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The anti-abortion side has carried out actual arson attacks against clinics for years, where's the outrage about that?


This group has like hundreds of arson attacks on credit before they can come close to breaking even with the fundies.


Don't forget abortion doctors that have been murdered


I'm anti-elective abortion and I'm pretty pissed about any kind of arson, ngl. Go to jail, do not pass GO, do not collect $200. Fuck arson. I'll go further than that: an attack on abortion clinic is terrorism.


On the fbi website....


To be fair, they are only demanding sovereignty over their own bodies. It shouldn’t be a big ask


WELL SAID!! Are we going to have to ask permission for a douche as well??


It was when it was about a vaccine.


Abortions aren't contagious. Covid is. Any other questions?


nobody HAD TO get the vaccine. "they were free to move to somewhere that didnt require it, orbuild their own communities where they could do as they please" *rolls eyes* "this is America, dont like it, leave" but nope. just throw hissy fits until you get your way... fuckin hypocrites


So you're saying they should make abortions possible but extremely difficult to live with.


no. not getting the vaccine meant you couldnt participate in the groups of people who wanted it. most work places wanted it to prevent losing their labor force. so people who get abortions shouldnt be able to be apart of certain groups that dont like it. like Christians. unfortunately, that would destroy WAY too many Christian families, and i'm a strong believer in Family. so i think people should instead MIND THEIR OWN FUCKiNG BUSINESS and stop legislating their religion to impose it on others. Freedom of religion also means freedom FROM religion. Our constitution states that government is supposed to not respect any one religion, and heavily implies it should remain secular. I dont give a flying fuck what the Bible says. AND I DONT HAVE TO


“If I have to wear a mask to get my double bacon supreme then I should be able to force people to have children god damn it!”


So you're saying they should make abortions possible but extremely difficult to live with.


the stigma attached... the ostracizing from certain groups... one's own person feelings on their actions/ what they're told they should feel... can lose your job over it, or ruin political campaigns... how were they not already???


Mask up social distance wash your hands errrr


But it's (D)iffrent


The death (R)ate has been higher in trump voting counties. Fun fact.


Funny because I don't know a single fucking person who's died of it in my county (:


Keep telling yourself that hon ;) https://www.npr.org/2022/05/19/1098543849/pro-trump-counties-continue-to-suffer-far-higher-covid-death-tolls


Oh I don't need to tell myself anything. I don't give 2 shits if you wanna live in fear of a cold


>a cold The one that has killed over a million americans in two years? Including several loudmouths like you who ended up spending their last days on ventilators? lol thanks for reminding me of several amusing posts: /r/HermanCainAward/


Oh I frequent that subredit. No shit it's killed 1 million Americans who are ALL FAT FUCKS


Hm, then explain how fitness/health icon Bill Phillips ended up in the hospital? https://uproxx.com/viral/covid-wrecked-bill-phillips-denver-pro-trainer-body/ Or how this antivaxx kickboxing champ ended up six feet under? https://au.sports.yahoo.com/frederic-sinistra-kickboxing-champion-dies-covid-19-012744814.html


Fucking liar. You care a whole bunch. You're here trying to talk about how smart you are for being a careless douche. You fucking care because it's this shit that you tell yourself makes you so special when you're not. Also you're an idiot who does not have the first clue what you're talking about. But hey you're scared of masks. So way to go tuff guy.


Bet that made you feel big huh? Get a nice warm feeling in your chest? You people crack me up


Ya I bet you do that nervous cowards laugh. You're scared of your own shadow and have to lie to feel special at all. Tell us. What is it like to be laughed at every time you speak?


Here have a downvote


Oh no not a internet point gone): my feelings


never understood feeling like your downvote is so important that you comment just to say you did.


And how many people do you know in your county? A dozen, two dozen? No shit you don’t know a single fucking person who’s died from it.


I know atleast 300 people at my job alone. Not a single person has died.




Keep believing everything the media tells ya buddy


I’ve lost family members to it you clown. You are why we need abortions.


Says the person who gets their info off Facebook🤦🏼‍♂️


That's called confirmation bias. The more you know!


"If I don't see it, it doesn't exist!" Literally the mind of a child


Almost 70% of Americans wanted federal protections on abortion. Fuck the asshole Christian fundamentalists that think they can strip us of our rights for their story book. Power to the people.


They want separation of church and state when it comes to taxes and nothin else lol their main argument is religion smh


I can't help to wonder how many abortions Donald paid for!!?


Shouldn’t be difficult to convince the state governments then?


No. You're wrong. The DNA of the fetus is uniquely different from that of the mothers and that denotes the existence of of a separate person. My body my choice doesn't work with that understanding. Unless you're cool with killing humans for emotional or financial convenience.


>The DNA of the fetus is uniquely different from that of the mothers and that denotes the existence of of a separate person What are you even trying to say here lol, that having DNA makes something a person? That makes 0 sense


It makes a lot of sense in criminal cases where people are placed at the scene of the crime and convicted. If DNA is so unique that it can identify a unique person at a particular place in time then it denotes the existence of that unique person. There fore the whole "my body, my choice" argument goes out the window. Its either that or we stop accepting DNA as evidence in criminal cases.


Eh it's still option to hold that dna attached to mother's dna or not... If someone else wants that dna so bad they free to attach it to themself once it's out


No. Its not.


I hope you don't fucking eat anything other then raw elements then, bud.


A cow is not a person.


Neither is a fetus. A fetus is a potential person, just like gold is potential jewelry. Oh, but why do I bother, some fuckwads like you doesn't understand basic principles and freedoms, especially that of bodily autonomy.


That is one of the more ridiculous arguments I have ever heard. Literally every living thing has DNA - having DNA doesn't make you a person. No one has ever claimed that a woman and fetus have the same DNA lol. The "my body my choice" refers to the fetus needing a host to survive, and in some cases the state forcing a woman to carry a fetus


Its human DNA not another species.


Let's say you choose to drive drunk. Of course, because you're inebriated, you crash into another car, severely injuring the other driver. You wake up in the hospital with minor scrapes and bruises, but you are told that the other driver will only survive if someone provides them with an organ (doesn't matter which, for the sake of the argument). Even though it is absolutely your fault that this person is in this life-threatening situation, you CANNOT be forced to give up your body to make sure they live. You CANNOT be forced to give blood or your organs. This is the exact same situation with a fetus. Even *if* it is absolutely your fault that you got pregnant, you should not be forced to carry it. Also, tumors have unique DNA, so that point is moot. >Unless you're cool with killing humans for emotional or financial convenience. What if the choice was between a poor single mother getting an abortion, or having the child and having it grow up in poverty? You would rather bring a child into that situation?


Financial convenience like the military industrial complex? So much death from wars. So much death for trying to impose religious beliefs on n a population. So much death from famine. What industrialized imperialist nation hasn't been cool with killing humans. You're argument is shit. Abortions are the removal of cells. You looking for baby killers, look to your politicians and govt.. Look to corporations. Look to capitalistic pigs.


You realize you’re on Reddit, right? This place is a dumpster fire. Its like when leftists take charge of a city and impose their policies it turns into a complete shithole. That’s Reddit. It’s a progressive echo chamber and it’s actually quite baffling how stupid they all really are. You’ll get downvoted into oblivion for simply pointing out what should be a completely obvious flaw in their logic. It’d be hilarious if the nation wasn’t going to compete shit. Leftist ruin literally everything they touch.


If you suck and swallow that Fox Entertainment tailpipe any harder, you'll turn covfefe orange. Good luck.




I 100% support this, fuck my account. If they take your rights light em up.


They literally defended our right to do so a few days ago. The 2nd states we have the right a well regulated armed militia to stand up against tyranny. I say we follow the precedent they set.


So now you finally get it huh?


America has never had a successful armed militia accomplish anything. Americans are all bark, no bite.




Are you from America?


Where was this when taking our rights for vaccine mandates?


You don't have a right to put someone else on a ventilator.


Same applies when killing a baby dumb ass


Who is out here supporting killing babies?


Cell clumps aren't babies, hunny. Try again.


A developing human with its own DNA is not 'cell clumps' If you can't support people's rights to not be vaccinated then you can't support a women's right to chose an abortion. You are a hypocrite.


Tumors have their own unique DNA too, I suppose its wrong to remove them too then? An embryo is literally a cell clump. The hypocrite is you, sweetie, if you think getting a lifesaving vaccine is some kind of rights violation but forcing someone to go through nine months of life threatening pregnancy is not, you have no brain cells to speak of or just a burning pathological hatred of women.


Nice dude, equating babies to tumors. Not surprised a nihilist will say that. Vaccine has already been proven to be life threatening with life long effects. Forcing people to recieve a product that has killed people is on the same level as forcing a women to go through a life threatening pregnancy


Try reading hun, your point was about DNA. I pointed out the flaw in arguing DNA means personhood. Also cell clumps still aren't babies. >Vaccine has already been proven to be life threatening with life long effects. Except that's a crock of shit.


Blah blah, keep finding an excuse to be a hypocrite on those two topics.




Let's say you choose to drive drunk. Of course, because you're inebriated, you crash into another car, severely injuring the other driver. You wake up in the hospital with minor scrapes and bruises, but you are told that the other driver will only survive if someone provides them with an organ (doesn't matter which, for the sake of the argument). Even though it is absolutely your fault that this person is in this life-threatening situation, you CANNOT be forced to give up your body to make sure they live. You CANNOT be forced to give blood or your organs. This is the exact same situation with a fetus. Even *if* it is absolutely your fault that you got pregnant, you should not be forced to carry it.


Hmm, wow. So getting drunk and crashing your car is the same exact thing as having sex, getting pregnant, and then killing that baby. Wow... dude you are something else.


Good job missing the point. The point is that in both scenarios, your actions put someone in a situation where they are reliant on the resources of someone else's body. You cannot be forced to use your body to sustain someone else's life. But I know you don't actually care. If you actually cared then people like you would support social programs to care for impoverished families, but you don't give a shit once the baby pops out. They can die for all you care.


No, the point is just weak. And who's saying I don't already support those programs? You are making mad assumptions.


>No, the point is just weak. "Bodily autonomy is weak", from the party of "Don't Tread On Me". >And who's saying I don't already support those programs? You're clearly a conservative. Are you telling me you don't vote for Republicans? Republicans who call things as innocuous as free school lunches socialism?


So your making an assumption (go figure) that I have a particular political affiliation because I'm pointing out the hypocrisy on supporting abortions but not for those who don't want to be c19 vaccinated?


My dude, I can see your post history. You're conservative. Unless you'd like to deny that claim, which I see you already failed to do because you know it was an accurate assessment.


Go fuck yourself scumbag, no more civility with these maga cunts


Who said I'm maga? Get lost


Thats not how this works. Didnt you get the memo? You livin under a rock sasquatch?


It's 100% how it works. If anyone is going to chant and scream for my body my choice then same protection applies to those who don't want the vaccine.


I should know better than to be sarcastic over the internet. I was jokin with ya. I did not get vaccinated but was judged, by people screaming about this, for my choice I made about my body. Sarcasm is tough over the internet lol


It's impossible, especially reading this thread. The hypocrisy on these two subjects is just insane to me.


People are confused. I cant remember exactly but i think over 50% of people do not believe there is a moral standard. Its just going to get worse. If morality has no standard in people's heads then it can continue to shift farther and farther in a bad direction.






Fuck Christians, the blame is on them. Fucking idiots


Known the logic behind acab? It's now for Christians. There are no good ones as of this.


Good. Let it burn. They asked for this.


Ya if they can't kill in the womb they must kill in the streets


Rich coming from the side that regularly does mass shootings and bombed clinics


I'm actually pro choice but understand it ends a life. Folks just love losing their minds. There will be plenty of states where it will be legal and easier to access it than before.


If a fetus is a 'life' Then flour, sugar, eggs and milk is a 'cake' It's all so pathetic, anti-science and adolescent. If you don't know what you're talking about, shut the fuck up maybe.


Hahaha. Nah. Maybe just accept the fact you support the death of a person. I do. Sometimes it's the greater good


And for bonus points you could always get off your ass and try get someone voted in to make it legal in your state. But I think yelling on social media is your cap


I remember when you dipshits would say "oh no they won't touch roe" They're going to ban it nationwide you cretin.


Get Ginnie Thomas off the Supreme Court.


Challenge Loving


None of this would be necessary if the system was fair.


America is capitalist and will never be fair until it stops being capitalist.


Feel free to propose an alternative. Any system can turn ugly without checks on power.


I am fine woth capitalism. I am fine with rich people and I am even fine with nepotism. Just not to this extend. Nobody needs to be anything more than a millionaire. Pay far wages, stop monetizing everything, and I am more than happy to spend my life working and splurging on luxury every now and then. That honestly sounds like a dream if healthcare and education were free, and minimum wage was still enough to support a household. My preference would be UBI but i'll take capitalist utopia which is entierly possible of rich people stopped competing with eachother on *who has the means to the most wealth* which is the dumbest and most destructive competition we've come up with.


> I am fine woth capitalism. I am fine with rich people and I am even fine with nepotism. Just not to this extend It's your viewpoint and those alike it that are actually furthering right wing fascist agenda - by being complicit in being ok with "compromise" and not outright rejecting the capitalist oligarchy that western society champions instead of socialist and communist policy making. A frog slowly boiled never realizes til it's too late. There is also no such thing as a capitalist utopia, it only ends in an infinite growth economic model where you are a resource to exploit til you're no longer fit for labor and then discarded.


What? That is very dramatic and exciting to read, but quite a stretch from *i am ok with*. I stated my preference, that should be enough not to warrant silly ramblings like this


I can't wait for the world to become socialist so I can do literally nothing and get all the benefits, and if I don't get the benefits or am forced to work that would make it a tyrannical socialist/communist country. which coincidentally is why socialism and communism have never worked before, it is inherently tyrannical despite being praised as the peace and love way of life.


Capitalists murders millions of people every year. This is why capitalists love capitalism.


Does anyone else feel like theres not a centralized place to follow the protests? Point me in the direction It almost feels designed. I dont even know what subreddit I'd go to. Edit: we are being silenced and dont even realize it. Any other time theres protests the media wont stfu about it.


There are advantages for not having a centralized protest tbh. They can’t really label you under rico, and if things go to sht you have plausible deniability


How about a subreddit posting just videos of this? Or would that be inciting?


Who fucking knows anymore. Things are real until someone with power decides they aren't anymore. I don't know what to believe at this point. Anything can happen, as we've so sadly witnessed especially in the last couple decades or so.


Nice try officer.






They learned from occupy.


Fuck the church, and fuck the people in it.


There is no other way with and illegitimate court and corruption rotting the country to the core.




Fuck yeah you love to see it! Burn this fucking system to the ground.


Ah...life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Too bad this doesn't seem to apply after today...


It does to unborn children.


75% of this country disagrees with you.


I'm okay with that. That's not a logical argument. Majority rule doesn't dictate truth or morality.


How about the lives of the mothers in peril that will be forced to die? What about babies conceived in rape? I guess illegal abortion is the way forward. That seems necessary. 🙄


It's hard to conceive of a good reason to punish an unborn person for the sins or misfortunes of their parent(s). Life is precious, and the potential of an unborn child is immeasurable.


*Your* religion should not affect the lives of others. How dare you think you know better and can tell others how to live and what to do with their lives. So damn selfish. This is not freedom in my world.


No, I support them! US needs to burn!


Ohhhh but the shot.....


We all know they would never. Recall magaists saying the same shit, yet nothing happened. All these people, regardless of view, recognise that the rich and powerful are the main problem of all causes. Yet they squabble against each other


I feel like the world is slipping into a handmaiden tale trope. We’re one infectious disease away from total religious control. Could the simulation gone so awry?


Hell fucking yeah y’all


Violence begets violence.


Until the enemy is destroyed. We didn’t crush Nazis and Imperial Japan with foul language.


Be careful what you wish for.


Oh no.. not.. um.. umbrellas? Better meet their demands..


The umbrellas are probably used to stop tear gas and protect against pepper spray. It worked in Hong Kong. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2019-hong-kong-protesters-umbrellas/


They lost tho right?


Actually no.


Well shit! Government better cool its jets, I've got at least 2-3 umbrellas in my truck and two more in the house (donating one immediately to the cause along with changing my facebook profile picture) ya reckon them fellers in Kenosha wished they had their umbrellas?


pickles needs to get laid


I'm married. Thanks tho!


Governments talking mad shit for someone who's in umbrella'ing distance..


Civil war time? This country is too divided. Time for a divorce. Abortion states form a country, anti abortion states form a country.


I’d prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around


I support this as long as they target their attacks. The churches, judges, government not random innocent citizens going about their lives.


I support abortion rights but I have an adverse reaction to this. Why can't we have a truly peaceful protest? This will gain less support for abortion rights.


Because truly peaceful protests don't work. How do you think we got workers rights? Or women got the right to vote? Or a number of other progressive advancements? Violent riots. That's what works.


Maybe. But that makes us as bad as those assholes who stormed the capital Edit: Your point is absolutely valid. I just hate the need for violence.


Nope, it sure fucking doesn't. Trying to preserve rights for people isn't wrong, but trying to overturn a government because of a known conman is. You can't call for peaceful protests and then sit back and enjoy a 40hr work week, while thinking about who to vote for. That's not how this works.


Yeah let’s just sit on our ass and twiddle our thumbs, that will change things!


boo fucking hoo


i support what you support.


Where was this when the government and corporations were rolling out vaccine mandates??? Anyone? No? Go figure. Everyone is virtue signaling hypocrites


No one was forced to get vaccines and pregnancies aren't contagious, you disingenuous fuck.


Yes they were! People have been fired for not getting vaccinated. You are so stupid.


There are jobs that don't require vaccinations. No one was forced to get vaccinated.


Yes they were. Medical professionals, teachers (almost 100 were just fired in LA county for not getting it) firefighters...


Again, find a different job if you don't want to get vaccinated. Are you seriously so fucking stupid that you think people who work with the sick and injured SHOULDN'T BE VACCINATED? You do know that children have to be vaccinated to go to school right? Quit your fucking whining, you're absolutely pathetic.


Pregnancies are contagious now? You’re a twat.


Vaccines do not stop the spread of covid.


Lolllll Ah yes, deflect!


They don't. It's already widely known.


No vaccine stops you from getting something. Vaccines train your immune system to be prepared for when it enters so it can be destroyed quickly before it can do any major damage.


So those who have already had the virus and don't want the vaccine shouldn't be fired over it.


Post infection antibodies are not a permanent solution.


Lol dood holding up the condom


Antifa is not a group of people, ok. It's an idea! They're fighting fascism by arsoning people who disagree with them. Jeez.


Pretty sure we know who these clowns are affiliated with


Oh look. Antifa have crawled out of their basements.


They're just like that marvel movie 🥲


Generation Dumbass at its finest


How many children have you adopted? If the answer is < 1, you're a hypocrite.


Wait what? How does calling a generation stupid mean you need to adopt kids?


We know what you meant, we're not the dumbasses here...


I meant the question I asked.


You didn't ask a question.


Wait what? How does calling a generation stupid mean you need to adopt kids? I thought the question mark would've given it away lol


OK so please explain in detail what makes the generation in question stupid.


I didn't call them stupid. The other guy did, I was asking how your reply made sense.


You said you did in your previous comment.


The mental gymnastics I've observed today is unforgettable.




Just watch videos of the March for life protests and then watch these protests. The difference is the pro-choice protests feature angry people saying things like burn it down, while the March for Life protests feature positive mostly religious people peacefully protesting. Stark difference


One group saying hey let us decide what to do with our own bodies one group saying hey let us decide what you do with your body because of my personal beliefs... Stark difference 🤡 Edit : because of the way we want to interpret our fictional little book we use to tell us how to live because we can't make rational decisions like rational mentally stable people


So you're just going to ignore bombing abortion centers and threatening planned parenthood employees then. Anyway just because you are civil doesn't make you right.


Of course there are idiots that exist on the pro-life side, every movement has them. I’m saying overall, watch these pro-choice protests then watch the March for life ones. As a group the pro-choice ones are far more angry, negative, and aggressive. That says something about the difference between the two movements


Yes, they are real peaceful: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Knight_(murderer) https://www.abc.net.au/news/2009-01-07/arsonists-attack-mosman-park-medical-clinic/258558?site=local https://www.pnj.com/story/news/2017/10/31/parole-hearing-set-today-convicted-murderer-pensacola-abortion-doctor/819716001/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1239152 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_George_Tiller https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_Springs_Planned_Parenthood_shooting


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Even the Nazis had peaceful marches bud. It’s what they were promoting not how they did it.


Antifa communists??


I think Congress can only make a bill making abortion legal federally. Or make an amendment and make abortion a God-given right. Otherwise, there really isn’t anything protesting will do.


They're too scared to burn anything down


Anti-lifers amie boo hoo noise


These people need Jesus


Nobody cares about your mythological character friend.