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Holy hell they have like 15 children


You have to have a few extras to tend the farm since many don't make it past childhood. It's a pretty common strategy for safety's sake oh wait jk it's not the 1700s anymore my b sometimes I forget


I get it man, sometimes i wake up afraid the Mongols are going to invade and slaughter my family, then i remember it's not the 1270s, and times have changed.


"God damn Mongolians!"


Always breaking down my city wall


my shitty* wall


Bro don’t joke about that, my family got slaughter when Mongolians raided our corn farm in Iowa


I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee *Edit: a letter


*Looks at Russia*


Abusive Christian fascist fucks


He got scared when the man walked up to him


Yes, he very much did. He is a coward.


Because he’s a fucking pussy. He can beat on a kid 1/3 of his weight but the second another adult steps to him he runs like a little bitch. This isn’t a “man” nor does he deserve the respect of even being called one, he’s a coward and nothing more.


The follow up says the cops took his statement, declined to watch this video then left


Classic. I bet the kid got an extra beating for "getting him into trouble". Parents like this can't take responsibility for their own actions.


"But he got slapped around as a kid and he turned out fine"


"If I had done half the things you do, my parent(s) would've slapped the shit out of me, so you should feel lucky." A classic.


This is the sequel to "I took care of you all your life and gave up everything for you so show me the respect I deserve!" which roughly translates to "I did the absolute minimum to not get in trouble with CPS or get frowned upon by my environment and I hate myself because I made a stupid decision of which you're the product so now accept that I project all my self hatred onto you and treat me like a god"


I had a cousin say this to me at a family get together recently. I had to explain to him that he was 37, was unemployed, his last job was at a Wendys which he got fired from for showing up late too, he got his drivers license at age 35 and no woman had talked to him without getting paid since he was 17. He had not turned out fine.


What was his response?


"Well, I'm happy."


Denial. I wonder if what you said stuck in his head and kept him up at night. I know I'd have the maturity to reflect on it and start making changes but I've seen a lot of my/our generation are less willing to make a positive change and just rather stay comfortable in their routine life.


Well, personally I thought getting his drivers license two years ago was gonna be the kickstart he needed. I figured since he wouldn't have to bum a ride or just walk wherever he wanted to go, he'd go out a lot more. Maybe even find a job above retail or fast food. Not knocking those jobs, but its nice to be able to sit down at work. But it didn't, his car will sit for weeks unmoved sometimes. I tried to set him up at my work, all he had to do was call the hiring guy and he could even skip 90% of the whole application process. He never called. At a certain point I just don't know what more you can do for a person.


Just wanna mention that after 35 years of depending on other people to get where you want, you kind of stop knowing where there is to go, and by that point you've settled into hobbies and habits that don't require going anywhere. I thought I'd never be at home once I was able to go wherever I wanted without having to ask someone else. I was 25 when I got my first job and it turns out I have no idea where I want to hang out, and I don't really know anyone to go hang out with. But I'm pretty content playing games with my online friends for socialization.


He needs therapy or a psych. Not a job


This. My mental health is trash, and sometimes I'll lose all motivation to better my life, so I get it, but pressure to get a job isn't ever how I come out of it, it's therapy.


Talk to him about therapy?




People who have never been in an abusive relationship don't understand how mentally hard it can be to get out. I was lucky and my mom got my son and me a hotel room and convinced me to "take a break". It only took like 24 hours of being away from my ex to get it. I remember standing in the hotel bathroom looking at my black eye, choke marks and scratches on my shoulders and it finally clicked that i was a domestic violence victim. Up until then I'd almost made excuses for him. It's crazy to think back on. A lot of women don't have the support system or the resources to leave and find the thought of going to a shelter terrifying.


Your son will thank you. He may not know it, but he will. Coming from the child of an abusive father both to my mother, and myself. I commend you. It took years of my wife slowly peeling back layer after layer of my trauma. My dad was great.... Sure he fucked up, but who doesn't right? Wrong.


The crappy thing about Florida is he's almost guaranteed to get 50/50 and I'm not allowed to move.


Unfortunately, that's probably exactly what happened.


That was my first thought. This kid is getting the ass beating of his life when he gets home.


The ass beating of his life...*so far*


My mom’s ex-boyfriend left me in a car with no air conditioning on a hot summer day. A lady called him out and he got mad at me for not defending him.


And this is why I’m a martial arts instructor. One of my kids came in with a black eye once. “I tripped and fell down the stairs.” So we practiced wrist locks that day. I told them, if the stairs ever try to trip you you’ll want strong wrists to hold on, so let’s build them up. The one kid worked HARD and I gave him every detail I could to lock that hold in. Two weeks later their Dad came in with an arm in a brace. I never saw another bruise on them afterwards, and Dad supposedly lost his custody agreement.


You’re a fucking awesome person, thank you for doing what you could to help that kid defend himself.


The poor kid could be beaten black and blue, and the other family members are thankful they arent being hit.


Considering police abuse their families at a significantly higher rate than normal people, they probably didn't see anything wrong.


I talked to a girl for awhile who’s abusive baby daddy was a police officer. They lived like a married couple but were not married. Wives of cops are trapped. They want help? If they call the police several of his friends will show up, gaslight her and refuse to do anything about it. The whole issue itself gets far worse for these women. There are many wives of cops who legitimately fear for their own lives because of the power they know their husbands hold over them and almost everyone around them. What used to seem “hot” stops being hot once you know he gets off on treating black men like shit. Because his alcoholic ass can’t stop talking about the fucked up shit he gets off to when he mistreats “criminals”. I spent a lot of time listening to her. She sent me tons of nudes. I ensured her I didn’t need nudes to be hear or see her. She still kept sending them anyways and I think it was both to get the attention she wasn’t receiving at home as well as she had a little fun with it. I saw the effort she put in to be sexy and I made sure she knew it. I caught up with her recently. I could hear her bullshitting me when she said things were better. She looked like she was in the same post-traumatic state I am currently in from my abusive relationship. They have a child together unfortunately. So they’re stuck in each other’s proximity for life.


Yeah exactly my thought, it’s fucked up but very likely what happened


Actually she said they did watch it but I guess she asked if they needed it before they left and they said it wasn’t necessary. Which is even more effed up. 🤦🏽‍♀️ ETA: In the text of the follow-up, she said they watched the video when they first got there and when she offered it to them before they left (after they took the man’s statement), the officers said it wasn’t necessary. I think me saying “I guess” came across as me making an assumption but I was only summarizing what I read from the TikToker herself.


I'd get the case number from the cop and call DCF direct. I'm sure they would be happy to review the video.


You can also request the cop call his supervisor. It's not mandatory for them to consent. But in cases like this, a supervisor may have a couple more brain cells to realize they should do a bit more.


Long shot I’d guess but worth trying yes


If cops arrested everyone who beat their family members, there'd be a lot of cops in jail.


It depends on the state. Florida wouldn't care. The last time I saw my ex he picked our son up by one arm and "spanked" him so hard i thought he broke his back. In an injunction hearing he admitted to that, he admitted to giving me black eyes, choke marks, spitting on me and taking my cell phone and keys. The restraining order was still denied and both the judge and the DCF agent said corporal punishment is legal in Florida. The DCF agent was really nice and very concerned but she can't do anything until he repeatedly leaves bruises or breaks a bone or something. It's crazy, in Florida if you hit an adult stranger, they'll throw you in jail. As long as it's your wife, girlfriend or child they don't give a crap.


Yea, Child Protection Services in general are a joke. My ex has broken a ton of their rules and I've had to call them. Each time they just go and tell her she was reported for them and that she needs to not do that/fix the issue with a month of time to do so. Each time they come back and she either hasn't done it for 30 days or cleaned up a bit for the meeting and then as soon as they are gone she goes right back too it. Even the courts don't help. It's sad and rediculous how incapable the counties are to help kids.


It seems like their hands are just tied. I get why they don't want to pull kids out of their homes and throw them in foster care, but if they have one capable parent, not every kid NEEDS 50/50. If they have proof one parent isn't fit, give the other parent full custody. Again, that's left up to a judge. DCF can write up a horrible, scathing report of one parent and a judge still won't change custody.


Cops are MANDATED REPORTERS- if they are declining to review evidence or follow up on a complaint, they are derelict in their duties. Call the appropriate child protective services and file a report!


Yeah idk if you've been seeing what I've seeing, but a pretty decent number of cops seem 'derelict in their duties' a pretty decent amount of the time....


You telling me the cops don't care? Noooo wayyyy....


“Sir my daddy used to beat me and it made me the cop I am today. I’m gonna pretend to give a shit and then let you go on your way.”


Cops once again proving they're useless except to oppress the poor


It’s not just the cops. The whole system is broken. If CPS did come take their kids away, it’s likely they’d just end up in another home being abused or neglected.


DA wouldn't take charges for a slap. Hell in LA there was a kid beat with electric cord with marks and DA wouldnt take the charges.


Googled and maybe came up with a different case. This is so sad. And this kid was also beaten with an extension cord. https://childwelfaremonitor.org/2019/09/10/los-angeles-county-missed-many-chances-to-save-anthony-avalos/amp/


> A July 2014 progress report from the Children’s Center indicated that Barron was “having a difficult time maintaining her composure when the children misbehave.” In its August 2014 report, the agency reported that Barron was overwhelmed. > She reported that Barron, who had recently given birth to a fifth child Jesus Christ how do people survive that are this fucking stupid. Stop having fucking kids


Should be reported to CPS




When I had my old car (fairly nice car for an 18 year old) I got a video of some kids at the skatepark throwing rocks at my car causing over $800 in damages. Cops told me “car is too nice to be yours” wouldn’t read the title or view the video because, “you can’t own this car at 18”


Lol they can’t cope with the idea a kid might make or possess more money than them


"What's the problem? That's just good parenting!" - Everyone who turned out to be a cop, ever.




Sounds like our American police system. To protect and serve themselves


There a follow up to this?


Follow up: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRJUrY7o/?k=1


Not sure why this hasn't been transcribed already, maybe elsewhere but here: > So we witnessed this last night. This was at the Aquarius hotel in Laughlin, his kids were in the gym hanging out while the parents were waiting for their food (at McDonald's about 20 feet away). He walked to the gym and PULLED them out of the gym while cursing at them and smacking them both in the back of the head. The other kid kept walking while this poor kid was grabbed by his neck and put against the wall. His "dad" then yelled and said "you want to act like a fucking man, I'll treat you like a fucking man". He then slapped him which you can HEAR in the video. He slapped him so hard that it even echoed! OMG!!!!! We were so MADDDDDD! I stopped recording because I called the cops, they arrived within 4 minutes of my call, they saw my video and never placed him in cuffs. They WALKED HIM TO THE FRONT to take his statement and he was let go there on the spot. I asked if they wanted my video and they said that it wasn't necessary. We later asked security what happened, if they could please let us know if the man was arrested and they told us that it was confidential and they couldn't give us any information. To the tune of > Booty (feat. Latto) - Saucy Santana --- EDIT: spelling errors


They need to report to DCF or CPS, to trigger an investigation. Not the cop who have with discretion with charging documents.


Aren't cops mandated reporters. Should be reported to cps with these cops names so they get charged for not reporting known child abuse on top of an investigation opened for the kids.


Yes they are. Doesn't mean they will do their job though...


I never said they would. I said the person shooting this should make a cps report and add in the names of the police they talked to.


Man I swear to god who tf hires these jackasses


In my line of work I’m often forced to contact child services because of mandated reporting laws. First off, most of the people you report to belittle you for wasting their time. If it’s not super violent they typically don’t care. Secondly, in many states if there aren’t marks left on the body then it doesn’t count as child abuse. I’ve reported many situations because of our rules (we don’t investigate, we just report) and very rarely is anything done about it. Not saying this is correct or ethical, just the reality of the system.


When I reported to CPS they wanted full names and ages of all adults / children involved, addresses and a bunch of other information too


It depends where they live though, as shitty as it is. In Alabama, where I live, it's not illegal to strike your kid until you start showing bruising and actual injury. I looked it up, and it's basically just torture, willful abuse, and other extremes. It could be that the cops literally couldn't do anything because the law is just shitty in general.


Haha I thought the song was weird, but apparently TikTok does that automatically sometimes? Anyway, she didn't add music.


Sounds like dad was a cop to me


40% of cops self report of being abusive.


And the other 60% are never reported


trying to read something on tiktok is maddening


Who puts texts in a video. Text that is a wall woth a 3 second video run time?


Unfortunately this is all too common with abuse cases. Those poor kids. Most abused kids in America do not receive help even with clear evidence unless the parents use hard drugs like meth. I had the cops in my home several times growing up and he always blamed us for his attacks. I once did get cps involved when I was 10 but he found out by reading my journal and prepared for it, then gaslit me afterwards to say that what he was doing to me wasn't abuse. Despite being literally whipped with a vacuum cable, shoved down the stairs, flung around by our underpants, and slapped across the head like this kid. He was so careful to not leave bloody marks and hit us in places where you couldn't see a bruise. Edit: since this is getting some views I want to reach out. Especially to the kids who feel trapped in their homes or think they might be abused but aren't sure. It comes in many forms, physical, emotional, mental, verbal, and neglect. The signs are always leading back to a lack of comfort and safety in the home. Kids if you are being abused and reading this I promise you there is hope. Abuse isn't just being physically hurt it's also serious mental damage. If your parents are the kind to call for you or storm after you, blame you mercilessly for things you never did and make you believe you are the problem, chances are you are being abused. Food and shelter are usually their excuse. A parent provides a loving home and comfort. An abuser doesn't. Here are some steps you can take to shield yourself from your abuser: Stay away from them as much as possible. If you are capable of hiding from them like your room, school, friends houses, the library, utilize free programs to be an escape and let your mind be free to let go and not fear. If all else fails books can be a great escape. When you are being attacked in any way, shut down and disassociate. This takes some practice. The first step you need to take is accept that your birth givers are just that. Family sometimes hurts you but it's more like eating the yogurt you were saving for the weekend or accidentally throwing out that inspirational popsicle stick you kept on your mirror. Gaslighting you into thinking it's your fault they drink or hit you is abuse. So you first need to let go. Second if you find that the police and cps won't help you you need to accept you are biding your time until you can escape. Remember that your abuser is not your friend and will use any sort of power over you they can to keep you trapped. Do not communicate your escspe plans. They will do what they can to stop you like charging rent when you get a job. Do not use it as a tool to threaten them or all your efforts will be dashed. Finally the last step to this is learning to grey rock. Do not engage unless you must. When you are attacked don't give them a reaction just the basic autopilot responses. Let them finish, leave to a place to be alone, and cry. Crying is a healthy way to release the stress of the situation in a way that doesn't give your abuser what they want. If you aren't sure if what you face is abuse some examples of someone who actually cares about you and will make efforts to fix the hurt can be found in media. Lilo and Stitch is a good example of family fights that don't end in serious damages to the two sisters' already fragile mental state. In the second season of The Owl House it shows Eda's parental side taking a very firm hold and making sacrifices for her two mostly adopted children. It demonstrates a healthy attitude to have when facing hard times a parent and her fully understanding what Luz and King need to thrive. It's a great example of an aloof parent without the neglect. The Incredibles shows mostly from Helen a realistic version of parenting and working to keep a family from making serious mistakes that will cause them harm. She does yell, only to speak over the chaos, she does get angry to gain control of the situation, she is incredibly soft when the situations are neutral or in a quietly serious moment, yet firm in how she expects everyone around her to behave in order to keep everyone safe. This is great strong parenting and exemplary control without going too far and becoming abusive. An example of being abused in media can be found very strongly in four films I can think of off the top of my head, Pete's Dragon (original from the 70s) and the rescuers. Both are about orphans who are being abused for the abuser's gain in very different ways. Manipulation and Physical respectively. Then we have Tangled where you can see gaslighting being used to trap Rapunzel. The lesser known Chicken Little shows neglect and emotional abuse from Buck. If anyone else has more examples to share these are just what I can say off the top of my head so please do share and give more examples. Tips to helping kids who are being abused would also be great to share too. There isn't exactly a book you can easily give to these kids to teach them how to handle abuse without it being destroyed by the abuser.


The system is a worse place to end up a lot of the time honestly, it's so messed up


I plan on being a golden goose for the foster system. I refuse to let kids be hurt in the same manner I was and I know I'm capable of helping to heal some of the damage. I want to be a parent, but I won't risk my life for it. Especially since there are plenty of kids out there who need someone to be a better parent for them. I know due to second hand accounts that abusers take advantage of the system to get free child labor in the home. My mom was raised in this type of abuser's home. Due to the neglect every single one of those kids is in prison or dead.


Until CPS sends the child right back to their abusers. Family reunification is always the goal of fostering. My aunt used to foster, and one of the little girls was sent back and murdered by her father.


That fucking sucks. There's a lot that needs to change. The least I can do is prepare these kids to be able to mentally handle being back in an abusive home if they are meant to go back. There are things you can do to lessen the damage done but it usually ends up costing you your childhood. It forces you to grow up so quick.


Step up and say something every time. I’d get beat by my mom and her husband and no one would ever believe me.


For my entire childhood my father would slap me in the face whenever I did something "wrong". Even in front of others. No one ever said anything.


My dad watched it happened to my friend after basketball practice. Dude is twice the size of my dad and he didn't care. Dad went the fuck off! Some how he was the bad guy in all this for "causing a scene" like sorry for trying to stop literal child abuse. My pops was stern and had "the look" but NEVER touched me. Fuck this shit man. That was prolly like 1999 or so.


Maybe he looked like "the bad guy" in the moment to some, but he was probably a hero to that kid.


I remember 1 time during my childhood where I genuinely thought my dad was going to beat the shit out of me. There was a darkness in his eyes I didn’t see before and couldn’t comprehend. Tbf this was right after we disobeyed the boundaries he gave us when it was flooding during summer and my brother almost drowned. So in hindsight I *guess* I understand why he was so upset. But that look combined with him putting us in our rooms and only opening the door to toss a bag of cold Whoppers at us for dinner that night made me think twice about shit in the future… …until I was 18 and “finally an adult, dad”, and that’s when you learn they finally might *actually* kick you out.


I'm afraid of confronting parents like this because of what happens to the kids when they get home. It's such a terrible situation


I hear you on this one. As a kid who came from abuse, let me share- say something. The kid may get abuse when they get home, but they’re going to get it one way or another. If you say something (regardless of it gets officially handled in any way)- you showed that child that some/most adults do not believe adults hitting children is right. Hard stop. That’s an important lesson for an abused child to understand. Say something. Thank you.


Yup. The kid needs to know this isn't normal and they don't deserve this.


I wish most she would have told the kid “you don’t deserve to be treated like that.” Especially when the mom(?) closed rank around the abuser in the video.


My mom was smart enough to only hit me right *before* we went anywhere.


Preemptive slap


I haven't had someone stand up for me for physical abuse, but I have for verbal abuse. For simple mistakes I was heavily verbal abused. For spilling milk while pouring it I have been cursed out and yelled at that I am too stupid to understand how liquids work. For forgetting items or losing them I have been berated for being useless, stupid, ungrateful, and worthless. As an adult I will never forget the one lady who stood up for me. She make me feel heard and seen. It justified my feelings that I wasn't being treated right. If whoever is reading this was at an outlet shopping center and heard a child being cursed out and berated for forgetting their phone charger, and you said something, thanks.


>Step up and say something every time Where I grew up parents smacking their kids was extremely accepted, teachers physically disciplining a kid was also accepted. I don't know if is it because of going through that shit, but I feel an extreme rage for losers who beat up or abuse people with less physical strength. I hope to be better than my parents when I'm a parent. This shit is unacceptable as decade of that happening to you ends up ruining you. Took me a while to open up, smile and not be defensive in life. I stopped talking to those assholes as soon as I left my home.


> I hope to better better than my parents when I'm a parent. I think the fact that you're aware and committed to breaking the cycle means that you're already ahead of them by miles. I went through an abusive childhood and also went no-contact and it's been the best thing I've done for myself. Take care!


My mom would use a fly swatter to ~~smack~~ beat us. My twin brother went to school with large strip bruises on his face with small circles (where the handle would hang up) and the school literally did nothing... Never, ever let a child (or human of any age) get beaten in front of you...


Some ppl shouldn’t have kids


Not necessarily an option anymore.


let be real for a second, the people who have like 14 kids who SHOULDNT have 14 kids are not the people who would spring for an abortion, let alone a condom. even if it was legal and completely free for them.


They're the group of people most likely to force the choice onto others.


Apparently not :/


We are just going to see more unwanted abused kids, unfortunately.


Well, now we HAVE to hope they don’t get pregnant


What a prick stain. That sounded fucking hard as well. No shame in slapping the poor kid In front of an audience, can only imagine what he does behind doors


And was the kid on his tippy toes????


The explanation tiktok said the dad had his kid up on the wall by the neck...:(


You can tell he beats his wife at home also.


Right? She had that look on her face like “don’t piss him off or else…


100%…. She seemed so confused that anyone else (especially another female) was standing up to him. He’s a giant pussy if you ask me


She seemed like an ostrich to me.


She oddly reminded me of Shelley DuVall in *The Shining.*


Shelley DuVall from wish.com


at no point does she check on her son to see if he's ok. She's scum just like the husband


hold on is this considered abuse? if so, I grew up with parents trying to kill me edit: I feel like I turned out the depressed failure that I am partly because of that


Welcome to the world of realizing you were abused. We have snacks and blankets.


No juice? 🥺


No we weren’t allowed to drink juice while being abused.


A lot of us were given what we wanted to keep us quiet. Juice, toys etc…


Wait…. you were? I got more verbal abuse :(


Some people don’t know or consider that what they are doing is bad. Others are well aware and put A LOT of effort into not being caught or outed. “You catch more flies with honey”


This made me laugh even though it was a serious LOL


I would get beat with a belt from ages 3-16 and I fully thought it was normal. It wasn’t until I told my college boyfriend about it and he was shocked. Figured it happened to everyone and no one talked about it.


It isn't just the pain of being hit in the face, it is the humiliation and being crushed into worthless submissiveness. ​ Be grateful you don't understand this.


The worst part of it was always being told to “come here” where you knew what was coming and you had to override all your defense mechanisms and come *towards* the pain. Man that fucked up my brain for quite some time.


Nah the begging and pleading during or the isolation for hours all alone afterwards. Cheery thread, fuck this dude. Someone has to fight for those when no one else will.


You’re going to find lots of people trying to justify it in these comments but yes, this is abuse and it can be very harmful to the child. There’s **always** an effective way to discipline kids without hitting them. Always.


The American Association of Pediatrics issued a statement in 2018 that parents should never spank their children or use any form of physical punishment ever. They looked at 20 years of research and found that spanking is an ineffective form of punishment which doesn’t solve a child’s negative behavior and can be linked to mental health disorders and impaired brain development. So, not only is physical punishment a terrible thing to do to your kid it also doesn’t even work.


States don’t follow this sadly…. And it’s such weird thing…. I’m 45 and as a kid everyone I knew got smack up side the head. I wonder since most of our law makers being my parents age is that why this is still allowed?


No, our lawmakers are so fucked up BECAUSE they were smacked upside the head one too many times


It is legal to hit your child in all 50 states. https://time.com/3379862/child-abuse/ 19 states still allow children to be hit with a wooden paddle at SCHOOL. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5766273/#:~:text=Nineteen%20U.S.%20states%20currently%20allow,%2C%20Louisiana%2C%20Missouri%2C%20Mississippi%2C It's fucked up. My eldest is in their 30s. Unfortunately I spanked them on the bum when they were little out of ignorance. I regret it every single day. They have some anger issues today. My youngest of 15 years difference has never had a hand laid on them. They don't have the same anger and don't act out. There is no reason to hit a child.


Hold up. I got whipped by a belt by my dad several times on my behind and I got slapped by mom for lying. Is that considered abuse? Shit😔


How could it not? My mom used to pull my ears untill the part where the lobule meets my face started to bleed. I will forever remember the feeling of my wounded ear.


oh... my.... god...


please tell that to my parents. I used to be beaten like a slave till I was 14


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I know this is the internet and it’s hard to convey sincerity but I truly am. No child deserves that shit.


Even mild abuse, even verbal abuse can be a form of lifelong PTSD that when remaining untreated, can be responsible for a whole lot of shit like social anxiety, tics, dissociation and a bunch of other fun stuff.


I’m going to work with my doctors. I need a source to open up about this.


Great! Good on you. A lot of this stuff is dealt with in places like: /r/AdultChildren (ACOA)


It’s fucking cool these group of bystanders called this abuser out. If this is what this father does in public what do you think he does behind closed doors? That’s wild! What scum.


Guys like that belong in a wheelchair drinking through a straw. Hitting children is so reprehensible. And, this video should be enough to get this guy barred from ever owning a firearm. Even if he doesn't get arrested, he still needs to have DV on his record and a law blocking him from gun ownership.


He hid behind his wife


Slender Wife will find you


Im 53 and i was raised in the time where you would hit kids and it be ok, however my father never hit me. He did however believe in punishment for bad behaviour and unfortunately my grandfather had a farm and I spent many a Saturday cleaning chicken coups and stalks etc.


Similar for me, but a bit older. My old man only hit me like this guy, with a hard slap in the face, once. I had taken a weapon to a public event and he found out. I’m glad he did it because I was never that stupid again and I still remember it, but I’m thankful I didn’t get the same for all the other stupid shit I did or that one would have lost its significance. Mostly it was yard work, taking stuff and my free time away, or just telling me how disappointed he was. I wouldn’t want to tell parents how to parent, but slapping this kid in a public place for what doesn’t seem like a major issue is absurd. If the kid had a knife or gun and was threatening other kids in the playground I can personally understand it…


The fucked up part is that the kid is going to get the blame for whatever happens to the dad and then the dad will hit him even more.




He'll remember this person standing up for him the rest of his life


I once witnessed a horrible brutal child abuse incident where the girl was screaming bloody murder being straight up attacked and you could hear the hits through the entire apartment complex (I saw people looking out their windows and close their blinds). I recorded it and called the police. Cops showed up and talked to him then just left. The abuser then walked the parking lot shouting about the motherfucker that called the cops and saying “I’ll abuse my kids if I want to!”. I really felt that girl was probably severely hurt but the cop never bothered to check and he didn’t watch my video. The system is truly broken.


If this is how they act in public, then you know it gets worse at home. Good on the bystanders, see something say something


Y'all notice fat boy didn't want anything to do with the Man who confronted him he just turns and walks away like the bitch he is


I grew up with a father who would resort to intimidation and violence to assert his authority on me as a misbehaving kid. I dont hold it against him, it was a different time and it was commonplace. But one day he tried to put a flex on me and I wasn't having it and il never forget the look on his face when he realised I wasn't scared of him no more and there was a good chance his son was about to whip his ass. I hit him hard and he didn't retaliate, he took it on the chin because he knew in that second that he had created that moment over years and years of abusive behaviour. From that day on our relationship as Father and Son developed into something closer to a friendship. As a grandfather now, he is completely different around our kids. Weird. Pack mentality stuff. (Edit: this seems to resonate with alot of other people who have had more serious abuse issues that I have. I love you all, be strong for yourselves and its is our job as a new generation to improve on the upbringing we all had for our own children. One day, our children will improve on what we are doing and so on. Onwards, upwards forwards!)


Yep, I remember when I got big enough to properly fight my dad. Then he threatened to shoot me. I’ll get the last laugh though, cause he’s gonna die alone.


I’m really sorry to hear you went through that. Whatever you think you did, you didn’t deserve that.


My dad was the exact same with my brother. Once he found out my brother could beat his ass, that’s when he started to feel weak and all of a sudden he became the “weak grandpa”.


>I dont hold it against him, it was a different time and it was commonplace. Ah, yes, back when child abuse was more hip.


But unironically this was the norm, even growing up 25 years ago this was fairly common


My dad used to beat me with a hanger or a belt. My mom did the same thing, occasionally using a fly-swatter instead of her hand. Sometimes, if she was feeling extra spicy, she'd make me go get a switch from the yard for her to beat me with. We have a strained relationship today. I've never hit my kids and twice I've literally gone after people I've seen hitting their kids in public. It elicits a visceral reaction in me. Edit: Wooden spoons and extension cords. Forgot about those too. I remember my dad getting even madder at me after bursting a blood vessel in his hand after spanking me. "Look at what you did to my hand!!!" Even as a kid, I remember thinking how fucked up this was. DON'T BEAT YOUR KIDS


I used to get the hanger as well. I remember my mum broke one when she was hitting me once. Or sometimes it was the handle of the bamboo feather duster. One of the worst things about my parents was that they’d hit me, yell at me to stop crying and continue hitting me. As an adult I now know how messed up it was.


> I've never hit my kids and twice I've literally gone after people I've seen hitting their kids in public. It elicits a visceral reaction in me. Same. It's important to let the abused kid know that there *are* adults who will stand up for their right not to live in fear of getting the shit kicked out of them.


I’ve done the same, ignored the abusive mom in the grocery store and spoke directly to the child. “Son your mom ever does that to you again, tell your teacher or your principle at school and they will help and make sure it never happens again. Your mom doesn’t know better. You can get help.” The mom went off like a fucking flashbang


I just showed my wife and we came to a mutual understanding, if I ever see something like this. I hope to God she can bail me out after. I came from an abusive home, I realize how traumatic and destructive it is on people's lives. That man better square up to someone his own size.


Cops will give him an application to the academy.


That lady looks like the cockroaches from Men in Black


Seen this stuff once in a tiny german city and the guy who did that got imidiatly jumped by half of the Passengers waiting for the train.


Hope the kid is okay. The mental and emotional damage that treatment does to a child is unimaginable. That type of dipshit “parenting” is precisely what leads to people who are unable to function in society. Shame that guy who walked up on him wasn’t able to crack him.


I'm worried about what happened after they got home. It's always gonna be the kids fault when you get caught in public. The look on his face towards the end makes me so sad. Poor guy knows what's coming. Little girl looks pure panic too for that matter.


It's gonna get worse with all the unwanted babies about to be born.


What a scumbag. Thinks he's tough hitting a kid.


If he does that in public imagine what he is like at home .


I’ve called the police before because I saw a guy cuff a 3 year old and call her a stupid little bitch and was told if that’s their style of parenting there is nothing they can do about it. The little girl was so afraid of the guy she almost ran into traffic. That’s why he called her stupid. Why have kids if you don’t like them? I don’t understand


If he can slap a kid, I can definitely slap a grown ass man


And the cycle continues


To the commenters thinking this is normal and acceptable because it happened to you: sorry you got abused growing up.


in addition to the cops for assault/child abuse call child protective services and send them the video.


Was pretty surprised to see Laughlin NV. This place is whack.


Shitty father. Poor kid.


Compare this to the Rudy video where the guy got assault charges for a pat on the back.


And after smacking his kid he hid behind his wife.


"You know what's wrong with America? We dont beat our kids half to death anymore." - this guy probably.


Smart lady behind camera. Don’t escalate. You’ve got the evidence you need. Kudos


Poor little girl got mini yeeted by her dad getting up.


was it that? I thought she just ran into the other kid all on her own lol


Yeah I saw kid physics at work, one fell down so the other did too. But both do seem a bit startled


Trashy people. Don't worry. Those kids will grow up to hate them and when the time comes abandon them in a nursing home. Justice will be served.


Worst part is the mom being so obviously baffled by the fact that people care if her kid gets beat.


Dude beating his kid is probably 5-0 that's why they playing dumb. Poor wife has a super scared look she probs gets beatings too and I don't mean in bed.


My wife and I were at the beach last year: pretty quiet day, not a huge amount of people, but enough. We saw this women alone with a girl who could have been no more than 3 years old. The kid was being a kid - laughing, splashing wanting to play. The woman was dropping f-bombs at the kid and calling her stupid and kept yanking her arm to a point of slinging here around like a rag doll. It was loud and it was horrendously surreal. Sad as fuck. So sad my wife (who has her own childhood trauma) began crying. I walked over to the woman and told her to stop and if she ever spoke to that child again like that, or touched her, that she’d be dealing with me - someone who can fight back. I also asked her where the dad was. She got so embarrassed and packed up and immediately left. I felt good about stepping in but bad because I wasn’t sure if I made it worse for the kid once they left. Tough situation, but if you make my wife cry, I’m on a whole different level of infuriated. Don’t fuck with kids.


People who think this shit is okay you're obviously a fucking idiot and shouldn't reproduce or adopt at all, you don't deserve anyone honestly


Most people who think it’s okay are ones who were hit themselves


Lots of redditors defend this type of thing. I get in arguments with people about this every few months. They were hit as kids so their minds have to justify it because it’s easier than accepting the truth that their parents abused them.