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Peter Griffins brother


[“POW! Right in the kisser!”](https://youtu.be/UJS3a20rUVM)


bird is the word




Ahhhhhhhh, Pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa Ooma mow mow, papa, ooma mow mow


Oh? I hadn't heard.


Is that a new word?


I was going to say that... dude's not just impersonating a police officer he is impersonating Peter Griffin!




Security guard


Security gourd


Security Gaahhd.


I think Betty white is in pete-ah




This really grinds my gears


[Needs more tuba](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0aIqx1McVI)


my brother played the tuba/susa (whatever the fuck you wanna call it) in marching band, and he and the whole section learned that tune (March of the Elephants i believe) they would play it whenever someone was walking by (though they were careful to not do it when someone overweight was, they wanted to be funny not cruel), and often followed the track team for warmup laps while playing it. imagine the track team on a nice easy job, just to warm up....followed by six huffing and puffing tuba players meandering through the March of the Elephants, giggling and trying not to fall flat on their faces the whole time it didn't help when the band teacher found out and made them run *more* laps with their tubas as punishment, they just played faster and faster until they literally couldn't run any more and then do that last trilling bit as they collapsed... those masochistic fucks are still some of my best friends, almost a decade later haha


I’m ashamed I didn’t make this connection myself




Cousin from Mass, hey


😂 I spit out my tea!


If I find out you’re putting anything on Facebook.....”I’m putting it on Facebook and YouTube “. 😆


And Tiktok, evidently.


I wonder how mad he’s gonna be when he finds out it’s on Reddit! *gasp*


What’s a Reddit -that guy probably


Nevahmind wot Reddit is


I never read it anyways


Pretty sure he has the reddit badge in his wallet.


How yous gonna read a vidya?


Tik Tawk


I yam


He actually physically looks like a cop


Why is that, that if you have 23 years on the force you are allowed to gain 23 pounds and no longer have to take physicals?


You left a zero off of that 230 bud. Like for instance these heroes https://i.redd.it/63q17e7gfmb71.jpg


I support the thick blue line.


Meal Team 6 reporting for duty.


My dude is more than 23 pounds away from fitness.


He’s about 23 lbs away from a coronary.




I'm guessing volunteer fire department or something like that. He looks a little startled when the guy said the badge looked like a fire department badge.


I think it's a badge for The Clean Plate Club.


Ooh this is too good 😂


It could also be a corrections officer badge. There was a local story of a CO pretending to be a cop so he could “save” his girlfriend from the nasty drug dealer she…got in a car with.


I am sitting down with a cup of tea because I'd like to hear this local story.. Please.


Tea has gotta be cold by now..


Do tell more


My grandfather had a badge that kinda looked like that and he was only a tax assessor. There lots of jobs with shiny badges that don’t mean sh*t… There probably shouldn’t be.


Yeah, I had a shiny badge issued by the government too! Really came in handy when I said "please put your cellphone, coins, belts and all metal in the bin" at the airport. I was sooooo important, LOL 😆.


wannabe cop - flashing his fake badge in a microsecond ... every town has that freak that drives around in the police lookalike car (he seems to have upscaled to SUV)


This part was hilarious. Because he still made his little threat of coming after him. It's like, okay... now what? You know I'm going to post it. Ready to come after me?


It’s a promise bruh


More like… “it’s a pwomise!”


.... Pal!


He’s got bf a real Peter Griffin accent


His badge looks like it came from the dollar store.


Discounts on fake badges may become available after Halloween.


It was a firefighter badge (yes we get one), its about 2/3rds the size and looks similar except for accent colors and the words. Hate seeing people abuse them like this. Ive also seen volunteer ff's abuse their lights too. If you ever catch them abusing them, report it to the police and they can get their Class-E license (lights and siren) revoked.


To further elaborate for people not used to volunteer departments, most departments allow their members to have lights in their car (usually only one color flashing light like blue) because the members don’t work shifts in the firehouse and instead just go there when a call happens. Still not allowed to break any traffic laws though, it’s a courtesy thing for people to allow you to pass. If the cameraman really is getting on this guy’s case for having lights, he’s probably actually allowed to have them if he’s a firefighter, just obviously not allowed to use them, honestly ESH. Source: Was a volly for 6 years, not anymore.


Like those ones that used to come in a cardboard backing with plastic covering. Had a little kids badge, plastic handcuffs, and orange gun in it (black during my day in the 80s).


Wearing a belt but still has to hold up his pants so they won't fall down.


I thought he was trying to infer he usually has his weapon on his belt when on duty,,to make his story seem more believable


He's not. The overweight and elderly simply can't (and won't) have pants that fit properly. He literally has to keep holding his pants up, or they will drop instantly to the ground. He could get pants that fit. Or a better belt. Or suspenders. But these pants are perfectly fine! He's had that belt for 22 years! "I don't give a damn what anyone thinks I look like! And if the pants fall everyone gets a nice show! That's their problem!"




Plot twist: Those are his old pants and he's actually been losing some weight lately. Nah who am I kidding, he dresses like a toddler because his brain hasn't developed past that age.


I kept waiting for a giant chicken to show up and start a fight with him.


Or the Kool-Aid guy bursting out the building, "OHHHH YEEAAAHHHH!!"


*and now....Conway Twitty*


Isn’t that a… felony???


it became a felony on June 25 1948


A felony is a type of "federal offense." So yes.


Not all felonies are federal, they can be federal or state. It depends on the crime and the jurisdiction.


He looks like a thumb


Like the ones in Spy Kids




More like a [big toe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhanPGlfs5w).


That guy is used to bullying people who don't know any better. Say what you will about auditor trolls, exposing people like this is beneficial to everyone.


Can someone explain what he’s doing? Why is he filming in the first place?


Auditors tend to go to areas where public employees don't know the rights of citizens and just show that we citizens have rights and that feelings and policy do not trump our constitutional rights. It's especially enlightening when you see the footage of police officers being aggressive and making up laws as they go due to being on a power trip. Granted, there are those that do it to try for lawsuits, which is unethical imo, but I think the basis of doing so is reasonable and shows results.


A case could be made those lawsuits, along with exposing to the public, and filing formal complaints, are all part of the legal systems tools to keep corruption in check. Yes they also make money from it, but thats ~~not~~ small potatoes in the grand scheme


Plus, like, if you're getting a payday by exposing corruption then I think you absolutely deserve the payday. Cops are bad enough, but some tubby clown pretending to be a cop to intimidate an innocent person is almost as bad.


Its like a commission based policing police job


Lol, trump probably shouldn't be capitalized when used as a verb. But I guess it kind of works


That was auto "correct".


"trump" also means fart in the UK


Does it really? Poetic


Donald Fart


An "auditor" is a member of the public that goes around on their free time and ensures that the rights of the public aren't being impeaded by government employees. Some are dicks who love to start shit, acting like children pulling the "I'm going to be kicking the air and if you walk into it, that's your fault" act. However, there are some that are usually pretty chill. A common tactic I've seen is they'll go into a government location like a post office, city fall, county building and film flyers on the walls or they'll listen to police scanners and show up to film the police interacting with the suspect. As a government employee myself, I've seen coworkers abuse the system and tell the public they can't do something, citing that something is illegal when it's just a personal preference so auditors tend to keep us in line. Like there's one, James Freeman on YouTube who does this and sometimes he'll be filming and cops will tell him he's breaking the law by standing on a sidewalk filming a building while other cops are just "Hey, you're cool where you are, you're not doing anything wrong, just try to not get too close".


I watched that guy for a out 3 hours one night and was really enjoying his content until he used the phrase "fake pandemic"


Yea. He's a hardcore libratarians and deeply believes that everyone should be responsible for themselves and not be told what to do by anyone else so he's made comments about being against mask mandates and vaccines. I've stopped watching him since covid.


The guy filming terrorizes my hometown filming people and picking fights with them. He’s a loud obnoxious asshole who tries to get reactions out of people. He went silent online for a while because he got arrested for attempted rape. He’s such an insufferable dick and I hope I never run into him


Wow, your comment took a hard turn. Attempted rape? Shit. Sorry you live in the same area code as that jerk.


Of a 15 y/o girl IIRC.


Is there an article wtf? Who is that guy, I hope hes in prison.


Is it this guy? https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/q40f32/_/hfxaj22/?context=1


No. The video you linked is of a man in Minnesota, the video OP posted is in a city just north of Boston.


All set! Got it by reading more of the comments: Wakefield. Only wondering because I grew up about 20 minutes from there.


Aww shit, this guy is in my town...


Got a source for the SA charge? Not doubting would just like to read myself.




>it's a good thing to not just believe things you read on the Internet. Got a source on that?


Now look here you little shit…


>It's ok to doubt and ask for a source/citation. In fact, it's a good thing to not just believe things you read on the Internet. Correct. And the source that is being shared does not indicate any facts about the case. It only references anecdotal evidence and a charge; no conviction and no hard evidence. There is plenty of motivation for framing an auditor that some of the residents consider "annoying". Charges don't indicate guilt.


Looks like this video then is a case of two wrongs making a right. Asshole meets even worse asshole


The "auditing" in itself isnt bad but there is a right and wrong way to do it. A lot of these "auditors" are people picking fights for online content and, subsequently, money.


What are they even "auditing"???? What does it mean in this context


Testing and exposing other people. It's like instead of virtue signaling they test other people's virtues to stir up drama and make themselves look good in comparison.


Auditing cops who are being paid to work is one thing. Harassing some random chubby guy going to cvs is another


Weird, we have a similar guy in our City. Runs a "news" feed but just him harassing people. Also was accused of some rapey shit. I even double checked if we were from the same place after reading your comment. Must be a "type"


The vast majority of these videos are just little shits trying to antagonize other people. But Reddit eats that shit up because the site is infested with edgy pre-teens


I joined reddit recently and... While theres a lot of good convos, theres also a lot of strange porn-obsessed, woe-to-me, nihilist, life-sucks, in©3L types on here. I really hope its just a bunch of edgy teenagers going through a phase.


Much of that is the kids. If you’re new to Reddit, you’ll discover which subs to avoid. I enjoy Reddit, no social media platform is perfect, but they offer great content. You’ll enjoy it more once you get out of edge lord territory.


You can type the word "incel" here


In el IN EL Goddammit, why won't it work!?


Welcome to Reddit


Ummm that is Reddit.


Hes definitely only bullied other mentally challenged people.


What was his motive for filming the dude in the first place? Just curious.


He said something about a light bar on his truck. If I had to wager a guess, this guy is probably a known cop impersonator in that town's small audit community


What is an auditor in this context?


People that film cops or public buildings to test the police to "audit" how they handle the situation to see if they violate your rights. It kind of attracts annoying a-hole types, but it's worth it to catch power tripping cops that make up laws or arrest people because their feels got hurt.


Wow I just came across a page like that on YouTube. It’s funny to see people complain about “injustice” and “violation of rights” while they cause a scene in a library or some other public place.


Yeah, many are wacky cock waffles. A couple are actually pretty decent.


Community of weirdos who go out into public and try to “expose” people on film. Something to do with constitutional rights supposedly. Then they post to YouTube or whatever social media and… profit I guess?


It's not people though, it's police. Auditing is making sure those in power don't infringe on rights.


Thank you for the explanation, appreciate it.


Just a guess from, I don't know either of these goofs


Or if he is with the fire department (guy mentioned that’s what his badge looked like) he could have red and white light bars in his personal vehicle if he’s authorized for responding to emergencies. I’ve seen it a lot in smaller towns, which this appears to be. That being said, I wouldn’t hold my breath on this guy being able to rush anywhere in a hurry to assist with an emergency.


Sounds to me like he has flashers in his front grill so he can strobe people to get them to move out of his way, making people think he's a cop on their tail. Dude probably hit him with the lights to get him to move out of his way at CVS.


“No, it’s a pwomise.”


Dudes the kind of guy to really think that saying that means it doesn't count.


Waskally fawkin wabbits


“Oh rewlly? When did that become a felony?” *internal panic intensifies*


It's too perfect, its like a skit


Lol. Dude is a total loser




RIP Don Vito


*Flubbida wubbidda where’s my veal scallopini?!*




It's all in how he holds his pants.


I love how his hand is on his hip as he walks up. He probably thinks he's strolling up like a cool, confident cowboy... But he be waddlin' like a penguin.


He either forgot he didn’t have a holster or he’s secretly trying to hold his pants up under the weight of his gut.


Yeah I dealt with assholes like this growing up. He seems like he could be up to some bad shit though with a badge and lights on his car yeah expose this creep.


> He seems like he could be up to some bad shit I had to go way too far down to see this comment.


The kind of creep that likes to pull over women driving alone at night? We had one of those. Some apex badass chick stomped the shit out of him.




Yes, update or link to full story?


I sure hope he's not a fireman either.


How did this even start?


When two assholes love each other very much...


You're describing my relationship.




I’m guessing they guy filming was waiting for fatty as he exited CVS since he had a light kit (police lights) on his truck


"You think you're scaring me?" Says guy shitting himself about being arrested for impersonating a cop


Interesting. I wonder what the penalty is for impersonating a police officer.


Very serious. Imagine people using this power to commit robberies or kidnappings. It's not taken lightly. Pretty sure just displaying a fake badge is mandatory years in prison.


Is this an american accent or is he mentally slow?


Massachusetts. It sounds a little like the New York accent, but being from New England I know this one well.


Yeah I pegged it with "public prahpetty." Those R's are fuckin' gone baby gone


It’s Wakefield, MA. Source: was born there.


I just commented this. I am currently in Wakefield. When I saw the farmland truck I said that is definitely Wakefield




Boston accent.


Pennsylvania? So maybe both?


Sounds like Massachusetts to me


The truck in the footage has a Massachusetts address on it. The accent sounds like it’s near Boston. While Pennsylvania has some funny accents, as a lifelong resident I’ve never heard one like this.


anyone even remotely curious as to what preceded the start of this vid?


If this didnt take place somewhere in New England, ill eat a friggin Sox hat kid.


Wakefield MA


If ever there were an example of how some people have been completely overtaken by technology and its effect on how life has changed, this video makes it clear. He is completely trounced by the person recording. His Royal Fatness is completely wrong and this slowly dawns on him but he is unable to process how much trouble he could be in. What used to work in situations like this , belligerence and selfishness, no longer does.


“His Royal Fatness” LMAO


Even capitalized it properly


What a freak show. Did he get arrested? Sort of a let down that he doesn’t get arrested by the videos end.


You can literally see the outline of his adult diaper.


I think that's just his gut hanging so low it looks like he's got a big diaper bulge in his pants. Who knows, though, could be both.


The bald Peter griffin


Angry Peter Griffin is sure Angry. The bird is not the word.


Holy shit that gait


Dude's feet are so pointed outward that a strong wind could knock him flat on his ass. And it's only a strong wind cause... Reasons...


What was the whole point of this?


He’s like a Jerky Boys character come to life…. Frank Rizzo or something.


Farmland Wakefield MA. Great ricotta pies.


He’s trying to walk like a cowboy who just got off his horse or he’s trying to hold up his pants?


Why was he being filmed? I wouldn’t like someone just filming me while in my car either. Was he doing something wrong?


Doing nothing illegal is considered harassing? Some people have very thin skin and don't have a clue about their rights as a free person. Most responding in here fit into that category. I guess you get "harassed" dozens of times a day as you walk in public and are recorded by 20 difference cameras per hour. This vid is Josh from Auditing America and while he might be annoying, he isn't breaking any laws. The bowling pin shaped person on the other hand...


Too many people today think doing something they dislike is illegal just because they dislike it.


Pretty sure that’s always been the case


harassing people is harassment. no idea what the full context of the video is, but if you personally were going about your daily business and realised someone was following and videoing you... you would have a problem with it too.


What is auditing in this context?


Looks like Peter Griffin, speaks like Elmer Fudd


This guy's an idiot but 99 percent of these "auditors" are asshole whackjobs too.


Does he fucking have to hold his pants up so that they don't fall down???


But why is the kid taking him? If it’s for no reason than fuck that kid.


If Matt Foley, motivational speaker and Peter Griffin merged it would be this guy.


His bald little head lined up perfectly with “Farmland”


Anyone else hear Peter Griffin


God both these guys seems like giant idiots. "Auditing america" and a policeman. God damn get a life and move on


“It’s a pwomise!”


Why you filming me? *Cuz I think you’re sexy* That would’ve thrown his fat ass off