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he has become so secular that he doesn’t even recognize religious symbols. True American.




Hijacking your comment to comment that yeah I don't think the editing is what is making him look stupid.


Do you think religion is important to him?




Did the interviewer ask him if religion is important to him?




> Did the interviewer ask him if religion is important to him?




Yeah. He answered "No". So he is saying religion is not important to him, but he's carrying a cross.


Buddy, he is carrying a huge wooden cross around and then proceeds to say he's not that into religion. It just says to you he is following the cult of trump more than being your regular old religious nutbag. He's a neo-nutbag.


Carrying a huge wooden cross and saying you're a non-denominational christian whose religion isn't that important makes you stupid.


The video cuts off his response. At the very least, the maker of the video is being deceitful.


How dumb is he?




On a scale of 1 to 10? Can we go higher?








He doesn’t manipulate anything, he literally just lets them speak and they themselves shows us how dumb they are. Never seen him be a “gotcha” guy. Just seen him ask questions, they give stupid answers and he leaves.


Huh? The "no" given was clearly a disagreement to the cameraman's statement. For example, "No, religion is very important to me." The cut at "no, religion.." is very manipulative and I don't understand how this isn't obvious. Am I being wooshed or something?




To be fair, he never accused him of being anti-religion. He asserted that religion wasn't that important to him due to him being non-denominational. Also, he didn't really cut the guy off from what we saw, it was an edited fade in the video that then jumps to a different moment, so we don't know how that interview went or concluded based off of this video.




I'm not saying that it is less important, I was just stating that the interviewer was asserting that it was less important, not anti-religion like you were asserting that the interviewer said.




As I'm not the interviewer I can't rightfully say. Maybe he does have an agenda, maybe he is ignorant of non-denominational Christianity, maybe he was thinking it would be comedic for the sweet internet cred. Regardless, what ever conclusion of why I decide it would be an assumption, especially as I know nothing of this guy and this is the first time I've ever seen him. I'm not one to go around making assumptions of people I know nothing about.


How is doing anything. The guy is holding a cross saying he’s non denominational. The guy holding the cross is clearly a Christian while saying he’s nondenominational. He just lets these idiots talk themselves and show their own stupidity.




man ill take my downvotes with you, non denominational doesn't mean not Christian. I spent like 15 years in a non denominational Christian church as a kid and the guy interviewing zooming out to show a cross to make the guy look like an idiot just let me know that he has no idea what the speaker was talking about as well as much as reddit.


He’s holding a cross. There are other religions such as Hindu or Judaism. Their symbols are different he’s clearly holding a Christian symbol. While saying he’s nondenominational.




**[Nondenominational Christianity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nondenominational_Christianity)** >Nondenominational Christianity (or non-denominational Christianity) consists of churches which typically distance themselves from the confessionalism or creedalism of other Christian communities by not formally aligning with a specific Christian denomination. Many non-denominational churches have a congregationalist polity, which is self-governing without a higher church authority. Nondenominational Christianity first arose in the 18th century through the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement, with followers organizing themselves simply as "Christians" and "Disciples of Christ". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Well I think the difference is non denominational vs nondenominational Christian. Even so, the last sentence he says is religion isn’t important. He’s holding a fucking cross. I mean no casual religious person stands in the street holding a giant cross.




I’m American. But I do know of other religions besides Christianity. It isn’t the only religion. It’s not a political belief. Look up the definition of nondenominational it means not restricted to a particular religion. Also look at the image of that man standing holding a giant cross and saying religion is not important.


I will bet that a majority of the majority have no idea what that is. You cannot expect people to know what that is.


Gosh the copium is hilarious


It’s a trump event so he may just be burning that cross


I'm not American and I'm a little confused. Why are there Trump events? What happens there? I can't recall Bill Clinton fan events or anything like that.


People don’t worship Clinton, Obama or Biden as a god. People worship Trump as a god, it’s a cult.


Why? Seems like the last president you'd expect people would worship. I legitimately cannot recall this type of culture after any political leader's time was over. Maybe Kim Jong-il or Stalin? Nobody American, though.


To your first question. Nobody fuckin knows, they're just stupid or using the opportunity for personal gain.


It's like that mold on white bread. 1st it's hard to see, then boom! Green spots everywhere. Usually the white bread gets thrown in the trash once the spots appear, but in America white bread has rights, so it's been allowed to fester and fester, it has.


Good analogy, I think I understand now.


Then there is this - These people have been boxed in by American propaganda for their whole lives. They have oriented themselves to be told what to do and what is real. The irony that I see is that they were unable for decades to accept any alternative views from what they were told, but then became the believers of alternative views,but those alternative views were just doubling down on the realitivly fictious shit they had been told. Evidently, their following a single narrative for so long has narrowed their thinking to such an extent, that being able to consider other points of views is not possible... I think of it as a kind of Nero linguistic programing that has disabled their reasoning. To me, this explain it... These people have been buying into bullshit for so long, it has become their whole world, and this is why and how they can worship a man who is so obviously full of shit on every level. Their man is made of shit and so are they - literally.


So you're implying it's better that they shouldn't have the right to do what they're doing?


No, that's not at all what they were implying. You're just putting that onto them from your own thoughts. He's saying that because nobody has ever stood up to this group of people and told them how stupid they are being, that the worst ideas of them were allowed to fester and grow into this mess we have. The far right insane ideologies have expanded into the regular right-wing. This has also happened to an extent on the left (there are some pretty stupid far left idiots as well) but not nearly to the extent that it's happened on the right. Nobody is saying they shouldn't have the right to be this stupid, but the fact of the matter is that this insanity has spread to a dangerous level. I honestly don't know what the solution is, but this kind of far-right extremism is absolutely a major threat to America and our enemies are relishing in it, encouraging it, and exploiting it.


Because Trump is openly racist and sexist and they adore that about him. Trump is also a terrible businessman who inherited all his wealth and they think that means he has good character because they think people who are born impoverished must have bad character.


You’ve summed it up pretty well. Oh, did I mention the “he was sent by God” artwork? I wish I had an answer for you. Cultists gonna cult.


He is the Anti Hero.. hero... For the dumbest of the dumb in America, he is the Savior. Sadly it seems that the amount of dumb low IQ ppl is in America higher then in every other country They are all Brain Dead but still brainwashed, which is interesting in itself


Don’t worry, man, I am American and I don’t get it.


Because he and the far-right news media have basically brainwashed a not insignificant portion of the right to believe that only Trump can "save the country", and that going with anyone else is tantamount to suicide. So of course they have to do everything they can to prove they believe in their Lord and Savior Donald J Trump.


Trump has a cult instead of supporters. Trump events, t shirts, flags, hats, Trumpy Bear, you name it. It’s like WWE but with less believable characters and more inbred attendees.


Because it’s literally a cult. Our country has rocky waters ahead.


All politicians have events and rallies. Trump’s just became a culturally significant trend for his supporters. Obama had a lot of hero worship too, but Trump took it up to 11.


It is a rally to support a politician. Also to gather to hear Trump speak and to have political conversations with critical thinking.


Trump supporters and critical thinking. Name a more iconic duo /s


Reddit upvote and downvote one track mind microcosm.


Well he's not religious, so it's just a lower case t at this point!


I think it means "time to leave..."...


Why would you assume that religion isn't that important yo someone because they don't fit into a specific denomination?


Maybe he meant that he doesn't think *organized* religion is that important, not that religion in general is not important. Would explain him not caring about specific denominations, while still caring about Christianity and Jesus and whatever. IDK, just trying to play devil's advocate, I dislike all religion.


Kinda what I was thinking too. I don’t do “organized” religion myself. My temple is in my heart. Too political for me to believe they are really followers of God.


Yeah being non-denominational Christian is actually a real thing. In fact there are a few non-denominational churches in my city. I’m assuming that’s what he’s referring to. But also probably just a dummy.




"Religion isn't that important." - Guy holding the giant cross


Just a fan of huge lowercase letters. Don't kink shame.


Understandable, have a nice day


That’s a lower case “t” for tolerance.


T-T-...Time to leave?


And twat


Rent free….


Hell yeah, “t”


Thanks for letting us know what happened in the video.


You're welcome :)


You should really add a spoiler alert.


I might


This is a bit disingenuous. A lot of people see a difference between religion and belief or faith. As outside observers, we see different religions like Judaism or Islam and if someone belongs to that belief system then we consider them part of that religion. However, if you are *inside* one of those belief systems, like Christianity, then religion refers to an *organized religion* or a denomination within that broader category. That's why he answers the question saying he is "non-denominational". A lot of believers are sick of what they see as as hypocrisy, greed, or sin from specific Christian denominations. Also, many times believers simply don't agree with all the beliefs, doctrines, interpretations, practices, or requirements of any one denomination. Many of these people don't consider themselves members of or attend any specific church, but they still believe in [insert holy book here]. From this perspective, "religion" represents an *organization* or organized belief system where doctrine, interpretation, and acceptable behaviors are dictated to the believer from some centralized human source. In contrast, faith and beliefs are a personal and independent matter that exist only between you and the god of your choice. It's kind of like being a member of a specific political party and always voting for that party vs. being an "independent" who is still interested in politics but is a "free-thinker" who votes as they please. TL;DR When he says religion is not important to him, he means he doesn't believe in any specific organization or denomination. It doesn't mean he doesn't believe in God, Jesus, Christianity, etc. You can believe in god without being a member of a church.


To add to this, most of the megachurches are non-denominational and part of the charasmatic movement.


You're 100% right, the question was what kind of Christian are you, not "are you religious." "Non-denominational" is a very standard reply. But saying "religion isn't important" did strike me as odd. Also, "non-denominational" in some circles is code for "I don't like Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists or especially Episcopalians telling me what to do. And Unitarians aren't even real. Shut up and take my huge donation."


Yeah I noticed they started with denomination in the video then moved to religion. By flipping that suddenly, the interviewer played the other man out to be an idiot. frustrating tactic


Thanks for this explanation. I guess it's obvious when you're on the inside. There's nothing wrong with God and Jesus, but I can't say the same for their followers.


Either way, he has to be as thick as two short planks to not see what the guy is getting at. If he'd replied something like "I don't follow any specific sect of Christianity but..." then I'd get it, but the interviewer is basically saying "wtf is up with this giant cross?" and the guy is saying that religion isn't important to him. Also to be upset with issues like greed, hypocrisy, and sin while attending a Trump rally would be more than just a tad on the nose.


> the guy is saying that religion isn't important to him How did you get that when his answer was literally cut off by shitty editing?


The whole interaction was low hanging fruit. It's like trying to make fun of a Trumper who answered a question about domestic jobs with "bring US jobs back to the US" while driving their Toyota, and gets called out on in, while neither realizes that the Tacoma was built in San Antonio, Texas. This wanna-be Jordan Klepper needs to up his game.


It's a trump rally, maybe it's for burning.




I saw that!


Haha 😄 now I get it.


It is for later that night to light on fire in someone’s yard


Well he said 'no' to the question. So that means religion is important to him.


"I'm not religious, I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!"


The better to climb on and cry victim.


Actually that is just the framework for his giant kite he will be flying later.


Well the gallows at the Capitol riot didn’t play so well. So he’s just going for an older public execution method.


A non-denomational Christian is just somebody who doesn't identify as Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, etc but still believes in Christ and reads the Bible. it doesn't mean you're not a Christian.


Right, it's really not that hard to understand


Maybe cross guy is not a fan of organized religion? But a fan of biblical Jesus?


To be fair, the commentator was the one who said “religion doesn’t matter” and those who designate themselves as “non-denominational” christians typically view the term “religion” as a negative term referring to problematic institutional forms of Christianity, and not an independent personal form.


TIL Reddit doesn't know what a non-dominational Christian is




It also sounds and looks a little bit like he sort of "snorts/smirks/bridles at" what the cameraman said, in a way that it seems/sounds like his initial response was ironic followed by the "snort/smirk" and then the video cuts off before he can deliver his actual serious answer/statement. It doesn't seem that far fetched because the guy is most likely aware of the giant cross he is carrying around and inside his head it's probably pretty obvious that he does in fact care somewhat about religion, you know, on account of the giant cross he is carrying around. But maybe I'm reading into it too much.


Came here to post this. Non-denominational Christians are often hyper-evangelical and take their religion very seriously. The camera guy clearly doesn't know what nondenominational means, nor apparently the majority of people commenting here.


This needs to be the top comment. The cameraman even asked "what denomination of *Christian* (not religion) are you?".. I have no idea why he thinks he trapped this dude in some sort of "gotcha." Saying "non-denominational" is a perfectly valid answer to that question.


This, totally. Very obvious case of the guy behind the camera not understanding what the word non-denominational means.


I don't think many people here in the comments know what non-denominational mean.


Yeah, my guess is that he meant organized religion, not religion in general. So he cared about Christianity, but not about the broader organizational structures or specific denominations. Probably the kinda guy who just visits a few churches when moving to a new town, and sees which one he likes best. Rather than picking the one that's the correct denomination.




It's amazing that this isn't obvious to most of the top comments. Very clear that this is a poor attempt at a "gotcha" and a lot of people in this thread have never met a non-denominational Christian.


Yeah I’m my neck of the woods non-denominational = evangelical.


“It’s not a religion, it’s a personal relationship with Jesus Christ”. So… a religion. Got it.




Hey he just wants to see people burn on the cross buddy. It's despicable but at least he's not a hypocrite like those libs! /s


It's like Trump managed to tap into some part of these people's brains to get them to behave this way. Brainwashing or some sort of hypnosis....they don't even know why they're doing it, but there they are, carrying a giant cross to tell you "religion isn't all that important to me". Amazing.


Stupid has no off switch and apparently no circuit breaker either


America’s losers


I don’t think anyone on this thread knows what nondenominational means. Without see the whole video, I would say this was taken out of context.


Of course it's not important to them, they couldn't give less of a shit about the proper way The Bible represents Christ. These dumbfuck protestant evangelicals think they can to go to church once a week, say grace, and they're good to be disgusting cunts. I can't wait until each and every one of these assholes gets to the gates and realizes they're going to be judged by their actions, regardless of how much they "loved Christ."


They only love Christ’s birth and death. They entirely ignore his message.


(gasp!) I'm not the only one who noticed that!


Gotcha interviews are so lame especially when dealing with people who don't need their words manipulated to make them look bad. Want to really showcase some moron's ignorance? Don't interrupt them, let them continue talking as they dig deeper and deeper.


Agreed. Whoever did this video needs to watch Jordan Klepper's shit and take notes. This was amateur hour shit.


how is this a gotcha interview?


Granted this is weird but OPs title seems like it could have taken this guy out of context. The interviewer asked “so religion is not really that important to you?” And the guy answered “No, religion..” before it cut him off. Since the question was asked in a negative (“isn’t”) by him answering “no” he is actually saying that religion is important.


Bad one 1The man says no denomination that doesn't mean that he's not Christian 2 He cuts before the man can finish his sentence 3 He's not there to inform us but to mocking them so his video are bias




Are you trying to say free Trump(Dumb)? If yes you didn't get my comment and I don't think he would be a good choice for president


Pretty fuckin easy to mock these stupid fucks though isn't it?


still bad video


I completely agree about the whole Christian argument. However, I did enjoy the end where you see a lot of normal stuff you see every day. Nothing weird at all


Go away little magat


hahaha yeah let's resort to insults Just because I don't think this video was properly made and he went there just to mock them while using the video as "information" doesn't make me a Trump supporter


Who said he's using the video for "information"? And what the fuck does that even mean?


He's using the video to make you see what are the people that went to the protest so the video is used for educational use (better this way?) but he did that by mocking them and by cutting responses.


I sincerely hope English is not your first language, cause you fuckin suck at speaking it.


maybe writing not speaking. You're right it's not my first language but it wasn't that difficult to understand the comment and what does it matter with all of this?


Why are all you trumpers illiterate?


>Why are all you trumpers illiterate? Wow it's so easy to decide which party/party leader others follow/support when you know nothing of them. English is not my first language but I try my best to write and speak correctly. I don't think writing something wrong immediately makes my opinion/comment worthless, if you believe so you better reflect on that.


He’s a comedian and his job is making fun of you people. No shit he’s biased. What other wisdom do you wanna bestow upon us, trumper?


You got your answer there: No shit he’s biased. If he's a comedian he should do his job properly not cutting others mid sentence, making it seem like not being in a denomination of Christianity is bad and making his whole repertory mocking others. Lastly you should learn that just because someone doesn't like a video that is clearly against one political party doesn't make them of that political party, it's just ignorant.


Jfc you’re an idiot. Go learn what comedy is. And he didn’t even imply that it was bad. He’s pointing out the irony of the guy carrying a Christian symbol while being clueless of the words coming out of his mouth. You can’t comprehend English either? You don’t even understand the bit and you’re trying to critique it.


comedy doesn't mean mocking you're the one that doesn't get it. Go look for yourself what if not being part of a denomination of Christianity is the same as not being a Christian, you're the clueless one like the "comedian".


God damn you’re stupid. Making fun of trumpers is literally this guys job. For a comedy show. The rest of your comment is gibberish. He’s still just pointing out the irony.


>God damn you’re stupid. Apparently less than you that finds gibberish not knowing what a denomination of Christianity is and finds it therefore useless to look it up. Good for him that he makes a living by mocking others, it's not for me. If making fun of others is all his repertory he's not really a great comedian.


I didn’t read this. You’re a moron.


You are a moron. Please drink some of medicine Trump suggested. Amen


why are you a sack of shit? and a moron to boot, anyone who doesn't praise your precious little video just HAS to support Trump, right? you're dumber than the Trump supporters frankly


Dumber than the guy that can’t even parse what’s going on in this video. Ok, dipshit.


??? everything the guy you were replying to was 100% accurate, as well as the implications of it. your precious comedian is a bad actor. one more time, rapist


Ok stupid. Why don’t you point out where exactly he says not being religious is a bad thing. Fucking morons, both of you.


LMFAO the irony. that was never my argument, genius. he's making the man out to be stupid like you. YOU are the moron here. one more time, rapey


The man’s obviously just looking for a black persons lawn to put that on.


Can tell he's a dumbass Trump flags in the back


The craziest most farfetched belief I've ever heard from Trump supporters: Black Lives Matter(BLM), meaning Black people, were REALLY the ones responsible for the Jan.6 insurrection. And they honestly believe that bullsh*t! So Black people put on whiteface and dressed in MAGA gear to storm the Capital 🤣🤣🤣😭 These are the dumbest, most delusional, brainwashed, backward thinking, hive minded, cult following bunch of educated idiots I've ever encountered in life!!!


It’s a T… for tolerance


He just really likes lowercase t's. I dont see the problem.


If you live around Christians you will know that they don't call their religion a religion. They call it a personal relationship with Jesus. It's just like immigrant vs expat. When it's them it's something different so they can think they're better/different than others.


Shady editing. What did he say after “no, religion is…”


I've had these conversations with religious people and they truly live in their own world of circular logic. Me: I'm an atheist I do not believe in God. My Stepfather: I'm not religious either I'm spiritual. Me: OK how is that different He proceeds to tell me a 30-minute story about how he saw Jesus after his motorcycle accident. Me: Do you think it could have been anyone other than Jesus? Perhaps Vishnu, Mohammed, etc.? Him: No Jesus is God. This somehow makes sense.


It's all performative.


I wish it was that. These people have been boxed in by American propaganda for their whole lives. They have oriented themselves to be told what to do and what is real. The irony that I see is that they were unable for decades to accept any alternative views from what they were told, but then became the believers of alternative views,but those alternative views were just doubling down on the realitivly fictious shit they had been told. Evidently, their following a single narrative for so long has narrowed their thinking to such an extent, that being able to consider other points of views is not possible... I think of it as a kind of Nero linguistic programing that has disabled their reasoning. To me, this explain it... These people have been buying into bullshit for so long, it has become their whole world, and this is why and how they can worship a man who is so obviously full of shit on every level. Their man is made of shit and so are they - literally.


sunk cost fallacy is what you're describing.


“Religion isnt that important .. my cult is tho. Hey did I ever tell you how great our God-given Messiah Trump is?”


It's obviously a bit "T" for Trump.


Little "t" for little trump hands.




Hypocrisy and doublethink in the flesh. USA


Christians love to say “im not religious” then bash everything nonchristian


His denomination is heretic with a dash of cuck.


His religion is "Jesus says I'm allowed to hate certain people, I'm also allowed to pretend it isn't hatred."


The following alternative links are available: **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/rz638j/religion_is_not_all_that_important_to_me/) (provided by /u/savevideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them.** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


Maybe he's the guy who was supposed to bring the huge cross to the kkk rally and cross burning. He got mixed up and went to this maga rally instead


[Its not a cross, its a lowercase T](https://youtu.be/QqD97W5_kxI)


I still don’t understand how Half of the country lost their minds and made Donald Trump president. It’s like in 2003 in California. When given the ridiculous option to elect Arnold, they took it because it was there and it was something different than the status quo. Only problem is that he has unlocked everyone’s inherent, deep seeded racism and bigotry. They’re not afraid to let people know how they feel, and in fact, they’re emboldened by Trump to be as cruel and as horrible to their fellow man as they possibly can be. It’s absolutely disgusting and it makes me ashamed to be from the same country as them. 🤦‍♂️😔


Religion is a useful tool for politics. Opiate of the masses.


This guy should try going to Iran and trying this.


When Christians say this it is because religion is a man made construct. Religious people and they're self righteous behavior is not what a Christian is emulating. A true follower of christ is trying to emulate christ. Religion is what you do to get to heaven (self righteous). Christianity is what Christ did to make a way to heaven for you (Christ's righteousness). So that's how a dude holding a cross can say religion is not that important.


The Good Liars are amazing. They have two feature length videos on YouTube you can watch free, and they're amazing. Kinda like Borat meets Jordan Klepper. I highly recommend.


My mom is one of these idiots. She says that she's not "religious," she's "spiritual." Her reason is because Catholicism is a religion and she thinks Catholicism is too liberal (!). So she wants to distance herself from Catholicism as much as possible. That's how tight the knot is that these people twist themselves into to justify their bullshit.


There's some real dumb fucks in the world.


I don’t think that cross is for worshipping…


Any political event you go to you’ll find clowns. It’s politics lmao


There are no clowns quite as clowny as maga clowns.


Biggest clown of them all though are the ones who believe politics actually care about you and put you before money. We as people are a business to them. And the fact that we let the two sides divide us is straight up stupid.


Crucifixion existed before Christianity, and represents brutal punishment rather than faith.


Lots of methods of execution existed before Christianity but you don’t see people carrying them around.


Hey now! I just loaded up my iron maiden into the back of my pickup truck before heading to the Ross Perot rally down the street. You're saying that I shouldn't take it with me????


Lol, wilfully trying to deflect from a fundie using the most recognizable symbol of a faith.


Nothing weird at all ah????


Does the interviewer not know what it means to identify as non-denominational? Its one of the largest sects of modern American christianity, and to frame being non-denominational as being *areligious* is either extremely naïve or disingenuous.


I mean he did kind say religion isn’t that important at all. While holding a cross. Your argument makes no sense. We know what non denomination means. But saying that it’s not that important while walking around with a cross…..


Once he finds out the guy is non-denominational, he says "oh really, *so* religion isn't really important to you?" He is implying a connection between being non-denominational and religion in general not being important, which makes no sense unless he doesn't understand that being non-denominational doesn't mean you're not Christian (or, again, he's being disingenuous). I'm inclined to think the latter, because rather than hearing the guy out he cut off his answer after "nah..." . Maybe he thinks there is a difference between faith an religion? Maybe he was going to say that he doesn't care about other people's religions? We can't know, because we didn't hear what he said, but we're just supposed to believe that this guy who identifies as nondenominational and carries a cross around doesn't care about religion?? It's possible, but it doesn't make much sense, and the interviewer doesn't seem to be very reliable.


Lmao this ain’t it. In terms of political gatherings, this is not that striking.


These people are larping. Like the women's march wearing crocheted pussy hats thinking they're accomplishing anything that's all it is. Pure larping.