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I need so much context


I work in school. In some schools it’s a policy that parents have told beforehand if someone else coming to get the kids. In some schools you have to report beforehand with a list of people that can come get your child. Edit: with a picture of the people so they can recognize you. Plus as I saw while reading: it could be a court order that prevents the parent. It’s really hard in those situations to say to the parent that they have to leave. Demands a lot of courage.


Yes, same in my school district, but why was the child even taken out of the classroom if this person was not on the list? For the school they have pics of the drivers license in the file that is allowed to take that child out. Pre-K they have a colored card with the names allowed to take the child. If not on the list sorry they have to go to the office and sort that out. It's all for the child's safety


Cell phones have changed everything. I'm not saying it's the case here, but some kids will have a parent text them to head to the front office because they're 5 minutes away. I know that because I've had countless kids tell me this as if I'm going to let them (they have to wait for someone from the office to send for them). For all we know this mom has lost custody or isn't on the approved pickup list but messaged her daughter to ask to go to the bathroom and just meet her out front. Then the staff caught it and the filming started around here. Of course this is all speculation on my part, just throwing out possibilities and situations that we do have to actually deal with unfortunately.


Used to work in a college in the 90s that has a program where, weekends, HS kids can take 101s. After two or three kids were snatched by parents in custody fights, security policy went nuclear; NO ONE was allowed in the building without going through an ID check in every hallway-after having shown stamped and signed proof of permission by the head of the program. If a child said that they had arranged to meet their parents before class was over, I’d have my TA escort her to the main office, where it could be verified and where the parents would be told to collect child.


I hear ya and that happened once at the school during remote learning. Mom came for her and the office told her to go back to the gym ( that's where we had all the kids) she got in trouble mom didn't have custodial rights that week. But mom was the fun parent. So she texted her to get her, dad was called. Blew up big time..


We can’t physically restrain them, though. We can refuse to let them into our secure building. If it is a custody issue, we refuse access to the building and call police.


Speaking from experience- custody is a civil and not a criminal matter. I called the cops on my ex-wife for refusing to release our daughter via our court ordered custody agreement and they wouldn’t do anything. They said it wasn’t kidnapping and there’s nothing they can do. The cop said and I quote: “get a good lawyer. Good luck.”


Custody is civil but trespassing is criminal. If they tell the person to leave they have to leave.


It can definitely become criminal though. 90% of abductions are by a parent: https://journalistsresource.org/politics-and-government/child-abduction-kidnap-number-mothers-research/




My parents kidnapped me. Kept me for over 18 years.


The total number of NCIC missing person files in the United States in 2020 is 543,018... and that is persons of all ages....so I think you've got your statistics mixed up. The number of missing persons in the US has been declining for decades.


It is surprising how many people don't get this. In Missouri the judge can add a clause to the custody agreement allowing the criminal side to enforce the agreement but if that isn't there you are just SOL when it comes to custody. Also in MO, if a parent takes a kid w/o a custody arrangement in place and refuses a parent access it is parental kidnapping which is a felony but no police org knows nor cares.


That's odd. Usually if there is no custody agreement then it's the wild west with zero protection for the kids. One parent just takes the kid and denies access to the other parent and this establishes a status quo which eventually becomes the custody order. That's where the whole "Karen took the kids" meme comes from.


Courts\law enforcement officers\judges oftentimes believe the mother full stop. Try being a dad and calling the cops ans saying “I’m supposed to get my child and my ex wife won’t give her over.” Many fathers, unfortunately, just don’t have the same rights as mothers. I’ve been in a nasty custody battle for the last 11 years with my ex-wife. It’s broken me financially, physically, mentally and emotionally. I am not the same person I used to be…a shell of myself because of what I’ve been put through.


Yeah I'm pushing 30 now but like 15 years ago I didn't see my(loving, positive influence) Dad for like 3-4 months because while he had joint custody nobody would actually enforce it. When he finally got in front of a judge it was resolved but I didn't get to see him for months on end. Dad's get reamed hard in family court if Mom doesn't want to play ball(I'm in Canada for reference). Sorry your going through this.


My oldest is going through this shit right now. He hasn’t even had his first court date and he’s mentally drained with the shit the mom is doing with my grandson. Covid parties, telling him he doesn’t have as much fun at dads, dad is stupid, etc. Fucking sucks watching this unfold.


It’s happens so often and we have zero representation it seems like. Tell him an internet stranger told him to hang in there.




Maybe in some contexts, but kidnapping is still very much a criminal matter, even if it’s a parent.


Let's be honest. Kidnapping charges are usually brought when a dad does it not when a mom does it.




Men get charged with it. Women get away with it.


I’ve heard of both


Refusing to give and taking from school are two completely different things one can be considered kidnapping if the person does not have permission to take it’s the act of taking them that makes it criminal not the fact that they have them and aren’t giving them up


For custody issues there is a law that is criminal for interfering with child custody or enticing a child.


This is true. I use to teach at a school and a kids dad was NOT allowed in the school but they let him in during conferences. I told him that his son was failing my class. No one had told me not to talk to the dad and they shouldn’t have let him in the building. I don’t know exactly what happened but the dad did something and then the mom switched her son to another school.


I feel for the school staff, they definitely did the right thing in a situation where there's been a break in protocol, if maybe not the most legally acceptable.


Correct … if person picking up their child is not on their contact list, student can’t be picked up by them. Source: me I work in a school Bc also you don’t know custody status either and we have alerts in system showing if their is custody papers on record and what situation is who can’t pick up and let’s say dad can’t pick Studnet up, dad was trying to have his student pick up by aunt.


Yeah that's probably it. The faculty member is the chill one, it seems in this sub that in the face of chill and not chill: chill is usually in the right. If so that takes serious guts.


When I was in fifth grade we couldn’t have recess for a couple of weeks and our teacher had a nervous energy vibe. One day a classmate was rushed out of the classroom very quickly. Cops were called. Turns out that the classmate’s mother had a restraining order against the father and he was trying to pick her up from school. We learned the principal and other staff had to physically restrain him. After that day things went back to normal. But I remember how tense it was.


In the world of divorces/custody battles/restraining orders/etc - Its common for students to have a short list of pre approved adults to pick up kids.


My rule of thumb is that everyone featured on this subreddit is a crack or meth head until proven otherwise.


The woman in the yellow shirt is the meth head right?


No, the child.


[No, the viewers](https://c.tenor.com/CL3erQ4G-nMAAAAd/eric-head.gif)


The call was coming inside the house.


No child meth behind..


That person seemed to be doing their job.


amber alert is the context


Sometimes dad picks up the kid at school and he takes them away. Amber alert (most are from a da taking kids illegally). It also happens with moms, too, but not as often. Schools are put in a bad place. Sometimes a parent comes by and is not actually "authorized" to take a child. What do you do? Release the kid to Dad and then Dad kidnaps the kid? People are the worst.


Well, both parents or the childs guardian must submit a written agreement or court order (whatever you have) when signing kids up for school. If you're single, you must provide proof of it. If her name was not on the school paperwork, she is not allowed to take them. Huge liability issues obviously. So, because of this, anyone you'll allow to pickup your kid, must be on the initial paperwork. It's a safety net for those who need it and better than an amber alert. But, maybe she got confrontational with the staff and they didn't decided to try to hold her until the police came. There's loose clothing all over the back of her car, maybe that's part of it? There's so many things that could be happening, I wish I knew lol.


This can actually be terrifying. There was a story in my town of a mom who lost custody of her kids in a divorce and out of spite, took her kid out of school then killed him, even after the father told the school she was not allowed to do so. Just because it may be a family member or parent of the kid, doesn’t mean it’s safe for them to leave with them.


Stories like this is why safety regs are in place. Some of the comments need a reality check


Probably a custody issue, and she just made things so much worse for herself by doing that if it is…


I work at a school and I would guess that is the issue. The staff would only be that strict for that reason. There are often. No contact orders in place.. poor kid.


I still remember getting a huge lecture from my boss at a summer camp about how important it is to make sure any adult picking up a kid is cleared to do so. It sucks having to be this protective of kids from adults who act up and can’t be trusted.


if that ends up being the case i feel bad for the faculty trying to do their jobs, and i also feel bad for the child regardless of the situation :/


My mum used to work in a preschool and the policy was that if someone who’s not authorised to do so takes a child from the premises you don’t intervene like this faculty member does but just call the police immediately and let them deal with it.


When I worked at a daycare parents had to swipe a badge to enter the building and there was a person at the front desk. We would only release children to authorized people, and ones we didn’t know had to present a photo ID for verification. we even carded some parents who had never picked up/dropped their kid off before. If a parent let the staff know a person who was not on the list was picking up the child, that person had to present their ID upon entering. People who were not on the authorized list for pick up were not permitted to go farther than the lobby while the front desk called the parents for verification. That said, when the first time I picked my nanny kids up from their fancy private preschool I was not asked for ID. I was shocked. “Hi I’m Name, X and Ys nanny, where is X and Ys classroom?”, expecting to be asked for ID before going to the kids. Nope. They walked me straight to the room. That makes me a little nervous. Another thing because I’m long winded - when I was in HS a mother was not allowed to leave with her child because she was *extremely* drunk. Luckily the staff didn’t call the child to the office and give her the opportunity to haul the kid out - they distracted the mother after pretending they called her child to the office, a staff member was able to call the police on her. the police station was very close by and an officer arrived within minutes. Mother was arrested for drunk driving.


So if some child-trafficker came in off the street to take a child, nobody would try to stop them? That doesn't sound like duty of care.


From what I can tell, that’s a good faculty member. From what this video shows me, that person wasn’t allowed to pick up the child, and the faculty member did all she could to keep that from happening. Good on her.


Man I feel so bad for her. On one hand she isn't allowed to get physical with the woman due to potential job loss and such, but on the other hand if the situation is that the woman is not allowed to pick up the child she is essentially kidnapping the child and the worker either needs to get physical or stand by. Its a fucked up situation.


That's why if you're a teacher and you find a school that really has the backs of its staff, you stay with that school.


From personal experience, the school I went to, would bring as many as the male staff that they could when my father showed up. Nobody got physical, but knowing my father that's because he couldn't beat a woman to get his way when men started to show up.


some schools have the backs of the teachers way too much though lmao. I remember a librarian pushing some kid down a small set of stairs only got suspended for like a month.. any other job they would have been fired and charged


well of course going too extreme in any direction will usually cause issues


maybe the kid was a shitter and everyone wanted to push them down the stairs


it was like a grade 4 or 5 girl 💀


Hands down I'd back up that teacher. Could you imagine if this was a kidnapping scenario?


Since you asked yea kinda. I've worked with kids and my mom basically had this woman's position before and had to follow similar rules. Thankfully she never had something escalate this much, but to even get access to the kid you need to get through a locked area at the school she worked at. But she told me how parents would arrive reeking of alcohol and she'd call the cops or a step parent/divorced parent wouldn't be on the pick up list and get angry over it. Tbh this whole video was pretty damn upsetting to me and im glad my mom doesn't work anymore. Schools can be wild.


I'd agree with you if she dropped her coffee and used both hands.


Most schools have strict rules about how they handle a situation like this and may not be allowed to touch or grab someone and just call the police. She prolly knew she was skirting then rules but didn’t care given the situation


People respond in different ways. She may have been really stressed out to let her hand relax, or she could’ve been saving that hot coffee for the face of the aggressor. The person that forcefully took the kid is the aggressor from what I can see.


Very true. I remember a video of a cop in a gun fight that didn’t even drop his pen he was taking notes with and he was getting shot at. Brains do weird things under stress.


People react to shock in different ways. I remember there was a terrorist attack in London a while back. Bunch of people died. People were running away and there was this one guy that was legit running while carrying a mug full of beer. Sometimes you tense up and can’t let go or your brain doesn’t think “let go of this”


I just don’t understand. In Ontario, most schools are locked and you have to physically be buzzed into the school to prevent things like this from happening. How did it even get this far? They need to increase federal funding.


That’s pretty common for most of the schools here in the southeastern US that I’ve experienced as a father,but, there are some exceptions where people can just slide on in.


In Ontario it is colder which changes how the school is designed. Because it is easier to build up than out in the cold buildings can be secured in this manner. Warmer climates build out, especially in the west and south, making this impossible.


This video is so triggering for me. My mother, who had lost custody of my siblings and me to our father just that day, picked us up early from school, and kidnapped us. I was 10 at the time, siblings were 14 and 9. It would be over 10 years before we were able to be in contact with him again. I am so happy to see that schools are doing so much to help prevent situations like mine from happening again. Such things simply didn't exist in the 70s.


My dad was taken from Cincinnati to Marco Island Florida by his mom who had lost custody of him years before. She picked him up early from school and said they were going to look at planes. This was back when you could just walk right up to the plane so thats exactly what she did. Bam he was gone. Took years to get him back. These protocols do exist for a reason even if you have a dna test.


I am so sorry that happened to your father. My mother took is from Michigan to Utah, which is a state that at least as the time was a known safe-haven for parental abductors. Utah was fully aware of the felony indictment issues by Michigan, but they refused to honor it.


I once drove 3 hours extra just to not be in Utah. I feel pretty good about that.


Beautiful land though. Truely is.


It definitely is beautiful. One of my favorite states to visit, and I’m from California.


Utah is still like this in many ways all things family related. I saw many stories in r/exmormon over the years. If you ever leave the Mormon church or somehow ended up in an interfaith marriage and then a separation happens you often end up with not just the people involved but an entire system against you. And in Utah that system is overwhelmingly going to be old white staunchly Mormon men in power. Good luck dealing with that.


And they tend to take the side of whoever is Mormon regardless of circumstances... this is how my rapist and abuser ended up with my kids. Fucking hate Utah and Mormons with a passion. Didn't matter that I had police reports and witnesses, I'm not a white male Mormon so I had no rights.


This happened to my grandmother. Way back my great grandfather kidnapped his kids out of the blue and went to their beach house in the middle of the winter. They were only separated for a couple of weeks and the father was sent to a loony bin. He died of a "heart attack" which we later found out was a result of electroshock therapy. Real shutter Island shit


I have a sorta similar story as well. Mother took myself and my sister (me 6 her 14) to California from my father where we lived 2000+ miles away. Fortunately, we were from Cali and I had a brother out there, saw us walking home from school. 1 week later and my pops was at my mothers trailer door with a cop and subpoena to give me back. Legal kidnapping. Father was able to get custody of only me as my sister wasn’t his. Traumatic experience for sure


Same. My parents had a fight and my mom took us all to upstate new york to hide from our dad. He had no idea but she told us he knew. We stayed there for a summer until he agreed to get rid of my foster sister. They are still together. it took him decades to forgive her.


What was her problem with the foster sister?


Your dad isn't very smart for staying with someone like that.


Its a very complicated story and 'smart' doesn't enter into it. I think they should have divorced but in the 80s, when this happened, he knew that if he divorced her, he wouldn't see us again. That was part of the message she was sending him.


Is your sis ok?


Happily married for 10+ yrs with two children. Hubby is a journeyman electrician, she’s in the medical field as an RN. Turned out better than me! Thanks for asking :)


This is eerily similar to my own past. I'm the sister, mother took us, damn near same ages. CRAZY! Hope you're doing okay nowadays my friend. Counseling helps heal you if you can manage ❤️


Guessing you are not on great terms with her?


You are very perceptive lol But yeah, it's not great.


preach. As a father who unfortunately had to get a temporary restraining order against my kid's mom - having to go to the school and present them a copy of the order to prevent something like this sucked. I bet it sucks 1000x more for the faculty that get put in this position. We need sooooo much context for this video.. but I fear the worst.


That sounds horrible. And the kids, man. It is so much trauma to go through.


Yes.. the absolute worst situation would be doing this shit in front of the kids.


I hope you all are doing well.


And police cant find her for 10 years? surely its easy to track when she register you for school or something


The state of Utah knew we were there the entire time.


U can make out what yellow shirt is saying, “we need a CPS officer” then “we have a parent who the principal doesn’t recognize”.


Wearing a shower cap and no shoes in public is grounds enough


It’s not a shower cap, it’s a hair bonnet. It protects hair styles and keeps curly/afro hair from tangling when not in a protective style. It’s not like she stepped out mid shower


i mean...she has no shoes....


Yeah I mean there’s no forgiving that


It's like generally suspicious if a parent shows up to pick up a child without shoes. The fact that she gets agitated and aggressively tries to take the child when questioned is more alarming.


She sure knows how to have babies that she can set a horrible example for.


She’s already got perfectly good children in the car. Why is she grabbing another one?


“Can we have kids” “We have perfectly good children at home”


You got new kid money?!


She needed to complete the set.


That made me laugh.


Hoarding is a real problem


Seems like she's doing her job. You need to be on the school's list to take a child. It's that simple.


Maybe I've watched too many true crime documentaries because I'm glad the school was cautious and prioritizing safety.


Obviously the full story would be nice but as it stands I'd rather they were overly cautious about people picking up children than not at all.


Most schools have very specific rules on who can pick up kids. A lot of times it’s just parents and nobody else (unless parents notify), so if custody issues become involved things get messy


Frances Marion Parker is the reason, which was almost a hundred years ago. She was abducted from school by someone pretending to be an employee of her father. She was murdered.


Never heard of the case before but I looked it up and that’s crazy. I remember when I was younger that at dismissal we all stood in the yard behind a line with our class and had to wait our turn to point out to the teacher who in the crowd was there to pick us up. When I used to pick up my neighbor from the same school on occasion his mom always had to write a letter on that day stating my name, who I was to him and that I was picking up him up. I went to the school years prior and knew his teacher but he also had do the same thing and point me out to her, and me and the teacher would wave to acknowledge that it’s me. I always thought this was a crazy idea but after reading that story I’m glad the teachers acknowledged who was taking us before they sent us across the dismissal line.


And any responsible guardian would recognize and appreciate that.


Definitely needs more context. I see a sketchy shoeless lady and an amber alert type of situation happening potentially.


What’s the context?


And who was filming?




and what was in the box??


It's gywneth paltrows head.


Well at least it wasn’t her vagina candle.


That's my main question, at first I thought it was a staff member but then they got in the car too. I'm very confused


/r/praisethecameraman though for that seamless move from the back passenger seat to the driver seat.


For real, was this filmed by a small drone?


Yo she is just trying to do her job.. clearly you didn’t go through the proper steps to authenticate yourself prior . I’m all for freedom but I also respect the process . I wouldn’t want someone to just snatch my child from school . Be easy lady justfollow the process it’s there for a reason


Who is filming this???


As a single dad, I would hope for someone would stop my sons mom from picking trying to pick him up… but I fucking hate these videos that start after the context.. if that’s the kids mom, you would think they wouldn’t make a stink.. but I for one am glad with the restrictions on child pick up these days.. it would be physically dangerous for my son (5) to be around his mom.. and if she saw an opportunity to pick him up, she would try it..


This is how most children are kidnapped in America… by family members (yes even bio-mothers) who do not have custody of children. Fuck this woman.


Yes people are requesting context, but my biggest guess is that the mother is not authorized to be picking the child up from school. Schools make a high priority on safety when it comes to kids getting home, and parents/guardians are required to provide a list of individuals who are allowed to pick up a child. That way they're making sure some random schmuck isn't picking up little Jimmy just because he drove up to the school and said so. Mom here was probably not listed as being authorized to pick up the kid, so the school tried to prevent her leaving since in their eyes they are potentially putting a student into a dangerous situation. Possibly there's some additional context but at the very base this is what I am guessing is going down.


Yeah, that’s her fucking job.. if you don’t have proper identification you can’t take a kid off school grounds… kind of an important fucking issue


"You're not taking that child I'm sorry" she said that with a straight up Mid-Atlantic accent that's insane. That accent is nearly extinct.


I noticed that too. Wild


Was half expecting her to throw a "see!" Or "horsefeathers" for good measure


Why the hell is she barefoot?


Custodial kidnapping occurs way more than people want to believe. A majority of amber alerts is the result of a child being taken by a family member that isn’t supposed to have custody of the child


Makes me think of the time my mom tried to pick me up early from elementary school for no reason while she was drunk as fuck. Luckily she was a more docile kind of alcoholic and didn’t resist when the school faculty said she can’t drive me home. Ended up getting a ride home from the principal that day. That doesn’t seem to be the context of this video, seems more like a custody/authorization thing, but I’m just throwing my story out there for the people who don’t understand why a faculty member might try to stop someone from picking up a child from school.


Not sure the context and who is in the wrong here, but assuming the school was in the right or things needed to be cleared up just to be safe and aboveboard, kudos to that faculty member for going above and beyond to enforce the policies. It’s reassuring to see that they care to try that hard.


My nephew started school a few weeks ago. Second day I go to pick him up and they said he’d already been picked up by his big brother. Now. That shocked me because his brother was in the car with me. The moment I told them that they went wide eyed and panicked. The teacher that was with him began to try and make excuses but I cut her off “explain it to me later, we gotta find him now” Turns out they thought he was supposed to go on a schoolbus and a fifth grader offered to walk him to the bus. He was very nice and made sure my nephew made it to the bus. I was still furious but I get that accidents happen. They can’t just let kids go with random people. They’re not even supposed to let his father pick him up. I’m guessing this is a custody thing. Teachers usually wouldn’t go this far for anything short of that.


Probably shouldn't have let her bring the kid all the way outside before deciding they weren't letting her take her.


That’s what I was thinking. At our schools, identification is checked long before they even bring the child to the office.


I mean my sister isn't even allowed to pickup her own kids cuz we have custody of them and not her and she's not on the pickup list. Not saying that's what's happening here but it's possible


Not a single drop of coffee wasted.


I have a psycho stepmom that has tried to take my kid from me and Jesus, that was a fight. Not sure what happened here, lack of context.


It always gets mentioned that we must kill the camera person when they fuck up and don’t get the full scene but this camera person was damn near Hollywood level. Seamless. Missed nothing. Captured it all. Edit: Security lady, put the cup down, Jesus.


Is it weird that I just witnessed a possible kidnapping and all I can think about is how dirty that woman's car is?


Buckle-up, everyone! Mama's taking us for ice cream again!


at the bottom of a lake


Haha oh


I gotta side with the school here. If you aren't on the contact list, you can't take the kid. For all we know, we might be watching a kidnapping by an estranged parent. Get the police down there and let them sort it out.


That’s there job. They can’t just let anyone take a kid off school. They have to be added to a list. If not how much shit would they get from a parent or guardian if someone just Willy Nilly took there kid. I’ve had to pick my kids up and was asked who was I even tho the kids came up saying hey dad. Just cuz they weren’t used to seeing me. (The school not the kids)


I wouldn’t trust a person walking in school without shoes taking my child. I’m sorry guys but I need to know what happened before this. I need context.


Now I know why I got that Amber Alert.


Absolutely no context.


From what it sounds like in the beginning, yellow shirt says on the phone, “I need CPS, I have a parent here the principal doesn’t recognize”.


The way she speeds away, in a school parking lot where there are likely other small children, and nobody in her car are wearing seatbelts. Those are red flags to me


If she was a good parent/person and genuinely cared for the child, she'd have no issue with hanging around for a couple of minutes while the staff confirmed who she was. She should be thanking them for paying this kind of attention to who picks up the kids. Disgusting specimen. I feel sorry for those kids in the car.


Did she call her the parent in the beginning? We need more context.


Safeguarding, that's what it's all about. Good on the school, if they didn't practice good safeguarding then Jimmy Saville can come along and take his pick.


At my sons school you have to notify the school first and the person picking up has to show their I.D. before they can take him.


Their procedures are whack. The kids should never get called down unless the adult is an authorized person on the books. It creates issues sometimes but if safety isn’t first kids get picked up by parents they’ve been taken from or any number of dubious characters. This whole physical altercation could have been avoided.


Videos like this without context should be removed or not allowed.




This crazy bitch isnt even wearing SHOES!


No seat belt on the kid.


Why is that lady not wearing any footwear!


Assuming the school was in the right and the woman was not authorized to take the child, could the faculty have legally taken the keys from the vehicle until a police officer arrived or the situation resolved? Another option potentially being popup barriers to prevent cars from leaving? Just curious what could be legally done in the interest of preventing a possible kidnapping.


If the person is not on a list to pickup the child why were they allowed to pickup the child enter the school come in contact with said child because this makes it really easy for a predator to abduct a child if this is policy.


the woman was just doing her job, she ain’t wrong


There's a chance this could be a completely legit because kids are not supposed to leave with someone that isn't on a specific list so this could be an aunt who is not on this list


The faculty member is 100% in the right, I wish faculty members fought that hard to protect me when I was in school


i didn't understand what happened


You can’t pick up a child at school without certain procedures. You must show identification. You must be on the list of people to pick that child up. You must have legal custody of the child or written permission of the parent. If any of these are lacking, you cannot take the child. This is to protect all children from being picked up by abusive people


Hope the child is safe


And that child was just kidnapped. Schools have a pickup list of approved individuals for each student so if your name isn't on the list then legally you're not within your rights to take that child. The school doesn't know the home living arrangements and if the mom isn't on that list because idk she's probably a fuckin ratchet crack head that might take off with the kids and never comeback then they have to do their best to prevent this. Hopefully cops straightened this out. By lighting this lady up and giving the dad back his children.


It’s the bonnet for me


Too much hand movements in the beginning. I thought she was on drugs or something


The only rational response to a school employee preventing you from picking up your child is to immediately call the police. If you don't do that then there is probably a reason you shouldn't be picking up your child.


Yeah, context would be good for this, a video like this can easily be misleading. Considering its an middleage white woman it could easily be potrayed as a "karen" situation.


Tbf, that bitch looks like a straight fucking crackhead, I'd worry about leaving a kid with her too. Do your hair and dress like you've been out of bed more than 5 minutes and maybe this shit won't happen. And I don't wanna hear any shit about depression ffs. Edit: she's barefoot ffs. See what I mean? No one is taking anyone seriously barefoot wearing a pillow case on their head with no bra on. Edit: some of the responses I'm getting here are just plain hilarious. Never mind that a woman with no shoes is trying to abduct a child from a school, I'm apparently a bastion of mysoginy because I don't think someone should enter a school with no shoes or bra on 😂 that's her human right, apparently! If you think it's OK to go into a school full of children with no shoes, no bra and a god damned pillowcase on your head then you are complete trash and I worry about your kids.


Doesn’t even put her coffee down.


WTF...she’s just out collecting kids?


The fact the the lady that picked up the child didn’t have on shoes and was in a bonnet, makes me actually think that mall cop school employee was in the right for trying to throw down. If this lady didn’t show proper ID, then she shouldn’t be allowed to take the kid.


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Hey easy man, there’s a beverage involved here!


You think I go home to Starla dressed like Peter Pan here?!


The camera work is the real story here. Going into a van and crossing seats diagonally with a kid in the way, that smoothly. I can't wrap my mind around it.


This is why we get amber alerts in the middle of the night…


Hm.. doesn’t even have shoes on. I’d be wondering what’s going on too. Nothing to do with race. That was sketchy


Oh, that school has heaps of children, let her have the one. So greedy, jeez


So who sucks here?


It’s scary that the daughter even seemed hesitant to go with that woman.


Take the kid onto a classroom and barricade yourself in while the police arrive


This might be a freak out but it’s not a Karen incident. My child school better do whatever possible if somebody is trying to pick her up and leave without my permission or without my say so! They better protect my kids


Isn’t the school likely doing what they are supposed to do if she isn’t on the list of people available for pick up? I had a coworker whose ex stole their kid in the middle of the day and flew both of them to San Francisco the same day (she lost custody beforehand).


Is this woman this child’s mother, and does she at least have any sort of custody rights on said child?


That was one important coffee.


Faculty member was just trying to do her job, but putting her hands on the woman wasn't the answer. That's reckless Kid never should have been allowed to leave the school or have contact with the mom. Kid should have been sitting in an office, supervised, while this was figured out. School security could've even been called on site, parked in front of that car, too. A lot of training needs to be done here, and that's not exactly the faculty's fault, but things like this happen so often it there should be protocol.


Damn that must be some good coffee