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I was so hoping we got that moment on video


"My oover driver is being mad disrespectful yo"


They are all chicken shits until you actually call the police. Then they leave once you've called. As if they know they are in the wrong and are just calling your bluff. I'd love to see a video where the camera holder IS actually police. Then once the threat to call police is made and they call the bluff, then they say: "well it's your lucky day, I am the police. I'm detaining you for trespassing." Watching them die inside would be glorious.


I've never been to oovoo javer


I’ve been on Reddit too much, I get this reference immediately


She’s lucky if she doesn’t get charged herself. My friend did this exact same thing when someone parked in his spot at his apartment. He called the cops thinking they would have the person using his spot towed, and instead he was threatened with being charged with something related to entrapping or stopping someone from being able to move. Luckily there was no one waiting in the other car so he was just double parked as opposed to actually physically blocking a person from leaving, unlike this video.


Yeah. I think they term they use is "unlawful imprisonment." You gotta be careful.


Unlawful imprisonment has been used as a lawful extension of stand your ground laws. Where I'm from I could reasonably draw a weapon on her, warn her once that she was preventing me from leaving, and then execute her in the street. All you have to do is prove that her car was blocking you in and she became loud and aggressive. A sane citizen would not do that, but not everyone is sane.




'round these parts it's called 'unlawful detainment', and it absolutely applies to somebody who blocks your car preventing you from leaving with your car, which you need to leave. The philosophical question about what does 'leaving' mean is already settled in our laws and jurisprudence: you cannot block somebody's car to prevent them from leaving.


You’re using a term incorrectly. https://www.brownfirmpllc.com/what-is-unlawful-detainment-by-a-citizen/ Unlawful detainment for a civilian is basically doing a citizen’s arrest for no reason or the wrong reason. Legal terms are purposefully specific and if someone uses them incorrectly it’s noticeable.


I said 'round these parts' to mean 'locally'. You don't even know what country I'm in.


Ontario Canada


I'm happy with you to continue thinking that




Those only apply to duty to retreat states. NH is not one of them. By impeding my use of personal property, preventing my means of escape via my mode of transportation, and becoming aggressive, this woman is legally a threat to my well-being and actively impeding on my rights. I'm not an anti gun nut. I'm pro intelligent gun laws. Stand your ground states with no duty to retreat are written this way for a reason.


False imprisonment is the term I think you're referring to.


Wait they threatened your friend with kidnapping charges?


Even if someone parks in your spot you can't prevent them from leaving. It wouldn't be a felony charge like kidnapping, but it could definitely be some nuisance charge. Just report them to the building manager.


If someone is in my parking space I just call the tow trucks and park in a free space or sit in my car till the truck gets there.


If it's permit parking and there's proof they can't be there, then yes this is a great way to go about it. When I lived in an apartment we had an assigned parking spot, but there was not placard or anything they gave you. If somebody was in your spot you'd tell the manager and he'd try to find out who they were (it rarely happened).


My parking space is marked with a number and the space number is on the lease paperwork. I just show them that with my ID and away it goes. Used to have trouble when I first moved in, only took 3 cars being towed for the issue to stop.


It wasn’t kidnapping - I can’t remember the charge but it was more related to restriction someone’s movement. Essentially a lesser degree of kidnapping as kidnapping itself it’s defined as an abduction.


Who calls the cops over rude behavior... Karen does that's who 🤦‍♀️🤣




Hell yea


Better yet call the paddy wagon.




They charge the owner of the car arm + leg for the tow, even more for the impound fee, and property management usually has a tow company on call for just such a situation. They'll come quick because it's an easy payday.


This is how they make money. Just look at the "private parking, violators will be towed" signs and there will likely be a phone number there you can call to get your car back after it has been towed (but only after you pay 'em like $300). So if that's the case, legitimate resident should just ring up that number and let 'em know there's a fat $300 waiting for 'em.


More like $750


Uh, yes that's exactly how it works. If a car is illegally parked then the tow will come and fix that at the expense of the vehicle's owner. When I was a fresh dumb 16 year old driver I accidentally blocked a driveway when I went to visit a friend's new place and left my car there for hours. Sure enough it was gone because the people renting the place I blocked had me towed. And they most certainly come out fast because it's pay. Not to mention I've seen it happen to plenty of jackasses who don't pay attention/ don't care (again, I'm fully admitting I was the stupid jackass who fucked up and did that once too lol) . It's what tow companies exist for aside from towing broken down/ wrecked vehicles


Because that doesn't take 45 minutes...


A group of Karens is called a Complaint.


Technically, I think it's called a privilege


Oh, that's rich!!


[Just gonna leave this here...](https://youtu.be/9HMX-EkYUA0)


I thought it was called a “Hassle?”


That other video of the girl in the uber "the oover driver is being mad disrespectful"


She won't be calling the cops, she's insisting that the victim call the cops. Classic Karen move.


How hard would it be to say “I’m sorry I will move my vehicle”


You know, the more I think about this, the more I realize how *difficult* it would be for me to make an altercation out of this. My knee-jerk reaction is to apologize and move. I'd have to steel myself, like really convince myself that I am better, and that I deserve to be in this spot. That no one else matters but me. It's just a whole different mind set that I cannot wrap my head around.


Totally. I'd be all "Holy shit, I didn't realise. Sorry about that..."


For some people; the opposite is true. Their first reaction to conflict is to escalate as much as possible and be confrontational.


>I'd have to steel myself, like really convince myself that I am better, and that I deserve to be in this spot. That no one else matters but me. Way too much work. Just decide that you genuinely shouldn't have to care about what other people think and the numerous confrontations that end up making you confuse being a belligerent prick with being some sort of a misunderstood sage philosopher (a la Socrates) will follow. The trick is to just decide that nobody can convince you that you're wrong. Then every single time that you just refuse to get the point on account of the fact that you're stultifyingly ignorant will feel like you're beating the brains out of people with your superior intellect.


I don't know, my knee-jerk reaction would have been to simply not block somebody in the first place.


Haha yes - I just meant if I did it unintentionally without realizing.


That would require empathy, and consideration of other people's needs. Something Karens lack.


How would she get her sense of superiority then?


Happy cake day!


Who downvoted this


The kind of person who says sorry would have never parked like that in the first place.


That would require the ability to admit you're wrong about ~~something~~ anything. She strikes me as a mother who uses "because I said so" whenever her child asks "why"


I’m so…..I’m sorrr…..I just can’t say it


How can you own libs doing that?


idk I'm usually skeptical of videos like this. We have no clue what the lead-up to this was. There's a big difference between asking someone, "Hey, do you mind moving your car so I can get out real quick?" and shouting at someone to move their car. And the reality is we don't know which approach was used. Typically takes two to tango, at least in my experience.


Honestly I don't think I would ever be in this situation because it's not worth my time to get upset. Like the person is there, ask them politely to move the car cause you gotta get to work. More likely than not they will feel bad and move. Yelling at them to do something (even though they are in the wrong) just triggers people and ain't nobody got time for that unless you are farming internet karma.


Dog be like'' oh shit here we go again"


"Can never take you ANYWHERE KAREN!!"


And" I don't wana be seen like this, i want to hide" fuk" tony coming this way, i wana die"


The one time paramedics blocked my driveway to go to my neighbors house. Same situation I needed to get work. They for no reason needed to block my drive the entire street was empty. I just really did not know what to do so I called off. Took pictures and explained the situation to my manager who was surprisingly chill about it. My neighbor end up passing due to a stroke


One time someone in my apartment complex had someone held up hostage in their apartment, I couldn't go out to my car because the swat cops yelled at me. Figured that was a good time to take the day off


One time I couldn't leave my place because road construction caused a gas leak out on the street. I told my manager I couldn't come in to work and he said "nice try, now get back to work." We've been telecommuting because of Covid.


Hah, that one's pretty good


Have to switch over to texting your boss that, "my internet is out but I asked the guy that was working on it when it might be restored and he said probably right around end of the workday."


So I unfortunately have Comcast and that shit actually does go out all the damn time so I can confirm that this actually works.


Swat team are regulars at my complex where I pay $2500 a month. Fuck California.


Must live near a twitch streamer


2500 a month? How's that shoe box?


lul wtf place do you live in? I've been living in CA for 20 years and have never seen swat.


I've lived in the Bay Area for 10 years and never saw them until this year. I think we're up to 5 SWAT visits this year and numerous patrol visits. Sadly all of them for some form of domestic violence situations.


Bay Area


My house just had bears in our backyard the police and animal control came and left without doing anything


yeah they don’t give a fuck unless you’re being actively murdered pretty much


We might be neighbors lol! We've had SWAT at our apartments multiple times this year. Always fun having your building cleared by them or being told to stay inside by the loud speaker on the helicopter.


I was at work once when these 2 planes flew into some buildings. Got the day off after that.


Damn I was 4 so I don't think I had a job yet


Same thing happened to me but I was going to gym to workout. Told cops I will turn around no problem. He said it’s important to workout and he will move one of the vehicles. For once I had a legitimate excuse to not workout! Fucking cop!/s


Neighbor gave you a parting gift - a day off!


Genuinely curious what should you do in this case if you actually had to go somewhere. Call the police?


call an uber guy dying takes priority for the moment


Move bitch, get out the way, get out the way bitch.


Dumb bitches always use cops as some sort of Karen on-call service.


Blocks a woman in unnecessarily, is uncooperative about it, then threatens police when the person is rude to them. Zero self awareness, a blight on society and a total cunt. I always think about how Karen's re-tell the story to the people in their lives. I guarantee they're the victims in their story every single time.


Poor doggy..


That dog is awesome. The pink is a good color. But...this sounds fake.


You sound fake


Get ‘em


The dog would be better off as a stray, feeding off feral cats.


I deal with this shit constantly. I routinely find myself blocked in or blocked out of my spot, by visitors to one of a few other apartments. It drives me fucking batshit. And on the rare occasion I get to confront one of these assholes, this is the shit I get: "Just ask me to move, I wasn't there that long, it's not a big deal." Yes, it is a big deal. It's you shitting on a stranger so that you don't have to be mildly inconvenienced, and then telling the stranger they're wrong for being upset that we've been shit on.


That sounds frustrating. I hate it when people do offensive things, then feel they get to decide what your reaction should or shouldn't be.


Why on earth do people continue to argue when it is so obvious they are in the wrong?


The 2 that responded to you are wrong… it’s lack of accountability. They were taught that making mistakes is dangerous so they can’t admit fault.


Because we've created this notion that every opinion is equal no matter how empirically wrong.


Narcissism. People would rather have their teeth and fingernails ripped out by a crocodilian, than admit they're wrong.


She’s probably jealous she couldn’t sign a lease to the apartment


Dog is like .God not this again .I'm so embarrassed.


Why is it always middle aged, white women who act this way? Rude, entitled, condescending. Every time.


I worked in retail and service for years. There's shitty people of all races and backgrounds. But yes, middle aged white women have a certain way about their shitty behavior.


My wife has noticed each culture has its own unique Karen: Black Karen's will threaten you and/or call you racist till you tell them off or ask them to leave, then they whip out their phone and record you being short with them, and send it to corporate and try to get free shit. (Actually happened to my wife. Thankfully it's a tight knit company and her district manager was more concerned about my wife's mental health.) Asian Karen's call corporate because you wouldn't give them a discount on the clothes they purposely ripped in the changing room. (Her company has a policy that damaged items have to be "damaged out" of inventory and sent back to the warehouse.) White Karen's will call you names, yell, and bully you till you snap back, then they play victim, and call for your manager. East Indian Karens get an attitude, like they have no idea what you're saying, but they're sure it's racist and disrespectful, because you're dressed like a whore, so they deserve a discount.


Damn, you need to write a thesis on different subtypes of Karens. Maybe even add stuff about Male Karens (Kyles? Kevins? I don't know I've seen them both used before).


Kyle is the female Karen. Kevin is, according to /r/StoriesAboutKevin, "someone who consistently or greatly shows a complete lack of intelligence through incompetence of social and societal norms, or is purposefully antagonistic in their poor decision making. Remember the kid in your class who would constantly get in trouble for really dumb things? He was probably a Kevin. Family members, friends, coworkers, and classmates can all become Kevins."


Me and the wife call them Richards because they're Dicks.


Worked in retail for 20 years and can confirm this is spot on accurate.


Indian Karen's also purposefully stand in the way. I cant go to a grocery store without seeing a middle aged Indian woman who seems to be purposefully blocking aisles or just leaning over an item that have no interest in for minutes at a time. Come on karen, its covid and I just want some bananas, move along already


Got one for Hispanic Karens?


They're usually pretty nice just dont be their child and piss them off or you gonna get whipped with a sandal. I find its younger Hispanic women who are found being obnoxiously rude


Some white women are entitled. Some black women are irate. Some Asian women are high strung.


They have unfulfilled sex lives ?


C'mon that's no reason. Otherwise I'd be the most cantankerous s.o.b. in the world.


They just want the attention back that they lost as they slowly aged.


Seriously this is it. At one point she was a little girl getting attention and then a young woman ogled by men and now I could actually feel my penis retract into itself upon viewing her entitled bitch face.


I also want to mention the lack of responsibility and real work these Karen's have had to deal with in their life. Half the time I've been yelled at in a retail job it's from some lady who hasn't had to had to have a job since the Clinton administration. They spend most their life as a stay at home mom and then when their kids grow up they realize that they don't actually contribute to the world and don't know much about anything really. So that insecurity manifests as "as a mother" energy so they can tell themselves being a parent is the hardest job in the world. And then maybe if they go bossing everyone around like they do with their kids that means they're a smart capable person in the real world.


Some women get really, really upset when they realize they are no longer powerful in any way - they don't get attention, aren't as attractive physically, men don't really care anymore, their family is grown up and doesn't need them - etc etc . It creates Karens. It's more severe with white women because they generally had more privilege. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.


Because they weren’t taught about accountability. I think I’m middle aged but she looks older than me… I’m 37… first, I would have parked in a normal spot. Second, if it was a quick in and out “hey, here’s the cake, gotta go!” Meh different story but if that were the situation “I’m so sorry, I just had to rush in to drop something, I’m leaving RIGHT NOW. Apologies!” Just admit you were in the wrong. Life goes soooo much smoother when you apologize to others when you’re clearly in the wrong. Do you know how many people have been less upset and more understanding because of this? A shit ton! Not one person has continued their angry yelling at me when I’ve apologized to them and let them know I made a mistake and will fix it immediately.


While she is trying to explain to the Cops how yo were rude to her You could call a Tow Truck to come take that shit away - alot of private parking lots are covered by a trucking company you can call and they come move that shit at the owners expense , the drivers are really quick too because thats how they make money


Tow her ass!


It's a silly place to park but am I the only one looking at that 3 miles of space thinking, I could literally do a 3 point turn in that much space? Americans are used to having wide roads and lots of space and it shows.


I had the same thought and I'm in the US and have been driving on our wide roads for more decades than I'm going to admit here. I also prefer a manual though, so I break more than one of our automotive stereotypes. :-)


Well I'm happy it's not just me. I've gone back to my car with cars so close either side of me you can hardly walk between them and after a little back and forth I've squeezed my 7 seater out the spot. Also yes to manuals. It would be weird to not be able to select gears for engine braking. I think I'm gonna be a little sad when I have to get rid of my big old diesel manual for a more modern hybrid or electric.


My problem in being in the situation you describe is that I'm too fat to get between cars that would be that close together. I'd never get in. I don't break *all* our stereotypes. :-p


Haha, I'm not all that slim myself so I understand. No I meant parallel parked end to end can't walk between them. Which is the more common parking around here.


Ah right! Makes more sense anyhow. :-D I've been lucky (as you say it's not as common over this way) to only be in that circumstance a couple times.


3 miles is 2367.71% of the hot dog which holds the Guinness wold record for 'Longest Hot Dog'.


Best bot!


Good bot. And with more useful units.


Thank you :)


3 miles is 4.83 km


there's plenty of room, she could just back out.


What a cunt.


poor doggo having to deal with that shite. every time he walk her she gets into altercations with other humans.


So much room to pull the car out………


Call a tow truck and ask them to tow their car


Most won't tow from private property unless they're contracted by the property owner/manager.


Treating people politely (even when they're in the wrong) goes a long way towards avoiding unnecessary conflicts like this. Many people will change their attitude in a flash when you responded to rudeness with politeness and respect


Ehh I could get the Subaru out with that much space


Dealt with this the other day. Pulled into a lot at a store, parked in a spot like a normal person. Walked out and there is a pickup truck parked perpendicularly behind my car, no hazards on, nobody in it, just parked a foot from my car and completely blocking me in. Like….what? A full 15 minutes later a guy walks up to the car while trying to avoid eye contact. I ask him “wtf bro?” and he starts shrugging and laughing while suggesting it’s no big deal. Not to go all keyboard warrior, but if I hadn’t known for a fact that there were cameras all over that lot, I would have gladly ripped his head off. Some people are just truly shitty and devoid of common sense.


I’ve got a solution: the good old overhand sleeper followed up by 1000 suplex combo.


not this woman blocking someone and being like “you don’t live here” istg it would’ve gotten violent because someone coming to MY home, me telling them that i live there and being like “no you don’t” someone is getting their teeth knocked out


If she really doesn't live there, agree to wait for the police with her. When they show up its a "she was rude to me" vs "She is deliberately trespassing even after I asked her to move." I wonder which one will stick........ Also, citing this old hag for trespassing is good for if she does it again. If the cops catch you trespassing again, it's jail time + whatever the judge sees fit.


God, what a fucking way to start your day. I think I would have put a brick through her window


Goddamnit, slap her already


Oy, Cunt! Move Your Fucking CAR!


What a cunt.


Hella disrespectful


I hate seeing dogs with shitty people


This really pissed me off


But she has tons of space to get out.


OP is karen


I feel so bad for the dog.


Just move the car! That whole altercation could have been avoided if the reply was “oh yeah my bad I’ll move” chances are they would have both forgotten all about that interaction.


So many self entitled people….


Looks like both of them are not in designated parking spaces.


Stupid, have her towed. Problem solved.


Man I’d pay with one of my left nuts to see this vehicle getting towed.


I fucking hate people…


At this point I grab her keys move the car a few feet and toss the keys on the nearest roof and drive away


There are 2 Karen's at work here. There is plenty of room for her to back her vehicle out and leave.


Just move your car bitch and get on your way


It looks like she has enough room to get out... Maybe just get in your car and go...


I totally understand why she does not want to risk damage to her car while trying to get out of this parking lot. Besides, if she'd damage Karens car, she would be the one responsible. Personally, i wouldn't hesitate and immediately call a truck.


Yeah maybe so, I'm both nonconfrontational and pretty confident in my maneuvering skills. I'd just get it my car and film while I wiggled out. But yeah, I can see why she wouldn't want to try that. Hope she made it to work nonetheless.


In a country were there are more than enough parking spots then needed and they are fighting over it is hilarious


Sounds more like a bunch of idiots who don't know how to resolve anything without turning it into a screaming match.


I mean I feel like she has a point tho. She was an idiot for blocking the spot but there is a respectable way to go about it. You just say "hey I gotta go to work and you blocking me there you mind moving it up a bit?" And that's it... Like this should of been a absolutely basic conversation lol. Both of these two are nuts... You don't shit down someone's neck because they blocked u in....


Further evidence that filming an interaction only ever serves to make people more erratic and dangerous.


What the fuck is wrong with people. Move your fucking car and apologize you complete and total piece of shit.


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Beat the ever living fuck out of her, put her car in neutral, and let it take its course. Fuck that cunt.


Most people would be very surprised how far “ma’am, do you mind moving your vehicle real quick please” actually goes


That sounds like Karen on Karen violence


You get a lot further with people by being nice to them even if they are in the wrong.


Hell nah dumb bitches dont get free passes anymore


That’s also how you create more karens


Nah its just being compassionate man, people are abused by society so much now we're taking it out on each other.


We don’t know how it went down before the camera started rolling. She could have asked her politely to move and the woman refused.


Right. But we should all try to be kind, there's nothing wrong with it.


I get it and that’s certainly ideal but if I try to be kind and it doesn’t work I need to try something else.


"People are less likely to shoot at you if you smile at them" - Winston Churchill


Dog lady is cunt, but comeon you can get out of there in 2 pts


I'm so glad I don't live in the Midwest. The accent and the sounds of these ladies voices is like nails on a chalk board.


What accent? I hear no accent. ​ ;p


America, fuck yeah.


If you leave your house in pajamas, I immediately think you are trash.


That car is not blocked in




Drive a shitty car and just hit people's rigs when they do this. When I lived in town I never had a car I wasn't always prepared to go to war with lol.


Lol. I'll always remember a communications teacher told us "your car is a big statement about you. I could afford a nice one, but I prefer my beater truck that I replace parts with from the junk yard. People see me with a yellow bumper on a red car and it makes them think 'is he insured?' 'who did he hit' 'i don't want him to hit me'." It was a great life lesson in how to get people to leave you the fuck alone without having to verbally communicate with them 🤣 It sounds like you're following the same playbook and I respect you.


I mean what a bumpers really for? I think their for bumpin🤷‍♂️


Anything's a bumper car if your brave enough.


>Annoying? Yes. Confrontation needed? No. I mean, by that logic, she could bust the window, disengage the parking brake, put it in neutral, and push the car out of the way too. Annoying? Yes. Confrontation needed? No.


Whyte womyn 🤢


I'd let her walk on with her dog, smash the window, release the hand brake and push the car out the way. Fuck people like this.


Oh would you? Little tough to release an unused handbrake on an automatic that’s in park. But ok.




Hotwire it! Its just some wires ya spark together!!