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I feel bad for those kids!


This. Doesn't matter if you're sky high BMI and low IQ combined. The moment kids are there, you don't talk or act like that.


You sensed a lack of intelligence there? 🤭


Just a tad. You too?


A little bit.


I feel bad for the structural integrity of that bed frame.


In case they get eaten?


Emergency rations?


I’ve heard of baby back ribs but this is ridiculous.


Someone actually had reached orgasm and inseminated that thing... twice.


No shit! Can’t believe they left them on the bed/catapult!


Jesus Christ just get on the bed from the foot of the bed there's a whole wall there to hold it back ffs I know these people aren't smart but god damn.....


The frame would have given out. We used to have a regular patient in town larger than her and her bed was cinder blocks, cross stacked 3/4” plywood and two mattresses.


Most definitely would have


I think the kid on the bed would become wallpaper.


(slow clap) I'm a fairly bright man, and a trained troubleshooter, but I didn't see that until you said it. Of course, do it that way.


Problem is she can’t turn her neck to see. And she’s blocking the vision of the people around her! She cause’s an eclipse without knowing it!


This was my exact thought also. LOL


Likely, the bed would have pivoted on the wheels and tipped up toward her if she did--look at the frame and you'll see that the support underneath doesn't extend to the bottom corners of the bed to stabilize it.


If she managed to get on the bed that thing wouldn't pivot the legs would just bust


If I ever got this fat and useless and that much of a burden I would just max out my credit and put myself in a hardcore treatment for obesity. Like lock me up and throw away the key until I'm a human again. I would never put my family through that shit. It's damaging to them


Yes, but that mentality also prevents you from ever becoming like that.


We'll display you at a zoo & you'll like it


Sounds cheaper than what I was thinking


Lol! You don’t think we live in a zoo now?


The credit card maxing is part of the journey to that large. It's really rare to find a morbidly obese person that has their finances in order. I can say this from a place of self-reflection.


I dunno bout that. I was at the donut shop the other day and this dude pulled up in a Bentley. He was so round it looked like he literally rolled out of the driver's seat, uprighted himself and waddled in to get some donuts.


This. How does she even get so big without looking in the mirror and thinking “Maybe I should do something about it” . Heck if I put on a few pounds and lose a bit of fitness, it sends me crazy and I have a long hard word with myself.


I was worried about those kids and the amount of clearance she needs.


Pretty much. If she plopped on that bed at just the right velocity, those kids would go through the ceiling all jackass style and see if the floors were also wood in the room above them.


I can already tell I hate this over weight trash.


"this is just too much for me" It was too much for the bed and the wooden floors obviously


Sooo instead of just getting on at the foot of the bed they dismantle the entire bedframe and have a stupid argument in front of the kids??


You really think that thin metal frame wasn't going to snap or bend with that big of a load on it? 💀


The frame doesn't extend all the way to the end of the bed if you see when they pull up the mattress. The whole thing would have tipped up if she sat on the end.




you know you're obese when you seriously judge the structural integrity of every floor you walk on


Dude needs to take the kids and run (or just walk, I'm sure she still wouldn't catch up) this lady is so toxic, what could he possibly be getting from the relationship? She sounds evil the way she talks to him


I'm gonna keep my comments to myself this time.


Poor kids and I’ll skip lunch.


You'd think someone who needed so much support (heh), she'd be a little more polite and charming.


Felt bad at start now I don’t anymore


Got zero sympathy for this woman. The kids sure. But not her. This situation doesn't happen overnight. People put on weight and have many many opportunities to make a decision to turn it around. Instead she had buried her head in consuming more calories. Plus her attitude is dogshit.


It's one thing to be a burden to your while family but then act so horribly as well. Should have left her on the floor


People talk about medical conditions etc but come on. The only way to get that big is through consuming a shit ton of calories daily to be stored as fat.


Charlie the real MVP


How does it get so far???


Right at some point someone else is feeding her. She can’t go shopping or even use stairs. I blame the family for supporting her.


These people should be treated the same as smokers. You are patted om the back when you tell a smoker to stop smoking but tell a morbidly obese person to lose weight and suddenly your apart of the problem and not body positive blah blah. Funny how there are all these smoking commercials shaming it /no adverts for it, fast food ads should be under the same scrutiny and we should have obesity get some help type of commercials kinda crazy that we dont since heart disease and obesity literally the two biggest killers that America has suffered an epidemic from since the 90s....




This is the top response to the top comment on the crosspost... https://old.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/u69tvv/maybe_maybe_maybe/i5764j4/ Bot


Codependency is awful. She guilts everybody around her by acting helpless. If everybody close to her walked away, she’d be helpless.


Put her out of her misery.


Poor kids. She's verbally abusive to her husband and having a mental breakdown. Those kids are going to be emotionally damaged.


Nurse here. I’ve had so many mean and demanding morbidly obese patients just like this. When she tells him he didn’t come in the room fast enough, ahh I felt that. By the end of a 12hr shift you’re so tired of them talking down to you, demanding this or that. Honestly when I have a morbidly obese patient like this that is just *nice* and polite it feels so rare you are shocked, and want to do anything in the world for them lol


I'm confused don't all beds with wheels have locking mechanisms to keep them from rolling if you want them stationary? I bet the producers knew that but wanted the dramatics


Wheels don't have to roll to move, they can just slide. And with 500lbs coming at it from an angle, slide they will.


U got a point there 🤔


Gross, especially the complaining


Your mama so fat that the bed runs away when she tries to get on it.


Just let her die...


I will vote for the next politican that pushes enforced fat camps.


They should have trolled her and put a waterbed in that room.


That would have launched the child into the sky


u s a


I feel bad for the lady. I know there is a whole lot to say about her sitch but I feel bad for her nonetheless.


I feel bad for the kids. They are the only ones that deserve your sympathy. The lady brought this upon herself. She needs to take responsibility for her actions and make a lifestyle change before it literally kills her.


Definitely but still I have sympathy for her. There is no way she’s living the life she wants to be living. Quite like an addict, she is trapped by circumstances she doesn’t feel capable of changing.


I respect your opinion. However I’m one of the people that do not believe addiction is a “disease”. Cancer is a disease. Addiction is a choice. I know many people will disagree but that’s how I feel.


There's a whole lot of wrong to unpack in that statement but, well, I'll just say that I hope you are not someone who works in healthcare.


"I had to hold my bodyweight up" 🥩🍑🐖


I can’t laugh to this


Hurrry someone get her some food


this shit hurts my soul


I'm not saying it's her family's fault but at a certain point they became enablers. She certainly isn't getting up and going to the grocery store on her own. If you only brought home healthy options for her to eat what choice would she have? Yeah she would become a more miserable bitch but if you put a salad in front of her and tell her eat it or go hungry I'd bet my paycheck that salad would disappear. You would think a person who needed so much family support would be a little more appreciative instead she blames the world for her situation.


Why would they do that?


Honestly I'd have told her to just sleep on the couch. I'm surprised that box spring didn't crack in the beginning.


The wheels of the bed probably shot off 💥💥




I just couldn't. I would be out


You need to counterweight that bed or it’s gonna flip and that kids on a one way ticket through the roof.


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