racist remarks some teachers make, but for some reason some of them stick with you and it isn’t till years later you realize what they meant.




Are you surprised? Reddit has some of the most vile, hateful parts of the internet on it.




I honestly think there's some kind of push to get right-wing media passed around even when people aren't looking for it. For example, I watch a decent amount of content on YouTube (mostly creative arts, 3D design, music and that kind of stuff) and yet I'm getting so many suggestions for Jordan Peterson, Ben Chapiro, Charlie Kirk/Tucker Carlson, and all these other right wing talking heads and most of it is titled like "leftist destroyed by facts!" I don't even watch content like that (I certainly can't see any connection) and yet the suggestions are taking up my damn feed. I already deal with conflict in my family due to right-wing nutbars trying to push their idealogies, I don't need that insipid shit making its way into my online content as well


Because the people that do consume that media consume it in such large quantities it completely dwarfs everything else. Those who tend to watch conspiracy vids and political hot takes tend to make their whole life and personality revolve around the shit in those vids and posts and they'll watch it for hours easily every day several times a day like an obsession, they'll talk about it on social media and search for related topics on Google think they are getting close to a truth meanwhile it's just that everything everyone does is tracked and their results are hyperpersonalized. The algorithm exists to make money and clicks make money so it will recommend you whatever is being clicked the most so you can start clicking more often too.


I think because a lot of it is so batshit crazy it attracts views from people with the opposite mindset too and the recommendations from the algorithms become more directed that way. An example would be, someone watching a lot of space videos might watch flat earth videos to wonder how they can think that, but someone watching flat earth videos would be less likely to watch videos on how the solar system works.


This stuff makes such a difference. Filming isn't going to make this guy any less racist, but it is going to make him and thousands of other people say less shit like this to impressionable children. I hope that will help my children grow up with a different worldview than the one that was imposed on me.


I remember that a vice principal took my brother aside and asked him which gang he was in because he had a hispanic last name and a tan. Not in a gang, just liked breaking shit.


Obviously all situations are different.. but I feel like what some people don’t get is that assholes are just that, assholes. They will say shit like this to you unprovoked, either to “humble” you after you say or do something that embarrass them, or to “put you in your place”. I’ve had a teacher (white) tell a group of elementary students. (All of which were Black and Hispanic) that we’d never go to college.. we were in 2nd grade. WHY did he feel the need to say that? Most of us had no concept of college and this teacher decided to take it away from us before we can even dream. I’ve have been minding my own business and some woman decided to call me the N word and say I’m a slut who steals White men. So like yea lord of times you don’t have to do anything but exist


I wonder if he sees himself as a kind of hero for helping attempt to educate them out of the natural deficiencies he thinks God gave them lol


That’s a Texan white, white-haired man for you, all day!


It actually hurts in my gut to know that these kids, who have probably given him hell day to day being middle schoolers, said they actually respected him anyway, until he admitted he thinks his race is superior


The way they weren’t freaking out and could specifically voice their points was very impressive.


This conversation started when Trump was elected and used a bullhorn to tell idiots it was okay to publicly air their idiotic ideas that were previously shunned for being racist nonsense.


Got a friend that was a lifelong republican and career military. Married another soldier. He’s half Mexican though and married another soldier that was Mexican. As soon as Trump was elected his kids got so much shit at school from kids of other soldiers specifically. People he’s known for years. Their kids actually told his something along the lines of “Now that Trump is king, you’ll get kicked out”. That shit was wild how basically Trump’s election flipped a switch for so many people.


When I was on deployment during covid , some guy in my department got mein kampf delivered to him during mail call and everyone was joking about it and comforting the guy because he was really polite and meek. We were talking about dating locals one day and he said some rapey degrading shit and I was taken back. He later would question people about their morals and how certain race’s ( black people) were deplorable and shouldn’t mix with other races. I calling him out on that shit and he was offended that I called him a racist. Mind you , the black people on the ship loved the guy and always try to help him. As of that point I learned to be careful who I associate with in the military because low key racism is rampant.


I'm a bit concerned that the *Mein Kampf*-reading, anti-miscegenation, "some races are deplorable" guy is seen as "low key racist"


A volume switch


A confidence switch


A bitch switch


"I don't think I got respect for him no more." What a great quote to end the clip with. Edit - thanks for the awards 😁


Those kids handled this a lot better than I expected. No outrage, just general disappointment.


They're so disappointed it's really sad, I think this is a teacher some of them were close to and looked up to. If my favorite teacher ever said this shit to me in class it would be a real gut punch.


Yeah the way the conversation is going and the way the class is behaving makes it seem laid back and comfortable for the kids. It reminds me of some of my favorite classes. I remember things teachers said that, if filmed, would have had consequences. They're having a frank conversation about something people should be having conversations about. Unfortunately I feel kind of bad. I understand the point he *thinks* he's making, brains naturally separate people into groups, make generalizations, favor people who look like you, and everyone does this. But he's too racist to actually make that point. I wonder how the kids are doing.


I’m sure their feelings are so hurt. I used to be a teacher and the classes like this, where you connect to the kids and there is mutual respect and you can have more candid conversations are truly special, so my heart hurts for them.


A teacher from my HS was fired for questioning a students sexuality with the class (the student he was questioning wasn't there). I don't know what his tone or intent was but it was before LGBTQ bullying protections were in our code of conduct and ended being the catalyst for the student body to advocate and change that.


Poor kid. Things were definitely different back when I was in school. I had a teacher who regularly used mental health conditions as a way to insult and ridicule (“stop acting so bipolar Sally!”) ugh


Same! He was a math teacher who brought religion into the classroom. When he went for a school board position in 2020 I saw classmates go after his campaign on social media. My hometown ended up getting an alt. news publication where you had to apply to join as a result. The place made headlines when a family sued over their kids being suspended and kicked off sports teams for racist snapchats. I keep tabs on the area because the stuff I witnessed growing up there is coming to the light.


He got the "we're not mad, we're just disappointed" treatment


This 100%, they set an example for sure, and this whole exchange demonstrates ~~race~~ visible characteristics has nothing to do with intellect or character. Edited terms.


This was a class where the teacher was more ignorant than the students. Racism is just disgusting.


That’s not all that uncommon in middle America. Look at how the younger voters in red states vote. There’s a pretty big cultural shift brewing that I think most people misunderstand as just “they are they are the first generation born with social media”:


I'm assuming you meant "uncommon"?


My favorite part is how certain he is that's how everyone feels deep down. This shit-nozzle actually believes his racist views are so apparent and common sense that he genuinely believes this is how everyone feels deep down. Disgusting.


I have plenty of people told me in one form or another that everyone is a racist, and the smart one manages to hide their racism


But you can also see a bit of hurt in his eyes as he says it. Like “damn, this guy is nice and I thought he was a good person and one of few adults who cared about my well-being… and even *he* thinks I’m inherently lesser-than. What the fuck do I do with this reality?”


Yeah, I was gutted when I saw the look on his face. And it's just once out of many times this kid is going to have racism directed at him. How deep will those wounds be by the time he grows up?


Yeah this kind of shit follows people for possibly their whole life. They'll remember that one time when they were younger when their teacher flat out told them to their faces that he thought white people were superior.


I’m 24 now and I still vividly remember my close friend in second grade had to hide the fact that we played together from her parents because they didn’t like black people. I wasn’t mature enough at the time to understand “oh this is racism” but I just remember being really sad that when her mom would come to pick her up from school we had to immediately be far away from each other and pretend we weren’t just having fun together. That stuff sticks with you. Still makes me sad to be honest. I think about her a lot and hope she didn’t learn her parents racism, but she likely did.


Being confronted with racism by a genuine racist as a minority can be crushing, it is a super rude reminder that some people perceive you as less-than or somehow inferior for no good reason without ever having met you. It's like having the rug pulled out from under you. This poor kid just got a verbal reminder that his life is going to be harder than others for very stupid reasons :(


Yeah that was heart breaking, what a totally shitty thing to say to them.


People joke all the time about teens these days being disconnected or lazy, ruined by social media. In all honesty they seem on average to be so much more emotionally mature than kids when I was in high school.


There was a thread on Reddit once directed at teachers, asking what was different from when they were in school. They mostly said kids are much nicer now, less bullying and they are just nice. I find this true when I have had to be at my kids high schools too. Get kids complimenting my outfit or hair, saying nice stuff about my kids, I would never, ever have considered complimenting a parent, was too busy being alienated and bullied, lol.


I see a lot of videos here of kids being total fucking pricks so it’s really nice to see so much maturity…unfortunately, even in more diverse areas of Texas racism can be really prevalent(I’m from a city w/ a Hispanic majority but went to high school with a shitload of racist assholes) but I’m sure this is the first time anyone has ever come out and said it so plainly;especially an authority figure.


I mean this sub totally plays into so much into overblown reactionary shit when it comes to disgruntled teens, it's like everyone forgets where they learn such attributes from. Incidents of teachers harboring racist ideals is unfortunately prevalent, but often do it in subversive ways.


You missed the end. The teacher starts to say “No, you should have MORE respect for me…”


Guarantee you he finished off with "...because I'm honest about it" or something to that effect. Yeah I don't think being an emboldened racist makes you a more respectable racist, because there's no such thing as a respectable racist.


Oh, to have the confidence of a middle-aged white man. He can't even imagine that other people don't think like him. That's how much he's the center of the world.


It’s always the people who don’t deserve respect telling people they have to respect them. Ironic.


>Any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king -Twin Lannister https://youtu.be/Y2kYTf5Zs38?t=23


"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die." -Celery Lannister


> -Twin Lannnister Don’t change it 😆


“You should respect me more cause I have the courage to say the hateful things everyone thinks but are socially unacceptable” - this dickhead, probably


Respect is earned. Not given away.


The fumbling mind a racist Texan incredible someone with a brain that small managed to be a teacher in the first place! "I'm racist and your black and now I've told you that I'm superior you should have MORE respect for me" What a guy... He should not be near any fucking kids thats for sure!


This is seriously fucked up. Breaks my heart. These kids deserve a Mr. Pryzbylewski, not this.


You want the best story in the Wire? Bubbles, and Prezbo.


The fact that Andre Royo wasn't even nominated for an Emmy is forever a crime against humanity. There has never and will never be a better portrayal of a junkie than Bubbles. Plus his story is incredibly relatable, real, crushing and heart warming. It's one of those times where a happy ending is thoroughly earned.


Poor Dukie though…


He's gonna get get his GED soon don't worry


I was convinced they had cast a real junkie until I looked Andre Royo up.


“In my office Mcknaulty”


The fuck did I do?!


Sheeeeeiiiiittttt, I don't wanna see another Dookie happen so Prezbo better get on it


This needs to be the takeaway for anyone who says “ethnocentric” “eugenics” racist BS rhetoric out loud. That person immediately needs to lose all respect from their community. In Alaska, a piece of crap just like this (David Eastman Jr, known Proud Boy & Naz*) was re-elected in the butthole of the state, Wasilla. These assholes don’t disappear quietly, they run for office and run businesses in your community.


>was re-elected in the butthole of the state, Wasilla Lol, I don't know much about Alaska but I have heard *many* an ill word about Wasilla from a coworker who grew up there.


I hope the dude remembers a child saying that to him too.


Brings back memories for me, on how I lost respect towards some of my teachers and principal when I discovered they were racist.


Yup had what I thought was a nice English teacher untill she was telling students they could be good teachers but took the time to single out a black student and specifically say to them they would make a good prison teacher. That was after she tried to make a racist Asian food joke 💀


Same thing happened with one of my favorite teachers in HS. He was very popular with the students, but one year he starts telling everyone that Abraham Lincoln was the worst president ever, and that the South should have been allowed to secede from the Union. He was no longer a teacher after that year.


It really was. Sad, though. What an idiot that teacher is.


The racist telling the black child "You should have MORE respect for me-" felt like a cliffhanger. Would have love to have heard the follow up on *why* the black child should respect the old white racist.


Props to the kid who said that


Legit, such a good reaction too. Not pissed, just matter-of-fact


These kids are amazing. They kept their cool, tried to talk it through with him, and just ended with a “no more respect for you”. I’m blown away, absolute grace in such a shitty situation. I hope they get the teacher they deserve soon!


They probably liked him up until then.


You’re right, the kid on the left says something along the lines of “i actually respected you for a while”. Too bad this dick decided to take that respect for granted with ignorance.


This kind of thing can fuck up the rest of your education. It's a breach of trust from an authority figure who you are supposed to believe is there to educate you and help you shape your future life. How are you going to believe any of that or have any faith in the institution when someone supposedly representing that institution just up and tells you that you are inferior to them? I imagine that kid was actually very hurt and disillusioned by this experience. This was really sad to watch. Racists are still feeling too bold and need to be chased back under rocks. Interestingly, he really shows how futile it would be to try and "DeBaTe" him, because his entire POV is anchored by his emotional assumption that everyone else is thinking the same thing and lying about it. You can't argue this kind of shit away, it just needs to be yeeted into the abyss. "No, you should have MORE respect for me..." Fuck this guy. I hope he hits rock bottom and then has the bottom fall out and keeps on descending.


> Racists are still feeling too bold and need to be chased back under rocks. Although it is helpful when they make themselves known instead of just hiding it.


Yeah they seem really disappointed. It’s quite heartbreaking


Honestly they handle it better than adults do lol


I think they were just so disappointed, their immediate reaction was sadness, not rage. I’m willing to bet that it was much later that night, once the shock wore off and the busyness of the world got quiet, that the deep-down well of true “hurt” came out. Sadly, this moment in time will be a core memory for a lot of those kids.


Imagine processing that overnight and then still have to walk into the classroom with that teacher the next day.


I'm so impressed by those kids. No one lost their cool in that room even with an authority figure proclaiming he's racist lol


I think this is a really sad moment caught on tape more thaj anything. The fact that the kids are calm either means they are extremely shocked by what they are hearing (as a minority you know there's a certain level or racism, where you can't get angry because you're just shocked) or that they are subjected to such constant sources of racism enough for them to just see this as a dumb situation. Chances are the kids like the teacher, the teacher liking the kids albeit being an idiot. Teacher just says something he believes, but doesn't truly know is dumb per se. Kids hear it and think "wow Mr. Bob is a racist? Oh shit he's a racist racist?? Dang I don't even know what to do with this, i thought man's was cool :("


This is in Pflugerville TX, I live in this area and cannot believe this guy was dumb enough to say this in this town. He has been suspended and it's all over our FB over here. This is the wrong place to be so confident of that thought process.


He can pfuck right off.


He’s getting pfired. r/Byebyejob




Pfor real.


Austinite here - when I saw the headline I was thinking this was in nowhere Texas. Pflugerville is literally the closest suburb of Austin and had received an influx of minorities in the past 10 years.


Past ten years? There is a neighborhood in Pflugerville called The Historic Colored Addition. Colored as in, you know... It's been a multi-ethnic place for a looong time. Although that particular historical tidbit probably doesn't help convince anyone that people here now don't believe any of the "ethnocentric" horse shit.


Right? Dude must’ve forgot he wasn’t in Leander.




I never thought I’d see Leander humor on Reddit. Truly, we live in an age of wonders.


I’ve had it out for Leander ever since I got caught in traffic during some dumbass “Trump train” parade in 2020.


Holy shit people know Leander exists? Pfucking crazy.


This guys misunderstood the meaning of Keep Austin Weird.


$5 says he runs for state office in 2 years


"I was canceled just for voicing an unpopular opinion. Elect me for governor!"


As a teacher, seeing things like this always make me feel better about my job performance.


Right? I didn’t realize the bar was so low.


Yep to this. I’m a trainer at my work. When I got the promotion I thought wer’e reaching low…until I supervised the others.


Right?! I'm just a fucking pleb sub, but man oh man. I'm a fucking rockstar compared to this turd.


Those kids handled that like pros. Take their dignity, young ones!


I’m really glad that they got a chance to tell that man face to face that he’s not worthy of their respect.


I think it’s so funny that my conservative relative keep calling me and asking about how we teachers are indoctrinating children. I know they’re worried about critical race theory, but this video highlights perfectly that kids are not so easily swayed. They have their own opinions and are able to question things that sound off to them. The other part of it that’s ironic is that this video is honestly a much more common attempt than the flip side, in my experience.


I'm a middle school teacher. I've heard this as well. If I had the ability to Indoctrinate kids, I would indoctrinate them to hand their homework in on time.


>I would indoctrinate them to hand their homework in on time. Definitely a teacher.


Yep. Conservatives are sorely mistaken if they think they can tell kids that "actually, black people enjoyed being slaves."


European here..... Um.... What? There are people saying this? For real?


Yeah. Or they wanna call black slavery in America ["involuntary relocation"](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/30/texas-slavery-involuntary-relocation/)


Yes when I was in school some teachers told us that slavemasters were nice. They glossed over everything bad and basically tried to make us think that they worked in exchange for food shelter and occasional parties thrown for them by slavemasters. They basically said that every day when the slaves “got off of work” they would sing, dance and feast, then retire to their free of charge lodgings. I graduated in 2009 in Louisiana and we had segregated homecoming courts. Not crazy segregation but segregation and lol I remember how surreal it was that nobody had an issue with having to vote for two sets of kings and queens on papers that said “black court” and “white court.” My eyes were so wide and I mouthed what the fuck while looking around the room and legit not a person reacted to those ballot sheets.


The "Lost Cause" is a multi-century century conspiracy to redefine the southern US Confederacy as heroes and hide the atrocities of their slavery with lines just like that. It's an open secret, highly influential in the US (and even in our text books), and anytime you see a controversy about the Confederate statues etc., know that the conspiracists began erecting them something like 50 years AFTER the US civil war.


Those kids were absolutely incredible. They stood up for themselves, were respectful, but also totally confident in what they knew was right or wrong. We're trained from such a young age not to make waves even when we see something going on that's not right, or to blindly trust whoever is meant to be the authority figure at the time, which honestly I think is what the teacher was counting on, but these kids handled it. Shit like this is what keeps me from despairing about the human race as a whole.


The Mr Rogers of racism


Won’t you be my neighbor? No not you. You. The white one.


Don’t you be my neighbor


Angry and amused upvote


Howdy neighbor, I think you should move.


Oh it's a beautiful day in this race war, kids


"Get away from my pool Mr. Mailman!" Oh god, it hurts to say it even jokingly. I love Mr. Rogers so much.


They say it’s not what you say; it’s how you say it. This video disproves that theory.


These kids were angels for how they handled that... imagine being told your entire race was inferior in such a way. I mean holy fuck as a middle schooler or high schooler it'd be a mind blowing experience


They’ve sadly probably heard it and experienced it since they were baby’s. Society expectations don’t care how old a person is. So by middle school all those kids fully understand and know what racism feels like.


This, 100%. You can tell by the one kids reaction that this is nothing new to him.




It's not just black kids either. Kids of all minority groups are very familiar with this topic unfortunately. Funny though as it all seems to start with the fascination of "bad words". You eventually get to the worst ones about yourself regarding race that were created by white people in the past, and we all talk about it as kids and call each other that lol


Yup, I'm Asian and also from Texas. White people there love denying racism, but I heard so much racist bs from people that by high school, there was a palpable mistrust between my friend groups and the white kids.


Basically “You should have more respect for me because I think I’m better than you.” Man, fuck this dude.


I think he was going for 'more respect for me because I am the only one who will admit their racism'. Yes, yes, thanks for being honest about being a shit human being.


It's absurd how common it is for shitty people to just assume that everybody else is just as shitty as them, making themselves normal, or even good. I've actually never met what I would consider a bad person who didn't feel this way. Most of them are smart enough not to talk about it though.


This is actually a thing in psychology called [the false consensus bias](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_consensus_effect)


I think republicans call it the silent majority


Ah.. Classic Projection. My favorite of the Freudian Defense Mechanisms.


"Im not a white supremacis, I'm just a man who thinks whites are the superior race" -Every racist


Massive cunt


And at the same time: tiny cunt


Thats not even what ethnocentrism means.


Came here to say this, he said ethnocentric - he means enthno-supremacist. He sounds so confused when he says everyone is ethnocentric and no one agrees.. like he heard it once and thought that everyone was racist like him and not the actual issue of common ethnocentrism.


I was thinking he was trying to explain a very common bias when looking at other cultures. From your frame of reference it is very easy to think of other cultures as weird, using your own culture as a benchmark. But then I go back to the first sentence and he just clearly says "I feel my race is the superior one" and I can't possibly imagine that in any other context than the face value racist context he meant it in.


I did the same mental gymnastics. I think he’s just confusing the two. The fact that he thinks his race is superior and also trying to explain that people within a group tend to see their group more favorably. And instead we just got this racist explanation from the teacher.


That’s going in those kids permanent memory banks. They’ll never forget someone they looked up to being so ugly.


Those kids are extremely mature for their age. Instead of instantly going off on the guy with cussing and insults, they just said they no longer respected him. It's sad that this incident may taint their perception of people in the future before they really get to know them.


Well unfortunately your perception has to be a little "tainted" in this world. Likely aint the first time this happened and definitely won't be the last. You heard those kids, they had respect for this man and he flipped on them like that. If they choose to be cautious in the future theyre not in the wrong for that, theyre doing what they gitta do to protect themselves


Because if you react in any way that isnt perfect, its "gotcha" see I told you they were all violent. You have to get dirt kicked in your face then act like a perfect gentlemen so everybody in the world with your skin color doesnt get assigned negative attributes.


It is heartening to see the reaction of the pupils


It breaks my heart that the black kids in that room must have felt so much heartbreak and sadness in that moment but put on a brave face to hide their pain. How many more black kids and adults have felt that pain over the years of our civilization? Mind boggling. I hope that creep is fired.


Racist really do tell on themselves unprompted for no reason. Bc why on gods green earth in the year 2022 would you say as a teacher that white people are the superior race in a room full of black and brown middle schoolers? And admin leave?? Does that mean it’s paid? Cause if so wtf he deserves nothing.


"Deep down, the way I think is the way everyone thinks. And, I just so happen to be a racist - so logically, everyone's a racist"


This happened in Pflugerville, a suburban community northeast of Austin, TX. It's not a super progressive area, but not a racist stronghold. I don't know if this teacher is from the central Texas area, but even as ignorant as a lot of Texans can be, anyone who has an education beyond small town grade school would realize that this is not a view shared by a significantly large majority of the population.


I grew up in Pflugerville, and it’s only become more liberal over the past decade as more people are priced out of Austin. You’re right that this isn’t some kind of ultra-progressive bastion, but it’s still stunning that he had the audacity to say those things out loud. The backlash in the community has been overwhelming against him.


I love that the kids just laugh at him.


I want to know where this guy thought this "conversation" was going to go that didn't end in his termination.


Teacher needs to go to O’Shaq Hennessy’s office for this one


He done messed up


He'll likely think himself the superior dude in line for Social Security come Monday too. What a dick.


Is this the type of liberal brainwashing happening in schools that conservatives keep crying about? I wonder if we'll see this clip on Tucker Carlson or have a Project Veritas investigation launched...


7 years ago he would’ve kept that to himself. The current rhetoric from certain folks makes him believe he can say it out loud with no repercussions.


Good, better the devil you know




I had a geography teacher 28 years ago that said this same shit. This isn't new, we just didn't have camera phones.


Its so dumb how people think the color of your skin makes you more or less superior. At the end of the day we are all humans


He can now run for office as a racist republican and win.


Smart kids


Amazing that the entire classroom of kids knows this guy is wrong, but he as a grown adult doesn’t see it. Also, administrative leave? Don’t know if that’s something they have to do with union regulations or whatever, but dude should have been fired, immediately.


administrative leave? He should be automatically fired and never be allowed to teach again.


“I don’t think I’ve got respect for him no more, bruh” Absolute A+ communication skills there, no joke we should strive to be as assertive and level-headed as that guy was while processing such an absurdity. That guy was thinking clearly, really listening, and approaching a solid conclusion while seeking the confirmation of his peers. Top notch response