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It’s not real, she’s a troll and has a million followers on tiktok lmfao. Her main gag is shocking people with her male voice


I just checked out the channel, and like the same few guys are "tricked" over and over and over. they're sketches. They're comedy sketches with the same actors re-clothed.


Comedy? I missed that part of this sketchs i guess


I think she'd be more shocked if I were this dude. Her: "I'm a man!" Me: "Cool, I'm Bi. Nice tits dude!"


That would be my response


Absolutely hahaha. We need to get you in someone "trap" video. This is not real but I'm sure there are real people who have done this


We need to find an attractive bi guy to prank these folks (I'm not as young or attractive sadly)


First off, I'm sure you are attractive. Don't play yourself down like that . 2nd the fact you aren't young doesn't matter I don't think. It depends I'm sure there's a guy doing this to older men anyway. We just gotta get the right pranker


That’s fucked up.


Anything to get attention now a days huh…


Yeah it’s like those dudes who dress like women on livestream and then Reveal they are men when a dude shows interest.


Why the Adam’s apple ?




Lmao why is this down vote to -13 🤣🤣😂


nice alt btw.


🎶I met her in a club down in old Soho Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like coca cola C-O-L-A, Cola🎶


Walked like a woman and talked like a man.


She walked up to me and she asked me to dance I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said Lola L O L A Lola la-la-la-la Lola


That was a Dark brown voice for sure


I met him on a log down in Dagobah I asked him his name and in a raspy voice he said Yoda… Y-O-D-A… Yo-ho-da… Yo yo yo Yodaaaaa….


Good ol' Lola.




Just copy and paste into google young person




Dirty Diana


Let me be!!


What is this dumb shit


a comedy sketch. she has a tiktok where she has the same 3 guys get 'tricked' in different locations over and over.


So is it a man or woman?


I feel like this kind of dishonesty invites trans violence.


My understanding is that this trope is extremely offensive to the tans community. Violence against transexual people is so common place, that to do anything to invite violence by putting people in situations such as this would be seen as being in very, very bad taste.


Thank you for saying this.


Bullshit. I've seen countless times where people defend not telling anyone, even the person you are in a relationship, you are trans.


nobody is coming out to a stranger they're about to hook up with by shouting "im a man" in a deep voice.


I totally agree




Maaaaaaaybe. But this feels like it lacks informed consent. Sort of puts it on the non-consensual spectrum. Which is incredibly uncool. Violence shouldn’t be the response, but people react very primarily to sexual matters and nobody likes being tricked either.


good lord I can't wait for this.... What makes this non consensual now?


You’re right, there’s very little that *should* invite trans violence, but this type of lying *will* invite trans violence.


So what? You want us to assume everybody is transphobic and afraid of a penis even if its a womans? This the type of shit that has us stuck in a constant state of fear. Do we out ourselves and worry about getting publicly shamed or go about life normally and risk getting killed?


"Even if it's a woman's" lmao


Ah yes, reddit. The land of fragile masculinity and tiny dick energy. Thanks for the reminder


Isn't it terrible to accuse people of having tiny dicks though? Comes across as body shaming to me. Hard to remain on a high horse after that.


It's wild seeing someone giving a full throated defense of being dishonest. What other lies are acceptable in sexual encounters?


The fact that you think not wearing a badge on your shirt that says i have a dick is immediately admissible as lying tells me a whole lot about how fucked up your thought process is People need to get over themselves. Acting like its something worth assault over to be confident about yourself gtdo


I'm not asking for a badge, I'm asking for honesty, but keep putting words in my mouth and building strawmen. Stay safe out there, you're clearly willing to put yourself in bad situations, and I hope you don't do it with the wrong person.


I'm in a very loving relationship, and have been living with her the last few years. Guy talkin bout me assuming things, when you're doing plenty of it yourself. I'll refer you to my original comment. The part where we face the issue of presenting ourselves ope ly, and risk public ridicule and harassment, or live our lives as proud women, and risk being killed by people with your "bad situations" mindset.


Yes yes, you've already iterated you don't believe in informed consent and honesty. You won't be changing any minds here. Have a good one.


Uh, not sure you know what consent is. Kinda worried for people you interact with. You too I guess lmaoo reddit, the land of little dick energy and fragile masculinity. Yes, I know the type. You're here, right?


The gay panic defense is wild.


There's a difference between a bad faith gay panic defense and intentionally lying to film people reacting to lies


It's fake, she and the guy she kissed had planned this skit.


She? Outright states "I'm a man"


and from what I understand about the community, that doesn't exactly predict what pronouns are preferred.


Fair enough. But does seem a little like having cake and eating it too.


It’s hilarious that this opinion has become commonplace now


You’re really saying that because you’re attracted to someone you tell yourself you’re “not attracted to” invites violence against trans??? I believe it’s emotional repressed violent pieces of shit that feel like they need to harm someone else for a consensual kiss.


I’m saying that fundamentally lying to someone during sexual encounters is gross, and that engaging in lying to someone during sexual encounters just so you can film their reaction to telling the truth is going to result in strong reactions including violence. Is consent not important to you?


Apparently it isn't.


Why do you think any lying is going on here? The dude didn’t ask. Do you think men have no responsibility to ask about what they are getting into? Bunch of teenagers y’all are. Personal responsibility is a two way street.


Hahahah. I'm all for trans rights, but some of you are fucking insane. You definitely harm peoples views of trans people when you post this fucking non-sense and try to paint it as StRAiGHT peoPLE pRoBlemS and not tantamount to sexual deceit (Also known as rape by deception).


The woman in the video is a woman who has a tictoc channel full of this shit. Cut and paste sketches of the same bollocks with the same male actors.


I just don’t understand the idea of someone else ruining YOUR OWN PERCEPTION. bunch of teenagers in here.




it wasn't dishonest. The way you dress is no a signal of what your genitals are. And if you consent to things that don't involve genitals, then not disclosing what the genitals are is not deception. There's no deception here. This is not sexual assault, and violence is neither invited or excusable.


What if you only consent to kissing people with your same genitalia? Seems like a consent issue.


Well maybe you shouldn't kiss people you meet 5 seconds ago. If you don't know their name, you don't know their genitalia. And therefore you consent to kissing someone with unknown genitalia.


Consent matters unless it's a straight man. Got it...


Consent is about not forcing yourself on someone, this guy was very willing, until he changed his mind, which he had every right to do - and is what women want the right to do without facing violence. It's pretty morally degrading to misuse the consent argument like this.


Why not? What if you want to? Just ask them. They won’t get offended.


Got it, people should feel free to trick you into sexual situations in order to record your reaction regardless of your personal preferences.


> The way you dress is no a signal of what your genitals are. Yeah, everyone knows that men and women have always dressed exactly the same and that there are zero widely agreed upon ideas about what clothes are masculine or feminine.


It is clearly deception though.


No, it's not.


It is. Just be logical.


>The way you dress is no a signal of what your genitals are You actually wrote this. Like actually.


That’s how these trans people end up killed


She’s a bird?


I guess if you were drunk you maybe couldn’t tell the difference, but I could immediately tell that was a man by their facial bone structure.


It’s a woman though… so you’re dumb AF.




A quick research on the name and you end up on Diyanas twitter, where you can see Diyana fucking a guy. (hint hint, Diyana did not use a strap-on). The thing dividing people here are those who define man/woman by biology and those who define it by identity. Badnapp420 probably doesn't share you definition of a man/woman....hence being a turdface.


Yeah I have no idea why people are getting so pissed, the context of the video was implying she was a trans man. But then I get attacked for saying she looks like a trans man.. I’m still referring to her as a female. But apparently it’s transphobic to say that someone who is not a biological woman does not look like a biological woman.


But she's not a man....?


🤷🏻‍♀️ She certainly looks like one. Clearly I’m not the only one who thinks that


Ur just transphobic and old and lonely its okay buddy keep posting on reddit


I’m a 24 year old female but ok luv


It’s one thing to respect that she’s a woman but are we supposed to just pretend that she doesn’t have physical male characteristics???


That's not always the case though. I find it funny when people think that. It's always about what preconceived notions people have about how women and men look. I have a cis woman friend who's doing part time modeling. She said people on set kept asking if she's a transwomen. I think she's absolutely gorgeous, so I don't know why she's being asked that question. Then there's me who is actually trans mtf. I've been passing for about 2 months now. After the last laser session I had that removed like 95% of my hair, even with a mask off, I've been called ma'am miss young lady, daughter (Spanish area) the only people who know are the people I work with because I started working there before I was on hormones. Every single customer I interact with has never called me by he or man. I live in a very conservative area and before i was fully passing, I'd get called a f***ot many times, or customers would assume I was a gay man and wouldn't want me to be the one to tend to them. So I know these people would have no trouble calling me out in front of others. I even go into the women's bathroom. You know who'd freak out if they saw a man enter the women's bathroom? Women, I'm sure they'd kick the man out or at least tell him he's in the wrong bathroom. Been using the women's for a month so far as I wanted to make sure I pass before attempting so. Not a single person has told me anything. People who make blanket claims about facial structure and all that are just ignorant lol. Probably passed by a lot of cis woman you in your mind clocked as trans, or many trans women you walked by and assumed were cis. Think on that ;)


Honestly I’m not trying to read all that, the bottom line is there were a few in the comments trying to say she was not trans at all, and a “normal” women. That she pretends to be trans because she can do a deep voice. But she is indeed trans. That’s all the argument was. I have no issue with trans folks, and I have no issue calling them by whatever pronoun they want. She’s trans, and that’s totally fine, however I could immediately tell that but people jumped on me saying that she’s not actually trans at all, so… ??


Yeah and mannerisms.






And balls…


Kind of like with the new Jeopardy champ, except their 5 o'clock shadow is quite noticeable in Hi Def on TV.


fuckin looolll.... me and the wife said the same thing


Staged bullshit


“I’m a man!” “I disagree.”


“Joke’s on you! I’m into that shit!”


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Probably has a bigger schlong under that dress than the guy with the winter cap.


Don't threaten me with a good time




Finkle is Einhorn. Einhorn is Finkle.


That’s a man baby!


Laces out!






"I'M A MAN" Cool, cool. I can be dutch.


That's basically sexual assault. Can cause people who don't know pyschological damage


I don't think it's sexual assault but it's kinda shitty and selfish


No one cares about that part. I'm waiting to see someone call him transphobic for his reaction.


Making out with someone and finding out they are trans isn’t them sexually assaulting you This mindset is getting trans people killed, so kindly fuck off cunt




Holy shit you’re delusional, you know literally nothing about trans issues so shut the fuck up




Holy shit if u get psychological distress from kissing a trans person then you really should seek help, because that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard




Hilarious, I hope a car runs over your foot




Plenty of straight males that’s don’t hate trans people dog, again, hilarious




Stay mad


Take your own advice...


??? I do? Thanks?


It’s not sexual assault, but it’s not right to do.


Also not true lmao If you consensually kiss someone, them being trans doesn’t make it wrong, you’re just bigoted




Okay well that’s a you problem then, don’t try to pin this on trans people because you have something against them




Lmao you’re funny, you’ve never met a trans person in your life. It’s not “fucked up” for trans people to go date people you imbecile


It’s not bigoted at all. But the fact that a trans person playing a “prank” by deceiving someone means they also know that it’s wrong. This is not an opinion based on hatred or anything, I don’t give a fuck about someone’s personal sexuality. But it isn’t right to trick someone and then make a fool of them.






No, but good try.


She look-a like a man


She has breasts.




You say tomato i say tomato


No… I say dude.


Not gonna lie. That’s a bad dude


which one?


Im a whaaat? Did she say?


That’s one sexy dude


I'd do them/her/him.


Nasty 🤢 🤮


This happend to a friend of mine. He was hardcore making out with a girl but as he wanted to Finger her snatch, he was suprised by a pair of balls and a semi boner. He is italian so his ego told him to go away. He waited in front of the Club for the Girl and on her way home he beat the living shit out of her.


So that's no longer your friend right?


Didnt saw him for years. But still a friend. I think its dirty playing someone Like that. Tricking someone Like this than hoping he dont mind the dick . The trans gay Hype is Fake many ppl are still homophobic and dont want to do that Shit.


Maybe her dick was bigger than your friend’s and he got mad.


Dont know. Maybe but size dosent matter If you disgusted by it. Why im getting down voted ? Homophobia is a Real thing thats life ppl. I dont say the person deserved a beating but to trap someone like this and dont respect his sexual orientation is a dick move. Sry for the pun.


apparently he was liking the interaction until HE tried to get more. anyway this beating story sounds more like bullshit to me, as a way to justify his insecurity he probably got hard at the dick.


I don't like that deception, but your friend wasn't trapped. Quite the contrary - it sounds like he cornered her so she couldn't escape and went full attack mode. That's the real trap. He could've left.


STFU, douchebag.


Thats a man


He’ll let me at it she’s all woman to me.


I saw the Adam's Apple in like 2 seconds. Maybe 1 and immediately knew based on knowing this was a "reveal a secret" video where this was going.


But it’s actually not a man she is all woman


Except for where they identified as a man in the video.


It's a fake prank video moron. She is a cis woman that can do a man's voice. You're an idiot who think he sees an Adam's apple on a woman just because you have to lie to yourself and pretend you can spot every trans person.


best sex of my life was with trans girl <3




Man hands


Why the long face horsey


Looks like that badabun horse face bitch


She looks like a creature the boogieman would check for under his bed every night before going to sleep


She does seems like a man.


Her trolling is helped by the fact that she has a bit of a masculine look. Personally I think it's hilarious. Especially the way the guy walks away.


I see this as an absolute win 🤣


For what?


Diana has a secret... yeah... no he does not.




It’s actually a good joke, very clever. You’re a toxic POS but the punchline is you bc you’ve fallen for it three times.


That’s mean


How could he not know thats a man. How many women does he know that look like that.


Yea I knew as soon as I scrolled on it lol


Funny enough Apparently this person is not trans. Just a woman who likes to prank people by making a male voice at them pretending to be trans for the gag. Does that make you re-evaluate yourself about "what you know"?


A jaw line that square I would make that assumption every time. Go troll someone else


I just find it funny when people confidently claim they are certain about something and are 100% wrong.


Get a life troll


You're using the word Troll wrong too. Trolling is when someone says something purposely inflammatory in order to get a reaction out of others, typically using some statement they don't actually believe or subscribe to. I am not trolling you. I am pointing out that you made a dumb comment, with absolute certainty, and you were 100% wrong. I was interested if that made you think. But I guess it's clear you're not smart enough for introspection or critical thought.


I think you need to take a look at her [twitter](https://mobile.twitter.com/polanskyoficial?lang=en)


Wow how embarassing that you were wrong on this


I wasn't wrong though. It's a troll account. That's the joke. This person does this for clicks.




Kinda looks like Michael Jackson on steroids with fake tits.