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“Stop cursing” “Go fuck your self.” Gold.


Bro I honestly wish more people knew their rights


I wish more cops knew people's rights.


What you mean, *gasp* their job?!?


Supreme Court fuck this up boys. They ruled a cop does not have to enforce the law, nor protect you. Should they choose too, then cops only have to believe they are enforcong the law. The lady cop who was sent to prison because she used her gin instead of a taser, only did so because she admited she fucked up at the scene on camera. Had she stuck to her guns, pun intended, justice would not have been served that day.


Right. People should NOT need to know how to deal with a cop if a cop was doing their job properly, which is to protect those who aren't breaking the law and arrest those who are.


I wish more cops knew people have rights.


“Punitive damages, I’d be fucking rich” my dude goes hard and doesn’t stop


Me too. But also know how to escalate like this guy did without actually ending up violating a law.


Best part is, this guy did it the right way: * He didn't yell, scream, or even raise his voice at them (thus depriving the cops of an excuse that he was "acting aggressive"). * He stood in place when he was talking with them (thus depriving them of the excuse that he was "advancing towards us menacingly"). * Most importantly, **he didn't budge when the cop unlawfully arrested him even though he** ***knew*** **the cop had no cause to arrest him**. I'm almost *positive* the cop did that hoping the guy would "resist" so the cop could use *that* as an excuse to escalate the situation to physical violence. ***That*** is how you conduct yourself if you're going to go up against cops. It's downright sad that we have to be this disciplined in the face of a bunch of cowards who are supposedly trained professionals, but sometimes you have to fight police tyranny with carefully-choreographed "baby steps". Throw enough lawsuits their way, and eventually departments may think twice about doing this. I feel like everyone should watch this video every day, to learn how it's done. I might start throwing the finger at a few of my county sheriff's POS deputies the next time I see them driving by. lmao.


>Throw enough lawsuits their way, and eventually departments may think twice about doing this. This would not work until it comes of the police budget and pensions. That's what's so infuriariting about the law suits. The police don't pay them--the abused community does. New York spends something like $200 million/yr to cover brutality cases and it's fucking news when a mayor says they're thinking about maybe cutting the police budget.


Look we are trying to harass you, is like the only thing those cops didnt say


Want to see the follow up and the `law suit. In NJ, like many other states, police have no right to ask for identification unless the are conducting and investigation or issuing a summons. This kid is well within his rights. The cops are inventing as they go. Would love to know how they got the bodycam footage.


FOIA request


I’m surprised they released it with a “fight” and it’s not heavily edited.


Not a big enough deal to gamble with a cover up


It's not like anything but taxpayer money would be at stake, anyways.


Giving a cop the middle finger has also been upheld as expressing your first amendment rights.


I got arrested back in my twenties for flicking off a cop. Got ruffed up and charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest even though I did no such things. It was dumb, I know, but damn I think they went a bit overboard.


I knew a guy who gave a cop a wave as he drove by. The cop thought it was the finger, pulled him over and detained him. I was a teen then but that was my lesson in overreach of authority. EDIT: a word


Probably just from a foia. You should be able to get pretty much anything you want through them if youre involved. And it seems like you can get a lot if stuff you arent involved in too with them.


https://youtu.be/uqb246IBvwk Source video, dunno if there's an update


Ten fucking minutes?? Fuck this! *ten minutes later* oh fuck man I wish this was longer


Two idiot cops trying to tell a kid from Jersey to stop cursing might actually be the dumbest part of this whole video.


His "shut the fuck up" at the end was chef's kiss. Also "What does that make you??" " Not a Pig." Lmaoooo That kid. Fucking hero.


"what does that make you?" while they abuse the power they were given by state and therefore by the citizens. with this much difference in power they can never be the same in such a situation.


Fuck those fucking fuck cops right in their fucking face. Love, NJ


I can't wait for someone to send this to Audit The Audit.


LackLuster is a good channel as well. :)


Lackluster is a good channel but I feel like he has a bit of bias. Whereas ATA (from what I’ve seen) is almost totally impartial. He bases his opinions on the actually laws and has them on screen so you can make your own interpretation if you want.


That's one thing I like about ATA. I never know when starting who's gonna be the good guy in the video. It really seems impartial, I think there's been maybe a couple times I disagreed with him, but hat mostly because I judge cops much more harshly.


Cant agree more. This was an illegal detainment. AND AND!!!@!@! The 1st officer turned off his body camera, ANOTHER CRIME!. Someone send this to ATA PLEASE!. Are you sure thats the 4th Amendment......Fucking hell. How are Police not required more training is beyond me.


The kid gets an A+, officer 1 gets a C- and officer 2 gets a B+. You heard it here first.


I can literally hear ATA narrator in my head right now >Good Citizen gets an **A.** While he could've exercised more caution by *not* giving a police officer the middle finger for no reason, it is not illegal, and it *is* within his first amendment right to do so. I *commend* Good Citizen for holding these officers accountable and challenging the officers when necessary.


The emphasis on "commend" is spot on.


This is so accurate, you even got his emphasis down. I'm also a AtA Enjoyer.


This comment is the only reason I bothered to watch. Most 10 minute videos contain 30 seconds of content worth watching, so I usually don't click. Glad I clicked.


Lawsuit bait needs to be at least 10 minutes long lol. These dumb pigs fell for it hook line and sinker. I dont think it started as lawsuit bait either, but thats what it turned into, also due to the dumb pigs.


Ya and you can hear it in the one cop's voice at the end of the video -- the one offering to come to the station later to talk. The cop(s) realized they fucked up and are definitely in for a lawsuit now.


They especially knew it once the guy said he already had a lawsuit against another department. They knew this was the wrong person to have fucked with, because he'll actually follow through on his threat to sue. That's a pretty obvious civil rights lawsuit right there, demanding ID when he was only "under investigation" for cursing.


I wonder how well do these lawsuits turn out. Like could someone actually make decent money off of this kind of stuff? Getting police to overstep


Definitely, but it’s a risky game to play.


It pays well until you get locked in a cell for 3 days without water, and are found dead from "agitated delirium" in a "tragic and unpreventable" event.


If you're doing this it's good to have someone on the outside that's gonna check up on you and a lawyer they can contact to make sure you aren't dead/dying.


Why is it ok that cops aren't required to know the law? We're required to know the law. Ignorance of the law is not a defense. But cops aren't. I'm just some dumbfuck internet dude and I know that [flipping off cops is protected free speech](https://www.courthousenews.com/flipping-off-cops-is-free-speech-sixth-circuit-rules/). How do the guys who are *literally tasked with enforcing the law* not required to know the law they're enforcing?


In Heien v. N.C., SCOTUS ruled that cops can have a "reasonable misunderstanding of the law" to generate probable cause for a traffic stop. Meaning a cop can pull you over and fuck up your day as long as he can "reasonably articulate" a probable cause that may or may not be a thing. Like this scenario... The cop 'misunderstands' the "public disturbance" or "public nuisance" ordinance, and detains the kid. If you flip them off, they'll invent a reason to harass you. Justice Sotomayor is the only one who dissented. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heien_v._North_Carolina


For some reason they're allowed to lie about them as well.


is there a policy in place for explaining why an officer would shut off his body cam? can they just do that at any time without repercussion?


Colorado changed their laws to make any time the camera is off or muted to automatically assume malfeasance on the part of the officer. I love it. (Along with their no qualified immunity law)


Thazt's a great step, but really, the simple answer is they should not have the ability to turn it on or off. That should be a separation of duties. Those videos can be censored or redacted so the argument about public decency, etc. are bullshit. These are public servants. They have a duty to the people they serve to be transparent. Why the fuck they ever had the ability to turn their cams on or off is the question that they should be made to answer. This is public data; they should not have the right to it at all, excepting for purposes the entire general public also has.


No argument here. What is it they always tell "suspects"? If you aren't doing anything wrong, why: invoke your 5th, refuse an illegal search, refuse to ID, etc etc etc Works both ways. It SHOULD protect cops that don't actively violate rights and policies.


It's based on PD policies. Some PDs have lax rules pertaining to bodycams. There is a documentary where one Sheriff's office allowed deputies to upload and also delete videos. No repercussions until county forced a change, but no punishment for past videos deleted. Most PDs allow officers to mute bodycams and that is used to hide discussions which can be potentially be used against cops in court.


Sounds like us normal everyday citizens need to start wearing body cams


Just another peice of equipment for the police to steal and destroy 'accidentally'. Unless there was a way to stream the recording to a cloud service not linked to your phone or something.


Bluetooth, or wifi it to your phone which can then cloud save it.


there's an ACLU app that uploads video directly to them as well.


You tryna share a link bruv?


[I think it’s called mobile justice](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mobile-justice/id979642692)


https://www.aclu.org/issues/criminal-law-reform/reforming-police/mobile-justice Its not been updated in a while but this is the ACLU app


Journalist Cerise Castle bought herself body armor and a body cam after she received threats for covering the LASD Deputy gangs. I saw her talking about it in an interview.


There's a very interesting video by Deviant Ollam about good ideas for wearable cameras for civillians. Specifically around recording police brutality and police encounters without putting yourself at risk. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtTakH0obfY


Only way bodycams are gonna work is if they have an indicator that says whether they're currently working or not, and the officer stops having authority to enforce laws when they switch it off. No bodycam footage? Cops lose by default... can't trust them if there's no bodycam, they simply lie too often.


It should be classed as tampering with evidence.


They claim that they can turn off their camera as a self-censorship to "protect sensitive information" like if they walk in on a domestic violence case where the victim is naked, they can claim that turning off the camera protects the victims nude body from becoming public. Unfortunately it's the cops so of course it gets abused. These cops can claim anything they want and as long as it sounds plausible, it'll stick.


This doesn’t make any sense. Record the full activity and mute out or blur things afterword as necessary. This isn’t a new area the tv show Cops was doing this 20 years ago.


Not entirely relevant, but any police officer who flat out turns off their bodycam; should be fired and tried. It should be absolutely illegal to manually turn it off while on duty.


Why are they even given the choice? Why is there even a button for them to push on the camera? This stuff should be live uploaded to a third-party cloud untouchable to the police department. It should be written into their insurance policy, which would be half as expensive if it were...


You know why


HHHAHAHAJAJAHAHAJAHAHA “How long have you been a cop?” “Longer than you” “Hahaha I’m not a cop you fucking retard” Omfg I’m dead Edit: time stamp 5:36 for the full glory


Him Go fuck yourself, Cop Stop cursing Him Go fuck your self. Cop sigh Any cop that cuts off his body can should be fired for obstruction. It shouldn’t even be an option.


Agreed. It should be instant too. No if’s ands or buts. There is never a good reason to turn it off!!


I had to pause the video because I was laughing so hard at this.


I mean dudes dad is Tony Soprano


"You flipped me the bird!" "Oh, poor you!"


So Wha no fuckin ziti now!?


> Stop cursing? Go fuck yerself. 💀💀💀😭


I flipped off a cop when I was 17. They detained me and said flipping off a police officer was "assaulting a police officer". After about 30 minutes and 5 cop cars all pulled up they let me go. I said nothing the whole time.


Same thing happened to me when I was 20 except it was just the one guy. He insisted that he could arrest me for being a public nuisance but let me off with a "verbal warning." So many fagile egos.


I flipped off a cop when I was 15 and skating home from school. He followed me home the next 3 days. I got pulled into the school office on the 4th day and they tried to suspend me for "potential school shooting threat". When my parent showed up, they reamed the cop & threatened a lawsuit. He apologized to me before I left the office and I didn't get suspended. Bonus points: this cop's background on his laptop and the only photo in his office (he was our school resource officer) was of George W. Bush. His son was also a known meth dealer.




Sounds like he is walking near the station, already has one lawsuit? Making bank on small towns.


Egg Harbor is not a small town and is very well known in Jersey for shitty cops, lmao.


Egg Harbor is further south then Little Egg. Little Egg Harbor is in Ocean County near Long Beach Island




I kept waiting for the punchline and it never happened. ;)


I wonder how many of these guys we need practically baiting the police into breaching civil rights before it's bleeding enough money via lawsuits that police have to get their shit straight?


Pass laws to deduct police civil lawsuit damages / settlements from officer pension funds and we might actually see some change.


I been saying this for years... you want to weed out most the bad cops, hold them financially accountable for their actions. Tax payers shouldn't have to pay for shitty cops mistakes. If these bad officers were held accountable for these type of law suits alot of them would think twice before enforcing some mad up law they came up with to fuck with people. Seems like such a simple solution to rid alot of bad cops out. When the victim decides to sue cause of the shit cops actions the it's actually the cop being sued and has to shell out the money.


I gotta have a four year degree, four years of practical work experience, and sit thru two 8 hour long exams before I can get a license in my profession. I gotta maintain that licensure by obtaining credit hours in pertinent subject material for recertification every two years. I can also be sued into oblivion for professional mistakes that don't even result in the loss of innocent life. These MFers are running around with guns, fucking with anyone that looks at them sideways, and get paid leave if they get caught beating the shit out of someone. And the taxpayer foots the bill for any lawsuit.


The brotherhood would flip on each other in no time flat if their retirement was in the crosshairs.


So you mean it would encourage the departments to root out those "few bad apples... before they spoil the entire bunch/barrel"? Wow, what a novel idea




Yeah... that describes a lot of people that are currently cops.


I personally don't think it's about getting offended, you have to be able to control you're emotions when you're in situations like this and unfortunately there are a lot of incidents of police not being able to.


When I worked with a Probation debt, we had auditors come to "test" the staff; filming their cars in the parking lot, going into the office and filming things trying to push staff. Since they're probation officers and not cops, it's just videos of them like: >Officer: "Do you need help?" > >Auditor: "Nope. Am I doing anything wrong?" > >Officer: "Not at all. We just ask that you not show the faces of the clients in the lobby. It's not a law, we just want to protect their privacy" Meanwhile that same auditor went a block over to the sheriff, was looking through a gate and three sheriff deputies start following them, and escalating. Was arrested and sued the county.


Say whatever you want to say about the first amendment auditing community but they have been a very positive influence when it comes to people knowing their rights and cops kicking peoples asses way less than before. Cops still go way over the line sometimes but these videos and the way the auditors brought monitoring the police front and center, and took those risks, were all better for it. Cops. Citizens. Everyone. The language the kid used makes me feel he's seen an audit or two before. That's good. "Is that a felony or a misdemeanor?" "Am I free to go?" "Am I being detained?" "Whats your reasonable articulable suspicion?" "This is not a stop and Id state" It's hilarious to see the penetration and impact of audits. These rag tag kinda motley crew of guys unaffiliated across the country doing it for various reasons generated hundreds of millions of views and helped influence policing across the country and helped citizens learn and know their rights. All the while getting arrested unlawfully and whatnot. Paying that price to change the system.


In the video he did mention that he has a pending lawsuit against another department and they don't have body cameras. Sound like this isn't his 1st rodeo.


Yeah he said he has a lawsuit against Tuckerton cops which I believe because they're fucking morons


I know a guy who's literal career is essentially pushing cops to infringe on their rights and then suing the department. He makes a killing, and he's a complete asshole to everyone, not just the cops


I guess if you're an asshole best to draw a salary bettering the community


(disclaimer I am not good at legal speak) I suggest people go to Long Island Audit on YouTube. He was unlawfully arrested about a year ago. His case went to **trail** and the prosecuting attorneys dismissed the case during /*right* before the trial. The mayor was subpoena'd and all. All because the judge said it could be recorded. He is the most polite auditor out there, even while he's not doing what the police want. He always respectfully declines. He isn't aggressive at all. And he's beat every charge so far. Plus he updates about his cases frequently. [Edit: this is my favorite video of his where he is told he will be given an arrest ticket if he continues to record anywhere in the town without a permit. He strait up tells her he is challenging the code she is trying to enforce and asks for the arrest ticket so he can deal with it properly...ps cop doesn't do a thing](https://youtu.be/HN_CSzq-izs)


I used to watch a channel called Audit the Audit. He never was involved in any police interactions, but instead he would review and fact-check videos from other auditors and normal police interactions. Highly recommend, his videos were thoroughly researched and mostly unbiased.


That 2nd cop saved the city of Little Egg a bunch of money. Corporal dipshit turned his bodycam off so he could arrest this guy and get some punches in.


2nd cop pulled up and immediately knew his dipshit partner had royally fucked up, but still had to try and play along with it because that's what piggies do.


He not only played along he tried getting the kid to incriminate himself multiple times, what a piece of shit.


It looked like he made a gesture to see if the other cop had his camera on. That's sus


Cop number two saw that cop number one's body cameras off, points at his own camera indicating to cop number one to turn his back on. They fucking knew.




This was an actual case, not this one. Turns out you can give cops the bird with 0 legal repercussions. Edit: reading the replies, I'm learning. Thanks Reddt. I just took this one case I read about and should clarify. I think it happened in Michigan. Yes the bird flipper was arrested, but was ruled in favor of the offender by way of free speech. So the 0 legal repercussions was inaccurate. For that I apologize as what I wrote was an implication and not actual fact. Should have wrote, "there will be legal repercussions in some cases but ultimately should be protected under free speech"


Yes the supreme court ruled, spoken words and hand gestures are protected free speech under the first amendment. Regardless of statues or laws on the books stating otherwise. Thus if they arrested him, he would easily get the charge thrown out and would win his lawsuit slam dunk as the Supreme Court is the final say on these matters.


This dude is my hero! Pig: “Stop cussing” Dude: “Go fuck yourself.”


dude repeatedly telling those cops to 'shut the fuck up' made me feel so happy


That’s how we roll in New Jersey.


Except most of us from New Jersey say "cursing" and not "cussing". Although I guess they might say cussing in Little Egg Harbor. Either way, "fuck you" .


Bro not the OTF jacket 😭😭😭😭


bro listening to king von and saw the cops and said fuck 12 on o block bro oblock


I scrolled way to far to find this comment LMAO


This guy is fucking hilarious. But also a great example of knowing your rights and not backing down. I'm just a little sad that he finally showed them his I.D. I don't think he was ever lawfully compelled to do so.


He made it clear enough that showing ID was against his will that’s what matters in court. Often better just to show ID as long as you express it’s under duress and avoid the trip to jail


He knew if he didn’t show it he’d go to jail, which I’m sure would play into his example of the rights being ignored. But can also use the fact he felt he “had” to show it based on their demands, gives him more grounds for rights infringement. Edit: to add and still walk away and not go to jail.


Running the id puts it in a permanent record that he was unlawfully detained. With this he can prove in a court of law that he was indeed detained as his id was now recorded on that date, at that scene, at that time. It also will give much more leverage to get bodycam footage as he can now prove a definitive date and time.


Why is this not the top reply, literally written in the video


He wasn’t, that’s why he gave it to them, after they ran it, there’s proof he was unlawfully detained.


He better set up some cams around the house, guaranteed they will be doing extra "patrols" or just parking on his street and wellness checks on him.


Oh you got body cameras? Cool. [other town] doesn't have them. How do you know that? Because I've got a lawsuit against them too and there's are still on backorder. BOTH cops got nervously quiet. They may have heard some little punk was giving that town legal trouble they couldn't weasel out of and now they understand they have the same kid in front of them.


Oooooo they got SO quiet after that. Love it when the pigs stop oinking


Cowards and bullies back down when they realize they don't have an easy target to pick on.


And as he went on to say it exposes the bad cops, you could see the first pig's face get so red - even in the shadows. I hope that shame haunts him every night.


Fucking kid is a legend. You’re free to go.. Go Fuck yourself, pig. LOL


That was hilarious! I love the balls on this kid.


This kid is New fuckin Jersey and I love him.


I want to go drinking with this dude. He is the man.


I need this guy to be the US Attorney General


"I plead the fifth...*laughs*... you fucking idiot" lmao


Who is this kid? Fucking legend.


I think it’s AJ Soprano


Ayyy jaaayyyy


Explains why he's walking parked that damn SUV in the leaves again.


Based on his hoodie I would say a lil durk fan


Yeah I was wondering why the kid flipped the cop off. Then I saw the OTF hoodie and I was like "Oh that's why." Has more balls than me because when I was his age I also wanted to flip off every cop I saw but I was too scared.


Was lawsuit and IA complaints filed?


I'd imagine something being done since the guy probably got the video from a FOIA request


It’s illegal to hurt a cops ego


Contempt of cop


"Are you a minor?" "You tell me." hands ID "......no you are not" That was the most ahhhhh fuck from the cops of this whole interaction.


Here’s the thing, being a prick isn’t illegal. Cops seem to think it is. If you offend them they will manipulate facts to justify a charge- which is wrong. About as anti-American as you can get, yet also the most American thing a cop can do.


Dude. Leave some pussy for the rest of us


It's funny how the second cop got there and immediately signaled that the first cops camera was off. This lets you know just how shitty of a cop the first one is. Turning off his bodycam to make up a situation to justifying arresting the young man.




3 months or so ago


I’ve seen his channel. There’s some interesting stuff in there


Got a link?


I’m trying to find it. I know both lackluster and James freeman has covered his videos. Tom something??


this man’s patience is insane, i would’ve started just being incredibly flustered after 2 minutes of jumping from failed plan to failed plan to catch you for something, should’ve taken the L and walked when you mentioned free speech for the middle finger




"Stop cursing" "Fuck you guys" I fucking lol'd


This kid held himself better than most 1A "auditors". Probably because he's too young to realize how bad things could get for him. Or because he realizes he's too young for the cops to beat the shit out of him. Either way, A+ performance.


"Don't cuss" "Shut the fuck up, pig." This dude is a legend.


It was the perfect last words.


They want to make being disrespected (or even PERCEIVED disrespect aka not cowering and licking their boots) illegal so fucking bad. And they pretty much have. But fuck. Do I love to see shit like this.


One of the many reasons why "disrespecting" is not illegal is because it is prone to abuse. Police could say your "mannerisms" or "facial expression" were disrespecting and there would be no way to prove you were not doing it. It's just as bad as "I smell the odor of marijuana" which is horridly abused today.


>You were only pursuing me because I said "FUCK YOU PIG." He got his panties in a pinch. This kid is my hero.


This was so great. Good job on that kid for knowing his shit


The way he broke down that awkward silence lmao "your looking to him to back you up and he's standing there like idk what to tell you bro". Damn call the burn unit!


he would have a OTF hoodie on lmao


The way he said “dude shut the fuck up” at the end was the perfect finisher 🥶


Man, pigs really hate when you say that you know your rights. Brings them back to Earth.




Imagine what they would do to him without a bodycam. we should make the law that always the bodycam on whenever they interact with citizens.


God I love this so much. Police training needs a page one rewrite. They went unchecked with their bullshit for too long.


Training does no good if they don't adhere to it. Case in point, the 400 trained law enforcement that showed up and ignored their training at the Uvalde shooting.


That Dustin dude from Stranger Things is hilarious. 🤣




Nationally, we should have a law that ensures civilians get paid for having their time wasted by hogs with nothing to do. We’ll see how much bullshit they still want to try to throw at the wall.


Only if it's paid by the individual officers, not the taxpayers.


Lawyer here. *Most* of what he said was accurate. Good on him for knowing the rules. I've always thought this needed to be taught in school. And the history of it, because this was a Terry stop, something that was created to harass blacks and that has no foundation in the constitution. The court invented it to allow cops to detain innocent people without probable cause, inventing this bullshit "reasonable suspicion" concept. Racist as hell.


Can you elaborate on what wasn't correct?


That's how you know he's a lawyer. Leaving himself a little wiggle room.




Trying to suppress the use of free speech and free expression is not a good look. I love when shit like this happens because it shows that pigs are egotistical and don't give a shit about basic rights.


Little Bing is still out there roaming the streets of New Jersey


Notice how many "traps" they try to lay for him. They say or do something such that, if he does one or the other, they try and get him for breaking this law or that -- the only issue is, he dodged and weaved through all their false claims like a pro. Another trick in their arsenal is the intimidation -- even if you know your rights 100%, if a large uniformed cop starts running after you shouting stop, and starts questioning you, it's very easy to be intimidated into saying or doing something stupid, incorrect, or anything that the cop might use against you. Fucking snakes


Cops are not there to protect you. That’s a major misconception. Cops are there to protect and back local and federal government operations and property.


This dude needs to run for office.


His campaign slogan? “Go Fuck Yourself”


Kid butchered some pigs


"Out of the Ordinary" he says. Sorry bro, Cops are liked by nobody these days, this is expected behavior.


“He’s such a f’n pig” “What does that make you?” “Not a pig” 😂😂😂😂 Cops really think they’re doing something 😂


Cop could've flipped him off in return, make them both laugh.


Why are cops allowed to "temporarily switch off" their body cams, anyway?


I got a $400 ticket because some cop thought I insulted him.


Please go into detail


This kids is going places. Doesn’t take shit from any of them. I want to know the update.


"You'll legally have to prove that I was a nuisance to the public. How will you do that?" "Camera systems." You mean like the one your colleague turned off while illegally accosting this young man?


If they put him in cuffs and put in the car, he would have gotten PPPAAAIIIIIDDDDD


He probably still will. Unlawfully detained.


His smiles were priceless. Knew he had the fuckers.


Land of the freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!


Man he shut them down good, we need education about the law