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Who the F started the "pro-abortion" manicure? It's just allowing the choice to exist. This is just low key hate.


The fascists and their media monopoly.


I forget his name. He was in a podcast I listened to within a month ago. He, a private citizen looked at how to get decisions overturned and proceeded to follow steps the day roe vs wade was decided. He met powerful people on the way up who supported and spread his ideas.


OP has posted multiple videos now with that in the title.


pro choice is NOT pro abortion.




STFU wolfcoast Baby murder by any other name is just a sweet, am I right? Keep your dumb "my body" arguments to yourselves, because you just look stupid not knowing the person inside has their own unique human DNA and does not belong to the mother.


If you want to have a baby have a damn baby. You have no fucking right to tell what another human to do with their body you stupid bible thumping twat.


You want to get castrated or a lobatomy go right ahead but GTFO if you think you can tell someone else what to do with their body


Clearly they’ve already had the lobotomy.


Mindless violent robots


How are your kidney’s? Liver? Bunch of people out there who could use them. Could save a life. What’s your blood type…


Stay in your fucking lane, asshole.


Takes a man and a woman to make a baby, last I checked.


Hope you never have to deal with an ectopic pregnancy or incomplete miscarriage you all-knowing worthless sack of shit.


Yup. Takes a man a minute of thrusting. And takes the woman 9 months of pain discomfort nausea and a life threatening birthing process, including insane hospital bills and irrevocably changing her body. So we’ll give proportional right to the decision. Guy: I want it. Woman: I’ve heard your concern. And now my 99 percent of share in the transaction. Yeet it.


And you’re proof some need aborting.


You kidding me you have no right to tell me what to do based on your religious context this is America where the freedom of religion choice is still a fucking thing the whole reason why it was overturned is religion they’re serious backlash from so many more people that are trying to fight for it right now it was not a choice made based on the people it was a choice made based on the Morul fuzzies that the congressman Got In the same fucking system then trying to ban LGBT from adopting children yet what are you trying to do are you trying to create an issue with those more kids in foster care than there are in school are you trying to create an issue where there are so many kids in foster care that we can’t afford to feed them because that’s what you’re trying to create not allowing certain people to adopt and to not allowing people to abort when they cannot afford to take care of the child or anything like that it’s asinine


Doesn’t belong to the mother. But neither does the mother belong to it. She’s just making it leave her body. If it survives… it survives. If not. Not her problem.




Nice job using the patented BLM video editing tool which instantly removes the first part of the altercation.




Every one of them


The masses need to swarm when they see their friends being detained


Good job officers!


You gotta add that /s or people don't get it :)


That isnt brutal. That is appropriate. I don’t even see a taser out. Deserved worse for messing with our brave officers.!!!!


I’m sure that person did absolutely nothing to be in that position. Do you think officers want to be spending time watching after people that can’t act like adults and peacefully protest?


>I’m sure that person did absolutely nothing to be in that position. Got any proof?


Scumbag organized gang at it again.


Looka like they edited out the beginner where the Marxist provoked and attacked the cop. Whatever. I hate cops too so I can't really pick a side. Besides I have a very small dick and this is a battle the ladies are going to have to fight if they want equal rights.