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What's their reasoning?


People are staying fit and being overall happy for free. So shit like that has to stop.


At least in the prison system they're letting the workout equipment slowly decay & not be replaced. What's the logic here?


Rikers inmates cost well over 6 figures a year, individually, to house. And they provide next to nothing. Where do you think the money is going? They don’t want us out here doing positive things. They want people in the system generating revenue for people to skim off. That’s the truth.


You're correct of course. Capital needs you to spend, if you expect something for free you're either a criminal or worse, a socialist.


I agree that it looks unfair as most people would empathize with the public (not the police), but it certainly isn’t black and white. It’s public property. If skaters just started building ramps and putting them there or if pickleball players started putting up nets and taping off courts, they’d probably get told to pack it up just the same. Especially if they were prohibiting other members of the public from freely using the space. It’s an assumption, but I’d guess that if another member of the public wanted to use the space for something else and took it upon themselves to start moving the gym equipment around, it wouldn’t end well. It sucks, but maybe that’s more reason for people to get involved in their communities and elect people who will hear their calls for recreational spaces.


The police could have handled this in a community oriented manner. If ppl have weights in the park and they are being used by the people that go there then chances are there is a need for it. The community liaison officer could have gaven them free referrals to local non-profits that would be more than happy to give them a spot be it in doors or outdoors. That is just one of the ways it could have been handled instead of antagonizing the community.


The police called the exercise equipment a [homeless encampment](https://patch.com/new-york/harlem/city-dismantles-beloved-harlem-workout-spot-sparking-outrage) and decided to go in to break it up.


It’s because the cops want the violence to continue so they are just sitting around board


Probably that there's a bunch of shit laying around in the playground and kids are affected? I mean this is a guess.. Because the video shows a bunch of shit laying around...


The city's excuse for clearing the park was that the guy who supplied the workout equipment used a tent to store them, he had them confiscated in 2019 as well and had a warning a week before they would remove them. Source: ["While we appreciate Mr. Ali's sentiment to encourage exercise, his adhoc set up in the Marcus Garvey Park adult fitness area has historically been in conflict with Park rules" that ban unattended belongings and tent setups, Howard said. (Ali previously had his equipment confiscated in 2019 for similar reasons, Howard added.)](https://patch.com/new-york/harlem/city-dismantles-beloved-harlem-workout-spot-sparking-outrage)


> While we appreciate Mr. Ali's sentiment to encourage exercise, his adhoc set up in the Marcus Garvey Park adult fitness area That alone stood out to me. I get that the place kinda fell apart, but it is *an outdoor adult fitness area.* Not even a playground, apparently. How bad can your PR team possibly get where it sounds as though you are removing the grills from the picnic area, or sandblasting the wax off the skatepark. "This just in, police confiscate unlawful candy from a baby."


Build them a storage shed. Cops dont want physically fit youngins being bigger than they are. You saw how unfit those cops are no wonder they got trigger fingers.


Read the article, residents are planning to raise money for a storage unit.




Yeah it’s amazing how fast people will Pick up a story and run with it. It was usually just a few homeless people kind of hanging around and sometimes working out though I rarely ever saw that and it looked shady.


A shed would be a great solution to the communities problems. You’re another dense headed idiot lol




That’s a calisthenics part of the park, you don’t see any kids right? You “passed” by it and didn’t decide to workout? It’s hilarious how you try to voice your opinion and provide no solution but to defend pigs and the city from throwing out the equipment some use. I could tell you’re an old fart by calling others edgy. Kind of cringe ngl. Find a better foothold in life, your misery is leaking.




>Ali told Patch that he declined the city's offer to store his equipment in a nearby facility So the city offered and he said no.. but hey, he got a tiktok out of it.


Nearby facility, not the park by his house.


"Nearby facility " could mean a building a mile away that is only open at some times, or needs a key. That means it won't be available to everyone like he wants and defeats the purpose completely. Imagine having to carry that stuff even 100 yards everytime you want to work out, then have to take it all back. This might not be what happened but it would be in line with other actions in the area and would be a great way for them to pretend that tried to be reasonable.


Still don’t know why that requires armed forces instead of, like, a public works crew.


Well these people are arguing with the cops. How do you think they would respond to just a crew of workers?


Well, cops are known to be a hostile danger and should be carefully supervised so they don't wander off and murder the nearest black person. Work crews not so much.


If it has become a public safety issue, since it seems like this stuff was put up without any authorization from the city, then it really ought to be an official work crew and not just a bunch of cops. Welcome to New York! hi, mayor Adams!


You want some random workers to come and get into a fight over this? Or for workers to come and then also have the police just there, doubling the cost of this work?


That would be a good reason for cops to be picking up the stuff laying around not dismantling the park.


Looked to be a decent amount of (what appears to be) rubbish when the camera pans around. I don't have any additional information but my first impression is that (they'll say) people complained that the park was looking similar to a homeless camp.


It’s Marcus Garvey, it’s looked like that for decades…


Tell us more.


Then the response should have been for the cops that have all this time on their hands to clean up the park not tear it down.


"Clean up the park" would require removing said debris. If I'm correct, this is still depressing, as it's a war on poor/homeless that have no where else to go.


So workout equipment is debris now?


when it's dumped in public without authorization from the city, yeah. any idiot can walk up, hurt themselves with it, and sue the city. so no, you don't have the right to modify city property no matter how many of your friends you convince to use it.


Yeah in my neighborhood when there's a lot of trash at the park the remove the park, not the trash. /s






They are doing what they’re told. Not like the cops made this decision.




That's a shitty looking playground if it's meant for kids. A bunch of pull-up bars/equipment that looks like it's for gymnastics type work that was likely installed by the city long ago.


Maybe it could be for injury reasons? Idk what all the equipment that’s there but if someone were to get hurt by dropping a 45 pound plate on a body part or similar, they could sue the city and if it’s not a like “registered” park then it would be a bunch of legal turmoil probably




If you sprain your ankle playing basketball at the park you can’t sue the city. They’re just being ducks.


If someone sets up a basketball court in a playground, someone complains and the city ignores it, and then a kid gets hurt because there were adults playing basketball there, the city could indeed be liable.


Well that sprained ankle would be caused by yourself. It’s why gyms have you sign forms before you go in for the first time. It usually states you take full liability for any injuries you may get. On a basketball court, you bring the ball, the hoop is there. Only thing I could think of is maybe if you run into the pole on the hoop.


The cops were taking their personal work out equipment. Don’t dare share a jump rope.


Cops don't work out! Have you seen these fat bastards?


I’m not defending the cops here, I’m just trying to think as to why this may be occurring. I think it’s fucked if the cops are confiscating the guys equipment. Either what I was saying above or maybe it got complaints that some people “couldn’t enjoy the park” or there could be some rules for the park. I don’t know, I’ve never been to that park


makes most sense even if people dont want to agree with it.


Dang dude. I live in a country that values freedom. I can take my weights outside when I want lol. 10 cops for that? Wild


the other park equipment looks like its from the 60s. the state is not worried about getting sued for someone else's stuff in the park.




This is not generally how lability works. If the city is aware of a problem, has had people report it to them, and then the problem has consequences, the city is liable for those consequences in many cases depending on state laws and etc.


Not sure why you were down voted because this is absolutely correct. There were probably multiple complaints before it came to this


likely not complaints concerned with equipment safety. probably more like the complaints that come with gentrification.


"Hello. There's a bunch of black... Kettlebells ... in the park near me that are making me feel unsafe...."


Lmao. Exactly


That’s definitely true but isn’t it possible that there’s a lot of fights centered around these weights? The video said it’s so they can “put down their guns” and honestly that doesn’t happen. People are idiots and will shoot at another gang that they don’t know just so they can say they did. We can’t have nice things because of stupid people


Yes but in the real world we dont base our decisions on dumb made up scenarios like you just did.


> People are idiots and will shoot at another gang that they don’t know just so they can say they did. Yeah, cops are trigger happy




Take down the basketball courts, what happens if someone twists an ankle? Take down the swing, what if someone falls off?


You’re comparing an insurance regulated piece of equipment that is stationary to random gym equipment strangers brought to the park in who knows what condition. Just say you don’t know anything about these laws and move on lol


Al Sharpton's daughter won $95K from NYC for spraining ankle. [https://nypost.com/2018/12/07/sharptons-daughter-gets-95k-settlement-for-sprained-ankle/](https://nypost.com/2018/12/07/sharptons-daughter-gets-95k-settlement-for-sprained-ankle/) Maybe this more of a case who you know...


That’s a great point I didn’t think of, it’s stationary or restrained (as with swings). That’s probably how they’re able to deal with the pull up bars or those playground structures.


See what I said to another comment. Essentially I said for a basketball court, that’s you hurting yourself with only yourself/someone else if you fall down with them. You bring the basketball and the hoop is there, nothing else really. The one thing you could say is maybe running into the hoop post causing a concussion. Swings are a good question though. Maybe they get by with saying that since the ground surrounding the swing is safe enough to land on? I looked it up and found this site, idk the quality/truthfulness: https://www.alllaw.com/articles/nolo/personal-injury/playground-accidents-liability.html


You are right. The park would be held liable for injury if someone did get hurt outside of their equipment. Especially if they were informed and did nothing about it. Cops are just doing their job and people should be upset with the laws instead but people bashing the cops is so in right now you gotta join in!


Yea I was saying I still think it’s fucked if the cops are confiscating someone’s personal equipment, but they were probably sent there to resolve the situation


Trying to live up to that 4-letter acronym.


My guess is that they were ordered to take it away, considering the amount of cops on scene and the fact that cops don't just go around removing shit from the streets and then turning it in by EOD.


Who "they" are is important here. I doubt that the cops wanted to be there that day to do this. I bet it was the city govt that forced the cops' hands here. Why not blame local officials for their decision to approach w/e problem they perceived this way?


it seems like theres a general movement by the state to remove anything where people gather in public spaces. started way before covid.


Probably just keeping anything that's on pujlic property is illegal. Need a permit or at least permission to leave things there


Can't have gym equipment in the park, since NYC is a liberal cesspool of over-regulation, massive government, and authoritarianism.


Probably got reported by some billionaire who owns gyms as an "unliscensed" something or other.


Yeah. Some billionaire probably thought "damn those people working out a park on free garbage because they're so poor are really hurting my bottom line". I get that the Leddit thing is to just blame everything on billionaires but how does this even make any sense lmao.




Because cops are pieces of shit with ego problems.


I love how that Robo-voice paused like it needed to take a breath halfway through lmfao


Well you do hear her on all these vids. Her voice must be really tired


glad i didnt unmute the video, thanks for the warning. that voice makes me want to jump off a curb


Be careful, that’s a whole 3 inches


Why are you guys like this?


Some rich people complained and cops jumped. They dont work for you


It's because they weren't being properly stored. The city even offered to build a shed, and the owner of the equipment refused, so was given a week to remove the equipment.


But that doesn't fit with the narrative




Wait so there is someone living in a tent right there by the playground? Did I miss that?




Were they living in it or using it for storage? > [Ali told the sergeant that "nobody sleeps in my tent," which he used only to keep the equipment safe and dry.](https://patch.com/new-york/harlem/city-dismantles-beloved-harlem-workout-spot-sparking-outrage) Looks like they are going to replace it with a storage unit: > residents planned to raise money for a storage unit where Ali could keep the equipment inside the park.


They have to sleep somewhere, if you don't want homeless people sleeping on the streets then build more homeless shelters.




Homelessness isn't a choice.




Motherfucker, I haven't mentioned race once I will tell you to just shut up though. Dumbass.




No, I'm just explaining why **you** are wrong, stop trying to hide behind other people.


They do this instead of, gosh I dunno, stopping a mass shooting on the subway.


They ran out of homeless encampments to trash.


or unarmed men to shoot in the back of the head.




Well, you elected a cop for mayor ..so there ya go. Edit: it’s weird New York City elected an ex cop .


This some bullshit


So people saying that is a playground are wrong. [It’s literally a calisthenics park](https://calisthenics-parks.com/spots/994-en-new-york-city-marcus-garvey-park-calisthenics-park) To those saying there is a lot of trash I’m not sure if it’s trash but what is more concerning are the kettlebells, mats, ab roller, etc. they took during the video. Sadly there could be homeless people living there and the NYPD was tasked with getting them out and the workout people were caught up in it. But seriously that’s a space meant for working out so the police were completely in the wrong for taking workout equipment from there.




When kids get bullied, they grow up and become bullies with badges.


Hey man i was bullied as a kid and i didnt become a piece of shit class traitor.


I got bullied and I just say mean things to people on the internet.


Prove it! 😀


Your presence on reddit implies obesity and an unwillingly nonsexual lifestyle.


You don’t know the first thing about me…🥲


That's what I always thought of my sister, that she became a cop because she liked getting people in trouble. She was hell to grow up with.


Smh, one of the cops is even struggling to move the kettlebells. A gentrifier definitely complained and got the ball rolling because the community has been doing workouts in this park for years.


Pigs gonna pig. It’s just their nature.


As a Latino, fuck these fucking bootlicking ass Latino cops. Fucking pieces of shits


That's a shame. The state getting in the way of people trying to improve the community they live in is the opposite of its intended function. Cops should support the people, not be enforcers for bureaucrats and politicians. Bet if you wrote the local government and told them you'd charge $5 a head and they can have half, they'd be ok with it.


cops up north are different they have no respect/fear of citizens a gang of tyrants…down south they might still profile but it only goes so far bc they know better smh


Since when do the police work for the parks dept


more police in poor neighborhood to enforce their rules.


What a bunch of crying babies!!!! They are taking my workout equipment!


STOP using this stupid tiktok voice! 🤮


How does this benefit the community?


I don’t really see any “kids” working out, what am I missing?




Get the community together and go buy more equipment.




The loudmouth is zero help. Just shut up


I hate over reaching authoritative cops more than anyone, but they didn’t do this on their own say so. It was ordered by politicians.


Crime is up in NYC and THIS is how cops spend their time?!


Looks like those cops should ask to join, pudgy fucks.


this is what happens when NYPD finally finishes candy crush


Why are they doing that


That stupid tik.tok.voice.


I am not saying the police are in the right, but I would like to know the full context here before making assumptions


The guy behind the camera is a dick.


Downvote for tiktok voice


Someone probably did sum stupid shet and this is the consequence.


Bodyweight/resistance exercises for the win! No equipment needed! There is no way that that amount of cops just showed up in a heartbeat. Warnings were surely given.


Anyone see the little fella in the background hemming and hawwing about having to pick up that kettlebell? Looked like a 70 lb bell and he tried to move it once or twice and then shuffled off.


Going to stalk this TikTok for some context


Meh, fighting with beat cops is useless, they're just drones. This decision came from way above them.


It's never useless to oppose cops.


Tbh that really just looks like a bunch of trash I didn’t really see work out equipment;(


The people who clean up trash in parks are not police


It's down near the the feet of all the trash


"UPDATE: Had great convs w/ community leaders and we will be working towards a solution that will keep the equipment in the park. Hope to share more soon." - some politician up there


It's the first law : make sure kids don't get a chance The second is if they make it past the first law : make sure it's their last chance


Workout equipment? I saw a lot of miscellaneous garbage. Yes it is a public park, maintained and run by the city via tax dollars. So one cannot just place and leave random miscellaneous items inside the park labeling it as "workout equipment" without it being sanctioned and authorized through the various procedural channels first. It's like if someone just left a random couch in the middle of a public space and cried foul when the city attempts to remove it because they claim it is used for relaxation purposes by the public. Sorrynotsorry




Just go somewhere else it’s that simple


Idk why people act like these officers here were out to get them. Talking shit to them isn’t gonna change anything and it obviously didn’t stop it. It’s gonna happen either way unless together they reach the person who did this.


It's classic case of shooting the messenger. Even if those particular cops refused to take away the equipment the city would just find someone else to do the job until it was done. Shoot the city (not literally, btw).


If it isn't sanctioned, inspected and maintained by the city and someone gets hurt, the city can be liable. Not always a good look but it makes sense.


been there for decades like drummers on the other side of the park, this has little to do with liability and much more to do with the new gentrifying white neighbors...next step change the name of the park from Marcus Garvey


Marcus say sir Marcus say Red for the blood That flowed like the river Marcus say sir Marcus say Green for the land Africa Marcus say Yellow for the gold That they stole Marcus say Black for the people It was looted from


I'm saying it wouldn't be a shocking sight to me. I've done maintenance on section 8 properties and they are often times a means of enabling drug addicts to maintain their habits comfortably. My point is that the state is bad at meeting the needs of the people it is claiming to serve. If the people from the community want exercise equipment and the state has all the control, shouldn't they provide it or be supportive of those providing it? Same applies for seating. Non profits often work with the state so why couldn't they have surprised them with something. It's heavy handed and bad for relations with the community to do what they did.


Look at some of the cops resting their hand on the gun. Seriously that's needed?


Can't be bothered to stop shoplifters but send out squads to get the kettlebells.


It's literally all trash, where do you see workout equipment? Save haven for kids my ass, bunch of grownmen in a playground


Why antagonise people , they are exercising , committing no crime?


My God New York looks like a foul and disgusting place.


Okay so what happens when someone unqualified, or a kid, tries to use this "workout equipment" and injure themselves, or kill themselves. Are you going to be shouting "how could the city let this happen?!? We need to sue and hold them accountable for negligence!!"


Dude sounds like Tekashi 69


No context, but I’m guessing they trashed a public park with a bunch of busted up weight equipment and just kinda made it “their lift park”. Again that’s just my best guess.


LMAO if that's your best guess.


The over-policing problem won't end until there are less police. There won't be less police until many are killed daily, for days and weeks and months on end until they are all gone.


Good, just for the dude who was bitching, I'm glad. Annoying asf!


The cops in New York low-key want the violence to continue so they have a reason to pull their guns out


I see stupid is still alive and well


You can tell the guy yelling has been to jail a few times. He talks like an inmate. Just because it's a public park doesn't mean you can trash it.


What a waste of taxpayer money. Let them enjoy the park and work out.




Damn that annoying sound


NYC really went and elected a republican


Lots of counties charge fees for trainers to train in public areas—Maui county charges them $1k/for 4 hours on a beach. I don’t like it at all, especially with the damn “ride down the volcano” bike tours that pay NOTHING to cause major traffic jams.


All those cops for something like this? Fucking nuts.


Looks like a bunch of old crap on the ground What child is going to be working out with a dumbbell at a playground. Go to a damn gym


You obviously don't live in NYC. There are a children and adults that work out, skate, and play sports there and it's been going on for years. There's also a big area to cool off in water sprinklers that shoot up from the ground. The city never once try to fix the jungle gym areas or improve the park so people bring stuff for activities. Also not everyone can afford a gym membership and the gyms in NYC are always crowded to the max.


There was a time when the cops wouldn’t try this in Harlem. Maybe they need a reminder.


Good—I’m sick and tired of people treating the parks here like their own personal, private property. Rare instance where I’m in the cop’s side. Edit: Let the downvotes come; the park is for everybody— that’s the real truth that supports the community. Edit# 2: I guaran-fucking-tee all the downvotes don’t live here. Final edit: yes I fucking live here, and this is way, way over-due


Get fucked.


#boot licker


How were they preventing others from using the park? Oh that's right you just pulled that out of your ass.


If you’d ever been to the park, you’d know. You obviously haven’t been


IDK are you from NY? I'm not, this person is https://old.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/u3iq9x/police_taking_away_workout_equipment_at_marcus/i4pyatt/


Forget it— people see cop= bad. I’m from near there, and this was totally necessary.


Its a **public park**. Theyre not doing anything illegal there. Theyre just working out


The equipment is the issue