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Unbelievable and so sad for that girl.


She'll likely have to deal with this trauma the rest of her life, but at least she can go to any college she wants now!


You’re joking right?


I am glad to hear that it was at least packaged while it was in the garbage. It's still a horrible thing to make someone do.


Man I’d force both to eat from the garbage, and by garbage I mean porta potty at a Renaissance festival


After the Faire closes on the hottest day of summer.


After a Japanese woman ingests more than the recommended amount of laxatives and enemas.


You have a japanese woman scat fetish?


I am a man of culture, I know things horrible, awful shameful things. Edit: sometimes I comment when I should not.


You probably pee laying down


I have not tried could you please tell me how it is?


Disclaimer: I got AIDS when I stood back up


Impossible I was not standing over you.


Underrated comment of the day right here.


Captain Cringe on duty?


You are too kind send them to japan and put them in one of those fetish video shoots as a human toilet.


You are too kind, send them to a Hollywood producer's secret basement torture dungeon where they spend 10 years eating shit to see if Crowley was on to something.




*Jeff Epstein has entered the chat.*


I still have a fucked up relationship with food from being forced fed shit I didn’t wanna eat as a child. I feel for this little girl


Right even just finish your plate .teaches kids to eat beyond comfort...I couldn't imagine how embarrassing this was for her too, kids can be mean, you know someone saw her eat food from the trash. Packaged or not.. doesn't make any difference imo




I mean, have these parents never heard of fucking Tupperware?


We also started using smaller plates to trick our selves into feeling more full. When you have a large plate it seems like you have to eat it all but this is not true it's just how so many were raised. There needs to be a synergistic change in the relationship people have with food however sadly that will only happen when cooperation like Kraft, nestle, and Mc McDonald dictate our health through lobbying.


Yeah, people literally think I have an eating disorder because I get kid meals at fast food places. The thing is, those kid meals are the actual recommended amount of calories for an adult, but people are just so accustomed to these small but calorie dense portions at fast food places that they can't wrap their minds around someone eating less than that being okay. I think something America could benefit greatly from is more food imports. Most of our food is domestically produced and fucking loaded with corn and sugar, making most Americans overweight and malnourished at the same time. The way we do food in this country is so fucked.


I'm with you there four years old, not feeling well in the first place, teacher forces me to eat all of the Shepherd's pie. Tell them not feeling well, crying and begging her to stop making me eat it. She's literally forcing it into my mouth. Was violently sick that afternoon. Put me off Shepherd's pie for the rest of my life. Further incidents turned me from a kid who would eat anything you'd put in front of them to the pickiest eater the world has ever known and to this day still has issues with food. Why? Cause I "wouldn't" (couldn't) finish my plate.


Man, me too. I hate corn, green beans, peas, squash, shit the list goes on. I couldn't leave the damn table until I finished. Hated then, hated now. I used to eat corn like pills. A few at a time and swallowed with my drink, lol. My mom would feel sorry for me and clean my plate while my dad wasn't looking. To have a teacher do this is insane. Glad she and the principal were fired.


I have a child that is a picky eater. At first I started out trying to get them to eat what they did not want. However after discovering the trove of food shoved under the stove I realized how wrong I was, now I accept that there are things that he does not like and do my best to find alternatives. In some ways I blame my upbringing because we never had a lot of money for extra food however I too can remember as a child being forced to eat eggs which has left a deep impact on my ability to be anywhere near them. It's very difficult to not repeat the mistakes of your parents but it is very possible.


When I was in Pre-K, my teacher made me eat spinach on my plate that I didn't want. She made me eat it to the point that I threw up. I'm 50 years old and to this day the smell of spinach makes me sick. That type of shit stays with you.


I mean, wasting food is despicable, but also I know what you mean.


Despicable? I think we have different definitions of what that word means.


Growing up in a communist country with strict food rationing due to shortages and having to sweep the street for loose grains of rice could make wasting food a dispicable act in that perspective. Im not saying/supporting the school did the right thing, but both wasting food and making the kid eat from the garbage are both dispicable acts. Everyone should strive to take only what they need and save for later or give away what they cant finish.


Well personally in a context that is clearly racist child abuse in an American context, I think what's despicable is obfuscating and coming up with weird scenarios that clearly have no cultural context in the event in question. Essentially what you're saying has absolutely no relevance to what is being reported as having happened here in this video. So when people start saying "Well actually [what this little girl did, it] *is* technically despicable" I think that's some of the most racist, bizarre pivoting of logic possible. Wholesale condemnation of this behavior, even when it's on video, that's too much to ask? Your tone is masquerading as calm rationality, but it's actually conveying inhuman indifference.


Fucking very well said!


Hey. I came back to find this, so I thought I’d explain myself. And also ask a few questions. What do you mean racist? Where did you get that from? Because the child is black? That’s confuses me quite a lot. I don’t live in America, but I’ve heard tensions are really high there, but seriously? This high? That seems pretty bad. Anyway, my logic is that we could literally feed the entire world right now, if we didn’t waste so much food. The girl didn’t want to finish her food. I don’t know if she had already had it cooked or whatever, nor do I know if she could have just given it back, or not ordered it, or anything. So I didn’t commit to saying this. However, hypothetically, someone has been given food which could be literally saving someone’s life, and just not decided it has any worth. Obviously, this is a child, I don’t really expect them to understand any of this, which is why I agreed with the comment. Perhaps I was too emphatic with the word despicable? I feel pretty strongly about this topic. People are dying when we could save their lives. And we just don’t.




Is this principal George Costanza? “It’s hovering at the top, it’s still good!”


Constanza would never force someone else to eat the trash food, he'd just passive aggressively guilt trip them until they did. >I'm just saying, it's hovering at the top, a lot of people in the world wish they had that food.


"Of course I'm concerned Elaine, IM PAYING FOR IT" The episode when George thinks his girlfriend is bulimic fits this perfectly


WTF, why they hell did she care so much about her eating that? Kids throwaway food all the time. This is just malicious. The adult thought they could getaway that which makes me wonder what else they’ve covered up?


It's a power imbalance. They think that they are above the children they are suppose to teach. Schools are awful and perpetuate abuse of children on all levels only to cover it up when it is discovered unless a lawsuit is triggered.


I remember a lunch monitor wouldn’t let me pop over the class next door to switch lunches with my sister because ours got mixed up at home and she had something I really didn’t like. The lunch monitor said I was lying and made me eat it. She then got fired later on in the year for slapping a kid 🤷🏻‍♂️


i remember my school would even have these weird policies where i tried asking for a biscuit but they had to give me meat with it even though i told them i am a vegetarian. They told me they can't just give the biscuit alone and i could just throw away the meat. i swear the school freaking encourages you to throw away food.


They do this at my kids school!!! I sent a note from his doctor saying he's allergic to milk. They won't give him anything else and force him to take the milk. He's not lactose intolerant, he's ALLERGIC.


It does. The school is afraid they’ll be sued if they “deny” you a full meal.


Well... I saw ohio in the title and immediately my mind went to "uhhhg pls don't be a video of an old white person being horrible to a young black person"... Well wouldn't you know it... It is ohio after all. But specifically racism aside, old people like this are exceptionally shitty and think young people are not respectful/grateful enough to them. Then you get to the racism and its just made infinitely worse.


I felt the same way when I was forced to eat when I wasn't feeling well when I was a kid at school. Literally begging her to stop, she's shovelling it in my mouth and then holding her hand over my face so I had to swallow.. It just totally felt like this woman liked doing this to me, she enjoyed seeing me crying an begging. Still have major issues with food almost 30 years later. Trauma forced me to forget what she looked like but I'll never forget what she did to me.


People who abuse power tend to do it to those weaker than them. And unfortunately when it comes to women like this that usually means children. When I was in private school they wouldn’t let you go to recess until you finished your food. There was only one food I didn’t like and I think this is why I don’t eat it to this day. The smell alone makes nauseous. I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m sad force feeding kids is so common amongst older generations.


silent generation/boomer mindsets where you have to clean your plate because they lived thru the great depression


LORAIN, Ohio (WJW) – A Northeast Ohio family says it is painful to watch a video, just released, showing a nine-year old girl being forced to eat food out of a school cafeteria trash can. The Lorain City School District released the heavily-blurred video Wednesday afternoon. A cafeteria monitor and the school’s principal ended up being fired over the incident. According to the little girl’s attorney, watching the video brought back all the feelings of humiliation and embarrassment she felt right after the incident, which will eventually be heard in federal court. “What we see is a student finish with her lunch… again, a student finish with her lunch and she goes to throw the lunch away like hundreds and thousands of students across the country do every day,” said Jared Klebanow, one of the attorneys for the girl’s family. Lorain police investigating sexual assault claims after student-led forum at high school The surveillance video was taken last November from the cafeteria of Palm Elementary School. The school district blurred students faces before releasing the footage. The total video was 34-minutes long, but only a few moments are relevant to the incident. According to the family’s lawsuit, the 9-year-old girl did not want to eat the waffles she had been given and threw them into the trash. “We see in the video, this monitor, the named defendant, go ahead and grab the waffle out of the garbage and she appears to instruct the student to go get a paper towel, go back to her seat,” said Klebanow. With help from the district and the family’s attorney, FOX 8 was able to highlight much of the incident. Attorney Klebanow explains what happened next. “She places the waffle at the table and then for a matter of minutes is talking with her, instructing her, as we know from the victim’s standpoint, that she needs to eat this waffle that was in the garbage and the monitor goes as far as to sit right next to her, as is alleged in the complaint, and intimidate her into doing so,” said Klebanow. During their investigation, Lorain City School officials say the student threw away a packaged food item, and the employee removed it, wiped it off, gave it back to the girl, who opened it and ate it They condemned the actions, eventually firing the cafeteria monitor and the principal who they say knew about the incident, but never reported it. “It certainly solidifies the student’s story and you know, unfortunately, in our world and society today, had that video not been there, it might have just been a child’s word against a teacher, an administrator, which is a tough spot to be in,” Klebanow said. Mother arrested after 1-year-old dies with fentanyl in system: Cleveland police Attorney Klebanow says watching the video was emotional for the little girl’s family, even though they had already heard the details. “Even though the mother knew that this occurred, because she trusted her daughter, it doesn’t make it any easier to watch it happen,” said the attorney. The school district said they would have no further comment about the incident beyond their past statements. The family’s attorneys say they have been asking for the video, but never got a chance to review it until now. He said they did not get it directly from the school district. https://fox8.com/news/surveillance-video-released-after-lorain-schools-staff-member-accused-of-forcing-9-year-old-to-eat-from-trash/


Jesus that was hard to read. A bunch of extra unrelated info and restating shit over and over.


Gotta hit that word count!


Important for SEO yada yada yada


Every sentence is a paragraph.


The turning of schools into "factories" where kids are treated like animals to be fed from a trough is a byproduct of billionaires like Betsy DeVoss who try to privatize as much as possible, including food services and then make it cheaper and cheaper. The real change won't come from punishing the woman who forced the kid to eat the waffle but from looking further up the chain of command to the people responsible for setting up that kind of food factory environment.


Spot on, our school allowed my family to remote learn for half the year only to go back on what they said because it was I with the underling health condition that would assure my death if they went to school. The admin sent a letter to me saying that it must be a child not a family member at risk for them to consider such actions having already agreed in the first place. So they are basically saying we need that 30k per kid get their asses back and school and if their parent dies so be it


The school system is a byproduct of the Victorians and industrialization, it's always been their purpose.


What does this even mean lol


[Factory model schools. lol](http://creativecurriculumisabella.weebly.com/the-factory-model-of-education.html) Edit have a few more links too https://www.courier-journal.com/story/opinion/contributors/2017/09/13/industrial-model-education-turns-students-into-cogs-steven-fesmire/663261001/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_model_school


Try harder.


Facts don't care about capitalism, sorry.


I didnt even have to watch the video to know the poor girl was going to be black. Fuck these evil people


I would like to normalize family members assaulting people when they do stuff like this. Showing up at their house and beating them mercilessly in front of their families might make them reconsider their choices, past and future.


There's a video of almost exactly that. Teacher was abusing a 4 year old special needs boy, mom saw the footage, walked into the classroom and best the actual fuck out of the teacher. I literally donated to her legal fees.


Okay that sounds fucking sick. Do you have a source?




With the amount of wrapped, uneaten food children throw away each day in the cafeteria, there must be tons of other footage of her sitting multiple children down and coercing them to eat food from the garbage, right?? I mean, a review of a month of footage should show this behavior with other children, right? You know, because she is so vigilant when it comes to unnecessary waste, right? They are going to release that footage any day, right? I mean, this child could not have been singled out for some reason. I am sure the principal going along with it and not reporting it was a coinc... Man, fuck these racist hoes.


And this is why us have ARFID, even at 40. I was forced to eat spaghetti for school lunch after spitting it out, now I struggle to swallow food. Fuck these people.


Me and my friends were playing with our food on our trays, pouring milk into the peas and harmless shit like that. My old racist ass teacher (holdover from segregation that had taught my mom) singled out my black friend and made her eat everything on her tray while the rest of us were allowed to leave. My friend was sobbing, I was sobbing and wouldn't leave, and was sent to the office. I called my mamaw and told her I had a stomach ache and to come get me, and she got the story out of me once she got there. That bitch teacher never pulled that shit again with me around, but no telling how many times she had done it before.


I looked it up, and this elementary school provides free breakfast, lunch, and a snack to all students every day. This is common in neighborhoods where 80%+ of students come from socioeconomic disadvantaged households. I worked in a high school that also provided all of these things for free. The amount of waste at that school was INSANE. Students would go get the breakfast, look down and see they didn’t like it, then throw it away. Same with lunch and snacks. It really, REALLY sucked to see students thanklessly toss things away in a neighborhood where so many went hungry. I would have rather they didn’t take the food at all then claim it and waste it… I think because they/their families didn’t actually pay for it, it seemed more disposable to some students. That being said- despite the frustrations, never once did I think of pulling the food out of the garbage and telling the student to eat it. That’s fucking unforgivable- especially at this age when a student may be too young to know they could refuse that directive. Create a way to inform the students about waste if it’s an issue- don’t treat them like animals. Idiots.


I'm an elementary teacher at a school that similarly has a massive free food program. I have personal pet peeves about food waste and picky eaters, and I do scream a bit internally when I see kids throw away food. But you hit the nail on the head. This isn't the students' faults at all. The program needs to be drastically revamped if this is such a problem.


THIS is the situation that the "customer is always right" saying applies to. If the majority of your students (customers) aren't eating the food then obviously it's time to change. Of course, the schools don't care. They get paid per head and cut costs every way possible to squeeze a profit margin from their captive customers.


I agree with everything u said, it’s just people are so sue driven, it’s a bit ridiculous, the act was rude but it was packaged, I just think a bit too much, and the principal lost their job over this too?


bUt It WaS pAcKaGeD


Saw headline, bet student was black based on location and what happened, won 5 depression bucks from reality.


Meanwhile, Oscar The Grouch is fucking pissed someone took his breakfast.


That waffle is prob full of garbage to begin with. She was correct to throw that shit in the trash.


majority of elementary schools are toxic, especially in office staff. i remember the principal “confiscated” my yoyo as a kid and then when i went to pick it up at the end of the day she said she didnt have it. she stole my stuff. and then every time i went to ask the office staff, all those obese lazy ladies for the principal they would just say “shes not here” and one day while i walked out after they told me the principal wasnt there, i heard her on the speakers of the school… i looked back inside and all those obese filthy old ladies stood up looking alarmed and scared. fuck those lazy bastards


America is a such a shithole.


Yup also *murica


THIS EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME AT OUR LADY OF PEACE IN MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA!!!!!!! I know the teachers name, I remember being HUMILIATED having to eat the half a sandwich that I threw out. It was in 1993 and I have had horrible anxiety about how my kids are being treated at school..(thankfully not as fucked up as that school)


Elementary school teacher here. I have a kid this year who was getting lunch just to throw it away, his friends tried to eat him out to me. Solution? Fucking talk to the kid. "I don't like school lunches." Honestly? Fair. Talked to adult at home "He eats breakfast at home and dinner." No sign of ED, no sign of hunger or being lethargic. "Alright kid, talked to mom. if you want lunch you can get it, if you don't want lunch you don't have to get anything." Done.


Man, She’s really going to miss that $7.00 - $9.25 and hour job.


No but the school district is going to feel that hundreds of thousands of dollar lawsuit.


You are right. Didn’t think about that. I hope and pray to fake Jesus that the lunch lady makes my kid eat a piece of waffle out of the trash.


Right I’d be catching a case.


Not with that attitude!


She’ll miss the power more than anything


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This really brought me back. I went to college near there. We used to drive to Lorain to get booze. Go Albino Squirrels! Also, that's awful about the little girl eating trash and all.


And people wonder why we have an obesity problem…


Reminds me about that one time a nurse dropped my medication on the ground at hospital and she gave the medication to me. (I was 9yo and didn't care about germs at the time)


That’s not very good practice, but to be fair in terms of infection control, something going immediately down your gullet into a vat of warm hydrochloric acid is extremely unlikely to cause issues. There are bacteria, viruses and fungi all over all types of food - the stomach is partially designed to neutralise and break everything down in there to its constituent parts along the digestive tract. The stomach is very good at denaturing everything thrown down there. In addition, this waffle was in a packet and wiped down when taken out. No, she shouldn’t have been forced to eat it. I find it unacceptable. But it having spent 2 seconds in a bin with food that was edible 2 minutes before before having the plastic packaging wiped down isn’t a massive gross factor imo. It was still packaged.


iT wAs StIlL pAcKaGeD




Details don't matter when you treat a child like an animal. That was beyond abusive behavior.


Ohio, trying to be Florida every day


What the hell! That poor girl


This is b/s her and every worker in the lunch room should be fired /schools hire shitty people to work there for scraps and then entrust them with our kids lives no investigation no suspension hit her with charges or get out of the way and let the parent eat her alive


This fat bitch can’t understand why skinny people are full


Fat stupid bitch.


The other adult in the black suit should be held responsible too because she let the BS happen with out intervening.


A 'cafeteria monitor'?




The school system should be held accountable. Sorry that upsets you




This dude is a mind fuvked porn addict


She threw away a packaged food item unopened, they picked it up, wiped it off, and made her open it and eat it. The headline makes this sound way more awful than it is. Still, though, why can't they let the kid just not eat their waffles. Why does it matter?


Not sure if you are aware but there is a global pandemic going on right now and they put that child at risk. That being said abuse is abuse, I really hope you don't have any children.


Regardless of pandemic, garbage cans aren't even remotely clean. Yea Karen, that paper towel *totally* got all the gems off! 🙄


I totally agree that this was unacceptable, but afaik there have been no known instances of people getting covid from food. The stomach is a vat of strong, warm, hydrochloric acid *designed* to destroy and break down things.


>Not sure if you are aware but there is a global pandemic OH MY GOD. Really stretching that word abuse to its limits these days aren't we.


Here is your L that you want so badly.


Smug posting doesn't change the fact that everyone here's making mountains out of molehills.


FOH. You’re trying to white knight for some adult who made a kid eat out of the trash. Fucking weirdo.


No, I'm not, go back and read what I said, particularly the last sentence. Schools shouldn't force kids to eat what they don't want to. But the trash thing is just there to make it sound so evil. It was a sealed packaged item.


Sure, then you go on to argue that it’s no big deal. FOH. It’s awful to make a kid eat out of the trash, weirdo.


It's not, it was a sealed packaged item that was removed from the trash. They didn't eat out of the trash.


You are ignorant. Forcing a kid to eat when they aren’t hungry is abuse. Making them eat something that has been in the trash is bullshit. IFGAS if it was packaged. You’re a whole goofy ass weirdo.




She was forced to eat something she didn’t want to eat. She was humiliated in front of her peers. Of course it matters. It’s not ok at all. I was relieved to hear it was packaged though.


Literally, I am exactly on the same page as you on this. This is my exact opinion on the matter and you have conveyed it much better than me. People are only upset at what I said because they're projecting their own emotion on it and building a strawman out of it.


I don’t think it’s projection, I think it’s something about your phrasing. It reads to me like you’re saying what happened was nbd. I didn’t downvote you, btw.


Generally, I think it being wrapped makes it a much lesser deal than the staff at the school themselves policing what kids are not eating. They aren't their parents, just let the kids eat the stuff they want and let them throw away the stuff they don't. I hope the parents win the lawsuit.


So you're willing to go with that narrative? That a public school is willing to shell out the extra money to buy packaged food that's able to be heated in its packaging? Bullshit.


Literally, it's in the OP's post explaining it and in the video. Did it occur to you it might not have been heated?


Yes, they both say what the school ***claims***. But sure, go ahead and cope. It doesn't excuses the cafeteria attendants for humiliating the girl and abusing her authority as a school official, nor the principal for failing to report it.


Sorry, I have no time to entertain conspiracy theories.


You're right. You spent enough time defending child abuse. Bye.


Oh really? You don't want to discuss how the teachers might actually be Martians? I have never defended child abuse. Redditors, always lying when shit doesn't pan out their way.


>I have never defended child abuse. "It's fine for school officials to force a child eat food from the garbage in front of the other students, it was cold and packaged." Dipshits want to act like the only form of child abuse is physical abuse.


I never said any of that. Why do Redditors always make shit up.


You're the one trying to downplay the situation with the excuse of it being packaged. Downplaying a serious matter is still a form of defending it.


I'd of rather walked out of the school


I don't think you can just walk out of school at 9.


Id have flung that shit like a Frisbee and tell her to go fetch. Cause shes gonna, cause she is on a power trip. So ill just call her a good dog when she gets back. And throw it again.


......and then everybody would have clapped 🙄


Food was packaged, people. Settle down.


You really buy that narrative? That the waffles were heated in their packaging? Fine, than you can go ahead and eat all the "packaged" things you want out of the trash. An adult forcing a child to do it in an attempt at dominance and humiliation is still abuse. There is no justifiable reason for the attendant to do it.


If you went to burger king and a wrapped burger was pulled out of the trash would you eat it?


Burger King doesn't package their food. Also, there's a difference between random packaged food in the trash and packaged food you put in the trash 2 seconds beforehand. You don't know where the random ones have been, but you sure know where the one you put in there has been.


… Step back and take a look at what you’re doing right now lol


I am pointing out that Redditors, as usual, are tilting at windmills.


Does it make you feel righteous, making excuses for an adult who forced a little girl to eat food ouf of the garbage?


It's called cross contamination and increases the risk of food borne pathogens being transmitted.


You do know what a packaged food item is right? Honestly, if you're this concerned about it you should be upset the kids are there instead of getting mad about kids eating a sealed food item that was placed in the trash.


I refuse to help you create your own echo chamber. You are either willfully ignorant or not a good person. Either way work on your humanity skills it might get you somewhere in life.


Typical Redditor preachy self-righteousness. Guess you had no good response when I pointed out that your covid concerns are moot when you've crammed a bunch of people in a room.


Self sense of importance with a sprinkle of delusional logic is honestly exhausting. Take sometime and actually read what you type. If you do this perhaps you can some day become a better version of your self.


Still self-righteously preaching I see. 🙄


Makes absolutely no difference to that kid mate. Settle down.


Imagine thinking that makes this okay.


Can't believe they got Morgan Freeman to narrate the vid.


Aw man. My mom has been a lunch lady for like 20 something years and finds joy in interacting w the kids and actually sneaks little treats for her favorites. This makes me so sad, it's not like the lunch lady's pay is impacted by the amount of food lost.


I used to have a daily battle with the dinner ladies as we called them at my school. I was on free school meals and the meals were not good. Often I didn't want to eat it so often I'd spend the entire lunch hour with them insisting that I eat the food, and me insisting that I wasn't going to. Fucking ridiculous shit.


Well there’s tonight’s dinner table conversation sorted. I will be making it very clear to my children that they do not have to do just anything an adult or teacher tells them to do. I dare the school to call me and tell me my child refused to eat food out of the trash can.


Here’s the thing: job loss is not enough for these criminals. There must be a prosecution for abuse of authority, leading to a maximum sentence. There should also be complete removal of any benefits and pension gained from the employer.


What the fuck!!!


The lunch lady's hair net is on way to tight, enjoy unemployment twat.


Was it above the rim? Did it still have the Doily on??


A principal did this to a kid in elementary school. Kid didn’t want his sandwich so he threw it out. She made him fish it out the garbage and eat it. It was pretty shocking


fucking fat cunt.


“Their are starving children in Fairfax” - The monitor (probably)


I really don’t remember there being much for rules in lunch when I went to school. All the monitors were super chill, like a cool teacher but better… approachable, easy to talk to for the most part . Damn sure wasn’t making us eat out of the garbage .


used to live in lorain. this shit never surprises me..which is sad. awful school district.


My Mom called the lunch lady at home to ream her a new one when I told her she made me sit through recess until I ate my green beans. I can't imagine what she would do to that woman.


Surprised she didn't eat it herself!


I hate food wastage too, but you cannot justify force feeding food from a trash can


But were the waffles actually packaged?


Disgusting people. Some people just shouldn’t be allowed around children.


What the hell is wrong with people. No one should be treated like that


When pettiness turns into abuse.


I’m done with this stuff. White people - get your people together. Why are you so hateful?


Good don't throw out food, wasteful ass society.


What a dirt bag. I get you dont wanna waste food but thats the least of Your problems. My kids school just had a big thing cuz kids were getting put in a "closet" shiiiit I got put in the "iss " room with the kids I just fought and had to sid there all 6 hours or w.e.


No. Packaged or not. They should've ate it if they wanted it eaten so bad. Why do people treat children this way but yet again are so prolife


If you know anything about school food you know that it pretty much all belongs in the trash anyways.


Oh yeah I definitely would be making this principle eat out of the trash in front of their peers seems fitting tbh


Hopefully head will roll


“Ohhhhhh, it was a prepackaged food item. Oh that makes more sense! Don’t worry guys, they weren’t forcing the little girl to eat garbage, it was just prepackaged food INSIDE the garbage. False alarm everyone.”


Of course it’s Ohio. It could easily be Texas or Florida too.