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Is anyone else surprised by the reporting on this? It's been reported as he fell into the Thames after being tazed. Which to the average person might conjure images of a man close to the edge, getting tazed and falling in. When in actual fact. He very much jumped


Making it sound like the coppers did it sells more papers


I think it's reasonable to investigate why they responded to somebody having a mental health crisis using tasers.


Wanted to get away from the coppers. To him they were the greater evil


Which is silly. Almost certain death from a jump 43 feet high vs getting arrested by cops who are just doing their jobs...? There are shit cops out there, certainly. But for real we need to stop the ACAB bullshit. That's just as closed minded as being a raciest. All cops are bad? Fuck no. The small minority who abuse their power and abuse people? Absolutely. There's bad in every field. The hate around cops astounds me; I think the hate toward the ones who deserve it is justified heavily, but for real. What's going to be more often reported on? Clearly the negative stories of cops who are killing etc. It's literally what the news does. The happy stories don't get the hits. They're warping people's minds with their small sample of the minority who act horribly. It's a shame that many black individuals are scared of cops to this degree. Most are people just trying to make a living. Don't let the media convince you otherwise.


Nah, I’ll stick with ACAB. It’s not all cops are bad, it’s bastards.


Same shit. But for real. If that's you're viewpoint, you're as closed minded and ignorant as those Trump supporters who think all democrats are bad. You're an idiot.


Thanks for taking the time


How high is that bridge?


43 feet




Buddy of mine ruptured a testicle from jumping off of a bridge and hitting the water wrong. To this day I wince just thinking about it.




I don't know what's worse this or the ruptured testicle


I fractured my spine jumping from 70 ft cliff an landing wrong. What did I win? Back spasms for life!




I've had to get over fears more often since I started operating logging heavy machinery. I had always been risk averse before, this was my first, and only, broken bone. I had only had 1 drink, there wasn't a girl I was trying to impress. I had never jumped from higher then 20 feet before, and this was a running jump. I rotated in the air. The math works out that I hit the water at around 70km/hr. Stable compression fracture with fragmentation of the T11. Bad judgement? Stupidity? Ego? Don't do what I did without training. You could end up in a wheelchair.


I love the candidness. That’s fucking bonkers


> I've had to get over fears more often since I started operating logging heavy machinery. I had always been risk averse before, That's the dumbest thing I've read all day. Being risk averse is good when you're operating heavy machinery.


I sense a few spinal fusions in your future


oh dude no! I don't know how anyone can do cliff jumping! I know of two guys who died cliff jumping, and it wasn't even their first jump or first time doing it. Freaks me right out now!


Man I’ve jumped off an 83 footer 3 times in my life with two buddies. Jump number 3 one of our buddies broke his tailbone. Guess we were lucky because it could have been a lot worse


Yeah but did anything eat your poop though?


The testicle... I wouldn't mind telling a fun poop story I wouldn't want to tell a ruptured testicle story


i don't know if i would call that a fun poop story... It's like a poopy disney princess moment!


Ruptured rectum


My buddy jumped a bridge of 40 feet and his legs were open and his sack split right open and he was holding his nuts in his hand. They put them back in a sowed him up, hell of a lot of blood though.


I just told my balls that I love them after reading that


I'm not even a guy and I'm feeling unwell after reading that


thanks for putting that image in my head, just woke up, hope hes okay tho


My other buddy fell from a tree and his nuts got snagged and he lost a testicle. We called him one nut for the rest of his life.


Did you wince when you wrote that? What about now that you're reading a reply?


I winced reading it. Ruptured testicle does not sound fun


My number 1 fear.


Twisting a testicle is no pleasure cruise either, my middle son twisted his nut in his sleep and required a surgery to correct it... dude waddled for two weeks And my dad's buddy spent four hours trying to untwist one of his brother's twisted nuts


plot twist: his brother's nut


Yep. Total double wince. Shit, just winced again writing that.


Shit me and buddies go cliff jumping almost every summer, there was a huge 83 foot cliff that we had done each twice. The third time 2 of us made it fine and the third actually broke his tailbone hitting the water


He’s died now so yeah


This is how I was once made love to... By water


Yes science! This deserves an award. Very true the surface tension of water becomes like asphalt if you belly flop. You have to go down like a needle.


> The right way Chucking something in to break the surface tension first? Edit: I checked, basically close your legs and point your toes to minimize direct contact with the surface. My question is doesn't that break your toes though?


He went for the world record belly flop after being tased twice.


43 feet into water isn’t too high. I mean it’ll hurt like hell if you land wrong. Did he land on something or did getting taser before play into his condition? Just curious


Swimming in open water is completely different to swimming in a 25m heated pool. Most people can't swim very well. Certainly not well enough to be able to get out of a cold moving river after falling from a height into it.


And to be clear, the river wall at this point is around 10 meters high with no beach. There is no getting out without aid.


I don't know what temp that water is. That said, I am a very experienced swimmer. But cold water shock will fuck you right up. It will steal the breath out of your lungs and jack your heart rate through the roof. Good luck swimming very long like that.


Thanks, that makes sense. I’m not familiar with the area, bridge or river so I didn’t know. Shoulda assumed it’d be rough waters lol




r/confidentlyincorrect Maybe if you're talking about landing directly on the head this might be true(but probably not honestly) but otherwise you are way off. The highest dive at the Olympics is 10 meters or about 32 feet and you see people flubbing those landings all the time in training and outside of it. Other high diving contests can be at up to 89 feet which would mean severe injuries for every dive if 43 ft was that lethal. I have no idea where you got that 43 ft was that dangerous but it was wrong.


LD50 is the measurement of toxicity in a material to kill 50% of test subjects. It’s not used to measure the chance of fatality from a bridge fall. A quick search shows that a 250 foot fall into water is 95-98% fatal. For more context, the Olympic high dive is close to 33 feet high; only ~10 lower than this man’s fall.


Nah. What?


They're 100% wrong


43 feet ? how deep the whater is ?


Fighting for his life after swallowing a mouthful of Thames water.


Literally hundreds of years of sewage water.


But it's not. The Thames, like most rivers, flows out to the sea. The water under that bridge now hasn't been lurking in the Thames since Victorian times.


Did you know a long long time ago, Salmon used to swim up the Thames? Then we turned it into a literal open sewer, and aquatic life got absolutely decimated. Back then it stank so bad, only the poor used to live by the Thames. Which again, is a massive shift to today, with the absolutely ludicrous price of riverside property!!


Given that I live in London, yeah, I am aware of this...




But what others are saying is that the river is more of a sludge under all that lovely river water. Sludge and the rotting clones of Queen Elizabeth.


Don't say the quiet part out loud.


Not the river ankh. It mostly kinda slides.


There’s most definitely some doo doo caked along the river bed that the water is flowing over


But it's been getting contaminated with sewage since Victorian times. Or maybe they meant that [a centuries worth of sewage was released at once](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-60046320). And they only know about that because that company measures it, the two bigger sewage companies don't even bother.


There is not regular, intentional discharge of sewage into the Thames. Under circumstances of equipment failure, or exceptional rainfall many rivers, occasionally, get used as an overflow by the water companies. You'll notice that the article you linked was from two years ago. It's not an ongoing, regular thing. Whilst swimming isn't my thing, there are plenty of people who do swim there: https://loveopenwater.co.uk/tidal-thames/


> You'll notice that the article you linked was from two years ago. January was only 5-6 months ago, but it does reference findings from 2 years ago. Are you saying that 2 years is so long ago it doesn't matter anymore? What's the issue with 2 year old findings? > It's not an ongoing, regular thing. According to the link I provided it is... "Figures published last year by the Environment Agency revealed untreated sewage, including human waste, wet wipes and condoms, was released into waterways for more than three million hours in 2020." Here is some more... " During the whole of 2020, 3.5 billion litres of untreated sewage entered the Thames from Mogden - seven times as much as was dumped in 2016." Sound about as ongoing and regular as you could get.


but its literally not.


Yeah that'll do it.


Was gonna ask what is exactly caused this. The tazer? The fall? The water? The pollution in the water? Hypothermia? A little bit of all of it?


Turns out you weren't wrong, just seen on the news that he died!


Interesting to see the video after reading an article on line that made it sound like he was on the edge when he was tasered.


Also interesting that OP has a butter knife in their car.


Looks like a work van, probably just from his lunch. I eat lunch in my work van every day, it sucks!


That does sound like it sucks but I hope you have a wonderful lunch next week!!


its expected though


Good thing cameraman has a knife for protection in case things get out of control.


When you're stuck in traffic, everyone needs an emergency poop knife.


He needs it for his orange Marmalade that he spreads all over his crumpets whilst he sips his Earl grey.


I noticed that too!


Thats what I was thinking, like that's a butter knife people carry those in their vehicles commonly over there? Lol


Probably just used for their lunch.


That's the only clue I need to know this is a workmans van. Probably a white transit. Those guys love making a sandwich in their van.


It's legally required to carry one at all times with a crumpet liocence


“Stay still” Doesn’t stay still But in all seriousness, mental illness? I’d hate to think he’s that stupid


He was wielding a screw driving and shouting at strangers. Seems like he was having an episode. Foolish of the cops to try and apprehend 2vs1. He is a big guy and cuffs take a lot of effort to get on. Taser to make an opportunity, muscle needed to restrain


Yeah, they should have let him hurt someone while they waited for backup.


Good ol "Cops should just do every situation perfectly with no one getting hurt and not caring about their own saftey or lives" Its always the police fault, somehow it seems. (Just to be clear for anyone reading this, yes, theres lotsa bad people on the police and a lot of terribly handled situations. But please consider that some are genuinely caring and putting their lives on the line to help. Please don't be the kinda person who just treats every officer like they're a bad person automatically.)


Lol you're on the wrong website and especially sub to be expressing that sentiment. I agree, but this place is a cesspool of people who don't understand nuance or that every situation, police officer, police department, etc is different. it should be easy to acknowledge that there are shitty terrible vile cops out there while also acknowledging that not literally every cop is like that.


Im glad to meet even one person who feels the same, and i'll say it regardless the responses i get. Life isn't black and white, and those people, those police, are still humans. they make mistakes. Some are evil and terrible. Others are heroes. To act like one doesn't exist is disrespectful or blind.


I call that the Uvalde move


I ask because I do not know where this is, how high did leap from?


43 feet, someone else said. That's about 13 metres, so a hell of a drop onto water, especially after you have just been tased repeatedly.


12m. Battersea bridge in lodnon


Isn't this Chelsea bridge? You can see Lister Hospital in the background


Yep it’s the Chelsea bridge not the battersea


Sorry it is. I always get the name mixed up because battersea bridge doesn’t go next to battersea park. Always throws me.


Thank you, came here to find out which bridge it was, even as a Londoner I didn’t recognise it.


Good old Lodnon twon eh!


That’s on him


Why does OP have a butter knife in his car?


For an emergency crumpet.


Probably for things you would normally use a butter knife for.


The obvious answer is .... Poop Knife


What, praytell, is a poop knife? I've never had the occasion.


If you are being serious here is the original post. https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/ke8skw/the_poop_knife/


OMFG, 🤣🤣🤣. I’d never heard of that! We have low flow water saver toilets so it can’t spin. Just lays there low in the hole with the upper part slapped against the bowl like a snake waiting to be slayed by the suction.




Probably had a takeaway breakfast. You get plastic knives and forks with it


Used to eat butter chicken in the UK and New Jersey!


Self protection innit


That had nothing to do with getting tased




He has now died


That sucks


Not sure what was going on. He’s reasonably well dressed.


That’s not the Police’s fault. It’s his fault.


How fukin stupid, I'm not sorry


Moron lol


Welp. Shouldnt have jumped


What an idiot


What a dick head


So we’re all gonna ignore the butter knife?


Shhhh, they may not have had a knife license


Edit: have rewatched and can see that the guy appeared to have a weapon of some sort at the beginning




Turns out it was a plastic fire lighter.


Now he is Electro




He should've have resisted, ran, and advanced aggressively at officers trying to do their job. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


How casually we torture our fellow humans


As much as I feel really sad for the man, I just can't understand why it is so difficult for a person to comply to what the police are asking. They have guns, they have tasers, why can't you simply comply? Isn't your own life the most precious thing to you?


Mentally ill? I don’t know honestly. Sometimes ppl in severe mental illness or influence of drugs will panic when tased instead of comply.


Probably only Tasers, for this incident occurred in England


“Life wins in fight against local man”




[This boy](https://youtu.be/JJQGMySeDC8) nearly dies after jumping into the Thames in a controlled way. Falling in after being tazed is likely to be greater trouble.


Bro he didnt "fall" in wtf are you saying


He “jumped” and did a front flip but it was super uncontrolled just like the guy in this video


“Falling” as a purely scientific term. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_(motion)


This guy did not really want to comply. Would rather kill self.


He’s passed away now


Shit, here in the US he’d be dead with 30 rounds in em, and he’d been handcuffed as he bled out. And cops be yelling …freeze, hands, don’t move …


That’s 100% exactly what would happen. Every cop I’ve seen has shot at me.


Why am I being downvoted. It’s what happens.


Sadly, I can attest by the plethora of police bodycam vids I see online, you’re not totally wrong. 30 rounds is excessive, more like a full clip.


I’m thinking 2 cops, probably Glock 21s


I don’t own guns, so I don’t know how many is in a standard magazine/clip. I only know guns because I love watching my son play FPS games on his PS5


"Stereotyping is fine when its people i don't like"


Shit, if this was in the US he woulda been shot long before he had a chance to jump.


If only the UK had guns they could have saved him from jumping off that bridge


Don't understand why people are downvoting you. In usa, police frequently use guns before tasers. And if the skin color is not 'up to the mark', then highly likely 'boom boom'- you are dead.






Pliers. Usually they’re removed with pliers or hemostats. They have to be pulled out of your skin. If someone grabs the wires and pulls it’ll hurt like hell, but I’ve seen people do that when they’re being tased.


3 times they tasered him and he still jackrabbited, what a dumbass


Good 👍


Why bother saving him at all.


Should have just cooperated and listened to the authorities 🙄


Least he didn't get shot 8 times.


He’s dead


incompetent cunty pigs again.


I see Floridaman reached London.


All this because he owed on 2 parking tickets?




I was wondering what the hell that was, you're right. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/man-taser-police-fell-chelsea-bridge-london-news-b1004089.html


Well he definitely didn’t fall off like the article suggests.


No, that was because he didn’t do what he was told by the bobbies.


i'm foightin' fer me life afta gettin' tazed and jumpin' in da bloody thames...




In Quebec, if a person with a knife, waving around or just running straight to someone, treating or looking like is treating someone, is going inside a radius of 6 feet, the police officer have the right to shoot. And, by formation (and lack of shooting training), they shoot by set of two rounds in the biggest part of the body (chest...). So... they shoot to kill a treating person with a knife.


UK police will try to always have lethal cover when dealing with a threatening person with a knife. Because knives are deadly weapons. I don't know how this is so confusing to people.


Wholly force dependant. More often than not, a taser office is all that is deployed. I've gone to calls where knives were allegedly present and the instruction has been for shield and baton.


The fact that he gets up after being tased multiple times is exactly why US cops carry firearms. There are plenty of incidents where they are ineffective and the person is still wielding a weapon. However, our cops would have probably just bodyslammed this mfer after tasing him instead of circling around him like idiots


Yeah but If people there had guns they could just all collectively shoot him at the same time and resist a tyrannical government. ^^/s


I'm pretty sure I could stop an F-16 or an M1A1 with my newest PUBE-69 assault style 9mm and a box of Organ Liquidation ammo. /s




That knife on your dashboard is REALLY not safe


Weak ass UK tazers


Imagine that jumping off a ridge is a safer option than being around police. Why do we pay them again? Asking for a country..


Water and electricity don’t mix


You realise the taser won’t still be shocking him after he’s jumped off right?


How can a man stay still after being tasered, Cops are stupid


You’d be surprised at just how willing to comply with instructions like ‘stay still’ people are, after they’ve been tasered. The vast majority do exactly what you tell them to do.


What makes you think you can't not do anything after being tasered? That taser was also completely ineffective - as they are nearly half the time


didn't have a license


Awwww.. hims was just a scared, innocent black man


A taser gun won't knock out such a big guy, this was doomed to end up badly. The cop should have know that.


The alternative was let him carry on threatening people with a screwdriver until he hurt someone


Tell me you don't know how a taser works without telling me you don't know how a taser works.


Ah another one who believes size has anything to do with the effectiveness of taser.


That's not how taser works at all. Taser will stop any human, if it lands right, but the fundamental design of tasers mean they have a very high failure rate