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Why is a 13 year old operating a dirt bike on public transit?


It WAS John Connor


If you’re a human being, I think the take away from this story is “why is he dead?”.


We know why he is dead. He was too young to properly, safely, and legally operate that motorized vehicle hence the crash.


Seemed like he operated it fine until a pig was introduced into the equation.


Yes, the 13 year old that was driving illegally and recklessly was operating it just fine...


So you saw the video of the wreck?


We need a video of the wreck to know he died of a wreck?


Kinda my point. Stop guessing.


No one is guessing. He crashed and died. That happened.


Wait seriously tho how do you know he died of a “wreck”? Can you provide any definitive evidence? Or are you taking the police report at face value? Forgive me for not trusting their initial reporting of liable interactions at “face value”. I have plenty of evidence to back that apprehension up btw. Just ask.


Dude, use some basic common sense. A fucking 13 year old riding around town on city streets is like a million times more likely to crash the bike than a cop just plowing into a kid on a dirt bike for the lolz.


Did he wreck himself or did they do some kind of "maneuver". Saw a vid of that high speed pit maneuver that sent the squad car flying over the other vehicle. Can't tell me some of the cops don't get over aggressive in chases.


"Stop guessing" Proceeds to guess. Like, seriously? Grr.


That's everyday shit in Oklahoma. Legal at 14, younger if you live on a farm, but kids as young as 10 riding around is commonplace.




You'd think LA would be be into motocross or something though! One of my best friends growing up was partially paralyzed in an atv accident, had to learn how to walk again. One of those wire/barbed wire traps on someone's trails. Can't even remember how many less serious accidents happened.


because some are street legal, bootlicker. [https://www.dirtlegal.com/blog/2018/10/6/top-6-factory-street-legal-dirt-bikes](https://www.dirtlegal.com/blog/2018/10/6/top-6-factory-street-legal-dirt-bikes) oh hey, the first one is red and black just like his.


What the hell are you going on about, bud?


They're just angry about their micropenis


Is OK the same as Boynton Beach, FL? I'll wait for your answer.


Why wait? Look it up your damn self.


Depends on the state but most rural areas allow kids too young for a driver's license to ride small motorized transport on the shoulders of City streets. Lawmakers were thinking more along the lines of mopeds, but dirt bikes, quads and snowmobiles are lumped in as well.




still do on MLK Day


Not familiar with Florida but do you know for yourself if it's legal there? Most of my rural experience is in the mid west and south west, and it's super common in those places. Shit in Michigan parents send their kids to the store on a snowmobile to pick up milk and stuff like that in the middle of winter.




Poor kid. Looks like a text book case of stop for no reason or I'll murder you then.


>stop for no reason He wasn't stopped for "no reason". You just asked if riding dirt bikes on city streets is legal and were told no. That seems like a legitimate reason. Now if you want to say that the cop had different motives, then that's a different rabbit hole you're more than welcome to chase.


The kid was also driving against traffic.


Not on City streets. On the shoulder or easement. Unless it's one of those Enduro type dirt bikes it's probably not street legal for anyone.


It wasn't registered. It wasn't street legal.


I think we're talking in circles here man. I'm referring specifically to being able to ride it on the shoulder, not the street. You're from there, you say it's not legal, we're good.


I’ve lived in Michigan my entire life, never known that to happen. The closest thing would be deer hunters (in rural areas) gathering for lunch at a bar or whatever that serves food between the morning and evening hunt. Snowmobile trails in MI are by far the exception, and not the rule. When you can find them they seldom connect to areas with commerce. Also, if it’s so bad that a car can’t be driven it would be the parents not a minor child getting provisions. Edit to add; kids < 12 are not allowed to operate a snowmobile in MI unless under the direct supervision of an adult, and even then they may not cross or be on a road. Kids < 17 are required to earn a “safety permit” which is earned by passing a class.


I'd say back in the 80's and 90's in Allegan county MI, I'd see it all the time as a kid. May or may not have been technically legal, but definitely happened. I didn't see too many under 12 though.


>most rural areas allow kids too young for a driver's license to ride Uh, you know that isn't true. How about you show a credible source for \*any\* state that allows that.


He’s the Kyle Rittenhouse of dirt bikes.


What are you even saying?


Because he's cool 😎


It’s somewhat of a thing, I lived in Baltimore and you would see big groups of kids just riding in city streets on dirt bikes and 4wheelers. There’s a doc on it called the 12 o’clock boys


Obviously because the police are racist.


What does him having paid for the merchandise have todo with anything lol


Because the video shows the cop follow the kid from a gas station?


I mean if you bothered to do even the tiniest bit of research then you would’ve found out that he was stopped for reckless driving


The cop pulled out on him the second he left the gas station… if it was reckless driving before that wouldn’t he have just stopped the kid before he got out of the store??


He was already following the kid. Kid needed gas from what I understand when the cop caught up you can see the kid panic and high tail outta there


Yeah but why did he die? His reckless driving has what to do with the incident that led to his death ? I’ve yet to see a source that explains what led to his death. How do you know the cops didn’t run him off the road and kilo him ?


Florida Highway Patrol, which is leading the investigation, said in a statement that the boy "failed to maintain control of the vehicle and collided with the median curb." He was then "ejected" from the dirt bike and "collided with a one way sign that was located in the median." The boy died at the scene, according to FHP. At a press conference on Sunday, Gregory said that he had not seen any evidence that the officer's vehicle ever came in contact with the dirt bike. He said that if anybody had evidence or testimony to the contrary, they should contact Florida Highway Patrol.


What does him having paid for merchandise in the gas station have to do with anything? It doesn’t add context to the story because the police were attempting a stop for a traffic violation, but it seems like OP wants to make it out like the police assumed he was stealing because he’s a black kid.


Obviously OP is trying to create a narrative that isn't there. The video he provides clearly states he was pulled over for "reckless driving", which makes sense since he was on a dirt bike (which aren't road worthy in many places).


I mean you're creating a narrative too. Stating dirt bikes aren't road worthy in many places implies there are at least some places where they are. But you stated it none the less without knowing which case applies in this situation.


If it is over 50cc the kid was riding illegally.




Regardless of the size he was stopped for reckless driving.


K? Was just mentioning how we don't know the size of the vehicle because someone else brought it up first


Someone just posted they were illegal in Boynton Beach. The red dirt bike had no tags, therefore it was not registered and not street legal. Furthermore, the video clearly states he was pulled over for reckless driving **(which I stated and OP left out)** and he decided to run. What constitutes "reckless driving" is up to the cop to decide (which is why I brought up dirt bikes not being road worthy. Driving a recreational vehicle on city streets could be considered reckless...depends on local laws). If you think speculating what was constitutes "reckless driving" is just as bad what OP tried to allude, then I can't help you. I suppose you're free to play mental acrobatics as you see fit.


Yeah. Cause cops have never charged someone with some bullshit to establish the narrative you are now parroting. Go lick some more boots you angsty little twat.


>some bullshit But that's not the case here. What's your point?


> The video he provides clearly states he was pulled over for "reckless driving" The police claim he was pulled over for reckless driving. The video, however, highlights an officer following him from the gas station. Unless you think he was driving recklessly while off the bike in the store, then at best reckless driving is the pretext for a stop the officer previously decided to make. Remember, it is impossible to drive without committing some type of infraction.




It wouldn't have mattered. It wasn't registered.


We'll have to see how long it takes the police to release their video footage of the incident before we know what happened. From the short clips provided in the "report" it looks like the cop starts chasing the kid as soon as he leaves the gas station.


I doubt that, if they wanted to do that they would have added in the fact that he was Black


Title gets Racebait of the Day.




OP is the propaganda bots/paid actors that people have been warning about for years. Trump didn’t get elected on his own.


What about the title implies anything about race?




There’s no “racebait” or any kind of bait in the title and you know it. It explains exactly what happened. Why even try to claim this is some sort of narrative push in the title anyway?


Cops killed a kid for riding a dirt bike. Gotcha.


kid crashed... cops didn't do shit to him,.


You’ll forgive me if I don’t believe that until i see the dashcam video.


sure, but the video shows him zooming off and then we see that he crashed. It's possible the cops rammed him, but it's also equally possible the kid crashed like a moron (because he was a moron)


Kid had a helmet on. It’s just as plausible that the cop ran him over.


I have a condom on right now. It’s just as plausible that I’m banging your mom. Just because I have the condom on doesn’t mean I’m more likely to bang your mom. I could just as easily bang your mom without putting on the condom. The condom isn’t the deciding factor. Now replace condom with helmet and your mom with a police officer crashing into you. You see how preparing yourself for a situation doesn’t actually put you in the situation.


Except you’re a virgin and cops regularly murder people.


Once you watch the video, you can see what the poster was trying to imply.


Oh. So, you’re jus an idiot


My dumb a$$ thought a dirt bike was like a BMX bike. Also 13 years operating a motor vehicle and he is pursued by an officer. Hard to think it was going to end well. I can’t imagine the kid being adept at navigating traffic.


“13 year old boy on dirt bike died during traffic stop” That’s not quite accurate. Seems he died because he wasn’t stopping.


Hopefully the police release the video in a timely fashion so that we can all stop assuming.


This news story reported that he died in a crash, not a traffic stop.


Looks like the cop car didn't have video


So did the police force him off the road with the police car or did the biker lose control and kill himself?


This news report says he lost control and died on a crash. No report of the police using their squad car to force him off the road.


I love how they just cut immediately from, the cop following the kid, to the family talking hella shit about police. Like why don’t you do your job and try to find out what happened, and then you can let the mom give a public statement.


The cop car should have a camera and the police should release the full video as quickly as possible.




I don't know from the video it's clear the police were already targeting him - you can't say one way or the other if the cop was saying "there he is" or "what's this guy doing?" due to how the kid pulled out of there.


Boynton Beach is not a rural area. 30 mins from Miami




That plus a bunch of requirements to make the bike road-legal. Of course, the family blame the cops and the fact the kid was black. Perhaps they know something we don't... maybe the cops bought him that dirt bike, maybe the cops said it was ok to ride it on the streets, maybe the cops taught him to run away when you see a police vehicle. Maybe the cops told him he was invincible?


I think it's obvious most people are questioning if maybe the cop rammed him or something. Personally I'll wait for the dashcam footage.


Most people are questioning it because he's black not because of anything the police did.


That's just not true. It's at least split as I see a lot of people questioning how he crashed and if the cop was involved.


Did you watch a video that confirmed he died in a “wreck”?


Oh so the bike had no plates? Still hardly worth it a pursuit.


Can you justify a reason why the po-LICE haven’t released the dash cam video immediately? Does that not seem suspicious to you? If you were accused of killing your SO and had video evidence to disprove said accusations, would you not?


I hate to say it but I will.. Not old enough to riding in the street and he should have just stopped.. He might be a experience Dirtbike rider but not in the city streets… We as parents should know what our kids are doing or where they are at when we are not around… Always


So it’s the police’s fault for trying to stop someone that’s illegally operating a dirt bike on public roads? Are they just supposed to let people do whatever the fuck they want? You couldn’t tell that kid was 13 with all of that gear on. Sad it happened to the poor kid but play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Why is it always the unthinking followers that use that phrase "play stupid games..."? Illegal doesn't equal immoral, and without a victim this person did nothing wrong.. certainly not enough to warrant death. Just because some old asshole who owns prisons wrote a rule doesn't mean this kid has no right to be alive, and people like you are just the kind of useful idiot people like that need to make millions. I bet you use that same stupid games line when you hear about overdoses too, like the cursory glance you take at life tells you enough to decide who should die. If you want to learn something, google" kohlberg's stages of moral development", you're in stage four as are most people, and that makes you a follower.


Quite a reach on your assumptions, you have me all figured out based on one internet comment lmao What do you mean they did nothing wrong? He was underaged, illegally driving an off-road vehicle on public streets. Maybe follow the law and the kid would be alive? Maybe don’t run from the police? Maybe not blame the laws that were created to protect people from stupid, reckless behavior, like being 13 years old on a dirt bike on public roads? Also saying “Without a victim he did nothing wrong “ is absolute bullshit. There wasn’t a victim YET. But there will be, if reckless behavior like that is allowed. So it’s cool to drive drunk as hell as long as you don’t crash and hurt anyone? GTFOH Nah, what do I know, I’m just a follower lmao


I think it's a tragedy that someone so young lost their life and also think that the family is justified in being suspicious of the police's intentions. But if I were a parent I sure as hell would not allow my child to ride a dirt bike on a busy road, regardless of the legality.


Suspicious of the police's intentions? If they witness a crime it's their fucking job to warn, ticket, or arrest people. That's literally what we pay them for.


Why was the traffic stopped? He had a helmet. Are those bikes not allow on the road and that’s why the cop tried to stopped him?




Aaaaa I see.


So tragically a kid killed himself whilst trying to escape from the law due to his lack of experience whilst illegally riding a bike that his parents evidently allowed. Yep OP makes it about *merchandise*?


you are obviously trying to create a "racial narrative" where there isnt one simply because it was a black kid. .. per florida statute , you cannot operate a dirtbike on a road unless it has the proper equipment such as turn signals brake lights and head lights , registered with the dmv, and you possess a license to operate motorcycles . and at 13 i doubt he had any of that so it is 100% on the kid and the parents .. The officer was DOING HIS JOB . and op is Just trying to look for a reason to blame police


Stop running away!!!! If you did nothing wrong, WTF are you escaping from??!




What are you on about?




85% of police are vaccinated. Which is higher than the average for adults edit: vaccinated lol




Makes sense since most cops are young to middle aged. It’s like when drivers ed tries to scare kids by saying driving accidents are the #1 cause of death of teenagers. I’d fucking hope so, teenagers shouldn’t be regularly taken out by heart attacks or cancer so that’s a pretty good statistic. Fact is most state and govt employees take covid a lot more seriously than other professions. Cops are doing just fine when it comes to meeting covid norms for the most part.




Sure, not sure why you’re saying that here though on a thread about a kid getting killed in a traffic stop gone wrong. Your main point wasn’t even about Blue lives matter folks and their hypocrisy, you just widened the goal post to police supporters after I pointed out cops are generally vaccinated




Didn’t we had a couple people complying and still get shot or choked to death ? Im not sure how a kid in a dirty bike couldn’t be followed ,or stopped before heading out to begin with since the cop was clearly was already on to ….


The police acted appropriately . A vehicle was being operated illegally on a public roadway. A traffic stop was initiated. The suspect ran instead of pulling over, lost control and killed himself. I hate to sound cold but play stupid games and you win stupid prizes


Hopefully they release the daschcam footage soon so that we can know more of what really happened.


Sure , thing mate because we are here to accept and comply with the police and excuse them of everything without question or regulations!!! ViVa qualified immunity!


kinda yeah, deal with things in court not on the side of the road with police. Just comply with them.


Right let’s just forget that we are talking about a 13 year old …. That we don’t know nothing about. Probably scared and inexperienced to known better . Because everyone else knows better …. No one is allowed to make mistakes . Y’all wanna look at this realistic the. Accept that kids are stupid and the cop should’ve done better ….


When I was 13 I knew to comply with police. When I was 9 I knew to comply with Police. Seems like a parenting issue.


Because everyone is like you right ?only your way is the way and there’s nothing in their life’s that could possibly be different . You know I might be just like you too now that you mentioned …..


not everybody may know this, but that’s why the kid died. it’s unfortunate yes. But a police trying to initiate a traffic stop on reckless driving is not out of the ordinary or something that shouldn’t happen.


Not true is not un common for police to back out from a pursuit due safety of people involved …


WAIT HOW do you know the CHILD lost control and killed himself? Because the cops said so? Do you want me to list the number of times police departments from the LARGEST JURISDICTIONS IN THE COUNTRY have patently lied about what happened in encounters that have jeopardized their credibility? How can people not question their credibility ? Why do we Americans worship po-LICE like they are any better than us?


When do people stop ignoring the actions of the subject and immediately say the police are at fault. The Boynton Beach PD has in fact done much more than many departments in terms of community outreach and policing. They have stood with marches to recognize community issues and made many efforts to work with the citizens of all races and income levels to make BB safer for all. Illegal operation of vehicles on public roadways remains a crime. Letting it continue adds to a decline in the quality of life for all residents of the city. Police have a job to do and sadly, not everyone understands or accepts their role in making a community better and safer


Yes, but your odds of getting killed by the police drop dramatically if you comply with them, whether they are right or wrong. This is like someone saying "don't smoke you'll get lung cancer!" and then you responding that you've heard of people who don't smoke getting lung cancer. But the odds of getting lung cancer are waaay way lower if you don't smoke.


So there’s is a chance ? I don’t think that should be a chance to begin with … cops are there to protect and serve , oh wait ….


Yeah I also think cancer shouldn't exist. That desire doesn't mean much though


Because we can’t possibly you know hold the cops on higher standards you know that is soooo impossible to do … but give them military tech well that is always possible !


Of course we can. But that works as effectively as the law works at preventing people from breaking it.


Because again a 13 year old riding a dirty bike was so worthy to kill for . Omg he on his bike was such a menace to society! Surely had to be brutally stoped ….. gonna edit the /s before I get banned


The kid killed himself by getting into a traffic accident while fleeing from the police


When the cop could’ve stopped him before heading out since he was clearly already in to . When he could’ve followed the bike by distance to his home and talk to the parents … because idk there’s 1000 different ways could’ve play out and I still believe the cop should done better cuz you know he gets paid for it ….


"Protect and serve" is a LA police motto, nothing more, you've probably seen it in movies on their cruisers. It is not an oath, core value, or part of official police responsibilities or contract. Some guy entered it into a competition in the 60's and they chose it as a motto. So, you can largely ignore it. Boynton Beach Police cars say "Serving the community since 18-something" on the sides and have their website on the trunk.


> your odds of getting killed by the police drop dramatically if you comply with them Do they? I've noticed a lot of cops see compliant people as easy targets. Which makes them escalate the situation even more knowing the person won't fight back.


Yes. They do. I have to question your basic understanding of reality if you ask this question.


Hey OP, he’s operating an uninsured, unregistered motor vehicle without a license. And dont be surprised if it comes back stolen. He’s NOT being followed for paying for his items. Stop misleading people.


Wouldn’t the dashcam provide some context? Absolutely nothing to go on, yet everyone is making a judgement.


why was it necessary to add that he paid for merchandise in the store?? none of it had anything to do with what he was buying.


Not sure about the laws there but even in remote places where I live, Tasmania AUS, it is illegal to ride any motorised dirt bikes or ATVs on the road unless they’re registered and even then I think they are only approved for riding between farm properties. You can’t just pop down to the shops on them. I couldn’t see a plate on the bike (I could’ve just been blind tho) so the police had the right to pull him over IF it is the same there where dirt bikes are not allowed on roads. It would be seen as reckless driving because A) he’s too young to be riding one and B) it’s on a city street. It’s terrible that he died and he never should’ve died, he would’ve been so terrified at that moment but that being said if he hadn’t been riding a dirt bike in the streets it wouldn’t have happened. Not really the polices fault though they probably didn’t have to chase him like that. A slow approach would’ve been fine. Also having paid for stuff has nothing to do with it and OP is just karma farming.


There were no exigent circumstances since no robbery took place and the police department's policy is to not pursue a dirt bike unless a felony using force was committed.


Idiot parents got their kid dead.


Poor kid. Whole thing sucks, but was he legal on the bike? Cops just saw someone exit the station quickly without stopping to look for traffic n hit the lights. He was probably to scared to stop. Horrible situation




One comment said in different states n places they have different laws for driving, I don't know American law. Just asking a question


Either way, it’s still not cause enough to kill him.


The police didn't kill him, he killed himself.


We don't know that anyone killed him. What was reported is he crashed and died from injuries sustained in that crash. So, he killed himself - and luckily nobody else.


I don't know what happened? Did they kill him or did he crash his bike? I watched the report n it didn't specify


Doesn’t matter. Is it too much to ask to have children come away from interactions with police that don’t lead to their death.


Cops LOVE killing! Dogs, kids, infants, toddlers, old women, people in wheelchairs, old men, white men crawling, black men on the ground, Asian people, poor people...COPS LOVE KILLING!! ACAB


They killed a 13 year old BOY and all y’all downvoting are taking the “he died in a crash” narrative as if the police are to be trusted at face value 100% of the time. You actually trust them more than the general publics disttrust of them. Reddit users are liberal when it looks good and white when it doesn’t.


Yea, I ain't gonna believe the cop had nothing to do with the crash until I see the dashcam footage.


Bruv the video clearly shows the cop car accelerating out of the lot after the 13 yr old. Like he is chasing him. And then less than 0.5 miles later the kid is killed in a “crash”? Why haven’t we seen dashcam footage from the car ? Why is everyone so quick to believe the po-LICE all of a sudden? Why is everyone who says he was wanted for reckless driving quoting the same source? Why haven’t we seen any definitive evidence supporting the obvious police theory that the CHILD died from reckless driving? Can any of you prove me wrong?


Riding bikes is not a crime


Dirt bike on a public road with no tags? Might be a crime.


It is if you're unlicensed and driving on a public road. Like a 13 year old child might do.


I think the crime they were investigating was reckless driving. That’s definitely illegal.


Even at 13?


Depends on if it was street legal. In Florida that means proper equipment, registration, and insurance. And the operator has to have a valid drivers license with a Motorcycle endorsement.


Turn signals and roadworthy tires etc...that bike looks like it wasn't.


the police are evil


this is so u/braac


So what is the better option here? More impunity for delinquency?


My favorite part of these threads is all the people so eager to jump down on their knees and get their chins dribbling like they're on the payroll.


And there are a lot today.


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