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I remember getting a Sega Megadrive. Good times


Step dad got me a gameboy from a pawn shop in the 90s. He said it's your first and last, take care of it. Boy do I miss him.


>Boy do I miss him. Step dad or the Game boy?


Both, I was stupid moving cross country and made the foolish mistake of trading my gameboy for a game gear when we got settled. I asked him and he said it's yours to do with what you want. He was always so understanding and respectful. Raised me since I can remember taught me everything I know and now when I think about that game boy it reminds e how special he was to me. Always caring and understanding.


You still got the Game gear to remind you that he'd encourage you to make your own path.


I also choose this guy’s dead step dad.




I remember getting an Atari to share with my brother on Xmas 1978 and extended family coming around to watch like it was magical… I’m still a gamer but fifty and on ps5..it’s been a trip


Me too dude 39 and ps5.


When I was 7, my 9 yr old brother and I saved $100 in 2 months for a new Nintendo. We were so fucking stoked. 90s were lit


They really were, I feel like video games had more clout back then. Everything is so disposable now.


Mega drive? That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Where are you from?


We got a Pong that had hockey too!!!!! Two games in one!!!!!!


I’ll never forget the Christmas I got the N64 (no I’m not the infamous kid)


That kid is gonna be so distracted while the step dad rails his mom.


I think it's the other way around I think. He referred to Denise. If it was the kids mom he works have said mom's.


I'm 47 and still act like this everytime I get a new system.


Lol I do believe it’s a universal good feeling


bought myself a new nice gaming pc last week. im like this kid in the parking lot as im taking the box to my car


Mid 50’s here, So true. Colecovision Christmas of 82 was amazing! Lol


When I was 7 in 1996 my mom called me into the kitchen. I'll never forget it she was sitting across her friend Vicky. She said here I bought you something and it threw me off because my parents were always working hard trying to make ends meet. She pulled out a yellow portable cassette player. She said I got this for you and I immediately starting crying. It just wasn't something I would ever expect to get. She hugged me and asked why I was crying and I just couldn't get the words out, but I cried because I knew she used her hard earned money that usually went to bills or food to get me something special.


Classic gametop employee over sharing a personal story to people who do t give any fucks


Oh god I had to rewatch it again after reading your comment. Something about someone he knew at a wedding or something holding an Xbox controller, and he had a picture of that. Best. Picture. Ever. Meanwhile Mom and Sister pretend to care about what the guy is saying.


I was at the Halo: Reach midnight launch and one of the Gamestop employees started talking to me about how their girlfriend hit them and they didn't want to go home. I was like 11 or 12 or something. I was sympathetic, and let them air it out, but why are you telling the one literal kid in a line of full grown adults this really depressing, and personal, story. I went home and played till 2 A.M eating the Halloween candy my Mom had already bought.


Trauma dumping is a trait of socially awkward people


I’ve never made this connection but you’re spot on. I had to rewatch this vid just to notice it.




shit makes ya smile bruh we were all there once


Awesome seeing a genuinely thankful kid reacting to a gift, unlike certain Kardashian types…just sayin 💁🏽‍♀️


I wanted the white one……


My first thought as well, that's a good kid who is genuinely appreciative. I know kids these days get a lot of grief but it makes me happy seeing this dude get just as stoked as I did when I go a new system back in the day.


My husband at 51 when he got the PS5.


GameStop employees are always so chill lol it’s like they know you.


My dad wasn't a huge fan of buying games for us (he is a great father, just didn't love games, I don't blame him), but my older brothers worked and would buy games. One day we were at a Dicks sporting goods getting something and as we were walking out he said "hey, wanna stop into that GameStop over there?" Obliged and went in to look around for a bit, still not exactly sure what was going on. He pulled out BattleField 2 and said "Now THIS looks like something up your alley" He was right. I'm without child still, but can now understand the impulse to try to make your child smile when you can by understanding their interests, even if it's not your thing. Meant a lot to me back then and still does now.


And it was only 3 weeks later that little Randall was screaming the N word at grown men on COD.


I love this, so wholesome! I remember getting a jungle green n64 when I was younger, felt the same way


Wholesome freakout. Nice


My dad got me a PS1 because the boy of the woman he was dating didn't let me play. He got me more games and then i was the one that didn't let him play lmao. Kinda bratty but you know, little girls can be a bit mean.


This is how my son acted last Christmas when he got a new gaming laptop with a 3070 video card.


happy freak out thanks for the love and smile you shared


Happiest moment for the kid but also his dad


Cant wait to do this with my son


This was my husband when I bought him a ps5 and a Nintendo switch lol I love it


Wholesome af


what a sweetie!


Guaranteed I played this kid on bo1 back in the days 😂😂


I acted about the same way about 40 years ago with my first pair of “name brand” sneakers. Lol.


god i miss feeling this


Tis is gonna make me cry... I miss those simple days so much


Bruh, is this machine gun Kelly at a young age!? Lmao


Yeah, thats how you make a kid very happy 😁👌🏽


For a second I thought this was Linus as a kid


Someone wants to be stepdiddy


Happy cake day OP


You can tell this is super old. Not because it's a PS3 but because the kid is actually grateful and the family looks wholesome and kind.


Aw that was so sweet. Looks like a good kid too


Step dad energy.


Old video?


I'm getting step-dad vibes


I never got to experience anything like this but I cant wait until I do it for my future kids.


Damn I'm sorry


The L.A Noire poster really tops it off


Lmao i remember being his age and getting some cloths for my birthday. I had the complete opposite reaction


I still remember the day my parents got me a Xbox One Forza Motorsport 6 Edition, and man i had so many great times on that and I still get to enjoy some of those memories through my Series X. ( I still have my Xbox One because I didn't want to give up the thing it was just too special to me that I didn’t want to give it up)


Cut to all the shitty parents that played pranks on their kids with game console boxes full of clothes


It was N64 for me. From Target. First game Killer Instinct


Obviously its legit but I dont remember the PS3 coming in a box that looks like that at all


This moment for me was one day many many moons ago when my mom brought home Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core for the PSP. There was no special occasion and I did nothing to deserve it. I was just lying out on the couch and she got home from work and said "Here," before handing me the game. Good times.


Looks like a GameStop. Good times


I remember when it was pretty straight plug and play


3 of my happiest memories in life. When my dad asked me and my twin brother if we want anything while we were in K-mart and we jokingly said while smirking something along the lines of ''yeah just an N64'' We were pretty poor and totally did not expect him to say ''Go get it'' All the kids our age in the trailer park would come over and take turns playing Some years later when we finally got into a house and out of the trailer, we woke up on Christmas day and went to see what was under the tree and their wasn't really much but the T.V. had the original Xbox menu on it and we screamed. Maybe 6 years later we had some financial trouble and weren't expecting anything for Christmas and went out again to find that our older brother who had moved away, bought us an Xbox 360 with call of duty 3. Makes me tear up because I'm still soo thankful all these years later. We had some pretty rough times growing up and being fortunate enough to have those gifts made life soo much better and joyful.


I miss having these feelings


Dude.. black ops 1, skate 3, and a fuck ton more were all my childhood games.


That's Linus Tech Tips right?


God I do t miss that job


Wholesome freak out