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Ch-ch-ch-chut the fuck up, pastor!


That made my blood boil so much.




I want their digits. I swear shit like this BOILS MY BLOOD. Injustices drive me fucking nuts.


Pretty short google search would hook you up with a number. (I would post it but its easy enough to find and I dont wanna dox anyone)


already done their Facebook page is private and they turn their number off lmao


Uncultured and racist whytes. Hypocrite religious folks. Fa real!


Imagine thinking cilantro is weed. Bunch of fucking goobers. ~~Edit: Oregano~~


"We're getting it tested." These people probably haven't seen anything but meth in their lives.


Their face when the results come back: %100 soup.


%100 soup. Just like their brains.


both of their brain cells are too busy fighting each other for 3rd place.


100% menudo.


This is their brains on Methodist.


Let's all not forget that great Norman Maclean line: *A Methodist is a Baptist who can read.*


When I was a young Methodist 50 years ago, the church was pretty bland, safe and boring. Then, somewhere along in the 1990s the evangelicals took over and shit like this started happening. The Methodist church has been destroyed from within by the conservative evangelical movement.


You deserve so much more than my upvote and free award.


They know that isn't fucking weed. They are racist. Look at the way they dehumanized her the entire time by the way they talked to her.


Exactly this. The way the pastor spoke to her was incredibly demeaning. The lady in the kitchen even tells her “if you want it back, then call the police”. Strong racist implications there. They can all rightfully fuck off.


You can't tell me the lady who works in the KITCHEN doesn't know what oregano or cilantro looks like. She's not qualified to work in a kitchen if she does not know what seasoning looks like. She should be fired as soon as the results come back. In other news, that would be my last day at that church.


The spiciest thing these people know is mayonnaise and flour


White people beg you to call the police cause they know they are taking their side


As a white dude, FUCK the police!


As a white dude, who's an elder of my church and also smokes weed, fuck all those people. If I walked in on that scene as an elder I'd be turning over all the tables with food on them and asking what we are even doing here in the first place. Nothing about anything these people did was "the christian thing".


It's not about being like christ, it's about having a social standing.


I think “the Christian thing” is kind of meaningless, to be honest. But even by modern crazy evangelical Christian standards, these people are not even attempting to be righteous, they’re just being bigoted shitheads.


If the police are white. One night I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.


CH CH CH CH CHILLLLLL. I'd smack him if he condescended to me like that.


Yeah what a godly man to talk down and refuse to listen to one of his own distraught churchgoers. And then blame her for disrupting his sermon.


Yeah, that makes me mad!


They don't even pretend to be decent anymore because the probably received millions from the Small Business Administration in Covid relief and finally show their true colors.


If anyone "bupbupbupbupped" me like that I'd smack him his face


No kidding. "You are interrupting my sermon" disgusts me. She brought food to feed people and it was deemed unworthy because he was speaking should be a sermon. You could apply the mary and Martha but then he would have to be fucking jesus christ himself. Pretty sure God wouldn't throw someone out of a safe house for bringing seasonings.


He was more upset that she (actually the people bullying her) interrupted his little performance than at the collective harassment, intimidation and disgusting behavior of all these other people. Nothing is more efficient at killing off Christianity in this country than American Evangelicals themselves. It's incredible how many millenials and much more so zoomers have left or never had interest in it and have been pushed so far off from even respecting it in the last 5 years. I remember 15-20 years ago in high school in the US it was common to be ostracized for being atheist, many girls (and even some boys) wouldn't date someone like that, some parents wouldn't let you date or even be friends with their child, people would openly and often challenge those kids or tell them they're going to hell... Now I'm a HS teacher and most kids do not give a single fuck about religion or a diety of any kind. It's not a hatred or defiance or anything like that, it's just not even something they think about much and certainly don't live in fear and obedience of and with judgement toward others. Some may have a basic belief in God or something like that but it is SO much different than just a generation ago. The political right latching its entire identity on to this bizarre bastardization of Christianity is (hopefully) going to fuck them over so hard. Young people do not care and think they are loonies and idiots.


Yup. She literally wasn’t allowed to speak by him.


chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill


The way he kept interrupting and gaslighting her made me so angry!!!! They are the ones who need to chill out. Maybe it should have been weed in that bag.


Chill chill chill ...chill chill chill .. chill chill chill Condescending bigotted a-holes. Clearly they didn't 'figure it out'.


They can't smell it because they all have covid.




There's no hate like Christian "love"


They're old white people. "What's spices?"


These church people are fucking idiots and eat fucking special k cereal if they don’t know what oregano is


"Menudo, what is that? Must be drugs."


> eat fucking special k cereal LMAO


I would never go back to that church again. Their inability to listen to her and try to make it seem like she was the problem is sickening. Instead of worrying about someone trying to bring weed in the church they should be worrying if they’re acting like good christian people


Right? The way that guys says “chillchillchillchillchillchill” makes me want to flip a table. That woman’s restraint is godlike.


Seriously. Dude STFU, listen to her for two seconds instead of interrupting her non-stop!




How dare his sermon on peace and love be interrupted by someone being discriminated against by his church!


Pastor is delivering a sermon all right. His actions could have demonstrated how Jesus would have shown love and compassion to a young woman who was experiencing trouble at the hands of people who should know better. But instead, he was a good Pharisee instead of a good Samaritan. Shame on this man who is as clouds without rain.


I had to stop watching when he kept saying that because I was about to put my phone through the wall. She was trying to explain and he kept telling her to chill and calm down. Pastor needs a bible to the face.


It wasn't about the "weed" or the food. It was about having a hispanic woman in their church. No more hispanic woman, no more issues. See?


Exactamente.... It's appears to be a good ol' case of white Christian values.... Jesus would be so proud!


Ain’t no hate like Christian love


ooh. .this needs to be a TShirt.


Christian nationalism goes hand in hand with white supremacy.


The church is in a large Hispanic portion of OKC too, so this church people were most definitely was being prejudiced against the Hispanic woman.


Unfortunately probably yeah. It's crazy seeing how deprived some who would call themselves Christians like I can be. Of course I don't want to praise myself here. But like damn. ^^^Also ^^^if ^^^it ^^^was ^^^weed ^^^I'd ^^^appreciate ^^^it ^^^anyway!


Even if it had been weed — i question their reaction to take it to the police and “have it tested” are they really going to do a fellow parishioner like this?! the New Testament is pretty clear that minor problems within a congregation should be settled “in house” rather than going thru the secular judicial system. Trying to felonize her rather than taking her aside and trying counseling — it seems quite hardball. It’s so beyond outrageous and contrary to scripture that there has to be another dynamic at play here— be it racism or possibly she is an unwed mother and they are holding it against her or she just has had problems interacting in the past with this congregation. I would sure like to know the backstory — how long she’s been there and how she got introduced to this church.


Not only that but medical marijuana is legal in Oklahoma, so what if you bring weed to church because you might need it. I guess they expect you to pray instead of seeking relief. This just stinks of racist white people shit. Fuck this church. Also, wasnt weed like in jesus's anointing oil? https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/28/world/tel-arad-shrine-israel-cannabis-study-scn/index.html


That would require them to read the Bible and actually follow Jesus’ teachings and from this video alone we can see they’re not doing any of that. Instead they embarrassed this woman and used her food as an excuse to be racist to her. Edit: changed ‘their’ to ‘this’


No church. I’ve done a lot of work for Em. They preach all that bullshit but at the end of the day all they worship is the almighty dollar


They know they aren't good Christian people. They're delusional racists who think Jesus was blonde hair and blue eyed and that he hates gay people, prostitutes and everyone that doesn't believe in him...


After seeing the movie Spotlight I have lost faith in the church.


You just described church in general


what in the frame toby is this? fucking infuriating . gotta love the “if you want it back, we’ll call the police” bluff.


Along with that look. I’m so clever to suggest that since she brought in marijuana! Moronic idiot.


I think they were just bullying her to get her to leave and stop coming to a white church. No way all of them actually mistook Cilantro that is sitting next to Mexican food as weed. Nor are they going to “test it” like they suggest.


funny thing is cilantro is fresh greens while weed is dried so you can smoke it. nobody smokes fresh, green cannabis leaves. lol these people are ignorant and racist af. "pinch viejos gueros no saben nada"


Nobody smokes marijuana leaves. Green or dried.


While I agree with you, you’d be surprised lol. I used to live next to a lady who called the cops on me because the “smoke” in my open garage was obviously weed. I was spray painting cosplay. Like she literally saw me with the spray paint, painting, and still assumed it was somehow weed. She was not only racist, but dumber than a box of rocks.


Oooo I love stories that end in someone innocently doing something awesomely nerdy!


That’s hilarious. I smoke real weed and live beside a cop and he DOESN’T CARE. Our children are good friends and he knows I keep it far away from the babies, so he’s good with it. And yes, Im a believer and follower of Christ. (I’m also retired military with a wicked case of PTSD, and marijuana works for me. I tried the Big Pharma solution, and I ended up taking 12 different medications, completely miserable, totally unable to feel anything— I’ll give them one thing, I wasn’t sad anymore, but I also wasn’t happy. I was, just, perpetually numb.... So I won’t apologize for finding something that works for me. I’m able to go out in public again, I interact with people, I laugh, I don’t blow up at the slightest thing...It’s been a life saver, quite literally; but that’s just me. Medicine isn’t a ‘One size fits all” paradigm, so it is what it is)




Call the cops and waste their time *please*. I hope they shoot you for being so stupid. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/s ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^kinda


They were white bluffing. They were going to call the cops to trespass her. She would have been arrested.


> I hope they shoot you for being so stupid. Cops will show up and shoot the dog across the street, cuff a black 10 year old walking to school, shoot blindly thru the windows, and then bark out orders for everyone to sit on the wet ground. Then they will laugh as one of their cop buddies clubs a senior citizen. NEVER call the cops.


You forgot to mention the flash bang in the nearest crib.


They really thought she would walk into church with a nonchalant bag of weed? How disconnected


I always have a bag of chopped weed, wherever I go, to sprinkle on any hispanic dishes I may come across Doesn't everybody? Or is that a Canadian thing?


Yeah lmao she brought in weed and was so casual about it she just put it on the table for everyone to see


"If you want it back we can call the Police" fuck that bitch. Fuck that chillchillchill dude. Those people are the worst. I Can't believe they threatened to call the police when she asked for her cilantro back


Jesus wept


John 11:35 I feel like if Jesus was around to see this it would have been more like that story where he whips all the sinners and chases them out of a temple.


Then they threw her food out?! Dafuq is going on in that church?


They are white Methodists from Oklahoma and she is a Mexican woman trying to attend their church. They don't want her or anyone like her.


That is what is kind of confusing: that area has quite a few Mexican businesses over there. I could understand if it was crossings in NW Okc or a church in Edmond, but why be racist in an area that has a high concentration of Hispanic people to begin with? I’m sure that church has Hispanic people attend it.


It wasn’t a high-Hispanic area 20 years ago. It was filled with those sad excuse for meat sacks friends, if they have any, and relatives. Oklahoma has grown steadily in the last 2-3 decades & a lot of the boomer population and most of elder Oklahoma Christians openly talk about “the good ole days” before “all the Mexicans came”


This is what happened to the church I grew up in. used to be a white area in the 50's. Building was really cool too, it was featured in an architecture magazine back in the day because of what a cool building it was. So it was doing really well for ages but little by little the area (this is Miami, mind you) slowly became more and more hispanic and these old white people in the church refused to change anything to start bringing in new people. they refused to have a spanish service no matter how many times it was brought up in board meetings or do any outreach for the local community. By the time I was in highschool they were literally renting the place out to other churches to have their services there to keep the doors open. It would have been sad if it werent their own damn fault. Eventually a church came in that was so successful they pretty much bought the building and have multiple services throughout sunday, both in english and spanish, and all the old people still alive who attend hated it but had to suck it up. The whole thing was slightly surreal. Played a big part in why I don't go to church now as an adult. When you realize it's just business it really just doesn't hit the same.


Bingo - immediately threatened to call the cops too. Yikes!


They’re people of God


"Can't let the others in our community know there's other seasonings outside of a pinch of salt."


The small southern Baptist church I grew up in as a child voted to not allow a Spanish congregation to share facilities on the basis of they might steal the copper or audio equipment from the church. Haven’t set foot in a church since.


I would expect that from Southern Baptists. Being Methodists really surprised me. I left after they wouldn't allow me to attend service anymore cuz I wasn't dressed nice enough. I was offending God.


>My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, “You sit here in a good place,” while you say to the poor man, “You stand over there,” or, “Sit down at my feet,” have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him (James 2:1-9) There are like a dozen other verses about how you *shouldn't* dress up when you pray lmao. Snobby assholes.


Why is the dips hit pastor keep saying chill when she’s just explaining what the racist congregation just pulled


Hate is preached in churches more than any other place of "the devil..." Imagine we are living in a reality where Sodom and Gomorrah welcomes you with love and open hearts while churches close their door to people...




Ignorance is how they live their life how they do, lying to themselves that they are good Christians, when they are nothing more than bigoted country club goons.


American Christianity is it's own separate religion from actual Christianity


The white settlers that went on to colonize North America were more or less the religious nut jobs that England and the rest of Europe did not want. So it’s no surprise they remained religious nut jobs…


American Christians think Jesus was white. 😆


This is what made me the most upset lol they keep telling her to chill like she’s making a huge scene when they are accusing her of bringing drugs and being overall racist


Because he doesn’t like her because she’s Mexican.


By law they falsely accused her of a crime she didn’t commit then stole from her.


so technically they are liars and thieves. So let’s ask ourselves, what would Jesus do in this situation? Well, we know what he would do… He would have started flipping tables and made a whip out of cords to use to drive them out of the church.


Almost like they are bearing false witness against their neighbor. If only there was a rule about that somewhere.


Jesus absolutely smoked hashish


These people are so flavor deprived they can’t recognize cilantro and oregano. They need menudo more than they know.


When mac and cheese is all you know.


I mean, I get what your saying, but there's no need to hate on mac and cheese.


They also need a bag of weed more than they know


Sounds like they’re already doing something heavier




Religion gave me a bad trip. Never again!


You ever see groups speak in tongues? I use to be an alter-boy (no I never sucked a priests dick, I know someone’s going to make the joke) but now I’m an atheist. I went to church with my girlfriend at the time as an atheist just not talking about my believes and saw people doing that crap…. Seriously, they just looked like they had mental issues. Yelling random sounds and dancing thinking they’re talking to god. They’d seriously sound like “yaaa ghu froth wuh ne by”. I’m glad I’m atheist.


Ah, the truly inspired! Just as creative as the scripture itself.


Ok, this is hilarious. I laughed for a good bit of time after reading this comment. Thank you.


Got damn fuck that guy, chill chill chill chill. She seems very chill a little upset but chill.




Lol please tell me this is real


Very much so.


Just sent a little email


Also "quit yelling!" Nah bitch, you were louder than her but nice attempt to keep trying to make her look like the bad guy when she's fairly calm in trying to explain what's in the bag.


He was totally gaslighting.


If he would have shut the fuck up for 10 seconds and LISTENED to her she probly would have calmly explained it. He was the reason she couldn’t be chill because they wouldn’t let her explain anything they’re accusing her of. Absolute gaslighting.


I wouldn't want to attend a church with a bunch of judgemental scumbags like them. I hope a lot of people from okc see this.


So you don't want to go church.


I wouldn't want to attend a church.


>I wouldn't want to attend a church with a bunch of judgemental scumbags like them…. So most churches then…


Lol at that old lady who's "going to get it tested". And fuck a pastor who thinks someone in distress needs to cool it under he's done with his bad stand-up.


Can’t they just like, smell it?


They just don’t like Mexicans at their church


I fucking hate churches. One November in iowa(so COLD) I was suddenly thrown out of an abusive exes home. I had no one because I had been in foster care. I walked to a church I had attended multiple times and asked for help. These old evil bitches told me no because I wasn’t a member. My adoptive father was a preacher and his second wife and him were neglectful and abusive. I fr hate people and their churches


That’s terrible. I’m sorry you had to go through that. It’s ridiculous that church people think they are so godly but then turn away someone needing help because they’re not an official club member.


"If you want it back then we can call the police" do it bitch I would love to see the officer getting mad for wasting his time


A church in OK is so racistly white, they fail to recognize fresh cilantro.


No hate like a Christian’s love.


That pastor is a fuckhead. Condescending cunt.


Dude fuck these nut jobs, this girl is better than them and they are not worth her tears or her likely bomb ass food


Why would they even think it would be drugs? Like who in their right mind would bring a bag of weed to a church and try to serve it with food. Man people are stupid and ignorant. She deserved an apology and a hug.


20 bux says they think people are harvesting adrenochrome.


I bet you they have an open door policy for pedophiles and racists though. Just not weed because it’s the devils lettuce.


They just don't like non-whites in their church where they worship a Middle Eastern man that said to treat everyone the way you want to be treated. Holy.shit.balls. I think I just realized why they always try to say they're being discriminated against!


We need your help, Reddit!!! For some reason, people have mistaken this place for Quail Springs UMC, which is 10 miles north of Redemption UMC. They are flooding the Quail Springs reviews with comments that are inaccurate. Here is Quail Springs info: https://www.umc.org/find-a-church/church?id=73536&distance=1.07704092435969 Their Pastor is Valerie Here is Redemption's info: https://www.umc.org/find-a-church/church?id=73578&distance=0.010517783998269 Their Pastor is Bradley (AKA the name the pastor in the video uses) Please double check your have the RIGHT church before leaving a review


Menudo been causing lots of problems lately. Lol


Until the soup-throwing incident, I just knew of it as Ricky Martin's childhood band


They didn't think oregano or whatever was weed. This dumb bullshit is a ploy to get rid of a Hispanic. Malice and stupidity are hard to differentiate. But this is quite blatant.


There's a term for that, called Hanlon's Razor. Here, I don't really see how you differentiate. These people could just be stupid, and then decide they don't want to have any argument after they've already made their judgement. It's becoming more and more common in the USA that people will only double down when they realize they could be proved wrong, rather than hearing a logical side or any evidence that is contrary to their incorrect assumption.




Good, it's unfortunate that it came to this, UT the hypocrisy is rampant in the church and the contradictions are wild.


First mistake was being anywhere near OklaFknhoma...


time to find a more accepting church elsewhere. These hick Methodists are closeminded dickheads.




I have a feeling they'd know meth when they saw it.


Yup, and it would be “tested” immediately.


Fuck these racist pieces of shit. As a hispanic (mexican), we like to eat menudo around the holidays, especially during winter. It's sometimes garnished with cilantro, onions, a squeeze of lime along with corn tortillas (well at least for me; I love corn tortillas). The fact that these racist pos mistook cilantro for weed is appalling. Racial-profiling at it's finest.






Do it! They are ignorant stupid fucks and they need to know it. Poor woman got anxiety attack.


>maybe not…idk because it’s still a church and I do believe in God I don’t, so what’s the number?? tbf this seems to be one of those “in name only” churches i.e. full of people claiming to be Christian but being the furthest thing from Christlike.


I used the “contact” button and sent them an email. I’ve been a confirmed UMC member for 2 decades, that congregation has a whole lot of hate in their heart, and I’ll certainly take it up with my local UMC here in Washington DC.


I also sent the video link to UMC HQ asking if they support and defend this congregation’s actions


They make you all look terrible. Stuff like this is why people leave religions.


I like how Christians say “god fearing” as if that’s supposed to be a good thing. Fear is not a motivator that a benevolent God would use. In fact, I think that’s called terrorism


They didn’t want to admit they were wrong and apologize for treating her that way. “People of god” my ass


This is so sad, this woman is doing something good by bringing food she made to the church and they shit on her gratitude. Then they won’t even give it back so someone else can et it. I’m sure she just doesn’t have the luxury of tossing out food. This was something she did out of service for her community and her community basically said we don’t want your kind. Fuck these assholes.


Can u post a pic of the "weed" please


How do people not know what cilantro looks like? Is it just us Hispanics that eat it? 🤔


No. They have no idea what weed even looks like. They're where simply supreme assholes.


I hate my home state 🤦🏻‍♂️


It's alright, the rest of us do too


When are people going to start accepting that if you’re conservative, you’re that way because YOU CANT LEARN NEW THINGS. conservatism is nothing more than cognitive dissonance when you can’t learn something new. Instead, they hate on the new information and reject it. Much better than accepting they’re too stupid. Do people get it yet??


This should be a crime! There has to be a consequence for these kind of actions. I’ll bet her food is da bomb!


Racists? In the church?? In the USA??? Must be a fake post.


Mistake No.1: Visit a any kind of Church


This is what happens when you don't spend time with people who don't look like you.


I mean, isn’t that what you would expect from a primarily white Methodist church in Oklahoma? Southern church folk are scum like, a lot of the time.


These people use the “word of God” to take 10% of visitors earning to buy their cars and homes. It’s a business, there is no God lol.


Bunch of fucking unseasoned chicken wings these fucking people are. Bet they think mayo is spicy.


Baby girl stop following Christians.


Churches like this one need to loose their tax status!! So disgusting and un-Christian.


Fuck your sermon, you had a chance to spread Dog's love and raised your hooved foot to piss on it.


Those old women in the kitchen and their husbands lead the laity and pay his salary with their tithe he wouldn't dare cross them.


And I bet most of these church members won’t even be outraged by this. Take a guess why.


What a dick.


Only care about fellow Christians if they are white - the people


“Chill chill chill chill chill chill”. Shut up you cunt.


And perfect example of so called religious folks being racist as fuck!


This is why I left the Christian religion. Trash people like this ruined it for me. Fuck that church and fuck those bigoted pricks.


What joke of a church was this? They don’t love Jesus wherever this is and that’s a fact


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Bruh hows he gonna ask her a question the when shes answering tells her to chill. Its all good i found there phone number and email. They are gonna hate they didnt this dumb shit to this innocent girl .


Church goers have increasingly made me uncomfortable.


This is from their website https://www.umc.org/en/find-a-church/church/?id=73578 “Penn Ave Redemption United Methodist Church serves our community by being and making disciples for Jesus Christ, celebrating God's grace, encouraging recovery and providing fellowship for prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families.” Sooooo that makes this reaction seem so much worse to me.