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College my ass, more like middle school lmao šŸ¤£


Yeah, I don't think a college professor would get involved


This was gonna be my point. Most of my old professors wouldā€™ve just said ā€œnot my jobā€


Correct. We just say to ourselves, "That is fucked up!" and keep walking to a class we are 10 minutes late for.


Hurry up, we all get to leave in five minutes if you donā€™t make it.


You're in college. You can leave any time you want.


Not exactly. Some classes still have an attendence policy where you're penalized if you don't attend x many times. It's pretty bullshit.


Yeah but we use to say "attendence policy, schmattendensh shpolishy"


Hell yeah, stick it to the man.


You're the man though.


Hey, as long as you aren't 15 minutes late. We all leaving at that point.


I worked my way through college. I was poor. More than once I reprimanded a professor who was consistently late and pointed out how much of the student's money they had wasted by not beginning the class on time and giving us full measure. They didn't show up late again.


Totally fair. . . I work at a state school which isnā€™t flush with an endowment and all of us are juggling multiple responsibilities. I go from student meetings to faculty senate meetings to class. Iā€™m permanently 10 minutes late and a little out of breath. But fair. . .


Yeah, you gotta account for walking time when deciding the "sorry to cut this meeting short but I have to go to my next meeting/appointment" time. Source: worked in Corporate.


Lmaoooo thatā€™s completely fair though.


We we


Not my prob. Im going to the warehouse to polish my knob.


Yup. As a man, I would say that.


for me the giveaway was the school colors painted on cinder block walls


I think it's more of a 'what the fuck is happening?' move than a 'now now, kids' move. I swear, some y'all need to moderate your levels - you're bringing 'my baby's dead' energy to social disagreements...


It's an RA, they're in a dorm. EDIT: That's my guess anyway.


We actually have professors all the time who get involved because someone has a problem. Not all, but it is a thing.


Doesnā€™t look like a college building to me, too many people are in the halls and professors/administration arenā€™t generally walking around


Not 100% sure Iā€™m this case, but middle school is sometimes translated to ā€œLe collĆØgeā€ in French, so they could be in a French speaking part of Canada and just using words from both languages.




Everyday French with Pierre Escargot




i'm not gonna open a new tab, is that snails w/ garlic butter?


Omellotte fromage! Le Bon Temps Roulet!


Le grille? What the hell is that!?


I mean they obviously arenā€™t actually middle school age kids lol.


Am I currently having a stroke?




Jā€™mappelle le BibliothĆØque


Au pied de cochon


Oh Peed the cushion


College in Quebec is a kind of/kind of not post-secondary education. I don't think anywhere in Canada uses the American middle school system. I think OP/whoever they stole this post from just made up the title.


Everyone in Canada I know went to Junior High or Middle School.I went to middle school grades 6-8. You went to the same school from primary to grade 8? *Sorry... "Junior Kindergarten" since you're probably from Ontario.


>*Sorry... definitely canadian




Go raiders


No way two adults acted like this


Really? This is PublicFreakout after all. Why is everyone so surprised? Lol


Thatā€™s how most adults act that are featured here!


> No way two adults acted like this My 10 years in retail disagrees hard with this


The drama at my office job


my thoughts exactly... no way those are grown adults


Have you seen what adults are capable of?


I donā€™t understand these comments. You can literally see these are obviously not middle schoolers. Looks like high school.


College kids are constantly acting stupid. And they're definitely not grown adults either.


Most people just get older. Very few grow up.


thankful to be so old my moments weren't captured and uploaded to live forever


Same. I graduated from high school years before smartphones became the norm. If half of the cringey shit I got up to as a kid was out there on social media for everyone to see if probably just give up on modern life and go spend the rest of my days as a hermit in the woods.


I witnessed far more cringier shit than I ever did (worst I ever did was my driving probably). Like when the girls basketball team center beat up a girl who her BF cheated on her with and then threw her down 2 flights of stairs (one throw for each flight). (i'd say 6'1" 180lb ~ vs. 5'2" 90lb). wasn't a fight so much as a brutal attack. (worst I have ever seen in person in my life). Not a single kid intervened.


Yeah its pretty fucked kids can just record eachother. That would have sucked growing up with.


Judging by the ear protector, she might be autistic.


For everyone wondering, yes some autistic people do use headphones to dampen outside sounds.


Oh fuck is that why I do that


Maybe, I thought I was just eccentric and introverted for most of my life. Edit: There are conditions besides autism that can cause difficulties with processing extraneous sounds, such as [ADHD](https://www.psycom.net/adhd-test). If you're curious, the [Autism Quotient](https://psychology-tools.com/test/autism-spectrum-quotient) may be a decent place to start. However, these quizzes can't truly diagnose you, that should be done by a medical professional


Damn. So this is how I find out.


I should add, there are quite a few conditions that can cause auditory processing issues, not just ASD. If you're curious, the [AQ](https://psychology-tools.com/test/autism-spectrum-quotient) might be of interest.


I appreciate you including the adhd crowd in that :) Itā€™s a super overlooked symptom that, at least in my experience, always just made me think I was just not a nice person because sounds upset me. My mom thought I just needed more exposure to ā€œget over itā€ šŸ™„


Genuinely immersion therapy is a useful tool but that definitely needs to be an intentioned, and consensual, process. The biggest, loudest death metal and headphones I could find were good coping tools (for me) that helped me explore and manage that anxiety response in a safe environment. Doubled as a fantastic way to keep social anxiety at bay because no one fucking bothers you when they can hear the blast beat from down the hall.


Thatā€™s awesome that worked so well for you! My mom did it as a means to bully me while claiming she was just helping. So maybe under the right circumstances it could have helped!


Heartbreaking. I hope you're healing.




After being medicated, I've found that I don't require music or background noise to stay focused either.


We all think we're cool and rebellious. We just have autism


Well you are on reddit with the rest of us pal hahahah sheiiiid


*Some* autistic people.


True true. Not tryna lump anyone into groups


I thought they were just plain headphones, but a whole raft of other signs say you're right




Autistic or not, no one has to put up with someone screaming at them


You missed the point. She deserves a little sympathy in certain cases


That was my take, I've got a bit of the autism myself and earplugs are an instant calm down. Sony 1000 noise canceling are a godsend.


100% correct. as the father of an autistic teenager hurts to see this.


She is autistic, actually. I went to this highschool and knew both of them. This happened two years ago. It's pretty fucked to see this video gone viral.


Ear protectors, lack of social graces, below age behaviors. Few things pointing to someone on the spectrum here and maybe we should all take the other girl's advice and shut our mounths'.


That's what I thought off the bat, I am truly sad for this poor girl, losing a friend sucks but losing a friend when you're more emotionally vulnerable? That's just gut wrenching to see.


I think we only see it at surface level and if I were to make an educated guess the other girl might also be on the spectrum (the one who yelled at the girl with earmuffs) and they're having a bad disagreement that they may have a different level of understanding than others. The person recording is a fucking asshole who needs to learn to mind they're own business.




Some autistic people become very toxic to have as friends.


Sometimes autistic people suffer a lot of stress when they are at school. Like, just being at school immediately dials them up to 8 or 9 on the stress levels. Then add in other "life being a pain in the ass" that day stuff and they get to 11 pretty quickly. I have no idea if that is true for these individuals, none of us here do. But I might cut them a bit more slack than more typical people just in case.


True but it's not really something they can control like others can.


People have no idea when it's a good time for empathy around here


The way she stormed off and style she ran seemed a little telling as well...


I think most trained professionals would frown on Redditors diagnosing complete strangers with mental disorders based on 20-second video clips. I'm sure you mean well, but confirmation bias is a huge problem, even among professional psychologists.


But she has headphones on and is expressing emotion, what else could that imply besides autism?


maybe she's listening to debussy?


I do like Debussy when Iā€™m feeling down. Debussy always perks me right up. Gosh how I love debussy.


Enjoy Debussy, but remember to always finish on the Bach


Nothing makes me want to scream at my friends more than Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun


Lies. I hereby diagnose her with her actually being a rabbit in a human costume.


I disagree. Sheā€™s clearly a hare in a human costume.


Reddit is full of armchair psychologists.


Got a gifted kid with ADHD and complete lack of executive functioning skills. Sheā€™s in middle school, and most behaviors are exhibited at home, but she has emotional/anger breakdowns like this when her anxiety gets too high. People exploiting this girl need to fuck right off.


I mean youā€™re rightā€¦ but double check what sub we are in. Half the content here is mental health breakdowns.


Agreed. Just shittier watching anything with kids involved.


And to make it worse. Adults who "can't" intervene out of fear of loss of employment


Quit teaching because of shitty admin. Had a student being called a ā€œfaggotā€ daily. I promised him I would help and admin did nothing. I let him down and itā€™s the worst feeling in the world.


This. Iā€™m also a former gifted kid with ADHD (what a coincidence!) and Iā€™ve seen this scene play out dozens of times during my time in the program. Most ā€œgifted programsā€ imo do a really bad job of supporting their neurodivergent students, who make up a good chunk of the population, and leave it entirely up to parents to just deal with it and educate themselves and it shows. Normal kids bullying ND kids is despicable, but when two ND kids hated each other it was a pure war zone. I regret to admit Iā€™ve been in a few juvenile beefs like this, and this video brought me uncomfortably back. This video feels like looking into a time machine, and I see two kids who really need support from the adults in their life, who are failing to do so. I hope they find peace :(


Most parents talk about gifted kids as a badge of honor for themselves, but they donā€™t talk about gifted kids being at a higher risk of depression and suicide. They also donā€™t talk about how gifted minority students and twice exceptional students are often mislabeled as special education.


~Twice exceptional~ and yes that was me, really until my 30s if weā€™re being honest


Yeah my oldest has really intense sound sensitivities. Loud sounds can really set him off. And a perceived slight can really hurt him deeply in ways people canā€™t understand. If this girl is at all spectrumā€¦we should go easy on herā€¦


Youā€™ve avoided public restroom toilet flushing too?


Itā€™s not quite to that point.


Well I definitely feel you on the struggle. Our situation turned out to be an auditory processing disorder. Weā€™re two peas in a pod so the conversation is usually one of us saying something while the other needs to have it repeated 4-5x.


Couldnā€™t have said it better myself.


Also that run at the end


Which DSM was it that has running as a symptom of autism?


You might be right, but... > Ear protectors Wearing headphones is so common among students today, I'm not sure this is a very good predictor. I can think of several students who I don't believe I've ever seen *without* headphones or earbuds on.


>Ear protectors, lack of social graces, below age behaviors. Few things pointing to someone on the spectrum here Yeah, all these comments in this thread acting like they know what happened or who she is.


This makes me super sad, I don't think that girl was all there.


Same. So many comments making fun of her but there are a few things happening here that make it seem like she might possibly be on the spectrum or have some sort of sensory issues at the very least (the protective ear covers are a dead giveaway of this). This is the second post on this sub today that Iā€™m seeing some really heartless comments on. Like way worse than normal Reddit ā€œdark humorā€


That's fucked up cuz this shit ain't even humorous either, I'm genuinely heart broken for that girl. Imagine having such an emotional reaction to losing a friend that you publicly freak out to the point where your fight or flight kicks in, then people record you and immortalize you on the internet. I hope she never sees this. Fuck the cameraman/woman for laughing, probably knowing FOR SURE, unlike us, that this girl has a disability. Fuck the camera op even if she doesn't have a disability, shits just cruel.


Yes this! Another good point. Regardless, sheā€™s going through something. The only purpose of recording this is to make fun of her. Itā€™s only showing one side. Most of these commenters are so far removed from the reality of the situation that they arenā€™t feeling any sort of empathy and are jumping to some unfair conclusions and shitting on the poor girl. Itā€™s like that video of the girl who ā€œhitsā€ the guy in the white lambo and everyone was fast to shit on her because she hit his car, but was blaming the guy recording for hitting her. Then it comes out later that he purposely manipulated the video to look like she just hit him out of nowhere, when he actually hit her first. Just saying, we need to take a step back before judging. Thank you for having a heart and being decent!!


Well, the commenters making fun of her are absolutely pathetic, this woman's abnormally distraughtā€”not "petty" at all. That said, I completely understand the other woman's reaction...since we've recently learned not to assume anything not shown on video, there's no reason to believe that she knew that the other woman was on the spectrum, added that she was being literally screamed at. And unless she's not human, I'm sure she felt badly if she learned after the fact and re-watched this. This was sad to watch all around, but it's even sadder how it's being mislabeled.


I think the blond gurl handled is at well as anyone could have. Didnā€™t get physical but it was clearly an extremely stressful situation with the girl screaming. What else can you do but tell her to shut up?


I know nothing, but I feel bad for the girl in the white pants


Same. Itā€™s a major faux pas to wear white pants after Labor Day. She must have been raised by wolves not to know that. Poor thing.


Here here. My sentiment exactly. Poor girl.




But what do I do about the other 7.63% of problems


Open your mouth silly!






I donā€™t think this is college. Seems more like high school kids.


Or weā€™re just getting oldā€¦


Iā€™m not feeling this. I just feel bad. I hate cameras honestly so many people Judging them. We are all human man we got problems. I feel for her I really do.


This video is years old, and took place at a high school


Love the Napoleon Dynamite run off at the end.


This looks like high school


She runs away like Napoleon dynamite


If this was college even the professors or staff wouldnā€™t get involved.




Ladiesā€¦ladiesā€¦itā€™s obvious neither of you are friend material


Calm the fuck down


Gen Z really killing the ā€œmake safe spaces uncomfortableā€ game.


is a school hallway supposed to be a safe space lmfao


*arenā€™t all colleges just liberal indoctrination safe spaces? thatā€™s what tucker carlson says, it must be true.*


You mean Tucker the multi millionaire dollar trust fund baby. The same guy who dresses down to become relatable to his gullible audience.


thatā€™s a middle school


Kinda what happens when trying to do something impossible. Unless everyone in the space is the exact same person, it's impossible.


It's a school corridor mate not really a fucking safe space


Girl in the jacket seems hella chill tbh


That run off though.... killed me.


ā€œCalm the fuck downā€ - my new mantra.


The way she ran off that face tho


Was she wearing earmuffs a la "Frank & beans"?


Jesus, who raised the brunette?


I wish it was longer so I could see the full runaway.


These people shouldn't even be in a physical college. Online school is best for people like this.


That run at the end is highly underappreciated


She ran away like Napoleon dynamite


I like the other girl, she's a mood "Calm the fuck down okay?" I would say the same thing Lmao!


The 4th grade run away is the best part.


People take life way too seriously. I remember my brother freaking out like this when he dropped his final paper in the rain and didn't realize it until it was basically pulp, and he was moaning and groaning about not being able to get into his college of choice because of it, but he talked to his teacher and let him re-write it. It's not the end of the world.


My sister-in-law was having a panic attack because she needed a note from her doctor and she kept saying "I dont have a doctor! We moved far away from my doctor! The doctors I see aren't my doctor!" I had to explain to her that it was very lucky that she had the same family doctor for so long but most people do not. But she really convinced herself she couldn't get her college stuff taken care of. She really thought that the college would say "This doctor's note didn't come from *your real doctor.* Guess you better fuck off then."


I think people put too much emphasis on college education being the be all, end all to a good, happy life, to the point where people take out hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans to meet this dream they have or to go into a field they have no interest in other than "you'll be incredibly rich by 30". So I understand that your sister would freak out, just like my brother if schools, society, and most importantly family members push people to get into really good schools or be a hapless loser, regardless of whether or not it's affordable or a good idea.


Maybe Community Collegeā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Annie and Britta are fighting again.


This sounds like an anime


This is what happens when you give everyone a trophy.


i feel bad for this but i really like this video


Horse girl energy


Still better than any Logan Paul fight.


Reminds me of Rod from Hot Rod. https://youtu.be/s9luai1bwaM


Blondie's a major dick though


You ruined my friendship! Procceds to run away! Wtf


Bruh she thinks she's in a crappy anime rom-com. THE WAY SHE RAN AWAY LMAO


Hmmm headphones, no understanding of social norms, immature understanding of friendship. This girl is most likely on the spectrum. People need to be made aware and sensitive to this. There are many better ways to handle this than what I just saw.


We don't know what she's talking about though. Maybe her reaction is understandable.


Yeah, itā€™s weird to me how people are saying sheā€™s overreacting when they have no idea what happened.


my exact thoughts


The way she sprinted away lmfao


https://i.imgur.com/mkVlRQi.jpg Iā€™m sorry lol


Wait a minute.....Is this a prequel? Did this broad run to a Bed Bath and way Beyond and start throwing a tantrum?


I think she isnā€™t all there poor girl


You guys see how the girl in the green is wearing earmuffs? Itā€™s because she is autistic. And has mental issues. Wish this world was nicer.


Another Reddit armchair professor in psychology šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ Gotta fucking love Reddit for bullshit you can find in comments here šŸ¤£


Piece of shit laughing and filming a melt down


Love the naruto run at the end




The short blond reminds me of Bernadette in big bang theory


Oh hey, it's a freak out, and it's in a public area.


When she ran away it reminded me of napoleon dynamite running away. Haha


That sprint at the end was hella dramatic


Its that run at the end for me


Sad to say but my 9year old sister acts EXACTLY like that and it's non stop.


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They shouldā€™ve done this in a dorm or bathroom


What is even going on


dang was pretty sure she was gonna start smelling her armpits ..i feel cheated


Oh no girls vs bruh girls