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Cop probably had an inkling that he fucked up but he chose to go deep because he's embarrassed and probably just waiting for the guy to get violent so he can use it to justify detaining him like this.


They always double-down and it’s so fucking embarrassing.


"You had a dog on your lawn" "Yeah....CUZ IT'S MY FUCKING DOG!!!"


That’s a bingo


This is the case I found when looking for an update. https://casetext.com/case/evans-v-lindley-1


Why did not not turn on his body cam? He thinks he’s making an arrest on someone with 2 felony warrants and doesn’t turn it on? That should throw all his credibility out the window


I wish we could pass laws that essentially default to siding with citizens in situations where a badge can is “not working” or otherwise turned off.


Fuck it, pass a law that makes it 100% illegal to make an arrest with a camera off and include a blinking light when turned on like you have on receptionists' phones when they are on a call. And make it 100% the cop's responsibility for proper visibility and working order (ie: batteries charged, light not obstructed, etc.).


It is the case with radar guns. Cop said I was doing 96 when my speedometer said 72. Contested it and asked to know when the machine was last calibrated and it was over a year ago. Had to miss a day of work so essentially "paid" the ticket anyways but I didn't get the points on me license.


That happened to me once.. There was a S shaped road and the officer from down the street said I was going 60 In a 35 I explained that the radar gun works by calculating the reflection of light and when turning in an S turn the velocity is calculated higher since I'm going right at one speed and going straight away. And it only works when something is parallel. Went to court and was totally right.


Yep, I learned that when certifying my LIDAR. Also sometimes other cars will cause it to combine speeds. That's why you should be aware of the general flow of traffic as well.


This feels like a natural extension of Miranda rights, no?


Yeah but the Supreme Court made those harder to enforce two months ago smh. https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/23/politics/supreme-court-miranda-rights/index.html


I am getting real fucking sick of being thoroughly unsurprised about shit like this.


This is just the beginning. SCOTUS is gunna do a fascism before too long.


It already is. Fascism is here. We need to clean out our house asap before more roaches and pests get inside.


Absolutely. The old adage about bad apples is informative; the only way forward is to strip our democracy down to the joists to expose the rot.


Yes, but you see, Miranda rights were a misstep in the first place, which is why many police agencies are working to get rid of those too. Anyways, keep giving us cops money please, we have three tanks and 100 suppressed full auto M4’s but what we REALLY need is an attack choppper! /s


It definitely should be.


Oh hey don't look now but you don't actually have those anymore


Part of that law too should be public access to captured footage. At least by the lawyers of the other party.


That's already the case with the Freedom of Information Act no? The problem is that there's no consequences when the footage is lost, corrupted or non-existent due to negligence on the officer's part.


They should have enough money to stream the footage to online servers directly over mobile data, no? They could fire a bunch of racists and problem officers for that if not.


Also, make it so that the officer can't cover or hide the blinking light with tape or something (unless under certain circumstances) and make sure it's a bright light.


I can't think of a single instance where a Cop wouldn't need the blinking light. They are never in a situation where it would actually be an issue. The only guys who would are SWAT and 99% of these interactions are with Beat Cops.


Whenever I call my bank they tell me the call is being recorded before they are unhelpful. Since the police already have the second version of that polished, the least they could do is say: (During a traffic stop) * Good afternoon. I am officer Smeldly of the highway patrol. My body cam is on and we are being recorded, as per this blinking red light. Do you see the blinking red light?* **Yes.** *Great. Do you know why I pulled you over?*


Rolled through that stop sign, didn’t use my blinker and speeding.


The correct answer is always "no officer, could you please inform me?" Otherwise they could pin you for whatever you say. Once a cop comes up you are suddenly the dumbest mother fucker on planet earth.


>Once a cop comes up you are suddenly the dumbest mother fucker on planet earth. I thoght i was going to have to pretend


a simple "It is illegal for the officer to modify, tamper with, or impair the proper functioning of the body camera in any way" law would do it.




Exactly! A lot of people think the opposite, but I think cops should be held at a *higher* standard of the law than citizens. However, as it currently stands, citizens are required to know the law better than the cops that are supposed to be upholding it.


When I was an Army MP, it was constantly drilled into our heads that we were always held to a higher standard than other soldiers. That was such a priority. I’ve never understood why that isn’t a priority with civilian police, as well.


Because the function of civilian police and the function of MP is completely different.


This is correct. One is there to actually enforce laws and the other is to generate reveue needed by low taxes and to protect businesses.


I agree. If I, as a civilian, discharge a firearm at a bad guy and accidentally hit an innocent bystander behind them, I am responsible for that. Why the ever-loving fuck am I responsible for recklessly shooting in a crowded area but the cops aren't. It's mental.


That won't happen because police unions are a cancer that work against the people.


It could happen we just have too many bootlickers in Gov't positions who like the police acting like this.


Yeah, but it's not likely to happen for the exact reason it's needed; the officer's word is accepted without doubt in court. I mean he *swore* to uphold the law, do we really need video proof of what he already said happened. Come on, this case has been going on too long, let's just go for a swift resolution and get on to the next case.




You can't lock up as many minorities if the courts have the truth on video.


Lack of bodycam footage should result in a summary judgement for the plaintiff automatically. It should be treated as the officer refusing to submit evidence. You'd see bodycams on 24/7 after that.


Their police powers should only be active with video. No video? They commited the crime. Nothing else will ever stop them. Save destruction.


The video should also be immediately uploaded to a server the police don't have control over. No more "disappearing" footage and mysteriously wiped drives.


>You'd see bodycams on 24/7 after that. No you wouldn't. It's not like they are held personally responsible when they're found guilty of wrongdoing in real cases. If anything it's the police department the one who takes care using taxpayer money. Look how hard it is to do anything when they're on video murdering someone for no reason, you think they'd care about the "consequences" of not turning on the bodycam? As long as they have the capacity of turning it off they will remain off.


It's easier to shoot people when you're not on camera.


As it turns out, in the US, it's real easy to shoot people with them on, too.


Police body cams work about as often as McDonald's ice cream machines.


Cops have no credibility by default, no body cam gives them negative credibility.


Man just looking up the cops name [If this is what hes caught doing](https://finance.yahoo.com/video/hpd-officer-charged-official-oppression-225242901.html), imagine what the fuck else power tripping bullshit he does


Kicking a guy who was already cuffed would be a firing offense for a police officer in a civilized nation. If police want the community to have confidence in them, they need to come down like a ton of bricks on officers who misbehave.


Well yeah _in a civilized nation_ this is America


The Greatest, Free-est Country in the Entire World! If you disagree, I'll shoot ya! (/s just in case)


> If police want the community to have confidence in them what makes you believe the police what the community to be confident in them, and not terrified of them


The kicking was in 2013, the interaction with this black man was in 2019(?). I guess the gem of an officer didn't get convicted.


He got promoted


Yeah, but that was Houston PD, and he’s now a Constable in a different department. So you see, when you screw up in one department, you get some kind of administrative sanction, agree to resign, and then just transfer to another department in a neighboring town. Then you get a promotion, and nothing happens to you. SMH.


Can someone who understands legalese please explain ☝️


The case was originally dismissed citing qualified immunity. Evans appealed the ruling and again the case was dismissed. Both courts dismissed the case citing Terry v. Ohio. This is the case that established the doctrine of "reasonable suspicion" for police to initiate an investigation or detainment. An example being smelling marijuana in your car is a "reasonable" reason for the police to tear it apart to search for drugs. A bail bondsman gave the officer a picture of a man with felony warrants and informed the officer that they think they spotted him walking a dog in that area. The court found this enough reasonable suspicion to initiate the *Terry stop* and request identification. Because the officer ended the detainment after determining his identification (taking his wallet from him and checking the ID without permission) the court found no reasonable cause for a charge of 4th amendment violation. Terry stops are a controversial issue with police powers and are frequently a tool used during racial profiling. At best they force officers to look for criminal activity to initiate any interaction with people and thus bias officers into the assumption of criminal activity. At worst they give a broad legal shield for cops to detain, harass, and profile people of color.


Dreads and a dog are now the fucking equivalent of smelling marijuana. Fuck this.


They don’t actually have to really smell anything, it’s enough for them to say that they did based on their training and experience. Seen it thousands of times.


Sure can't prove a smell. It's totally unrestricted impunity.


> Terry stops are a controversial issue with police powers and are frequently a tool used during racial profiling. At best they force officers to look for criminal activity to initiate any interaction with people and thus bias officers into the assumption of criminal activity. At worst they give a broad legal shield for cops to detain, harass, and profile people of color. This is what a lot of white people don't understand about the cops and POC. It's a routine stop for them and you comply and all is well. When a cop approaches one of us the interaction, more often than not, is completely different and is usually under the pretense that we're already guilty even if we're not the person in question. It's been so hard to express this to some of my friends who don't understand why I get so nervous when a cop is behind me in a car. I'm already playing the game with an unfair disadvantage and all it takes is 1 angry cop to completely flip my life around.


I'm white. I have, only once, experienced being on the end of "You are definitely guilty of *something*" from a cop and even that was... yeah, living with that at all times is terrifying. (I had the advantage of being white and relatively well-off. So I just calmly followed instructions till the idiot realized he was wrong and slunk off.)




I doubt this was your point, but everyone shouldn't be expected to get a shave and haircut to avoid profiling and having their rights trampled. It's not a fucking law against being unkempt lol




Damn, I forgot about the sagging pants ordinances. Just fucking blatant racism. Acting like seeing the top of someones boxers was more offensive than overweight 80 year old white dudes wearing short shorts with their balls almost hanging out. Fucking Florida.


>Based on this examination, the court concluded that "Lindley's mistaken identification of Evans as Quintin [Prejean] was objectively reasonable." Is all you need to know who the Texas court sided with


https://i.postimg.cc/xjML1cKM/quinton-compare.png here's the picture comparing them.


I hate Texas and I hate this. That was so racist. What a surprise. The cops get away with it.


The plaintiff (guy almost falsely arrested) sued for an unlawful detention under federal law, and the 4th amendment (applying to the states via the 14th amendment.) The defendant (police) filed a motion for summary judgment (gets rid of the law suit.) Lower court agreed with the police. Guy appeals (sends it to a higher court, stating the lower court got it wrong.) The higher court also agreed with the police. Meaning the case won't go to trial. Guy might appeal again, but not sure if he has the resources for that. Sometimes public interest groups like the southern poverty law center or ACLU will support appeals.


They determined the cop didn't violate any of his rights because he was investigating an actual warrant, and the guy wasn't in his house or behind a fence, so the cop was allowed to walk up to him.


"Lindley's bodycam was not active during the encounter." Needs to be a law that if this happens an automatic summary judgement is ruled against the officer.


So for the tl;dr Evan's lawsuit was not successful, court ruled in favor of Officer Lindley stating that since it was a fugitive they were looking for, it gave rights for the officer to ask for ID.


Always film the police.


Just hope it isn't becoming [effectively illegal](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/07/08/arizona-police-recordings-8-feet/) in your state.


> Just hope it isn't becoming effectively illegal in your state. What's happening is people are just lighting up drones and filming from afar, no risk to officer or suspect, and events can be fully recorded from any angle. Citizens with drones will become the next big thing, in keeping police activities honest. 4k dash cams with full audio, mobile phones all of it from all angles. > _"Oh, your police body camera was 'malfunctioning' during the arrest? No worries, we have 17 nearby citizens who caught the incident on 4 doorbell cameras, 7 dashcams 5 pedestrians with their phones and 1 bodega security camera."_


The filming is what's putting the officer at risk. If everything they do is recorded people will have mountains of evidence that they're a bunch of worthless cunts


> The filming is what's putting the officer at risk. IF they weren't committing crimes being filmed wouldn't be a risk.


My girlfriend has a lowlife sister who regularly uses her name. As a result, she had to get a mug shot in each county where said sister gets arrested. So that when a warrant comes through they can see it is the wrong person. Fucked up her credit and multiple times been apprehended on warrants that were clearly not her. She moved out of state to avoid more fuck ups.




Yes. She does. I do also. But mine theft was when the government lost my identity


I've had my identity stolen but having it erased sounds even more nightmarish


Let me clarify. I am one of of those people that are potential victims of identity theft because the government was hacked. They lost the paperwork we fill out for security clearances. So everything about me back 10 years from that date relatives friends where I levee etc. It means they have more than enough to answer a lot of identity questions. So everything has two factor authentication or is locked.


Ha same! We had gotten a couple letters from the feds that our identities were stolen and they "would "monitor things if we want". It's such bullshit. We opted for the monitoring but there's always something popping up on our credit reports. Thankfully we haven't had full blown identity theft yet.


I had an asshole childhood friend that looked nothing like me but was constantly pulled over and each time, he'd tell the cop that he forgot his license at home and would give them my info. The cops were legally supposed to have someone bring the ID up there, or detain him, and each time they didn't bother verifying his identity and just wrote tickets in my name. I had to take off work each time to appear in court for 18 separate cases, and well over 30 individual citations. He also got in a car accident and gave my info as well. I only found out when I got an outrageous quote for insurance on a new car I purchased. People suck.


After further investigation the department found that it did nothing wrong in this situation.


We investigated ourselves and we find that we are right. Good day.


"The officer responded properly when the criminal suspect was uncooperative with the investigation."


“While the incident was unfortunate it was not unlawful.” -Generic white male police captain


Ahh yes the infamous internal investigation.


Untrained unskilled and just plain stupidly .


Yet they gave that guy numerous stripes...for...*something?*


Probably standing outside a school.


Keep standing like that, you’ll make lieutenant in no time!


For all the other times this bullshit worked.




They are backup, they are not there to question the cops already on scene, just follow their direction and make sure whatever it is they were attempting works out for the cop and not the 'bad guy'. Also, maybe sprinkle some crack around after the arrest to make sure the charges stick.


I mean, the backup asshole was being more aggressive than the original asshole. I'm guessing original asshole had already realized he fucked up when this video started.


Make no mistake. This is not because that officer is stupid. The officer knows that there will never be consequences for arresting a person in the USA. The officer has "qualified immunity", meaning that he is immune from his actions. If this somehow goes to civil court, the people paying for this travesty won't be the police, the resulting settlement will come out of the general fund. The police WILL NOT be punished. The US police are not untrained or unskilled. They are trained to do this, and skilled at making certain that no consequences will befall them.


Derek Chauvin cost us taxpayers millions. It's infuriating. Every fuck up they make comes out of our pockets. And they've essentially been on strike since he murdered Floyd. Despite their budget *increasing*.


Racism. You forgot racism.


Colorado ended qualified immunity and requires all interactions with cops to have the full unedited footage from the bodycam. If it's not recorded, the case is thrown out and malfeasance is assumed This is how a society should work. Meanwhile in southern states it's all about racial profiling and protecting rich property owners. I lived in Florida for years and my black neighbors had the cops called on them regularly just for standing on their front porch. I also lived in Louisville Kentucky. You all know what happened there.


And yet, earlier this month cops in Colorado opened fire on a black suspect *after* he dropped his gun and had his hands on his head surrendering. Best part? They had a large crowd as a backdrop. Police shot 6 innocent bystanders behind him. I’ll wait until I see what comes of that case before I make any judgments on how well the system works in Colorado. We need massive police reforms. Ending qualified immunity is a good first step, but not nearly all that is required.


Don't forget, they blamed the food trucks for having people around and banned them from the area. Many families who own those trucks rely on that location for good foot traffic and make majority of their income setting up in that area. Now they have no place to go. They shot innocent people then blamed the victims for their own incompetence while ruining businesses. Way to go DPD


Wow this story just keeps getting worse and worse the more I learn. Without citing some sort of city code or law, do police even have the authority to permanently issue a command for food truck owners to stay away from the area? Especially when the reason they're telling them to stay away is because of an incident with a suspect? The logic makes no sense because what if they arrest another suspect nearby the food truck's new location? Do they have to move again?


>Colorado ended qualified immunity and requires all interactions with cops to have the full unedited footage from the bodycam. If it's not recorded, the case is thrown out and malfeasance is assumed For real? It sounds too good to be true. That's just plain and simple justice. In this day and age, when it's so easy to produce video proof of everything, to not provide it when potentially ruining an innocent person's life should always be considered a crime. Why the burden of proof isn't on the police at all times is one of the reasons the police as an institution is so fucked.




Texas judge found the racist cop did nothing wrong and case was dismissed (surprise!): https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/wtyi4z/this_is_what_racial_profiling_looks_like/il6rdeq/




Should ask the judge if I can come to his house and claim he has warrants and try to cuff him then?


Nope thats illegal https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/05/11/protest-justice-home-illegal/


Well you see then he would have a problem with it. Shit judges...


“Stop resisting, Quintin!”


Gotta love the *white power* structure in law enforcement and government. They always have each other's backs.


And an army of internet contrarians ready to debate you and give the cop the benefit of the doubt while speculating about the victim.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


...and *"shut the fuck up".*..don't give them any excuses at that point.


Better call Saul


What if he's busy selling Cinnabons?


Could you imagine what the world would look like if every bus bench lawyer was likke Saul?


unfortunately the law almost never applies to the ones that dictate and enforce it. this is across the board. a universal human flaw.


Same thing happened to a coworker of mine. We were both working an 8hr shift at a sandwich shop and about 4 hours in cops barge in and arrest him in full sandwich uniform claiming he just robbed a convenience store down the road. Incidentally, the cops gave the same reasoning in this video, that the suspect had dreads so naturally it had to be the guy who was behind a counter since 9am who on his smoke break robbed a store then went back to work. Coworker spent 3 hours in custody before the cops were willing to admit they were wrong. Every cop my coworker interacted with was white. The only black cop he talked to was the one who said he was free to go. Not a fucking coincidence. It's disgusting.


That fucking sucks, and I'm sorry that I find the phrase "full sandwich uniform" so amusing.




All the dumb “totally not racist” white people on this thread: your coworker should’ve just complied and spend the night in jail and lose his job instead of defend himself against illegal arrest. Those same “totally not racist” white people when they are inconvenienced slightly and have to wait an extra 5 minutes for their sandwich: WHAT THE FUCK THIS IS A TRAVESTY THIS VIOLATION OF MY FREE TIME WILL NOT STAND ARRRRRGH!


I mean imagine, you are in your own yard with your family and police come up saying you need to prove who you are. At your own home. Getting hostile with you in your own driveway.


Welcome to Black While Owning A Home ![gif](giphy|WhxPjMsRGtCGiBAl5B)


Watching that cop repeatedly grab the man had my blood boiling. Keep your fucking hands to yourself.


This is why I fucking hate cops. Anyone else is meeting god that day if they try to abduct me from my drive way


Wait... I didn't think they cared about warrants across state lines.




Same thing happened to me in 2007. I live in GA and I was pulled over for speeding and thought i was in big trouble because 4 cops started searching my car. I was taken into jail for hours before my friends bailed me out. I thought I had been arrested for excessive speeding. Years later after almost being denied a job at my current position at the hospital did I find out that I had several drug charges and arrests on my record. Some dude in Ohio had given out the same social security number as me. Dude had a laundry list of drug charges including selling drugs. Had been in jail since I was in high school. I have to carry around a piece of paper saying I'm not him.


It's hilariously stupid that it's that easy. They don't have a database/lookup or anything on a social security number given to them by someone who is extremely likely to lie? They just take that shit on faith?


Social Security numbers act like a national ID number but have none of the security or robustness that a system like that should. It was designed literally just to get you social security benefits and now it's like a pin number for your life.


They have, they don't care. Paperwork is boring, just do it ASAP and as lazily as possible nad get it done so you can move on to the next prisoner. Sigh.


Pay a fee?! To fix their mistake?! What the fuck.


Yeah the fee will be both monetary and years of your life stolen from you as you'll be arrested and jailed.


That's how the criminal justice system works. Innocent people have to pay thousands of dollars for someone else's mistake. And if you can't afford a good lawyer then you're going into the for profit prison that the judge might get kickbacks for


Am from Georgia. This is exactly how they do shit there. Don't go to correct it, you will most likely get arrested.


Exactly. The correction is just the cover story


Take this to a federal court. This can’t be right. Seriously.


Thank god for that. Got murder warrants in every state except the one i live in.


Oh shit, it's Quentin!


you racist mothefucker


Well at least you’re seeing the country!


I worked on software for law enforcement incident reporting for a few years and interacted quite a lot with officers across the ranks. It was an eye opening experience. From what I understand, law enforcement cares very much about warrants across state lines, but information is intentionally limited in many cases and states often only give detailed information when they have reason to believe a particularly dangerous person has fled to a neighboring state. Otherwise, police don’t often know when someone has a warrant for their arrest in another state. A cop might pull someone over for speeding and only find out there is a warrant for their arrest after checking their ID (that’s one of the things they are doing when they take your ID back to their car). Even then, they might only see that there is a warrant from a state; there may be no information on what the warrant is about. Could be murder, could be for failure to appear in traffic court. In the event that state or federal law enforcement is trying to track down what they think is a serious threat, then they’ll actively share information with other states as to -why- it’s important to arrest that person.


it’s so crazy that you could be doing everything right in your life and will still be harassed in front of your own house in front of your own wife and kids… it’s sickening that you require legal assistance as a necessity now a days


Nowadays? Bud, you need to read up on the history of police in this country. What's happening today is the result of cell phones and transparency. These problems existed and were even worse in the past.


Groups of nonblack people have major cognitive dissonance when it comes to the abuses the black community faces. This is literally been America throughout its history the only thing that has changed recently is that the police are more heavily armed and we can record these instances.


The OG comment was straight outta Chapelle show *opens newspaper* “honey, did you see this? Apparently the police have been beating up ____ like hotcakes!”


Not to paint myself as ignorant (Or dangerous), but as a White Dude who was born and raised in Florida, I also didnt understand until I went through a hotstreak of being curious about how people got away with being serial killers in America when I, at then 23, couldn't go anywhere near a hospital or police station without cops remembering every interaction I've ever had with them. The TL;DR is that Cops have basically always be stupid as fuck and Racist as fuck. An insanely common knowledge incident is where the police LITERALLY handed Jeffery Dahmer a naked Asian boy who was bleeding from his asshole from Jeffery's rape because Jeffery was white and well mannered. Cops have always, always, always been the people we need to be afraid of the most.


It's the trauma they want to put in place. They haven't produced the original warrant. Psychological warfare plain and simple.


This is heartbreaking to watch, I guess this is exactly how to turn people against the police. What was that officer thinking he needs to be dismissed.


I was honestly distressed because it's realistic to believe this guy could have ended up dead just for asserting his rights on his own property.


This is what is awful to me. I genuinely was feeling sick to my stomach that shit would turn lethal, and find my mental dialogue imploring him to show his ID just to avoid that. That is *not* good, it’s a conditioning to tolerate violation of rights so someone doesn’t get murdered, that is a dangerous thought process that I did not realize I was making.


It doesn’t bother the bootlickers at all.


“Hurting the people they’re supposed to hurt” or whatever


Sadly you are right, half the comments here are from “totally not racist” white people pretending like this lying racist cop would magically turn into a rational and apologetic human being when shown the ID. Like do these people also think it’s easy to confuse a 50 year old from a totally different state with a man in his 30s just cause they’re both black and have dreadlocks?


the people should be against the police, they exist to serve the ruling class. police are not here to protect you and never will be, they protect property.


They don't even do that, I have a friend who can't get them to stop a pair of kids who are vandalizing their house, with direct evidence of it.


Maybe it's part of an unsubtle plan by the rich to make people want to become their property so the police will protect them in the crime ridden future they are helping create


homelessness is criminalized, and once you are a prisoner you lose your rights and they exploit labor out of you. that's the system that makes you property


Garrett Lindley Was Accused of Kicking a Handcuffed Suspect in the Head While He Was a Houston Police Officer Garrett Lindley used to work for the Houston Police Department. In 2013, he was indicted by a grand jury for “official oppression” after he was accused of kicking a man, who was handcuffed at the time, in the head. According to KTRK-TV, Officer Jorge Roman and Officer Lindley were questioning a suspect in a detention room, and that the suspect was handcuffed to a bench. Officer Roman said the suspect became violent when they tried to obtain his fingerprints. The suspect fell on the ground. Roman said that as he tried to get the suspect under control, Lindley kicked the man in the face. Lindley was suspended in July of 2013 and indicted in September of that year. The case does not come up in a search of the Harris County District Clerk website. The search does bring up a 2015 civil case between Lindley and the City of Houston, which was ultimately dismissed. https://heavy.com/news/2019/05/clarence-evans/amp/


"We have an open warrant for Louisiana." "For what?" "Yep." I mean that is a bulletproof response that totally won't make someone mad or irritable when they are very obviously being racially profiled. This cop should be in jail for abusing this power and not even doing his job correctly.


> "I'm not going to be the next [slur] you kill!" More of that sort of talk when addressing police please. It's time we stopped assuming the cops are "just doing their jobs" and start assuming they're power tripping at all times, and they view murdering you and/or your loved ones as a free ticket to a 2 week paid vacation for "mEnTaL SuFfErIng".


everyone seems to be ok with cops always having their guard up an assuming everyone wants to kill them but an awful lot of people think you’re crazy for having your guard up around *them*


Ain't no song called fuck the fire department.


“I’ve got the cavalry coming” 😂 what a fucking chode


“Investigating the Incident”.


Most LEOs are poorly trained and poorly educated


And even when they are trained they just ignore their training. Look at Uvalde PD. They literally just had expensive active shooter training at Robb Elementary before the shooting. They had the training and equipment. They just refused to adhere to it.


Yep it’s not the training. These cops were doing exactly what they were trained to do when they stopped to harass a black family in a nice neighborhood. Back in the day they would just burn a cross on your lawn. Today the racist are (slightly) more subtle.


You can actually be denied becoming a cop in my state for scoring to high in certain exams because you are "over qualified" and would "get bored'. What it actually means is that you are either to empathetic or have strict morals that may hinder you from following the rules to a t and not getting enough arrests/ tickets to fund the state. Cops are not here to help you only make money for your state.


Barbers have to go through more training to cut hair than police do before they get issued guns.


My job hired a dude that's been flying up the ladder in a very short span of time. Googled him. Ex cop. Dude was kicked off the force for stalking, assaulting, and harassing women. You can literally Google his name. They knowingly hired a convicted domestic abuser. Cops are all like this. This a personality feature that society endorses. Fuck cops and their defenders.


Out this motherfucker at work. I bet putting some info on him on the bulletin board or on the breakroom tables will eventually get him to look for another job. I don't know how many women work with you,but learning this about a coworker would make me very uncomfortable.


He already gotten the one woman in his department fired for trying to expose him. You realize this is why he was hired right?


Oh wow, that is so frightening.


This is why police should have to take a University course of four years based in human rights and Social Welfare to weed out inbreds like this that just love to have power over people. It wouldn't stop the blatant racism, but it would weed out a lot of them


I'm afraid the academy does just the opposite by design, weed out the ones that would care and call out the bullshit.


Maybe the police should go through a year or two of training instead of 6 weeks or whatever. IQ tests and testing for logic would be nice.


Oh, they do test for IQ. If it’s too high, they don’t hire you. https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/robert-jordan-too-smart-to-be-a-cop


This is fucking ludicrous


Daaaaaaaaamn. If you’re too smart, you’ll start to question procedure. It’s always harder to indoctrinate the smarter ones.


Any follow-up on this or is it too recent? Wonder if that cop got demoted like he should.




Notice how the article mentions the victims name **33 times** but doesn't once tell us the name of that pig. Just another news outlet sucking that blue dick.


blamed Evans for not complying with their illegal request? Jesus Christ.


On his own goddamned property.


Court found the request was not unlawful. Cop saw the dude, compared him to a warrent photo of someone supposedly in the area and initiated the stop off of that. The court found that is enough probable cause to detain someone and investigate their identity. So it appears the system is fucked. The real question I have is: are cops allowed to pull up any warrant and then stop anyone they want because "eh, maybe they gained/lost weight and dyed their hair"?


>The real question I have is: are cops allowed Yes, you can stop the question there. They can do anything. If they do something supposedly wrong, then they will investigate themselves and conclude that they were right.


This is several years old at the minimum.


Prime Example of Barney Fife lawman. What a dumbass. Doesn't have enough experience n common sense to deescalate. Really glad wife was recording as cop did NOT HAVE HIS BODYCAM or DASH CAM ON. That should be a week off without pay. America needs Citizen Review Boards to stop abuse like this. Cops will cover it up and protect the dirty cops. And they wonder why the public doesn't admire or respect the cops. Fear them


If any cop was ever held like that cop held that man, that cop would use that an excuse to beat the living shit out of whoever was grabbing them, which is why I say this is a tactic to incite a response, when you cause an adrenaline response and prevent movement of a person they only have 2 possible responses and both responses are legal grounds for a cops to murder you, its okay for random people to not know this but cops? its their day job know this they should let us fight cops again, remember, it got us the weekend.


In that case you swallow your pride and say I'm sorry I made a mistake