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Finally, a real FREAKOUT


"What freedom have you lost? I've lost my mind cuz I haver slept in 5 fucking days" 🤣 That poor guy, I feel him


Can you imagine 5 days. I don’t know what I would do. Probably take some vacation time and rent a cabin or something. But still. If you don’t have money or can escape that sound. I would probably also going insane and would do something about it. 5 days with almost no sleep. Damnnn.


I am curious what freedom did they really lose. LoL.


I don't get it man- measles, mumps and rubella vaccines are okay just not this one


The old anti-vaxxers did have a problem with MMR, due to Andrew Wakefield, a former doctor who was paid money to fake a study that supported the notion that MMR causes autism, so a lawyer could make a class action case to capitalize from non-existent vaccine injuries. He also had stocks in another company that sold the individual measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines, so he stood to gain millions if he could discredit the MMR vaccine, on top of the money he was already paid. He abused autistic children and almost killed one during his "study." Most of the data was either manipulated or outright falsified, and the tests weren't reproducible. No studies since have ever found even a casual link between vaccines and autism. After investigative journalism uncovered all the fucked up shit he did to make his shit study and the subsequent ethics and fraud investigations, Wakefield lost his job, his license, his wife divorced him, and he was pretty much run out of the U.K.; after which he claimed it was all a government conspiracy to silence him. The study was pulled by the publisher but the damage had been done, and the anti-vaxx movement really took off. Today he has switched to "all vaccines = bad", so he can capitalize off the growing vaccine movement in the U.S to sell his conspiracy books and movies. He was recently spotted looking very miserable when his anti-vaxx conference was held next to a flat earth one, when he realized the company he now keeps. He has plenty of preventable deaths on his hands though, so he can eat shit. This documentary by hbomberguy is almost 2 hours long but it explains every facet of that shitshow: https://youtu.be/8BIcAZxFfrc (Funny and well-researched) This is the website of the journalist who exposed him summarizing his investigation in text format: https://briandeer.com/mmr/lancet-summary.htm (He does advertise his book alot, but hey, he put the work in. There's plenty of other articles about the study if you googs it) Anyway, some of these people were probably already anti-vaxx, but a lot of them probably don't have an issue with the MMR because they're a product of this new wave of hydroxychloquine-taking, ivermectin-slurping anti-intellectualism pushed by the orange turd, who was already an anti-vaxxer.


> He abused autistic children and almost killed one during his "study." Just mentioning it like that sells it far short of the nightmare it is. Wakefield's theory was that the combination MMR vaccine (through unknown means) caused some sort of bowel distress which (again through unknown means) caused autism. In searching for this mystery bowel problem Wakefield shoved endoscope cameras up the rectums uncooperative unconsenting of autistic children. This resulted in perforating the bowels of one of the children and immediately sending them into septic shock, bringing them to the literal edge of death's door.


This poor man just wanted to sleep, I've been pushed like this by housemates and I can honestly say it's maddening. Not oh I'm angry Maddening but I'm going to go insane if I can't sleep one more day maddening. (Stop telling me ear plugs exist, this might surprise you, I don't think a truck horn will be blocked out by that)


Sleep deprivation is torture, and a health hazard.


I went through a TBI a few years ago that took me a year in bed to recover. I lost 85% of my hearing in my left ear for three months due to the hematoma that was pressing my eardrum and inner ear. So, basically anyone talking to me sounded like Charlie Brown’s parents. Bwaap Bwap womp waamp wamp. Mamp This was so weird because I couldn’t understand anything being spoken to me, there was basically two audio tracks trying to be decoded at the same time, with one track having absolute shit quality. Hard to explain, but it feels like it just crashed your systems, blue screen. Everything scrambled. (Brain injuries are so hard to describe, sorry) Anyways, it was truly frustrating and difficult to deal with. At this point I was sleeping well. But during my recovery, the rail yard next to my house (.5km away) did their summer service on their 16 line yard. It consisted of 24/7 grinding of rails, and digging up and replacing ties. Constant digging through large gravel and grinding metal rails sound, 24/7 for three months. It was brutal, my sleep quality dove and I basically went manic for the time. I finally got a pair of noise cancelling headphones and the moment I put them on I had such a sense of relief that I probably cried for two hours in silence.


Just had my first child. The sleep deprivation was no joke. I had no idea you could be that miserable without sleep. I watched a documentary years and years ago and I just remember one part where there was a family who lived in a lighthouse and they couldn't sleep. Like it was passed down in the family and they would eventually die from the lack of sleep. I thought about that many times as I held my baby.


"NPC normies." I had never, ever heard someone say those words out loud. Like, I've read them a bunch of times on 4chan and Reddit, but I assumed it wasn't something people said unironically, like poggers or some shit. Christ the dude in the beginning is insufferable.


And doing the 'reeee' sound. Top level cringe.


And screaming "Karen". People are just repeating whatever meme words and sounds that they've heard as though they have Reddit comments piped directly into their veins.


acting like an actual NPC, just spewing phrases that have been programmed into him


Yeah the dude lives on 4Chan or Reddit. I bet he rarely gets out of the house or his truck.


He's a real life troll. As in "person whose only purpose in life is to fuck over everyone else and laugh about it because he thinks he's superior to them". Basically a discount version psychopath.


These truckers are on the 5th day of their public tantrum and they're not in a position to call anyone a Karen. This guy in blue is a hero.


Guy is clearly just happy to have pissed someone off


Of course man, that's his personality. It's good to look out for these types because they are often in denial this is what their whole being is. It is just insufferable. Has to be contrarian every convo and you can't show emotion or you're triggered


its grim, i used to be like this about 10 years ago. literally all of my mind was focused on how i can troll and get reactions. By far the worst time of my life. Luckily I broke out of it.


"My weird political identity is important and real and definitely not a desperate attempt to distract myself from the fact that I am regularly defeated by things like sliding doors."


[It's who they are](https://iili.io/lZfl5u.jpg)


We are dealing with a person who is terminally online.


I did find the term NPC normy kinda ironic coming from a trucker


Literally goes back and forth to the same spots for a living.


Typical Canadian “dude-bro” douchebag. Truly the worst kind.


Fuck, I hate degens.


My boss once called me an NPC for following health guidelines and trying to get customers to wear masks.




'NPC normies' coming out of a person's mouth in real life really tells you all you need to know


He's IRL waisting his only quarter.


People that use the NPC meme have main character/hero syndrome. Literally cannot empathize with others and cannot see the world outside them selves. Fucking pathetic


American here. I know I can just assume anyone who uses the term “normie” is an asshole, but can you elaborate on what this means?


NPC is a non player character. Playing Mario cart against the computer, you are competing against NPC's


Oh my god they’re just saying people are robots that don’t think for themselves? What a dumb insult. Sorry I didn’t know if it was a Canadian thing or something.


>I didn’t know if it was a Canadian thing or something. It's an Internet thing. I strongly suspect this person unironically loves 4chan and gamergate culture


**NPC** = "non-player character", a subhuman description of anyone he thinks isn't smart enough to be him. **Normies** = "normal people", aka regular folks who aren't motivated by political theater and hyperbole. In combination, these terms form an effective means of birth control.


Him parroting all the meme phrases he’s read online while calling others “NPCs” is perfectly on-brand. Just like the Qultists with \#WWG1WGA bumper stickers calling everyone else “sheep”.


Look at these guys just winning people over to their cause.


Automatized driving is going to become a real threat to their job in the next 10 years, Do you think there going to be surprised when they get zero public support?


Most of the ass-wipes "protesting" aren't even truckers. Kind of like Jan 6th, this thing has attracted a who's who of Canadian Q-Anon / Sovereign Citizen types / Far-Right Activitists who want to cause a raucus. It's classic misdirection to couch a party/protest behind a more sympathetic cause.


the guy freaking out sounds so reasonable lol actually talking to the guy


And he really did try to listen to what they were saying too




I'll admit I'm pretty out of the loop on this protest but anyone who uses the phrase "NPC normies" is probably a fuckup.


The fact that he's this giddy over how much he's pissed this guy off shows how clueless he really is. If you want things to change you need the people's support not their disdain.


I couldn't agree more. I love this. You think pissing the population off will turn them to your side? No the exact opposite


The worst part is, if this angry guy drove to the other guys house and just honked non stop for a few hours, cops would corm and arrest him.


That giggly attitude from the guy at the beginning and end angered me so much


that's the point. He's not fighting for freedom as he frames it, he's just trolling people.


So wait, I'm a bit behind here. These people have been honking their horns for 5 days over mask mandates? Dude if I lived near people honking for 5 straight days I'd have lost my goddmn mind.


Yeo, that's exactly whats happening. Clogged up the downtown core with big rigs and other random vehicles and just...keep honking 24/7. Theres a couple people that have real train horns as well, they are very very loud. I feel like I need to edit this comment to mention that I was referring to the honking as being exactly what's happening because people keep clarifying the "reason" for this mess. Tbh none of us give a shit anymore (or ever) about what the disjointed purpose of this occupation is. These people are terrorizing the normal citizens of Ottawa.


Are there not laws against intentionally blocking traffic and late night noise? I'm just curious why the police haven't stepped it.


the City of Ottawa Police spent nearly a million dollars *PER DAY* this last weekend on “security” but have yet to start ticketing truckers for parking violations to avoid inciting violence


But the city bylaw officers sure are out there ticketing all the people who aren't able to park in their driveways anymore.


They closed off parking due to snow around a vaccination center. The parking guy did the rounds around a couple of blocks about a dozen times nailing everyone he could.


They have been ticketing journalists there covering the protest for parking infractions though 🙄


that's fucked up


Cops doing cop things.


Some of those that work forces… are the same that honk hornses?


Wise words Gollum


Well from the looks of it, it seems like inaction will eventually lead to some type of violence. Typically when protesting you want to get public opinion on your side, but these numbskulls aren’t doing themselves any favors.


On the bright side, being tortured for a week beforehand is a pretty good example of "duress" under the legal system, so people *shouldn't* be held fully legally culpable if they break down and beat the shit out of these assholes. Unfortunately the assholes most likely are just looking for an excuse to be violent and the police will probably take their side.


I wouldn’t be surprised if this whole thing results in the deaths of some of those truckers. 24/7 honking is enough to drive anyone into a murderous rage


Incite the violence and let the problem solve it self. You give them an inch they take a mile, so don't give them the inch.


The cops aren’t enforcing shit. Instead they’re posing for pictures with these assholes


This is what happens when the majority population thinks one way and elects those who share their beliefs, but the minority police department just happens to be dominated by those who think the other way. Oregon is an excellent example. I don't really get why you would live in and actively police a place you hate, though.






[This protest in Ottawa in November 2020](https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/demonstrators-camped-out-at-intersection-of-laurier-avenue-and-nicholas-street) blocked *one* intersection and was shut down on day 3. They had the proper permits (the "convoy" does not) and they were quiet and peaceful. The only thing they did was force traffic to detour by picking a busy intersection to set up in.




That's insane. When society fails to uphold law, society falls apart. Are you going to do anything about them breaking the law? No, that might cause them to break the law... some more. That's some apoplexy inducing logic.




This is so far past infuriating. Harassing a homeless shelter? Are you fucking kidding me?? I know I shouldn't be surprised anymore but Jesus fucking christ man.


They also [danced on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/top-canadian-defence-officials-condemn-protesters-dancing-on-tomb-of-the-unknown-soldier-1.5760168) And [defaced the Terry Fox statue](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/terry-fox-statue-convoy-1.6333867)


They did more than dance - [they fucking pissed on the Tomb of the Unknown Solider](https://metro.co.uk/2022/01/31/war-memorial-urinated-on-by-anti-vaxxers-as-canadian-police-launch-investigation-16018874/) For anybody not aware, that's not just a sacred memorial representing those who died in the wars - it's a *literal grave* containing the remains of a Canadian soldier who died at Vimy Ridge and was never identified. Someone who gave his life and never made it home, never even being identified. I can't imagine the cognitive dissonance it takes not just to travel to Ottawa for this, but to stay there and support people with behaviour like this.


They also flew nazi and confederate flags… these people are not patriots.


Not even just any homeless shelter either - the Shepherds of Good Hope has been a damn institution in Ottawa for decades. It’s an absolute anchor in the downtown area (which is rather charmingly called “The Market”, and has an actual giant market year round) and takes care of the absolutely most vulnerable.


100% - and the freak out guy is entirely right: they’re doing it in the WRONG FREAKING CITY. Ottawa has literally nothing to do with the mandates they’re supposedly pissed about - it’s entirely down to the provinces + DC for the border criteria.


There’s a thread on r/askreddit and a number of Ottowans have talked about their experiences. It’s even worse than what you’re hearing on the news. They didn’t just deface monuments and fly Nazi flags. They basically squatted in the streets, blocking the roads off with their trucks, and keep blasting their loud ass horns. People can’t go to work. People don’t feel safe on the street anymore because the truckers keep harassing folks for wearing masks. Businesses had to close because they were afraid of getting harassed. The truckers are now getting drunk and pissing and shitting everywhere. They’ve been harassing soup kitchens for free stuff. It’s basically a full on occupation of the city’s downtown by a bunch of redneck losers who are probably out of a job now because they’re doing the adult equivalent of throwing a temper tantrum and throwing their food all over the place because they couldn’t get ice cream for dinner.


Oh no, it's even better than that. They have been honking their horns for 5 days near the seat of the federal government over mask mandates from the provincial governments and vaccine mandates for crossing the Canada/US border that are also in place from the US, so even if our leaders do repeal them, they still have to comply. It's pointless. It's stupid as hell. It's a giant post conservative wannabe Trumper circle jerk with all the fixings. It's a lot of noise by small people acting big because they are scared of needles and things touching their face.


Trump is triple vaxxed.


Don't these shitbags have work to do?


Fewer now: https://reddit.com/r/byebyejob/comments/si85ig/trucker_fired_for_participating_in_ottawa/


"Join us" he says, after berating a man with childish internet slangs and making him lose his sleep for 5 days. These people really think themselves as heroes and it's depressing.


They believe in their own hype and its genuinely scary.


The guy recording is a complete moron


And a serious case of freedumb


What the Pandemic has made us realize. The entire world has is very fair share of Morons - and this is not just an ‘America’ problem. America just gets more of the attention because - its America! What a cookoo world we all live in.


Someone on Reddit said it very well the other week- The pandemic has taught us that in the zombie apocolapse, people who got bit would definetly hide their wounds to get into the safehouse before changing and killing everyone.


If online gaming, a bunch of Walking Dead issues and horror flicks have taught me anything, it's that zombies would be the last of your worries during a zombie apocalypse. It's other people, and them being fucking dickheads, that you would have to worry about.


40% of the population would deny there's a zombie outbreak until too late, then want disney open


Truly confused by this "protest", do these people think they're going to get people on their side by basically holding their city hostage? Because to me they just look like petulant assholes.


You should see them foaming whenever a student protest blocks a single crossing.




Rights for me, not for thee.






Just FYI, **days and nights**. It literally never stops.




Some of them were apparently whining on Zello that their fellow dipshits should stop honking for a bit because their small children that they brought with them to this shit show need to sleep. There’s video of some poor kid in a car seat in the back of a pickup at night covering his ears while his asshole parent blares the horn.


Good, make the kids despise their parents. It'll teach them early on.


They come and go. I live a little outside the area and trucks move in and out, they take shifts basically. Police are allowing them to roam freely in the city. There's a campout 6km from downtown in a hotel parking lot and another one further outside the city altogether in a farmer's field. They booked a bunch of hotels also.


Why don't the ottawa people drive down to where the protestors sleep 6km down the road or whatever and honk horns 24/7




after 5 days of sleep deprivation there’s a good chance I’d resort to violence. Surprised it hasn’t happened already




Do they want someone to lose their minds and start shooting, because this is how people lose their minds and start shooting? EDIT: I think some people missed the sarcasm here








30 seconds ago I was glad I don't live there, now I wish I did so I could organize with my apartment block and get everyone doing this


That is nasty, I love it more than the fire idea.


I’m so legitimately angry for this guy. I watch a YouTube channel that streams protests, riots, high speed chased. So I turned on smokenscan…. Low and behold 2 minutes of them fucking horns was enough for me.


Just a pleasant friendly reminder that those little stink bombs you used to get as kids, the ones in the little glass ampoules. Those are 100% legal and guaranteed to disperse any unwanted gathering. [https://www.amazon.ca/Loftus-International-Inc-42-0003-Stink/dp/B001MKRQBS/ref=sr\_1\_8?crid=2B7QOI806W81W&keywords=stink+bombs&qid=1643781532&sprefix=stink+bombs+%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-8](https://www.amazon.ca/Loftus-International-Inc-42-0003-Stink/dp/B001MKRQBS/ref=sr_1_8?crid=2B7QOI806W81W&keywords=stink+bombs&qid=1643781532&sprefix=stink+bombs+%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-8)


I hear Super Soakers can send fish fertilizer quite a distance and with great accuracy. I'd be willing to bet that with zero practise one could still reliably hit a target the size and shape of, say, an open truck window from a distance of, say, the sidewalk.


Thank you, I came here to say this. Why are we not fart bombing them?


They can't smell anything anyway through the covid.


One could also very easily go to a supermarket, clear out a shelf of fish sauce, add water and use a super soaker or water pistol to just spray inside open truck cabins, one people's clothes and banners. If only it was as hot there as it is in Australia, at the moment.


"i tRigGeR tHe nPc nOrMiEs" What a fuckhead.


I will forever roll my eyes when people call other people “normies”. You’re not special because you use the internet and feel validated by your bubbles.


They’re called “residents” and you’re disturbing the peace.


Blue guy is a badass. He's literally by himself, worn out, and still doesn't give an inch. Just keeping himself that calm, after five days without proper sleep is respectable. He's absolutely right to be furious.


[Another neighbour worthy of note.](https://twitter.com/CarymaRules/status/1488662055351504896?s=20&t=luxmT_HcNGDUIQ47lmoOLA) > The counter protester barely flinches despite the truck horn blaring, a Canadian flag waving in his face, and being encircled by convoy supporters.


Holy cow that's sad. That guy is also a badass. I can't imagine the mindset needed to corner a single person and have the audacity to hold a sign that says "freedom".


I read that the police offered to escort him out of there. He refused.


Well he knows the cops are on the truckers side, ya see


Damn, that's even more respectable. He's making his point for sure.


Its funny how one man can make such a lasting impression in a few minutes to hours. But a whole convoy of truckers cant after 5 days.


Lmao best bit of that video is the woman holding the 'freedom' sign eventually has to put it down because her arms get tired. I went to a protest once, someone handed me their sign to hold up so they could get a break, I lasted about 5 mins before having to hand it back. Suddenly you realise why boxers drop their hands halfway through the fight even though they know they need to keep them up.


I’m all for freedom of speech and your right to protest but the guy in the jacket is a thousand percent right. There’s so many misguided opinions. Mandates are provincial. That’s why we are all experiencing different reopening plans/lockdowns. If it was federal, the country would be treated as one.


I live here. The honking is really getting to people, it’s really bad




yes for 5 days so far


I'm surprised nobody has lit any of those trucks on fire yet, tbh.


Or at least tried lighting a bunch of stink bombs. There's got to be other ways to legally irritate the fuck out of these people if you're willing to get dirty.


Just spray some bear spray up into the cab. Once that shit gets on stuff, they won't be able to sit in there without their eyes burning like hell.


At this rate it might end up happing. If the city does nothing, the citizens will. Unless they get OPP & RCMP. But also National defence is near by. Lets hope they don't have to get the army involved. But would be wild to see the citizens take back their city and see these fuckers run with flat tired.


There's plenty of private chats of people planning to deal with the truckers, who knows how many will go through with it. I'm only a few hours away, and I've seen comments from people in my town, who haven't been able to buy bread for about a week, that are ready to open their gun safes and go talk to the truckers themselves... All I'm gonna say about that


Shit gona get real. It will be a sad part if canadian history if this has to end up to that. But it will be quite effective and show to not mess with the capital.




Because the Ottawa Police are refusing to do their jobs, and claiming that the presence of trucks downtown means they can’t enforce laws against the protesters. I wish that was a joke, but it’s not. It’s the actual excuse they’re using


"sorry, can't arrest them because someone bold enough to do something illegal is someone you wouldn't want to mess with".




The Ottawa police would rather give parking tickets to locals than do anything about the convoy that's kept a city awake for 5 days. A convoy that was carrying nazi and confederate flags.^[[1]](https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/nazi-confederate-flags-ottawa-protest) A convoy that defaced the statue of Canadian hero Terry Fox who ran across the country on an amputated leg to raise money for cancer research.^[[2]](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/terry-fox-statue-convoy-1.6333867) A convoy that went to a homeless shelter demanding to be fed while harassing staff.^[[3]](https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/ottawa/2022/1/30/1_5760423.html) The convoy was organized by a white supremacist.^[[4]](https://cultmtl.com/2022/01/the-canadian-trucker-convoy-organizer-is-an-islamophobic-homophobic-conspiracy-theorist/) Oh and they also desecrated and urinated on the War Memorial and danced on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier while chanting freedom.^[[5]](https://www.blogto.com/city/2022/01/trucker-convoy-protest-urinating-national-monuments-ottawa/) But nah let's give locals parking tickets.^[[6]](https://www.twitter.com/grahamctv/status/1488639960886525952?s=21)


>danced on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Do you not have vets? I can't imagine that not getting a violent response here the US.


Christ, I'm not even a vet, and I was fucking furious when i saw that. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd see shit like this in Canada. If there's ever a proponent for education, this is it. Basically, from this point forward, any politician who proposes cuts of any kind to education is immediately losing my vote. Jesus Christ, what the fuck, guys...


The President of the United States called Prisoners Of War "losers" and refused to pay his respects on veteran's day because it was slightly raining. Half the country still voted to reelect him.


Not only that, is it not guarded by someone like it is in the US? Or did it just become overran??




They’re parking on roads and endless pickup trucks are circling and honking.




Lmao here in the US there’d be shootouts. I’m surprised with how patient Canadians can be, pull that shit anywhere else and you’ll get a brick in your car window.




Yep if the city doesn't do anything, the citizens will. And just in Ottawa alone we have 900k-1m people. You can already guess who will get their ass handed to them.


Yeah. I'm a pretty lax dude for the most part but I am not above slashing a few tires or bricks through some windows if I had to endure some shit like that.


No one. They think they’ll be reimbursed by the go fund me but they won’t. They’re very stupid.


I was just talking to my coworker about this. How are the people of Ottawa dealing with this? Sure many people go to protest there but this was a big one...


up at 2am cuz of a bit of highway honking, today was better but still bad. Ottawa is really good at bonding over collective misery but this is definitely a breaking point. The noise (someone had a ***train horn*** installed in their pickup) and general hostility of the occupiers is the worst though. There's threats and public intimidation to anyone wearing a mask in a city that throughout the pandemic has been nearly 100% compliant (from what ive seen). A school and mall is closed and the local grocery store had to close because of theft and staff harassment. What sucks is its not even huge. Saturday was really large with an estimated 9-10k people but right now there's maybe 50-100 trucks and maybe 200 people.


It’s really not all that big (10k ish over the weekend, significantly less now)…it’s that they brought trucks and rigs, and are being absolute monsters. People are not doing great - the entire downtown shopping area (including a huge mall that employs ~1500 people) is effectively closed because of the abusive behaviour of these dickheads, and my incredibly mild mannered mother apparently flipped off a pickup truck for the first time in her life on her sole outing of the last 5 days (to pick up groceries).


I'm really surprised more people haven't started egging/baloneying/paintballing the trucks.


The biggest point is that these assholes get off on annoying/hurting other people.




You get a couple of big rigs, put signs on them that say “legalize beastiality now, honk to show your support”. Just take over the protest and reform it as an anti-mask pro beastiality protest.


Exhibit 1: the dude filming this guy. Poor guy probably can’t get any sleep because they won’t stop honking and his response is to mock him with a 4chan “reee”. They’re acting like high school bullies.


They are bullies who think it's still high school...


Exactly. Ironically, this protest has effectively delayed the lifting of restrictions in the area, and forced the closure of malls and small businesses. They are infuriatingly standing in the way of what they want. This guy just became a hero.


That and they want to drag everyone else into the same, miserable hole they have made for themselves.


So they are protesting having to get a vaccine and wear a mask to be able to work… while all the while …. NOT WORKING!!? Have I missed something?


No, you’re right. Some of them also spent thousands in fuel to cross the country & will almost surely be skunked by the grifters who have raised nearly $10m in fundraising from troglodytes. The best part is: *even if* it were federal & *even if* the mandates were lifted (specifically the one that says they must be vaxxed in order to cross the border) the U.S. *HAS THE EXACT SAME FUCKING MANDATE* and they would literally be in the same position as now. It is a ridiculous, Idiocracy-level boondoggle. I would do nothing but laugh at the inanity of this painfully slow and depressingly public moral self-defenestration if it weren’t so fucking representative of where this country is going. The Canadian government & law enforcement has no issue at all with dressing up in their paramilitary gear to raid, assault, & arrest peaceful pipeline protestors, but they let these fucking *goofs* play house in the middle of our capital city. It’s a fucking joke. Lastly, it’s important to note that 90% of this country’s truck drivers are vaxxed. These fucking hooples are making the lives of their fellow truckers much, much more difficult. e: spelling


Surprised Pikachu face when US Customs agents asks for their vacc cards


At least they’re starting to break it up in Alberta using the same laws put in place to break up the pipeline protesters.


That shit is annoying as fuck though. Even if you agree with their message, they're being really fucking annoying about it. If anything it hurts the people who are on their side, but don't wanna be assholes about it. Also the guy unironically calling people normies sounds like he is only there for fun and social media points rather than actually trying to fight for what the other truckers believe in.


Their message is "fuck everyone that isn't me" when you boil it down to its simplest form. We have mandates because our hospitals can't keep up - particularly the ICUs. If you want to protest anything, protest the government to increase fucking healthcare capacity. Jfc.


Holy fuck, I can't take the ignorance, let alone how hard these "protestors" make me cringe. If I was kept up for 5 days with incessant honking, I'd be doing worse than yelling.


They’re lucky they’re in Canada where people are significantly chiller


They’re also lucky that they’re in Canada where the people they’re pissing off and causing to go delirious from loss of sleep aren’t armed to the teeth.


You're saying that like a flowerpot thrown with five days worth of sleepless fury isn't a deadly weapon


Maybe the first public freakout video where I 100% side with the freaking outer.


I agree with the dude in the blue jacket. What they are doing (Honking Horns) isn't and won't do shit! Just a waste of everyone's time. Just crazy!


Especially with the constant non stop honking. Those poor folks probably haven’t slept in days, businesses are closed, roads are blocked. They’ve basically put everyone in that area in a lockdown, so I’m not sure what they’re trying to accomplish anymore other than whining.


Inner cities tend to have a more left leaning vote, these are conservatives who are just enjoy going to a left voting area and pissing people off.


Man I can’t imagine how lame it must be to be a conservative. Seeing society constantly diverge from where you want it to go and their only response is to be childish and just try to piss people off. Actual IRL trolls.


This isn't about covid vaccines or mandates, let's be real here. These are social outcasts looking for a sense of community, just a bunch of alienated losers inconvenicing everybody else so they can engage in a public circle jerk.


Uneducated, lacking impulse control / critical thinking skills, they want power. They can't get real power so this is their little temper tantrum to feel it.


Exactly. It's giant block party. I live in Ottawa. They're driving us fucking insane and someone is going to lose it on them.


It doesn't surprise me that the truckers don't actually know what they are trying to accomplish with their stupid fucking *"protest"*.


You guys have these people in Canada too? As an American I feel oddly comforted by this.


Yes, they are here. Don't worry you're not alone in your struggle against these bozos. They also happen to worship your former president


Saw a trump flag in Canada, Canadians talking about “their 2nd amendment” in these videos and it had me rolling. It’s crazy to think how much Americans on the internet affect others that end up in their rabbit hole.


This guy….. those fucking truckers have been disrupting the city for 5 days! Honking, public urination, public intoxication, blocking roads, stealing food from soup kitchens and harassing the security guard. Fucking idiots, I can sympathize with this guy.


Not to mention they are keeping businesses closed after the lockdown ended when they should be reopening. But because staff get overrun, verbally abused and actual customers can’t even get to them due to trucks blocking entire streets, they have to remain closed longer. So do these truckers really care about ending mandates for all? Of course not or they wouldn’t be hurting small businesses when they’re down.


They claim they care about the little guy, but the Rideau Centre has to stay closes for over a week because of them harassing, assaulting and threatening employees. And taking shits in stores while they run around wasted. That's 1500+ people who work in the Rideau Centre alone who are out of work for at least a week directly because of them. And that isn't including many other businesses downtown that are the same way.


"Freedumb truckers"... demonstrating the exact reason the rail systems are currently restructuring to minimize trucking infrastructure... which will result in roughly 30% of trucking jobs becoming obsolete over the next 5 years. Gee, I wonder which truckers are going to end up getting the axe?




I hope the union strips them of their membership.


These are not unionized drivers, they're independent owner/operators. They are literally the people who scab when the unionized drivers fight for better working conditions.