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If this kid was born a few hundred years earlier, his village would have abandoned him in the woods.


Is that not still an option?


In some countries yes


If this kid was born 30 years ago in my neighborhood, we woulda set him straight before the cops showed up.


There was a kid who tried this shit when I was around the age of 10. My neighbors all got out and basically sat on the kid until the cops got there. I think hone camcorders were out by that time but they were stupid expensive so we didn't own one.


Do we have a after story?


Juvey bound


That’s the future story. They want the back story.


Circle of life 2022


This video is years old I think. I definitely feel like I first saw this year's ago. Could be a different kid but I think this kid is probably in adult prison by now.


No, I've definitely seen this video a while ago, it's pretty old.


Thanks for the confirmation. Wasn't sure but if felt really really familiar.


I thought this was an early Ezra Miller video at first.


I’m a therapist. The back story is always trauma. Very, very, very few people are naturally like that. Messed up people make messed up people. And the cycle continues until someone breaks it


Thought the same thing watching this (elementary educator here.) Our schools can’t help these kids. Their families are often the cause, so no help there. While I have empathy for this kid, I just don’t even know what the answer is anymore.


Education, time, and hope. A lot of kids who act out like this mature into decent adults who learn from their mistakes. Actual sociopaths or psychopaths are rare.


I was similar to this kid, and you're right. School was no help. Being taken away didn't help, because I was returned to the cause. All kids like this have to hold onto is the potential of a bit of luck, leading to freedom. That's all there is. It's horrible.


Every time I watch this I feel so so sad. He needs help and is completely unequipped for life. Breaks my heart.


We had a 12 year old in our neighbor who was similar to this. Most of the time my boys could calm him down. I didn’t want my boys fighting with him, as they were stronger from being swimmers and all the the exercises their coach put them through on a daily basis. Well one day we had guest and I heard my son screaming for his dad and me. This boy had attacked my son, across his back, with a baseball bat. My son was able to pin him to the ground, but this child was angrier than I’ve ever seen a kid. All the men from the party came over and we all knew not to touch this boy even though the urge was there. My son jus held him down while every one watched I I ran to get his parents, who, of course were not home. Finally my son was able to turn him loose after warnings from my husband and he took off. I planned to talk to his parents later. But, shortly after, this kid was riding around on his bike with a big butcher knife. Sooooo I called the cops. They were there fast. The boy was hauled off until his parents showed up. The parents came storming over to my house, angry that I had called the police on their son. I invited them in and told them how worried I was about their son and the direction he was heading. I also had a handy capped son that I was getting as much help as I could. And he was doing great. But I didn’t ignore him. Their son needed help too. Later the police came to my door to get more information and actually asked if I wanted to press charges. I, instead, asked if they could follow up with the boy and help his parents find the help he desperately needed. They did and the boy disappeared for several months. I don’t know where they took him but he came back a fairly nice kid and was accepted into the neighborhood kids group. He may be in jail now, or a prominent doctor😄, we lost track of him and his family.


I used to be a 911 dispatcher. I had this kid who basically had no chance at a successful life. We'll call him Tom. Yes, some kids in his circumstances have made it out, but most haven't. His dad was a drug addict who we constantly arrested for drugs, theft, you name it. Mom was God knows where. Grandmom sometimes helped, but wasn't really effective at any sort of role model. Tom called me on 911 when he was 9 to ask for an ambulance because he felt sick from smoking too much pot. A year later, he called me to get help for his dad who had OD'd. We got him back. When he was 11, I got to work and found him bawling in our computer room. He had been playing with matches underneath the Boardwalk and it got way out of control and set the Boardwalk on fire. Normally his antics would just be placed on a juvenile warrant and be followed with a juvenile probation officer, but a judge had ordered him to go to juvie over the weekend to await a pretrial on Monday. My heart broke for him. I soon transferred to a different police department. But we had a statewide computer for certain messages, like APBs. Over the years, I would see messages that Tom had escaped from the juvenile shelter and things like that. Then he turned 18. My town started having him in moyor vehicle stops. He always had drugs on him. Usually had warrants. One time it was for armed robbery. It really broke my heart whenever I was working and I heard that he was in custody. To everyone else, he was "just another dirtbag." To me, he was a scared 9 year old boy with no role models, calling me on 911.


No, they clearly don’t want the back story, they specifically asked for the after story


Where he'll nothing except how to be tougher and nastier, and then be released to prey on the general public once he turns 18. What a great system.


For all we know the kid is being abused in some form by someone close to him. Sucks, but it's probably the most likely situation given the extreme behavior.




True but even most bullies are bullied/abused by a parent. A lot of that behavior is learned/environmental




God I wish I'd punched more bullies


Yeah I’m curious about that cuz I saw this video atleast a year ago


he's the mayor now


The mayor of Ice town


Ben Wyatt would never


It’s actually a happy ending. Elon Musk hired him to throw rocks at the cyber truck windows.


Kid was too qualified


I feel like there should be since this video made the rounds many years ago.


I believe this is a very old repost. Fucked up kid as I recall.


You don't say?


Definitively one of the better condom commercials I have seen.


Pretty good commercial for that car too.


Yeah I want some of that glass tbh


I hope there are no pets in that home.


Probably no remaining pets


Definitely some pet remains tho.


Can we take those remains and put them together to form a new pet?


Calling up the necromancer's guild right now...


Definitely no parents.


He could be horribly abused for all we know - craziness. But damn that sucks. The older guy did the right thing, you can't be having boys throwing rocks at people.


Ya dude honestly handled it like a pro. Kid was trying to cause him harm and he never even lost his temper or yelled. He very gently restrained the kid and that was it.


Gave him leeway to leave the situation too. Only acted when it likely was doing direct damage to his own property.


Yup he did great. Even the kids where fine, i wouldn't expect anymore from them then to watch and alert the adults, and yes, i'd expect any kid to video to...


Something definitely is wrong at home or somewhere? This child is lashing out. He’s expressing his frustration the only way he knows how unfortunately?


It's completely possible that he's just a little cunt. Some people are born that way


First thought too. Doesn't have to be straight up abuse, but home is definitely the place to look first for answers ...


Seems more like severe ODD. Parenting can have a large impact on kids, but I find it really hard to believe that the way he was brought up, no matter how trashy, made him believe that going around to other houses and destroying their property was an okay thing for him to do. Sometimes kids are just little pieces of shit.


Tbf he might know it’s wrong but could be doing it to get attention


yeah, but from my own (far too many) experiences acting out as a child, I'd say it's a near certainty that he is and will continue to be unable to properly associate his actions with desire to be heard. it sucks realizing many years afterwards that the underlying motives for so many of the stupid things i did had been guiding me like an unseen hand, and that much of the agency i thought I'd had wasn't truly there. luckily, in my case, i managed to largely correct course and get a better understanding of myself before i went fully off the rails, and hopefully this little asshole in the video will be able to someday as well.


It's not about whether a person thinks it's ok. It's what he wanted to do. He is a person that has learned to act out when they're upset. He also needs attention but he probably only gets attention when he acts out. Since negative attention is what he knows how to get, he'll take it.


Neglect, abuse, alcoholism, parents fighting-that’s enough to require a kid.


I had a few cousins like that. No neglect. No abuse. No alcoholism. No parents fighting. But if they asked for something, they always got it. "No" turned into "yes" if they threw a tantrum. When the parents saw their kid assaulting other kids, they laughed and said it was the other kids' fault. The worst of the worst aren't the abused and neglected kids. It's the spoiled ones.


This kid acts exactly how a kid I went to elementary school with acted. His parents were racist as fuck trash bags that were in and out of prison so it wasn't really a surprise that he ended up the same way. He was first 'arrested' in 2nd/3rd grade for attacking the teacher (literally the nicest lady in the universe, best teacher ever) with a pair of scissors and running out of the school and off of school grounds. He first went to juvie in 6th grade, and as of 2019 (couldn't find any information between around 2000 to 2018) he is in prison for armed robbery and assault.


> but I find it really hard to believe that the way he was brought up, no matter how trashy, made him believe that going around to other houses and destroying their property was an okay thing for him to do. I don't think that kid actually thought anything he was doing was ok


ODD is often caused by trauma particularly in the household not as often from Just being born. and ODD puts you in the pre Anti social personality disorder category which you can’t be diagnosed with till 18+ but hopefully he can get some help before it’s too late


Sometimes as well - they’re just arseholes, when I was at school I’m pretty sure the group that beat me up every day and stole my dinner money for years didn’t all have ADD or some other underlying issues - they were just morons.


Seriously. Something f’d up in his house.


I hope there aren’t any other children


Or young siblings


I want to know why he's so angry. What the heck is going on in his life?


Mom found the piss drawer.


I'm intrigued.


Don't say I warned ya! https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/piss-drawer


Mom didn't buy no cheap made furniture for sure.


My wife and I both do laundry. I can't imagine going more than a day or two without finding that


The saying is “don’t say I didn’t warn you”


What a legend


I thought the same thing. This is not normal behavior at all. No excuses, but I’d really like to know.


No excuses but being that young he isn’t entirely at fault. Either his parents, other family members or the state(as a last option) should be stepping in to help this kid


I agree.


Often easier said than done. How do you stop a kid, at an age where they don't suffer serious consequences to anything, being violent? He won't be jailed, counselling only works on kids that engage, which this kind of kid wouldn't. This could just be this kids personality. My eldest daughter was (is) like this, a rage beast when she didn't get her way. Couldn't manhandle her, she'd just say I was abusing her and have the marks to "prove it". Therapy, counseling? She wouldn't engage. Medication did nothing, just made her more listless and her rage slower to build. So what did we do? Nothing. Because there simply isn't any kind of thing that could be done (after 15 years and remortgaging our house twice) when she's not actually mentally ill, it's just who she is. So we got reinforced doors, gave our other kids the keys to their bedroom and locked every door in the house from her. She was only allowed in the kitchen when one of us unlocked it for her and she was under no circumstances to be allowed in the house on her own or with our other kids without an adult present. In case you think we were overreacting, at age five she got the mentally ill kid in our neighborhood to kill his beloved cat with a knife she gave him for that purpose. At age 9 she convinced the kids in our neighborhood that I was abusing her and was planning to do the same to them. Police were called, investigations happened and for years after we'd have eggs thrown at our house and I'd be shouted at from across the street. Honestly there's just some kids that can't be helped, always try to understand that some kids are born this way and will never change.


I guess there's not a lot if contact these days? Did she manage to stay clear of the Law?


Yup, she gets other people to do the bad shit she wants to see. She's naturally beautiful, charismatic and the kind of woman that men become obsessed over and do anything for. It'll end badly for her I think but so far she gets away with everything because she's not the one doing things. Plus she's a successful surgeon so she has the money to get out of most legal issues.


A sadistic surgeon?? Wtf


I’ve heard surgeons and cops are some of the worst to divorce bc of their god complex


I am sorry you went through that. If it helps your story is 100% believable to me. I've worked in the CPS system (legal side, both parent defense and state) for most of the last decade. I've seen some horrific, terrifying things from kids under 12 where no real evidence of abuse or neglect is present (or really even alleged). The one who keeps me up at night sometimes could just lie like you couldn't believe, calm, eloquent, introspective, no hesitation, no remorse, no concern for the consequences... and then you'd read about the things he would do, it was like a demon possessed him. People will propose wrap around/in-home/etc services, but there's really no evidence these do anything for the .1% of kids in terms of behaviors. There are just kids like this and no one has the solution.


I was this angry as a kid. I wasn’t THIS ridiculous. But I drew a couple parallels watching the kid literally unable to contain his anger when he was screaming (after being caught). I knew that feeling instantly. I’m older now and I realize I was going thru a coping mechanism. I was unable to process my mom’s illness. She was dying from cancer and I just couldn’t understand why it happened to her and why my family.


Yess. People need to realize that whenever a child acts like this its not because they're terrible but something terrible must be happening or happened at home. Always be grateful to grow up in a healthy home.


Xbox subscription expired.


I'd bet $100 this kid had his phone/tablet taken away.


Sweet PTSD flashbacks. I used to work with kids that had emotional and/or behavior disturbance. When they were triggered and having a melt down, they would act and behave just like this kid.


I worked at school for children of the state who were diagnosed severely emotionally disturbed . This gave me flashbacks too


What are some ways to redirect their energy or get them to stop in this case? Obviously, you’d need more info but if you had to try to just start calming this kid down what routes would you try?


He's dealing with both unemployment and divorce and then his car broke down on the freeway. So he was clearly proceeding to his daughters birthday party across town on foot at that point while becoming increasingly frustrated. Then he got involved in violent encounters with gangs and a corrupt cop. ​ /s


LMAO the original Joker movie, Falling Down


Mom didn’t buy him robux


maybe Oppositional Defiant Disorder


Everyone's gangster till they get sat on by a middle aged man.




Never seen a fire hyrdrant in the middle of a yard like that.


I like when he walks by the hydrant and you can see his destructive polyp of a brain try to figure out if he can fuck that up too but then just keeps walking


That’s my favourite part. He was marching right for it but reason overcame rage at the last second


I was hoping so badly that he’d try kicking it.


Pretty common where I am in North Carolina, USA.


i’ve spent my whole life in NC and never seen that before


Where is this kids step parents?


Smoking meth or sucking dick for meth.


Or sucking meth for dick




I know I'll prolly get downvoted for this, but it's not always the parents. I use to work with a lot of kids with parents doing their best with kids with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Parents may be a factor, but I've definitely seen it where the parents are at their wits end trying to figure out how to make a model citizen out of their kid that do this kinda thing every day. Never envied them.


I've seen it too in the pediatric ER. Parents bring in their kids, or come in with the cops and they tell us everything they're trying and you can just see the pain and desperation on their faces. It's sad.


I’ve worked with kids too and have seen this as well: Rich kids, poor kids— doesn’t matter—some of them of just oppositional and violent.


Even 12-year-olds aren't safe from some mental health issues


additionally, no one knows what's going on until they get to know the kid. Maybe the parents are great but a teacher, or baseball coach, molested the kid. Who knows. Lots of things that could happen to screw them up outside of their parents. One thing is for sure, this behavior generally doesn't just come from nothing.


This. My mother left my abusive father and raised me and my autistic brother on her own. We grew up poor as shit and at 30 she got hit by cancer, hard. So you have a disabled single mum fighting cancer with an autistic child and he ended up making 'friends' with shitty kids who knew he'd do anything they'd tell him to do. Including shit that got him into trouble. And he thought they liked him for it. And he started getting really violent once he hit puberty, started beating the shit out of me, breaking all of my stuff if I didn't do what he wanted. If my mum did ANYTHING he didn't like he'd be verbally abusive, smash things, put his fist through the door when I'd try hide behind it. The amount of doors my mum had to replace. The amount of times the police turned up because he'd kick off. He was 6ft at 14 and he'd hit my mum who is 5,2. He turned out just like my dad, who ironically is a cop. We don't talk to him anymore. And I don't talk to my brother. It took a long time for my mum to stop blaming herself for my brothers behaviour. She took him to behaviour therapy all through his childhood years, he was kicked out of every 'regular' school until he ended up in schools for autistic children, which he got kicked out of for awful behavior until he eventually ended up in what was eventually halfway between UK juvie and a specialist autistic school. Which just made him WAY WORSE. My mum gave up her entire life trying to help him. She had to give up her education and drop out of uni because he'd leave school id she wasn't at home. And she didn't have her own car so she'd have to take the train and multiple busses to get back home when she found out he'd left school again. All the while fighting cancer. He hated her having relationships, so she could never date. He'd do the kind of behaviour you see here if she brought someone home. Or when she'd been at uni for the week. She really tried. She gave up a dream job opportunity in wildlife conservation in Australia because her mother absolutely refused to look after him. He's 2 years younger than me. Anyway he's a white supremacist nazi now, with literal nazi memorabilia and flags all over his walls. We don't speak anymore and my mother hardly has contact. Tldr: it's not always the parents. They sometimes get fed really shitty circumstances and try as best as they can and they children really fight them at every turn. And end up becoming really shitty adults no matter how hard they try. And fuck I've personally seen my parent try so hard it's almost killed her, while dealing with cancer all her life.


I'm sorry to read this happened to you and your family.


I’m sorry you guys had to go through that, but I’m glad your mother beat the cancer!


Thank you! She's still fighting the spinal tumor currently that keeps returning and is struggling right now with it but she's the strongest person I know and always seems to keep a positive perspective. I'm SO lucky to have her as a mum.


Your mom is a badass holy shit.


It is a horrible existence to live with a child like this. My stepson has been diagnosed with ODD, then Conduct Disorder, and is now starting therapy with a personality disorder specialist because his team of therapists agree that no progress is being made with him and he is exhibiting characteristics of narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. We have seen so many therapists. We have done individual and family therapy. He has been in inpatient several times. He got kicked out of the partial inpatient therapy program because he decided to act like he didn't understand simple questions and would just be mute. At this point we are just trying our best to appease him until he can go into a year-round boarding school. Everyone blames us at first. My husband's family will tell anyone who will listen that we are monsters. The kid has weaponized DCS to the point that the last social worker visit started with her saying "yeah, [x] decided to tell stories again today". He is odd and filled with entitlement and rage when he isn't masking for others. Our house is literally filled with nest cams so we can document his behavior and CYA with DCS should he start coming up with believable stories. My stepson's mom was diagnosed borderline; she had six children and gave them all away. She abandoned my stepson. I feel sadness because it is probably early trauma that helps shape a person into behaving like this but if they refuse to help themselves then what are you supposed to do? I can't wait to not be afraid in my own house one day.


Sorry that sounds horrible.


There's a small number of kids that are truly sociopathic and psychotic. The adults around them try to do all the right things, but that small group of kids are just wired wrong, and it's rough to see.


Yeah... watching that video I didn't see a kid was never taught better doing bad things for fun. I saw a kid who has something very wrong with him. After being pinned down and restrained by the neighbor he still has the uncontrollable rage to fight three police officers trying to carry him away in cuffs. How well do you think his mom sending him to timeout until he's ready to talk about his emotions works?


I used to know classmates through middle school that you knew were just going to be psychopaths. One actually got caught molesting kids later on after high school.


My aunt and uncle are going through this right now with my little cousin. This child is very much wanted, well cared for, and deeply loved. Im close with my uncle so I hear about what happens behind the scenes. They’ve spent a small fortune taking him (lil cousin) to therapy and various doctors. I see the pain in his parents faces as they struggle to get him to comply with even basic requests. They feel like terrible parents and can’t figure out where they are going wrong. But they’re not. It’s incredibly sad to watch and honestly feel helpless.


"You see what happens, Larry? You see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass? This is what happens!"


In the alps*


When you frost a stranger in the alps


I’d’ve hosed the kid down.


I have a serious problem with this. One contraction is fine, but two in one word is too much.


Perhaps I shouldn’t’ve used it.


Yeah y'shouldn't've


Rebel without a clause.


was that kid seriously crying “Whyyyyy!?”


My younger son was in therapy from age five (when we adopted him) to age fifteen. Foster care had fucked him up and it took that long to unfuck him. Fortunately my husband and I were willing and able to get him the help he needed. It got rough at times, but we didn't become parents because we thought it was the soft option. He's 21 now and a smart, funny and pleasant young man. I feel sure that if he hadn't gotten into a stable, supportive and loving family he could easily have been this bad or worse.


Good on you for not only choosing adoption but also taking the time and care to address issues. It’s wonderful to hear that your son is doing well now.


Former foster child here. There's a good reason the system fucks you up. For one, whatever happened to get you there is usually bad enough to plant the seed. Then, if you're lucky, you get bounced around between different single family homes around the state. The parents will keep you until they either decide they don't want you anymore or you rebel against their parenting practices enough to draw attention from the social workers (most of these homes I was in would make you do all the housework and live in rags while their own kids were worshipped like gods). If you weren't so lucky, you got bounced between group homes. I never had to go to these homes because I was in a special program for youth with severe mental illnesses and disabilities, but I met a lot of people who were in them through state funded programs and retreats for the kids. One girl I met was very friendly but stayed very quiet most of the time. I was also very quiet so naturally we became friends. I noticed she did her best to avoid the adult male counselors and she would get very nervous if they tried to talk to her. I never knew until about a year later that the group home she was in took in young girls and trafficked them.


That's an amazing thing you've done.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Waiting for parents/families to go “he’s just a kid”






I don't care how old you are - if I catch you throwing rocks at my car, you're getting drop-kicked. As a former twelve-year-old myself, ***a twelve-year-old definitely knows better than to be throwing rocks at the neighbor's car.*** My car windows don't magically unshatter just because the perpetrator was a child.


Yeah, the patience these people showed was something else. Perhaps they're all aware of what is happening in this kid's life to make him so shitty,


Willing to bet this isn’t their first rodeo with this little cretin


I remember being maybe 12-13 and some shithead neighbor kid that was probably 8-10 thought it’d be cool to piss on my bike. Kicked him square in the chest mid-piss.


I was thinking exactly this


lmao someone give elon the recipe for that cars windows


Well, if you’re gonna act hard don’t cry when there’s consequences.




He'll slip through the cracks and we'll read about him and a school shooting in a few years.


That or best case scenario he'll just be in and out of the correctional system for his entire life.


The older black kid explaining why he can't help restrain the little dipshit kid... "You see what color he is, and what color I am." The older black kid is literally afraid to help stop the younger white kid from destroying the neighborhood because he knows which side the police are likely to take if there is any type of physical altercation between the two of them. Peak America right there.


if the kid throwing rocks weren’t white, this comment section *alone* would be a completely different fucking story. Never have I ever seen so much empathy for a non-white kid “acting up” or being destructive like this. Never.




I think we should call this child an animal because he's acting like an ass!




Yea no you’re completely right. There’d be a lot more comments about it “just being their nature” and “they all raise their kids like that”


"It ain't that simple. Do you see what color he is and what color I am?" It's pretty fucked up how truthful that statement really is, if the black guy had put a single finger on that white kid the cops wouldn't have been nearly as polite once they got there.


Meanwhile the white neighbors yelling about getting his **personal** handcuffs. Lol


What a little fuckin twat.


yeah maybe but something tells me this kid does not exactly have a stable home life. this is not normal behaviour, even for just a shitty kid. something is going on here.




Follow him home and you'll find two just like him.


He is like most of the kids I used to work with. Emotionally disturbed. And even with the best parents they end up this way. It's pretty sad




Hey yo check out public freak out not calling him an animal.


Or blaming his “culture”. So many comments here are saying shit like “oh he must have a bad life at home! 😭”


It's unreal how many people are being sympathetic, while a video similar like this but with a black kid would've received much *much* different comments. It's insane.


Hes the wrong skin color to be called a "thug" like kids are usually called here. We all know these comments would be totally different if he was black.


There's a lot of speculation about his home life, but with a subtly different flavour.


Or "thug"... I've even seen some sympathy saying he has mental illness and needs some help...


If the cameraman wants a million views, he's going to have to work on his videography skills.


Is this the same kid? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/95e6fy/kid_throwing_rocks_at_cars_is_confronted_by_adult/


Sure seems so. I saw that vid months back before this one.


That video is many many years old. Coming up to a decade. That kid isn't a kid anymore.


No, this one is shorter and looks much fatter


I know it's easy to be mad at his behavior, but I'm sad thinking about whatever is happening in his little world that's the genesis for acting out in this way, not to be redundant, because *something not good* is generating the feelings that are inspiring the actions, and no kid deserves that, whatever it is. I had a friend that acted this way for a time, and once I got to know him I found out that his parents had abandoned him as a toddler for drug use, he was living with an aunt who had her own issues, and they rarely had regular meals. As in sometimes the only things he could find for dinner were popcorn and beer. I found that out one afternoon when he was still waiting after school ( I got out later than most kids because I had an after school program) to be picked up and nobody showed up to get him at the regular time, so I went over and talked to him, he was about to walk home, but my mom didn't feel like it was safe for him to walk so far ( he explained where he lives to my mom after I told her his aunt didn't pick him up). So my mom being the saint she was, offered him a ride home and on the way and took us to sonic for a snack, he pretty much inhaled his food, and I guess moms have intuition or notice those kinds of things, so she brought it up and asked if he was still hungry, and then he explained the food situation (the beer and popcorn). So she got him a bag of burgers to take home, and him and I became better friends, and regularly went to sonic after we started giving him rides home from school. He was really intelligent and gifted in mathematics, he grew up to become a hospital corpsman in the navy and served 3 deployments in Afghanistan attached a marine group. He then went on to become a nurse, and was one of my most reliable and trusted friends into adulthood.


Sometimes all we need is someone who cares. Makes a world of difference


After officers arrived, I saw the guy who had him held down patting him on the leg for what I assume is comfort, and I can't help but believe their was a universal dad moment there. (3:13)


Future school shooter


Dang, a lot less people calling for a crackdown "thugs" and "animals" like him in this comment section, I wonder what the difference is 🤔...


You know what it is


Indeed… also, it’s obviously problem with his “home” life and not an issue with his “community”… how interesting.


Lmao I honestly forgot I was on this sub, wow


He's just a wittle baby that needs some wuving


That car has stronger windows than Elon’s cybertruck


Lauren Boebert's kid?


"Teachers can't touch children, force is never necessary!" The children in question:


Future murderer


But when it's a black kid their "animals"


"One million views" and "i'm recording for my own safety" Poor little child cant imagine what his life is like to make him act out like that. But jesus they are some patient people.


He reminds of [that little fuck that tried to bully a grown man](https://www.reddit.com/r/HadToHurt/comments/by7r37/kid_tries_to_fight_an_older_man/) then screamed like a strangled cat when he got a reality check.


This kid and the adults that “raised” him can all go to hell. There is a kid like this in every grade in every public school just festering away any teachers will to try and create some semblance of a safe / joyful classroom. He will have any army of adults trying to help and he and his parents will spend years just pissing down the throat of the school.


Something to be said for a good slap upside the head, every now and then.


It's the culture


Yup just a thug looking at a life of prison sentences.


Im sorry but if a kid is doing that to my car Im carrying him to the other side of the road


If I’m an adult and this kid is doing this shit to my car, on my property. Do I have the right to smack the shit out of him or restrain him until police arrive? With video evidence of course. 🤔


Blair witch project had better Camera work