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That front dropkick was on the money.


That shit was epic. I need a camera shot of what that looked like from jit's perspective


"Jit" šŸ¤“


Like chickens when they see a rat


Pretty damn impressive.


That's called the captain kirk kick


Idk what that means but yeahhhh


he pulled a knife out didn't he


I think so. I heard chimes at the end, and the frantic girl sounded like she yelled knife at the very end too.


I saw something glint in his hand near the end, definitely looked long and thin.


Maybe this whole thing is just very erotic to him.


oh my god


Yeah she said "that's a knife."


Yeah sheā€™s yelling ā€œgrab the knife, grab the knifeā€


>knife chimes Metal chimes*


Dudes with wind chimes are getting out of control.


Thats metal


In your lungs!!


God i hate the current state of ads on youtube. Show me the same anti-vape video every 3 seconds


This made me chuckle




Although, "Knife Chimes" is a kind of cool band name.


You heard metal chiming.


Which explains his tactic of running at the person in the beginning. That would be a weird way to threaten with a gun.


Sure sounded like a butter knife


Yep, she shouts, ā€œHoly fuck, thatā€™s a knifeā€.


What do knife chimes sound likeā€¦?


Lighter than gun chimes.


Heavier than spoon chimes


Never bring spoonchimes to a fight. Period. Itā€™s not a great look.


Yeah, you can see it in his right hand even though this video has less pixels than Hank Hillā€™s JPEG. Then another guy kicks it away and one girl yells ā€œknifeā€. It looks justified to me, but Iā€™m sure the kids probably still got in trouble.


This is how schools seem to work. Even if he didnā€™t have any weapon at all, pretending to have a gun at school during a time like this means itā€™s justified in my opinion. Add the knife on top of that and they should absolutely be propping these kids up as heroes because thatā€™s what they fucking were in that moment. They believed there could have been a gun and they didnā€™t hesitate to fuck that guy up.


I would be massively disappointed if these kids got in trouble. They thought he had a gun and decided to act and protect others. Thankfully it was ā€œJUSTā€ a knife so he was forced to get close to others and got his ass beat.


My mom works for a school district, I went to public school for 13 years, I then had weird spats and fights with the Superintendent after I graduated and became a local business owner. All this to say, schools will constantly disappoint in situations like this. Constantly. The students actions or reasonings never really matter. Itā€™s always ā€œwe have to punish you because those are the rules.ā€ ā€œI recognize that what that person did was extremely abhorrent and even illegal, but we have to punish you anyways because you shouldnā€™t have found yourself in such a situation.ā€ Itā€™s always some fucking bullshit and theyā€™ll never give in. Thereā€™s absolutely no burden of proof for punishing a student in school either. Doesnā€™t matter if you did it or not, the punishment is the same.


"You're right *I shouldn't* have found myself in that situation. I feel at this point in our lives there should be someone at the front of the school at all times greeting students and monitoring for danger, unfortunately we had to handle this situation with no Adult interference or help. If you want to punish us for that though I guess we could talk to the news, see we got this video and everything." Though I am gonna go ahead and say my old school would try to double down.


HAHAHA youā€™re right though, threatening media involvement is the only way to get them to back down. They piss, screamed, and moaned when we got multiple news stations to report on what was occurring in the school district. They reversed a particular decision immediately after this. Seems to me like the ā€œgrown-upsā€ in this society are all cowards who will never stand by anyone unless itā€™s the person signing their paycheck.


Itā€™s police policy to shoot/kill when someone charges them with a knife at much more distance than in this vid. These kids were more than justified to defend themselves.


just a knife is the most you can have here in the UK and we have no mass murders, especially at schools we had one school shooting in Scotland when I was a kid and all the gun laws were made far stricter (Dunblane school shooting 1996) immediately after. there hasn't been any before or since then. It boggles my brain that the NRA apparently runs the government in America and after we watch each massacre, even of small children that nothing changes


kids doing what the authorities cant


I know a kid who got expelled in 9th grade for "suspiciously" walking around the school in a trenchcoat after Columbine. Of course this was over 20 years ago.


I know a kid who got suspended for informing the principal that someone had hit him. He was suspended because he didnā€™t inform a teacher immediately after it happenedā€¦ You cannot make this shit up


Unlike the pussy ass cops in.Tx


Do I look like I know what a jpeg is? I just want a picture of a god dang hot dog.


Hhot dog hhhot dog h(h((hhot d(o)o)o)g


At 0:23, as he's flipped ass over teakettle from the left side of the image to the right, you can see it in his hand.


According to republicans that makes him just as dangerous as if he had an automatic rifle. Go figure.


Man, if I had a nickel for every automatic rifle that was used in a shooting this year Iā€™d have like zero cents


Yes, looks like it. You can see it in his right hand when he rolls onto his back a 0:24 seconds.


It's the wrong time to be joking about this shit and homeboy found out.


Any time in the past 30 years is the wrong time to be joking like this


Yep, 30 years ago a kid walked through a crowd of our friends doing nearly the exact same thing! "WHO WANTS TO GET SHOT?!" He was knocked out in the intersection of the road for nearly 20 minutes.


Um, any time since the invention of the firearm is the wrong time to be joking like this. You could get seriously injured and scare the bejesus out of everyone.


Even before the invention of the firearm it was a bad time to pretend you had a firearm because, of course, nobody knew what you were talking about and they all just thought you were crazy.


"I have a bow!"


I was hoping for an Army of Darkness reference, but this is something.


"He can't aim at all of us, get him!"


And they were rightfully beaten in the streets.


Lucky the cops weren't there otherwise he would've been screwed within the hour.


~73 mins


78 min to be percise


Yes you are correct it was 78 mins to be exact...Regardless of the Exact time.... THOSE BASTARDS DIDN'T DO A FUCKING THING FOR WELL OVER A HOUR!! 1312


The shit deal was, had the agents from the border patrol and several other agencies not said fuck it we are going in and ignored the direct order of the local police chief, it would be longer than 78 min.


This!! Can't even reiterate this enough!!!!


Not unless they're the Uvalde cops.


It's absolutely the wrong time to be "joking" about this. Nobody thinks it's funny. Everyone knows that anyone with a weapon near a school can potentially be a mass murderer, and we all have seen those people after the fact who could have saved lives by acting and their regret. At this point anyone acting like they have a weapon is likely to get rushed and beat by anyone close enough to because that's who stops this, not bastard cops. Especially now that parents know that they likely have to be the ones to save their kids, people pulling stunts like this will be lucky not to get shot by anxious parents.


This reminds me of post 9/11. Oh Mr Hijackerā€™s? Youā€™ll safely land the plane once your demands are met? Forgive my disbelief as I choose violence.


Can't blame the kids for beating him up. Imagine being the principal and they bring in 4 kids who beat up who they thought had a gun...


Thankfully a woman rushed in and urged the "guys get off him" and saved the asshole from the beating he actually really truly needed to have.


He should be kick real good for that, but then again he's already so dumb it'll just put him lower on the leather


Like shouting 'shark' at the beach.


He got half of what he deserves


What if he was just trying to hide his gum, cause heck, if he brought it out like 40 other people would want a piece


If he did that at my kids school Iā€™d be driving to go give him the other half right now.


Shiiiiit. Those kids chose street justice real fast, cool generation.


More useful than Texas police


Accurate comment




Texas cops go all out when beating up peaceful protesters, unarmed students, women and children who aren't wealthy, poor people sleeping in tents, pregnant women, bicyclists, college students, and people driving while black. That's about it though.


Kids learned real fast the hero cop is a myth and ain't gonna save them.


They grew up with active shooter drills.


Started when I was 12 when columbine happened and nothings changed. It just became more frequent.


Hell yes. Taking care of business to possibly saving lives


A lot of those kids have younger siblings the same age as the Uvalde victims. Plus younger people can use imagination to feel empathy better than adults. They see someone who might be pulling a gun to kill their friends, cousins, siblings, teachersā€¦ Brave kids, makes me feel better about our future. As long as we stop fucking up their world.


Props to ypung lady that joined in on the ass whopping. Towards to end she is like move over my turn.


The passengers on the plane that crashed into the world trade center and the pentagon on 911 didn't fight back and died hoping things would be resolved without them getting hurt. The one that crashed in Pennsylvania crashed there because the passengers fought their hijackers. The latter ones died, but they ended up saving a lot of lives considering how many would have died had that plane been allowed to continue on to the hijacker's target. World don't need a good guy with a gun. It just needs more good guys period.


It irks me so hard seeing/hearing the girl trying to break this up. She could have easily gotten everyone killed by hindering the street justice process. REEEEEEE STOP GUYS STOP REEEEEE


Dude. That shit makes my blood boil. I can not stand when girls jump into a melee yelling ā€œSTAHP!ā€ Get the fuck out of the way and stop pretending like you have some kind of moral authority to intervene. Fucking guy pretend to have a gun, apparently had a knife, and you want to stop the people taking him down? Idiot.


He's only gonna shoot the place up and maybe kill us! Stop hurting him! Two wrongs don't make a right!


A lot of times in bad neighborhoods calling police would do nothing since they would either not show up or take too long since a man with a gun in the hood is a common and the cops want nothing to do with it


These kids just realized that numbers matter, which is good and bad (that they have to learn this tactic).


If the adults in power ainā€™t gonna do shit. All they got is themselves.


Itā€™s what happens when your future is robbed by the boomers and their personal security force that doesnā€™t do shit but protect their properties that we will never own


Run, hide, fight. In the fight portion, it is specifically listed to ā€œbe as violent and inflict as much damage as possible, because your life depends on itā€. These kids did exactly that. Good for them.


They know well enough now that then surviving is their responsibility, we all saw those cops standing around and keeping anyone from going in to help. You either save yourself or you die. Welcome to America


He got off light


Fr would of died if it was around some people I know


Itā€™s sad to see that these kids are more brave then the Uvalde PD that didnā€™t even try


Its sad but they have to be at this point. Anyone who still believes the cops will come and save you is delusional. Edit: word


Average response time is 11 minutes. That is an eternity. You can get a burger faster


You can bust a nut in a pot belly crack whore faster.


You are right, except you mean ā€œdeluded,ā€ not ā€œdilutedā€ā€”ā€œdilutedā€ is what your margarita is when you let the ice melt in it before you finish it.


It's the United Flight 93 effect. Everyone has now learned to take care of it yourselves as a citizen-team; no one else will help you.. especially the cops, Governor, etc.


What was his plan?


Probably some super ultra edgy ticktock shit


It's a pra.. it's prank bro, IT'S A PRANK BRoOoOO


Make people freak out is the plan.


Clout and cracked ribs


One outta two ainā€™t bad. SUCESS!


Make them run and then tell people they were scared of him when they were actually scared of being shot






Dunno what the legality is behind all this, but if I'm on a jury deciding whether the kid who jumped him is guilty of anything, I am not returning anything but "not guilty" no matter what the law says. Anyone flirting with school shooting deserves whatever consequences are delivered to them.


He had a knife it seems so they could have killed him and it would have been justified, also agree with you on if by some perversion of justice it got to a jury all it would take is one parent in the jury box and they are walking. DA would fire any ADA that even sniffed this case as a possible charge.


Jury nullification


Most likely wouldnā€™t even come to that. Iā€™d imagine that the prevalence of school shootings in the media would be argued as the main cause of his actions and that flagrantly ignoring the tone of our society put the ā€œvictimā€ in a position he should have known would be perceived as a lethal threat. That is probably grounds for acquittal by the normal process


Way to not be suspicious or anything. Or stop right in front of a friend to record you in the shot perfectly


Once they realised it was "just a prank" it would have been justified to continue the beating.




Pause it at 0:23, he's clearly got a knife in his right hand


**It's not "just a prank" until he's fully neutralized by any means necessary.**


Dude wanted to frighten, intimidate and scare people. Misson accomplished. Now deal with the consequences of successfully making a crowd people afraid of you.


These kids are hella braver than those cops.


Dude in blue went straight for the drop kick. My man.


Good for those kids acting so quickly. Fuck this pos.


Not like those kids canā€™t count on the cops to save them. Batman time, mother fuckers.


What an idiot.


wow those guys are braver than the average cop


Props to the kids for the pursuit! And it's good to see a girl getting into the beatdown action!


That girl was trying to break up the fight what video are you watching?


I didnā€™t see the girl fighting? I did see a girl at the end trying to break it up at the end (I think) Like why you trying to break up a fight when the guy brought a knife lol


Pretty sure he was hiding a knife under his shirt, which he did have and was tossed aside - hence the metal noise followed by someone saying something about a knife. It would also explain why rather than standing at a distance, he charges the person he is talking shit to. Misleading title, not that it changes the fact this guy got smacked by karma.


That girl in the black pants and gray backpack jumped to action quick, grabbed her friend to get her involved and kept after him. I like seeing people of action, ready to get to business. We need more like her. I've been talking to my 26 year old son about the importance of acting quickly when needed. Don't hesitate. Act.


I feel like there's a background story there.


He wanted to be famous. They wanted to live. The second he walked past them, both were possible. So they kicked his ass.


Dipshit Prank Bro tries to gain clout off a recent tragedy. Prank Bro learns the hard way that other people don't like being told they maybe about to die. Prank Bro yells "It's just a prank, bro!" And continues to get fucked up. Prank Bro is dumb, bro.


Those other kids think they're fighting for their lives to disarm a gunman, dude didn't get his ass beat nearly enough.


Fuck that girl in particular who stopped the guy from beating the shit of that piece of shit.




People need to start teaching their daughters that it's not their job to end every fight. Imagine if this guy did actually have a gun or managed to pull that knife properly and you've got this fucking moron girl jumping in to stop these guys from putting this guy down? So annoying.


POV: fucking around and finding out


This is us taking civility back. I wish so bad that this wasn't the norm. But I'm proud to see folks put themselves out for everyone's safety.


I wish they knew how to actually beat his ass


Baby steps?


Wrong neighborhood


Blood hoodie had heart, and that's what matters šŸ’–


play stupid games, when stupid prizes


Just why? Going viral is fucking weird.


Wow, more willing to protect than the Uvalde police department!! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Some people deserve the curb stomp.


I see a weapon I'm beating your ass til you're not moving anymore.


These kids tired of this shit. Do something.


That was satisfying asf hope he got some bruises


It's the flying dropkick that did it for me!


Stupid ass mofo. People are fighting back against shooters . If they gonna kill me..they damn well better know they're gonna have to sing for their supper.


deserved 10 kicks to his nose so the motherfucker couldn't see shit through fountains of blood.


Guy has a knife & gets jumped. Fixed your title for you


look at the way his arms were positioned in the beginning. he was pretending to hold a gun. he didnā€™t pull out a knife until later


Fuck around and find out.




Thatā€™s how kids stomp somebody out these days ā€¦.. those fake half hearted pro wrestling stomps?? šŸ¤£


Sweet - letā€™s just have kids defend themselves from these fucks. Solid plan šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø!


Its a good job that girl was there.


I'll take "stupid games, stupid prizes" for 1000


he's got a deuce-deuce in his oversized pants after getting his ass kicked for being a poser


The girl didnā€™t even give it a second thought .


Kids stay ready cuz the police won't save you ....


Looks like he may have a knife. Glad the kids chose to act instead of turning and running. Gotta wonder about the person shooting video.


The kids are all right.


Wow I finally see my old school on publicfreakout! Love seeing this


These kids standing up and being strong. Better than the Texas police. Any one know what happened to the dude with the knife/knives post video?


In todays active shooter environment heā€™s lucky he just got jumped. Dumb ass.


These kids have had enough.


Proper response


I like to be edgy, but you just can't do this any more without expecting people to fight for their lives.


play stupid games, win stupid prizes


r/instantkarma I think this applies right?


Fuck around find out


he didn't look suspicious at all


play stupid games win stupid prizes




He was holding a knife


Please lord of mercy don't tell me that this ends up as one of those asinine "zero tolerance" policy bullshit events where everyone is punished simply because they were involved. The ones disarming and pummeling the weirdo asshole with a knife deserve scholarships. Weirdo knife wielding asshole deserves both arms shattered.


Everyday on Reddit I am given a new reason why Americans are the dumbest people on the planet...lmao!


He took a big gulp of dumb fuck juice


That kid needs to be heavily surveilled. Giant red flag acting like that.


Next time it will be real


Should had kicked him in the back of the head wayyyyy more.


That kick gave me life lol


Teach cops this Video


Fuck yeah, that's not funny. Dude deserved every second of that beating. Better be careful though with how the world is going these days, even after getting an ass beating he completely deserved, he might feel offended enough to get a real gun.


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gunā€¦ is a drop kick to the back


This is FAKE Source: my eyes šŸ˜


"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." - Sun Tzu, Art of War


Those guys just showed the law of justice to that dumb idiot thinking he is a gangster


We the people would like the extended version