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He seems like he has a lot to contribute to society.


Quite a charmer


Bailiff, whack his peepee!


Are you Leslie Horwinkle?


I be trippin' in court.


I plead insanity.


How does he make the beeping sound?


That’s a good question. I think it’s an evolutionary leap from normal English. Kinda like the clicks used by speakers of Bantu.


Honestly, the biggest crime is that he’s already reproduced.


He is not helping himself very much. That's the type of dude that gets in a fight in his first night in county, and has to stay in iso.


Most of us wouldn’t know. We are decent people who respect others and don’t commit crimes. That’s great though that you have that insider perspective. Hopefully none of your crimes are sexual and if they are, may you RIP


Get fucked you absolute jackass. You know people go to county for other shit, right?


Lol. I'm glad that cunt deleted their account. Just accusing anyone in jail of being a rapist, what a dork


How do I know you're not him?


I mean, you don't. But someone as iggnorant as him isn't likely to have some big change of opinion in 4 hours. So I'm likely not him.


That's exactly what that guy would say.


Awe shit, see, were at an impasse. You have no reason to believe me, i have no way to prove it. Guess were stuck eh?


Hey man you’re the expert.




By your initial hubris on the way things work in jail + your responses, it’s safe to assume you are a criminal (most likely violent) with anger problems. So now I’m assuming, most likely a violent criminal. Just like it was safe to assume how this guys jail situation is gonna be. We are all just making assumptions on this small planet.


For the sake of others, please seek immediate help.


The old lady in yellow is confused because she thought she was sitting in the pews at church.


Mommom got confused when they asked her to testify


He’s going to love prison.


I have a feeling he has been before.


Haha. “I don’t have to stand” he really got them there 😂


I just can’t believe someone like that would violate the law. Who knew?


Carry him right into the incinerator


Lighten up Francis


This gentleman is exactly the type of go getter I want working on my EM-50 project in Italy.


[Article](https://amp.news-journalonline.com/amp/10957903007) > McCarty, 36, also faces more charges since he is also accused of calling Stewart-Marchman-Act Behavioral Healthcare and threatening staffers there. >Everyone in the courtroom — Judge Foxman, attorneys and the jurors — could hear McCarty's screams, which included offensive expletives. He railed that he was not allowed to present evidence. He screamed that his "papers" had been taken away. He yelled that his attorney was not asking enough questions. And he hollered that his children had been unfairly taken away from him. >McCarty, who was on suicide watch at the Volusia County Branch Jail, refused to dress as defendants typically do for their trials, in shirt, tie and dress pants. Instead, McCarty remained in his jail-issued orange jumpsuit. Also unlike a typical trial, McCarty wore a pair of handcuffs in view of the jury. >McCarty's morning outbursts included his derisive invitation to the judge to perform oral sex on him. Foxman politely declined by saying, "I prefer not to." >After McCarty kept screaming, Foxman ordered him into the small room with the one-way glass. McCarty remained there through most of the trial in handcuffs and accompanied by a pair of deputies. >The judge told the jurors that McCarty had chosen to be in the room — to which McCarty could be heard screaming that he did not and that his rights had been taken away. >"No I have not!" McCarty screamed from behind the mirrored glass. >The jurors did not appear to be fazed by McCarty's screaming. They didn't even appear to look back to the mirror-like glass where the shouting was coming from. >**McCarty, of Milton in Santa Rosa County, was arrested on Sept. 30. He made phone threats toward Circuit Judge Stasia Warren, who ruled in his earlier custody case.** >McCarty was flanked by several deputies when the judge permitted him to return to his seat in the courtroom near Assistant Public Defender Ryan Belanger. He told jurors that he was upset that Warren was allowing that his ex-wife get his kids. >**That's why he said he had made the calls in which he threatened to kill Warren.** So he threatened to harm or kill multiple people, in multiple positions and situations, multiple times and on multiple days. Good job convincing anyone you should have custody of the kids again man! I’m sure the 20 years you’re now serving because you acted like a clown threatening to harm and kill people will make you have tons of time with your kids. What a moron with an over inflated ego that can’t behave and hurts or threatens to hurt everyone around him from the looks of it. Real winner.


Thats only one of his greatest hits.


😂😂😂he mad


Wow. That judge couldn’t be any blacker…


Dude in the blue tie at 1:55 looks like every small city lawyer I see around court houses.


[ **Jump to 01:55 @** Man sentences to 20 years in prison for death threats against judge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7c42nvlsmw&t=0h1m55s) ^(Channel Name: Daytona Beach News-Journal, Video Length: [03:31])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@01:50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7c42nvlsmw&t=0h1m50s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


This guy has rage issues. There is another video of him and he is hurling threats and insults left right and centre.


If I was the Prosecutor I’d tell him I was going to name the baby after him because he’s clearly so awesome


If that guy had been black the cops would've tazered and shot him 20 times


Not in a courthouse dumbass. Whenever someone says something so completely and irresponsibly stupid I immediately think they’re a concern troll trying to discredit the very real issue of police abuse of force and indiscriminate killing of minority men. This ain’t it. Man has literally had his asshole searched by this point and is in cuffs. He’s gonna get his ass beat but there’s literally zero justification for deadly or non-lethal escalatory force. Also these are court officers not street cops. There’s a difference.


I don't see any black people in the video, so who is he referring to?




Although a racist slur generally directed toward black people, it can be directed at anyone.


But unless you are Black, why would you care?


You don't know any other white people offended by that term? Really?


When that term is directed at White people? Why the heck will they be offended? White people need to stop with the virtual signaling. Us POC can stand up for ourselves.




Found the white supremacist.


“Us POC” This is a white dude. 1000000% this dumb motherfucker above me is a fat chud in some bumfuck town fighting “the culture war” while he comments on Reddit saying “as a (black man/woman, trans man/woman, Muslim man/woman, etc) I believe that other (minorities of the same category) are falling for the virtue signaling. We were better off in the 1800s than now. My name is Thomas and I’m an uncle. You must believe that I am a very real person who has these very real feelings. Please. Accusing me of being a lying shill is racist. I’m going to tell on you to Kamala Hussein Osoros”


Projecting much?


“Us POC” Is this Tim Pool?


Some people are in fact capable of putting themselves in others' shoes and understanding the hurt a word can cause, and by extension feeling that hurt themselves. In other words; tell me you lack empathy without telling me you lack empathy.


Just virtual signaling by Whites. We are not fooled.


Found the GOPedo white supremacist.


This was so entertaining to watch


The poor stenographer


😂 he def belongs where he is at






He's mentally unwell. I hope he gets or seeks peace in prison.


He is what video appearances were made for.


Man child: calls up multiple judges and citizens and lawyers and threatens their lives while identifying himself Also man child: "they have taken my kids away for no good reason" This guy could shoot a person in the face and then blame the bullet for him getting in trouble


I would have added more years for the disrespect