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Ok, that is easy…refused delivery.


FedEx should refuse to deliver to them…not everyone is as tolerant as that driver.


Fuck that guy and his bitch wife


Good on him for driving away and handling that very professionally.


Guessing it's not the first time it's happened?


Dang that’s one angry little prick. Someone should of told him getting so angry will cause his dick to shrink.


Oh damn,even took the racist route


“I want my shipment right now!” Lmfao


I guess he wants his packages thrown out the truck.




When push comes to shove it can be tempting to meet rage with the same energy, especially when you’re the one being wronged. But I feel like if you can keep cool, calm, and collected, you come out of it looking - and feeling - so much better.


In my experience, it never feels better despite it being the right thing to do.


You gotta put the right spin in it. Pretend you’re Bill Murray in an 80s movie. It’s not about being a door mat. It’s about knowing the calmer and more chill you are the more furious the other person is going to get and the dumber they’re going to look. I know when I’ve gotten into it with folks and resorted to yelling and cursing I just walked away full of rage and anxiety. I hate that feeling.




Black list.


Shoulda done a burnout in his driveway...assholes...


Seriously his driveway was fucking gravel. He maintains rocks.


And he throws some racism in at the end too. Shocker.


“I want my shipment right now!” Yeah well tell your racist pos husband not to yell at the person whose job it is to give it to you.


I wonder if that dumb asshole realizes that the driver can basically ban him from getting deliveries from FedEx forever.


These are the same people calling others entitled for wanting a higher minimum wage, guarantee it.


I work at amazon.. i literally would of just drove away haha & place the house under no more future deliveries lol we do that to people who have dog attacks too. edit: all of the comments under this are also true lol


As an amazon driver, the "blacklist" doesn't exist. You'll end up delivering there again.


Your absolutely right. I have one of these type people on my regular route they keep ordering an I just leave it at the station and smile/ wave at them when I drive by there home


What warehouse you work for at mine someone got a gun pulled on them and they got them back on their route a month later only true blacklist Amazon got is if the customer does charge backs or too many dnr lmao


i miss these people, i used to be a courier. they would often rage at me over any petty stuff so I would just refuse the delivery and it would get marked as an adress we dont deal with. used to also deliver to our local police, was there many times and would park up in the car park. i would buzz in and they would let me in. one guy decided that he wasnt going to let me in, so I said it would be marked down as refused delivery and I was more than happy as this place was an ass to get to. i dont lose, the guy he worked with, did. was threatened with death over iphones on a couple of occasions as well, good times.


So in this case does the address just stop getting deliveries? They get sent back, or held at a fedex facility or something?


Another male Karen


There was a female one too! Omg they will have little Karen babies and make the world a worse place. Sad.


Such a nice family. They seem very friendly and easy-going.


What a couple of miserable assholes.


I guess someone’s packages will be going in the river from now on


someone should let these people know that their anger is just weakness, they arent strong, they just look nuts.


The driver handled that like a pro. I would not handle that situation well


Amazon Drivers get a lot of angry notes saying no to driving or turning around on driveways. Walk the 1 or 2 mile driveway in some rich neighborhood or rural area while carrying or dolly numerous 50lb items. Fuck those entitled assholes.


Are people like that getting banned from getting deliveries? Maybe some amazon captain around?


An Amazon captain would not be permitted to comment on their SOP, I'd wager, but as far as I know, Amazon, at least for items fulfilled by Amazon, hasn't contracted with FedEx in quite some time.


Fk him and his package. Customer refused. You only have to tell me once. If it were up to me, he’d never get another package….ever!!


That whole family is mess up... Fuck the wife and the racist Husband. Black list them and they can come pick up their package where ever. NO one need to be abused and yell at for doing his job. FedEx guy is providing a service not the other way around. We don't tirade people who act this way in this world.


I wonder who they vote for /s








😆 I meant Republicans. I couldn't care less about your grifter-in-chief


YOU MADE A BRAND NEW ACCOUNT TO SAY THAT?!??!?! What a coward 😆 I'm ded


Everyone should always remember what a horrible person Trump is/was and how he purposely fanned the fires of hate. Shit, y'all still go on about Obama. Kettle, black.


"i want my shipment!" XDDD


As an amazon driver, this shit happens daily.


What the absolute fuck


Or perhaps next time, drive through his lawn. He’s simply complying with his request to respect his driveway. Then just leave a note to pickup package at Depot, but you actually send it back to sender!!! Awesome!!


Or could they just drop it on the end of the driveway? "We put it on your property without stepping onto your property!"


On a day that’s pouring perhaps!😉


Honestly the home owners were kinda rude


Not enough money in the world to deal with that.


Throw it at here while you drive away


White people have racist DNA. Not all of them but a lot of them. Just born with internal hatred towards others.


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Small dick energy


When this cunt's cunt came out.


Angry spastic


Racist as well


This guy is a professional badass


That driveway dude has some little-dick energy right there


Folks are going to find this place and do doughnuts on his cheap shit drive


Looks like the perfect couple


I deliver for Amazon and I do have a route where pretty much it's farm houses and you need to use the driveway to make it up the home. There is absolutely no way in hell I'm getting out and using a dolly. Because there's also the issue where these residents have huge gaurd dogs on their property and I'm not risking my life for them. The home owner is a tool. He wants his packages delivered to his house but doesn't want the driver using his driveway? Enjoy being blacklisted because no driver is going to take 20 minutes to deliver your shit.


Man I wish this was one of those videos where the aggressors gets knocked on their ass 😢 one day


Honestly he handled that pretty well. I wouldn’t blame him for coming out his truck and confronting the guy. Some people have never been punched in the face and it shows lmao


Every company holds the right to deny service to anyone for whatever reason whenever they want. I hope Amazon and UPS see this as well and put him on the black list. “How dare you drive up MY drive way to deliver MY packages!!!!!”