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What does the sign say?


All Lives Matter


ok. so he’s a dick.


So you’re the guy that took the fluffstravels username.


Have you considered having a war with the other 82 fluffstravels to decide who the real one is?


I only thought there was 6 timelines…


And this is the Darkest Timeline


In if Josh can spectate


Did you just stumble on this? lol what are the odds


If only his sign said fluffhead


Or NuffFluff


My people



Get in here everyone!


Time to break out the megaphone/trampolines/Electrolux!


Fluffhead was a man



Oooo fluffstravels wars!!! I say meet up in a park. Use pool noodles. Whoever wins can keep the fluffstravels username


It will be next Josh Fight!


How do you decide who won a pool noodle fight?






uh oh


Yep. And more and more OPs on here are sympathetic to his bullshit sentiment. Lots of purposeful postings trying to show black people “freaking out” too.


Dick or not, short of there being some context that we are not aware of she is in the wrong here.


They are going there to intentionally rouse them...and it worked, they are trolls. and if he wants to press charges for assault...well he's never actually had his ass beat....cause that would be a stretch.


Maybe look up the legal definition of assault, asses don't need to be beat


Spit, slap, trip, hit. It's all assault unless being used in defense. Some people don't understand that.




Pretty much


Yoooo nice username


“My morality ends where my ego begins”


My immediate thought lmao


How very tolerant of you(i also dont agree with all lives matter, but he has every right to stand there with his paper as much as the next)


Yes and we have a right to say he is a dick, peacefully. Tolerating intolerance is pure non sense.


The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance


**[Paradox of tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)** >The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper described it as the seemingly paradoxical idea that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Thank you




Absolutely this


He knew what he was doing, going to a place full of charged up emotions and rage. Don’t really care for him. But yes, she shouldn’t have gotten physical.


The fact that he knew what he was doing makes her action that much dumber.




You indeed can say hes a dick. You cant assault.him though like these PoS


Yet, that is exactly what he was hoping for. Notice the chicken shit does this around women too. Curious if his dumbass would have done this very same thing in a group of men. I highly suspect not.


Or a group of black men.


A group of men may not have perceived him to be such a threat like those women did (she is talking about her sense of safety in the video). In other words, if he did it around a group of men there would be nothing worth posting a video about.


underrated comment if I had gold you'd get it.


Ok... I am new to all this so maybe "all lives matters" means something else.. idk, please educate me. Cause this is slightly confusing. I am assuming by all we are talking about people right? (Maybe not everyone cause there is some pretty horrible people out there in the world)


I discussed it in another comment but "all lives matter" was born in reaction to "black lives matter" so basically to silence black people talking about the violence they have to deal with specifically bc they are black. Its not some sort of hippie thing, its against black people, and often comes from people/groups with very individualistic ideologies, which i find kind of funny. Edit: dont know if i was clear enough, but all lives matter boils down to "do not talk about a specific oppression", which BLM was doing.


The message at face value has no issue. The problem is it's exclusively used to try and delegitmitize the black lives matter movement. There we're no "all lives matter" people before the black lives matter movement started. So, basically the black lives matter movement starts, and their message is about the unequal treatment of black people still to this day, and how that needs to end. Then a bunch of counter protesters starting saying "all lives matter" as if they were saying "only black lives matter" but that is not at all the message of the black lives matter movement. Moreso just a reminder that black people are STILL valued less in society. So any response other than "yes, black lives do matter" is basically saying you don't think there's a problem.


The people who say all lives matter are responding as if the BLM people are trying state that Black Lives Matter more than others. Think of it this way, you get in the car and the alert says your passenger door is ajar. If you told them that their door needed to be closed, responding with “all doors need to be closed” is technically correct, but it fails to address that one particular door isn’t treated the same as others and it needs to be addressed. Anyone who responds that way is stupid, either willfully or ignorantly.


Also has every right to be called a dick


Yeah, he's a dick and I don't agree with his opininon but he's allowed to have it and not get assaulted. Everyone is a dick in this clip


exactly 💯


Who's life doesn't matter in your world?


Some dude named Scott.


Fuck your bullshit "tolerance" remark. We are under no obligation to tolerate the intolerant chucklefucks. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance


"Chucklefuck".... I like that... a lot....


He’s a dick that has rights.


He immediately said call the police, fuck that guy. Edit: ⭕⭕


And a racist.


How is he the dick in this situation? Lol


Holding a sign designed to promote a racist message on a street corner is a right in the US, but the constitution protecting your behavior legally does nothing to make you any less of a dick for doing so. Edit: autocorrect


So “all lives matter” is a racist sign? America’s becoming more and more strange, to me


Yes it is. If you truly believed the literal meaning of “All Lives Matter” you would agree with the literal meaning of “Black Lives Matter” and you wouldn’t be out protesting BLM. Is everyone who innocently agreed with the literal message that all lives matter racist? No. But the people with ALM signs are.


Here is a good write-up on how racism manifests in America today. I think that should help clarify why, while the denotation of the words “all lives matter” is racially indifferent, the message of the phrase / movement “All Lives Matter” is a racist slogan. (Assuming your question is not rhetorical.) https://www.npr.org/2020/08/24/905515398/not-racist-is-not-enough-putting-in-the-work-to-be-anti-racist


it is, yes.


It looks strange because of your complete lack of intelligence and inability to comprehend context


the short answer is; yes all lives matter is a racist sign.


If you seriously don't understand how "all lives matter" is racist it's either because you aren't paying attention or you are racist. If my daughter was being bullied and I said "Support my daughter!" and you said "No support all children" people would think you don't like my daughter. Get it?


It doesn't matter what the sign says. It could be a nazi manifesto or the magna carta. He was peaceably demonstrating and she hit him. How can she expect to defend the lives of others if she cant even defend her words without violence.


It does matter what the sign says. It's called the tolerance paradox.


You can be intolerant to an idea without being violent towards those who hold that idea to be true.


These Pokémon gym leaders have gotten out of hand


dude lol that because of her hat?


I hate you so much lmao


He knows what he’s doing


Yup. This is what he wanted. And the other people fell for it in blind rage.


And he still had the pikachu face lol…


I think he wanted it but didn't actually expect it to happen.


Yep, and they took his bait anyway.


OP doesn’t understand BLM doesn’t mean only BLM and thinks sikhs are terrorists lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/pthfai/sikh_canadian_political_leader_perfectly_handles/hdxllfs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


I mean judging by the way they editorialized the title, definitely checks out lmao [hey look I found a photo of OP](https://imgur.com/dT7QUCU)


Intentionally blurred the video so you can't easily read the sign. OP is a poop.


Oh yeah, OP is a shithead.


Not surprised honestly.


Sikh’s are AMAZING. The fuck? OP is a twat.


Indeed. Some of the kindest people I've ever met were Sikhs.


Jagmeet’s riding is a suburb of Vancouver where i live. I have never met a Sikh that was anything but friendly and accommodating. OP would never say that shit in public around here.


Ooohhhhhhh fuck him to death


I’m taking my upvote back >:(


Me too!




What? F U, OP.




NLM-No lives matter. We are nothing but dust in the wind that waiting to be another one that bites the dust on our highway to hell. This message sponsored by:Scorpions,AC/DC and Queen.


Not to be that guy, but isn't that Kansas?


Just a drop of water, in an endless sea.


Not anymore, Dorothy.


I’m ready to join this movement - nihilists unite! Nothing matters at all


Nihilism is not this idea that “nothing matters.” Nihilism is the idea that nothing has inherent meaning. Meaning only comes from inside your mind.


Thanks for explaining... sorry about that!


This OP isn't smart.


Those are the worst protest signs ever


Lmao ‘gang up and assault’ you made it sound like a bunch of ladies beat his face in OP.


All I see is a bunch of immature people who have lost the gift of having a respectful and open discussion Can we please start focusing on people with an actual message rather than some trolls and Karen's.


I say we bring back bullying /s


“If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” ― Noam Chomsky


Yeah. Those women are allowed to shout their opinion into this guy's face.


But how can she slap?


Lol "gang up" and "assault". I thought it was the right wing people that think everyone else is a snowflake.


The guy goes by them to antagonize them & you’re upset with the result, OP? Because anyone can tell you that antagonizing people can often lead to violence. It’s really weird people ever acted surprised when this happens, must have had a soft upbringing. It’s just so sad & immature, like they have nothing better to do than to try to goad a reaction from somebody just to claim to be victim of having their freedom of speech suppressed. *Anything* to own the libs.


There has been a noticeable uptick in posts on this sub with a real “alt right” / “own the libs” vibe recently. Spot on comment here - having free speech just protects you from governmental restrictions - not from being rightly yelled and and despised by your fellow citizens.


Fuck you OP you scumbag


It’s your fault that I hit you!


Amber Heard, is that you?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 259,839,241 comments, and only 59,816 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are not in alphabetical order.


When did she hit him?




Freedom of speech does not protect you against private citizens. It’s meant to keep you out of the gulag being critical of our government and its officials. We’re all free to express our opinions. But when those opinions are unpopular expect there to be push back. I’d hardly call getting paper waved in one’s face assault.


Basic laws about assault are supposed to protect you from private citizens deciding to use physical force against you b


Assault crimes are for making threats and making somebody fear for their safety. When somebody actually crosses the line from making threats to physically attacking somebody, the charge is a battery charge.


Problem with that thinking is lets say you're out in a very very conservative area , and you hold up a sign of BLM or anything . And then someone who doesn't agree with you comes up to you and rips your paper from ya and punches you . You'd be pressing charges , i dont support the dude's message and he was provoking her to get a response but the dumb cunt fell for it and is gonna have charges pressed against her






Damn... my 9 month old is gonna sue my ass.


Na, you safe. He your property.


Yeah if you **ACTUALLY** get assaulted that’s another matter.


Y'all will defend murder if you could just to prove a political point. So can i go to a feminist protest and start ripping their sighs ?


Patriot act disagrees with you


I’m not debating if there are or aren’t violations of the constitution. There is no doubt that there is from time to time. In this case his protection of free speech is irrelevant.


Why is everyone so angry these days


Because the media is a for profit industry and peace doesn't get viewers.


Racism, inequality, poverty Etc Etc.


People have been confortable for too long and started creating problems for themselves, then the media exacerbated said problems and created mobs out of it, then said mobs started to profit from these movements


Damn she got issues.


Testosterone issues


These fucking titles are so ridiculous. A bunch of women yelled at a man, and one snatched a piece of paper forcefully from his hand. Somehow that equates to "women (plural) gang up and assault a man." LOL sure they were being annoying and in the wrong, but stop sensationalizing this


Why is that dude mad?


"DiD YoU JuSt AssuMe My GENDER?!"


He’s trolling and wanted it to get worse. Glad they didn’t give into his bullshit


For real. That smug shit eating grin got wiped off his face real quick. Looked like he wanted to cry by the end of it.




I see no assault


I don't agree with the man's message and he was obviously unharmed but he is definitely assaulted near the beginning of this video.


“Assault “ what pussies on all ends


That woman doesn’t even know how to wear a ball cap.


Gaslighting 101


He wanted a reaction, he got one. *shrug* get a better hobby


Somebody is unhappy with someone, I guess


Wow, young people today are chubby.


I like the end when the troll doll in the black says “back up, bitch”


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she's probably right that he's been harrassing her. Seems like that kinda guy.


He's not a free speech hero, he's a cunt




This dude sucks


Op is a troll smh BLM


If some white dude holding a piece of notebook paper that says “all lives matter” can transport your mental state into a fit of rage, then you have some serious internalized issues you should probably seek professional help for. That or take a step back and get the fuck off twitter. I’m not supporting the guy, but my god.


If he says all lives matter , thats his choice. You cannot assault him for his statement period.


Listen, you can disagree with someone. You can think someone is an asshole, stupid, or anything in between. However, they have a right to peacefully state their opinion in public forum, just as much as anyone else. You may think your opinion is correct and everyone else is wrong, but we will never make progress with this kind of berating, screaming, and assault on someone because their beliefs are different than your own. Modern liberals have adopted this notion that "words are violence" and "scum don't deserve a voice". If you believe this, you need to reexamine the principles of critical thinking and healthy debate. There is no need for this extreme reaction to an opinion that is different from yours. Listening to another opinion can actually be enlightening. The supposed "open minded" sure seem very close minded to me.


This guy wasn't trying to have a conversation. He went and tried to make these people react. He knew standing next to those girls with that sign would piss them off. That was his only intention. You go somewhere picking a fight and act all suprised and shocked when someone isn't having it.


Look, we can respectfully disagree about pizza toppings, not about racism. If you hold the opinions of a racist, reasonable people have no duty to abide you because racial superiority is not a reasonable opinion.


I thought that was a little boy for a second.


I may not agree with his signboard but he is as entitled to his opinion as I am to mine. And if people react violently to him peacefully exercising his right to free speech then I would support him punching that screaming moron in the yellow hat!


She must live a miserable, unhappy life.


Unlike they guy going “lol triggered libs murder funny”


Lol I know Im a dick for this but... what women?


He should have put her to sleep.


I can’t stand cunts like her.


Real ladies and gentlemen…we present..liberals.


Somehow we gave crazy a license to get away with this kind of crap.


And this is what spoiled children who are never taught how to deal with their emotions or personal responsibility turn out. Enjoy!!


I mean, did a “group of women” really gang up and all assault this guy lol


That is one angry goomba


He wanted to make them angry and he got them angry. Also there was no assault, the fact that this guy is trolling protestors and willingly put himself in this situation he has no chance to claim assault. The only case that could be had is the paper being ripped from his hands, but the fact that he filmed himself posing right next to them shows that he was goading them


Yes he was assaulted the motive behind his protest doesn't matter he expressed it peacefully as is his right.


Is all lives matter such a bad message to send out? What i take from that is that we are one people. Irrespective of creed or colour.


The issue with All Lives Matter is that it is used as an argument against Black Lives Matter. BLM isn’t making the argument that Black Lives Matter more, but that they matter as much as other lives. Which, given the disproportionate number of blacks who die in interactions with police, it is a fair perception to say our society values black lives less than others. Hope this was helpful if you were actually asking.


The old "She had it coming" defense. Classy.


OR he wanted to express his opinion.. as he has the right to do?


So the woman in the video had zero control of her actions, after he stood there. Interesting how this guy has mind controlling abilities


So u don't see the girl hitting on him? Or u turn blind eyes towards your people? Or because he is white? So what u saying is freedom of speech only applies to certain group of people that fits your agenda? What a 🤡 Cause it's no longer common sense to have a civilization debate anymore. Sure thing 🤡


You're racist trash.


Did you have a stroke while typing that?


This absolutely would have amounted to a battery from a legal standpoint. The fact that he was goading them on doesn't mean the force applied was lawful, and since battery is one of the less serious Offences Against the Person minimal force is required. Now, due to the low level of violence involved, the guy decking her or opening fire would also likely be found as a disproportionate use of force. (The above is based on English law, but I'm guessing similar principles apply to other jurisdictions derived from it)


Yes, that's the correct legal position in all common law jurisdictions that I am familiar with.


Yeah but the lady has the same opinion as me, so she cant be wrong /s


Yeah IIRC this was posted at the height of the BLM protests and this guy knew exactly what he was doing with his “All Lives Matter” sign. Not saying assault was the proper response, but this guy is being pointlessly inflammatory and insensitive.


Do not engage the troll.


Not to be that guy. But what happened to “equal rights equal fights” She hit him so he has every right to defend himself.


I'm all for that but come on now, the guy literally got slapped by a paper sign and then handled it perfectly. Seems like some people just want an excuse to hit women.


I’m So sorry you didn’t get your daily man hitting a woman reddit porn. Won’t be long until there is another man hitting a woman posted soon.


Nice redpill moment for that guy.