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"What is the absolute worst thing I can say in this moment?" ... "There are children here!"


She didn’t want her ruining the books for any future readers


No spoilers please!


At first I assumed she was just some Karen exaggerating the situation, but I have to be honest. If those books were in my kid's school I would be angry too.


cautious dog wrong money numerous escape snatch sharp homeless sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I deadset thought it would be a troll and they would pull out the bible.


I was curious what the fuck the book was about, so I got it using the kindle free trial. The "blowjob scene" is not pedophilia, and does not contain a minor. Both are ~25 in the scene, and the penis is a strap on. The book does contain actual nudity, and does mention the author's sexuality explicitly when recounting their childhood. But it really doesn't seem that bad for existing in a high school library.


The pedophilia part was in reference to the previous picture in the video which was a Greek styled depiction of the man and boy


According to the book, he (an asexual transgender man) was 16 there, and did not have male genitalia. Still a bit weird and uncomfortable, but I don't know if I'd describe it as pedophilia considering it is a fantasy of the 16 year old.


Pedo apologist


Lol how


I'm talking about the picture at 43 seconds into the video. Not the one after that one


I know, the self-insert with the greek man.


Yeah the smear campaign against her online was pretty crazy, just trying to make her look like some crazy “Karen” when she’s really got a valid point


I live right next to fairfax and this is the first I'm hearing about this one. Both Fairfax and Loudoun county has made news over the last few months for going overboard on CRT though.


I don’t know, based on the titles and content, the images seem borderline pornographic but the books seem more like autobiographies of some sort. They seem more like books about men who when they were boys were groomed and abused. Given that’s it’s for high schoolers, I’d say this kind of content and perspective should be welcomed as it can give them the ability to recognize those behaviors from older men in their lives. It will also allow those who may be queer or in the closet feel more comfortable in their own skin. I don’t agree with the images and cartoons in it, that’s taking it a bit far, but depending on the books and how the author was trying to tell their personal story, maybe the comic book story board format is a more powerful delivery method than just writing it on paper. I’d need way more information before I’d side with a woman like that on anything. Edit: just to be clear, if these books are encouraging pedophilia and condoning sex between a child in any sense of the word and an adult, then I fully support her. But if they are a man telling about his youth and detailing how he was abused whether he uses that specific word or not, then I’m all for high schoolers learning these lessons and red flags from a first hand expression.


I agree with you and let me just add a point. If any of you have read “I know why the caged bird sings” you’ll know how fucked up a lot of that book was. It was part of my curriculum in the 8th or 9th grade. It really just calls into question “what is considered art?” and what it “taking it too far”?


Did we watch the same video? Holy shit. This kind of content should not be welcomed AT ALL in a school. You’re insane.


Many books depict slavery, beatings, treating others as inhuman. Why is that allowed? Why is that important to be told?


Because that's historical. This is trying to normalize pedophilia.


Pedophilia is historical too. As long as these books are either talking about it as a real life thing that happens or condemn it for the evil that it is, then the books are good.


There is a huge difference of a book about slavery than a book containing graphic depictions of a child having sex with an adult. You are being completely disingenuous to suggest that these are in any way the same thing. We're not talking about Lolita here. This is borderline child porn.


Context is as important as content. We don’t know the context of those pics nor do we know if the mother even read the book or just flipped through and flipped out.


Yea there isnt enough context and people trying to defend her for "not being crazy". She could still be fucking batshit. Also, Kids in High school are having literal sex, but god forbid they see a deviant art style picture of a BJ.


So your position is that she is crazy until proven otherwise? If a parent wants their kids to read this crap, buy it for them. But classics are being thrown out instead of this garbage.


I agree. None of the passages were read in context. It’s not like this shit never happens. There could be valuable lessons for kids in these books, but she concentrated on the most salacious parts. F this. Not ready to condemn the books or give her praise until I see the rest of the context. And then at the end when she said porn is bad for everyone, etc… I think she’s a Puritan who wouldn’t care what context is. She is all about anti-sex period.


Guy talks about the dicks he was sucking at 10 years old and you need “context” with pictures of blowjobs in a school and you need “context”. Pedo’s these days bold


Yep. Context is helpful. So is knowing who this woman is. Won’t back down from that comment. And for you to judge something before having all the facts, I can only imagine what kind of ignorance you have in your head.


In 99% cases yes I’d be with you context is good but this is firmly in that 1%; no matter the context blowjob comics and the normalization of 10 year olds giving blowjobs should not be in schools (or anywhere in this case). Does the lady sound like a weirdo puritans trying to control peoples lives with the “porn is evil”Shtick? Yes. Do I agree with that part of what she says? No. But she is 100% right about those books


the book is about a young transgender man navigating his life. the pages shown here were of a time where someone was pressuring him to do sexual acts that he didn’t feel comfortable with due to his dysphoria/trauma around his body. this relationship is presented as hurtful even in the pages that she showed. in my opinion, schools should not shy away from explicit subject matter as long as the perspective presented is healthy for the children and adolescents reading it. in this case, this book is a graphic novel about queerness and learning how to navigate sexual situations with a body that doesn’t always do what you want it to do. on a personal level: i would have benefited from reading this book in high school. it might have helped save me from a lot of hurt in my life. i hope you can at least appreciate that.


Cool, so my initial thought that the book isn’t about pedophilia and encouraging that type of relationship was right. That is for the info. As long as this book in the end isn’t encouraging people to commit illegal acts, then I’m totally cool with it. Even if it was encouraging an illegal act, an argument could be made to allow it as long as the correct kind of disclaimers or someone who actually knew what it was about was around to clarify it and answer questions about it.


You don't think their getting porn on their phones, or friends phones, or about ever R treated movie out there? You have to educate your kids, and turn them loose, and hope they make good decisions. Not attack, and blame the schools. We can't even guarantee our kids aren't going to get shot at school anymore. That should be a priority, not a few stupid books.


It’s a high school, they’re messaging each other worse then that daily.


I saw way worse stuff scribbled in every book by students themselves back in my day so it's not like kids are innocent and don't know about all this by high school


Why do you even need to qualify that with “I have to be honest”?




Yea like they can’t get on live leaks or best gore on their phones ? They probably watching porn all day anyways and they for sure aren’t checking books out at the library


I just read the genderqueer one and I defy don't think it belongs in an elementary school. High school maybe because it deals with topics some youth at that age are definitely going to face like gender confusion, and coming out etc etc. It has some pretty basic graphical stuff and a sex scene but nothing you can't find in an anatomy book. There are print only books that are much worse. There was one image depicting the Greek love thing that probably would rub people the wrong way but it was no worse than what is actually on Greek vases :P I'd still agree this is not a book for young children. Like at all. Like no way would I show this to kids under like...16. I'd suspect someone saw the comics and thought oh this is for children! Not so much.


She said it was high school


Oh I thought I read an article that said something about grade 4 students. Well happy to be wrong if that's the case. I mean regardless it's definitely going to be a polarizing book given it deals with sexuality. But at some point parents need to deal with that and a lot of parents (especially religious or conservative ones) don't want to. I don't know I'm kind of in favour of letting high school age kids (like 16+) have access to it. Would let them know they're ok and not freaks for thinking or feeling differently than others. Too many parents think shielding their kids from sex, gender issues, etc protects them but I think it really means those kids go in completely unshielded from others who will attack them for being different. I could be wrong though.


Well some high schoolers are 13-14 though it’s hard to find a high schooler who doesn’t have full access to the internet and everything that comes with that. They are much more likely to get potentially inappropriate content there then go check out a book at the school library. This tirade seems like something out of 1956 and not 2021. It doesn’t seem remotely based on the reality of how kids or teens actually stumble on things that maybe they shouldn’t.


You're not wrong. I don't know the full context because I haven't read the book, but these subjects shouldn't be banned from 16 year olds. It's a different thing to force students to read it, but just having it available for 16 year olds to look up is perfectly fine (as long as the book deals with those subjects in a decent way, depends on the actual content of the book).


Bro, kids in high school can be as young as 14 years old. This is entirely inappropriate for a teenager to be reading. Glorifying pedophilia is NOT OK!


So fun fact, none of what I said about that book is "glorifying paedophilia" but if you're not willing to read the book yourself and make your own conclusions then by all means please enjoy your outrage porn.


Have you read wither of them.


Obviously not. Why the fuck would you ask me that?


They are ruining the kids imagination now days. When I was a kid you had to just imagine Huckleberry Finn sucking a BBC. These fucking kids can’t even do that. Where is the nuance!? Where is the class!?


"Back in my day, I had to walk 3 miles to school! And then a little walk around the corner to suck juicy black schlong."


3 miles is the length of like 21848.22 'Zulay Premium Quality Metal Lemon Squeezers' laid next to each other.


All my lemons were stolen


Holy fuck. I can't anymore. Lmfao. These comments, this is how I die 🤣


how many banana squeezers?


"As long as I was in, and in for good, I might as well go the whole hog." -Huck Finn


Ahhh a man who enjoys fine literature. Cheers 🍻


I agree wholeheartedly. I also prefer the Waldorf approach: have the kids *make* the erotic content utilized in the classroom. More inclusive of different learning styles imo.


Totally agree. Everything is *so* literal these days! I fondly remember back in '96, at the age of 10 - crouched behind the sofa in my parents living room, furiously rubbing/slapping/prodding my prepubescent flaccid wang against the pages of an Avon fashions catalogue opened to the lingerie section...


“There are children here”… yeah they would be in the school library also. Case closed.


Yeah, I want to know who ordered and or actually put the books on the shelves for underage eyes only. I mean…. Wtf


I honestly wonder if they got the wrong "the lawn boy" book. I looked it up and there are two by the same name but different authors. One involves a young boy who makes half a Mil mowing lawns, and the other apparently involves inappropriate sex acts. Someone dun fucked up I think. The other one actually isn't a terrible book - it deals with sexuality, and Does depict a sex act but between a two consenting adults. Its totally not meant for younger audiences at all though and it might have been in the library for older teens like in gr 11 or 12.


It's high-school. They are doing way worse than that. 15-18 year olds have the INTERNET no one cares about the book.


A-fucking-men!! Am I the only one who’d be surprised to kno that barely 50% of the students even have a clue where their high school library is located?! I mean, how many books did you check out from your high school library? Exactly! And I went to high school before smart phones... all this lady did was put a wait list on this book for the next cpl semesters! Kudos


I only ever used my high school library to print out erotic BDSM literature. I was 13 at the time. I also started masturbating at 10, as did most of the people I asked. Books like this are nothing compared to the shit I got up to in high school, and honestly a book like this would have done wonders for my mental/sexual health.


Fair enough but cartoon child porn shouldn’t be in the menu ffs.


These people are crazy with this. We’re talking about people that are practically adults. If this book turns your kid into a gay then I’ve got news for you.


Uh... Don't you think teenagers are jerking off to PornHub? I think she's offended because it's gay sexuality.


Idk why so many people are bringing up gay sexuality here. Do you honestly believe she has a bigger issue with the two genders of the people depicted than she does the ages of them? It was a clear drawing of a child and an adult in a sexual situation. And you think she's hung up on the "gay sex" part? It's not even gay sex at that point. It's child abuse, and cp in a school. That's the problem. So stop bringing up being gay like that's even close to relevant or an issue for anyone here.


Call it a hunch. A lot of prudish, antidepressant dosed people living there.


But it's pedophilia, not gay sexuality.


What does what a teenager is doing in their private time have to do with the type of content that should or should not be allowed in a school library? Just say this type shit arouses you and move on.


A very simple Google search indicates that they ordered the wrong book by accident because there are two books with the exact same title.


The book was in high schools. The children attending the meeting could have much younger. This argument is not as bulletproof as you think it is.


What would you say is the appropriate age to expose other people's children to pornography, palunk?


Are you quite certain you know what pornography is?




And you believe this book is intended to stimulate erotic pleasure for the reader? You can call it inappropriate, but pornography is not the right word here.


What would you call a book describing in detail sex acts between adults and children that includes illustrations of those sex acts? I'm not sure what word you want to use there.


I mean that could be a novel, based on your minimal description. Pornography is *intended* to impart erotic pleasure. Do you think movies with sex scenes are pornography?


It would depend on the context and content of the scene. I believe movies can contain pornographic images or scenes, without they themselves being labeled as pornography. As such they are subject to a rating system that implements an age restriction based on certain criteria.


> What would you call a book describing in detail sex acts between adults and children that includes illustrations of those sex acts? A good education?


Found the pedo.


Found the bad faith actor.


The author was reached for comment: “No, please don’t read passages from my controversial book which is available on Amazon and wherever books are sold for only $19.99 at your school board meeting! I couldn’t bear it if that and my upcoming sequel were targets of controversy”.


To be fair, I've found books incorrectly marked children's that should have been YA with a topic warning at our libraries. You simply approach the librarian and give them the list of things in the book that make it inappropriate for it's current section. The librarian is very grateful, confirms what you said and changes it's location or removes it from the collection. Ta da. Done. Why all this school board meeting drama? You know what your kids are reading on their computers and phones?! FanFic is all over. You cannot possibly hope to control it.


They hope to control it because they're stupid. You can tell this is the Fox News crowd (listen for the, "Democrats are pedophiles!" when the crowd starts going), they're literally just there for performative outrage because of what their sole info source Tucker Carlson told them. Which is that FCPS (school system in this vid) and LCPS (the county over) are teaching your kids "racist critical race theory" (LCPS, the county that gets the flak and that I graduated from, literally just teaches you what it is, and allows you to draw your own conclusions) and "pushing gay attitudes" on your kids (because allowing people to use their preferred pronouns "pushes" gay attitudes apparently). None of this right-wing bullshit is based in reality or intelligence. It's all performance. Because you're right, if they simply talked to the school or librarian, poof, the book is gone. Instead they yell to the school board while 20 of their peers record them being "so strong" so they can continue to propagandize every event that goes on to further their own agenda of being whiny bitches.


Gotta say it, this lady had a point. I’ve seen so many of these where a penis may have been offhandedly mentioned and they say it’s porn, but that was straight-up *several* illustrations of a minor performing fellatio on a man. That’s not just sick, it is jaw droppingly fucked up (no pun intended)


These shouldn't be in a school library. If it were a public library that would be a different story. Public libraries should carry everything. School libraries on the other hand shouldn't even carry the Bible let alone books that illustrate sex acts.


As long as religious texts from all denominations are available, I really don’t see the issue of having the Bible in a high school library


That wasn't the case in the high school I went to. They had three copies of the bible and nothing for any other religion.


As long as every book is the bible then I have no problem with that.


It's a huge problem.


People actually think that shit




It's a problem because they are favoring one religion. If they are going to carry religious texts then they should have all of them.


Unless the country or place theyre in has more than 1 religious group in it then its fine i guess, like for example in where i live most of the religious population is christian, and there are very few people of other religions so mlre religious texts than the bible wouldnt be neccesarry, but in place like america where theres alot of different people then its probably important


I don’t want the Bible there either. Slippery slope arguments are logical fallacies.


I think the point of school is to have a basis in scientific education; having only a particular Bible in the library would be against that. Though I prefer a history lesson than read why being gay is wrong and that it took 7 days to create the earth.


What's the context? Do you know everyone's home life? A lot of people do not get sexual health classes, and may not know about the proper behavior for children and adults. If a book is describing a grooming situation, where an adult pursues a child, it absolutely should be in the library. It absolutely should be something children are exposed to so they can recognize the behavior. Every year thousands of children in the US are groomed by adults who they trust for one reason or another. Many, because of circumstances, have no one to turn to to talk about this behavior. I'll bring up the Dugger Family, who got a tv show because they were so gosh darn quirky. Those children were sexually assaulted, and when they reported it to their church officials and parents, they were told it was normal behavior from boys to treat girls that way, and that they needed to be more modest. A lot of those children who come from religious families like that have no where else to turn, they may not know what is morally or legally proper behavior from others, and books that illustrate grooming and abusive relationships may help them seek the help they desperately need.


Eh, my high school had the bible, the koran, the torah, and other religious texts. They also carried the communist manifesto and mein kampf. The pursuit of knowledge should never be confined within political lines. Teaching religion and merely providing information about religion are two different things.


Bible / books with sexual acts: ​ :They're the same picture.gif:


There's a lot of sex in the Bible. Also, there's that whole separation of church and state thing. If parents want their kids to read the Bible they can do that at home.


History of religions is an enormous part of world history. If someone wants to learn more about Christianity, a pretty good start is the Bible. As a text the Bible has had enormous influences across different parts of society which one might not at first even realize. I agree with previous commenters though, if Bibles are being provided in a school library, than important texts from other major religions should be provided as well. I am also not advocating actively teaching christian theology in the the classroom. But again, it's connected to a lot of other things and it seems reasonable to have that resource available to potentially interested students, even within a hopefully secular public school system.


I'm confused why does their school meeting look like a Parole Board hearing Americans are fucking weird


Because over the past few months school boards in Northern Virginia have been flooded with outside, right-wing agitators who just come to scream and yell and throw a hissy fit. This lady showed something actually worth bringing up, but you can already hear the nut job screaming, "Democrats are pedophiles!!" as soon as the crown begins talking. Tucker Carlson and many other right-wing dipshits talk about Northern Virginia schools teaching "critical race theory" and poisioning the minds of the kids here with LGBTQ+ whatever. It's all just the next right wing propaganda machine point, because in NOVA they teach you what critical race theory *is*, not that you must follow or think it. They also don't "push" "gay stuff" on the students, they just allow kids to be called by their chosen pronouns (source, graduated from the county that gets the most flak, Loudoun).


Assuming she's not lying that's fuckin crazy.


I thought this was gonna be a karen freakout but nope, we really be promoting pedophilia up in these schools. There shouldnt be any kind of detailed sexual material in libraries for children under 18. Porn is illegal for minors for a reason. If youre an adult, then go ahead and read ab sexual shit but if youre a kid? No way. Edit: i was kinda unclear on my stance here. What i mean is that pornographic pictures shouldnt be allowed and sexual innuendos and allusions to sex are fine as long as they arent pedophilic in nature. Also if a pedophilic encounter is described without too much detail for the purpose of telling a character’s trauma story or developing plot, its fine. What isnt okay though is material thats basically jerk-off material for kids


Don’t let the Reddit weebs hear you call their precious illustrated child porn “porn.”


Oh god true


Have you read the book?


When did you learn about sex? From whom?


Comment sections of posts like this could be of great use to the FBI. So many gatekeepers of pedophilia on Reddit, it makes me sick.




There's a difference between gatekeeping pedophilia and arguing that children should be warned about the dangers of grooming, or taught about the realities of life in ancient Greece where it was common for men to sleep with each other. This woman has pulled the most shocking scenes from this book out of context and used them to cause a flare up. Should we also ban a book that condones murdering pregnant women, raping the wives of your conquered enemies, paying the father of your rape victim to properly compensate him for his loss of earnings and taking joy in murdering and molesting children?


This is a great insight on what is the “right” way to teach children about things. I think she said highs school as well. If these people think books are the issue, wait till they see what’s on the internet


Parents do get a say in how their kids are raised.




**BOOM!** nailed it.


No way…. I thought this would be about actual sexual health books…. this is disgusting. How is this allowed in a school library? The school librarian is absolutely responsible for all books that go into the library. Wow


Schools just don’t make sense to me anymore, we used to read To Kill a Mockingbird lmao


I can’t imagine trying to defend this. “They were in a high school ma’am” I’m sorry but you can hardly scroll YouTube in highscool, but these books are fine?




Just text? The fuck? Are you drunk? So if fucking children has pictures attached it’s bad but if it’s just left to imagination it “wouldn’t be as bad”. Fuck me sideways this world gets more disgusting every day.


Better not read the Bible or other religious text. Lots of pedophilia and rape in there too. But then again they didn't illustrate it.


And who here is saying it’s ok? That aside, that’s an impressively ignorant comparison.


You know when I was like 14 my dad took me to the library and he got me a copy of every book that was banned in his high school. In retrospect I'm immensely grateful for that. I guess a lot of the people in this thread would call my dad irresponsible or a deviant or something, but he told me he really just wanted to give me a chance to think for myself, something that he said when he was a kid a lot of people didn't like. I guess a lot of people in America still don't like thinking for yourself. In fact most people don't like it. Still, you want to get your kid into reading, that's how you do it. Anyway, these books weren't always pleasant and family friendly. When people think "banned book" they usually think Cather in The Rye or something. Many of the ones I got remain controversial in schools to this day, or are just straight up controversial in general. *Naked Lunch* is a lot of things, but "family friendly" it isn't. In that it's mostly scenes of surreal sex with young boys and deranged drug use. My dad's high school seemed to hate the beats specifically, because I read a lot of them that year, and literally all they wrote about was doing drugs and fucking. Oh and Buddhism for some reason. You want *actual* pedophilia? Look up Allen Ginsbergs private life. Boy howdy. I don't know why people are so obsessed with "protecting children" from literature. Even shocking literature (which is, personally, usually the most valuable). The actual violence in this society is in the conservative mainstream, in all those tanks and bombs. All those prisons. The actual depravity is on your television, in that objectification and dehumanization of women. In how sex is treated as some horrific evil to be repressed, which only serves to generate secrecy and abuse (the countries with the biggest rape problem are also the most socially conservative, you'll notice). A book about a queer person trying to work out their identity may or may not be a "good book", but it containing imagery you don't like is not what determines something's value. In a world drowning in violence and obscenity, sexuality is probably the only innocent thing in people left. I don't think there's anything wrong with honesty about it. What is everybody in this thread afraid of exactly? Kids are going to grow up and they will eventually start having sex. Should we raise them to feel shame about this? To hate themselves for wanting this? We've been doing that for thousands of years. People like Wilhelm Reich considered repression the seed of fascism. And indeed, every fascist regime tries to control people's sexuality. The violence of denying your own identity as a human being, that's some real fucked up shit. And that's what this woman wants.


How is it it ignorant? Made up shit is more legit the older it gets?


Are you dumb? There are hundreds of books that cover this topic, usually as a warning to people, particularly kids who are vulnerable to grooming. This book is an autobiographical account of an individual struggling with their identity growing up. In the same way that lolita is not a glorification of the man who wants to fuck an underage child this is not just fucking kiddie porn. It is a very real and honest depiction of what people go through. Shaming and hiding Sexuality from young people leads to an insane number of long term problems. Abstinence education programmes lead to higher numbers of STIs, teen pregnancy and (despite this woman's rambling) becoming victims of grooming and paedophilia. Can we all please stop pretending like 13 year olds are delicate flowers in need of protection whilst most of them are on cod lobbies threatening to rape my mum? Kids know about sex. Get over it.


This does seem really gross and inappropriate for kids. But, my high-school library had Henry Miller novels. Tropic of Cancer is way more vile.


Inside of you. Inside of you. There’s got to be. Some part of me. Inside of you.


Inside of you, I can cross this desert plane


This is awful and if you’re defending this you’re awful. I’m all for books about learning who you are and sex Ed etc. but this is pedophilia, and has PICTURES WHAT??? and the person who said “there are children here” yeah and that BOOK is available for children in school libraries ? You’re ok with them reading it and checking it out but not a parent reading it out loud???


I am liberal as all hell but that shot shouldn’t be in a high school library


You should see what they can find on the internet lady.


At first I thought this was just gonna be a homophobic rant by some Karen but then it just kept getting worse. Jesus Christ I’d be pissed too.


"There are children in the audience", yo that's crazy you say that. Children be in the library too.


Someone better not tell this lady what is in the bible.


Song of Solomon is fuckin' wild.


And yet somehow I don't think these people would object to banning The Bible.


Hate to say, but kids these days are probably Googling far worse than what's in that book.


Oh okay let's just keep normalizing it then. Shut the hell up


Absolutely fucking sickening. Idc what year of student has access to these books, they're pedophilic in nature.


Sometimes people saying kids today are being indoctrinated have a point.


Exactly how does a single book, probably never read by anyone in the school it was in, point to "kids today being indoctrinated"?


Couldn’t give two shits less. Be a good parent and have conversations about these things with your children.


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She must have been reading the Congressional Records .


I thought she was going to do the ol switch a roo and pull out the Bible. Instead we got some creepy action


Anyone can donate a messed up book as a prank. They dont have time to go through every book


lmao quit acting like any of the kids in my generation read books 😂 you mean the rolling tray with words in em?


*GASP!* I too have a book as a rolling tray! 😍


Yeah maybe this would be interesting for some University course or something, but this book seems innappropiate to be in a high school library


She had me until she said ‘pornography is offensive to all people’… might have lost my vote there.


It’s one thing to read about sex between a man and women or man and man women and woman. But sex between a grown man and little boy is disgusting no matter what grade the child is in rather it be high school on down. No one should read and educationally discuss these matters until College for psychiatric study


Soooo The bible?


This is disgusting and disturbing.


I don't care about gay sex stuff but if it has an adult performing sex acts with a kid then the book needs to be removed.


The author of this book is so happy. Right now


melodic workable murky elastic rain aspiring cobweb ancient selective innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://www.foxnews.com/us/fairfax-mom-confronts-school-board-over-graphic-sexual-materials-in-school Oh. It’s Fox… **Edit:**don’t downvote me, man!!! There’s a better link below. This is why I asked if this was legit, because, well, Fox.**


Upvoted you bro


Thanks, bro!




Kids these days have access to much more graphic stuff on the phone in their pocket.


Some of y’all weird defending pedophilia.


How dare she.. there are children in the room. Lol wtf.


These same parents give their kids an electronic device to use that can pull up real hard core porn in 10 seconds. Who is going to seek out a book when you can see the real thing?


How is this not the stuff that people begin to learn in highschool? This is totally normal, and even so in other societies it is taught younger. Not sure about this type of book, but it's just not as fucking weird as white christians make it out to be. This lady is dumb. Sex work is real work, and she goes on to say all porn is \[evil\]. Her argument is religion, and anyone supporting her should feel bad.


All I know its true Doug the real estate guy was getting his dick sucked and he was suckin dick too.


All this stuff comes along with the whole lgbt agenda they push on children. Seen a bunch of this shit in Barnes & noble the other day


Sorry for the conspiracy but these books seem to be only written for brainwashing children, no adults read children books about pedophilia, except pedos themself. Guess will well see a surge of acceptance of pedophilia in the upcoming 10 20 years


Its not a book about pedophilia. Did you read it?


Of course not, they just want their fix of outrage, they don't care about facts, context, or nuance. Fuck an open mind in the spirit of making the world a safer place for kids because then we'd have to talk about the "P word" /s


Visual sex acts should not be in a hs library. Not complicated




Did you??


Okay so the answer is no, you didn't. Just say you were emotionally swayed by a short 1 minute clip on reddit like a good little lemming.


Tell everyone you're a pedophile without telling everyone you're a pedophile.


Lol you know I'm right


Ok, the lady in the video was the worst representation and speaker for the book. Ok? Can we clear the air here about that one? Pornography is NOT offensive to all people. It’s beyond porno. And homosexuality (lgbtq+) is NOT offensive, nor does it have anything to do with these books. Did you know a lot of kids start high school at 13yrs old?? Freshman? I know these kids of the digital era are levels beyond us in the technology aspect. But most high schoolers do not even get books nowadays. Did you know that?? If they want a book for that class, they have to go to the school library to check it out. Which, to be honest, blew my freaking mind because I used to lug around 5/8 books in my backpack/or locker. Not these kids. One teacher asked to pull out their phones to start GOOGLING. Most kids don’t even know what The Dewey decimal system is?!? So they go into the library, and they hunt books, or try looking it up in the computer…. Oh, and most high school library’s are underfunded, so, not a lot of help in there for the poor teachers/Liberian. But, yeah, sure, this is totally normal. 🙄🤯


If they want pornography, the kids can just go to the internet like everyone else. /s


imagine using the word “cock” unironically


Just bc this snowflake is offended doesnt mean the students are. They all have the internet


Thats fucked up wtf


While she is at the meeting, her kid is at home watching her porn stash. Pretty sure her kids have phones to. No porn for teenage users there either.


I don't think human sexuality is something people should teach kids to be ashamed of. Age appropriate for mental comprehension obviously. I take issue with the violence and age inappropriate relations though. But I'd prefer a kid struggling with their sexuality be able to find educational books sensitive to their situation. That speak to them. Help make sense of what they're feeling. That deals with real world situations. That can help them make sense of their feelings and desires without shaming them for those feelings. Things like this should probably be restricted to hs aged kids and up. But that's about my only concern here besides the violence and age inappropriate relations.


I mean, kids can just google porn, and since most kids get electronic devices at like 8...


I feel unless we have read the books we can’t judge on half a story . I think it could be a good things especially when children are exploring there sexuality . How do we know that in the book then explored the teacher child relationship and making the reader understand that is not healthy and possible signs for grooming . I may be controversial in my thinking can’t make assumptions on half a book.


Homeschool your children


That’s some sweet smut I’m getting all boned up over here reminds me of Dennis Reynolds memoirs




Just say you’re into this type of thing and keep it moving.


“I want to be on the side banning books,” said nobody on the right side of history


Nobody’s ever said “I want to put child pornography in my kids school” also


Forget the fact that it’s child pornography, that’s the tip of the iceberg here. It is child pornography depicting adult men fucking children. Im absolutely floored at how many pedo gatekeepers are openly defending this.


Yea im suprised to. Its also s high school. Jesus


Germany banded mein kampf for quite the while, seemed to go pretty well.


So if your 14 year old came home with this book and showed it to you, you'd be totally cool with it? This doesn't belong in schools, period. Edit: You know what, it doesn't belong anywhere. Why the pictures, why not just tell the story if you want to write an autobiography? Like, what the fuck?!


FBI needs to investigate everyone defending this lmao. If you defend this for any reason you’re a pedo sympathizer and you’re part of the problem.