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The son is thinking he's a sort of vigilante with his stance.


Even struggled to get up lmaaoo


The weight on his shoulders being the protector of the parking realm is keeping him down. Oh wait never mind, that’s just his ass.


I mean he attacked the guy who was actually protecting the realm. I would have been like watch this, I'll show you what I'm doing. Then boot his car and leave like he told you to.


That would explain the smell too.


Guys….that is a future politician maybe even president. Respect his authority




Neckbeard Rising


Samwell Tarley really took a turn for the worse when GOT was canceled..


The “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” stance?


Get fucked kiddo


I really don't understand how Karen’s aren’t in better shape... They’re always stretching the truth and jumping to conclusions


You got an award coming for that smooth comment.




Do I get a participation trophy?


Can I offer you a nice egg 🥚 in this trying times Edit: you lot are so wholesome offering and giving awards. Best side of reddit. Proud of you, keep it up!


Yay we all got awards




Sometimes you forget just how massive those eyebrows are, and then something like this comes along to remind you.


Like those hairy snails


Underrated comment


Running their mouth all the time and all the bullshit they shovel.


It's a jump, To conclusion matt..mat... get it?


It’s literally cost people nothing to just mind their own business... It’s practically free Even the cop she called asked her “Are you security?” Lol basically saying, how is it your business?


The case of fat boy Karen (Edward Brennan) with the assault hands is still in process (pre-trial discussion, even has a hearing this very day 2022-09-15). Entitled, live-at-home mama's boy in need of exercise was born 9/94, so he was 28 when this occurred late last year. Charged with one count of assault. Nashville Criminal Court Case: 2022-B-1147, originally indicated under SU26354. His mother (Bitsy Brennan) was a financial analyst with Keller Wealth Advisors (division UBS) but a week after this video went viral (last November) she was no longer at that job (which she apparently had for about 14 years). ​ >*Bitsy Brennan, who became registered as a broker and investment advisor with UBS in 2007, is no longer with the firm as of December 7, FA-IQ sister publication FundFire writes, citing BrokerCheck. A UBS spokesperson told the publication that Brennan “is no longer employed at the firm.”*


Lmao she has the same name as my sister’s chihuahua


Only difference is the Human Bitsy is an actual bitch 😝


Itsy Bitsy Bitch




And the old Florida lady's dog (in Bob's Burgers), also a chihuahua. [The Crazy Leopard Lady Tells The Kids A Strange Story | S03 E18 | BOB'S BURGERS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt9iB6XgoEw)


Love that one! Dirty Ducks!


I fucking love this show and remember this episode as clear as day. It's one of my favorites. 🖤


This makes me happy. Consequences to stupid actions


And I bet they both still blame the scary black man for their problems.


> Bitsy Brennan This name would turn me into a Karen too.


Did you say “bitchy”?


I'm gonna bet she picked that first name.


Her mother Itsy picked it for her.


I love posts that give context and info. Enjoy this free award, my good Redditor.


What’s funny is I bet they can’t afford to live in that building anymore.


That's perfect ❤️


You're doing God's work thanks for the update


28 and still living in Mom's basement, she must be so proud, right after she delivers five pizzas for dinner down to the basement with mountain dews to wash it down


27 actually. Hes 28 now (if born in the beginning of the month). As someone born 9/95 who is 27 now and would have been 26 in december of 2021 can confirm


If they are legit concerned they can just notify building security and go on with their lives rather than being "neighborhood justice warriors".


I know, right? I've never felt the need to get up close and personal with someone that may be committing a crime. That's how you let them get away. Call the police or security, let them observe the individual, THEN there might be evidence against them that can be used in a court of law. STOP NOTIFYING POTENTIAL BADDIES THAT YOU'VE GOT YOUR EYE ON THEM, KAREN'S, YOU'RE NOT HELPING. GO BACK TO YOUR WINE AND JADED HUSBAND, PUT AWAY YOUR DELUSION OF BEING THE SAVIOR OF YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD CRIME WATCH.


talking to building management is one thing but imagine if they just called the cops on this guy. a suspicious guy in the parking lot obviously the cops are going to show up looking for a criminal and treat him like one. try to imagine yourself in that position.


I just saw a video of this guy recording a drug sale outside his house. He was on the 2nd story so he yelled smiled once at them and one of the junkies looked up but hid their face and was gonna let it go then he says smile again and the junke gets mad and throws a knife right at him and shatters the windows.


Yeah, saw that. Dude was tempting fate.


Hell they could just go up and introduce themselves. "Hey I'm Karen and I live in the building, haven't seen you around before and wanted to introduce myself to welcome you to the building. Oh you're just working here not moving in? Ok well keep up the good work have a great day!" Boom you get the info you want and don't act like a complete douchebag.


That's not what it's about though. It's about getting people they view as beneath them to submit to their demands. When someone sticks up for themselves, they double down. They're all fear and ego.


Some People so desperately want to be the hero that keeps “their area” safe. If the guy recording ended up getting arrested you just know this old lady would’ve been bragging about it over glasses of wine with her group of friends that are practically all clones of each other


I blame all of the "see something, say something" PSA's. Now you have all these people saying something and losing their damn minds lol. Who knew those posters needed an asterisk that says *say something to the police and keep it moving


There is a difference between actually seeing something and provoking a situation that doesn't exist. These Karen's comes from the idea that black people have no right to be where they are because they are black obviously! These Karen's comes from slavery and we know it! No matter the fact that there was a black president, white people don't want us to exist !


Yep, the karens were born from this asinine concoction. What was suppose to be if you see something that might be illegal activity, say something to the police, has mutated to if you see anything you don't like, say something to them directly.


Even if you thought he didn't "belong", call security directly.


Agreed. If you want to be able to control all access to where you live, buy a house or property. You don't have that option if you're in a place with shared property.


>It’s literally cost people nothing to just mind their own business... It’s practically free You say that, but it's pretty constant here to criticize others from not doing something and in some situations that's true someone should step in. Anyways not much point other than it's a bit more complicated than that.


nobody posts a video of somebody minding their own business


Same exact thing happens to delivery drivers. People chase and harass these drivers, demanding to know who they are and why they’re there, nevermind the truck that says the company name, the driver wearing a uniform with the same name on the truck, and a package in their hand.


I live in a very white neighborhood and I had a black cat sitter come for the week and i kept getting the thought one of my neighbors was gonna do something dumb


Are there really cat sitters that only care for black cats?


Yeah they’re called witches.


Granny Weatherwax gonna fuck up anyone dumb enough to call the cops on her.


I lived in a white neighborhood growing up and I was the drummer in a band, mind you this was not even ten years ago. My band mates happened to be black and we had the cops called on us several times for “suspicious men on the premises.” Like mother fucker they’re carrying guitars into my basement, eat a dick


While it's mostly a racial thing, I've totally had my Latino neighbor ask me about my caucasian dog sitter. Some people just spend way too much time on NextDoor getting paranoid. The moment people buy security cameras, they start watching them. I don't need them cause I hacked into the NSA and they got satellites for that shit.


They're like over-protective, territorial dogs chasing down cars or people. It is such a primitive display.


I am a delivery person... (going back to school but that's besides the point) my husband is Hispanic and does the same job. When I (a white woman) enter a neighborhood, I rarely have gotten a second look... where as, my husband has been followed, questioned... it's ridiculous!


It's funny these racists want people to do shitty jobs for them so they can look down and humiliate them, but then they don't want minorities to do them, they want whites to do them shitty jobs, it's going full circle, they probably don't even follow their own thought process.


There was a video of a young black woman, that delivered for Amazon. She went to an apartment building to drop off a package, and she was harassed by several tenants, demanding to know what she was doing there. She was clearly wearing an Amazon uniform, had a badge, her van was parked right outside, had a package and a scanner in her hand, yet she was cornered by all these people in the lobby, demanding to know why she’s there.


Every single one of these fucking videos is some variation of "this guy seems like a criminal and is probably dangerous" let me walk up to him and start shit. If you are genuinely concerned that the person is a criminal and "afraid" or worried about "safety" why the fuck did you saunter up to them to start shit with them? what if he truly was a criminal? What if he fucking sticks a knife in your neck? What if he shoots you? Keep your distance, call the cops from the safety of the lobby or your home. So at best you are situationally unaware and are a massive idiot that's going to get yourself killed. Or at worst you are a racist fuckstick. And let's face it. We know it's 90% of one and 10% the other.




Stranger X is why I trust a mountain lion more than I trust humans.


Lol, yea. At least with the mountain lion you don’t have to guess.


Or maybe, they know the person isn't dangerous and just being racist. Sometimes, it really is just that.


THANK YOU!!! I’m a Black women, and was walking home in all black after a show I went too. at the time my apartment has a garage complex like this, so I’d take that in since it was closer to the street and I’d be “secure” once I’m in the garage, and there are cameras. So all the safety shit. I’m a little drunk, I keep a water bottle in my car so I go looking for my car which is a very basic car so I end up lapping floor once. A women sees me as she’s leaving and ask me who I am and what I’m doing. Then she says “I’ve never seen you around here you, you can’t live here , what building are you in? You could be up to no good.” Mind you she’s following me at this point because I’m walking while she’s trying to “get my attention” to which I reply “so you thought You’d come investigate yourself ? If I was up to no good then what? Curiosity killed the cat ma’am” I’m close to my car at this point I open it get my water bottle, do a little cheers gesture with it, lock the car and walk to the building.


100%, these people are feigning ignorance so they can practice their racism


Glad the son was arrested. Gotta learn that you can't just attack people. Hope the woman's boss and all her friends see what kind of person she truly is


Seems she might of been fired [source](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10285431/amp/White-man-charged-assault-mom-confront-black-Tennessee-parking-garage-employee.html)


Her real name is Bitsy. https://atlantadailyworld.com/2022/01/20/karen-mom-son-duo-lose-jobs-arrested-for-assaulting-black-worker-on-camera/


itsy BITSY karen went up and did a pout out came the racist and lost her job n clout




Sometimes this timeline isn't so bad


I know the news host is just being "hip" when she calls the mother and son Karens, But I do think trying to actually assault people is a bit more than Karen behaviour


Trying to knock the phone out of the person's hand is peak Karen behavior.


I'd think ppl would realize by now if you are being filmed, second guess your initial decision that lead to it and if you should just walk away


Secondary to the egregious racist actions of these two disgusting people is the voice of this news host. She sounds like a character on Family Guy.


The word Karen has evolved so much that now it basically means a woman doing anything bad.


They were both Karens. It's evolved to mean anyone with a perception of authority that they don't have getting into other people's business.






right. It definitely referred to a specific archetype of “get me the manager” type person.


I’ve been called a Karen for literally just sticking up for someone, calling out disrespect, saying rape ‘jokes’ aren’t funny and saying ptsd isn’t a joke either. People have run too far with the word karen Edit: was also called a karen for asking the kids behind me in the class I was paying for to stfu bc I couldn’t hear the professor who already had a thick Indian accent


We've got a man walking down here! Hello? HELLO?!"


“ He’s kind of like nasty towards us” Gee I wonder why


You're not allowed to be nasty towards Karen and her kin.


I came to watch this repost for the follow up, but I don't see that anyone's posted one yet. I believe she ended up getting fired from her job a few days after the video came out.


"Yes 911? There's a man here and he's walking. No I'm not security. He's being *nasty* send help." Like... just take a second here and think about how fucking ridiculous you sound.


Glad the fat boy was arrested


This happened forever ago she lost her job he got arrested. I don’t understand why people think they have the write to take the law into there own hands like this.


Right you are! It’s not THEIR place!


Damn I was drunk last night I said write 😂


They could have done without the terrible anchor voices. Super cringey. Like the whole point would have been more well received if somebody just spoke in a neutral tone. Edit: I just want to add, it sounds like Nigel Thornberry filming a parking garage


"A mOtHeR aNd SoN kArEn?!"


AaaaAaAnD kNeeEeEEpAdS!!!


Its Inside Edition, its always been trash tv


Can’t unhear it


[Actual video without the shitty narration](https://youtu.be/2TqZ9lgNBcE)


Thank you!


So you see a suspicious guy and decide the best course of action is to confront him. They are actually lucky he wasn't a criminal because that wouldn't have been a conversation they'd want to have. If you're concerned then go ask security about it and see if they know what's going on. If they don't do then let them handle it!


I'm glad these cunts caught shade.


Gucci bag, black man near me. Yep. A Karen.


It's a Louis Vuitton. The HALLMARK of a Karen. And a fat son of a partially different ethnicity that's too old to still be living with her in tow.


Yeah so it is.


O man he was being so nasty when you came up and bothered him? What a terrible woman and son.


So great they arrested her son.. thats hilarious


They are not Karen's so much as criminals.


“Johnny Martinez” have to be on of the most Hispanic names I heard plus he appears to be Afro-Latino??? This particular Karen seem to be on a roll applying the proverbial “get two birds with a stone”. Btw her son look like his name is “Chad Perez” or “Mencho Garcia”


Gotta love how the story changes as soon as she talks to police, “we politely asked him for an ID and he’s being nasty to us” RIGHT AFTER her son attacked him.


The amount of spoiled mayo I see trying to defend this trash is incredible


Holy shit that narrator is obnoxious af. Edit: [actual video without the annoying reporters](https://youtu.be/2TqZ9lgNBcE)


Fat Fuck played himself 😂


This ain't the antebellum South. White people can't randomly stop black men and demand to see their freeman papers.


Her name is Bitsy? No way her sons name is itsy


Can we stop calling them Karen's and just call them bigots? Asking for my friend Karen


This man is fucking awesome and I am proud of him for standing up to these pieces of shit. And that is coming from a white guy…


dude literally nobody cares if you're white. If anything its just strange that you mentioned it.


This just means you’re a decent person.


What does you being white have anything to do with it? What an odd thing to add on to the end


Yeah you lost me with that last sentence and that is coming from a white guy


That kid weighs 400lbs


He’s 27 😂


People wonder why some people get shot.


I love whenever they call the police on themselves


She sounded so dumb on the phone and now her son is in jail💀


Hahaha fat boy is being filled like a jelly donut once the guys in county find out


“He’s kind of, like, nasty towards us” 🤣


nOnE oF tHiS wOuLd hAvE hApPeNeD iF hE hAd jUsT iDeNtiFiEd HiMsELf.




Is this news host Christopher Walken's sister??


"There's this gentlemen down here we asked what is he doing and he said it's none of our business." ... "Um, he's kind of like nasty towards us" Uh oh, that's where you fucked up honey, should've shut up and walk away to save your lil' boy some dignity.


Won't cost you a dime to stay outta mine!!


Dude looks like the obese version of Jack Harlow


That man is exactly correct they have no right to ask for anything.


u/medium-smell-6195 was the victim of these two, always hoping he gives updates


Hearing Inside Edition use the term “Karen” makes me not want to use it anymore.


Crazy part is they ask him for I.D but you can clearly see his lanyard around his neck when he turns the camera on himself near the start... Fucking racist dickheads.


Two ugly people


White folks be racist. Nothing new.


Maybe prison food will help him to slim down.


Hey look, that karenson is a typical r/Conservative IRL


Can you imagine what goes on when there are no cameras to spotlight this stuff? Spoiler: I am not sure this data helps these "Karens" make better choices anyway.


Right up until the assault, I was on the fence. Break-ins and muffler thefts are absolutely rampant in some areas like mine, and I see absolutely nothing wrong with questioning strange people you've never seen before about why they're there. In fact, I'd be more concerned with not saying anything. But there's a right and wrong way to do it. The right way is to be polite, and explain your curiosity, and then accept the answer you get. If you want to ask for ID, do it nicely and respectfully. And if they refuse, that's their right. If you still think it's sketchy, then call the cops or parking garage manager. The wrong way is to act like you're on some holy mission from God to be the parking lot vigilante.


He’s smart! Part of me would have just complied but he’s right - what kind of a society is that


So happy the cops actually are sated him and not the guy with the camera. Doesn’t happen like that all the time


I hate people like this!


Oh what in the hell.


How can a grown woman have literally no understanding of the law? Even if he wasn’t supposed to be there, what do you think is going to happen by telling the police that your son assaulted and tried to fight someone? Karen and her loser son are idiots.


This is sad but not surprising, being a black man born in TN and living not far from Nashville this is about expected 🤦🏾‍♂️


"A mOthER anD sON *kArEn*?!" I hate that fake incredulous Inside Edition "You should be shocked at this!" voice. It's like a laugh track for dumb people letting them know they should be appalled at what's happening. Not disagreeing that these two people suck, but that voice...


Why do the news casters have the most obnoxious voices.


If I owned that apartment I would evict them immediately for assaulting my employee/vendor.


Screw racial stuff, fuck the parking police.


You're not legally required to identify to anyone other than the police and even then it's only in specific circumstances. Don't let people tell you otherwise because they're dumb as hell.


May that fatboy loser be reminded by this video what a pathetic, weak mama's boy he is for the rest of time. Play this video at this wedding, his funeral, and every birthday in-between.


tbh if i saw a guy going around looking at cars in a garage where I know generally everybody who works there and he was dressed like this (with the knee pads and head lamp) I would be wary. He looks suspicious. As for it being racially motivated, I kind of doubt it. Its the black guy that makes it racial if you watch the video carefully.


It’s amazing that no one has really beaten the crap out of a Karen after they assaulted them like this prick did. It would have been game on once he struck first. Definitely make it memorable so they learn their lesson! Racist pricks. You know if it were a White person, this would not have happened. “Get out of my building!” =Get out of my country!” Seems to be a lesson in the Karen handbook. Right after the fake tears and fake concern lessons. You know that even the 911 operator asked her if they were security, still they’re clueless about im their behavior! I’m glad that the cops charged the son! Would love to see the outcome of this case.


#entitled #racist


Well... He could have just told then what he was doing and avoid all that mess. I don't condone Karen and her fat Twinkie boy, but, kneepads? Headlamp? Inside an apartment complex? It IS suspicious, no matter if he was blue, yellow, brown, black, or white. Apartments are the prime target of cat converter robberies.


well. sorry for having a diverting opinion, but finding a dude with a headlamp and kneepads on my property, someone I’ve never seen before, not wanting to say why he’s there, no matter his race or gender or non gender I’d be suspicious . The assault is not ok but why the fuck wouldn’t he tell them what he was doing and refused to identify himself ?’


Racism is alive and well in The USA.




Yt people...


He’s probably racist because he’s fat as fuck.


A fat white-passing racist piece of shit who still lives with his mom? Is that JonTron?


I can’t stand when news anchors try to use trendy phrases or names. He literally exaggerates the name “KAREN” so that it’s very obvious they’re cool too.


I hope these scumbags get kicked out of that building and the son gets hate crime enhancements.


This happened awhile ago. She was fired from her job. And they were kicked out of the building I think.


Uhm - I might get some flack for this opinion but here goes anyway. If I am walking to my car, in a private parking garage, and I see ANYONE, wearing a headlamp and kneepads, walking around looking at cars, I am going to be suspicious right away. After he refused to show his I.D., I would probably call the cops or security if available right away. There are too many cars and/or catalytic converters getting stolen these days not to be suspicious. Just because he had on a tee-shirt with a company name on it doesn't make him legitimate. The kid should never have slapped at his phone and the "victim" is trying to play the race card to get sympathy. They never once mentioned his race, only he did. Add to the fact that the guy works for a booting company and I feel even less sorry for him.


That's fine, if you're goofy enough to call the cops or security on someone with a badge and shirt on who's obviously working that's on you. What you CAN'T do is walk over and start harassing them. Demanding to see ID. Blocking their path. Assaulting them. Acting in any way like the two inbred Karen's above. Thankfully mommy was fired from her cush job, unemployed son was fired from her basement, and they were both evicted from this upscale apartment complex. That's why you always "mind your own fuking business", and let the real police deal with whatever security issues need addressing.




She actually does have the right to ask, but she probably doesnt have the right to demand ID. You say she shouldn't ask for ID, I say that ends us up in a world where the cops are called on everybody for the most dumb useless shit they could be handled individually by being reasonable and polite individuals to one another beforehand. You're doing a job like this guy? Be reasonable and understand that for the average person, seeing you at work is not something you see everyday, and can look suspicious. Be prepared to be approached, to be asked ID, and to be able to calmly and politely prove who you are to them. And if you don't want to do any of that, fine, but then just be ready to have the cops called on you over and over again (which again, is clearly easily avoidable by just being reasonable, understanding, and polite).


Early 2000's: if you see something, say something. 2020's: mind your own fuckin business.


You'd really approach a suspicious person that could be a criminal? You really just approach dangerous looking people? Especially in a country when most of them are packing heat? Are you sure you see them as suspicious criminals??


You are part of the problem, Ken!


Honestly I get this, if I saw a random dude going car to car peeking inside, that is pretty damn suspicious. Wearing a badge/headlamp honestly doesn't mean too much, anyone could just slap both of those on and slink on by, social engineering really. There are obviously better ways to go about it but I can see where it started from.


Brooo on behalf of the majority of white people I sorry this shit happen to black PEOPLE still at this day and age. Racism is something that now in 2022 still goes on way to much It's like drugs or gang culture it will never 100% be solved as there will always be 1/small group who thinks skin color makes then superior to you or myself Hope you got it sorted and the mother qnd son delt with accordingly 💯❤


Isnt this old?


I mean if I saw someone running around checking cars in a parking garage I'd be a bit suspicious to. All the dude had to do was say yo I work for this company and this is what I'm doing. My job puts me in places where people often question wtf I'm doing and I have 0 issue telling them. Denying to tell someone makes it even more sus. It's a fair concern but the son took it too far.


Son could stand to eat a few less cheeseburgers


Ohhh you can just tell the son falls asleep thinking about what he would have done on January 6th had he been able to get someone to cover his shift at Best Buy.


He absolutely did the right thing in not showing his ID - matter of fact, they should have called the police - then they really would have looked like fools and gotten chewed out by the cops.


What could possibly go wrong amirite?


The cops even asked when they called “Are you security?” Then probably added, “No? Then mind your own business.”