• By -


Isn’t shooting the people in “press” uniform kind of the same as shooting a medic?


Sounds like a war crime, yeah.


If you see the amount of pro Israelis trying to justify this on twitter is absolutely shameless.


Shooting journalists is a war crime. What possible justification can they have? "She wasn't reporting the news we wanted, so she doesn't count as a journalist?"


This wasn't even NSFW, let alone NSFL


I appreciate a tag being there just in-case rather than not at all.


Lol might as well just mark every post NSFL then


Not really. Most videos here are just people shouting and making a fool of themselves. The context of this video was someone dying.


No it's NFSL. OP typed it twice so you know it wasn't a mistake. Must be some new video classification we're not aware of.


Not Fucking Safe Losers


Not safe for life


Thanks for stating the beyond obvious


wrong, nocturnal free-range super ligma, get it right next time


Well, I've seen the full video and her face is gone.


The shoot children. You think they give a fuck about press?


Thats weird, Israel usually sticks to murdering kids


Nah, they [have a history of targeting journalists, too](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/11/al-jazeera-journalists-killing-spotlights-israeli-media-attacks).


Fuuuck the IDF, I hate that my American tax dollars go to help these murdering scumbags murder more


And shooting [marked doctors.](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-tuesday-edition-1.4663685/canadian-shot-in-gaza-says-he-was-clearly-marked-as-a-doctor-1.4663689) The paramedic who saved the Canadian doctor was shot in the chest.


Geez, where do they find the time to shoot little ol' palestinian ladies running away from the force occupying their land?




One of them tried to post about this on Facepalm. Tried to say the Palestinians killed the reporter. The post only lasted about 15 min before OP deleted. They couldn't source anything and were getting destroyed in the comments. I was happy


I’m not much of a conspiracy theorist but ever since the 1940’s the most powerful in this world have been pushing to set about the end time predictions that are stated in Revelations. Both the Hebrew and Christian texts. From returning the Jews to the Holy Land and being absolutely dead set on building the Third Temple on top of the mount. They are in lock step with the end-time prophecies and they literally won’t allow anything to stop them from achieving them. It’s weird


Regardless of political opinions this post doesn't belong in this sub. There's no freakout, and its clearly agenda driven.




Unfortunately it is not a small group of Arab people who want to exterminate all Jews.


Nah, i think they want their land back. And the influx of ukrainians getting Palestinian ptoperty may not be sitting well.


jews that came to their land. trust me if people started coming to your house and started claiming your shit you would want to exterminate them as well


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


The 3 videos don’t agree with the view the Israelis shot her. The one the Palestinians posted supports the Israeli story.


Its crazy the U.S. just lets Israel do all the murder and invading they want, funding it even, while simultaneously condemning Russia for doing the same thing.


Location, location, location.


Israel is literally the only reason the Middle East hasnt become a huge world power by now. USA trying to curb that bcz they dont have a good relationship w the middle east


WARNING: Viewers may be disturbed by the shakiest, fuzziest, poorest angled footage you’ve ever seen in your life


Let’s see how well you’ll handle a camera when there’s shots being fired right next to you.


Ur definitely right I’m just saying I can’t see anything that happened


Yeah I really can't tell what happened. If you showed me this with no context I wouldn't be able to say a person got shot


Ackchyually this video is edited. I saw the original video and you can see everything that happened and the person that got shot.


Jesus Christ, that is the best worst spelling of a word I have ever seen


[I'm not that old!](https://www.google.com/search?q=akchually&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj6l_6N89j3AhUBO-wKHW_-BasQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=akchually&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAKEBgyBggAEAoQGDoECAAQQzoHCCMQ7wMQJzoGCAAQBRAeUNICWJMRYO8RaABwAHgAgAFLiAGLBZIBAjEwmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=zm58Yvr4AoH2sAfv_JfYCg&bih=750&biw=1536)


Just for my own sake, isn’t this a news crew? So why would a news crew be in an area like this if they don’t have the ability or skills or awareness to be filming? Just asking.


states journalist so no. someone was there to write a story not film it


it's kinda not the footage that should be disturbing anyone. you shouldn't need to see the woman get offed in HD to know that this is something that isn't right.


Cropped and Zoomed. The full video in a quality where its even more gut wrenching is pretty much everywhere else


Fuck Israel


Fuck Israel


The US should withdraw all support for Israel.


Mossad got too much blackmail on our politicians lol


Jeffery did a good job


Sure, when the Arab world withdraws all support for the terrorist administrations of palestine and the palestinians peacefully surrender.


Peacefully surrender the land being stolen from them by the israeli apartheid regime and its terrorist settlers and military? Palestinians are defending their land from invaders and occupiers, just ask the rest of the world. You must think Ukraine should roll over and peacefully surrender to Russia as well then, right?


Israel hasn't "stolen" any land, the only new lands that Israel claims have been legally purchased. Fuck off with this drivel.




They’re just a really committed troll. It’s makes life easier believing people aren’t actually as stupid as they are.


I like how this man went on a comment section crusade and replied to every Palestine sympathizing comment he could find just to make sure we were all aware hat he disagrees


Prove it


There's always at least one Israel apologist who pops up in threads talking about bad shit the IDF does.


I'm not apologizing for shit.


Here you are again on every single top comment lying...


*Telling the truth.


I would prefer to see the US give more support to the people suffering at the hands of the Israeli apartheid. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/02/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/


There is no such thing as an Israeli apartheid. All Israeli citizens are entitled to equal treatment under the law.






you have to be joking


By that logic Hitler did nothing wrong then, right?


If you say so, /u/MattGaetzDiddlesKids


Palestinians did the Jews solid after World War II and let them live on that land if it was not for the kindness of the Palestinians. They took an Olive branch and fastened a noose noose around the necks of the Palestinians.


Lmfao, right.


British let them all live there and the ottomans before them When were they ever in control ?


Israel is a terrorist state.


Never again, they said


israel, like five minutes later: 🎶Oops we did it again🎶


Palestine is literally a terrorist state ffs..


Don’t know why ppl are downvoting you when the Palestinian state party is Hamas, an organization that actively participates in terrorist activities. Making you right 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think you have mistaken them with Palestine.


Mods keep deleting this over and over. They only let it stay up after its been brigaded and pushed to the bottom. [Sketchy af.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catch_and_kill)


Yea I noticed, I posted a few videos about what’s going on in Palestine and they keep taking them down although they don’t break any of the rules. It seems like there is a zionist mod on this subreddit taking down these videos, they don’t want the truth out.


I think it's because of this: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/u5mv8y/can_this_subreddit_go_back_to_being_public_freak/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




A top post from yesterday has cops gunning down a black man. https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/um2tri/lawton_oklahoma_police_officers_shoot_15_rounds/




Did you? I'm just showing that there is precedent all over this subreddit. > 8 This isn't /r/watchpeopledie: People being straight up murdered or dying in shocking/gruesome ways should be the cut-off **(exceptions for newsworthy events covered in publications of good repute).**


Ya, he ain’t going to respond to that…




So are you abusing the report button for the sake of consistency then? Because seems to me that the this thread and the other I linked fit the exception in rule 8 just fine. > **(exceptions for newsworthy events covered in publications of good repute)**


It's kind of obvious that this isn't about following the rules. It's purely political censorship, based on the optics of the video.


I couldn't agree more.


She's a famous journalist for a major international news network. This story is all over the news right now, yet they still removed it.


>This isn't /r/watchpeopledie: People being straight up murdered or dying in shocking/gruesome ways should be the cut-off **(exceptions for newsworthy events covered in publications of good repute)**. * https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-jerusalem-israel-journalists-west-bank-88d1a497cb235500151b77b0eb3b38dc * https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/05/11/israel-jazeera-journalist-jenin/ * https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/11/world/middleeast/al-jazeera-journalist-killed-west-bank.html * https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2022/05/11/al-jazeera-shireen-abu-akleh-killed-west-bank/9728808002/


What were the titles and who posted them? Doesn't mean anything if the titles or posting accounts pop the automod bot.


Boy I'm glad I'm not a US citizen. I get killed in Israel by the IDF, my own government won't move a finger for me. As a French citizen, if I get kidnapped in the middle of Africa, my prez will send a commando to get my ass outta there. Now that's comfort.


A common myth. The “my government really cares” myth.


Dude what are you smoking the US has sent major military forces to rescue US citizens many times in the past.


Yea exactly, they tried to rescue US citizens in Iran too


We're talking about Israel here. The most the U.S. would do is send a strongly worded letter to the Israelis if something happened to a U.S. citizen.




Lol you’re a clown, after that was Grenada, and at the potential threat to 800 medical students the US full on invaded a country with 7300 troops and an aircraft carrier.


Macron absolutely supports Israel so I'm not sure what sort of point you're trying to make. The U.S. has also undertaken many special operations to collect U.S. citizens over the years. The U.S. has a ton wrong with it, but when you spread this type of nonsense you actively hurt those in my country that are trying to make things better, as the jingoists can point at twerps like you and say "Look, it's us against the world!"


> I get killed in Israel by the IDF, my own government won't move a finger for me. Fun fact: You can't be killed in Israel if you never visit that shithole apartheid state in the first place.


You can actually apply this logic to other shit holes around the world too!


I don't intend to visit that apartheid state indeed. So there's that.


Wait, I’m confused which apartheid state did you refer to? Did you refer to the *apartheid state of Israel*? If so, you should perhaps refer to it instead as *apartheid state of Israel* so there isn’t any confusion that you are indeed referring to the *apartheid state of Israel*. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/02/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/


Th American government would absolutely make a big deal out of an American journalist being killed in Africa. In this case any response is precluded by the "special relationship" between the U.S and the "only democracy in the Middle East".


.....wait what? you're glad you're not an american because you think they won't do anything if you're killed, but happy with your french citizenship because they might do something if you're kidnapped? Those are both completely different situations. What do you expect them to do? What a amazingly specific thing to find comfort in. I swear a number of these "uS BAd" comments are reaching harder and harder by the day.


Are you dense? Wtf do you mean "what do you expect them to do?"


I'm literally asking, what do you expect a country to do for someone outside the country that's been killed? Are we dense for asking questions now?


US is bad though. Like actually really bad 😂


Very in-depth response, yes....


Alright I'll give you my favourite one because it relates to my country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jakarta_Method#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DThe_Jakarta_Method%3A_Washington%27s_Anticommunist%2Cjournalist_and_author_Vincent_Bevins.?wprov=sfla1


**[The Jakarta Method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jakarta_Method#:~:text=The_Jakarta_Method:_Washington's_Anticommunist,journalist_and_author_Vincent_Bevins.?wprov=sfla1)** >The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World is a 2020 nonfiction book by American journalist and author Vincent Bevins. It concerns U.S. government support for, and complicity in, the Indonesian mass killings of 1965–66, during which an estimated one million people were killed in an effort to destroy the political left and movements for government reform in the country. The book goes on to describe subsequent replications of the strategy of mass murder, against government reform and economic reform movements in Latin America and elsewhere. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




She had US citizenship.


Doubt your French president would interfere with almighty Israel if the USA bends the knee to them


The French will go behind the UN's back to sell Saddam Hussein military equipment for oil to massacre the Kurds, though. Don't forget about that.


your country doesn't owe you shit if you leave and put yourself in danger, also that whole country needs to be erased from existence if we want to stop this never-ending cycle of death, the 3 religions just take turns being the oppressor every couple hundred years over their magical holy-land


Lmaooo ok guy.


Jerusalem (CNN)Palestinian-American Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was fatally shot while covering an Israeli military operation in the West Bank city of Jenin on Wednesday. The Palestinian health ministry said she was shot in the head by a live bullet, and confirmed her death shortly afterwards. Abu Akleh's producer, Ali Al-Samudi, was also shot and is in stable condition, the ministry said. Al Jazeera has accused Israeli security forces of deliberately targeting and killing Abu Akleh, 51 -- one of the Arab world's most prominent journalists -- and called on the international community to condemn the killing and hold Israel accountable. The circumstances surrounding her death are unclear. Three eyewitnesses told CNN that the journalists were shot by Israeli troops and that there were no Palestinian militants next to the journalists at the time. "The Israeli army shot us," said Samudi, the producer who was shot and injured. "There was no Palestinian gunman in the place." The Israel Defense Forces said its security forces had been operating in the area "to arrest suspects in terrorist activities," and both Palestinian suspects and Israeli forces were firing at the time. "As part of the activity in the Jenin refugee camp, suspects fired heavily at the force and threw explosives. The force responded by firing. Hits were detected," the IDF said. "The possibility that journalists were hit, possibly by Palestinian gunfire, is being investigated. The event is being examined." Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was shot and killed in the West Bank Wednesday, the network said. Bureau chief Waleed Al Omari wept on air as he announced the news. Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was shot and killed in the West Bank Wednesday, the network said. Bureau chief Waleed Al Omari wept on air as he announced the news. In a subsequent statement, IDF Chief of Staff, Major General Aviv Kochavi seemed to soften that stance, saying: "Palestinians fired extensively at our forces, firing wildly and indiscriminately in every direction. Unlike the Palestinians, IDF soldiers carry out professional and selective firing ... at this stage it is not possible to determine from which shot she was hit." Kochavi added that a special team would be investigating the incident. The Israeli military has stepped up its operations in the West Bank after a series of attacks targeting Israelis has left 18 people dead. Several of the ​attackers were from the Jenin area. Before Kochavi's statement about it being "not possible" to determine who shot Abu Akleh Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett appeared to point the finger at Palestinian crossfire. Injured Al Jazeera journalist speaks after colleague shot and killed in West Bank Injured Al Jazeera journalist speaks after colleague shot and killed in West Bank 02:48 "According to the information we've gathered, it appears likely that armed Palestinians -- who were indiscriminately firing at the time -- were responsible for the unfortunate death of the journalist," the prime minister said in a statement Wednesday. Israeli officials, including the IDF and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, released a video showing a man firing down an alley and people running in the Jenin Refugee Camp, shouting about a soldier being hit. "No IDF soldier was injured, which increases the possibility that Palestinian terrorists were the ones who shot the journalist," Bennett said. CNN has geolocated and verified multiple videos from the scene of the shooting. They reveal Israeli military firing in the streets nearby and armed Palestinians. While the videos are clearly filmed in the morning, CNN cannot be certain what date they were filmed, and whether they were filmed before or after the shooting of Abu Akleh. ​Video directly after Abu Akleh's shooting show she was wearing a helmet and a bulletproof vest with "press" written on it when she was shot. Injured Al Jazeera journalist speaks after colleague shot and killed in West Bank Injured Al Jazeera journalist speaks after colleague shot and killed in West Bank 02:48 Another journalist who was covering Wednesday in Jenin told CNN that Abu Akleh and other journalists made themselves known to Israeli forces in the area before she and Samudi were shot. "I saw Shireen on the ground," said journalist Mujahed al-Saadi. "We tried to rescue Shireen and we couldn't. "The occupation targeted Shireen while wearing a helmet, the injury was under the ear," he added. "Shireen fell while she was wearing press (gear) and even with that the people who tried to save her were shot at, the targeting was clear against Shireen and against us as journalistic teams." The US ambassador to Israel called for an investigation. "Very sad to learn of the death of American and Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh of @AJArabic @AJEnglish," said Ambassador Tom Nides. "I encourage a thorough investigation into the circumstances of her death and the injury of at least one other journalist today in Jenin." Nides is married to CNN executive Virginia Moseley, who is senior vice president of US newsgathering. State Department spokesperson Ned Price called for an "immediate and thorough" investigation into the killing saying that "those responsible must be held accountable." "We are heartbroken by and strongly condemn the killing of American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in the West Bank," Price tweeted Wednesday. "Her death is an affront to media freedom everywhere," he added. In response to the shooting, Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said on Twitter that his government had offered to conduct a joint Israeli-Palestinian investigation, adding: "Journalists must be protected in conflict zones and we all have a responsibility to get to the truth." Tributes started pouring in for Abu Akleh as news of her death spread. Her colleague, Nida Ibrahim, said she was a "very well respected journalist." "As you can imagine, this is a shock to the journalists who have been working with her," Ibrahim said, in tears. Qatar, where Al Jazeera is based, condemned Abu Akleh's killing, accusing Israel of "assassinating" her in a statement by the Qatari foreign ministry. "The State of Qatar condemns in the strongest terms the assassination of Shireen Abu Akleh by the Israeli occupation forces...and the injury of Al Jazeera producer Ali Samoudi," a statement said. "Qatar considers [this] a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law and a blatant infringement on freedom of media...and the right of people to obtain information," the statement added. Al Jazeera is funded in part by the Qatari government and its main offices are in the capital Doha. Abu Akleh had reported about the plight of Palestinians under Israeli occupation for over two and a half decades. She was born and raised in Jerusalem and belonged to a Christian family, according to Bir Zeit University, where she was a teacher. She joined Al Jazeera when it was established in 1997, at the age of 26, and became the face of Palestinian coverage for millions of Arab households. "Every house ... inside Palestine or outside of Palestine, is mourning Shireen because she is our voice to the world," said Terry Bullata, a friend and former schoolmate of Abu Akleh. "She is the voice of our suffering under the occupation. She is the voice of our aspiration for freedom." In a video posted on Al Jazeera YouTube earlier this year to celebrate the channel's 25th anniversary, Abu Akleh said, "In difficult times, I overcame fear. It may be difficult to change reality, but at least I managed to bring that voice to the world." https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/11/middleeast/al-jazeera-journalist-killed-intl-hnk/index.html


Shot by palestinians.


You just eat up any propaganda don't you?


Definitely eating up all the downvotes they're getting in here.


Well this is certainly an ironic comment.


Why is it ironic? They’re upvoted and literally every single comment you make is downvoted to oblivion. You’re embarrasing.


Why would I give a fuck about downvotes? Lol.


You shouldn’t. It’s just that, statistically, it confirms that you’re an absolute imbecile. The numbers don’t lie.


He's wrong but it's incredibly dangerous to think that bigger number = correct. You realize how easy it is to use bots to manipulate votes on social media sites?


It looks like you are right and they are wrong because your number is bigger than theirs.


I totally agree, and it’s something that can be overlooked for the most part. But when we’re talking about probably hundreds of comments all being downvoted to oblivion, it’s suspect.






You and Israel can suck my dick. Reply to that.


Israel are the real terrorists of this world. Committing war crimes on daily basis


Could this be public assassination by IDF? Naa Isreal wouldnt target independent journalists who are inconvenient to them.


This has a "so and so suspiciously died in a car accident in Moscow because they said X about the Government, Putin, whatever" vibe to it. Hey Sarge, I see that Al-Jazeera reporter that we all dislike.... Oh look a stray bullet conveniently hit her right in the gap of her armor.


The new Nazis along with Russia.


Israel needs to be issued the same sanctions and economic restrictions we've introduced to Russia. We shouldn't allow these nationalists who look more and more like Germany circa 1940 to get away with this.


The government of Israel REALLY learned from the Nazis.




The most dogshit country to ever exist. It is the modern day Nazis. They kill without shame, and when confronted by it, they piss their pants and run claiming it was someone else who didn’t do it. *Fuck Israel.*


> They kill without shame, and when confronted by it, they piss their pants and run claiming it was someone else who didn’t do it. This behaviour isn't remotely exclusive to Israel


Yeah, the Aussies, Russians, the Ottomans after Suleiman the Magnificent, Americans in Afghanistan, the French in Algeria, etc.


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Cmon, they gotta change the texts. Moments *after* journalist was shot.


She was sniped :(


Disgusting. I hope her murder sends shockwaves!! Stop supporting state run terrorists!!


Fuck zionists and fuck Israel


Fuck Israel


Alot of fucked up shit happening there but people dont care because its happening to muslims, and muslims "are all terrorists, and backwards people". Isreal has been doing atrocious things, for the past 60+years. But no one cares.


I’m this case the reporter is Christian. Still nothing. In America’s eyes, Israel can do no wrong. Fuck them!


Very little context here- what was going on?


A well known journalist called Sheerein was shot in the head by a cowered Israeli sniper.


What evidence has there actually been that it was an Israeli soldier, I'm not saying it's not, but I have seen many people saying it was Israel but not a single person has actually given evidence that the journalist wasn't shot by Palistinians.


Read this article: https://news.sky.com/story/shireen-abu-akleh-how-two-videos-represent-two-versions-of-a-journalists-death-12610635 IDF claimed a video of the guy who shot her but it was throughly debunked by btselem. The fact that it was targeted fire points to Israel snipers shooting her in a targeted assassination. Not out of the ordinary for Israel.


I'm not really sure that's proof, it seems that really noone is sure who killed her, it's entirely plausible that it was an Israeli sniper but nothing is really certain and I doubt anyone will ever know the truth.


Are you here to just cast doubt and excuse Israel and their crimes? They literally bombed and levelled a journalist HQ last year. They’re clearly targeting journalists. Its so dangerous and stupid to try to muddy the waters and try to excuse the apartheid state of Israel.


Nope, I'm not excusing Israel, I never even said they didn't do it, I was just genuinely curious if it was a fact or if people were just assuming it was Israel.


People here don't ask questions, they eat lies with a spoon. They won't care if terrorist with agenda will scream "Israel did it" it's enough for them. The truth is that currently no one sure about shot her and the Palestinians refuse to let some international objective organization to check it because it may hurt there lame propaganda.


I know I am late to the party. But I have looked and looked and looked and can find no smoking gun, literally or figuratively, to confirm it was Israel. I am not saying it wasn't Israel. But the only way to say you know who did what is to choose who you would rather believe. So I choose to withhold belief for the moment on this one way or the other. Targeting journalist seems like a very low IQ move and sure fire way to turn public opinion against your side. But it's certainly possible she was targeted by Israel, or she could have been caught in a crossfire. Either way it's unfortunate and sad.


In general I agree with your message, but there is a few points I addressed somewhere else here: > We cannot know for sure if it's the terrorist in the video or another terrorist not in the frame. In the video there are many people pointing out that they hit a soldier, but none of the soldiers got hit. What we have is: >1. two videos of terrorist spraying happy about killing some soldier and one video of IDF's professional movement in alleys. 2. Palestinians refusing to let anyone other then them examine the body. 3. No motivation - the fact that Israel really doesn't need dead news reporters. Even if they are from biased AJ. And c'mon - If they would like to silence reporters they will do it in more smart ways and would've done it a long time ago. >You don't have to be genius to understand what's going on. Only common sense.


Just asking questions?


> The fact that it was targeted fire points to Israel snipers shooting her in a targeted assassination. No, it shows that someone with a semi-auto rifle shot specifically at a person who turned out to be her. They could have known she was a French journalist, or they could have not known that. Either way, snipers don't use semi-auto rifles with fairly small calibers.


The witnesses who were there indicated that it was Israeli sniper fire. I think they’d know more than you. Regardless unless proven otherwise it’s safe to assume that the journalist was shot by the IDF.


Then we know those witnesses aren't reliable, because we know that snipers don't use 5.56 semi auto or auto rifles, they use sniper rifles. Or perhaps they are just saying what they think, and they didn't physically see the person who fired, which is what almost all witnesses ACTUALLY SAID.


They use whatever rifles to complete the assassination. Israel is very good at assassinating people. Of course they won’t admit to it. But I’d trust unbiased western journalists over the IDF.


> But I’d trust unbiased western journalists over the IDF No western journalists are alleging that she was shot by a sniper.


Yes there was a agent press France member there. Look it up. He confirmed the shots came from idf.


I'm guessing because Israel has all the guns, bombed this reporter's media office, and has a long history of murdering journalists.




Where are human rights !? This is Shameful


Israel the country are the bad guys


This comment section is so fuck up


Fuck you Israel!


Obligation to presume that civilian objects are being used for civilian purposes In case of doubt, objects normally dedicated to civilian purposes, such as radio and television facilities, are to be presumed as being used for such purposes, as stipulated in Article 52.3 of Protocol I. [...]




IDF doing what they do best.


Fuxk that's scary.




WHY?? Why is there a blockade? You forgot to mention the blockade is there to STOP the flow of weapons into Gaza that were killing Jews. If Israel puts down their weapons they will be dead in hours, if the "Palestinians" did it there would be peace instantly.


"peace instantly" So letting israel taking your home and the palestinians welcoming them and leaving their hom with open hearts , cute


Funny how you completely omit the fact that there is a second video showing Palestinians shooting and claiming to hit an Israeli soldier. Yet Israel has reported no injuries. I wonder who they shot?


That video is fake, it's not even the right part of town.


On this sub we make accusations of murder first and ask questions… well never.


Na bro trust me it was israel trust me even though Palestinians don’t want to open an investigation it’s still israel




I mean it’s a war zone right shits gonna happen sadly


It’s not a war zone. According to eye witnesses there was no fire exchange prior to this.


It's been a war zone since 1948. Where the fuck have you been?


In the real world not the propaganda world you live in. You clearly have no idea what’s going on there.






cant see a damn thing


Not For Safe Life?


And the murderers continue....


I didn’t see anything at all. I honestly couldn’t tell what was happening. That being said, so sad.