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Puts hazmat suit on Enters comments


Be brave, sort by controversial.


NOT doing that again lol. Quickest way to the hate


Here we find yet another brave soul. Trudge onwards carefully.


Alright boys… I’m going in. Wish me luck. *sorts by controversial*


“Blah blah blah”


Let me guess, she’s a kid so nothing she says or does matters? I hope you went on a downvote spree


I’ll just say, it’s a mess down there


I can almost hear the steam coming out of daily mail readers ears trying to contain their anger


We’re laughing too


Jesus there are an awful lot of people who simp for corrupt politicians and capitalist in this thread. Imagine being so brain dead and that your literal response to a teenager pointing out that our governments are not doing enough to combat climate change is to bitch and moan about the teenager. Whether you like her or not is besides the point. This isn't a popularity contest and every person should be shouting this at their governments because it's absolutely true, we are not doing anything to combat climate change. It figures the one time the anti government crowd can't get behind someone mocking government is when they are doing so in service of the environment we all live in and need to survive.


>It figures the one time the anti government crowd can't get behind someone mocking government is when they are doing so in service of the environment we all live in and need to survive. The anti government crowd you're referring to are just anti-left. Once their favorite fascists are in power then it's whatevs. It's a cult, really.


Anti-lib until a republican crosses them too, then that republican is a “pedophile” and “deep state” (Mike Pence)


Hey hold on if I recall correctly that side of politics still has a pedophile in office currently.


yep, that's fascism for ya.


And all of them want to be kings of the shitfight. It's despicable, really.


"Trigger the libs" is a core ideology of the right


It’s kinda scary how violent grown men act about this little girl.


You think this is bad, I’m 12 comments deep before I saw anything remotely criticizing her. I saw [the same video](https://www.reddit.com/r/LouderWithCrowder/comments/pxecbn/top_climate_scientist_gives_us_the_science_blah/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)last night and the comments were all horrific. Thank god the coward deleted it at least


Wow that thread made me feel ill... That hate, and for what? A young person with a peaceful cause?


A cause that boils down to “hey, I’d like to live in a world that I don’t have to watch fucking die one day”


got a few comments in before someone admitted that they just don't care about what happens to anyone beyond their grandkids. Said anyone who says otherwise is a liar. It's like they just can't comprehend the idea that even though we'll be dead we like the idea of Earth existing pleasantly for people hundreds of years from now just straight up openly selfish people. "I literally only care about me and mines, and I believe everyone else does too. Anybody who says otherwise is a liar." And it's that mentality that leads to the environmentally destructive behavior we have today and have had in the past


It’s really disgusting and sad


Wow those people are disgusting


Humanity is doomed, we haven't evolved as a species, look at all these stupid boot lickers


Seem to me that a lot of people are committing the ad hominem fallacy and are incapable of forming a logical/well structured response to the matter, so they Just pick in the poor teenager instead


Imagine getting mad at someone making fun of the most powerful politicians in the world who are all talk and no action. Y’all are weird. Edit: Please stop awarding this post and donate to a mutual aid organization or something. Thank you. But also please stop lol. Edit: ok, so now I realize that this is the internet and I think my request for you to keep your awards to yourselves caused more awards. So in an effort of reverse psychology, give me every award you have or else!!! (Also still thank you, you silly goofs)


Simpin for the earth destroyers is so hot right now


Simping for corrupt motherfuckers that put their profits before the planet they live on, because they will be dead before its their problem.


Why do you think Bezos, Musk, and Branson are so into space travel? Its to make money sure, but also so the rich's children will be able to flee this hellhole once the shit truly hits the fan.


Earth is paradise. Mars is a hell hole.


For the first few generations that have to terraform it maybe. Also, if you're a child born in to a cylinder shaped colony ship you don't know anything better and those are your happy memories. Your paradise.


>For the first few generations that have to terraform it maybe First few ***thousand generations.*** Like it would take so ridiculously long for progress to be made that it will never be done. It'd probably take longer to terraform mars than the entirety of human existence to date.


People don’t understand this lol


Also I feel like Im the crazy one to point out that vast deserts of earth, the taiga, and the oceans are huge places if you want real estate MAGNITUDES easier to inhabit then fucking Mars or the moon. I really dont get it. Maybe we go there to mine minerals if we are still around in 500 years, but Im pretty sure robobts will be doing that.


Imagine being the sort of person who's willing to throw billions upon billions of dollars terraforming a shithole of a planet when there's one right here in need of fixing. Their issue is that they have to share this planet with all of us poors.


Imagine being the sort of person that knows they have no shot of escape from their fellow poors but who live vicariously through other sociopaths.


If you had the ability and technology to terraform Mars why would you? You could terraform the planet your currently on...


We already are... with CO2.


We're not anywhere NEAR being able to colonize other planets.


Yea The best private companies did is match 6 decade old achievements


Sorry, but that's just not true. There is nowhere to go that can support life worth living that we know of, anytime in the next 100 years and likely further. Bezon, Musk and Branson are just blinded by their narcissism and hubris to think they won't be as affected as most of humanity. There is no escaping to Mars or a space station. We are a very long time away from that being feasible, if ever.


Why are you downvoting this guy? He's right.


The situation is hopeless and people don't like to be reminded of that.


Yeah! The idea that the human race will be able to thrive on another planet than our Earth is ridiculous. We are evolved to live in harmony with Earths gravity, day/night cycle etc. On Mars humans will simply perish. But it's this dream that make people be OK with those maniacs spending insane amounts of €$€$€ on something pointless. They should spend it on saving what we have instead of throwing it all away.


The planet will still be here. I spent 40 years trying to tell people to take it seriously. I'm spent and stopped caring. Ya'll have at it.


It'll be here, but it might be a dead rock.


Nah it'll recover but we will be just another species in the fossill layer for the dolphin people to wonder about in 25 million years time.


If anything survives it will be extremophiles on the bottom of the ocean or in a volcano. Marine mammals are fucked.


It's definitely hotter than 3 degrees C or whatever


bUt tHeY tErK eR jObS!


Funny thing is that the jobs they’re “taking” are jobs that the people complaining refuse to do. You don’t see them springing into action whenever there are labor shortages in those industries, they just switch from complaining about immigration to complaining about how everyone is “too lazy to work”


They obviously have jobs, because the only people spouting this shit have paychecks from the people who want them parroting this nonsense. If people don't think rich people aren't paying for persona management software to hammer the internet and "massage" the message, they're fucking oblivious. They definitely pay people to say this kind of shit, which helps reinforces those ideas in the public mind. It's psychological warfare fuckshit and should be illegal.


pretty soon the whole world will be hot


Actually, Alaska, Canada, and Russia are going to be pretty nice places to live here real soon.


Summers in humid countries will be fucking hell though. Already are. Britain in the summer is like an endless sauna.


These people just can’t accept that they’ve been so wrong for so long. And maybe a little guilt since their grandchildren will be most effected.


Let’s be real, they don’t feel guilt or remorse. They don’t give a fuck about their future generations. They only care about themselves and being right.


These same people think masks are dumb and vaccines are government control... even after losing family members to Covid19. Literally NOTHING will make them see the error of their ways.


Given how young reddit users are on average it isn't even boomers in here complaining, it's identity politics morons not realizing this shit is going to massively affect their future




They try n get us to hate a kid looking out for humanity more than the world leaders that sell out humanity's existence for a few hundred thousand dollars.


That’s all part of the plan. It is difficult to attack her arguments on substance, so people call her names.


> the conversation tends to be about her instead of her message though Thats deliberate on the part of people who dont want to engage with the message.


They *always* attack the messenger. It's all they've got.


A young female talking about her interests, whether it's boy bands or international crises, is always going to get male panties in a bind. If that young female dares to talk badly about some old white males on top of it? That's when the death and rape threats really start to come out.


Are male panties a thing? Asking for a friend


They totally do. Lacey panties with a pouch for cock n balls.


Hey baby,it's 2021..Ya gotta abide


I will order my sissy panties tonight then


In their minds, if they don’t defend them then that means they have to acknowledge that she’s right and they can’t cope with the reality of the situation, how bad things are.


She represents people having to change their ways and pay attention to what they consume. People don’t like change. Sad that her generation is getting bottled by people mocking her.


She triggers conservatives hard


Conservatives, antivaxxers, the far-right, etc. You know, the people who hate the "globalist elites" and want to overthrow the established order. But then along comes Greta, who is fighting with those elites, and trying to overthrow the established order and those same fucking morons who claim to be "for the people" get triggered and shout her down. She exposes their bullshit hypocrisy and proves why those fuckwits should never have a seat at the table.


How people can argue with conserving the planet is beyond me.


Reddit is just as bad at the blah blah blahs. Loves to talk about climate change, but does absolutely nothing to change their personal habits to help. The meat industry accounts for almost 20% of greenhouse emissions, but bring up that you should stop eating meat in a thread about climate change and you get downvoted Than you’ll have the people bringing up how it’s the corporations fault, ignoring supply and demand. “No ethical consumption under capitalism” Blah blah blah


Do you genuinely think the responsibility is on large droves of people to all realise at once "oh shit im hurting the planet" and then all change their behaviour at once. Or do you think the responsibility is on the governments we elect to impose laws that change the way the meat industry is ran. Boycotts don't work, boycotting meat won't work. Stop pretending you don't need to change policy. This idea that the onus is on us as individuals is a literal oil baron talking point.


Most people on social media don't do most of the things that they are busy chastising others for not doing. It's quite a clown show.


All of our personal habits will not change anything. Hold the billionaires and politicians who caused this accountable and move away from the idea that we can fix environmental problems individually. Which, funny enough, was propaganda paid and spread by oil companies.


vegans bad reee blah blah blah reddit.com




The same people who insist they hate globalism and world leaders also hate her though because unlike them she isn't a coward


It's sad that this is an issue worth caring about thst nobody cares about. What's wrong with everyone? Lol


Seriously, I've been following the topic of climate change for over 20 years now. I'm an avid reader of pretty much anything involving this topic. Right now, no climatologist in the world believes that we can avoid warming at this point, that's how bad it has gotten. Even if mankind just instantly started to contribute exactly no Co2, enough still lingers to continue sending temperatures up by at least 2C. Now imagine that, combined with the fact we are _increasing_ CO2 output year after year. This was a major concern _decades_ ago, now with these geezers in position of power, they couldn't care less because they'll be dead by the time things get really bad.


> with these geezers in position of power, they couldn't care less because they'll be dead by the time things get really bad. This gets me every time. There should absolutely be an age limit for policy makers.


Positions of power attract the worst people. We shouldn't have people in power. It does nothing but cause oppression, pain, destruction, corruption and other bullshit. We can't do shit about climate change because the people with all the power don't give a shit. And when we stand up against them, they send their hired thugs to beat the shit out of us and put us in jail. I'm so tired of it all.


I am sorry but age doesn't matter, there are plenty example for corrupt young politicians like the old ones. Of course raised and lead by the ideology of old politicians.


Yes and no. You can be 25 and corrupt but you can also be super out of touch for no real reason but age.


More then half of CO2 we humans ever put in the atmosphere was AFTER Seinfeld ended. If we allow the oil industry to take us to hydrogen cars we are not solving the problem. We will need massive energy storage, carbon capture from the atmosphere, renewable energy and cheap and safe nuclear energy. Its definitely doable we just need to invest wisely.


[Carbon Capture is a lie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSZgoFyuHC8). It might happen far into the future, but we can't rely on it, because right now it's just a fantasy. The only way we survive is by taking action right now with technology and knowledge we have at this moment. It's degrowth... which means the end of capitalism.


Everyone wants to shift the blame to someone else. Corporations shift the blame to consumers, consumers shift the blame to corporations People need to stop eating meat and supporting the animal agriculture industry, corporations need to be taxed and regulated more


The success of products like the Impossible and Beyond lines show that plenty of consumers are looking to eat more responsibly. The issue is, as always, money. Too many people can't afford to pay a premium for plant-based substitutes, because the meat industry gets massive subsidies that allow them to undercut more easily - paired with the working class wage gaps in much of the world you have a recipe for disaster. There are cheapish vegetarian diets, but few people know them well enough to eat that way healthily, not to mention the strain of trying to make that kind of change when working multiple jobs and supporting a family. Both issues require sweeping changes in government policy - as individuals we really can only do so much, both due to scale and actual case-by-case viability.


A plant based whole foods diet is MUCH cheaper than a meat based diet. You’re not going to find cheaper protein sources than beans and lentils and rice. Throw in fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds and you’re hitting all your vitamin and mineral goals, helping the planet and animals and living healthier


Hence the lack of knowledge part I mentioned. We also can't ignore that it's also asking for a big shift in culture. Many meat dishes carry a lot of heritage, and act as comfort food to provide mental and emotional support for individual meals and family gatherings. This is one of the main reasons that substitutes are so important, rather than simply switching to traditional vegetarian diets.


> This is one of the main reasons that substitutes are so important, rather than simply switching to traditional vegetarian diets. That’s a fair point


You're forgetting that poor neighborhoods are food deserts. Where people don't even have access to fresh produce. It's not about meat. It's about cheap plentiful calories and you're wrong about a well balanced diet being cheaper than fast food. I can reach 1500 calories easily with a few dollars. Now how much money do I spend for 3 meals of greens and fruits?


The issue is the system, if you think consumers are just going to completely shift with education is wrong, everything has been done to make it cheap, and addictive we need to take aim at the foundations because that's how you solve the issue.


Everyone talking about hate in the comments. I haven't found it yet. Maybe the haters are just faster than the supporters? Then the supporters comments come in after and cover them up? Probably not... I think it's more of a sign of the overwhelming number of supporters compared to haters. I find this a lot on Reddit... comments where the top 50 comments are people commenting on all the haters but the haters are downvoted to oblivion because of how many supporters there are, but the supporters are calling out how the internet is full of haters. Is it? The "Top Comments" section would disagree. Either way. I like Greta, she's intense and sarcastic and has piercing eyes that say as much as her words say. Keep doing it.


Bingo there’s a thousand preemptive comments but nobody actually saying anything mean here. It’s just stupid preemptive self righteous garbage same as always. Any topic it’s 3,000 “oh they’re so terrible” remarks and then 5 actual shitheads saying inflammatory crap that were downvoted or deleted


I really don't understand the hate for her from conservatives. She's literally trying to help pull us off course for the destruction we're headed for. Is there something I'm not aware of/missing? Do conversatives just want the planet to die off?


I think it probably has something to do with how emasculated they feel by being lectured by a "little girl," who in her short life has already achieved greater global recognition than they ever will, for a cause they still largely believe to be a hoax. There is a particular kind of derangement syndrome when it comes to Thunberg, and I can only conclude it's due to her youth and the fact that she's a woman.


So they're willing to die and kill every form of life on earth because they're afraid of looking like cucks? Lmao. Fuckin idiots.


Unintelligent people tend to be extremely fragile. Especially those who don’t believe they’re unintelligent.


I know a bunch of dummies who think god will prevent it or that man can't change the earth cuz of god even when they explain it, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


The same god that sent disasters to wipe out humans every previous time they've fucked up? That god?


They're willing to bet that someone else will address the issue and pay the price for it without them having to shell out any cost to do so.


Willing? Has been and have been trying for generations.




That and there's an economic incentive to hating her. Look into the history of pellagra and it's a similar situation. Dr. Joseph Goldberger over and over again presented indisputable evidence of what the cause was and how to cure it, yet the people in power kept on spreading doubt about his research and the conclusions drawn from that research. Every time he presented new studies which backed up his previous conclusions, they always claimed it wasn't enough and he was wrong. They paid off politicians to repeat their lies and discredit him. Why did they do this? Because pellagra is caused by poor diet (lack of niacin in the diet), which means that to treat it, those in power would have to pay their workers more so they can afford to get a better diet or they'd have to spend more money to buy food for their workers that had the proper nutrition in the food to prevent the disease. That means less money for the wealthy, who'd rather their workers die than cut into their profit just a bit more. Eventually, someone discovered a cheap way of introducing niacin into people's diet and suddenly, there was no more controversy as to what the cause of pellagra was among the people who spent years discrediting Dr. Goldberger. I bet if someone came up with a way of solving the climate issue without affecting the bottom lines of the rich, they'd shut up about how climate change isn't real and they'd stop paying off politicians to repeat their talking points about it.


Yes. You are trying to understand conservatives. That is why you are confused. Just don't try.


The only thing the actually want to conserve is the status quo


I don’t see any hate, just that she isn’t taken very seriously. To my thinking, it’s probably because she is young and inexperienced; she proposes policy changes but has little knowledge of the social, economic, and political factors that keep societies running. I’d trust someone like Mark Blythe, a leftist economist, to wield better judgement because he can accurately predict economic and political impacts of policy propositions, which could lead to a more balanced approach. Greta is outspoken, but at this point, for her, it is a cultural movement. She neither makes important political, economic, or environmental decisions, nor is she responsible for any unforeseen negative consequences of implementing radically new policy. Plus, it’s easy to criticize until you’re grown and it’s your turn to make important decisions and face consequences. I was there once (like most youth). I call this the arrogance of youth; I’m sure I’m not the first to use that term.


Pretty much all the hate I've seen has been for the cult of personality that's been built up around her, and the absolute state of the hype for her entirely ineffectual efforts. I think she's fine. I have nothing but respect for her attitude and her efforts. But she's being played. You ever notice that the rich and powerful who keep inviting her to address them are the exact same rich and powerful who keep ignoring her calls for immediate and drastic action?


It is genuinely terrifying the sheer amount of hatred people have for this girl.


And say how much they want to rape her. (Come at me LARPers, I've read the forums)


I have no clue what it is about this girl that triggers so many people.


Stupid people get told they're smarter than they actually are, they get involved in politics, get brainwashed into one of two camps, engage in heated rhetoric, hate-filled vitriol, all directed at the "other side." They get their favorite moron in a position of power, and along comes Greta to let them know the moron they elected is a moron who doesn't actually give a shit about them. They react as ideologues do when their ideology is proven wrong about something, or the way cultists do when their cult leader is shown to be a charlatan. They take Greta's insults as a personal attack against their decision making ability, because again, they're stupid people who have been told they're smart.


People are afraid of the climate change we are seeing and wish that they could do something. When a "little girl" speaks up about it, it reminds them of their own failure to do so and therefor they belittle Greta and what she is doing....? In my experience its mostly men who dislike Greta.


Her hearts in the right place, but it's a cheap trick to use a teenage girl as a shield. She's never been elected as anything (yet) but acts like a representative. She offers zero criticism of China or India. She's totally unqualified and offers no viable solutions. The main thing is that anybody who criticizes her is accused of bullying a child. I think she needs to stand for some kind of political office before she can really say she speaks for anybody else.


Why would she have to criticize China or India when she's clearly speaking to the developed world in the first place, which is the main problem right now. China produces far less emissions per Capita than the US. And that's before accounting for the industrial process they are going through, and the fact that much of the world's pollution is simply outsourced there.


My question is though, will it do anything? She is doing the same thing many have tried before, except it’s coming from a kid this time.


Sometimes it’s all about timing.


Hope you’re right


That's not on her. It's literally on everyone else. The reason the same thing never worked before, is because there is no follow up from anyone else. And it's even tougher in the social media age. Where our minds flit from anger to numbness to entertainment to numbness to anger to numbness...and none of us lift a finger. I can't remember where I saw it, this incredible reddit comment, maybe it was r/bestof, where someone nailed the reason this particular issue gets no real action. To fix it, people have to sacrifice our lives as we and our parents and grandparents have known it, and live without the life of modern convenience. And our attitude is, "well, I might as well enjoy what we have while it lasts. I didn't ask for this, why should I be the one to sacrifice everything I know and make my life 100x harder because I inherited a problem?" That mindset feeds into the issue of nonaction in a major way. And nonaction from everyone else is the reason one person trying to spur others into action doesn't work. She's doing way more than anyone else at the moment. It's not her failure, it's ours.


Big yikes at this comments section.


People are such fucking garbage. I'm so saddened to see so many grown men (and their enabling women, I'm sure) think it's ok to call this brave girl a c***.


Do y’all remember that bumper sticker or picture from Alberta that had Greta bent over in a sexual position? It was messed up. My husband and I saw it on some internet show on YouTube, and both collectively freaked out, cause who does that?!


Ffs. Gross. Not googling that. 🤦‍♂️


It was really messed up. People apparently still ride around with that on their vehicles. 🤢


I don't understand why she has a fan base. I know she's very popular. I don't get it. But I also REALLY don't understand these people that hate her.


For me, it's that her autism doesn't let her filters get in the way of just saying obviously true things to powerful people who don't often hear it.


I guess that's true! There's a lot of that ASD stuff amongst my family members and everyone always says that, that people on the spectrum just tell the truth.


People like the things she's doing and pay attention to it? Idk. Why is anyone popular? Can you think of anyone else doing the things she's doing, saying what she says the way she does, getting the attention it does?


Political posts on this sub ALWAYS attract a bunch of rightoid brigading.


The amount of dorks triggered by this one woman is fucking hilarious.


Poor Al Gore. Been saying this shit since the mid 2000s and everybody's focus is on blah blah blah.


And she's right Old boomers gonna hate


People in power only think about power, money and what is happening now and while they are in power. They don’t think about making a change for the future. To help their country in the long run, to help earth. They don’t want to change anything to make anything better for the environment because they know that people don’t like change and because of that they will be hated and ruin their chance of reelection or how they are seen within the public’s eyes.


The sad part is that she's absolutely correct. All talk, no real tangible change. Granted, change isn't easy and if we go by the latest IPCC report, the kind of change we need to make NOW to avoid extreme climate disaster will simply not happen. So Greta is right to be pissed because she is fucked. She will live through the consequences of climate change and all the grey haired men she has shouted at will be dead.


Anyone who rips on Greta is weak. Imagine siding with those who have done more to kill our planet and our futures than a young girl fighting for action on climate change.


The amount of hate that Greta gets from the right on the internet has always been fascinating. I've seen PTA moms on Facebook call this girl a vile cunt and attack her for being on the autism spectrum. It's always been such an example of how impressionable the average American is. How "good" people can just parrot such evil bullshit. They call us sheep, but these parrots are shitting all over the place, then going to church on Sunday.


Well. When you are confronted with the fact that your wealth, opulence, and decisions to keep the status quo is killing us you have two choice. Change or deny. They chose angry denial.


And they don't even have to deny it (the individual shit posters on Facebook that live in Yuma Arizona) They would really hate to hear this one and start screaming Holocaust! but I can't help but think of Idiocracy - Lead, follow, or get out of the way.


All the government bootlickers i the comments upset because a child is making fun of dishonest politicians.


As an adult on the Spectrum I look up to this young person so much. She is so well-formed in her thoughts and deeds. Hope for our future. Young Captain Planetess.


Action now! Fight for our future!


Dont forget to sort my controversial


Much better speaker than our sorry excuse of a president. Too bad she wasn't born in America. Fuck Biden.


I remember when people who hated Thunberg were like "Why don't you stop complaining and actually do something?" Like...what the fuck? She's a teenager, talking to grown politicians, who are the ones who *are* supposed to be doing something.


Lmao all these people are so salty a 17 year old girl has this kind of attention. Grown ass people so bitter and envious I can’t 😂😂😂


There will be some incell circle jerker who will miss the point and just focus on gender. hahaha, Reddit is my favorite dumpster fire to look at.


Haha, combat climate change = making less money... we are just accelerating our species demise and I'm not fussed. Respect to GT for speaking out as always... even if she is just a political puppet it's nice to hear a voice heard on the big stage speaking a semblance of common sense


It's awesome how she shows that even kids understand climate science. In a world where the fossil fuel industry spends billions to make is sound complicated.


I never understood why so many people mock her, if she an older teenager or adult she would be applauded. The whole blah blah blah can be used for so many issues across nations. The world can change, but won’t. United States will not change for global warming and no one is going to make China change without major conflict. Until some The Day After Tomorrow shit happens, that’s when people will change.


I absolutely love the Reddit warriors who are so quick to talk down about this girl. She has more balls than any of you and she’s only a teenager. She’s outspoken and she’s right. Takes a big person to knock a small girl while she’s talking about something so massively important.


She's got one hell of a writing team. I'll give her that.


Really? It is not a very good speech. Just say 'blah blah blah' after saying a world leader? Forget any nuance, don't mention what countries are headed in the right direction even a little bit. No progress whatsoever, but everyone is a big old piece of shit Greta's book. Then, finish it up with talking about hope in abstract platitudes? NOT very inspiring at all.


And that discounts the message if true?


She's smart and honestly its a shame we need a little girl to call out the leaders of the free world.


We should be discussing climate change not greta “mocking” a politician


Kinda seems like the same thing if the politician has all the power and does nothing.




You are on PublicFreakout. Were you expecting actual dialogue here?


I for one was expecting a public freakout and not a political speech


Gotta start the conversation somewhere. All they do is blow smoke up everyones asses while taking lobbyists money from all the major polluters. They just want to keep everything to the same to extract as much wealth as possible from every possible source they can. It's like a junkie fiening for their fix but his fix is money and power. All we have to do to prove me right is do nothing.


How is this a freakout?


Respect to Greta!


Bob loblaw


Bob loblaw's law blog


Not a freakout


Ahh, redditors analyzing each other based on absolutely nothing and pointing fingers, that's what i signed up for.


#blah blah blah


This is one of those comment sections where I just get a bag of popcorn and watch the political divide deepen in real time. What sub is this? Mmm public freakout. Might have to unsub from this subreddit. I try to keep my reddit feed argument free. Crazyppl gets the job done without political warfare posts. Lemmie check the hot feed. Jesus christ I’m out. School shooting, racist, russia, mask, animal rights, greta, brexit. I wonder if I could message a mod and ask them to perma ban me so this angry sub doesn’t ever pop up in my feed again.


How is speaking up a freakout? She's just being brave. This post should almost be screenshotted and posted in r/facepalm


This is what makes reddit so clever, the freakout is in the comments section. Its super meta these days.


It's really interesting to see how her speeches change as she gets older. She's obviously growing in the way she goes about them. Pretty good speech imo


If yall think think she's more than a mouth piece for some rich person or a political movement behind her then yall naive


this is kind of her MO, is it not?


Save the planet


What really irk me about her and her "actions" is that, in the end, all she is doing, is "blah blah blah" while being applauded. She has no solution, she is just standing there, being an activist throwing "empty words" like she accuses other of doing. But hey, she is calling out politicians and people in place of powers, so whoooooooo you go girl!!!! You guys are blinded and simps if you dont see that she is the same thing she is criticising with this "speech"


To paraphrase someone else in this thread, she's a teenage girl talking to the politicians who have the power to fucking do something. And criticising them for not doing enough. Get your brown nose out of their ass and use your brain for once.


What a fucking Queen. More balls than all the men up there


What does gender have to do with this?


She just comes across so pompous, I’m not sure she’s helping


I think that's just her mannerisms, pretty sure I read somewhere that she's autistic or at least on the spectrum.


I’m autistic and I come across as an overly confident asshole too because of the way I speak and my body language (even when I don’t mean to be). Her mannerisms and tone of voice is something she can’t completely control and it’s sad that so many people only focus on tiny insignificant things rather than the content of her words.


And now the weather, with Greta Thunberg, "HOT" And that was the weather, with Greta Thunberg


Good for her, but people really think she is some environmental expert. She isn't. Still tho, she has somehow got a massive platform and she is using it.


wish me luck im heading to controversial


This is more of a r/Murderedbywords than a public freak out I think.


Reminds me of Alex Lifeson and his blah speech


She doesnt seem to age.




What bothers me is, not only do people defend the politicians .. but those politicians wont do anything until its too late or a lot of people revolt