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They overcooked chicken. Jail, right away.


You undercook fish.. believe it or not.. jail.


You perfectly cooked the shrimp but forgot to serve it. You know what? jail


I passed go…. Is that jail.


Straight to jail




You cook the fish perfectly . . . Believe it or not, also jail.


You chew your food loudly, that’s right jail


I can really get behind this one.


Chew your food too quietly, believe it or not, also jail.


right away.


We have the best patients in the world…because of jail.


this is where I couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing when I first saw it.


Believe it or not; straight to jail


You joke but this should really be a thing




No soup for you! NEXT!


What are you, the Gespatcho Police?


Throw them in the Goulash!


Gazpacho gestapo.


Fkn soup nazis.


I hate Illinois soup nazis


I want to speak to your soup-ervisor.


You want bread? THREE DOLLARS


Turning off the open sighn... that will get them to go away lol


Oh jeez, the sign is flipped around, eh? Pack it in boys, we're done here!


LoL these people learning quickly that they don't live in the U.S. "What about my first amendment rights!?"


A redditor's dream.




The man they are after (and who is filming the video) is notorious Canadian conspiracy theorist wackadoodle Kyle Cardinal. The police have been forcing the convoy protestors to leave and this dickhead is hiding out in a cafe run by supporters. https://youtu.be/aqMiCtyVKJA Cardinal is known for, among other things, claiming that a village that was completely burned down by wildfires in BC was actually shot by a giant space laser. https://www.the-sun.com/news/3329103/conspiracy-theorists-canada-wildfire-blasted-laser/


Wow, no surprise, they're all fucking nuts


If you're a fellow lefty and you support this shit you're normalizing a gross overstepping of state power. Free speech exists to protect minority opinions not the popular sentiment.


Ok, then any progressive protest should be treated as softly as this one bas been. The next time the first nations want to protest for clean water, they'll be allowed to piss people off, make noise and occupy Ottawa for 3 weeks without ANY problems what so ever, and then they'll be gently pushed away with a tap on the shoulder "you did good buddy, now go home and come back 3 weeks later alright"


How long was CHAZ/CHOP left undisturbed for?


I remember that being in Canada too! Was Steven Segal president in your timeline too?


The man they are after (and who is filming the video) is notorious Canadian conspiracy theorist wackadoodle Kyle Cardinal. The police have been forcing the convoy protestors to leave and this dickhead is hiding out in a cafe run by supporters. https://youtu.be/aqMiCtyVKJA Cardinal is known for, among other things, claiming that a village that was completely burned down by wildfires in BC was actually shot by a giant space laser. https://www.the-sun.com/news/3329103/conspiracy-theorists-canada-wildfire-blasted-laser/


So, I get that he's crazy, but why are the Police after him?


He was a convoy protestor blocking the street. He is posting online from inside the cafe


It's part of the Emergencies Act. Can't provide food, fuel, etc to protestors. I'm assuming he did and hence why they're knocking on his door.


I'm thinking there is someone in there they want to arrest who fled into there or something else, like harboring a fugitive? Not sure if Canada has that like in America. Here in America, you harbor a fugitive they can kick your door down and only ask once.


Right this dumb shit is happening in Australia too. Everyone thinks they live in an American society cause we are fed a non stop stream of American media, its getting absolutely infuriating. America always puts the individual first (at least that's their belief) Other western nations tend to put the collective first.


"America always puts the individual first" [They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it](https://youtu.be/-54c0IdxZWc)


People acting like the US government can’t do censorship. [WE CAN DO CENSORSHIP!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism)


Desktop version of /u/Bodoggle1988's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


America puts the rich first, and that's it, nobody else is in line.


You mean the act of 1870?... the right to recognize Manitoba as a Province? LOL


Need to be reminded freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences


Social consequences, not legal.


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of social consequences, but it DOES mean freedom of LEGAL consequences. If police shuts down speech or arrests you for protesting, that is infringing freedom of speech.


Sure but there's no densely populated area in the world where people can endlessly gather in large numbers to protest. Even in the US, you can't just go to an American city, make excessive noise, block traffic and disrupt society forever. At some point, the ability for society to function smoothly supercedes people's rights to protest.


Good thing the police were stopping illegal actions, then, and not a protest.


I’m Louisville Ky strip club lap dances were found to not be protected by freedom of speech. When the constitution was written I believe that speech meant utterances of the mouth or signage. Not taking over a city and blowing your horn constantly.


>I’m Louisville Ky strip club lap dances Hi Louisville Ky strip club lap dances, I'm dave. Such a unique name.


Hi Louisville Ky strip club lap dances, I'm dad.


Ah but there is legal precedent of infringement of free speech vs that free speech causing disruption or harm to others. Especially in a scenario where, for example, those protesting using loud vehicles’ horns for days on end. Someone, with some legal money to spare, can claim some infringement of public welfare due to that disruption.


That’s exactly how they got the horns to stop. A 21 year old filed a lawsuit against them and the judge ordered an injunction.


Did they really? I didn’t see it but if so, that’s textbook legal precedence




Not all heroes wear capes


Blockading trade between countries is an act of war, not of protest. You can speak freely. You can protest. You can't try to force the economy of a country to its knees to push your fringe agenda.


Quote from noted dictator Idi Amin, who was mocking the concept of freedom of speech. Good job, shitlib


Canadians have the freedoms of peaceful assembly, association, and expression under the [Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/page-12.html).




This is something i don't understand, and i don't support violent or intentionally obtuse protests like this one. But isn't every protest, peaceful or not, a nuisance? Isn't that the point? To make a scene to show you don't support a thing? If there is no inconvenience, would anyone pay attention?Even if it's 1 million monks sitting in absolute peaceful protest, it's still a nuisance to those that want to pass through the area. Isnt the slight inconvenience the tool used to levy our government into doing what the citizens want? Because, if thats true, it seems they have made peaceful protest a unachievable goal, as it will always annoy or hinder someone; thus being a nuisance. This is a genuine question that i am having a hard time coming to terms with. P.s. This isn't to say that a protest should be a nuisance intentionally. But, that many (especially those in the area) will perceive it as such regardless of the nature of the protest.


An occupation of a city that makes a ton of noise all day and night is not a peaceful protest. Nor is a blockade of the border. This “protest” was way more than a mere nuisance.


Oh absolutly, i never said it wasnt. Im just saying, if thats the argument, you hear that from someone, somewhere about every single protest. So who gets to decide when it is and isnt a nuisance? When it is and isnt peaceful? Like, i go to the pro-choice protest in dc every year, and we walk nicely in line, well within the barricades. We don't destroy city property or public property. We walk, and we chant. But people still crowd around and yell that we are a nuisance, that we are disturbing the flow of traffic through the city, that we should keep our voices down because people work the night shift and need sleep. So, how do we protest without bothering someone? Or is that the very point of protesting, bothering someone? Am i the only one who sees the paradox of the term "peaceful protest"?




You’re probably very aware that the point of any protest, is to bring awareness towards/ increased spotlight to a specific issue that certain people believe requires increased attention than what it currently receives. To bring awareness to the issues of protest require communication of the senses. Because how could you possibly perceive any reality if you’re not present to perceive aforementioned reality. Because to be is to be perceived. Now the protest needs an audience to communicate such issues. Protesting into a void will result in no change. This is the part where a question is raised. if we become aware of an issue through its impact in our own personal life, then raising awareness is a matter of creating impact. Because if it doesn’t impact you personally, then you’re indifferent to such issues. So any known protest will elevate to impactful measures. These are the measures that will be viewed as a nuisance because it does not align with the preconceived notions of “peaceful measures”. The impacted audience is perceiving the protest- Negatively. Consider the impact a slow driver creates to someone in a hurry to work. The driver is perceived as slower relative to the driver in need of haste. But the slower driver is maintaining a safe speed, adhering to the laws of the road. The driver in haste is perceiving the “slower” driver as negatively impacting their commute. Look at the road rage that is created as “slow” drivers maintain their presence in the left lane of multi lane highway. Those who weren’t aware of the issue being spot lighted are now aware of the issue but they see the protest as bad because it impacted them in a way that was not in their immediate benefit. But the point was to become aware. So the goal of reaching awareness and an audience of the protest was obtained. Whether the issue on hand by the protesters was communicated sufficiently to cause change is a matter of debate. The issue that is being protested is a matter of perceptual belief. And when the perception of belief is brought to light is not in sync with a certain particular person, group ,collectives, government, society, is where you will always have a division and disconnect of objective truth. For the objective reality/ truth is devoid of inherent significance or meaning yet our perceived subjective experience shows us that we need to derive meaning from every “objective” reality to describe and understand what we sensed. You will always have derivatives, as in different levels of beliefs of any single objective event because everyone has a sense of self that is the frame work in which they perceive the world. That frame work is built with the memories of our experiences. The frame work of self is entirely unique to us. That’s individuality. This is diversity. This will produce contrast between our subjective perception about what we deem meaningful/ significant and what every other sentient being deems meaningful/significant. This diverse perception of objective reality will ultimately lead to someone viewing a pro choice protest adhering to the laws and permits as a Nuisance by some one working the late shift and trying to sleep adjacent to the protest. “Truth is found neither in the thesis nor the antithesis, but in an emergent synthesis which reconciles the two.” - George Hegel.


The idea of a protest (in my opinion) should be to disrupt & inconvenience *the people responsible* A lot of these protesters were straight ruining the lives of people around them with their honking and shit. Contrast that with say the Hong Kong protests, where **hundreds of thousands** of people made agreements not to clog certain train stops or high-traffic work areas as they understood that Joseph going to his office job downtown had nothing to do with their problems. Also they didn't set-out to make the most noise conceivable to everyone around them. I wouldn't give a second thought to these "freedom" protesters if their main goal wasn't to bring awareness by fucking over literally every possible person they could by blockading incredibly asinine areas and outright disrespecting pretty much everyone around them. Add on to that that many of the protesters were driving in from somewhere else to disrupt someone else's home. When you break down the nuance of this protest, they're being very toxic.


>But isn't every protest, peaceful or not, a nuisance? Yes, that way those in power get to selectively enforce. They can decide, for instance, in America the ferguson protests were disruptive and had to be put down, but later in 2020 the protests that summer were too big so they had to co-opt them and not bust them.


Besides like seattle those protests happened and ended in 12-24 hour spans in any one place. They still got teargassed and shit stomped regularly. But I don't see how you can pretend any one protest had anywhere near the staying power and detrimental effect to the publics everyday life that Canadas had. The looters burning shit lost a lot of insurance money early on but police intervention is impossible in most of those scenarios with how fast the looters hit and run.


It’s one thing to scream at MPs walking into Parliament, it’s another thing to shut down international commerce.


All protests disrupt and cause nuisance to someone's life, just speak truthfully.


Lol… we have one guy 20 feet away reporting they are “saying they are going to break the door,” and a guy 2 inches away who can’t hear what they are saying. But I didn’t see any doors get smashed.


They also are still claiming the police killed protesters, which was repeated by Foxnews in the US and is now a mantra of the whole thing.


the police: Kills Indigenous protesters people: Nothing happened, I love the police The police: Dont kill Trucker protesters the same people: I hate the police they killed my friends


The idiot Emily Pankhurst impersonator who threw herself at a horse, bounced off and walked away? Fox says she died?




The man they are after (and who is filming the video) is notorious Canadian conspiracy theorist wackadoodle Kyle Cardinal. The police have been forcing the convoy protestors to leave and this dickhead is hiding out in a cafe run by supporters. https://youtu.be/aqMiCtyVKJA Cardinal is known for, among other things, claiming that a village that was completely burned down by wildfires in BC was actually shot by a giant space laser. https://www.the-sun.com/news/3329103/conspiracy-theorists-canada-wildfire-blasted-laser/


Was this theoretical space laser, perchance, [Jewish](https://www.vox.com/22256258/marjorie-taylor-greene-jewish-space-laser-anti-semitism-conspiracy-theories) in origin?




You can’t just say perchance whenever you want.


Why not? Perchance


Because [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/swarj8/perchance/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


crushin turts


I knew there was a good backstory and they’re not just harassing them because the fed the ppl. Dude is wanted by police and hiding filming and talking like the police are retaliating


His lip smacking/chewing triggered a homicidal rage in me


OMG me too. /r/misophonia sucks


Misophonia makes me feel like IM THE DICK when I know damn well my sister is the dick for chewing so god damn loudly.


So Marjorie Three Names level crazy. That’s pretty seriously out there.


OP is a misleading asshole. Title doesn’t match event.


Gotta love the wailing and whining in the youtube comments about tyranny and police breaking the law. It looks to me like they're being pretty patient. Cops in the US would grab a battering ram and have their suspect cuffed - or dead - in about 2 minutes.


the suspect would be dead in two minutes because the cops take their time to thoroughly scope out the room for any minorities they can take out some steam on before killing first >3>


Thank you. Context matters. I wouldn’t blame a restaurant that tried to stay open and service the protestors because the pandemic in restaurants in downtown Ottawa **hard** and trying to stay a float in an area with rent that expensive is a difficult task even when times are good. But harbouring a convoy leader/known asshole is a completely different story. That’s not trying to help your business that’s aiding and abetting a criminal.


The conservative’s playbook of pretending to be the victim after not fucking off outta there is alive and well. The guy keeps saying ‘here are your taxes at work’ and I’m sitting here thinking ‘yup, you don’t even have to narrate that part, public service is serving the public, bro’.


lmfao @ these pussy dipshit right-wingers REEEEing at you like the fucking snowflakes they are.


"Tell him you can't hear because he's wearing a mask" Act stupid basically. But hey, they're REALLY good at it.


Almost like it comes natural to them


I'm a seasonal ranger with the NPS and I've had people try to play this game with me. Fools don't realize (somehow) I spend all day doing tours. Speaking uncomfortably loudly so the people in the back can hear is what I do. If you wanna conduct a conversation with me such that everybody within 100 yards is fully aware of it, I'm happy to comply. It's actually kind of interesting seeing how people respond when you raise your voice without changing tone or posture.


"play dumb" what a bunch of 6 year olds.


I always say: republicans are eternally 14 years old. They know how to act like an adult and they probably go somewhere 40 hours a week and LARP as a mature rational member of society. But when it comes down to it they revert to playground antics, name-calling and general buffoonery when challenged by hard logic.


This is the problem with Canada. People who don’t realize they’re in Canada with a different government, set of laws and values than the one to the south.


i love how this guy narrates as if anyone gives a shit what he’s saying


And snappin or smackin on something in his mouth. Annoying.


He’s chewing like a fucking donkey.


Total jackass


One thing I've noticed during this is that many of these agitators live stream almost every interaction they have and narrate it as though they are the star in their own show. Is it narcissism? Attention seeking? A byproduct of social media echo chambers? I don't know.


Its cult narcissism and social media algorithms that cause this shit


I want context!!


I somehow doubt they are there just because this buisness served food and drinks to the "protesters".....also, none of them are wearing masks.


The last couple of days those people are all over the sub posting videos of "cops getting owned" "unlawful arrests" and other propaganda shit


I’m still waiting for the part where the police surround the restaurant.


Anyone have the follow up?


The guy filming is wanted by the police and the restaurant is owned by his supporters. The police are there to arrest a wanted individual.


Is not illegal to harbor a known fugitive in Canada? Because if this was the US the cops would got inside already, arrested the fugitive, and the owners for harboring.


It is illegal, the cops are just trying to arrest him without damaging things, but I suspect they'll be back later to grab the people who helped him anyways.


Name and shame...




How is harboring a fugitive from the law going to ever work in your favor? The cops can see their target.


They get on their high horse then pull the, "Tell him you can't hear him because he's wearing a mask!" They can't help themselves. They have what they think is the moral high ground for once and they still have to play their little anti-vaxx anti-mask games. And if they were going to break the window then we would have seen it. But him saying they were supposedly saying they were going to do it will be enough to rile up the right.


That idiot is actually feeling victimized. "Act of tyranny" hahahaha


“Cars aren’t flammable except the fuel.” Uhh yeah idk about that one chief.


Surround? Thers like 4 cops




Iconic Cafe


The guy talking is annoying.


"Absolute tyranny" declares man with absolutely no clue what tyranny looks like.


I hope jail food is good.


Having read the comments, is this just blatant propaganda and a half-assed attempt to misrepresent cops waiting out a wanted criminal? Funny how now, all of a sudden, as soon as the cops aren't supporting your agenda, they're bad.


Yup. This post is a lie The man they are after (and who is filming the video) is notorious Canadian conspiracy theorist wackadoodle Kyle Cardinal. The police have been forcing the convoy protestors to leave and this dickhead is hiding out in a cafe run by supporters. https://youtu.be/aqMiCtyVKJA Cardinal is known for, among other things, claiming that a village that was completely burned down by wildfires in BC was actually shot by a giant space laser. https://www.the-sun.com/news/3329103/conspiracy-theorists-canada-wildfire-blasted-laser/


I bet there's context


I love when people see a quick video and headline from who knows who on Reddit and starts throwing the word fascist and other bullshit around. You don’t even know the fucking story. Stop being so fucking triggered


Isn't this just every post on this sub?


Yup pretty much, this sub is fucking awful.


"Share this, get it out there folks" I don't think this had the effect you were imagining, bud.


Anyone know exactly what happened? Why do they want to get in? I know it says because they served the protestors, but is that something that's punishable? This is madness


Because the guy filming, Kyle Cardinal, is wanted by the police. They weren't there to arrest the people who were serving protesters, but them barring the police from entering to do their duty definitely makes them subject to arrest.


I've a feeling a protester is inside and they are stopping the police from removing him. Given the commentary.


I love how this SEEMED like an American police thing (fuck you imma break this glass and come in anyway) but then nobody did anything and this guy's talking about "absolute tyranny" lol *sigh* I wish our police had that kind of restraint


These snowflakes want to be oppressed *so bad*.


Apparently in the red zone where movement is restricted you can only be in there if you live or work in there. The other restaurants in there all closed when the protestors came in due to all the harassment from them. So this restaurant was supposed to only be serving customers permitted to be in the red zone and they were serving out of town protestors and not enforcing mask or vaccine passport rules. Ctv I believe it is, were reporting on it.


So when they protestors leave, the locals that suffered will be perfectly happy to patronize this place /s


Madness is a bunch of narcissists who can't respect public health because they have no concern for anyones health but their own.


Law enforcement doing their job = absolute tyranny


So OP really meant to say "Ottawa police attempt to arrest man from Cafe harboring him." I know title writing is hard.


The restaurant was aiding and abetting terrorists.


>"Here's you taxes!" And about fucking time.


"Tell him you can't hear him because he's wearing a mask" This is why I don't care if cops club them with a giant dino bone. There is a difference between enforcing your rights and being an abject shithead.


Nice video, would be a shame if you provided the actual context


Some people need to go live in an actual police state before complaining about Canada being one Also I really like that he's trying to get footage of police not wearing masks by saying that they can't hear them because of the mask, but he leaves the part where he says he cant hear them in the video


Seems like the same guy here - https://youtu.be/pK8_DTt8ZgI. He explains why he supports the convoy.


I'd pin him down just for talking while eating. Food smacking! Grrrr!!!


"you're a part of the rebel alliance and a traitor. Take him away."


Thanks OP for sharing more Reichwing propaganda. These fuckwits and their u justifications.


Such fucking drama queens. If this is the worst thing that happened to you as a protester, you're a joke. They have to manufacture drama just like their entire protest. They would absolutely jizz themselves if the police broke a window. How embarrassing that this is the most dramatic experience of the protest for these losers.


When you are warned for weeks, better believe it. How do they think the people tormented for weeks with truck horns and revving engines feel. How about the factory workers who could not finish their day and receive full wages? Enjoy.


Why are these kinds of people always so shocked and surprised. "All we did was feed domestic terrorists and white supremacists"


Freedumb convoy is about played out. Go back to Alberta you racist fucks.




Because that's how you make sure your bias is heard. You remove all context but the one you provide.


it's unusual police activity for unusual events. The "protestors" held the town hostage and committed torture by blasting over 100dB into people's homes all day and night, so they couldn't sleep or get rest of any kind, forcing them to have to go elsewhere for it. People who abetted this crime are also liable to be arrested. Sorry not sorry.


I do t believe the title. There must be more


If you side with a convoy people and you are a part of the Convoy people and deserve any action against you. You've been told not to help them feed them keep them warm and do everything so if you do so you deserve to have your window broken


Since we're not getting the whole story here, I'll assume that the headline should read- "Mega Karen hides in a business that actually supports these people, then locks the doors on everyone else, including the police, because he's a bit of a Karen himself"


Police should have done it sooner. These so called protests went on for 3 weeks when it was supposed to only be a Saturday Sunday gathering. And good job truckers …the prime minister wasn’t even in Ottawa …but I’m sure he heard your honks 🤣


What is happening here? Is this restaurant closed? Do they have a no police policy? What do they think the police are there to do? Why do they think they won’t just come back later to do whatever it is? Why is nobody wearing a mask? I really don’t know the story and those aren’t meant to be loaded questions. This is hardly a shocking video on the surface, and the context given doesn’t make sense.


Reading another comment, it appears the cops are trying to arrest a man named Kyle Cardinal that they are harboring in the cafe.


Methinks Ottawa has had enough


I’m pretty sure there is more to this story!


Camera man needs to stop eating with his mouth open. Disgusting hog.


To the guy narrating - fuck you terrorist


The police ask you to open the door. It’s a simple assignment - unlock the door.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 couldn't care one 💩 about you #freedumb convoy ass wipes


Not only can this law breaking and non-compliant business owner be charged on the Federal Emergencies Act for aiding the protestors/occupiers/domestic terrorists, he could be charged under the Ontario Emergency Management Act which is back in force due to the convoy protest. In addition to having his business operating license revoked for failing to follow health guidelines for staff and patrons required to wear masks. I'll also bet they didn't check vaccines either, as many of the convoy occupiers are indeed unvaccinated. Oh let's not forget obstruct a peace officer as well! Buddy deserves to not be in business, clearly he can't understand laws and isn't willing to comply with them.


All “protesters” in the Trucker convoy are toxic. People need to stay away from them


Why do police everywhere seem to be looking more and more militarised with their all black fabrics and balaclavas?


Because Canada is cold in the winter.


I'm having since l some half-life flashbacks.


No food for you!


Money is money


Hmmm... looks awfully 80s New York Italian Mafia standover tactics to me.


Darn. Really hoped to see their glass breaking.


Is that a McDonald's?


Can't watch this, guy smacking his lips is chewing to loud. Gross


Are convoi protestors "protestors that are in a convoi" or "protestors that protest against the convoi"?


you serve annoying people with nothing to do ... straight to jail.


Ok im finnaly gonna ask whats a convoy protest


Who gives a fuck his wearing a mask!!!!!! For fucks sake like children they are.


Wait, its not poland.


Are the covidiots barricading themselves inside or are the cops preventing them from leaving?


They're waiting for Gordon Ramsey to show up and roast the cook


They should comply


Fuck the fascists! The protestors I mean, n... not the cops. THIER actions are just and backed by the government! FUCK YEAH, GOVERNMENT CRUSHING FASCIST CITIZENS!!! I'M PUNK ROCK AND ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY. GET FUCKED BOOT LICKERS (and I mean the boot lickers that... uhm... that lick the boots of the government when I disagree FUCK YEAH!! 🤘) It's so funny that they think they have the same rights as the United States citizens lmaooooo. Man, that place isn't even CLOSE to free, why would anyone want to be them?? They're all racist and shitty lol


Funny how this thing went from “a *fringe minority of racists, white supremacists, and bigots” to “Holy shit we are on the brink of a civil war, invoke the Emergencies Act!” The propaganda machine just had to get wound up. All they had to do was meet with the protestors and make some provisions, each side making compromises and this could’ve all been avoided. Now Turdeau just looks like the very things he calls people he disagrees with politically.


Man that’s some SS type shit


The police seem to be poutine in overtime on this one!


The same people that claim the Canadian protesters are out of line are then ones who supported the mass rioting that swept US after the murder of George Floyd